J.,. NV BT P- HALE AND W. X. SAUNDERS. ., Pobtliaed' Dallf (except Monday) and Weekly. Katm or Subsckiption m Adtahck Dally, one .year, mail postpaid, 8 oo six months, " 41 4 00 three " M " S0 Weekly, one year, mall postpaid,. . ....... 3 00 sixmonthB," loo To city subscribers The Observer will be de livered daily at twenty cents per week ; seventy-five cents per month; two dollars for three mouth. . , , , , ". . BY TELEGBAPH. REPORTED BT THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. Liouiitlana Affaire, Washisotos, April 23. Packard will remain in the State House until the troops are withdrawn, and the money allowed by Nicholls is distributed among ms men. The money will be disbursed by a com mittee of three from each' party, and will l)e handed directly to the men. The New Orleans Republican concludes an article on the situation : Gov. .Packard has patiently waited day by day for that aid which, according to his understanding of the Constitution of the United btates. was his unquestionable due, and failing to receive this aid his choice now rests be tween submission to force and resorting to civil strife. Iq such a dilemma lber& Is but one course for patriotic citizens,1 and such Gov. Packard has always shown him- S2lf. . ,. Washington Items a ., Washtngtos, D. C, April 23. Gov Colquitt, of Georgia, is here at the Willard House. . . Ben Wade has succeeded in finding publication fcnrhis letter attacking Hayei' Southern policy in the lnew York Time. The Baltimore American says of it : "It is very bitter and caustic, but the writer seems to have forgotten that circumstances have changed since the end of the war." No information can be obtained regard ing the balance unexpended for rivers and harbors. All paragraphs on this matter have been based upon favorable hearing accorded to persons in favor of special in terests. The War Department takes spec ial pains to conceal its intentions. The Star savs: "Amone the rumors on the street is one that the President will appoint Governor" Packard, of Louisiana, to be Collectorvof the Port of New Or leans." Gov. Colquitt, with Senator Gordon, had an interview with the President to-day. The President seemed glad to hear how well Georgia was getting along. Mr. Blaine says the story that he intends to introduce a resolution in the next Con gress questioning Hayes's election is the invention f an idiot. Mr. Stephens rode out to-day and called on Speaker Randall, Mr. Adams, Clerk of thellouse, and the President, who came to the portico of the White, House and con versed with Mr. Stephens, who' remained in his carriage. It was the first meeting of these gentlemen, and the conversation was confined to topics of courtesy. Ex-Gov. Warmoth telegraphs a friend here that Packard will vacate the St. Louis Hotel to-morrow. Hear Admiral Preble writes from Pana ma, April 10, that affairs on the Isthmus are peaceful. lleports Uelative to Farm Auins. Washington, April 23. Reports rela-, live to farm animals, as received at the Department of Agriculture, show a gener al exemption from diseases among cattle with a few exceptions, and a more than average healthfulncss and thrift, especially in tbe region north of the thirty sixth de gree of latitude. In the milder region ' where shelter is not provided, emaciation and death are not unfrequently reported. In cne county in Georgia (Taylor), 150 of a herd of 500 were lost. From the Alle ghanics, occasional cases of lung fever are reported from northern latitudes. From the South more frequent mention of similar diseases and local losses from blind stag gers and leBS frequent loss from glanders, and in the Mississippi Valley a few cases of charbon. Sheep are generally in good condition. In Southern California flocks are dying from drought, and in some places are sold to go to Oregon and Ne vada for thirty-seven cents per head. The losses of swine have been very heavy in the West and South, particulars of which will be given in another report. The great plains, not exceeding seven per cent, ef the returns, indicate a low con dition. Cases of pleuro-pneumonia have occurred in Burlington in New Jer sey, Baltimore in Maryland, and Cumber land in Pennsylvania. Cases of abortion are scattered through the dairy districts in no greater numbers than usual, and local losses are reported in the South from dis cases resulting from miasma and lack of nutrition. Such losses vary from 2 to 20 per cent, in the counties of the Gulf States, and from 5 to 25 per cent in certain coun ties m Texas, iso prevalent disease is re ported among the horses. FOREIGN. ! London, April 23. A courier arrived at Vienna on Sunday night with Prince Gortsdhakoffs circular. It appears that Russia will delay the de velopment of her intentions until the 29th inst., the chief reason being her prepara tions are not quite complete. - The roads are very bad. It is also stated that Russia finds a larger force required for the task before her than she supposed. - The Sultan, in case of wan will go to me uanuoe ana command in person.. , Cardinal Vannlcelli . Casonia and Arch bishop Ferrara are dead. The King of Abyssinia has released Mr. "tr;..-i -u .1.- 1 - . l . Constantinople, April 23. Tbe Rus- sian Charge de Affaires and the whole staff of the Russian Embassy and Consu- late will leave Constantinople thip evening for Odessa on the imperial yacht lienklik. London, April 13. -A Pera dispatch to -the Times announces that tne itussiau con sulate at Kers has been attacked by some disorderly Turkish soldiers. The inmates were rescued by Turkish soldiers after a slight affray. " ' 't A dispatch from Berlin to the Times says: "The Servian semi-official press are again exceedingly liostile. Turkey demands that Servia participate in the war.' ' ' The actual condition of the Russian mo ney market mav be gathered from the St. Petersburg Pan Slavist Journal, the Nor oye v remya recommending tne uovern nient to raise a heavy foreign loan even at me loss or Tony per cent, ratner man mui tiply paper monev. Even now depreciation ?f paper is so great and progresses so rap- iuiy mat coin has risen 4 to ' o rouDies at the Tchetvert durins the last few days. The rumor of a loan is premature. There have been negotiations for.one, but nothing will be absolutely settled until the war is regarded as inevitable. ; The Times' correspondent who is with the Turkish army, states that" 10,000 men from Widdin have gone eastward to the seat of war.. . The Times' Belgrade dispatch hasthefollowinff: "Despite the assertion f the Russian telegraphic agency that a perfect understanding has been arrived at weea Russia-and Austria 'relative -to Eastern ! affairs,; , there can , b no manner VOL. 1. of doubt that' the Austrian semi-official organs which .positively deny the exis tence of such an understandinsr are correct. and that Austria reserves tof itself absolute liberty of action. " -,'- " A dispatch from Paris to the Times savs: ''The occupation of Jassy by the Russian iruups, wuicn was announced ior nionoay, is connrmea Dy later news. .Every ar rangement is being made to' secure the un obstructed possession of the jRoumania rail way, j A telegram from thej Russian Tele graphic Agency dated Sunday says that the Porte has called on Servia for leave to oc cupy its frontier at Gladovs to prevent the I passage oi the liussians. London, April 23. A Reuter telegram irom fans to-nlgnt states that Prince Or. loff, Russian Ambassador, has received the Gortschakoff circular announcing Rus sia's reasons for declaring! war. He pro ceeded to the French foreign office at 2 this afternoon to communicate the circular j to uuKe uecazes. . lne declaration ot war is expected to-morrow. 1 - The dispatch of the Grand Vizier t Prince Charles of Roumania has produced a great impression. It is believed that Roumania intends to consult the guaran teeing powers as to the course it should pursue. ' ' ' London. April 23. It is rumored in the Lobby of the Commons that the government has resolved to send a fleet to the Suez canal and that Earl Beacbnsfield visited the Queen to obtain Her Majesty's sanc tion. " London, April 23. In! the House of Commons this afternoon ! Hon. Robert Bourke, under Secretary for the Foreign Department, in reply to a question by Mr. Y orster, said a telegram zrpm Air. Layard had just been received, announcing that ' the Russian Charge d' Affaires had been in structed to suspend relations with Turkey. also a telegram from the Cpnsul at Bucha rest, announcing that a snall detachment of Russian troops reached; Bucharest this morning. r London, April 23. A dispatch from! Calcutta states that a serious outbreak of cholera has occurred in Akiak. Twenty- five per cent of the small European popu lation died in 30 hours. I A Dublin dispatch to the Times says: 'Mullaby, the returned Fenian convict. has been invited to contest.the vacant seat for Tipperary. It is expected that he will ! comply." . , f Paris, April 23. M. Thps, a Gambet- ttst, has teen elected to the Chamber of Deputies for Constantine, Algeria. Fire In a Printing Office. New Yobk, April 23. A fire was dis-1 covered this morning in the composing room of the Journal ef Commerce, on Han over street, extending irom lieaver to Pearl, and before the flames were extin guished the two upper floors were burned. The lower floors, occupied! by the Peerless Oil Works Company, Kotirso & iirooks, and other firms, were considerably dam aged by water. The publication rooms and presses of the Journal of Commerce were also Injured by water. lne loss is estimated at $ 25,000. LATER. The fire in the Journal of Commerce buildin? broke out in the! editorial room. which, with the composition, library and files back to 82S, was destroyed. p Army Officers Drowned. i Poktland. Orcffon. April 28. Lt. J. L. Knapp, Surgeon Andrews and post sutler Moore of Fort Canby, left? the mouth of Columbia river for Astoria in an open boat which the wind capsized.! All were un doubtedly lost, j Fraud Discovered. Albany. April 23. Examination into the affairs of the American Popular Life Insurance Company developes fraud and perjury on the part of thej officers. i Death of a Prominent Ittason. Rochester, N. Y., April 23. General ! William E. Lathrop, 83 j years old, died Sunday. lie was a prominent Mason for sixty years and Commander of the Grand Commandery of the United States. ' ' Small-Ioi. " Sax Francisco, April S3. The Alaska brought 950 Chinese with small-pox, and is quarantined. lne small-pox was an epidemic in Hong Kong. 1 Travel Resumed. .Niagara. April 23. -The travel over the suspension bridge has been resumed, the engineers having pronounced it safe. Fallurej. JiDDi4tT0WN. N. Y.. Jlpril 23. Medad Fi Muse, merchant and real estate, failed for $120,000. - J r- Fire in Omaha. Omaha, Neb., April S3. The pioneer block has been burned. The loss is heavy. insurance $ou,uw. , j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 4- JO" O X I C E . Win be sold at the COURT HOUSE In lUleizb on Thursday, the 24th dajof May, 1877, at PUBLIC AUCTION, one-hlf interest in the following tracts of land, situated in the county ot Chatham, to wit : i i - - 1 One tract of land in the txrantr of Chatham, known as the ORE HILL PROPERTY, containing two hundred and fort r-four acres, together with all the EnglneM, Machinery, XooIm and Fixture thereou, and the Mining and Mineral interests in a tract of land adjoining the same, containing seventeen and three-tcntns acres. Also three other tracts adjoining the above on the waters of Bear Creek, known as the Headea, Etbi and laderson Tract, and con- talninK about six hundred acres. Also one tract known a the Willis Phillip Trart, on the waters f Bear Creek, adjoining the lands of O. W. Blalock and others, contain ing about 11T acres. . . Also another tract situated about S miles south west of Ore Hill on the waters of Bear Creek, Hoininff the lands of William Harper and oth ers, containing about SO acres. The mineral de posits in the last named tract 50 acres being re served. . ,,. Alan the followlni lands m Moore county : on tract known as the Hkias Tract, on Haw DmiK-ii vntaintnir about 160 acres. Also two other tracts known as the Chalaim .H Rinaii Trarts. on the waters of Little Pocket Creek and both sides of the old plank road leading from Fayetteville to the uuu, con- in aKAiit 9t arAa 3 j- Also one undivided seventh of six tracts of lank lying on Haw Branch and the W ash branch Thi mIr is made under a decree of tne cir cuit Court of the United States, for the Fourth n i i. ratwn rtiotri.- nf Nrrt)i Carolina. r Kn.umluar lorm 1 S7R thereof, in the SUll OI C. 8. Bennet, plaintiff, against John Creen and William Nisnett. aeienaanss. . TERMS CASII. - ' -DANIEL G. FOWLE, . JOS. B. BATCHELOR, 'ai)?4-tds Tn. - .. . : commissioners. WAX RALEIGH, N. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. Our Dry Uflols Stoct . EVERY ARTICLE , ALOUG THE WHOLE LINE WILL BE BOLD TOXFORMXiY LOW; The Low Prices at which we sell ; " ... DR Y C0O!OS Is attracting the attention of buyers at a distance as is attested by tfee laree aumber f erdera aow receiving, and- . . OUR BUSY STORE is almost . Co us tantly Cro ivded i with ;. Appreciative Buyers, Is the best evidence that can be given of the MODERATION OP OUS PEICES, 'AND TI1E ' CONFIDENCE OF THE PEOPLE IN OCE MODES OF DOINQ BUSINESS. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE STOCK OF Hair, Striped and Small-Check Silks, and New Printed Linen Lawns. ! W. H. R. S. TUCKER. inch 6-tf ' : Raleigh. N. C ; SPRING TRADE, 1877. PEESH AEEIVALS AT V J. P. GULLEV'S, DEALER' IN DRY GOODS, HATS,SHOES -AXD CLOTHING i Tryitte vlllo Street. RALEIGH, N. C. 1 Case 9-8 Cambrics at 10 cts., Prints 5, 7 1-2 and 8 1-3 cts., . Bleached and Unbleached Domestic 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 1-2 cts. These are PRICES TO SUIT THE DULL QlES. Kresh arrival of oar Famous Hani-Male Sloes for (Mem, Which are undoubtedly the PRETTIEST AND BEST EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. Price, 5, 6 to S7.50. Beautiful stock of Lrtclies Fine Slioes. Am airfMit for Frank- Islle'at E.adie Journal Cut Paper Patterns. Sttx-fc on aami. to and BayTHKcrli cf 7ni Xnuj J. P. GULLET. apr 19-tf. !T0"v7 ID TH3 And T. 1. LOADER'S - Fayetteville Street, In tne place to order your SPRING SUITS of CLOTHING-, He has returned from New York with a larse anu one 01 tne most attraciire stocss oi GENTLEMEN'S WEAR Ever offered to the Raleigh public FRENCH AD ENGLISH CLOTHS, DOESKIX, FRENCH, ENGLISH AXT GEE MAN CA8IMERES. i BLACK & BLUE FLAHHELS Of veri Superior Quality. YACHT CLOTHS, LIGHT CASUCEltES FOR PANTS, SHEPHERDS PLAIDS, In short, a foil line of every thing to wear. Prices in accordance with the times, and whole salts, or even any garment is pnt np at at a much lower price than ever before onered. rwoiily tbe most skilled workmen employed. rZHRemember the name and place. TV SI. LOAD Ell, nearly opposite Tucker liau. jicnsv-ti. MILLIKEN'S LINEN STORE, 828 Arch Street, , PHILADELPHIA. , ITEW LUTEN DRESS G-OLS. Our Spring importation of CHOICE PRIXTED LISE5 LA WITS has just been received ex-steamship "Britanic" .. Ladies can nave samples iem oj mau. . NEW PETNTED LINEN LAWNS. Blacx Patterns on white ground, , ,. ; , j Blue Patterns on white ground, Crimson Patterns on white ground, , ' Lilac Patterns on white ground, Brown Patterns on white ground. KOTTENING LINEN LAWNS. White Patterns on black gronnd, Plain Black linen Lawn. - Plain White Linen Lawn, 48 inches wide. , Plain White Linen Lawn, Z6 inches wide. - TOR TEA7ELLING SUITS- Plain Flax Colored Linens, M Inches wide, at 20, S3, 88. 31. Sf and 40 cents per yard. , Plain Navy Bine Linens. " Plain Black linens. Checked Linens, natural flax colors. '' Also, Household linens of every description. Linen Handkerchiefs, Ac- Ac. (STQualities always reliable. . ii ices aiwj rcaauuawicBj GEO. MILLIKES & SON, . linen Store, 82 S Aiea Street, apr 19-eod-tm. PHILADELPHIA. Merctat TailorM 1 m C TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1877. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. S. D. HABRIS0N, ; WHOLESALE AND :; ' - RETAIL GROCER Corner Fayetteville and Martin Sta, .1 RALEIGH, M. C. , ! . FRESH ifGOODS. CUBA MOLASSES, GOLDEN SYRUP, IK11 ArriKS, HAXJJVWIN APPLES. DRIED BEEF HAMS. . MMa PIO HAMS.; MACKERELS, - HERRINGS. ., i COD FISH, ... . CUCUMBER PICKLES, i . - t i kiuk, iiuminx and u KITH, ...j , , . SOAPS AND STABCn, v, -i v. ...r-. KEROSENE OIL,"" ; . r , . PURE CIDER VINEGAR, AND A NIC! AXTICLI OF HONEY TN TIIK COMB, All low for CASH, at S. D. HARBISON'S. apr 6-fim G OOD ADVICE! In the Shakespearian play of Hamlet, Polo nium gives the following advice to his son Laertes a mere youth that was about to depart on a ton through France: " Costly thy habit as thy nurse can bur. but not expressed in fancy ; rich, not gaudy, for the ap- parei on ruciauua uie man. This was sound advice. No one can deny it therefore I call the attention of the general pub lic to the fact that I am prepared to fit up " HABITS." "ETCH HOT GADDT" ana NOT as costly as the purse can buy. My stock of ENGLISH AND FRENCH Scotch, English and American CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, &c.9 fce., Is LARGER THAN EVER BEFORE, and HAltG AINH, he like of which were NEVER OFFERED BE FORE, are now offered. Only the MOST SKILLED WORKMEN employed. Merchant Tailor. FIRST FLOOR HOLLEMAN BUU DING, nihi-Sm. 8 A I, E o r THE ERA NEWSPAPER, TYPES, ETC By JAMES J. LITCHFORD, Auctioneer. By virtue of a deed in trust recorded in Book s. p. 141. watte Registry. 1 will, on tuuksuax. the 86th of April, 1S77, expose to sale at public auction, at the Court House door in Raleigh, the following property, used in the publication of TMJSra newspaper, to wit: One Campbell Press, Six cases of Minloa Type, Four cases of Head Type, Six cases of Bourgeois Type, One case of Nonpareil Type, One ComDosinsr Stone. Ten Brass Galleys, and all other Fixtures and Furniture appertaining to Th Era office, to gether with the name ot said Era newspaper and its good will. Terms casn. j. a. hill, March S2-td ' Trustee rrHE BUFFALO L.ITIIIA WATERS A ' W TBI PECULIAR MALADIES OF WOMEN AND OTHER FORMS OF CHRONIC DISEASE. Some of the most eminent medical men of the country pronounce these waters "WELL-SIGH SPECIFIC in most of the PAINFUL MALADIES PECULIAR TO WOMEN, DY8PEPSIA, NEURALGIA, LIVER AFFECTIONS. CHRONIC DIARRIIiEA, PARALYSIS, GOUT. RHEUMATISM, ASD tS DUKASEtS OF THB KIDNEYS A!TD BLADDER, they are second to none of the celebrated mineral waters of the world, and in some of the diseases here enumerated they have accomplished benefi cial results as remarKawe as any or record. whether of mineral water or medicines. This claim is emphatically attested by those whose statements defy Imputation or question. Testi monials sent to any address on application. The waters are put np in cases of one dozen half-gallon bottles at $5 per case, invariably In advance. ; THOMAS F. GOODE, , Proprietor Buffalo Litbia Springs, vi ?& 14-tf w HETHEB xOt7 WISH TO BUT OR SELL, Communicate Wltli xts. Orders for MERCHANDISEhave the advantage of bottom figures in thiaTnarfcet. Consignmenu of PRODUCE have oar best ef forts. cick amd raorrrABLB kbtuxms. We handle all descriptions of Merchandise ex cept Liquors. Orders for car loads ox SJLIT AXtI 3IOLA88E8 have special attention. Lowest rates of freight secure u. w e nanuie . ... HAYAL STOEES ASD COTTON, :. Aa well as .. WAX, ; 1 TALLOW, HIDES, POULTRY, EOXiS, ' : DRIED FRUIT. -. - GRAIN, ONIONS, POTATOES, . . APPLES. . PETTEWAY 4c SCHC LKE.V, Brokers and Commission Merchants, feb S0-3m ' wnmlngton. N. i CKICVIVTITSAE. CIIE3I1CA Fi. BEST OFFEB YET! We will furnish the following Chemicals, suffi cient to make a ton of Fertilizer, for $10 cash, or one hundred and twenty pounds of cotton, pay able the first of November next : '. Nitrate ef Soda, SO pounds. 7 Sulphate of Ammonia, SO do. Soluble Bone Pnosprtate, 200 do. ' . ' Now ready for delivery. McMicm & Guiicir. March 20 tf NEW ADVEIiTISEilENTS. HEW GOODS. . GRASD OPENING OF. A , ' SPKING GOOIDS 1 FOIl 1877 ATC A. GEiEEGH'S. ''- i- 1 ' 1 ' ' ! '- mm CrowJ tleTirsTlaj MmissioD Free. CROWD INCREASING DAILY-HOC FILLED FROM CELLAR TO GARRET. Goofls BonUit liy tlie Pactase from the Importers and Manufacturers, under very favorable circumstances, and will be sold at astonishingly low prices. BUSINESS IS THE WATCHWORD. Every salesman Is engaged In selling and dis tributing goods to my numerous customers at hard-pan" prices ; and just here allow me to say, that on the Tta day of October, i860, hoisted my little mercantile flag, and although small and Insignificant in size at the time, it was then, and ever has been since, backed and sup ported by the indelible motto of 'rc 'iR XT T Which time has failed to erase; KLPBESEST 18 100DS AS THEY ARE. LIVE AND. LET LIVE. ; That flag has gradually Increased in size and speed, with its motto universally endorsed, and waves to-day with its motto ahead of competi tion. . ; :, . The political campaign is over, the result fc known : the excitement is over. So now com' the excitement amongst DRY GOODS. READ. JUST RECEIVED T&& yards Calicoes at 3 ctw. pur yard. ... - i , . 19,639 " " " 7 " " 38,476 " "8 1-3 " " 9,3S7 yards ST Inches wide, GRASS CLOTH, at 1 0 centa per yard. These are the Cheapest goods ever offered in this market. In fact my whole stock will be gold so correspondingly cheap, my customers cant help to appreciate the bargains. And here take notice that I Hars no Parta in Maes to divide profits with, and am fully prepared to meet quotations. V , , . . j w I am the man to make prices, so unlock your coin that has become defaced from age, and start to CREECH'S, unwrap and unfold your greenbacks, that you have had laid away to buy cheap goods with, for now Ik the time. COtK TO CltEECII'S. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. To Country Merchants: I have taken special pains to make thU De pnrtn.cn t complete, and the stock In this de partment is unusually large and attractive. Come and see me, I have Special bargains for you, and claim to do yon good and save you money. apr-ui As.. CREECH. A. HI, NOBLE, OF SELMA, N. C, WITH WILLIAM DEVRIES & CO., Importers and Jobbers of FOREIGN . AND DOMESTIC DBY GOODS AND K0TI0 US. 31 W. BALTIMORE STIKT, i Behveen Howard and Liberty, feb2t-3m BaitlinMre. GOOD OFlER. The subscription list, title and good will of the Fayetteville Wide-Awake Is offered for sale or lease. The True. Pr. and Fixtures can be rented on reasonable terms. Address - H. L McDUFFIB. Editor. AFR.ti2th.lS77, tmV'C- ; THERE'S MILLIONS IN IT!! BURLARraiTRAORDirJA UiissM Effort to MM first National Bant of Co?lnton in 1875. SEND FULL DETAILS OF THE WELL feb-ly , NO. 134: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. he Most ettractive aleigh Store in WIkMb ani Retail Heayy andlFancy Opposite the New Post Office. ; HAVE THE LARGEST AND BEST FIRST- lass Grocery in toe City, and . . i ? GUARANTEE SATISFACTION - j in prices, quality and promptness. All I ask Is an examination ana atrial to be convinced, v , Iflftve partial list of articles, as my stock is too large to enumerate, and aak an order : TEAS . . BLACK, OOLONG, Y. HTSON.' IMPERIAL and G. POWDER. .' -J COFFEES -7 JAVA, LAGUYRA, and RIO. Good ROASTED ana ukuljnd also in stock. SUGARS A. (STANDARD, IDEAL A., C. EXTRA CRUSH- ka, n x. v ana uuaa clated. - : " BACON CLEAR RIB MDBS, N. a SIDES. N. C. HAMS andMiOlLDKKS. Best CANVASSED HAMS. BEEF . LARD Dried Beef and Dried I Best Refined LARD A iteei Tongues. . SPECIALTY. FLOUR All Grades: ROYAL RACINE, BALTIMORE fiiTKA, WXANOKJfi and PATAPSCO. MOLASSES- GOLDENJJRIP, SYRUP and CUBA. CANNED GOODS Fiesh Peaches, and S ft, Tomatoes, 9 and 3 & run Appies, rumpKin ana Apple, corned xseer, uevuea mrKey, Tongue at and Ham, Roasted Beef, Chicken and Mutton, Hock Turtle ior soups. Also, Veiretablea. Fresh Lobsters, Fresh Salmon. .Sardines and Mushrooms. -' BOTTLED GOODS- ' Pickle, Gherkins, Chow-Chow, Mangoes, Lea & renins- sauce, saiaa on, Fruit sauce, Jellies and Orange Marmalade. - MUSTARD BOX and FRENCH MUS BUTTER f ALWAYS on HAND, TARD. CRACKERS- Mllk, Soda, Cream, and Albert Biscuit, Ginger Auts, and uuiger finapa. , I SPICES rain and Gronnd Pepper, Mace. Cloves. Cinna- mon and Nutmegs. . CONFECTIONS - Oranges, Lemons, Cocoanuts, Currants, Raisins rrunea, rigs, port-isneii a unonas, Eng lish Walnuts, Filberts, Pecan Nuts, German Chocolate . ' and Bakers' Chocolate. ' CANDLES SPERM and ADAMANTINE. ; . TOILET & LAUNDRY SOAP- fine lot of TOILET SOAPS which will-bear in. apection and be sold cheap. STERLING, BABBITT'S CHAMPION and EUREKA Laundry Soap. Corn Starch, Tapioca, and Pure Starci. A Choice lot of . . . , .. . FORM AND DOMESTIC WINES. : also Cooking WInos, to. CJiampagne Cider by thegaUon for families. Fine Cigars and Choice Chewing Tobacco. Do not fail to call and examine mr rtPnHiro stock. I have experienced clerks who will be iuuueu to see vneir inentts ana old customers: SALESMEN i 8. MOSELEY. J. f. Bxcxwrra T. B. ANDERSON. Accept t nan Ks for rast favors, and i iim tn uicin wuuuuuw in nn oy sinci attention to Dusiuess. - itespecuuily, rncha ly JACOB niGGS. N O X I C E As the Spring is at hand I call ih att.nri . 11- . . ..w.M 1 I STONE VA8EH, Sin ?nC5 metery purposes. Cheaper j MOULD STONE CURBING ior cemetery lots. Cheap as WOOD jianniacinrers or the STONE BURIAL VAULT. kept constantly on hand by myself and rr j Brown, Undertaker. . J aa ?.'. I OI11IB IN MAIIIE AID ST0II T0MIST0RES, , Mantelpieces dbe. I Yard and office on Fatxtteviu e Stbkrt next door to Standard office. bxbt, l - Bespectfully, . teb8 W. O. WOLFE. BSASS AITDIEONS AKD FE2TDEB WANTEI1 4piU,rof Andirons and a Brass IUUIjIJ Fender, for which a good nrlce will PJ1y must be old-ftsMonedTnS inood FOR t I ' - LAID BUT THWAETED PLAIT HALL'S -tyu-f i M Safe ; Eesists the attacks of the most skUful Burglars of the age, with their wonderful and modern appliances. - , ; , . , T. H. BEIGGS & SONS, j C0L3 - AOTlITOi - RALEIGH. PRICES GUARANTEED.- SAMPLES ON EXmBaTi6x.il MPS SMm m m i k ! CORRESPOSDEKCE SOLICITED. R ATES OF ADVERTISING. : One Square (I inch) one day,............. oo u M. two " .1 1 60 " - ' . three) ....'..;...::;; soo . four -...'..iJ 'i so ....'five .,r .'i.:..;.:3 ,oo , r. ..iz v.f eo Contracts for advertising, lor any space ortl ue may be made at the office of The Observer, Fisher Building, Fayetteville j Street, Raleigh, North Carolina. -' - ' NEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS, M Avon's OFFICE. r.;i 1 " RALEGff, N. OVJttarcn ?T,18;T. Registration Books are now open at this office in accordance wih law. ,. - . ,: '- B. C. MANLY, MchT-tf. ' ' , Mavor. TIIOUOIJ3IIBREl STOCK FOIX SALE. ., I My thoronghbred BERKSHIRE BOAR (Aaron Burr) In fin working order. - Also B Sows, I halt Berkshire a, and S Chesters,wiM be fold sepaxate- 1. r.w In o , . . I " R. B. 8ATJOTERS. FeblMI ' ' RHISTEAB JONES, ATT0S3ET & CODdLOR AT MW RALEICH, NVC. V Practices in an the Courts; State and Federal. - tyotTloe in Adams Building, on Martini street. janss-iy. . i , rpo THE BEREAVED X . , - , . JOHN CATT01, of Kalcigh, offers til fine stock of ' MARBLE TOMBSTONES for LESS THAN 60ST. r the next' thirty daj If you want cheap work now la your time.' aprs-gm ...... ... A CARD. We, having been informed that lt is being cur rently and maliciously reported to our custom ers "that wk ARK TUB ABETTORS OP, jlMD 1N COIAU8ION WITH THK IN FORMERS TO THH RXVS- kui offickbs," who are now seizing alVcoN tbaband" tobacco, take this method of Infcra- ing our irlends and the trade generally,; that such reports are 1 - '- VTTEItLV FALSE. We positively assert that we neither know, have sees, nor had any correspondence with any such person nor " havx pais them to drum" for us, as. is ao BASELY REPORTED. We have sufficient tJ do In attending; to our own legitimate business, without troubling our selves with what others do. .' ,' i ..- HAMBUUUEU BROS. . Norfolk, Va., AprU 20, 1877. , : 1 " . 'y apsj-tw IF" Tarboro Southerner and 4 Washington Echo copy one month, and send bill to Hambur ger Bros. .,t -, .:. j ' . , , LAW BOOEO BECKNTLY PCBL1HHED BV LITTLE. BROWN & CO., STORY'S COMMENTARIES ON EQUITY JURISPRUDENCE. Twelfth Edition. With Notes. By J. W. Ferry, author of "Perry on Trusts and Trus tees.'' S vols. Svo. Sheep.-$12.W). I BISHOP'S COMMENTARIES ON CRIMINAL ... ; , . r . law. ; fcixm Edition Revised and greatly enlarged j vois. evo. sueep. aiz.uu. GREEN LEAF ON THE LAW OF EVIDENCE. Thirteenth .Enmoir, carefully revlsfd,' with large addltious. By John wUderiMay. a vois. avo. sneep. sis.uu. WASHBURN ON THE AMERICAN LAW Or REAL PROPERTY, Fourth Edition. By Hon. Emory Wbiiiburn. sveis. vo. &ncep. sis.oo. ANOELL ON LIMITATIONS Sixth EomoN; Bt Joseph K. AmreJI. Revwed and greatly enlarged by John Wilder May., svo. neep. sa.oo. BIOELOW ON ESTOPPEL. Second Edition. A treatise on the Law of Es toppel, and its Application in practice. By Melville M. Blgelow. Svo. Sheep.j $8.00. POMEROY'8 REMEDIES AND REMEDIAL RIGHTS BY THE CIVIL ACTION, ' According to the Reformed American Procedure. Adapted to use in all the States and Territo ries where that system prevails. By J. N. Pomeroy, LL. D. 8vo. Sheep. $4.(W. REDFIELD ON THE LAW OF WILLS. Vol. L Focbth Edition. Embracing! the Ju risprudence of Insanity; the Making and Construction of Wills ; and the cflect of Extrinsic Evidence upon such Construction VoL II. - Trots Edition. Containing De vises, Legacies, Testamentary Trusts. Svo. Sheep. $3.00 per vol. t SCHOULER ON THE LAW. OF PERSONAL , PROPERTY. ,. . j , ' : Vol. II. Embracing Original Acqnisltton, Gift, Sale and Bailment. By James Schouler. Svo. ; Sheep. 16.00. -. j. . SWELL'S LEADING AND 8ELECT CASES ON THE DISABILITIES INCIDENT TO IN FANCY, COVERTURE, IDIOCY. With notes by V. D. Ewell. Svo. fSoi , - SMITH'S PRACTICE PROCEEDING J LS THE t 1 . ... PROBATE COURTS. j . ' i Thieo Edition. 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A Digest of the Deci sions of the various Courts within the Uni ted States. Being the Annual Digest for - 1S75. Edited by Benjamin Vaughan Abbott., Royal Svo. . 8hecp. $S.0flu a . . j. u j oa 1 - 231 Washington Street, s : . - BOSTON, M ASS ''-r' ' I ap XfATIONAL HOTEL BAR AND BILLIARD . XV. i 'SALOON.'--Vwt'- The best of Wines and Liqiior Always on - i l ry, ' -Jland. ' ; I : ' ' Two Superior Caivm Billiard Tables In flrnt- ' class order, WALKER MOORE, mch T tf. rropiietor. j

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