UTP.M.UAU1NDW.L.SAUNDKRS. - i . ffnf 1 XV illIW III f Yf3M?' fTTftt A A & A A ' " " ' ' : nWisnea Daily (except Monday) and 'Weekly. IE I f III I yr A I " j 1 f II (Lj- nl'fviuW ! Mniry RATES OF ADVERTISING j IUTK8 Or SCBSCKIPTION IN ADTANCK. - ; II 1 I 1 j 1 A " 1 1 I ?S!lli if l X "' . Daily, one year, mail postpaid,.,. $ 8 00 M -NX 11 IvAv' J) V 1711 V J It V III J 11 J " OneSquare (1 inch) one day,... ........... i op sixiuo,f9';: :: - u wAv .wT j AV-MA-Mjy Jajs4, r , 1 60 1 " three ; f . . f " s oo - - - it . ' I V- XT y vf NT three" i..'..; v s 00 . Weekly, one year, mall postpaid,... a oo : ' i -- f " ' i " " ' " four a so . six months, " " ; 100 ; ; , .' - ' j' '' - ;.. 1 . ... "i- " f . , ' '. " ' " live .....".". 3 oo To city 'subscribers The Observer will be de- j. : ' ' i . . -: '; . ' ;,; " six -: 8 50 . f - iivered daily at twenty cents per week; seven- -xTriT 0 ;! r-: . ' - ' - ' A f - - ' ' Contracts for advertising lor any space or time ' i cy-dve cents per month; two dollars for three Jj0 l 1 i RAIIEIGH N fl S A TTTRD A V STPTT? M"R TT J Oft i Q177 , may be made ar the office of The Observer; ' -i months. j. m. , i .xxxAVXAJ., L . Kj., DiVX U XxUlY X Oir Jj JbM 15!iK 29, 1877. NO. 118. Observer Building, Fayetteville Street, Raleigh. j TIV U117T PHTl A TUT " Wahingtmlten, l NEW ADlrRRTtsT7'.n?!TJTg 1 xriw ATTTForr. ll I I '- n , '.. ' ' ' '' " ' ".I Ill I If 1 1 1 ill 1 1 H I II 1 -, L,-lJ" vmviicjiDmiMo. XMiVV AmJaU'ISEJUENTS. ! . fitEPOBTEn BY THE ASSOCIATED PEES8. Till: ICUSSIAM-TUICKISII.WAU. Tlic Iaest Dipatcliet from the Scat I of V,a.r. ' ...Loxdos, Scl. 23. The fever and dys entery have increased in thettussian army. The Dally Neies correspondent reports that the Roumanians have been unsuccess ful in their atfempt to capture the Idgai vitza redoubt, after having sapped close up to it, tben displayed -great j gallantry and suffered severely. No confirmation .has yet: been received of the intelligence "which, still seems current that the. Turks have crossed the Danube opposite Silistria. The project is, however, imminehfly possible, and any day may see its f ulfillment. The T.lmes correspondent at Shumla conr firms the repoit that " Mehemet All had fallen back to the Kara Lorn. : : A special from Rome says that Cardinal Ileano bforza, believed Dy many tahave the best chance for Papal 1 succession, is dangerously ill,' and has received the last 'sacrament. j . j ' ; ' Loxdon', Sept. 28. The retirement of Mehemet AH bohiQd the Kara Lorn seems to indicate that the Turks will be satisfied to maintain their present position and de pend on winter to force the Russians back aenmthe Dauube. The Times' Shumla "special says the retrograde movement was partly because the recent rains rendered it difficult to bring up supplies, and partly on account of the Russians massing considerable forces on j the Lorn. It would appear from this explanation that the idea of yielding! the country ; between the - Lorn and I the Yantia lias been abandoned by the Turks. Thug it once, more becomes possible for the Rus sian to isolate and blockade Rustchuk, which, however, .Las. probably been sup plied for the winter, during.tbe last month that communication has been open. Me hemet Ali a right will again: be about. Ka zelvo, with Rasgrad as a base; while his left ; will extend as far as the defiles south of Oainan Bazar,1 being within1 easy support 'from Shumla. ; j ( ' Correspondents with the C.arowitch are not sanguine of his ability to force the line of the Kara Lorn, notwithstanding the ar rival of several divisions of the Imperial Guards. ' j' ioniiarail ve oon, Statement. Nkw Yokic, September 1 28. For the week ending to-day, the net receipts at all United States ports during the week 42,W; net receipts at all L'nited States ports same week : last yeari )),72 ; total ' receipts to . this ' date 8, 773 ; total re eiipls to same -date, last year 201,J08. Kxiiort3 for the week :i,70o ;' exports for same. week last, vyear.t,117 5 tofal exports b) this date Ms (); total exports to .same date last-year 50.4J1. Slock at .all United States -ports 128,241; stock at all I nited Slates Dorts sani( tinn lnct mor ?! . cf. ,. l". oi ..11 :..: I it siock at all intmor towns same time last . ... - . ------ . t' i at ui litlt 1 1111 l vv is 11 1 - . , ) ' 1 - ' 1 year, 10 : stbok at Livcrnool. r!)8.000: sidck at Liverpool same time last year, T-l,0Ui; stock; of rAmcricjin alloat for Croat IWtain 14.0,000; stock, of American alloat for Ureal IJiiuin same time last year, L'-.. Din). i- ; Liverpool Cotton Circular. Liv!cia-oor.,jiScpt. 28, -The following U Hie circular jof the Liverpool Cotton lirokers: ''Cotton has continued inactive di'inand and : quotations jof most des criptions show a further slight advance. American was in active request and quo tations are raised UWddv In Sea Island lUairbusiucsd has bpen done at ful prices. Futures 'opened quietly ..with a moderate I'U.MIIIJSS bllt OU MonilHV flip. rlm.in.l Kn i.uiie active ana uie.inarkcf closed strong , that evening at an advance )f .D-32J over luirsdavs rates.! Sincn then, however, tin re has been decidedly Mtion to sell, ainounting nlmost; to pressure and the advance lias been lost."- f more dispo on Thursday whole of the Sliippiutr. K 1 0 H K . Sent. 9S i-Thn etwim. KhMV Isiiac -Hell,, hence forNorfolk 27th, same day oil' Sandy Hook,: during a' dense l"g, was run' into by the steam tug Cy nns, staving a hole in her port bow about her water line, and returned to this r.itv for t', and returned td this city for rmiirs. . ' 1 i . : I ' I'liOVlDKNcK, Sept. 2S, A cutter has. Pnnem search or an unknown lumber wliAontjr daniaged by collision with steam tr 1 rovulence wlilni, .. :n. royiucnce, which was not materially injured. J A I est ( use. 15RATTI.KROKO, VEKM.OST, Sept. 28 In MHiuimm county court yesterday OnhR. na snow recovered a verdict of -2800 agmnst Danl. C. Carpenter & Son, hotel rrpnetors, and prominent citizens of J eadsboro, on account 6f injuries receiv iil by, being thrown from a wagon in con suence of her husband being drunk. 1 ne l.quor was purchased nf ti. ftnts and as the suit was a test case under ll'C Crniont bnnnr 1 our ifr iv a.' --Interest-- CAi,lcu &rcac Insurance L,okes. PlMVl '"IDKXt'K. II. T. Rpnf 9S J.TL durance on the property biirnt' yesterday as between four and five hundred thou inu d illars. : ' ?.VID.ES-.. SpPt- 23. The total loss jcMewiav's hre "ice n.OOOO. ; was iG75,O0O. Insii- clVio r vV1I'LE" Fla- Sept." 28-One ui.n.at rernandina since last report and new cases. : ' ' 11 "HttefHi Attempt to HobaTrca- rc sjoucli. . ro&fXXf; Wyoming, Sept. 28. -The tt?Jii week,y Measure coach from 'Dead E,,,r n.as st0PPeJ by two masked men, K V,ie:enne'-river, 1 Wednesday night 8t?na3 wa3!made, and Scott td" n f of the mpssengers, was wound tlin Mlf Jes dibIing b'm. The robbers :-tiw," Sot Possession of arms which were in iron saf ' - Were unable to force lhe Xlie JIcKe Cuse, St W , ,r 'Piemoer 28. Justice Mil cuse' ,1 ?ered his decision in the McKee tiuTr;r'lmorninS- It overrules the de Uip , e Svernment to the answer of ndapt, and the sujt, therefore, falls. . -iSflt Sentence. BmlfliloiJ0XD0N' Ct- Sept. 28Jas. R gS0 7h(Ue 'Wm. Thompson of m?naio 10th and Pleaded gty the c3t;,Was Pto 0 days ' v AsnisQTosr, Sept. 28Senator Con- over, 01 n lorida, is quoted jas saying that he io moi, xor x ionaa ana next for Uonover. He was a reDublicari' and 'shnnlrl at an A iw the principles of that party, but would be iau 10 no one s Kite. He believes in the justice and wisdom of Hayes' Southern vuuua iceia ivoraoiy lowara seating butler and Stafford, but could not determine until he heard the claims of oromand Kellogg discussed. Hayes is icpresemeu as rjeing determined that JNew x ors nice nolders shall not set his admin 10fp(lt!n - . XT T he&rd to express regrets that the republi can nnrfir XT "T 1. ' J- 1 . . "tuTjoikj miicw lum was uiviueu as in 1871. Judge Kelly estimates the inde pendent vote of Pennsylvania any where between 20,000 and 80,000, and no one can tell wmcn party writ be most hurt. vyashuvoton, beptember 28. On the 25th inst. warning was teiven from this Di&uai viiux ij ouuuieirn cjues inrougn tne Associated Press that'a cyclone then in the wuii migni De expected to reach the Southern coast within j.-three days. The cyclone now entering the South and Central-Atlantic States near C3ape Hatteras is oeuevea to De tne storm freported in the wma wara islands. Lm I tne 21st, also, a hurricane was passing 250 miles south of Porto Rico, and on the 2Sd and 24th, it moved thence in a northwesterly direc tion over Hayti and over the Gulf stream to JNorth Carolina, where the registered maximum winds are now over fifty miles per hour. The path of this cyclone to the present "date is very similar to the track pursued by the cyclone 01 peptemoer iota to lytn of last year. This storm is now moving slowly to the north, and danger to navigation is not at present anticipated in th Gulf or along the -Florida coast. ! - S . Appointment of Wm; G. Stewart, post master at Tallahassee, FlaJ -The new1 Indian Commissioner, Hoyt, quauneajo-day. f.. The Government has bought 85 per cent, of the Calcasieu logs. T3ie Agent tele graphs that the Government has made a good bargain. ; Washington, September 28. W. "VV. Corcoran has called on Jlayes. Secretary Schurz desires it stated that no additional clerical aid will be needed on account of the fire. i District Judge Billings, of Louisiana, is at. W Ward's. j t .Morton is recovering rapidly and expects to oe auie to sit up soon. There was a full Cabinet meeting to-day. except Thompson. The Sioux 'will "have another talk with the President. to-morrow, i Secretary Sherman has awarded the rev enue printing, for which all the bank note printing establishments had bid, to the Bu reau of Printing and Engraving. T...1, tj:ii:. -t J.T:..t .. Judge Billings, of Louisiana, is here in rrninfrtinn win, lv.;eloi; ... Federal Courts, -ile urges among other measures the repeal of the. test oaths for grand and petit jurors. l j Asked to be Kc-leascl. IIaiitford, September 28. The Direc tors of the Charter Oak Life Insurance Company ask a release of 40 per cent from the policy holders, othijr ,,ise the concern must go into the hands! of a receiver. Humeri lo. Dcalli. 310XTKEAL, Sent. 28. A- farm bouse six miles from St. John, burned. Eight children were bumed to death their mother, tne only adult 111 the house, escaped. Suicide. Richmond, Va., Sept. 28. Travcrs Phillips, a prominent lawyer of Staunton, was lound in bed shot ! tliotio-h tlm head with the pistol still in his hand. -NEW iDVEUTlSEJIENTS. QnlSTADORO'S HAIR Is the iafest and the hat, 19 instantaneous in its action, and it produces the most n;iturill shades of Mack or browd is a .u.uuv.iiomuiiu inssKin.aad u easily applied. It weU .............. .ni.nrauu, anu a lavorue upon every -appointed toilet for lady o rcntleman. Kor sale by all )rnccis and Hair llresserfi. IPSEPH 5nJ?.2?ii Proprietor. P. o. Box ADORn. 2, New York. jy BlawSaly G. D. RAM), i Late of Rand 3c Wyatt. f i C. B. BARBEE, RAND & BARBEE, GROCERS -AND ral Dommissioii Mer chants CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON SOLICITED. Martin Street, - - RALEIGH, X. C, DEALERS JN BACON, FLOUR, SU0AR, COFFEE, TOBACCO, SNUFF,! MOLASSES, SALT, LEATHER, FISH, BAGGING, fTIES, &o., &cl - ' PRICES AS LOW ASj THE LOWEST. CALL, AXD SEE US, trr Strict attention given to the sale of con signments of COTTON and all COUNTRY PRO DLCE, and prompt returns inade. . 8C1-U4W-H. .BINPOP.D, Ii033 & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, WIOIIXGTOX, N. C. SALT and MOLASSES a Specialty. AGENTS TOR I 31 1 I OVED COT TON TIES oest Rates of Freight always Obtained. apr i-iy j o 5; eh C Jul 6-lwly 1 WORTH & WORTH. WILMINGTON, N. C, ' JllJiK AT LOW PRirFS 1000 TONS GRATlJ AND STOVE COAL, t. 2000 BARRELS LliE, PLASTER and CEMENT. 500 FLpTJR, ALL GRADES. i 150 BOXES SMo4ETand DRY-SALT MEATS. 100 BARRELS SITGAR. 300 HOGSHEADS and BARRELS MOLASSES. 75 BAGS COFFEE. 300 KEGS NAILH. 5IA PA :k Hfiijs j CANDLES. LYE j ' SODA, MATCHES, CANDY, SNUF, TOBACCO, ic, &C, AC septll-tf 1 VALUABLE FARM - I AND MILL PROPERTY FQtl 8ALE. THE SUBSCRIBER OFFEkS FOR SALE A tract Of Land Ivinrr rnnr Patinrrhntn in k?JH ot K'chmond, containing ONE HUN DRED AND FORTY (140 AC.ftwM .hnnt .;. ""lyareuuucr cunivaiion. Tne 8011 i iiua in ui 1a vtj ienue, ana 13 well adapted to the growth Of Corn. f,ot.t.nn an1 tlmrrcf other product peculiar to this climate. ThAi.n i. , . I . ... iL . aisu iqnjii me iract, afwut one-half uiiic iiuui ItUUKlHSJIiam and W thin atnno'a miuw ui Lne iraoH; 01 tue uarolma Central Rail way 1 iN EXCELIEXT SAW AXD GRIST MILL. The Saw Mill his a cood 50-inh irniar OQw and proper gearhfg. and is capable, with a good sawyer, of turning out twelve thousand tta.oom ieet 01 lumber per day. There is ample water power for a vast amount of machinerv in ai,ii. tion to these mills. Immediately above are sit uated the Cotton Milts of the Great Falls Manu facturing Compaliy, and those of the Pee Dee Manufacturing Cjompanj , boih of which corpo rations declare h4nd.some dividends annually There are man advantages which combineto uiaive was properly, to an enterprising maa with ou"" v.uiii.a.i, u most uesiraoie ana paying in- ycstmeni. jt wiu be sold at an as-tonishiDiriv iow price. i sep 20-tf 2 11. r J CVVA1U', Rockingham, N. C. (Teacber for . M tern Academy. l r' 'i;AUiJ tOK THE POSITION OF PLICATIONS FOR THR POSTTTOV 1 'RINCTPAll of the Newberu Academy for l?. A'rnic year, will be received by "iiiuK .i.i;uiR-imc year, will be received 1 idersigned atitil the v,iv "'""--""Such riiui me Last in September, 1877. The Scliool will he ooened for trip pupils on Monti ay, Oct. 1st, 1877. By order of t!i Board of Trustees. i F. C. ROBERTS. Sep 22-1 w J Secretary, 4o. r - - - -i- KADER BI003. StstaUifilied 'lS."il. -I asa meat KADsrl' 3:aas & co., mmi c;:i::::::::; :::r,;HA:;i; AND CcItTON FACTORS. . Bisks' lVliarf, - - NORFOLK, VA. 5f'Ul)craI advances on Consignments. CSpecial attention pail to the sale of COT TON and all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, and prompt returns nade. ti?BAOGIN( and TIES furnished on liberal "eniis. se23-w3m. STOP AT THE .1 I Corner Market and Second Streets, Wilmington, N. C. EI). WILSON' MANNING, Proprietor. Hoard &2.50 and i.OO per Day. Special rates imade for a week or more to thp times. sept 12-tf . AT 1017 PRICES. 300 Hogsheads rorto Ricp and Cuba and : Barrels Snsrar Molasses. 200 Hosjtf ad. 300 Barrel Sugars all grades. 300 Sacks Coffee. 500 Rolls Bagging, 50 Tons Ties. 200 Boxes pry-salted C. R. Sides. 100 Boxes Smoked Sides and Shoulders. 500 Kegs Nails. 5000 Sacks Coarse and Fine Salt. ALSO CANDLES, 'CANDY, i OSACKEES, - SOAPS, I SHOT, I &c., dec., &c. FOR SALE BY WILLIAMS & MURCHISOH, WILMIXGTOX, N. C. sept U-tf F. A. SCIIUTTE, Wholesale and Retail Dealer j IN ALL KINDS OF PARLOR, CHAMBER, DININC, 7 KITCHEN and OFFICE Xos. 26 and 28 I : SOUTH FRONT STREET; and Nos. 11 and 15 . DOCK. STREET, Wilmington. N. C. IMIE HUE Willi GILL T BIBB 1 187 7. U WE ARK AGAIN PREPARING TO PRESENT iu uun uoiwauiKs AJSi) THE PUBLIC GENAJRALLY A MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF-- FALL AND WINTER Dry Goods. 0000 OUR BUYER is now in the Northern market iuas.iug seiecuous wim CARE AND D SCRIMINA TIOH and as we BUY FK CAsTl" .RveiTi advantages which .1 Emerience. Eneny and Capital cangiveua. Oar CASH PLAN with LO W PRICE S HAS BEEN A SUCCESS. The people appreciate it and our business im proves. We will be prepared in a few days to present full lines of all kinds of goods in all de partments. We have received specimen cases of t GENTS FALL j3TTLE OF HATS, AND AN ASSORTMENT OF Kid and Undressed Kid Gloves, Ladies Xcck Ties, AND A FEW NSW STYLES Jfggg JqQ W. H. & R. S. TUCKER. sept 12-tf reliant Tailoring. New Men ! New Finn ! l! NEW GOODS!!! Aiul NEW PI ICES. Yes, we mean new prices that is to say, we have on hand a 11 rat class lot of the V e ry 8 est Co o ds For Gentlemen's Wear, Embracing every novelty of style that we will put np in suitsto order at prices ' LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE Offered in this market. U ' We guarantee satisfaction both in tit and wort J Our motto is : "LIVE AND LET LIVE," Call and see us at the OLD TUCKKH JBTOItOE:, uucuwr 6UUIUOI me southern isxpress office, FAYKrrEVILLE STUEET. Sep 20-tf LEWE.LLEN A MESLEY. IX Yon "Will J i-ilt, PURE LIQUORS IX MODERATION. We have always in store a Full and Choice Stock of In tnis Line, Including the well known and excellent Robertson Comity Tenn. Rye WiisMes, Saramerdean Virginia Valley Rye Whiskies, For which we are sole agents. j j ft i AXD Cabinet Whiskies. CHOICE OLD COGXAC,j OF PLANAT 4 CO. ! SHERRY AVINES. Of Moreno De Mora and Rudolph, j PORT WINESj Of Wm. & JOHN GRAHAM. CLARETS, Of J ULES.M ERMAN 4 CO. OIIVXI?AGHVE! ( Of various approved brands. j IMPORTED " FISH " GUI, rare ana genome ror meaicai purposea. BEST NEW ENGLAND RUM. N. C. APPLE BRANDT. YOUNGER'S AND BASS' ALE. V ' GUINNESS' BROWN STOUT, &c, fco., &c, fecJ We buy all Foreign Direct of Importers and Agentaj. t We cater only for a first-class ' X.IQUOR TKADI3, And purchasers can rely npon the Genuine Char acter of all goods bought of ua. j - j jf Orders from a distance Bromntlv and fcarefnlrv fined, in boxed Demijohns, or as may be? desired. . ; haedih & gebles.' SepW-tf'-" - . ..,. ,j, ; WOROVGHBRED STOCK SALE. . I:. My thoroughbred BERKSHIRE BOAR flaron Burr) in fine working order. Also 5 Sows, t half Berks hire a, and S Cheaters, will be sold separate ly or In a lot. v; -. . : v . --. . -- - - L I 1 j I Mei WWW) MiAlStMacli EECE17ED THIS WEEK CO boxes selected Cream Cheese. 55 boxes London large Raisins. 35 boxes Cakes and Crackers. 10 cases Horsford's Eread Preparation, 1,200 lbs. Plain and French Candies. 2 cases Schipp's Cocoanut. 1 case Excelsior Corn Starch. 1 case Sweet Oil. , 20 bbls. Peerless Irish Potatoes. 50 boxes Scotch Herrings. 2 gross Gtllet's Cream Yeast. 10 gross Ralph's Carolina Snuff. 1 gross Nelson's Gelatine. : S gross Mason's Blacking. 5 Tubs Fresh Goshen Butter. BROOMS, WATER and WILLOW BASKETS. Special for City Trade. English and Alderney Condensed Milk. Canned French Green Peas. French Pickles, Glass and Kegs. Genuine French Sardines. 5 packages Breakfast Samp and Hominy. Cross A Black well's mixed Pickles. oround Java and French Breakfast Coffee in 1 lb. Tin Jars. Choice thin Breakfast Strips. Pig Hams and Shoulders. T5 brands elegant Toilet Soaps,cheaper than ever. CONSIGNED. 500 lbs CHOICE MOUNTAIN BUTTER, in 20 lbs. Kegs, cheap. 25 bbls. FATJFRESn MULLETS, cheap to close. W. C. A A. B. STRONACII. septl9-tf 10! FOR THE FAIR. i WEIKEL, Hani Tailor. . HoDeman BflSing, Fayetteyllle St., HAS JUST RECEIVED EES FRESH SUPPLY of FALL B002JS, And is now ready to put up to order the . Most FashissaMs Fall If you would be in time for your FAIR WEEK SUITS, CALL EARLY. THE OLD ESTABLISHED EDipriMOfFasliion Is better prepared than ever before to render Pull Satisfaction to Customers, 3TR E M E M C E R, WEIKEL'S IS THE PLACE. aug as-tjf. ' BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. iuk UMJEKSIGNED HAS TniS DAY soia and transferred to Mr. W. C. McMACK- iw an nis interest in the co-partnership busi ness conducted by the firm of MoMACKIN & GTJH.ICIC, which is therebv dissolved. Mr. McMACKIN will continue the business at me same stanu on McKee 8quai'e, ami i taKe pleasure in asking for him the pat ronage of my friends and acquaintances who desire the services of a COMMISSION MER- W. B. GULICK. Raleigh, N. C, Sept. 8, 1S77. COTTON ti COMHISSiOy BUSINESS, I shall continue the COMMISSION BUSINESS at the stand. heretofore occupied by McMACKIN & GULICK, and respectfully solicit consign ments of COTTON, GRAIN, . HAY, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE GENERALLY, to the sale of which I will give strict personal attention. GOTTOIT Is maae a specialty of my business, and .1 shall be able to make quick sales and prompt returns. The usual commission of 50 cents per bale will be charged. ' , . I shall continue the sale of MORO PHILLIPS' PHUINE. and of other Guanos, and also of AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS. C 3rc3XA.CIilI3V. sept 9-tf ' TREDVELL & MALLORY, is mm 9 NORFOLK, VA., SKIi COTTON FOB A COMMISSION OF Fifty Cents a Bale. WE GUARANTEE AND '-' - ' -. . ' PROMPT RETURNS..; Jsel-3m.J '. - BY A LADY, A SITUATION AS TEACHER in a school or family. She is qualified to Be Com Men rive thorough instruct ion m all the English Branches, aud the rudiments of Music, and would also be willing to act as amanuensis, elocution ist, or secretary. She would not object to a place in the country. - Refers to W. E. Anderson .or Key. Dr. Mar Shall, Raleigh, N.C. . , , - Address ' ' H. R, A. sep lS-TTim Box 159, Eaieigh, N, C, .FalLifc;!S77. Latest ani newest Styles. JT. 3. LOADER, (1 1 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, . Would respectfully inform his patrons and the public generally, that he has just received a f uU andj complete stock of Fall and Winter .; Goods, EMBRACING v EVERY NOVELTY OP STYLE AND FASHION. The very finest ENGLISH, FRENCH and GER MAN CLOTHS AND DOESKI1NS. CHEVIOTS, DIAGONALS, SCOTCH, FEEFCH and ENGLISH OASSIMEEES, In (short, the most attractive linA nt nnn.ia ,w brdught to the Raleigh Market. Remember, I employ only IRST CLASS WORKMEN, And will not be undersold. "Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. ipn ana see njes, T. R. LOADER, Mekooant Tailor. Sep22-tf l Fayetteville Street. THE m nn n AM IJJ Are Again Moving. on your Wkt and' Get your Flour. Gattis, Jones & Ellis. GOB WANTED. THOSE HAVING- GOOD WHITE CORN, Or GrOOd Wlioat For sale, will please send samples, stating quan tity and best terms to GATTIS, JONES & ELLIS. FRESHLY GROUND mim BOLTED corn hriyvT For sale at wholesale Very Low for Cash. GATTIS, JONES & ELLIS. Sep 22-tf; . EDWAEDS, BE0UGHT0N & CO., 'HITIRS BINDERS D Raleisrli, TV. O. Having- recently- Fnrnkhcd onr Joa Printing Sprtneat, With a supply of NEW T Y PE, LATEST STYLES OF PAPEES, CAIID8, &o., .'. we invite the patronage of Rnsiness 51c n throughout tne state. Our Rook Bindery is. complete and in charge of JOUN ARMSTRONG, Esq., the most skilled Bookbinder in the State. W ' Keep on hand and make to order LEDGERS, DAY BOOKS, RECOBD BOOKS' in every way equal to any made. Uigazi&ss, Perioiicals, !'s;:prf:::, Bound in any style, and OLD BOOKS rebound. Our establishment is the' . . LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE : of the "kind in North Carolimwand our past suc cess and the large increasing business we are now conducting, proves tnt our work is equal to any done North or South If you want irriniiiigr or iSindine of any kind done with despatch and in the , best style, send yonr orders to JSDWAKJJS, BKUtUUTO?. a, CO., PWNTEE8 AND BINBEE3, ' seplfi-tf Raleigh N. C. E. H. POCUE, (Tobacco ; Manufacturer, IIILLSBORO, Ki C S Offers to the trade the following brands of To ANTELOPE, 11 and 10 inch., 6 and 6 to lb., .. LEGAL TENDER, 11, 10 and 9 Inch, 6, e, and i RED BIRD and GEN. BBAGG, II inch, ft to B. DIAMOND and COMET lnch, 6 to ft. ; OLD RELIABLE and GOLD DOLLAR. IS inch. 3tov , f. . ; . .; j"OUR FRANK", and LITTI ELLA. 6 Jnclii 8 and W to ft. in la a caddies. , ,. ; f . , SUN-CURED and IPOGUE'8 BEST." finch. 4 to ft in 7 a caddies. . ; . ;; ; . . , raThe best assortment of Medium and Fine Tobacco in the State.,,, t $ Hrt.'., :Anti.i-- 'fySEJfD FOBsPKICS IjSTiaMM '. n 157 He Hi VViiLNUT CREliKMILLS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A NEAT COTTAGB. WITH THREE ROOMS' xjl and kitchen attached, situated on Saunders oucei. jeignornood exceuent. Apply tdi-j- ih o ' : -'-'- ' .; . H. W. BEST, ,, Septr 2 HUlsboro street. Offices, For Rent,:, .; JN.THE MOST DESIRABLE LOCATION IN' the city. Well lighted and well ventilate!. lApplyatTHaOBSKiiVKKofflveor to juiyio-u . JL'rr. FISHER. : lnmisxEAD JOIVES, ATTORNEY & C0D5SELL0B AT M : RALEIGH, N. C. -: Practices fn all the Courts, State and Federa Onice in Adams BuUding,onMartin stree j 82317. B. F. Moorb. , ' John G atlinq. Moons , & gatliho, ATTORHEYS AT LAW. RALEIGH, N.C. ';, Practice in State and Federal Coutts. Jyistf . . - - . , W, 13. GWYN, ! ASII33VIIL.X-3i:, 2V. O. Special Attention glfcn to Collection of Claimgi aug 9-tf i i. i DR. RICHARD II. LEWIS. (Late Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear In the Savannah Medical College.) Practice limited 10 I II Q EYE AJST EAR, Raleigh, N. c. omce in the Yarborough House. Refers to the State Medical Society, and the Georgia Medical Society. . DR. GEO. W. GRAHAM; raleigii, nr.'c. I'ractico X.Imitel to Eye, Ear & Throat. septG-diwly . ( FOR rALE, R fl fl fl ACliES "AVILt TIMBERED Y,U H f landslymtf on the line of the Nash-viue- y Cliattanooga rjiilroad, between Cowan and Catching' statlorts, in Franklin county, lenn., aud known as state tract No. 1,988. The title to these lands, frojn the state to the present owners, is perfect and will be guaranteed. A bargain. For terms apbly to A. jfi. LUSK, Attorney, Nashville, Tenn. rr,. ,1. 11 ALU, A S(JN., IT Murray street. New Yc aug lo-tf i ork. j GOLD LANDJOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBERS ARE AUTTIORIZED 4-.nieU of Land, one of it "A aTa been found, though not worked systematically, lhey adjoin one of the most productive gold mines in North Carolina. Terms liberal. ; E. J. HALE .t SON., ang 10-tf IT Murray Street, New Yorfc. Office For Sale. A GOOD DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER IS wanted at f Rt riIERFORI)m, IV. c., and tlie RIGHT MAN canbuy a first-class coun try oitle, well supplied with all necessary ma terial at a low price and on easy terms. For particulars enclose stamp and address , L. P. EKWIN, iu 31-tf Rutherfordton. N. C. SI3rONTON STATES VILLE, N. C. Board, and English Tution f55.oj per session of twenty weeks. . , For circulars with full particulars, address Mrs. E. N. GRANT, Principal. KIFEBENCESr All friends and pupils of the late Professor Mitchell, of the University of North Carolina. Jy 25-6 m pd. : . . ; 3VOTITII CAROLINA. Happy Home9 r. O. THE NEXT TERM WILL COMMENCE AU r. a?t' l8t ay aad cl08e December 19th, 18TT. Board, including all expenses is from $8 to fio per month. Tuition ranges from fl to f4 per month. For particulars address r I , , . K. L. ABERNETHY, , Jaly 10-tf. President. St. Rt. Rev. Tho9 Atktoson,D. D.,) Vlsl Rt. Rev. Theo. B. Lyman, D. D-f tors. " Eey, Bennett Smedes, IL U.t Eectoiv'' Mrs. Kate DeRosaet Heart? s, Lady Superintendent., The 71t Term 0 this school will begin V SEPTEMBER 14th, 1877; : ; FOR CIRCULAR ADDRESS THE RECTOR, f ,. July 7-3m " ' . NOTICE TO THE , . r MERCHANTS AND iBUSKESS MEN-- nil : A S YOU HAVE THE CHANCE OF SECDR- , Ing the trade of thrt Ppa re lontinn a hia fc,,taJe,,ha new Beioit Jutt opened ont to Ral' eig,h) it will be well for you to -go to wort at Sn'ifi -JFSZ fi ttllnf a 18 adrertlse fn the ! 'PEE- DEE HERALD." Prices low. For f urt . er particulars, address ' w . - h; - !.;! .-COL. R.-'R::T.TI.''-!ib ang 16-tf ' Wadesboro, nTg, ' 7 uAJS?9JlXtmxnthm .mi. m.Mur 1- in VU.U Je.lt.,, IRTC DR 14 a: 'IS- ,aTtA 1 ?Ns C0NST1MT SICK HEADACHE f summer atmiuna FCRKSERSESDT' BUU0U5HE8S, a I (VFRrrnMBr:i4 ADYSPEPSUUB CLEARS THE 4 U -Rr. N. (LDnWC Q Printing FEME COLLEGE Rutflerforfl College, Marfs For Pamphlet addreai Dk. Sanford, New York.' ii WigM-dAwlJ

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