"Tp M- HALE AXD W. L. 8AUNDERS. Poblisned Daily (except Monday) and Weekly. Kates or Scbsckhtiok-is Advamce. TPar! mail postpaid...... $ 00 glxmontha, M 4 00 twea - " " 01 WeeKiy, one year, maU postpaid,.; 1 00 six montns, 4 1 00 To city subscribers The Observer will be de j Contracts for advertising tor any space or tnne Kiay be'made at the office of The Observer Fisher Building, ' Fayetteville Street, Raleigh,' North Carolina-; A aud, riJ oiu-ul ::.. livered daily at twenty cent per wee; seven-tj-five cents per monto; two doUara lor three months. ; 1-i VOL. 1. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 5; 1877. NO. 117. :. h -WW'' :OJi ' v - v -v.; !:..-: 5 . BT TELEfiSAPH. BEl'OBTED BT, TUB 'AflBOCIATKP PBB88. W he Treaary-ColIctor of Custom 1 ihi Savr Vard Mney-Pot. iJffS SnraJl-W. Woerr.Vindlca. led . , WABiirsoTon; April'4.-;8ccretary Sber inan is inaugurating radical changes in the treasury department in the Interest of re form The secret service force will be placed in charge of one of the assistant secretaries, as well as the special agents. Arrange ment of these details, as well as other considerations, have prevented Secretary Sherman from taking a very active part in the discussion and decision of the bouth- CrFqceSHumphrys, a Florida Elector, be comes Collector of Cnstomirat Pensaeohv Hon. Kichard McCormick qualified as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury this '"TheTiC-uisiana Commission has departed via Louisville. V Half of the million dollars realized from the old Philadelphia navy yard appears not to have been stolen but diverted to uses not authorized by law. , Washington-, April 4. The Post Office Department has received a dispatch that the post fflec at Jacksonville, Florida, was burned on Monday, but all the prop erty had been saved, and asking authority to make temporary arrangements. -The Department directed the postmaster to make the best arrangement he rould,- and ordered a special agent there to look - after the public prop, crty. There are no details regarding origin or extent of the fire. The building was the finest in the City, and was used for district court and other Federal purposes. The new postmaster has assumed charge of his office, and Judge Settle, the newly appointed District Judce, com-, mericed his functions on Monday. Wahiiington, April 4. It is published that charges were recently preferred against M. L. Noerr, Chief of the Divis ion of the captured and abandoned prop erty in the. Treasury Department by a U. S. Senator. This ia the division which passes upon "all the cotton claims growing out of the late civil war, and the charge was made that Mr. Noerr was in collusion with certain claimants. Secretary Sherman directed Assistant Secretary French to investigate the charges, which he did, and reported that there was noth ing to substantiate them and that Mr. Noerr had proved to be a very efficient of ficer, but had incurred the hostility of many persons by reporting adversely upon their rlninis. ; There was no Cabinet meeting to-day. This is the first omission, except Sundays, since the inauguration. The War Question Bismarck Per wiwt in Ifeiug- Kclieved Queen'M Theatre If limed !! iwiuarck. will Viit England. Constantinople, April 4. It is almost certain the Porte will protest against the protocol when officially presented. St. Petersburg, April 4. A peaceful solution of present difficulties is not cx jK'Cted, despite the protocol. IJekux, April 4. Bismarck persists in his request for permission to retire on ac count of ill-health. Edinbcbq, April 4. The Queen's thea tre is burned. None hurt.. Paris, April 2. Prince Ilohenlohoe re mains Ambassador here notwithstanding Hismarck'B retirement. Liverpool, April 4. A school house in the Norwegian village of Ellengso, has been-burned. Sixteen children perished. Bkrlix, April 4. Van Eveck's Daintinar 1 11 r i . " i uitiiuuai tauery a lew aays ajjo, nas ueen i recovered. At the. Emperor's request, Bismarck leaves his resignation in abeyance during his year's leave of absence. Bismarck will visit England during his vacation. senator Pattemon Interview Uov . Hampton. Washinotos, April 4. The interview between Senator Patterson and Gov. Wade Hampton was brought about in this way : Last evening Senator Patterson sent his son to Senator Gordon asking him if he could arrange for him (Patterson) to have an m terview with Gov. Hampton. The desire of the Senator was communicated to Gov. II., who said he would be pleased to see Senator Patterson; whereupon an hour was appointed and Mr. Patterson called. He assured Gev. Hampton that while he had antagonized his claims to the guberna torial seat, that now since he had been vir tually recognized bv the " President, lie (Patterson) was willing to forego allfac uuuo uppuuiuuu unu accept me buuuuuq ana do what he could to promote the wel fare of South Carolina. Gov. Hampton eald he was pleased to hear such expressions from him, and that he will, as Governor, administer the office for the good of the whole people and with no special reference to parties. The inter view lasted fifteen minutes, and was ex ceedingly cordial and pleasant. It is also published that Sheriff Bowen and Prof. Greener, of the South Carolina College, gave their , adhesion to Governor Hampton. Louisiana Affairs. New Okleaxs, March 4. AUaia; color ed the Packard Senate and taken a seat in ed, holding over as Senator," nas atanaon the Nicholls' Senate, Judge Whitaker ordered the dismissal of the charge of treason against" Packard's nine recruiting officers. They were dl charged, but warned should anv one In the future be guilty of same crime, he would oe prosecuted to the lull extent or the law. Appointments. Washington Anril4.-J. A. Warden has been aDrxMntedAttornev for middle Tennessee and Armstead Sworpe Collector ior tne Seventh Kentucky District. mendation to discharee twentT emnlovees irom the Pension Office. He will makd no dismissals or appointments until he has Wmn IX a 511 moV iwsea into matters. -, Changes of Army Officers. ' ash rsQTON,- D. C. April 4. Pay. master Major N. Tedder, is ordered fo re port for duty to the ; Commanding officer Of the denartmint tf th Rnnth . , Major J. R. Wasson is ordered to San Antonio and report to the Commanding of Failure at John Pondier Gre&X E ritemenft en the Stock Exchanirew , ,' Crant Endorses the 'ew Adminls . tration Ieath of an Old Soldier, v Niw York, April 4. The Times save. "While the chairman's gavel wag rapping lor the close di business In r the stock ex change yesterday afternoon; a communica tion was nanaea m irom iJoun Jt onaier, announcing his inability ; to meet his en gagements. , Mr, Pondier iwas known to be a broker of Trenor W. Park. President of the Panama Railroad, and as rumors oad been Dying about for some time pre viously affecting Mr. Park's stlvency,a scene of tremendous excitement ensued. . Panama stock fellinstantly from $1 22 to 80c without buyers and the Pacific Mail, in which Mr. Park was also interested, went down to 12, having sold last week at 25. Mr. Pon dier refused to furnish :. any information as to the cause or extent of his misfortune. further than to say that he would pay his creditors one hundred per cent ou the dol- lar. He failed once before about ten years I ago, Having lost $180,000 through the downfall of Jos. Schedler, a large import, ing house. lie then made a similar prom ise and redeemed It. On the following day he stood very high on the street, is an extensive owner of real estate, and has very a fine farm in West Chester county. It was reported yesterday . that Mr. Park- had been unable to meet certain large "puts" on Panama stock that had fallen due within the past few days. The amounts were variously stated at from 5,000 to 40,000 shares. Mr. Park left his office about' 2 o'clock, it was said, by his subordinates, to attend the annual meeting of the Pa cific Mail Steamship Company, but it was denied there that he had put in his ap pearance. , , i At a meeting of the' Panama Company yesterday he was elected President of the Road, J. G. McCullouirh Vice-President. and W. J. Emmitt Secretary and Treas urer. : : . .. ; I , , New Yoek, April 4. A St. Louis special to the iltrald Bays that Gen. Grant expresses himself in favor of the Hampton and Nicholls governments and thinks they should both be recognized, f He commends highly the action of the Hayes adminis tration in removing the troops from the South Carolina State House. . , . An Inhuman Wretch. ' ' iibw x ork, April 4. ijast nigut in a house of ill repute the clothing , of Lucy Freeman, acred 19 Tears, was ant nn fir day. I Capt. Frederick Luhrbush, aged 111, died to-day. He served under Sir Arthur Wellesley in the peninsular war. ' Death of 1 a' Prominent Agent. 1 1 .; Mallread ' Philadelphia, April 4.1-D. 1L Boyd, Jr., the general passenger agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad Cqmpany, died at Jacksonville, londa. . Railroad Smash fJp. Va9hinotox, D. C, April 4. The train hence at midmightr bearing Gov. Hampton, ran into a land slide near Quan tico. The engine was sniashed and one Dasseucer hurt. The nassensrers Drocced- ed with but little delay, jj ; A 10,000 Fire. . S Jacksonville, Fla., April 4.: A fire occurred in the third storv of a building. The records were saved after being flooded with water. 1 he postomce will be re-oc cupied on Saturday, Loss $10,ooo. , . . 1. Marine. I : ' .. '. New York, April 4. On March 23d, in latitude 25 deg., 17 minutes, longitude 58 desr., 9 minutes, the bark Warrior was re- T.. A i iui uucuw r iuo. The Withdrawal off Troop. ' Wasuimiton, April 4 The order to remove the troops from the State House at, Columbia will reach Gen. Kuger hrough Gen. Hancock. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE WORKINGMEtf AND MECHANICS of the FIIIST WAItJD) are respectfully request ed to meet at METROPOLITAN HALL. FRIDAY NIGHT. APRIL 6TH, AT 8 O'CLOCK sharp for the purpose of nominating suitable men to represent them in the city government. signed v urate, apr 6-8t r . - HOW IS THE TIME, ; And X"M. LONER'S Fayetteville Street, Is the place to; order your SPRING SUITS rjf CLOTHING, :. r, A - - . ; -.: He has returned from New York with s lanre ana one oi tne most attractive stocks oi GENTLE MEM'S WEAR Ever offered to the Raleigh public. ' F KKKN H ANJJ MliLhin i " 'HS. , 9TTrTfrrw I 1TT ; TTlTrt T Trrrr . . nr nitrrrrn . . ( l- ' ' - DOESKIN, FRENCH, ENGLISH and ger- I . man CAHLjaKiis. IHAilsf Pr HI IIP Fl A Till PI Q 1 UkHWIt W US.WS. S ta.S.W Of very Superior Quality. TACHT CLOTHS, LIGHT TJASMEkES FOB i - PANTS, SHEPHERDS PLAIDS, . . In short, a fun line of every thing to wear. ' Prices in accordance with the times, and whole suits, or even any garment Is put np at at a much lower price mnever oeiore onerea.-- ' WOnly the most Skilled workmen employed. rJTRemember the name- and nlace. T. IX lAtAittM, neany oppasite 'incker nail. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1877V CuBtomer.Whj does the CASH SYSTEM pay you best? Answer. Because you pay no part of the bad debt made by others. ,f , - Again. Why does the CASH SYSTEM pay the merchant best,; even when he sells at LOWER PRICES? Answer. Because a SMALL PROFIT with CASH IN HAND paya better than a LARGE PROFIT ON CREDIT and lose part In BAD PEBTS. And we are now prepared to prove these facts. . ; ' We wfll sen you good Calicoes from 7c. to 8c. We wfll sell yon yard-wide Bleaching and Brown Domestic st Tc. to 10c. - - We will sen you Ginghams at 10c. ' ' , . We wilt sell you North Carolina Plaids at 10c We will sen you good Pant Stuff from 15c to 85c We wfll sell you Ladies' Fashionable Dress Goods from lsc. to 25c. . We will sell you beautiful Lawns and Muslins fromtoctonxcv ' ; " We win sell you Ladles' Gaiters for H to"$1.25. ! We will sen you Ladles' Slippers from 50c to 75c; ..!'. '' ' " " " We will seu you all kinds of Dress Goods, Men's fear, Hats aM Shoe LOWER PRICES THAN EVER, Irtv r. TO MEET --' - THIS SCARCE M0HEY TIME. Coatea Spool Cotton in white, black and all colors, for 65c. per doz. - W. H. A R. S. TUCKER. Raielgh,N. C. mchC-tf NEW GOODS. GRAND OPENING OF SPKIKG GOOBS roRwr at , A. GREEGCaSi CROWD INCREASING DAILY HOC FILLED FROM CELLAR TO GARRET. Goods MM I tHe Maie " from the Importers and Manufacturers, under veiy favorable circumstances, and will be . sold at astonishingly low prices. BUSI5ESS IS THE .WATCHWOBD. ) Every salesman is engaged in selling and dis tributing goods to my numerous customers at ' hard-pan " prices ; and Just here allow me to Bay, that on the tth day of October, 1850, I hoisted my little mercantile flag, and although small and insignificant in size at the time, it was then, and ever has been since, backed and sup ported by the indelible motto of 1? 2R, XT T JErl. Which time has failed to erase; REPRESENT- 1MB BOOBS AS THEY ARE. LIVE AND LET LIVE. That flag has gradually increased In sl2e and speed, with its motto universally endorsed, and waves to-day with its motto ahead of competi tion. ., . ., The political campaign is over, the result is known; the excitement is over. So now cornea the excitement amongst M GOODS.' READ. JUST RECEIVED 7)864 yards Calicoes at 3 ctsw per yard. 19,639 ' " " : " T " " 38,476 " " " 8 1-3 " . " " 9187 yards ST niches wide, GRASS CLOTH, at 10 cents per yard. These are the Cheapest goods ever offered in this market. In fact my whole stock will be sold so correspondingly cheap, my customers cant help to appreciate the bargains. And here take notice that I Hayb no Partner in Bnsmess to divide proflts with, and am fully prepared to meet quotations. j I am the man to make prices, so unlock your com that has become defaced from age, and start to CREECH'S, nnwrap and unfold your greenbacks, that you have had laid away to buy cheap goods with, for now Is tne time. COME TO CBEECIFS. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. To Country Merchant : I have taken special pains to make this partment complete, and the stock in this de partment Is ' unusually large and attractive. Come and see me, I have Special bargains for yon, and claim to do yon good and save you money. apr 3-2m " A.. CTtEECII, N TI C E As the Spring ia at hand I call the attention of the public to my STONE VA8E8, : for Garden and Cemetery purposes. Cheaper than LRONJ Also, . MOULD STONE CURBING for Cemetery lots. Cheap as WOOD. Manufacturera oi tne STONE BTJRIAXi VAULT, : kept constantly on hand by myself and XL J BBOWM, unaenaaer. - ' DKAUCB IS MABttt AI0 T01E T8HISTBIES. MatUetpieee, do. v : Yard and office on TAiaii'AviixB Stbmt, next door to Standard office. - HMnomnl T feb23-f W.O. WOLTJ5. M A reus OFFICE, R AT.TCTOTf . If. n MABCH 83. 1877. Attention is called to Section 63 of the City Charter.whlchprovldes that all persons liable to taxatiOH shall LIST THEIR PROPERTY during the first five days of AuriLv The books wui oe opened by the proper authority at this office on Aprux, - , Cash Plan Tells NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. n ODD ADVICE! Ia the Shakespearian play of Hamlet, Polo- nlus gives the following advice to his son Laertes mere youth that wu about to depart on a ton through Trance: ' " Costly thy habit as thy purse can tra v. hnt noi expressed in fancy; rich, not gaudy, for the ap This was sound advice.' No one can deny it therefore I call the attention of the general pub- He to the fact thai I ra prepared to fit tn "HABITS.8 "BICH NOT ttiUTO" and NOT as eostly as the purse can buy. My stock of V- ENGLISH A1JD FEEBTCH . - i m Scotch, English and American i ASSIMERES, TYpEDS; sScC Is LARGER THAN EVER BEFORE, and - !' BAnGAINS, he like of which were NEVER OFFERED BE FORE, are now offered. , ' Only the-; (.. t i , , . MOST SKILLED WORKMEN employed. r. Merchant Tailor. FIRST PLOOR HOLLEMAN BTJII DING. mhl-Sm. s ALE OF THE ;M NEWSPAPER, TTFEETC. By JAMES J. LITCHFORD, Awctloneeiv By virtue of a deed in trust recorded in Book 89, p. HI, Wake Registry, I will, on THURSDAY, the 26th of April, 1877, expose to sale at public auction, at the court nouse aoor in mueign, tne following property, used in the publication of j m jsra newspaper, to wit: , one campoeu tress, Six cases of Minion Type, Four cases of Head Type, s Six cases of Bourgeois Type, One case of Nonpareil Type, s-w. .. One Composing Stone, Ten Brass Galleys, and all other Fixtures and Furniture appertaining to Ths Era office, to gether with the name of said Era newspaper and us gooa wui. Terms casn. i. a. hil.l March M-td Trustee. n AT I O RIAL HO TE L I ' ' 1 Accoffliojations Epl to any in the City. Delightfully Situated next to Square. RALEIGH, IV. C. MRS. MART WSES IS II CHARSE OF THE 8 BUS ART DEPARTMENT. TAILE IISBRPASSED. - O: - IN THE BASEMENT IS THE ! BEST SALOON AND IN THE mchU-liu i , Sm DIIVVVN. rtUUIIClUls v CrystalMetal BROUZED BELLS, FOR PLANTATIONS, FACTORIES. SHOPS, Write for Prices to T. H. BR I CCS SOLE AGENTS, RALEIGH, N. C, i . DEALERS IN . Haiiiare; Vaimi and My Material,' BUILDERS febt-iy r 'n , - - . C- NEW : 'ADVERTISEMENTS; P UBE P 11 U I It E Phillips: aoid phosphates. have now on hand a fun supply of these well known and standard ferttllzersaiid are prepar ed to seU them on the same terms aslast year, Every sack has the annsflysls printed oa it, showing the proportions of Its fertilizing power. Acid Phosphate. ' Soluble - and 'Precipitated , ' ., Phosphoric Acid l13perct. Total Decomposed Bone Phos- , phate 3830perct. The Foregoing analysis shows that ' ' " ' Xhlllli Avoid Pbospnnte is of a higher standard and possesses greater fertilizing powers than any similar product in this market.' ; ' . ' ,' ; PURE riTJIiVJEr SolubleandPrecipitatedPhos- " ' f ; phoric Acid...w.....;..:........ 78 per ct. Ammonia Pure i..'..;.. ........ 28 per ct. Salts of Soda and Potash...... S4 per ct. The manufacture of these articles is main tained at the highest standard, no reduction in grades having been attempted, it? . ORDERS SOLIGx 2 ED. ' V McMACKIN A GTJLICK, mar 4-tf Raleigh, N.C. hoeth Carolina state life Insurance Company Incorporated In 1S72, RALEIGH, N. C. Paid up Capital, - - ; $200,000.00 F. H. Cameron, President, W. E. Anderson, i Vice-President: W. H. Hicks, JSec'y. and Treas. Dr. E. Burke Haywood, Med. Director. Prof. E.B. Smith, Advisory Actuary. The only Hon Life Insurance Company in North Carolina. One of -the most successful Companies of its age in the United States. - Has already issued between two and three thousand policies. AU of its funds invested at home among our own people. AU losses paid prompt ly and in cash. Kates as low as those of any first class company. Haa thru dollars of as sets for every dollar of liabilities. Agents wanted in every county in the State to work for this most excellent and firmly estab lished home institution. For information address N. C. STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO., Raleigh, N. C. Feb 14-tf t ! T IPEXX 1ASY Capitol :0 - BILLIARD ROOM CITY. - - m i do & sons, m; Dears, BliMs,' Paints," Oils,' Glass. Li I ' I MATERIALS, &a - : : ;i -: Choreh and School ' These bells are superior n tone and finish to many so i called i ' '(- i 1 STEEL COMPOSITION '-ii & V.-' new, Xdvertisements., Most Attractive Store In . , Raleigh ; Mesale1 aM Eetafl Heayy"; aM Fancy : ! Opposite the New Pout Office. - I HAVE THE LARGEST AND BEST FIRST Class Grocery in the City, and . . , GUARANTEE SATISFACTION s In pricesi quality and promptness. ; AU I ask is an examination and a trial to be convinced. I give a partial list of articles, as my stock is too large to enumerate, and ask an order : - TEAS n t LUw.xw i OOLONG. . T. HTSON. BLAC fTMP! ERIAL i and Q. POWDER. Z COFFEES .'. , LAGUTRA, and RIO. Good ROASTED and GROUND also in Stock. SUGARS ' ' ;i ' JAVA STANDARD, IDEAL A4 a EXTRA CRUSH- i-ijt.vji.iuxj3jJanauitAjNLUATii;u. . . i BACON ; Vr.:! CLEAR RIB SIDES, N. C. SIDES. N. C. HAMS and SHOULDERS. Best CANVASSED HAMS. BEEF 'M;': ' ; ALARD Dried Beef and Dried I Best "Refined LARD A I Beef Tongues, i IT SPECIALTY. FLOUR All Grades: ROYAL RACINE, BALTIMORE EXTRA, W YAN0KE and PATAPSCO. -J MOLASSES GOLDEN DRIP, SYRUP v and CUBA. J CANNED GOODS -! Fresh Peaches, t and S Ih, Tomatoes, t and lb' nne Apples, rump Kin and Apple, oorued Beef, Deviled Turkey, Tongue and ttam, Koastea Beet, Chicken -and Mutton, Hock Turtle for soups. Also, :' Vegetables. Fresh! Lobsters, Fresh Salmon, Sardines Mushrooms. : and BOTTLED GOODS-- ; Pickle, Gherkins, Chow-Chow, Mangoes, Lea A rerrins' sauce, a&xau uu, jrruit sauce, I Jellies and Orange Marmalade. MUSTARD BUTTER BOXind FRENCH MUS- I ALWAYS on HAND. TARD. .. .,,;: CRACKERS : Milk, Soda, Cream, and Albert Biscuit, Ginger Mats, and uiuger snaps. " SPICES ; (Brkln and Ground Pepper, Mace. Cloves, Cinna mon anu nutmegs. -CONFECTIONS- ' Oranges, Lemons, Cocoanuts, Currants, Raisins rrunes, jrigs, sort-sneii Aunoods, Eng- iisn wamuts, rmerts, ican Nuts. German Chocolate and Bakers' Chocolate. CANDLES SPERM and ADAMANTINE. TOLLET & LAUNDRY. SOAP A fine lot of TOILET SOAPS which will bear in spection and be sold cheap. STERLING, I - BABBITT'S CHAMPION and EUREKA Laundry Soap. Corn Starch, Tapioca, and Pure Starch. A Choice lot of FOMN AND DOMESTIC W1ES. ALSO Cooklns Wineti, &e. Champagne Cider by the gallon for families. ! j t . j t . ,( , fine Cigars and Choice Chewing Tobacco, , -; ..... . .. : . .... ; j Do not fail to call and examine my extensive stock. I have experienced clerks who wUl be pleased to see their friends and old customers: j ". SAIESMKN'P"" '"" H. Sj H0SELBT. ' -..."W" J. F. BBCkWITH P. B. ANDERSON, I Accept thanks forTpast favors, and I hope to merit a continuance of same by strict attention to business. Respectfully, mch ly I JACOB HIGGS. II ETHER YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL, Communleate With n. Orders for MERCHANDISE have the advantage of bottom figures In this market. . consignments of rKOUtUK nave our best ef forts, triCK AND PROFIT ABM RETURNS. we nanaie ail aesenpuons oi jnercnanuise ex cept Liquors. Orders for car loads of SALT AND 3IOLA88E8 hare special attention. , Lowest rates of freight secured, we nanaie , , , ETALSOEESAKDCOTTOH,' AsweUaa WAX, I TALLOW, EGGS, DRIED FRUIT. GRAIN, , . , , ONIONS, " POTATOES, , APPLES, Brokers and Commission' Merchants, fab tO-Sm : Wilmington, N. C. rpIIE Bl'FFALO UTHIA WATEBS A . , j.. "'j.'" IN THE . . PECULIAR MALADIES 07 WOMEN AND ' I OTHER FORMS OF CHRONIC DISEASE. - Some of the most eminent medical men of the country pronounce these waters I ! " WELL-lflGB SPECIFIC" f U in most of the " : PAINFUL MALADIES PECULIAR TO WOMEN "' ! tv : DYSPEPSIA, ! ' NEUKAIXilA, ' . LIVER AFFECTIONS, ' ,-, CHRONIC DIARiinCEA. PARALYSIS' ' GOUT. ,' ,f ; RHEUMATISM, AND IN DISEASES OF THE s. : KID5EYS A5D BLADDER, : they are second to none of the celebrated mineral Waters OI tne won a, ma in mue vi me uuciki here enumerated they have accomplished benefl ntsi results 'as remarkable as any of record. whether of mineral waters or meaicines. ' xnis r.iniTTi la emDhaticsJlv attested br those whose statements defy imputation or question. TesU- awtni&ia sent to an v auaress on aDUueauon. The waters are out en in eases of one dozen hall-gaUoa bottles at $5 per case, invariably In advance. , THOMAS F. GOODE, !,- , Proprietor Buffalo Lithia Springs, va. 14-tf A GBICTJETERAE CIIEXICAI& - BEST ' OFFER YET! We will furnish the following Chemicals, suffi cient to make a ton of Fertilizer, for 10 cash, or one hundred and twenty pounds ef cotton, pay able the first of November next : Nitrate ef SodaT60oljirTd,,T Sulphate of Ammenla, 50 do Soluble ' Bone Phosphate, 200 do. r : : II ' Now ready for delivery.''! McHiCSlN GULICK, March 80 tf NEW ADVERTTSE3IENTS. TtfAYOU'S OFFICE. '. Raleigh, N. C March ST, 1STT.. . ; Registration Books are now open at this office in accordance with law. i .!b.c. MANLY, i Mayor. 'M ch Sl-tf. JOTICE. - . j ,.a It: : i The notice published a short time since is null and void so far aa WUlia SdrreU is i concerned. TheTBuslness wUl be carried on by W.JL Somil as before: '.' ,'"-" WILLIS SORBELL, ' apll-8t ' '1H '" XW.M. SORRELL." Notice. : , '. A called meeting of the stockholders of the , Raleigh and Augusta Air-Line Railroad Com pany, wui pe neia at tne otnee of. the Oompanr, w,jr. m. W.' W.VASS,-' ' t. i , v Secretery and Treasurer. Raleigh, March t4, l8J7.-td ABMISIEAD JOIHES. ATTORM't COMmOR AT;,!!?, 1 r KALclCH, N. Ca 'A'i J Practices in all the Courts, State and Federal. 1 Mr-Office iaAdams Building, on Martin street. , Janmy. . . . . , NATIONAL HOTEL BAR AND BILLIARD , SALOON. , ,;.., The best of Wines and Liquors Always on i i ' " -"i Hand. ' - - ;- . Two Superior Carom Billiard Table In first class order. r ; '''- ' ' WALKER MOORE, ' ' ' mch 7 tf . . ; ,a Propiietor. : THOROUGHBRED STOCK' FOR . SALE. ... . ... My thoronghhred BERKSHIRE BOAR (Aaron Burr) in fine working order. Also ft Sows, 9 half Berkshires, and s Cheaters, will be sold separate ly or in a lot, . .; . ... ; , . ; . i f R. B. SAUNDERS Tebl7-tf ,-i ,'-irn ui -i-. Itt. NOBLE, OF SELMA, N. C, WITH - ' ' ) WILLIAM DEVRIES & CO., t Importers and Jobbers of ' l FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRT GOODS AND NOTIONS. 313 W. lALTIMOl! STBEIT, Between Howard and Liberty, ' feb-3m . BalUmore. JNCOURACE HOME INBTlfUnONS. SECURITY AGAINST FIRE. the north carolina RALEIGH, N. C. rpiUS COMPANY CONTINUES TfO WRITE x policies at FAIR RATES, on all classes of Insurable Prop erty. ALL LOSSES ARE PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. THE "HOME" IS Eapaiy Grow In-Pale Fayor -AND APPEALS, WITH CXJNITDENOE, ; ' -:,v TO LisTirers of Property in North Carolina. rar Agents in all parts of the State. This Company takes risks ou property of every character on the most reasonable, and notwith standing the large number oi losses It has sus tained in the past four years,' it has j never Jailed to pay promptly and on time. Its motto ia : : PROGRESSIVE ! PROSPEROUS i , '' , . PROMPT I AMPLE RESERVE AND GOOD ' r'C.V; y SURPLUS f Premiums Caoh IPOLICIES LIBERAL. .Sit' 't tw-GUARD YOUR OWN INTERESTS BY ES- , SURINQ IN THE j - - : ' ' R, H. BATTLE, Jr., President. C. B. ROOT, vice-iTeaiaen. ,. , ; JOHN DEVERECX, Secretary t j - PULASKJ COWPER, Supervisor; j , . a r. ,-. iu; s mch 10 tf . .; . ;, ; . f . ., ... rpHK MONROE ENQUIRER, ; j , V, v B O T L TldWXr jTF'E , i , ''-;''Borobs AW TuotminoBsi''-'- TheEtiquirer Is published at Monroe, tTnlon kT 1' vrr TiiendAT at til a Year. The Home Insurance Co Enquirer circulates extensively tvoghout the ,-r, ... counties of Anson, Union, Chesterfield and Lao- ,7. caster and reaches a very large number of in- ( , telilgent readers. .: ." L- 'J',1 The merehants ol WUmington wlU find k to , -s be one of the best advertising mediums on the ; ..s Carolina Central Railway, as we gu&rantee M . t Hrge a bonande circulation as any pater between Charlotte and WUmington with rEBHATO one ex ception. . .-'Z-y. i oi me department of Texas. ; March S44d . , .

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