Hr1 P. M. II A LB and W. L. SAUNDERS, .polished Dally (except Monday) and Weekly. rates of ScbsckiptioW 1A5 Ad van ex.' rates or ADVEirnsixa. v a. One Square (1 inch) one day,........... lo .... " " three" $ 1 00 1 E0 2 C ro f 0 Daiiy, one year, mail postpaid............ $ 8 00 .1 e x morniis, UU three " r " a oo ci U ' four " .' Weekly, one year, mall postpaid, 1 .... S 00 iove " six u , six months, " 1 00 I 60 To city subscribers The Observer will be de i vered daily at twenty cents per week ; seventy-live cents per month ; two dollars for three 1 Contracts for advertising for any space or time may be made at he office of ; Th Observer, Observer Building, Faycttevillc Street, Raleigh, North Carolina. "'. . " ' ' . ' VOL. 2. IIALEIGII, N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1877., NO. 74. mourns. j , . r. 1ST TELEGRAPH. f KEr.OKTED BY TIIK ASSOCIATED PKESS. IcrsSIA.'V-TIICKISII AVAIC. rlcjr"IM,,,,! Advice from tlie Neait of War. fccNDoxi August 8. The Time special riateil Sliurnla, August 7, reports that the Russians are concentrating their force on J mi" Kiver. An attack on Itasgrad -is tJiouarht imminent, i Mine Thnei special from Therapia says i'tlia officially reported to the English Em- bossy that the Russians are no liiasidfiof the Balkans. longer on The' Tim' Vienna dispatch contains the following..: ' "According to official news from Constantinople Mehemet Ali in tends to convert Rasgrad into a fortified (imp. The forces concentrated in the neigh borhood of Jlasgrad consist of forty-eight battalions i; of Infantry, 15 batteries and tiKhty-tw68fiuadrcns of cavalry, altogether WQ men. , ' - t ; . The rn:Adpunople'dispatch states that there is appalling misery among Bulgarian and Turkish fugitives from Lski feaghra and neighborliood. There are from 10 to. 15 000, of whom: five hundred are wound ed, and many living -on the road from exhaustion and itarvation. All are desti tute of every neci-ssary of life. . - An occasional correspondent of the Tlum at Vienna tays.that the assertion is untrue that the Kussians have asked Aus tria's permission, to niarch troops through Scrvia.- Jt is now' probable that Servia will spontaneously take, the field to repay Russia for past services. J ;. The news frornLlielgrade does not admit of any doubt tliat cvery measure is being taken to enable tlie Servians to be on the frontier in a fortniglft.. Apparently the fact of the Servian taking the field will be regarded at Vienna altogether otherwise than -had it occurred some days ago. CountAndrassy wilraccord to Russia beaten ninny advantages' he would have had to refuse to Russia victorious: At most he will occupy Bosnia, and thus bar the west ern roads to the Servians. The Tinm Belgrade correspondent says it, is rumored that Austria, with the con 5mt of Servia and Russia, will occupy the western part of Servia. Two high ' Aus trian oflicials have; arrived in Belgrade. The Timen Vienna correspondent states tliat the iivjiev: between Emperors fWH liaiu and Francis; Joseph will be purely private. jo ministers-will be present. The Manchester Guardian's Pera cor respondent telegraphs as follows : Have received dispatches from Varna, stating that Dohrudscha i3 believed to be com pletely clear of Russians. I'auis, Aug. 8. Dispatches to the Jour nal announce that the Czar, has just re dossed the Danube. . sotk The, foregoing may be true with oit having;! any bearing on military, mat tcif, asl'imce Gortschakoll anlthc stall of Rusian Chancellery are at Bucharest. .-; 1 SllllItKCllfet. V vsiiinutont; D. C, August 8. The Sehutzenfest closed with : a remarkable Kpeecli from Simon Wolf, President of tho Verein. It may be remembered that Pres ident i layea, I'ostinaster-General Key and Secretary Schurz trent to the Schutzenfest, mid that Hayes retains Simon Wolf as Re con lor of Deeds, a quite fat office. A bou 'juet, with Mrs. Ilnyes's compliments, also fokmtits way into the, hands of the Schut-en-Kaiserj i .-'( Kx tract from AVol f's speech : ' ' We, catch ing the. spirit that should animate the Capi tal of n great nation, have tried our Ix st to beautify 'and adorn our park so as to make it attractive" ansj a resort for the 1 tetter- elements, l! We endeavor to' make our annual festivities a summer recreation, a week of innocent enjoyment, mirth and jollify, and if our wishes are not always re alized it is no fault of -the Verein, but rather of those ! who take' advantage of the opportunity,'" and thus we have been held j responsible for those citizens who, at, other times and places soem-to bq virtuous and sober, but who will in the Sclnitzcn park throw off their white robes and flaunt through the shady luu.cs, arm in arm with their-fallen chris tian sister, f So notorious has this become that the Verein, in self-defence, will here- ntter publish tho names of every respect a- 'hie person thus ofTcEding, for we have no desire or ambition to be used as a means , . for vieo or immorality.''. ' v- Tramf er A pool u t men t Fain i ne. lioxnos; August 8. Hon. Francis I lunkett. Secretary of the British Lega i ion-. at Washington has been transferred to St, Petersburg; He will be replaced by V ictor A. W. Drummond, at present Sec ret ;uy of the British Legation at Kio De Janeiro. 4 f : . In the House of Commons the appoint ment oi .ur. w m. ii. Smith, one of the joint secretaries of the treasury, as succes- ui.oi iMgnt lion. ueorgeAVard Hunt h irst Lord of the Admiralty, deceased was A Keuter telegram from Calcutta says V..V, oiuiuu ig luuifasing in jiauras. " lajor 1tnnhl(4 Restored Willi llactJ ; fay. v ashinotov, Aug. 9.-Maj. liunklce, who was dismissed from service and sentenced to the penitentiary in 1872, on the findings i wmt iiiaruai,; approved of by Belknap, lias been restorod with back pay, amount ing to, 11,000.- The' proceedings were megai, as the findings should have been approved by the President. ' It is claim- w also that Riinklee convinced President ; Hayes of his innocence. Failure. !.RW Iorkv Aii.: fi; i,TnKinh A. 'But- oi e, dealer in laces and fancv dry eoods. n:i8 fiiilp.1 Liabilities $38,000. Assets r Jpbn II, Stephenson, B. Stephenson and Amos Tennev. comDOsinr the National Company, havtj been adjudged invol- -uuiry -Dankrupts on the petition of their I'rL'ilitnro ii Another Insane Verdict.. CnrCAGO; jL t August 8. In the trjal iror. rike for the murder of S. S. Jones, of the j Religio-rhiloaophical jour- m March last, ithc Jury brought Q a verdict of jtcquittal. on the ground of insanity. 1 Tike was rernaaded to jail to await transportation to the Insane Asylum. Uostos. Auir. 8. Wm. II. AValcott. extensive brick manufacturer, was arrested pn Danvers, Maas.y yesterday charged with ,'urgery walcott acknowledged the crime. uount thought to be $0,000. '. tT '' : j- FOrffery. '-:- v. in I'urvim or tlie Wed Fiends of Hi ITei.en'a, Mon'taxATekeitoky. Auz. 8. -f-llr. AlcCormick, of Messoula, writes to ii.ov. I'otts on the 6th inst.,' as follows: A A - - rt , a uuuner arnvea irom uen. iiowara a; 0 o'clock this evening. He left Gen. How ard Saturday morning last, and thinks that Oen.; Howard will camp near the sum mit between the Lolo and the Monroster to-night. 'He i3 distant about fifty miles from the mouth of the Lolo. The courier reports : that Joseph with more than one-half of his fighting force has gone to the .' head of Bitter Root Valley by the way ;of . the Elk City trail, and will form a junction, with Looking Glass, and White Bird near Ross Hole He says Howard has 750' men and 450 pack mules, and is moving as " rapidly as possible. Advices from the upper Bitter Road Eay the In dians will camp to-night ' in Ross Hole. Gen. Gibbons is following them rapidly. Other advices say that the Indians were still at Doolittfe, sixteen miles above Corvellis,' and that Gibbon was expected to strike them on the morning of the 7th be fore they broke up camp. Tlie Courier says the hostiles have Mrs. Manuel with them as the property of a petty chief called Qucosenilo. Her sai history is familiar to the public. 1 Official advices from ' Winnepeg repre sent Sitting Bull's strength at 1000 fighting men. Sitting Bull makes no secret of his intention of renewing tte war on the Yel lowstone. He is accumulating ammunition by theft and otherwise. North Carolina Crpp Ueport. i Nokfolk, August 7. Thirty-seven re plies from twenty-five counties in North Carolina and Virginia report on the cot tn crop as follows: Seventeen replies re port weather favorable; twenty unfavor able on account of excessive rain and cool nights; eleven report weather favorable; seven about same, and eighteen less favor able than last year owing to too much rain; twelve rerxrt stands about the same ts last year, and twenty-five less favorable owing to coldand backward spring; twenty- two replies report blooming and boiling well, fiiteen not boiling well : four report the condition of the crops about .the same as Ijast year ; thirty-two report the condition ten days to two weeks later than last year the plant being full of sap and growing rapidly. The' plant is reported larger than last year at. this time, owing to the very hot weather and the heavy rains of the last two weeks. A few letters report shedding of bolls and rust. Itvuoiiit lon of 7Iemp1ii 'li:uulcr of Commerce. Memphis, Aug. 8. The Chamber of Commerce last evening appointed a com mittee to memorialize the Secretary of War to place four or more snag boats on light draft work in Arkansas river to remove the snags which have wrecked many boats during the past season. A resolution was passed asking Congress to repeal all duty on cotton . mill machinery, -and also tlie adoption by the general government of a judicious system of levees, outlets and cut-offs for the reclamation and protection of lands on the Mississippi and it tribu taries, and inviting the co-operation of alt towns and cities from Cape Girardeau to Port Eades in this memorial. Arrival of (.en. Martinez Ccmpol M Havana. Aug. 8. Gen. Martinez Com pos arrived at Havana last night privately. No official reception was given him. The General had a severe , fall from his horse near Santiago de Cuba some time ago, but lie received no serious injuries. It is supposed that the insurgent chief. Gasper, Bettancourt, has been killed in an action in the jurisdiction or ruerto rrin- cipc. . JHurdrcr Sulcidcx Tlie Act of Life. Coo I c t Sax Francisco, Aug. 8. This morning Leslie Hanks who killed John K Daily yesterday was found dead in his cell in the city prison, lsy some means unKnown ne had obtained possession of a Springfield rifle, a number! of which had been stored in the prison. Placing the muzzle against his breast lie pulled the trigger with his foot. He left a note saying that his sui cide was the coolest act of his life.. A Crew of A'egroc .Mutinied Maiitua's Vixktakd, Aug. 8. -r This morning a crew composed of negroes of a coasting schooner, at ancnor on uas Bluffs mutinied stole what money was on (board and decamped in the vessel's small boats. They lauded at the Bathing Beach, smashed the boat and departed. . The Cap tain is endeavoring to work, the vessel round to Vineyard Haven. ; Suicide of u Weal 111 r La,dj- Phovidexce. R. I.. Aug. 8. Miss E. Ti Biirke. a wealthy lady of Cleyeland, Ohio, was missed from . her room, in uaniana Beach Hotel this morning, and her body was found iri-Uie Kater bhe probably lumped fpom the second story window of thfi hotel ana arownea ucrsen. dug was in poor health; m r Maine Ueonblicau Convention. BostosI Mass.. Auz. 8.- An Augusta,' Maine. disnateh savs there is great iuterest manifested in the State Convention, ;which meets there tb-morrow. The attendance will be large, and a lively discussion may en sue on the resolutions. It is thouenttne ma jority will fayor strong Republican fesoiu- uons, ignoring me Aummisiruiiuu tuu policy. : . ; . ' I its Washington Items. '' WAsmNGTON, August 8. Jon F. Win ter appointed consul .to Rotterdam. Rear Admiral Leroy sails October 1 5th to relieve Admiral YYorden coirimanairjg the European squadron. . ,; .'".' j . '.;. .- Kev and Devens accompany Hayes to Bennington, Thompson and Schurz nly remain at their posts. - Virginia-Convention. Hichmond August lrCol. Wni. Laird was chosen, itempoiary i chaumanii Aue 1 i; . Un.Ant tvb preliminary proccecungn ore raiiiwt -y degree that may be tailed boistertrjs, w ith a fair 6how. of their becoming frantic.! 4, ,;; , : . . t 1 . K Drowned While Bathingv Skagratb, "August 8.-Wm.' G. Ben nett, of Jhi adeplfla,was drownpd wMle bathin NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. nJIISTEAD JONES, . i ATTORNEY & CCUNSEIXOR AT- LAW; RALEIGH, N. C. Practices In all the Courts, State and .Federal ; Saomce in Adams Building, on it artni street ;jan2S-ly. , A fiUICUITURAL ClIEniCALS. BEST OFFER YET ! 'iV'e will furnish the following Chemicals, suffi cient to make a ton of Fertilizer, for $10 cash, or one hundred and twenty pounds of ootton, pay aide the first of November next i Nitrate ef Soda, 50 pounds. Sulphate of Ammenia, SO do. Soluble Bone Phosphate,. 200 do. 5?ow ready for delivery. MeMlCKIN & GCLICK. March 20 tf T T O . J . IB H O W V , Of ortl Carolina, with E. S. J AFFRAY & CO. T3IR,15r GOODS, 50 BROAD W AY, TIW YORK. July o-'im i E. H. POCUE, Tobacco Manufacturer. IIIL.LSBORO, C. Offers to the trade the followine brands of To bacco : ANTELOPE, 11 and 10 inch., 5 and 6 to a. LEGAL TENDER, 10 and 9 inch. 5. 6. and S to lb. I RED BIRD and GEN. BRAGG, 11 ine.h, 5 to lb. DIAMOND and COMET, 9 inch, 8 to lb. OLD RELIABLE and GOLD DOLLAR, 12 inch, to lb. 'OUR FRANK" and LITTLE ELLA. 0 inch. S and 10 to iti. in is 1?. caddies. ' 8rN-CURED" !ind"l'Ui;l E S BEST,'-6inch; tolt in 7 tt caddies. turtle best assortment of MedUira and Fine Tobacco in the State. rrSEND kor Price List.j ji!y 4-3m g 1 1 1 u i;:v fei i $ o rio FEMALE COLLEGE, ;ilF.F.SUOHO, N. c. The Fall Session of 1ST7 will becrin on the FOURTH WEDNESDAY .in August. Charges per .Session of 20 weeks : Joard, exclusive of -washinjr and liirhts. 75 00 Tuition in regular English course, 23 00 .Monerate enarges lor extra KtuMies. For full particulars, apply for catalogue.. N. 11. I). WILSON, l'res. aug2-liu ' P.oard of Tmstees. ThomasviUe Female College. DAVIDSOX COUNTY, N. C. rpHE 21ST ANNUAL SESSION BEGINS THE J last WEDNESDAY in AUGUST. That thi Institution offers superior educational advan tages is fully proved by its steadily increasing i&tronago tue past three years. Some of these advantages are its peculiarly quiet and healthful location, the habitual enthusiasm in study of its pupils, careful attention to their manners, mor als, health and comfort, a full corps of tried and earnest teacners, an extensive auu carefully ar ranged course of study, diplomas for selected tBriks and for an Kinrush eouraa suitwa to pu- pds nmitedtu tiihe or weans, are for the full course, and especially great iv reduced rafvH. Fur Catalogue, address U. W. KEINHART, Jy 3l-waUwdtf i'riucipui. CHOWAN BAPTIST Female Institute, riUIIS IS ONE OF THE OLDEST AN1 BEST JL luruistied female schools in the South. Its large property is mainly the fiirr of the public; it lias a full corps of aole and experienced teachers who are aUavaed to the school and who are will ing to servte L ou moderate salaries; hence it can and does offer the advantages of a Urst-class school on terms corresionuingio the diminished resources ot our people. Whole charge lor. the scholastic year, for boaru and literary tuition, in full course, Inclu ding I .atin and French, Driiamental branches alone are extra. Next session begins Ifct Wrtlnckdaf in October. For catalogues .address jy i3-at pd. a. Mcdowell, rres. NOnTH CAUOLINA. IIapiy IlQine, X. O. THE NEXT TERM WILL COMMENCE AU guet, 1st day, and close December 19th, 1S77. Board, including all expenses, is from $6 tot 10 per month. Tuition ranges from fl to $4 per iiKHun. t orrpartM-uiara aJ(irss , , . It. U ABERNETHY, julylO-tf. ... President. HOLLINS INSTITUTE, . . .Botetourt Springs, Va. - TP HE Til I RTT FI FTH AXNTJAL SESSION JL will open on the 19th of September. Pupiia are receivea ior a single session, or a term oi years, including vacations. This ia the most extensively equipped school for girls and young ladies in Virginia; it is also of longest standing, having witnessed the rise oi ail outers. The culty, composed of ladies and gentle men of high social posh ion and of different reli gious persuasions, is numerous and able they have no other calling or profession they reside at the Inrtitute, and, with the pupils, compose one family, the school being almost exclusively ooardiug. . , , ,. The buildings are of brick, recently construct ed, with extensive porticoes and verandas. The unproved grounds are beautiful, embracing many acres, with walks, shade trees and shrub bery. 1'ne mineral waters of these Springs and this mountain climate have fine effect in the de velopment of health: hence, with rare excep tions, pupils return to their homes improved and invigorated in physical constitution. The courses pf study embrace the whole range of female culture, and the Institute has borne the reputation for many years of the most -curate and elevated instruction. Music, in all it branches, is thoroughly taught. For board and, tuition a single charge of fto is made, payable in three equal instalments, at intervals of ninety i.'ays, the lirst being due on day of entrance. 'Board" includes room-rent, lodging, fuel, wash ing, servants' attendance, table fare and medical attendance. "Tuition" covers Instruction in all literary branches, including Languages, Ancient and Modern. For Music, Fainting and Drawing only, are extra charges made. ' i For further particulars, apply to the Superin tendent, i . CIIAS. L. COCKK. . J : ii -,. , Botetourt Springs, Va. v. Refers to the following patrons; -' ! : . ,i - CoU J. M. Hbck, Kaleigh, N.C.:-' r-,v. Col. Wji. M. Kino, F'aikland, N.' C ' ; -1 ; COL J. B. Pkkkins, Pa tolns, N. C. ' " " i ' ; !Capt. M. Thomtpon, Smith ville, N. C J : i .i II. ScbLtt, Winston, N. C. i . . ? jjIS tt ; i Eitlerforfl College, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.' llllil 1 r-REICHT DEPARTMENT, OiMMMJO 4 S A ACTFJUS'nCETOWAnD8TIIEn()ADITSELI, AD IX OUDEII rhnr tha Ammnnitioa n'arajfn 1 m n-vr ma i ... j - t .i i WILFUL MISREPRESENTATI 0 N that characterizes the publications made npou the subject by pa: ties acting in behalf of other In terests, the following , - . TARIFFrPE FREIGHTS is published for the information of all concerned. Copies thereof and any additional information des red may be obtained on application to the unt ersigned. - oooooo Rate of Freight between Northern and Wilmington and AVeldon Railroad 2d, and iuce that date : rgR 100 BETWEEN NORFOLK OR RICHMOND AND 215 S ' '. Wilson 75 70 60 liiack Creek.. Fremont.. I'ikeville...... Dudley....... Mount Olive. . Faison's 80 70 65 90 80 70 90 S0 70 5 S5i75 05,90 75 05! 30 (5 Per BALTIMORE and Wilson.... 1 00 Black Creek,.. 1 05 Fremont, Pikevllle Dudley,.. Mount Olive, . . Faison's, ...... 1 1 1 m 1 15:1 20l 1 30 1 !i wilt PHILADELPHIA CR KtW YCRK INI) Wilson, 15,1 V Black freei. Vreinnnt,, tot I'ikeyine,..:.. !i so 1 Dudley, II 3 Mount Olive, t 5 Faison's, 1 45 BOSTON OR PROVIOEKCE ANT) Wilson... 25 1 Black creek,.., 1 on 1 Fremont, It 40 1 ii 401 i'ikeville,. . . Duilley, .... ... Mouut Olive,. . . Faison's 1 30 1 1 65 1 1 55' I ClassiflcaUon used Atlantic Coast Line Six Class with vxceptions of Circular B, April 15th, 17C. -OXHk0- FREIGHT RATES BETWEEN G0LDSB0R0 . AND POINTS NAMED. I IV i: 1" IP JZ J 1 J U Ij Y 3d, 1 K 7 7 . First Wass. second" Third " Fourth " .- Fifth " Sixth " ,..-.. Pork and Beef, Fish V -- Corn, Wheat, Meal.. ........j............ OaU, .U. . . i-. -i- Guano. C. L. Guano, L. C. L....... salt, L. C.L.'..;..; j.j.... Salt, CX. L., SO sacka.... Molasses, L. C. U, Molasses, C. L...... Molasses, . Spirits Turpentine.. i ......... s.- i . Iron Band Bar Hoop, O. L. Nails.... Coal, L. C.L.,. .IJ...- ceal, C. L.,. Cotton, 454 11.,. ......... ................ Agricultural IJone, L. C.l,.... A gricultural Lime, C. L.,'. Flotir... .. .U :.;. . . . . . i . ... ang 9-tf PEACE INSTITUTE, lVAIEIGXT. Cm '' TBK SIXTH AWrPAt OT3STOK COWOTNCKS THE I3th SEPTEMBER, 1877, and continues to MIDDLE of JUNE, 18TS. . Instruction in all branches usually taught in first-claas female schools, ly experienced and accomplished teachers. 1 For circulars and catalo?ne, giving full par ticulars as to terms, Ac,, aodrem , . 4 IUEV. K. BURWELL & SON -u'-11 - ' lUleigh, N. C. - jnlyt8twftn-wtoi ' - - u 1, Et. Rev. Thoa Atkinson, J. Ht, Rev. Theo. BLiyxoarif D .D.j tors. Ssv! Bennett Snidei M.; .Eectcf. Jirs. Kate DeEoaaet Mor c, Ladf Superintendent. Jl- The 71st Term of th school will begis 'm V SEPTEMBER th, 1877. 'fob ci rcula u ad d r ess t he KECTOR. "Julj7-3ia St. Mary's ScllQO NEW ADVERTISEJLENTS. 11 P n (Ull ul Ui 1 - - I '.astern Points and Stations of tUe adjacent to CSoldkboro, in ef feet JI'I.V POUKU8 ! : a . 1.4) .1 ! 3 M P I- ci - o - XiXi : 0C I 5 c IS i ! 1 L1- 37!56 50 42;33'15 3 50 43 29 4 25 3 00 37 3t)'l2 55 :45!::Sil5 3 5i50 SO;:4 SiV t 00 40 32!l2 60 36 60 453S 16 3 60,45 33 16 3 75 5ttj80j28,4 503 25 40!32jl2l 60 56 75;55 80 2ij4 50!3 25i40 33 12;1 60 56 60'45 35 16 4 00:55180 3214 75:3 50 '40 32 12 1 60 60 60 60135 17!4 0O 55ii0!32 4 75l3 5o!45'33!l3!l 60,i60 60 50)35(1. i4 25i55!90.:-fci5 00!3 75i45 34jl3l M.'OO 100 Pounds 15' iv! u H !x' 'S3 Id si a -r' L 3 I 3 r S 'X c ' o o a 3 13 e 1 -O I 33 90 SO 60,57 S5 65 60 43:i8 43'IS' 50 55 1 9o:37;5 25 41.35 11 1 45171155 90 95 37 5 50 50 37 171 57 7155 5 S7!5 60 50 37 17;1 8017160 95,375 50 50137 17.1 BO:71i60 S0'40 5 06 5t'37 17'l 65 05 60 90'40,5 50'55.3S!lS;l 65 65160 90 7O 6043;19 60! 9(. TO 60)43,19 60, 95 70 -6n45 17 60 95 70 65145,16 601 00 05 10, 1: vo tO ta:43:IS W 90 40 5 75 55 40 IS I 05 65 60 I I 4 I I ! I 95 70 67 I O0 175' 70 I 52 21; 53'f 60 1 00 42 C 95 50:44; m l&ni os;42; 54; i6.aoi 15jl 65,50 70 151 05 SO 70 H;22;70 1 05 42 6 606342 ll t 90176,65 3 22:70 1 05:42 6 50 53:42'l9'l 9076 65 t 2011 10-S07066,2i701 90 4516 00 5S'4'2 l'l 15 70'63 1 S5:l 10HO75 5512U 70 1 00,45 6 50 58143:2011 74 70 63 : I 25;t 10 SO 75 .-i5;21 75 58 45 20 1 75!' 0 65 15 I 05 75 72 15 I 15 1 5S 25 60 1 05 49 7 00 52 45 22 1 70 S6 65 10 49 7 25 55147 22 1 82 86 45 10 49.7 25 55 47,22 2 05 S6 70 n:i 10'80i75 58 25 65 1 25.1 15 85,75 58 26 25 1 15 S5 '75' 5S 26 0,1 1 10 4 9 7 25 55 47 22'2 0 j s6 70 3'52 7 25 55147 22 1 9O'W:70 SOU 35 1 85 1 20 S5 75 60124 '20 5 Wl 60 25 70:1 05 52 7 25'60 4S 23,1 ) 80 70 20 o bO 60,25 70:i 05 52 7 50 60 50 23 1 90 St 70 I Classification of May 12! h, 1? 73, as corrected, i & i S yi X C t-i Ch a! 2 ; Sh ca SO 90 1 00 1 00 1 15 70 SO SO1 90 1 00 63 75 85! 85 95 60 65 70' 70 75 45 50 6(! 60 60 35 40 45: 45 50 ; ) 1 00 1 10! 1 10 , 1 00 I 1 10 1 10 1 12 J6 16...... 8 ' I . 10 14 -141.. 3 00 4 00 5 50 5 60, S 50 4 50 6 25: 6 25) 40 50 60 50 30 40 40 40 25 , 3 30 30 IS 23 23 23 ...... 15- 1 20 1 40 1 40 ... 1 15 1 30 1 30 1 30 60 65 65 65 . 30 85 40 4f " 43 3 50 ' 8 60 ""- 1 75 2 25 3 OO S75 3 25 8 50 ' '.Y.'.l'i'.'..'.'.'. '.I'.'.'.', 60 70 75 75 W C ; r.r loo Per bbl. Per bush. Per ton. Per Sack. it Per 100 44 PerW. Per loo Per ton. Per, Bale. Per ton. Per MA. -A.- POPE,. General Freight Agent, I TRINITY COLLEGE. The Fall Term begins SEPTEMBER 5th; and nds January 4. Whole expense for everything excepting books and clothing, $75 to f&l. send for catalogue and examine the special advantages offered. ' . ; 'T . aug 2-daww - ; r ?J; B. CRAVENJ COLLEGE, ; i . ST i.TES VILLE, X. C. : FA IX SOs-SION Open Aug". 29. 1S77. Boai4 and JEngiiak. Tuition $t5.ta per session oi twenty weeKS. ; For circulars with full particulars, address : lit AtKS. . H. GKATj PrineijpaL ij!;'-v:-' :'::" BEfEltXX CE3 : f, , All frtenda and pupils of the late Professor mucii-u, oi me university oi ixortn varonna. jy25-6mpL 4 , ... -..,. -.' -,! i, .'.'.'.i FEW ADVEKTIS5MENTS. Am '1 liNJJ BELOW POST, For SO Bays Only. OKDER TO CLOSE OtfT MY STOCK OF SUMMER CASSBLERES, PANT GOODS, VESTING8, AND Summer Suitings Generally I will sell, for the next thirty days, SUITS, OR PARTS OF SUITS, .' As above, '. .', r " AT AHD BELOW COST, FOR CASH ONLY. NOW tlio TIME TO . Call early, as I Mean Busin ess. C. WEIKEL, Merchant Tailor, Hollouian Bnildingr, June l-3m. I'Ott liEXTi . rMlK HOUSE, COUNEU OFl'A YiiTTliVILLE A ana Cabarrus streets, recently occupied !v J. i. Hill, immediate possession given. For terms, apply to .). J. THOMAS, Kaii-iuli, or E. H.rui., siuunucia. aag. 3-tf. " IK. KI4 II AKI II. LKWIS, (Ite Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear in the Savannah Medical College.) Practice limited to the rzrrz jvtst, ! - - Raleigh, N: C. Ortlce in tlie Yarborongh House. Keferstotlie State Medical Sotn lv. ami the Georgia Medical Society. up 4-iw-iy B. F MOOKE. JOUN GATLINO. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, KA LEIGH N. 0. ii Slate ami Federal Courts. Practice Jji$ tf GOODE HOUSE. Corner Mii n, and Coinmcirt Ftrect, NORFOLK, VA. o Jinn ff 'ii :V Tiiij z r "f'zi'jj.' - vwm JESSE C."JAC0(.TtS, jy 27-dlwAw5m Proprietor, 15EAUFOUT, IV. C. The nndersiffneil havlnglrasfxi theaitove POP ULAR SUMMER RESORT for a term of vcars. will hav it thoroughly rwiovated. repaired, ani opened for the accommodation of siu-h guests a ne may sec lit K accomiiHMiate, hj July Int. i77. A HAM) OF MUSIC has hwn encaged lor the Season. FAST-SAILING BOATS to be had at all times for sailing and fishing parties; RATH HOUSES for both ladies and 'gentlemen. SI RF BATHING, as good as any upon the At lantic Coast. TEN I'INS, anil other amusements. tor the young. 'HIE TAULE win be supplied witn an 1 ne luxuries 1 rem not n iami and wawr In fact, the Proprietor determines to GIVE SAT- isi- ac 1 iO to all who may visit' aim. lermw, Si.,)U iH'rl:i) . special contract1 ma-te wittr panics wisiunz to remain lonirfr tnau one week. ir. k. HAfiifV, Je23-2iu. I'roprietor. CENTRAL HOTEL, LOCATED III THE BUSINESS PART OF THE CITY. CHARGES MODERATE. A FIRST CLASS HOUSE, Ks?lj EdtlsiisiSefwiiisld,, W. E. PATTEHSOH, Proprietor, MIDDLE STREET, ' ' . Carriages at the Dqxit on Arrival of Trains. Jnnel2-2m. ' - 1 i- Ml EQUAL TC Bslightfullj IhM &s:t to C.piiol Squire in the basement is the BEST SALOON . . . , . . -i . - - . . . C.SVBRO.WN , Proprietor r K ftpSG-U; ATLANTIC HOTEL NEW ADVERTISE3IENTS. lT07.IS,TSaiTlks, f Fayettevillo Street, i I the place to order your SPRING SUITS of CLOTHING, lie has retnrned from New Tort with alariro and one of the most attractive stocks of GENTLEMEN'S WEAR Ever offered to the Raleigh public. FRENCH AND ENGLISH CL0THS.D DOESKIN, FRENCH, ENGLISH" AND GER MAN casimeres.; ; i Black and Blue Flannels Of very Superior equality. j YACHT CLOTHS, LIGHT CASIMEltES FOR PANTS, snErnEitDs PLAIUS, . j. In short, a full line of every tiling to wear. j : Prices in accordance with the tiroes,! and whole suits, or even any garment 1spnt up at a much lower price than ever before offered, i j , rsrOnly the njost skilled workmen employed. fJRpmembcr the name and place, T. I.OA1IK1I. nearly oiiposite Tucker Hall. McU 30-tf. , II. G 1: o . 11 . II A I ti II , IJOOKSELLETt AXl) STATipNKK, MAli KPT SQU A liE, FAYETTE VIULE, N. C KecpH constantly on hand a full supply ot BIBLES, i'UAVKH AJND - HYMN I(K.)KS, AND ALL ' M O 1 1 O O JL. HOOKH In gencnil use. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF WHITING PAPERS, ENVELOPES, BOX PA- PETKKIES, I'KNS, INKS, 1,'KNCILS. Ac, FANCY ARTICLES, ! WORK BOXKS, WRITING DESKS, AC. AC,,"C. ' Orders solicited. and any IkkiIc Dialled. Dom-iire paid, on receipt of the catalogue price. ' Onlor forn-p"i'H iu;iimi m..- Jau 14-tf . f, . .. JNCOURACE IKiIE INSTITUTIONS. SECURITY AGAINST FIRE. THE NORTH " CAROLINA KALEI0II,V N. C. . TniS COMPANY CONTINUES TO WRITE Policies at iAiit i ovaries, on all clasfiek of ' Insurable Pro pe rty. ;l;ALULOSSES A.iiKr :f i PROMrTLt ADJUSTEW AM) TAID. i : THE "HOME" 13 H RapiSly Growing in Mlie Fa?or TO . I . !' , ' Carolina Insurers of Property ia JTorth fff" Agent in all parts of the State, This Company takes risks on property of everj character on the most reasonable, and not with stanuing the large number of towea it tu sus tained in the past four years, Jt has , never failed pay pnimptly and ou time. Itstnottois: ' PROGRESSIVE I J ; PEOSPEhoUB PROMPT! AMPLE yRESEUVK AND firrnvrna ",; GOOD Premiums Cash I ; policies iiBEiijii. i 1 !ii fy-GUARD YOtB OWJUXTRESTS BY . snUKG IK TILE '. .a ( l. .H ti U 4f e -,'I1',i(! i ; il i ii ! j iR H, BATTLE, Jr., rresUknT.' . v;. u. itutn- Yice-Presidont. , , " ; ' JOH-N DEVEKEUX, Hecretarr. PULASKI COWPJUt. SupcTridi' mch io-tf , Mercian Home Insurance Co.,

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