BT P. M. HALE AND W. L. SAUNDERS. t'ablislred Daily (cxcfnt Monday) and Weekly, Kates of Subscription in Advance. - - i Dailyi one year, mall postpaid,.. ......... $ 8 00 slxmonthB, " ; 4 00 " 5. three u " " 2 00 Weetlyone year, mall postpaid 3 00 ; six months, " - " ..A..... 1 00 To city subscribers The Observer will, be de livered uauj a kwciiuj ceuio per wees; Beven- ty-flve cents per month ; two dollars for three months. f REPOBTED BY THE ASSOCIATED FBESS1 f THK ItUSSIAN-TUKKISII WAR, Ilic Latest Dispatches from tlie Sea.t V j of War - . 1 Loxdon, Sept, 11. A correspondent of the Tbnes at v lenna sends the iollowinff It is not what occurs in front so much as what occurs id the rear of Plevna, which will cive to the fight : there its significance. The movements of the Roumanian divis ions from the ftorth,' and of the column of Lovatz from the bouth, '. leave no doubt that the Russiinswhatever may be - the success of such a plan, are preparing a Sedan for Usman rasba, and he will prob ab!v liave to trust to his own resources to i rrit- m m- . extricate nimscii. ioe operauons 01 we- hemot All andbuleiman rashas are prob - blv too far off to be of use to him. , . The Times Paris! correspondent says the Turkish forces on tlie irontier are or dcred to enter Servia immediately if she takes part in the war. 1 . : ' ' ' The l)atiy Telegraph's Vienna dispatch of Monday night, repeats tne rumors that Osman Fasha was retreating irom Plevna. There is, however, absolutely no trust worth information on this point from either side i . : . ' Lox.Dos, SepL 11. 'lhe Daily News correspondent, resuming his narrative ;Of ' the operations before Plevna, which he had previously car j-ted down to Friday under date of "bciere rlevna, oaturaay, aept. 8th. 0 p. m., says: 'Wiien tne cannon ade recommenced this morning, it was not easy at first to. recognise that the Russians had gained any advantage the day before. The parapet of the Grivica redoubt had been a good deal jogged dv tne itussian shells, but under cover of the night all its defects had been made good, and it looked as trim as if never a shot had been fired at it. but the Russkins had. during the night. Earned a large slice of ground in the direc tion of Grivica1, and a battery of siege guns had been built oh an elevation within easy range of the redoubt. At sunrise that hatterv came into action in rear of the ad vanccd battery, and sent its fire sweeping into the redoubt, which could not reply to tiie siege battery, the range being too long; so it pounded away at the field batteries on the ridge, but the practice was not good. and only a few casualties 'occurred.. The , Kussian siege battery made admirable prac tice at the Grivica redoubt, which is the .key to the position, and instead of spread 'ing their fire the Russians should have con centrated upon! it the whole weight of the bombardment ; i as it is they may bombard 11 ior a wecK ana arter ail not succeed in taking ;it;. lhe assault was intended to iH-gjii yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock, but owing to delays the troops were not in po sition at the appointed time. Everywhere now the infantry is in position waiting for the word; Towards noon the Russian in fantry pushed forward in skirmish order, driving back the outlying Turks. The ar tillery followed and came into action at sliovt range. TheTurkish return fire, which wefiicfly directed atthu Russian first line ; of nrtillery Is very heavy, but little dam '.' is done. Further oh' tlie left to the ' ctc-l of the I range. -"beyond Redisova, winch was; ond array of field batteries, v: the. firing was very heavy, and the Tur kish sheHstare doing great damage among ,thi- uiinci-s and falling- behind among the infantry on the; reverse slope and in Radi- : soviu At three o'clock the Russians ad vanced toward the Turkish position and - omtin'ucil to fire, rather slackly. The fire nnist have reached into Plevna. There arc no indications of an assault to-day. I J dieyO it will be commenced to-morrow. 'Kussian cuanon is drawing close around the Turkish positions, but the test will not he with the cartoon, but with the prowess othe' men. Th6 losses were much hea vier to-day than yesterday." August Crop Iteport. Memi'iiis, Tenn., September 11. The August crop report of the Memphis Cotton . hxchange is derived from 163 responses, - the dates averaiging September, 1st, 50 of Jfhich are frdm Western Tennessee, 58 from Northern Mississippi, 46 from North- wn Arkansas 1 And 9 from Northern Ala bama. Iti will be noted, aside from the appearance of the caterpillar,! that the very . iavorable weather wjfiich prevailed 'during V ;tlc Past month has materially Improved tue condition of the cotton crop. How--ercf it can scarcely be doubted by any one , conversant with its very late and growing, condition that serious damage must occur from frost, unless previously cut off by caterpiUais. Of the damage already done ana to be done: by the latter it is impossU uiea this early date to form, an opinion as tuny two-thirds of the responses had mailed before their appearance. To W the least, the present evidence would umi to indicate very great damage to the crop by them. .j;..;. r Maine Elections. . ltKD !Mkm SePt- 11- 144 towns yye Connor, f Republican, 29,409: Wil- S-S,o oe,mcf rat 23.3015 Munson, green S;2.?;! Talbot, democrat, 147; scat f'A ast Tear tDe towns gave , Unnor 43,963; Talbot 32,901; scattering voir r- wns to hear from gave last terincr o-T -3' JU4; Talbot 27,523; scat otw tnese towns come in like n?S al owinS for the fact- that the finback .ticket is limited to localities, if ttfsregate vote will be about 98,500, iS'.onnor should have 53,000; WU; S 4(2'00P; nson.3,500, and Connor's ol"1 will run up to 7,500, against 14,- 1 J1t year, . . Signal Service Observations. wiaxGTox, September 11. The Sig- fcDoi?. M Ubrver at Kitty Hawk,N.C. ttr k7 , a,xore ana "t schooner is wa-:- -logged and men in tho. rio-o-i n : ahnnt "eive Biiles ' at sea. in a northeasterly C5 frora that 8tation- w signal Ce r PwfecUy Belpk aisremainetf unnoticed - She Qirect Old sailors less. Our servpd , uuaoiicea. csne was orw 'Posef yesterday morning, but wail her Tnt t0 anchored. They report mTLf0' The station-keeper S bew are "going to her relief. The mormons. 1 and 7 tte twelve Mormon apoi ' churcJ Jmns P.residnt of the Mormon Spresidonf1,11 that position until a Uled tadreJlme JosePh Smith-was and ia a bitter Mormon. Doncaster Haces. f r?Ji Septeinber 1 At Doncaster Wean. f? the S Yorkshire ward was won by the colt Albert Ed- BY TELEGRAPH. i ' 'PCf " ' ' " ffT!'' "i" : "" : : i . .: - ,j. ' 1T , , r : . , , : rrr , . " ... - 1 1 - ' 1 -tt--t W I V vJ-Li. 2. Washlngon Itnis. WaSHISOTW. Rnt T1 TUtLn vate advices that Mortnn 5a nnt en trail dOrnell Seems tn fwoVi?a mntlnn q rsrk in Ofilce tO a desire on the nart nf th nr!min : , . . r lOfclBllUIl lO npar IIIO morfhotita Mom . wuw MA. WUCU Wl S x uta. as 10 aia successor. It is not nrrw poseu lO extend this avstpm to Knnt.hrn custom houses.! , t On dit that Governor Parkarri will Tv in attendance on. the extra session. A SDecial td lhe Ralti mnn Sun. novo f Via revelations of I ex-Treasury Parker, of ooutn Carolina, have added very much to the deDressiori of the refugees from insHrrt now here. It is learned that if Governor Hampton makes a requisition for them it Will be honored: It is said that Patterson will claim that as a Senator' he is not. lia ble to arrest but it is questionable, whet he mis piia win uoid. . . ; W ASHINQTONi Sent. The fjir rn. lishes this :, . 5 . "A Texas Comrressman's Fears. Con. gressman Schleicher, of Texas, is here watching the I Mexican movement. He told President jHayes before he left on his western triD that he had better hurrv hank as there might be a Mexican invasion of Texas before he returned. Sehleieher Hrwo not deny that the outlook is warlike." CoL Ed want Ran era nf the Pnotnffl Ol W " UVU.W Department and the second Assistant Post- A. ' Ik . masier-jenerax nave received dispatches that Morton has rallied from hia The Postofficd DeDartment" is mnninir Morton's illness. Thev denreeate the visit of naves! ference not likely to advance, the interests Of the Postal service or tlie Senator's health Dr. Dliss is confidently nuoted as aavin or that Haves had better keen Morton. J ' i r , It is reDortedi that John Stevens, of Minister to Maine, has been appointed oweaen. . The steamer Cleonat.ra leaves rJpw Vnrlr the 15th instant! with mails for Kingston Sandago and Cienf uegos. ; XiStimate8 ior the support of the army for the present fiscal year have been pre pared for the extra session. No other es timates will be sent to the extra session. 1 he message, lit is said, will avoid pen. eral topics. ' j;:. i Col. John Vah Home, General Superin tendent of the Western Union TelesrraDh Comnanv. and!! Messrs Xfer rihnw onrl Kates, Section Superintendents, were here to-day in consultation. These gentlemen have in view the interest of teleershH . ports as well as holders of telegraph stock. ' FHEXCii MAXXEUS. f;ambetta. Fined 2.000 Franrs and Sentenced to Three Months' Impris onment i; Paeis, September 11. Gambetta and M. Murat. Dublisher of the RenmibUaue , were); to have appeared! this 1. - x A. morning before! i the Tenth Chamber of the Correctional Police . to answer resnee- tively for delivering and publishing the former's Lille speech. Neither, however, responded when j the case was called. M. Gambetta, in consequence of the illness of his counsel, lodged a petition for the ad journment of the trial for one week, which was refused. Entry of default was there upon made against M. Gambetta and Murat, anU M. uambetta was condemned, in default, to three months' imprisonment and a fine of 2,000 francs. The public were excluded from the Palais of Justice, where the tribunal was sitting. The Telegraph Companies. New York, September 11. The Even ing Post has the following : Proceedings have been begun ;in the Supreme Court of Kings county by ft summons and complaint to set aside the Recent arrangement for a consolidation of. the interests of the West ern Union and Atlantic & Pacific telegraph companies. The proceedings Were begun by Jesse Johnson, who alleges that he. holds twenty Shares of the Atlantic & Pacific : stock.1 The complaint charges that the arrangement between the companies was illegal. Mr. Orton says that a dissolution of the arrange ment would be prejudicial to the Atlantic and Pacific Company, but would not injure the Western Union, which now held enough stock of the former company to prevent them from any damaging competition in the future. J; I Morton's Condition. Richmond, Ind., Sept. 11. The imme diate friends and physicians' of Senator Morton seem to feel sanguine that he has about recovered ;from, a slight relapse of yesterday, but for some reason they fear that his general condition is not as favora ble as it was ten days ago. Schooner in Distress. Foktekss Monboe, Sept. 11. The schooner M. B. Mahoney, from Windsor for Philadelphia, iarrived herein distress. She experienced a gale on the 9th instant off 'Absccom. Her rudder was broken, bulwarks and galley stefve in and lost her boat and main boom. Killed by a Stone. New Toek, September 11. Captain John . 'Avis, the j executioner of John Brown, hit Captain Johnston with a stone during a fight at Orkney Spring, Virginia, Friday. Johnston, died Sunday from his injuries. -j f Yellow' Fever Jacksonville, jFla., Sept. 11. There was one death f roin yellow fever last night at Fernandina, and three new cases to-day. Nurses and a doctor are en route from Sa vannah. The weather is reported unfavorable.'-, -i : . - - . ,' A Burglar Kills hi Punuen. St. Louis, - September 11. A burglar brought to bay in a corn field instantly killed two, and fatallywounded one of the pursuera. He is still at large. They will lynch him if they atch him. Ivossj by Fire. " 1 Nbw York, September 1 1 . A cable dispatch reports the burning of one-fourth of Dieppe, Department of Seine, France. Loss $250,000. If ; - Retired. Nw York:, September 11. -5-Augustus Daly retires from ' the management of the Fifth Avenue theatre on ; Saturday. The rumor that Mr. Daly is a bankrupt is false. marine. Post Royal, September 11. Steamer Dallas brought here Captain Crocker and six men of the Schooner Western Star, which was abandoned. - RALEIGH, Ni NE VV ADVERTISEMENTS. PUBLIC SPEAKINU. Ion Josiah Turner will speak at Cart, Saturday, September 15th. ' Pittsboro, Tuesday, September ISth.- - i RILL TRUE 1;':' 187,7. rli WE ARE AGAIN PREPARING TO PRESENT - .1 rli iUkTTU I 'T'UTl 1 if LL0 a vn mun j! PUBLIC GENARALLY A', t ; :.t MAGNIFICENT STOCK f -OF FALL AND WINTER Dry G-oods. OUR BUYER 18 now In th Northern marVor making selections with CARE AND DISCRISftlMl- awlvantaaes whicli t - - ; Eipeiience. Eiiereai Capital: : can give ns. Our CASH PLAN with 1 ; ' j HAS BEEN A SUCCESS. ( The;people appreciate it and our business im. proves. We will be Dreoared in a few riava tn present full lines of all kinds of goods in all de- We have received specimen cases of GMS1 FALL STYLE OF HATS, j j AND AN ASSORTMENT OF Kid and Undressed Kid Gloves, 1 Ladies 3Teck Ties, Pfijltgl AND A FEW KXW STYLES Jfgjg Sftftflg, Wl H. & R. S. TUCKER. sept 12-tf WORTH & WORTH. VILMIHGTOH, H. C, OFFER AT LOW PRICES 1C00 l'd)NS GRATE AND STOVE COAL. 2000 BARRELS LIME, PLASTER and CEMENT. 500 " FLOUR, ALL GRADES. 150 BOXES SMOKED and DRY-SALT MEATS. 10ft BARRELS ST'O A R. 300 HOGSHEADS and BARRELS MOLASSES. 75 Bibs COFFEE." 300 KEGS NAILS. 500 PACKAGES CANDLES, SODA, SOAP, i f LYK MATCHES, CANDY, , SNTFF, TOBACCO, c., Ac, &e. sept lT-tf Kf.CiAB. vXJGT B.3CJEXVED, , , jl 15 A. C O 2V . 3,000 lbs O. K. CANVASSED HAMS. One Tisrce Ferris' Ip CanyasseJ Hams 913 Lbk- THIN BREAKFAST STRIPS. ONE; BOX FERRIS' CHOICE STRIPS. if Virgini Hams, Sides and Shoulders. BUTTER AND CHEESE. i i 10 Boxes Selected Cream Cheese. 1 10 boxes Gilt Edge Cheese.' . - 200 lbs. Choice Goshen Butter. FLOXJR. 9 Bbla. Orange Grore Flour. SUGARS. Standard A and YeUdw Sugars at Decline prices. Garrett's Snuff in fi oz. bottles. : Candies, Gum Drops and Mixed Candies at Plain Candy .1 races. . Eureka Red Oil Is the prettiest, safest, cheapest and most bril liant on in tne martet. Try it. Wj c. & A. B. STR0NACH. Pree ExliiTjitlon. , Oill Cook Stoves'- Call and see it. GROCERS AND Coiniy ssion Merchants, Na 3 Exphange and No 5 Market Streets, HjALEIGII, 2V. C. , j v-DKALKKS IN BACON, FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFEK,TOBACCO, OiM LIU C. JftUliA&SftS, oAXil , LKATI1ER, ;: I fFlSII, BAGGING, TIES, j' -And kvxkythikq kept in a '" I FHiST4CLASS GROCERY STORE. Everything sold AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. j AGENTS FOB THK .. . STONEWALL COTTON PLOW. B5?CALI AND SEE US-o ' V Sti-ict Dergonal attentinn oivpn tn th nnrrhimA and sale ofj COTTON. ----- - ; , We are prepared to furnish all Farmers wita " BAGGING, TIES AND TWINE. aag84-3ni ; y .. .-,." ;-, . j i ; (OWSTADORO'S ud it produce th moat utuS iuh22??J mSv01! brow., doe. not .U.n th. .kiTSd i' f ?! 1 -l r r- j nil' .MmmM. , tjt sai. 1 sep 8 tf.l' . I. I IREK & CO: Kil2. New Voriu . . . Bo, rjj81awsat-ly C, WEDESDAY,, SEPTEMBER, 12, 1877, , iraWV ADVERTISEMENTS.! ' TH E lO NLYrCENUINEI. - PKU ; JJUWO PTJBLICO I Hi 10 ': s MOKING TOBACC Haaifactnred Ij Ws DUEB,r DURHAM, JV.C. NEW!; ADVERTISEMENTS. . D. RASD, V Late of Rand & Wyatt. f C. B. BABBEE. RAND & BAR BEE, GROCERS , AND. ' ' . ' C0RSI6NMENTS OF COTTOX SOLICITED. Martin Street, - - RALEIGH, N. C, DEALERS IN BACON, ELOUR, SUGAR, COFFEE, TOBACCO, SNUFF, MOLASSES, SALT, LEATHER, FISH, " BAGGLNG, TIES, ' &c, &o. ; PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST, CALL AND SEEDS. rStrict attention given to the sale of con signments ot COTTON and all COUNTRY PRO D UCE, and prompt returns made. sel-d&w-tf. . Till WARM SPELL. During thews Mot ,-florj davs we huve laiil in additional supplies of LINEN LAWNS, ' PACIFIC LAWNS, OROANDIK MUSLINS, LINJiN AND GliASS CLOTHS Lislo Thtead and Gauze . Vests!, LISLE THREAD HOSIERY, BLEACHED DOMESTICS AND CAMBRICS. FANS! FANS!! FANS!!! A new assortment of Hailnrg EJiinis and IiiserDiiss. Gents' Lisle, Salf Hoss and ErloTes. All of our standard makes and lowest prices. jy29-tf . ; . . , W. A. OATHS. J. A. JONES. D. I. ELLIS. r 1 tfllf m Mills. Gattis, Jones & Ellis, WHOLE3ALK DKALBRSN KV3EAL, FLOURi GRAIN AND FORAGE, , 53 Fayetterille Street, RAIiEJIGii, IV . , C . ' OSALEB IN . Wood and Coal GOAL! GOAL!! 500 Tons. 500 Tons. TO TDIOSE WHO PAY PROMPTLY, AND who do not prefer sending orders abroad for supplies to buying a ; i :, i Better article at lone Tor loss Money, I would announce that I have three cargoes of Coal now on the way to Raleigh, and I am taking orders for early delivery in quantities for winter use, at lower rates, delivered, than it can be had from abroad by the carload at the depot. The Med cAsti Coat t ..--'. '"-i 4?t -. f ; . . Is from the Palmer vein, one of the deepest Red Ash and purest coals mined in Pennsylvania, and will be mire to please, i i : ,' . , , t . . . . , . The price of coal at the mines has advanr(d $1.00 per ton within the last month, and is likely to go higher; so that to secure it at present prices orders should beiscnt early to " 1. t . fc. . - ' . ; j. a. jones, ' , sept-tf ; 53 Fayetteville street. TO DATE GOOD IlEAtTH THE 1,1 VER 1 iimrarfs f7 S Wrm VER 7KH SSESift StCXHEAOACHE. SMKEBCnMPUatl! FOR DISEASES CF1 BFLI0USMESS, ACrf5PEPSlA.J 1 I nFRSTCilACH For Pamphlet? address Dr. Sanpord, New York." . 1 ni wmmm ifl . I R 1 mi m . NEW 5 ADVERTISEMENTS. ! f ; ?ii it: 1 .-.y-v;-. 0 03E OF TUF, OLDEST AND Also by Grocers " This Stove has rapidly won is one of tlie Most Popular yrs put rr JPully Meeting the Tants of Everybody. IT HAS TAKEN PREMIUMS AT THE Iforth Carolina and Virginia State Fairs. It is Durable and strong enough to stand hard usage. It U a Never-Failing Bakeh , , ' It has the Largest Oven. I . Everybody shon Id have It. Send for Large Circular ccatalning full description. T. H. BRICCS & SONS, Sole Agents, JJriSS I3tiillinj, Haleisrh, N. C. To All PersonTwho j WK WOULD RESPECTFULLY THOROUGHLY SEASONED WHITE PINE SASH, DOORS IS VERY AND OOR PRICES ARE VERY MUCH BELOW THE P A COMPARISON OF PRICES, And an examination, will convince you that you can save money by calling In person or writing tor . . ; JULIUS LEWIS & GO., HARDWARE ME-BCHA-NTS, Write for Illustrated Catalogue. - Angifl-tf. ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, I! FOR Tl FAIR. 'Honema Mdini, Fayetteiine St, HAS JUST EEUkllVEi) HIS . FRSSS SUPPLY cf TALL EOODS, And is now ready to pnt up to order the ' ' If yon would be in time for your FAIR WEEK SUITS, CALL EARLY. r'r. T E OLD ESTABLISHED Is better prepared than ever before to render - Tnll Satisfaction to . Customers. ;.; "STIESI EKBE Ujg, - i VEIKEL'S IS THE PLAGE. aug28-tf. St. Harfs Mflol, iR-A.3L.EIC3-X3:, 3T- O- .1 Emu orium of Fasliion Et. Eev. Tboa Atkinson, D. D. ,Y Visi- Rt. Bev. Theo. B. Lyman, D. D. tors. 7 Se7 Bennett Smedes, A.H.f Bector. llrs. Eat PeEesset Hear s, La'dp Superintendent K The 71t Term jpfthia school will begin , :-; r 1 SEPTEMBER I4thi 1877. .- FOB CIRCULAR ADDRJESS TILE KECTOB. July T-3m p ' ,-,;.'- i , I-, i t NO. 103. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 'S GENUINE KROiBONO 1.-..., - I-:. SMOKING- TOBACCO. HOST RELIABLE STANDARD Sold by W. Ci Si A. B. STROKACII, Ralclgli , " M. GUAUS5IAN, p' N ADRI AN & TOLLERS, Wilmington, kind Tobaooonlsts tliroxigrlioxit j 0, H H its way to public favor, and in This Market. FORWARD A3 Contemplate Building: SUGGEST THAT OUR STOCK OF MD BLINDS EXTENSIVE, THAT-' , ICES USUALLY ASKED FOR SAME GOODS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BUSINESS ANNOtTNOEMENTT THE UNDERSIGNED DAS THIS DAY told and transferred to Mr. W. C. McMACK IN all his interest in the co-partnership busi ness conducted by the firm of MoMACICIN Jfc GUIiICK, whicli Is thereby dissolved. ' -' , I Mr. McMACKIN will continue the business at the same stand on ? . : McKeo Square, ' and I take pleasure in asking for -him the pat ronage 01 my rricnas and acquaintances who desire the . services of a COMMISSION MER CHANT. ..',.-,,-r.v. - W. B. GULICK. Kaleigh, N. C, Sept 8, 1877. I shall continue the COMMISSION BUSINESS at the stand heretofore occopied by McMACKIN ic GULICK, and respectfully solicit consign ments of V : COTTON, ,1 i tWUR, GEA1H, - HAY, AND ' COUNTRY PRODUCE GENERALLY, t the sale of which I will give strict personal I J attention. v. OOTTOIT is made a specialty of my business, and .1 shall be able to make quick sale and prompt returns. The usual commission of 60 cents per bale will be charged. 1 v ' 1 I shall continue the sale of . MORO PHILLIPS' PHDIHE. - and of other Guanos, and also of ' : i " AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS. : ftp ;:i c. MoMACatlNV Bept94f : -' ;;- '- '-.! NOTICE TO THE MESCHANTS 'AND 'SUSIHESS MEN v.; A3 YOU JIAVE.THS CHANCE OF SECUR ine the trade of the Pee Dee section of this State, tke new eectloa )ot opened out to Ral eigh) it will be welt for yoa to go to work at once. The first thing to do is to advertise in the "PEE DEE HERALD.", Prices loir. J"or farth er particulars, address I . - .1. COL. E. R. LTLES. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One Square (1 inch) one day,......;.... 1 . two .. ' 1 00 1 60 1 00 8 60 : 60 u u M " " three" - four " ....... u are ! ...... f .It . ' i I " Contracts for advertising for any space or time may be made at the office of The Observer,! Observer Building, Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, NorthCarollna. . i;:. - ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A 'Iffi BRANDS MADE IN AMERICA. WC. . ' th TJiilteti States. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Offices For; Rent, IN THE MOST DESIRABLE LOCATION IN the city. Well lighted and well ventilated. Apply at The Observer ome. or to julyl5-tf fjEFF. FISHER. jRMISTEAD JOpES, ATTOBM & C0UHS11LL0R AT LAW RALEIGH, N. C. Practices to all the Courtai !sute and Vedera umce in Aaams isuuamg, on Martin stree FOR SALE, ! i '! C fi 0 0 ACRES OP HEAVILY TIMBERED U U U U lands, lying on the line of the Nash vi'le & Chattanooga railroad, between Cowan and Catching's stations, in Franklin county, Tenn., and known as State tract No. 7,988. The title to these lands, from the State to the present owners, is perfect and will be guaranteed. - A a. u. lusk, Attorney. Nashville, Tenn. of E. J. II ALE A SON., 'XI Murray Street, New York. aug 10-tf Hollings Institute, ' . Botetourt Springs, Va. Li ' ' THE THIRTY-FIFTH ANNUAL SESSION will open on the 19th of SeptemlKjr. Pupils are received ior a Bingle session, or a term of years, including vacations, -j ! This is the most extensively equipped school for girls and young ladies in Virginia; it Is also of longest standing, having witnessed the rise of . all others; ; ; f U : 1 The Faculty, composed of ; ladies and gentle men of high social position and of different reli gious persuasions , is numerous and able they have no other calling or profession they reside at the Inctitute, and, with the pupils, compose one family, the school being almost exclusively boarding. j ' The buildings are of brick, recently construct ed, with extensive porticoes and verandas. "The improved grounds are beautiful, embracing many acres, with walks, shade trees and shrub bery.. The mineral waters of (these Springs and this mountain climate have fine effect in the de velopment of health: hence, with rar excep tions, pupils return to their homes improved ami invigorated in physical constitution. The courses of study embrace the whole rang of female culture, and the Institute has borne the reputation for many years of the most accu rate and elevated instruction.! Music, in all its branches, is thoroughly taug-ht. For board and tuition a single charge of $wo is made, payable m three equal Instalments, at intervals of ninety ays, the first being due on day of entrance. "Board" Includes room-rent, lodging, fuel, wash ing, servants' attendance, table fare and medical attendance. "Tuition" covers Instruction In all literary branches, including Languages, Ancient and Modern. For Music, Painting aad Drawing only, are extra charges made. I i or further particulars, apply to the Superln- Mjuueui, ;-CUAS. L. COCKE. Botetourt Springs, Va. Refers to the following patrons: t Col. J. M. Hkck, Raleigh, N. C. Col. Wm. M. Kino, Falkland, N. C. Col. J. B. Perkins, Partolus, N, C. A Capt. J. M. Thompson, Sffiithvllle, N C. II. Sublett, Esq., Winston, N. V. 4 Jyl8-tf i ; . J d. a. McMillan, - . s MANUFAOTUEER OF Turpentine Stills, Rear oWm. Ovtrly) FAYETTEVILLE n. c. STILLS REPAIRED IN THE COUNTRY BY first class workmen. 10 good second hand BraMy and Wliisiy Stills for sale; from 80 to 100 gallons. Stills properly boxed for transportation to avoid mashing. These stills I offer at panic prices, all in good uruer. Send for prices or call on June 25-dlawttwlt. D. O. MCMILLAN. H. J. BAKER & BRO., 215 Pearl BtNewjYorki DEALERS IN y For Composting: or Direct Use. SULPHATE OF AMMONIA, NITRATE OP SODA, DISSOLVED BONE, SULPOATE OFi POTASH, Muriate of ljotasli9 POTASH SALTS, : And all chemloals nsed in Agricolture. N.B. rWe wUl Guarantee all onr Goods, and are perfectly willing to have any chemicals sold by us analyzed or inspected by Dr. A. R. Ledoax, Chemist to the N. 0. Depart ment of Agriculture. Prices furnished on appli cation. - , gept 6-wsmpU FOR KENT. A NEAT COTTAGE WITH Til REE ROOMS and kitchen attached, situated on Saunders street. Nelghorhood excellent. .Apply to . -- K. 'W. BEST, ; Sept. S ;.- xiulsboro street. TIIOUOUGIIUnED STOCK FOIt . t; . 8A1X. j : ,- i - My thoroughbred BERKSHIRE BOAR (Aaron Burr) in fine working order. Also 6 Sows, 8 half Berkshire s, and S Cheaters, will be sold separate ly or In a lot. . ,rtHM, R. B, SAUNDERJ3, rebir-tij - i i ! ! 4 1 ii i ,aug lfi-tf Wadesboro, N. C.