v t.,A.. i t ' ... : - 1 . TT " " 1 '"" 1 " " " 111 ... , - . . . HHMHilHMHHHMP"' r?r:vi i.h i i j r- RA,TES OF ADVERTISING. ' RATK8 OF SCBSCBJtrnOH IM ADYANCK. nily, one year, mail postpaid, $ 8 00 tlx months, m .v..., 4 00 ., ttureei' f fe "-w. i-.A-. t 00 Weekly, one year, mall postpaid, 9 00 six months, " " l 00 To city Buscrlberi The OMerrer win b.de " iivcred dally at twenty centa per "week ;'aeven- .TAi?'-.r' One 8quare (1 tpehl We day,:.Tv. ...... . kVfcwov .u5........ i : J l iv f"z ii ifi;r Site, "niilzn''' 08 50 ...... j.1 V a AA . - -ronrw:r.e..r.:.i.i.y ? t 6 n nve 'rzrtZU,t.ti ist - ...... . I-" Jixftiai? -aiv4nWj-iJ .j Omitracta tap adyerttetng f or ajrjrBpaco or time fnay.be.' made, at the pfflce, ofThe jpbserver, Usher Building, Fayettevllje- StreeC'.Rajejgh, ty-nve cenu per montn two doUar fbr tare J 'y'O 1 RALEIGH, N. C, SUNDAY, , APRIL 22,-''l877 NO. 132. iV BYTE uu KKPOitTED BI mi ASSOCIATID PBESS. LOUISIANA. WA8ni5Q?April2L follow 19 aa exiraa irom aa mveryiew wnu uot- f c. . .... . i I no Ueporter Aainitiing mat racitara is le legal Governor can he any longer hold ii.. flAinninoianluiinslnninir hnM fiov. Kellofrir No. I think not. The fnrra fttrainat him is too treat, and besides." ho mivh aThanatori after his inner em. tinned efforts.' Reporter W Uot. Kelloci what will be his der the circumstances, it is possible for J him tv da minv thizura. but unless I am creatly disappointed m thef tnarf, I think He will quietly witnaraw at me proper time, without any provocation of battle orbloodshed. i Bnt thlsiibiiry liiTiwp i I mission. jrill depeat txiay iOen. McMil- I Han was the only accession to tne iMcnous Ixjgislature yesterday. It is ezpected omen iouow io-uy, l i ncnaru u-1 herenU apprehend a rapid dissolution of the Ht. Louis Hotel organizations, ooin ' Washejiotoh, April ai.t-Gen. Bherman, on account oi tne snonness oi urne, wae- graphed the order direct to Gen. .Augur, He has, however, also sent it to Sheridan. It is understood tnat.tiia Torbtage or iuc- C.mrv'a order to Sherman clears the ob- scurity of the President's order and that the word "vicinity" covers all the points in the City. - ' ' " VVA8DI5GT0N, April 1 he lrUmne$ OrdfadaTeateriaj says: "Gov. Packard's caucus this morning had !. 1 , A a.. 1 f wu.r ai.Ci.o. kf' niDitea, prepara ior me signatures oi me ouyvi rwurB oi xiicwuun mo iiu vi Orleans, certifying that they had fraudu- lently given i the pvote of : the parish to Hayes and that it f belonged to TUdea by a considerable , majority.-. It was said m caucus that this I document, when signed, will be sent to-Tilden for use injuo war. ran proceedings- againstrthe President." The correspondent says: Ignorant colored men and a few desperate and disreputable ti .-j -i,-c i;'. t t .i,; s ipiavonian nations m'ine. east,' nas' oeen I - .,i , j hat then will be his course? compeued to resolve on obtaining hr ftrce " ' , ; z 1 ;1 cannot teu lust exactly ,wi.nn. sacu guaranices i ior - ma uis- re w :". l-'lj f Lf O course. Of course, un- iressea fellow bemgs - on Turkish 'soil; as j , " white men believe they can take revenge loccupy Kalafat with her own troops to pre by a method of this kind. vent-the Russians, eettina that Domtlon. NwiLt-vaiApill.laMeholIs' Legislature to-day .J. A. Cage, of the 8th Senatorial District, was seated. Mr. De- mas returned to his seat and explained the causes which led to his desertion. - Messrs. Pemarai8. and Gault. of St. Landry. Cole. I of St.1 John Simmes and 'Dickinson.' of St.-': Jamea,; and Bnaet, of Iberia, were , sworn . in, making 73 ,. returning board members in the House. Several returning board members, who were not elected by the election commission returns, have re- s'rjned their claims. Some of the Repub-1 licans who went ower: say they hold the 1 balance ot power in the matter Of electing n a United States Senator,. . I sent from the head-ouarteri of the military division of Missouri to General Augur to- (1ft V' I CmcAoo, April 21st, 1877. lo Uen. U. V. Avgur, Mew Orleans, La.: Sir: Tv dirertfon of the Lieutenant- I General the following1 telegraphic order f from the General of the army is forwarded lor your action ana guidance. Please re-1 port by telegraph upon ihe execution of the order: Wasiiingtos, April 21. General P. II. Shkridan, commanding the-Lmsnnjr theMisoxmf iLlucago: YeWwill TJlease order Jthe troops now posted at or in the immediate vicinity of the State House in JNew Orleans to the United States barracks on Tuesday April 34tbv at 13 .m.- precisely, and -report the r fact to these headquarters, r Copies of the order of the , PresidepC. and Secretary of . War will come to you by mail, and another copy will be sent to General Augur direct. , (bigned) , . W. 1. Bucrmas. Uen 1, (Siatned) . j R. . Dbcm, , . i i jtria-R8't Adjutant General. Payment of Oyercbarve to the Wet. v t.ira Atlfuttie ItallroaVd. ti'Brt f.;:a -:i:.j.j-'.-- ' ( Wa8HIN0to:, April 21.-The Attorney I 1 1 i J O a. a 4 .mm I AW SV m I Geaeral has accepted Senator Gordon's construction oi tne taw to pay tne ciaie oi i Jll-. i"" .lh... t, W.tPm . a.. . . I I ' , y r . . . , i Atlantie Railroad, estate1 t0Dertv) and I has reaueated Quarter Master General Meigs 10 commute xne amount uue vuo i . a J - - a. State on this construction. The amount is something over 200,00a. This account has yet to rss through the hands of the Attorney General, and will accompany his ' . .... o . 1tT- I, 1 report 10 (.us oecrcutry ui 11 oi , nuiui ti ui i doubtless govern the Secretary and secure the payment ot tne money to tnetate, i mii I Bom T wood Dcllne4 to Testify, j Naw York, April l.-TheState Sen- ate committee on the alleged confession or 'l"weea met nere to-oay ana proceeaeato T Hi-W ot wwt 1ail trt aha tha T-ltrys. H Jl 3 i V W)8B: 1 .I Tweed's counsel read a long paper to. the Cattafa ivtrnmil-tM ntrrt .nor vViv Via vised Tweed not to , testify at this time. Mr.Jweedv men nanoea in a paper aeclin- t ' A a I f a9-i'- . - ' A lb a. mhA Ok 4 V k.atkfla aa. I Wg 10 lestuy on me gruuuu ui puuiic per i xie huu, '""-rY ; tiTj responsibility for the article in tne World. . " catholic Pilarrims Sailed. .. r t i ,,.n "T -! . I Naw-Yoiac, April 211 he Irish Latho- J lie Pilgrims attended Mass in in t. rat- rirV'f!ftthedral this mornlnff. which was I celebrated by Cardinal McClcekey and as- . . -. rpi. ixiami all j-kAim?l ' I - blatant, pnesia. - iuc jl ufeiiuio v-a.. seats within the sanctuary, and the church wasniled witnuatnoiicorgaaizauous. Cardinal bestowed a blessing on the voy- j aeers ana oaae uem -wamww. . i sailed in the forenoon in the steamer Uity of Brussels. ' " ?7 r T "P?f? A H i v. """riiVi ln.VllV';' - " rulte,u T ' Vice-Consulfor Sweden and Norway, at JJanen, Ga...rf :,; a -' Appqintments : . J, r K. , Lptona-.Lhiet ClerkfT. C II. Smith Appointment Clerk oi i reasury uepartment' " vtr ' " Bank Statement. Nxw Toes:,' April"28. Loans decrease f 1,625, 000; specie, increase ' $500,000; le gal tender Increase $1,625,000; deposits ! ..n. ! - An increase 13o,UUU; reserve mawise WO.000. ,t., TIariue. :i .-.-5 -( Losnos.' ADril 21. The mail' boai be tween Brest and the- Island .tf Ilesbnut Was wrecked-'i Eight paisensjers and the j ennre crew were lost. ' J Trio( Charles; of Roumaruk,' has alreadf receiTea' tne . iollowiner manifpsto fmm pussia " The document has lother Terifica- tion: ' ' ' : .fc f;ftl t 1. .' - '" vi. huomo kj yicnctvc pcauc UIUI failed owins to the stubbornness of the - - i iri a., ' . j- s iL.'iLj- Iff .vilBi wuuc iue .conaitroni oi inc vnnar I : iari ia theJEast Is unimprored, their lires I lUtnin tttHMir a nninmmVMi thoir ltoa I 1 lore wis aiaiesty. to the name of hutnanitt nd in. the lull consciousness of his sot ereism uutT as tne natural -Droteetof or tne I Appear, absolutely necessary for securing j their future welfare." J " h"1:i,u ' 4 I ,-i ne rnamiesto aisavows -any aesire oi u uiugmuw rial gaarantee for reforms. 1 W.V'; x'a gnipuic Ageucjepprta ina. me uecmra-1 ultimatum but simply a declaration of war. j ,BaMl,;April 31. Victor ismanner'.ue- darai that ItajjwiU ttoiaMVitit.lieo. irai as long as war is connnea to laussiai nd Turkey. ... . ; , :: ; t ILSDoar, AprU 21,t-A. special - froin .Yi-1 - gg tn Rouniania about? Turkish inva-1 aion. The Roumanian government has . Th. Rmmmi. mwit hM pjigd ja it8 extremity to the Powers and ia becominff more creasing in its demand A k ... r;mu. .. - r0i, t .mi i J j aau.l ,Ti.riri.h .wo-nmnt Mmr,i,,t!c-rr.no tha occupation of Roumahia byurkish trooDS. The answer has not been reassur- jnr TnrL-pv oovinrr th T,ocoao rvf Tnrlri.h Uwm to tie ltoUta, would de-L T,.,-ir;0i, rnMt v0,r- Kt .hot :T " T " r-l ttinls happens in consequence ot tne en- try of the jtussian troops,! the ; Porte de- ! !inAa t ho voonnnaihilit v pAtimonift ha canes the reflDonsibilitv for Koumania -mg turned into the theatre war. ; 1 , : r a special dispatch from iVienna to the ftUgiaQh says ; "Roumania cannot pre- Tent pagaagc -of the Russian armies through her; territories as sbf ,has;, vainly wugh1 mpvort to do so from the powers, bqUns caclwiu rig0roa8ly abstain from participation if the Turkish army does u Tkmnh. alar, anA win haif LBut If -Turkey, ocrsists in it proposed .action,, Roumania: will be-conipelled to cast her lot with .the onryrpower .capable of affording he? material protection against such a terrible calamity, lloumania's no- sition is one of critical and imminent DeriL A Renter disDatch front Bucharest has the following:- 'The Russian General and staff, have left Kiscbeneff tor Ungheni.and Scutari. . The cavalry f oce is marching towards the Danube, the centrated at Ungheni and artillery is con - the infantry is Chatin, Scutari massed in the direction of and Ungheni." v Lit Inturonco C. to la Wouna op t - Albant, N. April .21. The Argui ?78 ara! D B,Mi,0tttt wthonty that O VI UUH auu iuouauw VU1U' are to bo wound up. A irinrdcrer lnng. ' j Ci.KVatLAND, OinoJ April; 21.- ChasM. Stirling, the Youngstown; murderer, was nunj to-aay. lie prociaimea ius mno- - cence to the last. ; ' NEW ADVERTlSEltlENTS. VALUABLE PACfTORT j PROPERTY f ' i DWELLING HOUSES AND BUILDING LOTS, '". '': ! " AT I ' ' Payettevillej N. C. WE SALE AT.'AXJOnON. Br ' ' virtue of s resolution passed by the Stock- u M pubUC auutioh at the Market a. a. 111 t aT ' SlM -M . House, in Fayetteviue, N. d, en Monday, .i a . a. . M I . . a - a t 1 a ' . 1 .-v. u i 11 oni i i.it ; t . v. ' MthatvaUialfieproMrtrwtua.ed In Fayette- Tllie. on Blount'a vreeK, ana cnown as T,11C mD- ' - r - - - - of thb ''t.!!!:' tUmr Blount'8 Greek itonfactaruig Company, wh pnt-n dweiiinirs with' lots of "Y . - . hn. Knllnir Doin ODB-itwnn w ;auU -""b tots of one-fourth acre each, j - . ; tw Btoryi Wgn containing about loo.ooe excel- lent brick; aaam, aiarre irea " condiUon, the original cost o which was S3.00Q , I or. I a j4tl Hit '!t . , fl.fci.V1i T?.liVVs! WwliffB - mi i Miami . li iiMi ,; uv".rr u ' i - B.fore 1U destruction, In 1865, there were In successrol operation in the mill aplndlea, w looms, wi all other necessary machinery awvnnwtAl with th firtnrr. J. . ,v. - r The &ttVflS&$iP Thfn wiU be sold at the same time aTenteen aaa a. - Aa.4 a. AllnKt fr a&S Atll A Vl t O tfLa. 1 dwelling nouses or iwukji .wajuiw i will be sol singly, tjianjvo uuum, tner win be a. tot ot about ne-fourth aere oi I ""'M'Ch...; P.n,nn I -aibo, wm iln Sn,BiMT imiwu Btrrcs wmi uuuuiii "IT. JhI .-rt7inff imr iota, and four lota, with three aousesjraaag 1 Adam street.- , n, . . -. ? ' e - I .Tntcrest hle. TUle .w17!", w"lilL.. Zil - v-.. , CITCU HUU VlMvBBavv Mavuxv . I l' Si: ' Will.. . U..KJV-&aMa, r ;:rt,v.,i ;rfVi it?" n-24-tda ..lff"!; f?- . : ..... vdl m-jV sKfJ l' l ' -.;. : . ry : f A; 13 n -," -z.--ii t.v. .m(t- Jt ..4.' t;r. ;.0K1 tit i;c ... k- rentljand maliciously reported, u, our a !i.w, iiBTing uwit unuim iu.1 1. a vut custom-1 AND IN COIXCSION WITH THaaFUaHKRS TO. THf RlTf- Krt omexoss,1? who are now seizing all"cos- cco, teke tw. method of luform- ottt iriends nd the trade generally, that ""Jr . t i f , . , "P0 r!..t i", ' "'1 --7- ''17 TT E I 'I I.FAtE waitxvKitlvelv assert that we neither know, .positively w1th have seeni nor had any (correspondence with ut .mr.ii iterson nor " Hira taid thh to Mtv" for us. as la WSASELT KEPORTED. . We hkve'irafflcient to ao tn attendlnr to oar own legitimate business, without troubling our- selvei with what others dor, , , ; . . - r ; :; v ' hamburger bbos," :!Norfoik, Valipru ie.isTr. v--: fcr7 Tarboro , Southerner '. and "Washington Echo copy one month, and send bill to Hambur- ger Bros. JfEWr ADVERTISEMENT. EVEUY ARTICLE - . f IlkUIIU I IIL WIIULL LII1L r .f : ' ' WILL BE; .. ' - ! t U attractmg the attention of bayen at distance . attested by tne large number of orders now . f iTT"D "DTtOV onr AT1? vJ U It S 13 U C5 1 ' M UKii ' - , . - fJOflStllllTiy UrOtVllfttl . ' nn A s.-.lnii.. "D.- . ; Appreciative -OliyerS, is best evidence that can be given of the . VftTflflT? A TTftTI fYP ' flTTR. WJTfflSa r"""""""": " "M rw AXD THE nnxprriKisrnE nv Tim PKnpr.K - r ' L'QDZS OP DOING BUSINESS. JlgJr SEand SmauSSelfK aM .J1i.?t.,1TIwn5??alw'Iiect bU' nrt . iim uuciuniu. W. H. ft R. S. TUCKER. JUdelghaN. C . moU -tf SPRING TRADE, 1877. PBESH ARSIVALS AT If DEALER IN ) ( : DRY GOODS, IlJTlS, "SHOES 5 AND CLOTHING Fayettevlllo Stit'ot, RALEIGH, N. C. 1 Case 9-8 Cambrics at 10 eta., u J ' Prints 5 7 1-2 and 8 1-3 cts., ' ' Bleached and Unbleached , Domestic 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 1-2 cts. These are PRICES TO SUIT THE DULL TIMES. Fresh arrival of oar Famous Hanfl-Maie Slides for GenMen, Wnfcli are nndonbtedly the PRETTIEST AND bkouum r -i ti this makwsi. Beaotifal stock of Am azent for Frank Leslie' Ladlei. Jonraal Cnt Paper Patterns Stock on nana. . CoieifidSii; AJD GE THE J. P. GULLET, j apr 19-tf 2TOWIG TS3 TIMS, r : T. 1. LOADER'S t It 13STAJ1L.ISIIMENT, Fayettevlllo Street, Is the place to order your SPRING SUITS of CLOTHING, He has returned from Xew York with a laree ana one oi me most attractive stocts ot GENTLEMEN'S WEAR Ever offered to the Raleigh public FEMCH ADD ENGLISH CLOTHS, DOESKIN, FRENCH, ENGLISH AND GER MAN CASLMERES, . ,' '..: .... '. f ... BLACK & BLUE FLANIIEL8 Of very Superior Quality. . , . YACHT CLOTHS, LIGHT CASIMEitES FOR ...... ...... PANTS.HHEPHERBSPLAIDS. , short, a f uU line of every thing to wear, . - rri in accordance wnh the time, mud whole or even any garment laput np,atata much lower price man ever rerore onerea. y , , ,.... jr.r-p employed.' Mtenmnber the name and piaeeVT. R I LOADER, nearly opposite Tucker Hall. - . . . - , Mch 80-U. , MILLIKEN'S LINEN STORE, ir-Ui j 828 Arch Street, ; i i.t I Hi NEW -LINEN .DRESS ru. EnrinO Imnrw-tntinn Af mOlTK PSIXTED i TJ5K5 LAW5S baa just neen receivea ex-Hesm- ship "Bntanic"., c - - , ; f I laaCUeSCan UJkVC amillCO KUt uj; T - ; BEW PJilTliaJ LmJiM;liAWJSa. Black Patterns on white ground, - .-. 'i -Blue Patterns on whiteground, - ... Crimson Patterns on white ground, : ; Lilac Patterns on whiteground, - - Brown Patterns on white ground.-; ; .M0TJB3SIKG USES LAWE3. T White Patterns on black ground, h? ; h nfiain Black linen Lawm rs arff . iain Whita Linen Lawn, 26 inches wide. Plain White linen Lawn, Z6 Inches wide. TOE TEAVELLIKG SUITS. . Plain Flax 3olored Linens, S inches wide', at 20, 25, 2S. 81, 85 and 40 cents per yard- ., ; . Plain Navy Blue Linens. Plain Black Linens.' " f 3 - -Checked Linens, natural flax colors. Also, Household Linens of every description. Linen Handkerchiefs. Ac Jfcc- ' -tsr-Qnalities always reliable. - ; j ; GEO iihjx.ikf:, & SO?f, -. - Llnea store, s-'h atea wnw, apr 19-eod-lm. P1IILDELPUIA. Han NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ; f 'rf ''' - S. D, HABRIS0IT, , a . -a. ' . " WHOLESALE A5D 1- r i . i - .. .' . r-... . : RETAIL GROCER Corner Pay etterille and Martin Sta, -J . RALEIGH, N. C.'"1 - CUBA MOLASSES, ! OOLDEN STRCP, DUIKO ArFLKS, - BALDW IN APPLE3, 4 - DRIED BEEF .HAMS. rrT'' y I 4 PIO HAMS. " . . . MACKERELS, J ' HERRTXGS, COD FISH, . CUCUMBER PICKLES, i kiujk, uuMiiN x and UK1T, . : , SOAPS AND STARCH, : . -; KEROSENE OIL, . PURE CIDER VINEGAR, AKD A MIC ABTICLS OF " HONEY IN C03f II, JU1 low foxXASO, af ' n - S. B. JLAliRISOS'S. apr 6-Sm . O ! ADVICEI In the -Shakespearian play of HainJet, Polo- mus gives the following advice to his aon Laertes a mere youth that was about to depart on a ton through France: - .,.. n Costly thy habit as thy Dorse can bnv. bnt not expressed in fancy ; rich, not gaudy, for the ap- nnu ui pruuuuius toe inau. - - - ' - This was sound advice. No one can ' deny ' it therefore I call the attention oftbe general pub lic to the fact thai I am prepared to at up y TTirtTfiKi h; it MM." "RICH HOT GAM and NOT as costly as the purse can by. My stock of EIJGnSH AITD FEENOH , Scotch; English and American , CA3SinERES. TVEEOS, Ia XARGER THAN EVER BEFORE, and he like of which were NEVER OFFERED BE FORE, are now offered. Only the MOST SKILLED WORKMEN employed. ... C, WAilliEJJL., , Merchant Tailor. " ' FIRST FLOOR HOLLEMAN BCII DING. mhi-3m. ' " 1 ' O F By JAjnES J. LITCnFOBD, . Auctioneer. ,. By virtue ot a deed in trust recorded In Book 89, p. 14T, Wake Registry, I will, on THURSDAY, tne taia oi April, inn, expose to sate at pumic auction, at the Court House door in Raleigh, the following property, used in tne publication oi Th Era newspaper, to wtt: une uampbeu tress, - - Six cases of Minion Type, , Four cases of Head Type, . ' Six cases of Bourgeois Type, ; One ease of Nonpareil Type, t . One Compot4nK ttoue. . ' Ten Brass Galleys, and all other Fixtures and Furniture appertaining to The Era office, to gether with the name of said Era newspaper ami its gooa wuu , ; , :; Terms casn J. n. uixl, March 2-t1 ' " Trustee. rpHE BUFFALO LITIIIA WATERS IN TBS PECULIAR MALADIES OF WOMEN AND OTHER FORMS OF CHRONIC DISEASE. Some of the most eminent medical men of the country pronounce these waters ' WELL-XIOU SPECIFIC in most of the PAINFUL MALADIES PECULIAR TO WOMEN. IN DYSPEPSIA, . ., ... NEURALGIA, LIVER AFFECTIONS, CHRONIC DIARRH(EA, PARALYSIS, '---',- - - GOUT. ' v ... RHEUMATISM, AND IN DI8KA8ES OF TBI KIDNEYS A5D BLADDER, the? are second to none of the celebrated mineral waters of the world, and in some of the diseases here enumerated tney naveaccompusned benefi cial results as remarkable- as any of record, whether of mineral watera or medicines..' This claim is emphatically attested by those whose statements defy Imputation or question. Testi monials sent to any auuress on application. - The waters are put up in cases of one dozen half-gallon bottles at $5 per case, invariably in auvaace. t - 1 ' THOMAS F. OOODE, - j Proprietor Buffalo Lithla Springs, Vs. ?eU4f - -yilEXIIEK YOkJ WISH ? ? j. :TO BUY OH SELL; . Commimleato With tit.? Orders for MERCHANDISE have the ad vantage OI D worn Ugfl res iu ihih munw '.-: - Consignments of PRODUCE, have our b-st ef forts. Ocica and PBorrraBiJi bztcxns. We handle all descriptions of Merchandise ex cept liquors. Orders forcarioadsof -ii g ! have special attention. Lowest rates of freight secured.' ne nauuie .:. t. As wen as... v-;-;'-' :ry ; Htora;f-"ApTW' EGGS, ; : DRIED FRUIT. PETTEWAT 6c VKBKtXOSSi f JBrokeri and Commimon ITeTthard. febtO-Sni r : i tfl ' Wilmington.; N. C. A G B I ClXTtRAL CHEMlCAIaS. BEST OreEB 'YET! ' , , We will tarnish the following Chemicals, suffi cient to mace a ton of Fertilizer, for fio cash, or one hundred and twenty pounds of cotton, pay able the nrst of November next n :, f ' . Nitrate ef Soda. sa pounds. 1 Sulphate of Ammonia, SO do, - 1 Soluble Bone Phosphate, -200 ; Now ready for deUwry. vtlicte v McattlClay & GULICK. March SO tf , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS l.tiL rjEv;c oods: n it! OR AJfTD OPENING OP 1 1 ijij u ...ii euw ttU SPRIKTG GOODS i ii M 1': Ji' jc j i. J I 1; A. GREEGCs'Si J V 7 I maense Cwwi tk First DayAdiiiissioB Free. CROWD t INCBEASINQ-Dn-V HOTJ FJLLlvD FROM CELLAR JO GAR-RET" S . a a. : 'V ; t j - ?. GoGfe BanoM ny Hie Paciae K , from the Importers and Manufacturers, under . very favorable circumstances and will.be I sold at astonishingly low prices. tT j- BUSINESS IS THE.WATC11W0UD? ' '- ' . !" I V .Every salesman is engaged In selling and dis tributing goods to my numerous customers at hard-pan "prices; and Just here allow, me to say, that on the Tth day of October, 1850, I hoisted my little mercantile- flag, and although small and Insignificant In size at the tune, It was then, and ever has been since, backed and sup ported by the Indelible motto oft j : j Which time has failed to erase; REPEESEXT- 118 GOODS AS THETARL . LIVE AND L E T L I V E t L : . That flag has gradually increased .In Hike and speed, with its motto universally, endorsed, , and waves to-day with its motto ahead of competi tion. , . . -, . . . ,'" , I ! - The political campaign is over, the result Is known: the excitement Is over. -So now comes the excitement amongst " r C , , 1 i DEI GOODS.'.' READ. ! Jt'ST RECEIVED T-Sftl yards Calicoes at 3 " cts. per yard 19,659 " " " 7 " 38,476 " "81-3" 9.3S7 yards 31 Inches wide, GRASS CLOTH, at 10 cents per yard.,, f , f. : ', These are the Cheapest goods everi offered in this market. In fact my whole stocr win be sold so correspondingly cheap,' : my customers cant help to appreciate the bargains. And nere take notice that via. ii LaS-fai IHaTeMMerbBiiMess to divide profits with, and am fully prepai; ed to meet quotations. tt, ' ; - ,. .v s ,. .- it .. I am the man to make prices, so unlock your coin that has become defaced from age, and start to CREECH'S, unwrap and unfold your greenbacks, that yon have had laid away to buy cheap goods with, for now In the lime. coii: to citisEcirs. .' fflOLESALEJEFABTHEHT. To Gmntry Merchant : I have taken special pains to make this De partment complete, and the stock In this de partment is unusually large, and attractive. Come and see me. I have Special bargains for you, and claim to do you good and Bare you mouey. . m . . . . .. - .it , apr S-m , A, CIWECJI. JI. NOnLE, OF SELMA, Jl, C, WILLIAM DEVRIES a CO.. i Imporert and Jobbert ofi, i ' FOREIGN "AND DOMESTIC f DRY GOODS AND KOTI0N8. 3li W. BALTIMCSE STREET, : " Beiteeen, Howard and. LOertft . t'. Baltimere. feb Sl-8m a riririTi rtTllY "- --t-m- . - The subscription list, title and good will of the Fayetteville "Wide-Awake Is offered for sale or lease. The Tine. -Press and Fixtures can be rentern reasonable terms. Address,, II. I. McDUFFIE. Editor, -' ' Henry's, 2t. c. ArsiL 18th, 1377. ; - t ' THERE'S .MILLIONS IN IT!! - 7 . UnsiiccesM Efrftool i$m l-.f - .7 J v . T -H- ueirvTi full Dx7rAn'or;imt'wi r it If feb 9-ly NEW Al)VEimSEMENTS.'iH n H pw rPhe Most Attractive Store in T7 i.l t tiuiii h f.iu. naieiiacno M-n wis naa '"v'a: HIGrS,s wt WliSsale- 8M Retail HeaTy-anUFancj j: Grmery Storey i3 -'? t"s!il oi.fJ rrr-gtiHrr!t (-'a.ivriai) I HAVE THE LARGEST ANI; BEST, Ff RSt Class Grocery in the City, and . GUARAlTgTIO; d la prices, quality and promptness.. . All I ask Is an examination and a trial to be convinced.' 1 i giv a partial hist oi -articles, s- my stock. if too large to enumerate, and ask an order . black; ' ": iL ooLt'G,':1-' V. iaTsb . t LklPERIAL: and' C POWDER. Wom JAVA; LAOFTRA', and BiO? Good feOASTED , i ..and GROlIsp also in Stock, UrivMa " ' - ' .-SUGARS -so u L-;:ri-Vi A. 8T AITD A RD, IDEAL A.,C EXTRA .CRUSH ED, PULyERIZED and GRANULATED. fJf Pity PTB CTTitra tt r crrcr'a w rt tri -ajrei and SHOULDERS. Best CANVASSED HAMS. ; "SEEP, ui- 1 i' -J-ti 5I4J?2X-J Dried Beef aad Dried Best Iteflned LARD A Beef Tongues. J SPECIALTY. " -. , All Grades: ROYAL RACIXE,' BALTIMdRE EXTRA. WYANOKE and PATAPSCO. i. MOLASaES'-aft .Jis-vS GOLDEN DRIP, u SYRUPehl t aadCVBAi , i CANNED GOODS s Fvesh Peaches, 9 and 3 lb, Tomatoes, and 3 IV Pine Apples, Pumpkin and Apple, Corned ... Beef, Deviled Turkeyy Tongas and i vi and Mutton, Mock Turtle , ,.t . r . . ior soaps. .Also, ,,ft ,jf s? Vegetables. Fresh Lobsters, Fresh Salmoq, Sardines -'mi Mushrooms. ,.., . ...... : ' BOTTLED GOODS- Pickle, Gherkins, Chow-CUow, Mangoes,' Lea A remns' sauce, saiaa uu, r run wauce, - : i JelUes and Orange Marmalade. - . Ui MUSTARD BUTTER ! BOX and FRENCH MUS- I ALWAYS on HAND, , , CRACKERS . t t. l(, .Milk, Soda, Cream, and Albert Biscuit, Ginger Nuts, and Ginger Snaps. v SPICES ; : -'I lraln and Ground Pepper, Macs. Cloves, Clnua- inoa and Nutmegs. iu jNutmegs. . . , , -. CONFECTIONS Oranges, Lemons, Cocoanuta, CurrantaRaUla Prunes, Firs, Soft-shell Almonds, Eng lish Walnuts, Filberts, , Pecan Nuts. German Chocolate , p ' and Bakers' Chocolate. i! ' 1 CANDLES-SPERM and ADAMANTINE. i TOILET & LAUNDRY SOAP A line lot of TOILET SOAPS which will bear ln . ; spectlon and be sold cheap. STERLING, BABBITT'S CHAMPION and ' ,T i . EUREKA, Laundry Soap. w; , t3 Corn Starch, Tapioca, and Pure StarcJi. A Choice Jot of , FORHGH AND DOMESTIC WINES. Cooking Wines, . - ... ..... ..." !-,...; Champagne Cider by the gallon for faviiliet. Fine Cigars and Choice Ohewine: Tobacco. Do not fail to call and examine my extensive stock. I have experienced clerks who will be pleased to see their friends and old customers: - J SALESMEN: N. 8. MOSILET. , j. r. BKCcwrrn . '. . , r.B ANDERSOS. ....,,,,,. 11 Accept thanks for past favors, and I hope to merit a continuance of same by strict attention to business. .- - ; Respectfully, - t mch-ly, JACOB IIIGGS. N TICK. As the Spring Is at hand I call the attention of the public to my ;'! S T O V A , ". for Garden and Cemetery parposes. ' Cheaper uitn inu.i, aviso, ,. . MOULD STONE CURBING for Cemetery lots. CheaD as WOOD. '1 l .Manufacturers of the 1 i STONE BURIAL VAULT, ' '! kept constantly on hand by myself and H. J Brown, Undertaker. ., ! , OEALEB IN -4 MARBLE AID STOIC TOMISTONES, Mantelpiece, & Yard and office on Fa an a v illk' Strket. Anext door to btandara omce. ; Uat. i itespecuuiiy. febtS-tf W.O. WOIaFE. B2ASS ANDIEONS A2TOTEND3SB TJJ I V!:prj A pair of Brass Andiron! and a Brass II All 11UJ render, ior wnicn a good price win be paid. They must be old-fashioned and In rood condition, f - . i ,. .t , Jw M. TOWLES, Ja. apr 17-eod-4t. Wd Bant of .Cm2t0D, in" 1875. "T- vnu " c V II ! 'it ' HALL' S r Resists the attacks of the'most skilful BurglarB f the agei, with their wonderful aad modern appliances i, V-.HV -4 TJ H. BRIGGS & SONS, DOL3 Ji RALEICHi 'T-' r PRICES ;.GUARANTEf D.. Siiiiha Sif:ia:i Tri::, t:f:rt Esji:!? J ! VCOREESPOXDEXCE SOIdClTEIK i NE W ApRTISpLETS i!ttt.KHir)lI 'RaLEraKj N.CL, Mircfa tf; bart. : i etrsQn Books arq new. ,opea aisofOce - in accordance with.la'w. ' T .. , T .,.- .. jTh. ..5? uoifyjfW ), Meh 8J4I. , o ii-.ll ) 'n itn7 ot r.WKIa '!' i r 4 -jyni i rrMfonotrtiiiuuT-.D sfrocK: ron tJLi - .i;,u;ik- fsAXKi 1 3QTbe rt ii Jtty thoronghliireft BE gSIRJiQA (Aron Burp htllne workin.rd,errAi3Q! SowsaS half -Berkshires.'and k Cheaters, wlu be sold separate fy6rlri aloi.,i'a 'tl ' u'-aoh&ih.t.t -Mi ,? Jfliftft Ttt'i rj'i' 'atyjl.tif. ,h'i -trift'J rirtoAAIC$Hfi l.lPa'ldi v .EESFtloas la aH.tne Courta,f State and Fadoral; twofllce lu Adams BuUding, on Martin street. Jan28-ly.,ruiQ J x-aUuifi'l tirto. 'io n3 Xo Tike: nttCATloii-! Ni:,'4r rwt-vf 'r..-,4roi -!'.Riin! ! m. vWHM G&TTOR.PC Raleljraaotiers, his line fitOCk Of 1" " 'u t'..... u.. ...'w 4 ., .. M AR B UEJ p JM BSTtP N E.S -, fcr LESS THAU C BST. for the nejrtjalrtl dsVet JCf yoa want bes work; jkw rodr tune. v n apr s-2m - t . h f NORTH CAROLINA STATE IK -. lA!l t911 ifal 3W. .UiUiT l-iiSUU:r ' " Ainsu.iance (iJoiiipaiiy r Incorporated In lSr-2.1 'VI-. .A , RALEIGII, .N,,adhJ,t; 3 ?: Pald-np Capital, -.1; aOOMlO.OO F. Hi Cameron,". V ;cs'ifi jPresie.. IK JST. JKttfcajTii:.!--: an TVfKM. Dr. . iriU Hapwdod, ' ed7 Director: Prof. E. R: Smithicrg Advisory Actuary. . '--.-r-tf w-rW-rh-i .niJci.W.j. The only Home Life insurance Company in North 5 Carolina.1 One of the most successful Companies of its age in the United Statea Has already Issued between two and three thousand policies. Ail of its' funds invested i at home among our own people. All losses paid prompt ly aad In oaah -Rates as tow m those of anr nrst class company. Has thrxk dollars of. aa sets for every dollar of liabilities.' ' Agents wanted In every county In the State to work for this most excellent and firmly estab lished home-' institution.'- For information address ..-. . . . .-. , N. C. STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO., ptUE-P KjU.l N E.j -ft PHILLIPS' A0ID PHOSPHATES. ; MoitlCKIN'tt; 'OTjiilCK ! navOj now on hand, a full' supply of 'these well known and standard Jerttllzersi and are prepar ed to sen them' on the same terms' as last year. ' " Every sick has thi nnalygls rtnte(f on it, showing the proportions of Its f ertillzlug power. cicl JPliospliiaVtip. n , Soluble and Precipitated' "- Phosphoric Acid.;...;.M, 3 per ct. ToUlLecomposedJionePhos- ... jT P'iate 303ioViyerct. The Foregoing analysts shows that , j .. Ililllli A.oltl ULlsuij is of a higher . standard and. possesses, greater fertilizing powers than any similar product In'thls market.1 - -' " , y.-'.ms Solubleand Precipitated Phos-j ... ' ;,, ... phoric Acid.. t8 per ct. Ammonia Pure v.1...';.:....:.'. 23 per ct. Salts of Soda and Potash.....' 34 per ct. l The manufacture of these articles Is main tained at the highest standard, no reduction tn grades having been attempted., t,t r. ORDERS SQLICil ED.. , j v McMACKIN 4k GUUCK, , mar4-tf . T. Raleigh, N. C, JNCOURACE ..iM if : nOME INSTITUTIONS. -,tt;;' SECURITY AGAINST FIRE. ' ' ' ' THE ' : ,V ' K. 1 -1. ' ' ' . T ...... t -..!:. ' V - am . at aw VS4Ai1 A .41 vill j.r-i ifr-j-i iL, . sr i J I III! RALEIGH, N. C. '-- " rpniS COMPANT CONTTNLTE9 TO WRITE A roiic.es u, ii : . - -,-' iS 4 - . . . , on an classes of , , - . , I nsu ra ble Pd p erty. n Fiji H i4-i t -vtrfTiSr a r ' T.'f YROMPTLt ADJUSTED ITTD VAW. .aid tfhr irtTIIEHOME lSU vjl .iKd i.HH.j Hi'tf .Jil TQTi n;!i wr-fi! " FafeTiiertiv6f PropertrMin'Kortli Carolina. "!Thls Company ikes ri-ksron properjy of every charhctej on the inost'reajn&bl'e," artd notwlth standing' the large namber'or, losses tt has' sus tained In the pasi four .years, it has ,n.ever failed "to pay prniptlyand n tihie jts potto teV pjioaREssivE l?sAosibm: 1it ClaffJ-'tl f"i ill Yfi L.:-iiwltt( a-iilciJ'i -jrwyTrV' PresTiiurnc'tCacn ?. .8URING TK THE'-i )?.f arolina floniB I -1 1 " C. B. ROOT, Vice-President.1'. JOUar TJETEKEUX," Secretary; i ... - c . prLASKI COWPER, Sopervlflor , m h lo-tf "'''" j r HnmR . msnranRfi I n r af ' ' -1