BY P. M. II ALE and W. L. SAUNDERS. I-jblislied Dallj (except Monday) and Weekly, IUTK8 OF 8PB8CRIPXION IN ADTANCK. Daily, one year, mail postpaid, six mouths, " " . three Weekly, one year, mall postpaid, six months, To city subscribers The Observer win be de livered dally at twenty cents per week : seven- t,.flve cents per montnj two dollars for three BY TELEGRAM. f i:epoi'TED BY ina associated peess. Latent Telegraphic Advice from the ; Neat ol War. ' Constantinople, August 7. A camp of 70,000 men is being formed near the capituL A corps of observation has been pent to the mouth of the Bosphorus in consequence of the Russian steamer Con stantine cruising thereabouts. ' Admiral Hornby, commanding the En- dish fleet at Iiesica Bay, has visited the fortifications at Gallipoli. Sibtova, August 7. The Turks are sliowing 'no disposition to follow from , l'lovna. , if . '!."'' . ' The Russian order to retire on river (tenia . has been countermanded and the Russians have taken positions held before the battle of Plevna. Prince Schackos koy's i headquarters are at Poredin and (Jen. Ivradener's at Tirstinik. They have entrenched their front and are able now to thwart any attempt of Osman Pasha's ad vance. . - " '' Coxhtaxtixopi.k. Aug. 7.' The Porte determined not to retain more than 10, (K)0 men in Thessalia and Kpircirz. Con siderable force lias been sent thence al ready to AdrianopJe. ... The Tim? Slmmla special confirms the report that the Russians have evacuated Kuzaulck, which i has been occupied by Suleiman Pa,sha, r ' . ' TJjc Daily Telegraph' Vienna dispatch says a telegram received there from Bucharest,'- announces that Mehemet Ali and Osman Pasha .have jointly defeated the Russians at Tirnova, with a loss of 15,000 killed and wounded. The Czar has gone hineu ami wuuuuuu. me jZat lias gone hack to Fra'tes'hti. This is Drobablv a l r . canard. . : London,' August 7. 'A Bucharest cor- respondent to the Tinen renorts much sickness among the Russians in Dobrud- selia. . ! ' A Time Belgrade? dispatch says -that orders have been issued for the mobiliza tion -of. first class milif ia within eight days. An Occasional correspondent of the Timtn; at Vienna says a telegram from Belgrade announces that Prince Milan, wlieivat Plaiesti, received permission from the. Czar' to participate, in the campaign. The .Tiiim publishes the following. The Royal Victoria Victualing Yard at ; -Deptiord, are still busy replenish-in-stores which have lately been heav ily drawn upon in order to- provision the garrisons at Gibraltar and Malta, in each of which is now accumulated ' food suiflcient for the niaintcriance of a large army for twelve months. . j ! A Rucharcst dispatch to the Times sava there is some "want of provisions among 'the troops between Sistova and Tirnova, on a count of the difficulty in procuring wairons to transport ! the supplies bryond the depots along ,tho Roumanian side of the river. ' .! "... :,' . I nder .head of i military intelligence, the New York Gold! and Stock Exchange to-day publishes the following:, "I.ondox, August 71 A dispatch from ( onstantinople saysJ "In a' naval engaae- in, "ii uic -oiimiiu river me l urkisn iron clads attacked seven. Russian gunboats '.and destroyed two" of 'them." A cable dispatch from Belgrade Aug. 'uh says : '-The Skuptchina before Pro roir;iti,m decidetl to i continue payment of trihute to the Porte. . . ('ONSTAXTISOH.E, Aug. 7.-Mukhtar I aslm telegraphs August 5th: One thou sand Kahipack horsemen have defeated t wo Russian battalions with three guns, at Irnireapon, near Ardahan. I.oril Salisbury' Speech. London. Aiif. 7 At. n r!nnumoi;l.o iiionstrutiun at Hatfield yesterday, Lord ment was created last night. A large num ;iihi)ury in a speech made tbe following berof men marched through the streets, reference to v the ffovernment'n fnreio-n headed bv drums: .fee. Tliw'worn Aa jmiiy: We - earnestly dfnrpryitl this -?V:r. Ae are the allies aud frieoda of ''th contending parties. We desire our iu utnility not only to be neutrality of "act !t of speech. - But I will ask you to be-I'l-'ve-that .while We are thoroughly con vmced that the patriotism of Englishmen we need to: appeal; to it is equal to buy mnpmvy, and will shrink before no sac : "ft.' which the interests or honor of the j-ountry may lU nuuul, we feel in all its in ;;nsity that horror of he crimes and.calami- of war which this country has always ";hi honorably distinguished for enter jaining. -.-'-- : l-ft us earnestly hope the two objects ''ing as we ' sincerely believe in no wav ' hyergent that we shall be able to conduct lis country through all difficulties without renchmg ln the faintest degree on its la UTcsts or honor, and without Inoin w . "ic uionieni tne priceless peace." . ' . .;'. M CM rt rvl - . . , . " V t blessiDg of . Ixrd Sandon also spoke H r!1 that he trusted whcb the moment ofseSe: . nent comes we shall; all bear in mind that lUs the greatest interest of EnMand ' tbt every country hi the world should ;le prosperous, and .that if" TnV .n ry runs thet risk of beL miha ed, we shouU t,y to prevent the" nmuhation whethe it shouM bl the as sailant .or the assnile,! ..t vLl".,as JVJn. in my opmirtn. has htn ,T " lilt of European powers in tne mst o only of reS! iusieuu oi askinr tli T.,,1, t ins t- " i -v uu me people Qt Mist Emnirp- .i , Ve . , i- i " """.i iiicv oe urusps Uce. iiahommedans or Christians. J ud se Webfy Hid. - liiRtP ' AuSVst "-Judge West's t ' l or the Cpmm.unebf Ohio is aS follows: un.i !pLad ofllcer and never was unu r. ycr will be. I holdno railroad bonds r ra h oad stocks that my interests should mcnt bond8 and I never did and niver vSVJ?" I hoId bank stock and fi illv t and never expect to, and finan tffi SUSpcct-that I! am about as impar. Ollt fi r iOUUl ns UUti Willi- wees possibly can be." Adjudged a Bankrupt, l)ro'ki "TOker, o ji i ," . t . er o ji V' r,; - vanesu. aiarti a wy, ass oeen adtudced -rui)t on his nwn not if iv TI nkn Pinalrr assets merely nominal. His prin- B Ar e Throckmorton, $19.221 ; James ,500 ' fjWW;' .v J.' Bentlington, Savannah' Flrn Bale. nciTNAn' Au- 7. The first bale of iat Z$rCo'A fCm F10 It was sold for tT by C- J' Mill?r to Joseph' Hull vc cents; .........$8oo j- ..i'..' . ) '1 i All )H I - H I ! 7 I Ir ' .41 H - .11 H.I . !r s I1L ' ! 4oo i v iLUAVr . r )vr Jin iv mw u.. ivv i ; ,-. " ........... am . 35fe T . ...n,. i.. i tvv- irJJyjr Ay. XW, Ay 'AW , . ..-.. I TQ Jj 2 ' Washington Items. i.-V T vj , AU- 5 m curious tnat in Aaministratirm riwiM w u ""'"'"" "uunflee ior uovernor of Ohio is cnaractenzed aa tv ' nrrt,f the party to carry. He' Is a member of the church and of sober habits. ; ''-' The schuetzenfesf may have: demoral ized US ' ' i ' : - ' : .' . - - " Secretary Sherman will entrust to assist-' " liSf McUornuck the management or the Treasury for August. 1 After Satur "syCTetary Sherman spends the balapce i he case of the United Stto tm t 18 mt for 3rd Monday in Sep-' u unuerstooa tnat similar suits will be brought against other parties. ' ; . MmQT0 7- The Bureau of btati8tics. renorts for f lip. fial jJfine 30, 1 1877: Exports $m,m,Q00; imports f 451,250,000; export coin and bullion for the same period $56, 125,000 ; raP"8 40,750,000,. against exports of f 50,500,000,- imports $16,000,000 for the previous year. Formal application has been made' at - the State . Department from the Samoan , Government for pro tection tq enable them to maintain their independence. A similar application. vvua mime io ueen victoria, Jtlmpress of xuuict. iue matter was discussed in the vaoinei io-aay, but bo action taken. i ue aoinet aecidefl at tlift aiir(rpct;r.n' f General Hancock, that a laro-P portion of the armv be retainpd TW of the Mississippi. Also decided that war vessels now ancnored off this city return to the North Atlantic Fleet. Plymouth Uuron, and Swatara sail Thursday or Fri- Cabinet i ordered issuance of . funeral nr. der prohibiting sale of arms and ammuni tion to Indians. The order does not ar T T a: .1 fij iu inuau lemiory. VirKinia Slate Cvnmervative Conreii- nun, Richmond, August 7. -The excitpmpnt over the meeting of the State Conservative Convention to nominate a Governor to morrow is intense and it will be the, West State political gathering ever held in Vir ginia, , various counties and. cities bein- ac cicuueu in tne aggregate with over 1,400 delegates. It is estimated that the Con vention win. number over one thousand. avery train unngs large . numbers of ueiegates. ine triends of five, can- uiaaies are working earnestly. Tho Pnn- vention will probably be in session several days, as there will be quite a contest over the delegates from a number of counties which send a double delegation. It is im possible to state whowill be the successful candidate. Hon. John W. Daniel and Gen. AVm. Mahone will lead but neither has strength enough t to secure a nomina tion, on tlie first ballot and probably not at all. The friends of Gen. Taliaferro, Hon. F. Wm. Holliday and Gen. Fitzhugh Lee each claim that their favorite will Lave to be taken1 up as a compromise man. Prob ably some , man not yet named may be brought forward and receive the nomina tion on the compromise plan. The Con vention meets at noon: in the Theatre. Cardinal Mm eon i' Circular. Rome, Aug. 7. Cardinal Simeoni has addressed a circular to the Papal Nuncios instructing them to inform the. various governments that whatever modifications may be found requisite in the ceremonies of the next conclave they wilL not be of a nature, to interfere with the rights of Cath olic powers nor lessen the facilities for tlieir exercising them iully and freely. A IVob Arrested. SlIEVAMlOATf. Pa !Anoniaf 7t'vmi. Iersed by the authorities, who arrested forty-seven of their number. It is con fidently believed that most of the strikers in this region will resume work this week. Uitrorcemeiit of Kciwc Latr f New York, Aug., 7; The excise law is still being enforced, .and arrest of liquor dealers are constantly j taking place. , Over two hundred liquor dealers were arraigned in the police courts jto-day, and held in $100 bail each. Bad was furnished in every case. j Hank Ueceivtlr Appointed. Sr. Louis, Aug. 7J Judge GoUschalk of the Circuit Court, ihas appointed L. E. Alexander, formerly Cashier of the 31er cantile Bank, receiver of., the Columbia Life Insurance Company of this cityt the Instituti6n having been declared insolvent. .' - 'mt m m ; ; '.Democratic Victor r in Alabama. Selma. Ala., Ausr, 7. The Democrats in yesterday's elec- carried Dallas county tion bv SOO malontv.' In the Presidential election this county gave the.Ilepublicans more than 4,000 majority. Yesterday's elec tion was the most peaceful and quiet ever known here. ; j ......v; "' ' : - .; A fleeting: of Emperorn. Salzburg, Atig. t, Emperor William has arrived here and will go. to Ischi to morrow to meet the (Emperor of Austria. . Receiver Appointed. v Chicago, August! 7,A Receiver has been appointed for "The Protection Life Insurance Company." : . - Cnla, Heinforceiuent. .P Augusl 7 T1 first installment of J,000 men for the reinforcement of Cuba will leave Spain August 15. NEW; ADVEHTISEMENT& THE HORNER SCHOOL, ' V: ;Ji C. HORNER, 'v yJ;: JJ;;'!'J' - ' THE FALL SESSION" BEGINS JrLY nl 1ST I. For particulars address the Principals! Jy2-!tW. y. v -j , .; - Snperior Conrtrffnilford ' Counts. N-, -WILSON aod CHAS. E. SHOBER, iHnFi. "gainst TnE BANK OK THE JKTn bAROlJNA, B. F. MOORE an4 others, Defendants, i . . . . ; "KIPU"B of rodgment rendered ta ike above entitled action at , Spring Term, jsiv. X ers of the Bank of the State of North Carolina. K ra,aWf of the,r claims before .'.!; ' - , i " a - - 111 ' : ..'..:' ,:. t .n, ' -' '-i ".!! ;.' . ; , ,. ' . !7. .. . . ..: ' " I RALEIGH; NEVY ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice; D EPA RTMENT OF THE ISTERIOIt, k, ; , l 'Jrashington, p. e., June 11, IS77. Notice is herelv given that after Jnn'e 30,' fSTT, air pensioners of the United States; whethef ""'J?.1 remumjr m tne Mates of Virsriniaj West , VwgiHia, Korth CaroUna, and Tennessee; will be i paid their pensions , at the Agency at ' . Very respectfully-, J. A. RESTLY, ' ' ' v. - '.Coormiseioaer. - H;S;.f CHSion A?eDt Knoxvilley Tenn.' ' QIRCOT COUST 4TH CIRCUIT. ... , Cneteb States nr jtvnmi ' ' ': '" "' Batten District of forth Carolina, f 111 -E9ul V Harvey Terry, for himself and all other credi- . 1Be i Clarendon, against John wwmuuij xi. j.iiiryana otners, stocfchold- iw oaus. yi viarenuon. in pursuance of a decree made in the above enwiwu suit at , June term, 1877, 1 hereby give notice tp the creditors ana bill-holders "of the rsanit of Clarendons tn nmunt Mim. ,Z l a1'rhJ.on or before ilOXDAY. the 1st '!?y 0i;TBER, 1S77. - No proofs Trill be re- - uh.-y -,, OE0. K..SUEDES, . -r. 'C - Comnitesioner. ra.rfiieviue vazeru. WUm nrTnn Xtnr Wil. ..iHswunw copy onee a week for mix week. !4nn uaml l.lll tn tkA . ' " dvuu. mil m mf voiiiiuisaioner. aug 4-lawtiw : , THE GENERAL LAND AGENCY ' '....'. . 6f ' CALIFORNIA. IXOHI'ORAir.n A PHI I,, 1S76. CAPITAL STOCK $1,000,000. 403 i California Street, ' J- XlA. jN CISCO Has FARMS and other REAL ESTATE of all ueacriptionii throughout the State of California to sen. Uaa a truhtworthy Af ent at the county ei vi eacn county. The m"t comprehensive r 1 1 n" 118 aim wcotie equally .I'Ublisll t.lio TADUrDC rinnr nnnw iH '"l,'uv' vuiKH, giimii ine linesi mioima- HOMES. IN CALIFORNIA Describes each county and various nseful items IT ;5,erece. Accompanied with a map of the rUii coat. Kttce is cents ner coov. Pitutnim Oeo. LiJB)8, President. w. is. fim-HBR, Mce-Pres. and Manager. t ' u:W n ' vT- S!retary. ang i-w3i JOHNSTON MALE & FEMALE ACADEMY. THE EXERCISES OF -THIS SCHOOL WILL be resumed on the fitli AitguRt. Ternw per Session of Tweuty Wt-eks. from ti ,, pnr B. W. YOUNC,, Principal, Leachburg, N. JylT w4tp(J. c. RICHMOND ACADEMY, At ICoekiugli&m. UicliiuondCo., JJ.C. THIS ACADEMY NOW DESIRES A TEACH er of experience and ability. Nn uniar tu u,'-"i iiiusuuKiuj. coin peieni man can get a paying school by givmjr ft his attention and making it worthy lof patronage. The locality is ..(To.wl !..... l...'i. v.1 . a neauny one, ana is easy of access. Applicant wui currespoim wun ine Secreturv. Tho nvt bession win open aoont tne 3rd of September WILLIAM J. EVERETT, ' JylT wlm d j Secretary of the Board. UNIVERSITY 1 OF- NORTH CAROLINA. The next Sessioh of the fniversity will bejun Tlmr-Mlay, Angukt 30lli. Candidates for lmiSsion 'shonid, if possfble, present themselves for examination promptly on the morning of that day. For eatalojnwgj'.fcc., apply to Prof. Geo. T. WrKPTos, Se-retary. Hejip i. ii.Vrn.K, ' ' , I PUKSIDKNT. Cnapel IliU August 1st, 1SI7. , J aug 4-d2tawU f AXD Business College, LILESVILLE, CO.. IT. 0. T'lIK FALL SESSION WILL BEGIN JULY X 30th, 1S7T, and continue 20 weeRs. Insrrntw nun m Jingiisn, (l-aiin, reec,' Matnemattes, ouon-nana neporung, Telegraphy, Music on organ and Book-keeping.. Bard and Tuition in Academy, $T5 to In Hiisin ess College $100. Telegraphy and Book-Keeping can be mas tered In one session. For particulars address ' h . . f .. Rtv. N. B. COBB, julyl0-4tw fj Lilesville, N. C. RALEIGH FialiSeiiit, THE FALI TERM OPENS SEl'TEMUElt 4, 1877. BOARD, per moatti, t ,, $ 13 0ft ENGLISTJ TUITION, per term, Por partfcnlara aply for catalogue. 20 00 ... . . M.. F. P. H0BG00D, A. PRIN NCIPAL. ! jnly 6-ltAwtill spt 4. ... d. G.; 1 McMillan, v ; : ' ' v aH"' ; -Hi? ,, , :i 1 ; ; ' MAXJfAQXCRKR Of : . ..; . Turpentine Stills, : , - r (Rear of Wm. Oterby',) s FAYETTEVILLE, N.: u STILLS REPAI8KD IN THE-COUNTRT BY rst class worlimen. 10 good second hand ior eaie;. rromo lajoo gallons. Stills properly These stills 1 offer At panic prices, all in rood order. : - u ,i. ... -.. scuu iur prices ur uut on jane 25-dltiitfwlt. D. g. McMillan. Creek Academy, N. C, AVE DN ESDAY, NEW ADVERTISE3IENTS. JOlfES, ATTORNEY S COUNSELLOR AT LAW Practices fa all the Courts. Stat an vt. ' "e lRAdamBuiMing, on Martin street WHOLESALE GROCERS, SALT and MOLASSES a Specialty. ' ' ' AGENTS FOB : . apf-ly111 9tFMW ObtaiMd. HAY. ABOUT THE . BEST E3I J IT i nai oas ever ueen in Hils inarket. Just tn h.-m.i from Missouri, by fc: Ei!::, . 53 Faycticville Mrcvt, U ATKI i II . IV . New Wheat Flour Of very superior quality, for sale by OATTS JONES As ELLIS. A SMALL QUANTITY OF CLAY PEASE AT , Jones & Ellis' GRAIN AD FEED STORE. july 6-tf w. i nwmim, "WWesale Dealer in ROCKERY 9 ilyei-.-l'latocl W are -AND Honse-Fni'iiisliiiii Wares Generally, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. ESTABLISHED IX Solicits prders from his friends throughout the .state. EKQTJ1EIES FULLY ANSWERED. Small parcels (under 3d pounds) delivered y Express, P"R1CK OF . JPItlLIGHIT ! Cm large parcels, RAILROAD FREIGHT PAID to Cary, Kaleigh or .Wilmington. el3-ly. Atlantic Coast Line PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. WiLKiNGTO.v, N. O, May 3d, 1S77. Attention is invited to tlie QUICK TIME , - ! MADE To All Points : Sorlh v and Ml VIA THIS LFNE. DRS. Jf. 7:23 13:15 15:08 1S:08 21:08 25:47 21h47 37.32 43:32 Coldsboro lo Richmond... , do Washington do Baltimore........ !o lhiladelphia.... do yevf York,......., do Colnmbns, Usu. . do Montjomery.... do Mobile............. do w Orleans . . . coESESPOHBnra guice time TO M Intermediate Points. Trams leave Goldsboro, going TTokth, 12:37 Noon, and loo p. m. Going South, leave Goldrihore 8:15 a m. and 3:23 p. inji --t Pullman. Palace Cars on night trains, and Par lor Cara ob daj trains. - "' A. POPE, may 6 tf - General Passenger Agent. . CiUICVLTUIKAJL C1IE3IICALS. . ; BEST OFFER YET 1 MTe will f urniah tae foUowing Chemicala, suffl ,cient to make a ton of Fertilizer, for $10 cash, or one hundred and twenty pounds of cotton, pay able the first of November nxt: , Nitrate ef Soda, SO pounds. Sulphate of Ammenla, SO do. Soluble Bone Phosp h ate, ; 2 O O do. ' ' - - -- - Now ready for delivery. u McXlCKIX k GCLICK. Marco 20 tf TUOICOUC; IIBKED STOCK: ; FOB : !-. -1 i i ' SiAm ......... ily thoroughbred BERKSHIRE BOAR (Aaron Burr) In fine working order. Alss Sows! s half Bertahlres, and 3 Ctiesters,will be sold aenaraic ly of lna-lot. ' ; . . . -, f , .77: FINE mm Hi) PIJSI 00 AUGUST 8, 1877. ' " - 1 " i 1 1 - ' . . i i ; - ADVERTISEMENTS. FEMALE COLLEGE, GREENSBORO, W. C. ".T'Sc.Sf.J?1 on the per Session of 20 weeks : " v VU w 'ng and lights, $75 00 x uiwmu iu iruuiar r.iiiriicn onnu a- iiaigva rui extra stuaies. or full particulars, apply for catalojrue . N.U. D. ATCLSON. Prp WLSON. Pres. ang 2-ira Board of Trustees. TRINITY COLLEGE. The Fall Term begins SEPTEMBER 5ttt. ann enus January 4. Wnole expense for evervthinsr vimg uuoks ana clothing, $75 to ocu ior catalogue and examine the special adFantages offered. aug 2-daw2w B. CRAVEN. PEACE INSTITUTE, nAM2iGii, r. o. THE SIXTH ANNUAL SESSION COMMENCES N " THE I3th SEPTEMBER, 1877, and continues to MIDDLE of JUNE, 1S7S. Tiwfriii-ti(i ii i T .. .. 1 1 ... nrst-ciass female schools, bv ....wu llt uiaui: its usuh v Tjina-nr in experienceit and aecompllshed teasers. tor circulars and oatalocrnp mvinrrfi! ticulurs a to terms, Ac. atMress " par- kev. K. 15L K ELL & SOX., juiy7-2taw2m-w2m ,Kaleigh, N. C, Thcm&svills Fem&le Collegs. IA VIP SOX COUftTY, c. THli 21ST AXKUAL SESSION BEGINS THE last VVEDNKSTlA V it. ii-ci-- Ti,., Institution offers superior educational advan tages is fully proved by its steadily increasing patronage the nast three vpra f advantages are its peculiarly quiet and healthful """""i "c iiawiuai enrnusiasm in study of its pupils, careful attention to thAir mannnf alg, health and conifoit, a fuiierps of tried and earnebt teachers, an extensive aud carefully ar rangeij coarse ol studv. riir.lnm t.r cm,.t.i studies and for an English course suited to pu pils limited in time or means, are for the full course, and especially errvuiiv rr.l,,, rate;.. . - For Catalogue, address If. v nnvniBT Jy 31-walawdtf irin.tmi SIMOKTOX STATESYILLE, . C. . ,f , 1" UL""'" ii'MUl null r.Ml!n!, I 11 1 III til t-, ik I lii.r uujir.ii i-or circulars with full particulars, address m Ko. is. j. uitANT, Priucii)aL KEFEKENCES : ah irieniis and mi nils nf thn into pmti.. llif .1...1I v . . r w. ...v inu x lVICi53U -uiiA.-n, in ine cniVei-SHV or Nnrt i f'nrnlina jy iii-;m pd. CHOWAN BAPTIST Female Institute, MUIIFKEESBOKO', N. C. rnillsls-ONE OF THE OLDEST ANT) BEST J. furnished female schools in the South. Its large property is mainly the gift of the public; it haa a foil corps of aule and experienced teachprs who are auacneu io me scn(Hj VJS T.i ZS? ing to serve it on moderate salaries; henje it can and does offer the advantages of a 11 rat-class m.iiuin on terms correspondingly the diminished icwnirccs pi our people. Whole charge for the scholastic year, for board and literaTy tuition, in full course, inclu ding Latin and French, $156. Ornamental branches alone are extra. Next session begins lit Wctlnchday in October. For catalogues address jy 33-9t pd. A. MCDOWELL, Pres. HnflBrfori College, 3VOUTH CAItOLINA. Hn.pjy Home, X. O. rpiIE NEXT TERM WILL COMMENCE AF- EUSt. 1st dav. lind clOM( TlwomKar 1tfh ICTT jxidri, inciiKimg an expenses, is from s to $10 iuuui.ii. i union ranges irom fi to 14 mouth, l-'or i.articulai s address jer - , , , , ' R. L. ABEUNETHV, Julyltf. President. St 1, IIL,EIG-HC, 1ST. C. Et. Rev. Thos Atk;in6on, D. D.,) Visi Bt. Rev. Tb.eo. B. Lyman, D. D. f txirs. iRev. Bennett Smedes, A. U., Hector. Mrs. Kale DeIZonet Heir , Lady Superintendent. The 71t Term of thiB school will begin SEPTEMBER 14th, 1877. FOR CIRCULAR ADDRESS THE RECTOR. July 7-3m HOLLINS - INSTITUTE, Botetourt Springs, Va. THE Til IRTY-FIFTH ANNUAL SESSION will open on the lSth of September. Punils are received ror a single session, or a term of years? including vacations. This is the most extensively equipped school for girls and young ladies in Virginia; it is also of longest standing, having witnessed the rise of all ethers. The Faculty, composed of ladles and gentle men of high social position and of different reli gions persuasions, is numerous and able they have no other calling or profession they reside at the Jnctitute, and, urith the pnpils, compose one family, the school being almost exclusively boarding. -The buildings are of brick, recently construct ed, with extensive porticoes and verandas. The improved grouuOa are BEACTiFtx, embracing many acres, with walks, shade trees and ahrui bery. 1 he mineral waters of these Springs and this mountain climate have fine effect in uie de velopment of health: henee, with rare excep tions, pnpils return to their homes improved and invigorated in physical constitution. Tl,e eonrses of study embrace the whole range of female culture, and tie Institute has borne the reputation for many years of the rhost a cu rate and elevated instruction. Music, in all its branches, is THOROCGHiT taught. For board and tuition a single charge of f 240 is made, payable in three equal instalments, at intervals of ninety C ays, the first being due on day of entrance. 'Board" includes room-rent, lodging, fuel, -washing, servants' attendance, table fare and medical attendance. ... "Tuition'' covers instruction in all literary orancnes, including L and Modern. For Music, Pah only, arc extra charges made. ; and Drawing For further oarticuiars. annir tn tho enn .. tendent, ; ; . , Chajs. L. COCKic. Botetourt Springs, Va. ; Refers to the following patrons : F 1 VoL J. M. II eck, Raleigh, jr. C. ' , Col. Wm . M. Kino, Falkland, N ' C ' : -...i ; . CoL J. ft. Pekkiss, rartolua, N. C ' Vir J M- ?W wWt Smith Tille.'N. C. n.SCBLSTT, Esq., Winston, N.C. jyl8 tf k FEMALE COLLEGE Mary's Scloo i i i , i . " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AT .AND , BELOIV COS For SO Days Onlt. I ukijkk TO CLOSE OFT MY, STOCK OF SUMMER CASSIMEEES. PANT GOODS, AND Summer Suitings Generally I will sell, for the next thirty days, SUITS, OR TARTS OF SUITS, As above,-. AT AND BELOW COST, CASH ONLY, IVO W is tlie TIME TO LC'aU early, as , I Mean Busin ess. C. WEIKEL, -uorcliaut Tailor, IloIIoman Builitinj June l-3m. FOlt REM"! UK HOUSE, COHNEIl OF FA YETTEVJI I F j ia,V!abllrra:J s;.rt'L'fii. redently (K-cupied" bv . mil. immediate possess terms, apply to J. J. THOMAS. siou ifiven. rir W.-pou, smithjield. Kaleigli, or E. aug. s-tr. DR. KIIIAHI If. LEWIS, (Late Professor of Diseasosof the Eve nd Ear in the savannah Medical College.) Practice limited 1 ye 'jyisry Evi, l-valeigh, N. C. omce in the Yarborough House. Mciyia wuie .-Hate 'Medical So-let.v, and the vicuntiit .neiucai society. ap24-dw-ly . . jiuoKn.. John Uatlikg. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, RALE Kill, N. C. Practice in State and Federal Courts, jyis tt GOODE HOUSE, tinier Main and Commerce Strerts NORFOLK, VA, Board $2 per Day. JESSE .LU'OCKS, jy 2-dlwAw5m Proprietor. 1(1 HOTEL. BEAUFORT, . C. The Undersigned having leased the above I'OI. LLARMMMER RESORT for a term of vears will have it thoroughly renovated, repaired, ami opened for the accommodation of siicti guests a he may see lit to accommodate, bv Jnlv ihi. IS77. ABANDOFMfSlC has been engaged for the Season. FAST-SAILING BOATS to be had at all times for sailing aud llshing parties. BATH HOl'SK.S for both ladies and gentlemen. SLRF BATHING, as good as auy upon the At lantic Coast. TEN PINS, and "other amusements, for the young. THE TABLE will be supplied with all the luxuries.frmn both land and water. In fact, the Proprietor determines to GIVE SAT ISFACTION to all who may visit him. Terms, 'i.Tn per (lay. Special contracts made with panics winning to remain longer than one week. Ir. K. Iiti:itv. Je-23-2m. Iropri-ior. CENTRAL HOTEL, LOCATED III THE BUSINESS PART OF THE CITY. CHARGES MODERATE. A FIRST CLASS HOUSE, " i Sfiilj EsSttei til hh:iM, W. E. PATTSHS02T, Proprietor, i MIDDLE STREET, Carriages at' tte Depot on Arrival of Trains. 3nnei2-2m. . SeligUMj Situiteinexi to Cr.;t:l IfcAT"EIC5-ri, TV. O. IN THE BASEMENT IS THE BEST SALOON T :7.'';jf A N D- 2 I L L I A?. D "?.0 0 '1 ' ' I N'T EC K' C I T Y , -fi C . iS . B R O W N ; i Proprietor.- FOE ATLANT illiil ' 'i : ' . v' ACCOMODATION EUAL TO & IS -THE 01??. One Sqnare (1 inch) one day,... " Y.two v " " " three" ... " . " " ' glx " Contracts for advertising for any Bpace or time may fee made at the office nr nn nhemrw NO' 71 "er BaUding, Fayettevllle Street, ' Ealelgb, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. And T 1? - i-O-AETtr i ! t it E8TAIILI W I OIENT, ' . : ; ' . Fayetteville Street, I tlie place to order l'owr SPEITO SUITS of CLOTHING, He has retnrnod from -vw Vnn- with and one of tlie most attractive stocks of a large ' C?NTLEMEN'3 WEAR v , ; Ever offered to the Raleigh public. " ' FRENCH AND. ENGLISH CLOTHS. DOESKIN, FRENCH, ENGLISH AND HER MAN CASIMERES.: J Black and. Blue Flannels Of very Superior Quality. . . i ' . . YACHT CLOTHS, LRJIlt CASIMEuES FOR PANTS, SHEPHE11DS TLAIDS, In short, a fun line of every tiling to wear. Prices in accordant with th im. suits, or even any garment ia pnt up at a much lower price thau ever before fforP.i. rr-Only the.most skilled workmen cmployccL Y. lhl Ilcarly opposite Tucker HaM. Jll II ou-ii. - K O . n . II A I a II , BOOKSELLER AM) STATIONER, MARKET SQUAliE, F A Y E T T E. V ILLE. N . C . Keeps constantly on hand a full supply of BIBLES, PRAYER AND HYMN BOOKS, AND ALL SCHOOL ItOdlvH in general use. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF WRITING PAPERS. ENVELOPES. I'.dY PA. PETERIE.S, PENS, INKS, k'ENCII.S. Ac, FANCY ARTICLES. . WORK BOXES,' WRITING DESKS, Orders solicited, and anv book miiibiV iuMit.nirn paUl, on receipt of the catalogue price, lun'Tw,?'' "-"""-''"ded to. COURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. SECURITY AGAINST FIRE. the NORTH CAUOLIXA Home Insurance Co., HA LEI (J II, N, C. rrMIIS COMPANY . A Policies at XNTINi;ttH TO WlilTHI IVIl? IIATEH, on all classes of . Insurable Property. ALI, LOSSES ARE 1 ritOMlTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. THE "II03IE" IS : Rapidly Growin in PaMc Fayor AND APPEALS, WITH CONFIDENCE .-- TO Insurer's of Propertv in North Carolina. C3T AgenU in all parts oite State, . This Company takes risks on property of every character on the moat reasonable, and notwitu standing the large number of louses it lias aus tarned in the paat four yeire, it has never failed to pay promptJy and ou time. IU motU la : , PIIOGUE3SIVE J ' PIIOSPEKOUS ; PKOMPTI AMPLE RESERVE AND GOOD SURPLUS Premiums Cash I POLICIES ZIBEllAL. tir-GUAHD YOUR OWN INTERESTS BY IN SURINO IN THE !l ' R. n. BATTLE, Jr., rresidenf.' ; ; . C. B. ROOT, Vlce-lTeaident. , JOHN I) EVER BUT, Secretary. PULASJU COWPER, Supervox mh 10 U Mercta m n no Irtl Carolina Home