RATES 1 OF SUBSCRIPTION IN ADVANCB. uauy, one year, mau postpaid,... $ s 00 " six months, " - . ........... 4 00 three " 3 00 Weekly, one year, mall postpaid.......... s 00 six months, " 1 qo I To city subscribers The Observer will be de livered dally at twenty cents per week ; Beven- ty-flve centaper month; two dollars for three l months. ' ' ' '. ' mm-. iuun I"lIKPOETED BY THE ASSOCIATED PEESSs THE KUSS1A.-TLKKISII WAR. The Latest Dispatches from tlieSeat ui nan : London, September 29. The New Ber lin correspondent; says that a party of mil itary ' surgeons on special leave departed yesterday ior tne nussian' neadouarters; They belong to some of the best regiments f in the German army. , ' . r London, Sept. 29. The T6nes, though it strongly sympathises with Russia, prints the following under . a prominent heading:. ,,T1 j j. 1 . 1 j - "i'ruuent generosity, py leiegrapn irom our special correspondent, Therapia, Sept. 28 ; "It is said that the Turkish soldiers have received strict orders Hot to fire at any Russian General, lest he should, be killed or disabled and be replaced." ' . - A rjucnarest special to tne 1 ime says tne tremenaous numoer or wounded from Plevna has overcrowded the Kussian: hospitals, and much i suffer ing is experienced by the wounded in transit to Russia, : in consequence of the insufficient accommodation and of the defi ciency of .surgeons and dressers. 4 The Time in, a leading article on the war says: The end of the campaign must be near and it promises to present some thing like a drawn battle. Formally or informally, the. ''powers will . then no doubt attempt ;tb; avert" the necessity of another campaign by", the aid of diplo macy. : j : .. . London, Sept. 29. The steamer John Krauiall, from New Haven, with war mu nitions arrived at Constantinople on the 27th inst. ; .. : 1 Tweed i;xaiiiiuatioa Itcuuied. Nkw Yokk, Sept. 29. Tweed's exami nation before the Alderrnanic Investigating Committee was resumed. The witness testified as already, mentioned that he paid money for the passage of the tax levy to , Senators Graham, Brand, VVoodin, &c. .. lie pifrrl-etvch of them to vote for some jhills that year ' and he thought it was i for voting for that tax levy. Re garding the election' of 18G8, the wit ness said t4iat that year was a great year for naturalizations. Jno.- A. Griswold was a candidate.; Tweed had control of the political machinery, that is, inspectors of. election. "lie remembered the closing of that election; most all of the notabilities of the Democratic party were 'with him that evening at the Metropolitan Hotel. Hall, Sweeney .and himself caused telegrams' to be sent, out' during the day fur the purpose of keeping the tele graph wires, going" sq as to prevent the counties throughout the State knowing what we were doing in the city. Witness did I not think there : was ever an honest . (lection in New York. The result of the aggregate votes -Jin the city and county jn 108, was probably caused by the Inspec tors; of Election) anrl ""not by voters, aiid -jv'e took, means to effect that result. 1ne suggestion' Wiis to. if necessary. telegraph the whole .Bible'., all oyer the Suite, especially in St. ' Lawrence county, where they were beating us three to one, as we kulievcd, in order to keep the wires going and the outsides from knowing how we were getting on in New York. ' . ; j ." Mr. Townsend thought the line of ex amination had wandered away from the directions Of the resolution-under which the investigation was ordered. They were drifting into a political matter. ' Mr. Cole said the object was to find out who had received money, either through , tiw levy or other, means, as they could be' sued and the money recovered. . The committee j then adjourned until Saturday next. j : IVcu -York Items. ';- v .- ' ' J. I Nkw York, Sept. 29. Nine steamships sail for Europe to-day, taking about 400, 000 bushels of gr&iij, Besides large quanti ties of cheese, butter, cotton, lard, oys ters, ! Hour; hops, beef, canned goods, horses, cattle and a full list of passen gers. ' , , .f . j. v ; Luigo Percola, was stabbed and killed last niglit in a Roosevelt street saloon by Roceo Pallato, during a' fight which orig- mated from a'game of cards, i Both were . Italians. Pallato who -was also badly stabbed was arrested. ; . .:;' A Salt . Lake Citv . despatch says the Tribune publishes a list of per sons who have obtained' divorces thrdugh , .the probate. , ' . ; ; : RociiEsTKK, Sept. 29. The Evening . iraZS its editorial pedigree shows tnat of those implicated by Tweed, two got drunk -and two got drowned, .two got choked on chicken pie. The present man agement did not know Tweed French Affairs. Londox, September 29. A Times Paris dispatch says the list of official candidates , lor election to the Chamber of Deputies is now all but completed and placards are '!ng issued by the prefects for posting n tne various arrondissements. The placards are headed "Candidates of the Government ot-Marshal MacMahon, President of the epiibhtc. ' An estimate of " these lists 8'ows that the ; Marshal's candidates divided into 131 Legitimists, 83 Weanists, and 293 Bonapartists. Tie remaining twenty Arrondissements be ,8 '.n,autl around Paris, are without any wdcial candidate. There may of course be : some slight errors , in this classification uut there can be no question as to the gen tnil result; namely, that the President of tne uepublic had been made to ask the Rectors fb return a chamber, composed of ttiree-flfths Bonapartists and two-fifths loyalists. : - 1 . . ., . ... j Archbishop Hay ley. To. iEWRK' N- J- ScVL 29. Arch-Bishop hy is a Uttle better this morning. i , --o. ifcC. renoisnop James iv oosevelt f,,,r - . iiuituui, wujt iu a crui- in a cnti- v . v'"u fc viueurairesiacnce at -'"lUS, HI. .1 I oof T11(T1 Dn J,!,, J.U " ireu at any moment. tion J f K Sept.29.-The condi- a Blshp Bayey to-day ows .pf'pt Improvement. Coadjutor Bishop PhiW,ni',0-f Baltimore, Bishop Wood, of Uadelphia, and Bishop Carrigan, of t-wark, is ha attendance at his bedside.! " u l,"ied StateTlorces in Mexico. dkrtV K' Sept 29-A San Ahtonio SIa f yesterday says : "Licat. Bullis Inrti!nDe Te:rlnto Mexico and struck the frnm und Mexcans at Zaragossa not far om where Mackenzie attacked them. hPartlcular cannot ; be obtained iat dquarters, but it is believed that Lieut. Ill :"?Lla,en the -townof Zaragossa. men with mm." VOL. 2. I The Indians. lyniCAOo, beDtember 29.A St, Pmii special says ; t "Owing to the Indian Su perintendent Kimball .1 having : ordered i? atner ToniseiU. Catholic Miwri muirv-. tn TTTl ? . . . -T ' - jcq,ve uiie jiiartn on. account et vio lation of the azencv rules, the Priest toot refuge in . the church and rung the bell 0 summon the Indians friendl v tn him and with them is. how . hoidihsr the cuurcn in armea resistance to the authori- l ma , . i ty of KimbalL . i n The Indians are considerably excited and consequently Kimball telegraphed to Fort Snelhng for aid. The Indians are not aggressive, but watchful- and susnirinna. They have other minor grievances, which will probably necessitate ,roops remaining Earth for' some m the vicinity of White time. ..!:.: At the-Indian council yesterday was indf- caiea ine aetermmation on the part of the government that the Indians shall come to the Missouri river this winter, with the pro mise that their lands shall be surveyed and mev may select tneir nomea . next vear It' appears from the President's speech tnat tne adherents of Crazy Horse and Lame Deer have eron'e 'North.-' and ! th President intimates that t is necessary at present 10 nera inenaiy Indians with view to fierce war against hostiles. which term includes all who are not under the control or agents. Stores f for the Indians have been sent to the Missouri river, and nie inaians nave tne alternative or iroine 10 tneir stores t or eoini without them. The Indians seem apprehensive that if thev leave their homes for the. Missouri river they will not be allowed to go back. The indications are not favorable to an early termination of the Indian' troubles. The further conference I with the Indian delegations, which was tqhave been held this morning at the Executive Mansion, has oeen postponed until Monday. . The In dians have not yetj agreed;on their response to. the President, and will hold another council on the subject. JThey cannot yet reconcile themselves to their removal from their present locations, and are much de pressed by the policy of ;the government as yesterday expressed by the President. i Washington. September 23. The fol lowing was received at the War Depart ment this morning : , j. ! Chicago, September 28. Oen. Townsend, Adjutant General, Wash- ingtow. ! Gen. Terry, under date1 of Fort Shaw. Montana, September 27. telegraphs as fol lows : "Ou the 21st. Maior Hires, of the 7h Infantry, commanding at Fort Benton, received information that the-Nez Perces were approaching Fort Claggott. He im mediately siartea down; tne JMissoun with his command, one company, and 40 or 50 citizens. Ho now reports from Cow Islands under date of Sept. 24th, that on the, day previous the Indians crossed the river at that place and attacked a small detachment on duty there I as a guard over tne property and stores of engineers at work on the river. This" detachment of twelve soldiers was entrehched, and with the aid of four citizens, subceeded in driv ing the Indians off. During the nighfthe Indians burned about fifty tons of freight lying at the landing, and at 10 o'clock on the 24th moved oil, goiuut up Cow Creek in the direction of the Pass, between Bear Paw mountain and Little Hocky range. The route taken by the flndians crosses the road from Fort Benton to Fort Walsh. The commission to visit Sitting Bull will therefore have.to wait unti it is ascertained that the way is clear, or al sufficient force can be collected. ' , Signed ' P. II Siikridax, I General. Washington Item. Washington, D. C, Hept. 29. The cyclone, noticed yesterday! near Wilming ton, has moved sliajhtly to the North, and is now . central in Virginia. Cautionary signals continue from Smith ville north, i ., Washington, September 29. The amount of bank notes issued during the present month is $1,325 j, 540, making it necessary to' retire under the law of the United States notes to the amount of $1, 061.232. The Secretary f the Treasury has determined not to sell gold this month as has heretofore been done to meet tbeir liability, but to retire the; United States notes from the current balance in the Treasury, which is atmpjo for that pur pose, j movements of Commissioner Smith. ashington, Sept. 29.-f-jEx-Indian Com missioner Smith, goes to Ohio, to'take part in the political campaign. He will depart for his Canada Consulate; in November. What will Professor Langston, Minister to Hayti, say to this? ' j Arrested for M order. Pittsburg, Septi 29. (jeneral Pearson was arrested to day fort murder while commanding the State forces against the rioters. He was admitted to bail in the sum of $10,000. Gen. Pearson made no defence in the preliminary Rearing. ' Yellow Fever Case. Boston, Sept 29. Two; cases of yellow fever have been discovered! in the brig P. M. Tinker, from Trinidad, Cuba. The men have been placed in the fever hos pital at quarantine. Bank Statement. New York, Sept. 29. Loans decrease 2 millions ; specie decrease 2 millions ; legal tenders decrease iimilllon; deposit decrease 6 millions ? reserve decrease 14 millions. t : Failure. :: - CmoAGO,.' Sept. 29. Chas. L. Wood man, i a prominent broker, has failed. Liabilities $100,000. Assets encumbered with real estate. " i - ' ---- - t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. STOP AT THE - Corner Market and Second Streets, : , i!';-'--H;: ED ; WILSOX MAXNOO, ProprleloV. Hoard ti.50 and 2,00 per Day, , thl oel "aad0 f0r r ippre to sept 12-tf ' ' iAHING HOUSE w liming: RALEIGH, N. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WORTH & WORTH. YIUaiHGTON, H.- C, Mr a it AT LOW PRICES 1000 TONSjGRATE AND STOVE COAL. ! J .. . . . 2000 BARRELS LIME, PLASTER and CEMENT. 600 " ! FLOUR, ALL GRADES. 150 BOXES SMOKED and DRY-SALT MEATS. 100 BARRELS SUGAR. 300 nOGSETEADS and BARRELS MOLASSES. 73 BAGS COFFEE. 300 KEGS NAILS. """' ; . I ouAtr, CANDLES. LYE SODA, MATCHES, CANDY, 1 SNUFF, TOBACCO, sept 11-tf ! k.auk biggs. Kstablishedn8.il. J. asa mnns. & CO., AND COTTON FACTORS. Bis' Tiarf, - ,- NORFOLK, Y i. "Liberal advances on Consiirnments. tJPSDecial attention nairi tn th aa) nf rrT- TON and all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, and yijniv, lemma iuaae.i taBAGGING and TIES furnished on liberal terms.. se23-w3m. 300 Hogsheads Porto Rico and Cuba Molasses. 200 Jfogslieads and Barrels Suarar House syrup. 300 Barrels Sugars, all grades. ' 300 Sacks Coffee. oOOItollsrBasjring, 50 Tons Ties. 200 Boxes Dry-salted C. R. Sides. 100 Boxes Smoked Sides and Shoulders. 500 Kegs Kails. 5000 Sacks Coarse and Fine Salt. AL0 CANDLES, CANDY, t CRACKERS, SOAPS, f SHOT, &C., &C., &c. l Olt SALK Bl WILLIAMS & MURCHISON, wilhixgto, arc. sept ls-tf F. A. SCIITJTTE, niioIcaIc and Retail Dealer . : jlN ALL' KINDS OV PARLOR, CHAMBER, j DINING, KITCHEN and OFFICE FUPSTURE, oiRPETS, IVos. 2G and 28 SOUTil FROXT STREET, and Xos. II and 15 IOC K S T R E E T, Wilmington, N. C. Scrth Carc!isa,ril,li",ou cot Kf7 WAKE COUMTY. j FALL TERM, 1S77. W. S. .MasoQ against Patrick Murray. upon aue amaavit it is ordered that publica- iiuu oe inaue in i he ubsektek, a newspaper published inj the city of Raleigh, N. C, once a ween ir BumuucenBiTB wee Ks, summoning the defendant PATRICK MURRAY to be and ap pear before the Judge of our Superior Court to lie uciu ir uc uuuuij vi v aKe at tne court Ilouse in Raleigh, on the EIGHTH MONDAY after the SECOND MONDAY of AUGUST, 18T7 and answer the complaint which will be deposi ted in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county within the first three days of the next term thereof, and let thesaid defendant take notice that If he fails to answer the complaint within the time allowed by law the plaintiff will take Judgment ag&inst him for the relief demanded in the said complaint. witness, j. jn. jaunting, taer or said court, at omce m Kaieign, tnis 25tn day or August, 1877 1 J. N. BUNTING, , Clerk Superior Court Wake County. aug2ft-law6w WM. S. MASON, Plaintiff. VS. PATRICK MURRAY, Defendant. TN THE ABOVE ACTION OF WTT.T.TAM S JL Mason, Plaintiff, against Patrick Murray, De- iciiusuk, wuerem me pisinun claims. (z,suu, bal ance due about January, 1816, for services ren dered by him to the defendant as Attorney from January, 1870, to January, 1876, and for money advanced by the plaintiff to the defendant, let the defendant take notice that a warrant or at tachment has been this day Issued, returnable to tne ran lerra oi waKe superior court, to be held in the City of IiaJeigh, North Carolina, on the 6th Monday after the 2nd Monday in August, IS'T. J.N. BUNTING, Septeml)ef6,187T. Clerk SUPERIOR COURT. WAKE CQUMY. FALL TERM, 18H. . ,4 W. S. Mason against Anson V. Parsons. Upon due amoavit re is ordered that publica tion be made in Ths OssEBvsR,a newspaper puHHMieu iu mtj cnj oi naieigu, n. v;., once a week for six successive weeks, summoning the defendant ANSON V. PARSONS to be and arw pear before the Judge of our Superior Court, r I be held for the county of Wake, at the Court i House In Raleigh, on the EIGHTH MONDAY. alter tne bHAA2u mojndax oi AUGUST, 187T, and answer the complaint which will be deposi ted in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county within the first three days of the next term thereof, nd let the said defen dant take notice that u ne fail to answer the complaint within the time allowed by law the Plaintiff will taite judgment against him for the renei aemanaea m tne saia complaint . witness, J. N, Bunting, ciers of said court," i omce in jiaieigu,- uu jaia iay or August, v clerk Superior Court, Wake County. : aug22-iaw6w ;-: . . TV. S. MASOX, Plaintiff. ; ; a Against " X - X . ANSON V. PARSONS, Defendant, TN. THE ABOVE ACTION OF WILLIAM S-X-Mason, Plaintiff, against Anson V. Parsons, defendant, wherein the niainfiff minima hn dred dollars, due about the it of .inno irv fm services rendered by him to the defendant ai his tZ "a""" uiw ia- the United States J,;;. a at. KUPfeme Court of -North Carolina, let the defendant take notice that a war rant or attaenment has been this day issued, re ATL017PRIG Shades. -i aii tciium vv axe cUDerior Court, to be held in the city of Raleieh- K R. nii the 8th Monday after the 2d Monday in Aurast. HJ' . y. J. N. BUNTING, September 6, 1ST7. , Clerk. C, SUNDAY, SEPTKMIJER 30, 1877. Li NEW ADVERTISEirENTS. CALL 1 187 WE ARE AGAIN PREPARING TO PRESENT TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND THE i PUBLIC GE3ARALLY A U MAGXIFICBXT STOCK - .' . . OF-- " . . J . . FALL AND WINTER' Dry Goods. OUR BUYER Is now in the Norths marvt making selections wlrh CARE AND DISCRIMINA TION and as we BUY FOR CAbiirkavS." ' tfle advantages which t Experience. Energy and Capital ! 1 can give us. Oar CASH PLAN with JL. O VV X RICE HAS BEEN A SUCCESS. i The people appreciate it and our business im4 proves. WewUlbe prepared in a few davsto present lull lines of ail kinds of eoods in all de partments. We have received specimen cases of GENTS FAIL STYLE OF HATS, AND AN ASSORTMENT OF Kid and Undressed Kid Glores, ; Ladies Xejck Tjjcs, i AND A FEW NSW STYLES Dress hi1.:, W. H. & R. S. TUCKERiv sept 12-tf I t i New Men ! ' New Firm ! ! NEW GOODS!!! And NEW PRICES. Yes , we mean new prices thai is to say, we have' on hand a first class lot of the Very Best Goods For Gentlemen's Wear, ' Embracing every novelty of style that we will put up iu suits to order at prices LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE . Offered in this market. ; - We guarantee satisfaction both in fit and work manship. Our motto la : "LIVE AND LET LIVE." Call and see us at the OLD TUCKliK STORE. one door south of the Southern Express office. FA1'ETTEVILI.E STREET. Bep 20-tf LE WELLEN & MESLEY. If Vou "Will Ix-inlc, 35 It I IV PURE LIQUORS IN MODERATION. We have always in store a Full and Choice Stock of Mi i In this Line, ', l Including the well known ana excellent : j Robertson County Teim Rye ffMsldes, baramerdean Virginia Valley RveWskiti, For which we are sole agents. 33 AND Cabinet Whiskies. CHOICE OLD COGNAC, OF PLANAT A CO. SHERRY AVINES. Of Moreno De Mora and Rudolph. . "T) "T TTT TTVTT d i I U ( I VV I IH.S ! H Xll UU Of WM. A JOHN GRAHAM. CLARETS, Of JULESiMERMAN A CO. GHA1VIPA GrIVE fc5 Of varinna nnnrnvM hronla ! IMPORTED "FISH" GIN, '- Pure and genuine for medical purposes, i BEST NEW ENGLAND RTJM.: i N. C APPLE BRANDY. YOUNGER'S AND BASS' ALE. GUINNESS BROWN STOUT. . ' We bny. all Foreign . ,; Direct of Importers and Agents. ' We cater only for a first class 1 ILiIQXJOIt TRADT'. And purchasers can rely upon the Genuine Char acter of all goods bought of us. , . i Orders from a distance nromntiv filled, in boxed Demijohns, or as may be desired. HAEDIN & GEIMES. .. 8epl&-tf " rpiIOKOUCJIIBliEO STOCK FOB Mrthoronirhbred BERKSHIRE tuia-r ik'-. Burr) in fine working order. Also 6 Sows, i half Berkshires, and 3 Chestera,will be sold separate ly or In a lot. v f . , TRABB 7. n Mercban Tamil (Ml WRDD blM SAUHDSES; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W.C.&A.B. StronacU RECEIVED THIS WEEZ 60 boxes selected Cream Cheese. 65 boxes London large Raisins. 35 boxes Cakes and Crackers. 10 cases Ilorsford's Bread Preparation. 1,1800 lbs. Plain and French Candies. ' V 2 cases Schipp's Cocoanut. 1 case Excelsior Corn Starch. 1 case Sweet Oil. j 20 bbls. Peerless Irish Potatoes. . 50 boxes Scotch Herrings. S gross Gillet's Cream Yeast. 10 gross Ralph's Carolina Snuff. 1 gross Nelson's Gelatine. 8 gross Mason's Blacking. - 5 Tubs Fresh Goshen Butter. BROOMS, WATER and WILLOW BASKETS. Special ' for City Trade. English and Alderney Condensed Milk. Canned French Green Peas. French Pickles, Glass and Kegs. Genuine' French Sardines. 5 packages Breakfast Samp and nominy. Cross 4 Blackwell's mixed Pickles. Ground Java and French Breakfast Coffee- in 1 lb. Tin Jars. Choice thin Breakfast Strips. Pig Hams and Shoulders. 75 brands elegant Toilet Soaps,cheaper than ever. CONSIGNED. 500 lbs CHOICE MOUNTAIN BUTTEK, in 20 lbs. Kegs, cheap. . 25 bbls: FAT7FRESII MULLETS, cheap to close. W. C. A A. B. STRONACU. sept 19-tf HO! FOR THE FAR WEIKEL, Hotaan Bnlflini, FayeMle St, HAS JUST EECLTVED HIS FRESH SUPPLY of FALL Ml And is now ready to put up to order the I Mmi hi If you would bte in time for your FAIR WEEK SUITS, CALL EARLY. THE OLD ESTARLISIIED fFasliion Is better prepared than ever before to render Pull Satisfaction to Customers. CritEJIEMBERa VEIKEL'S IS THE PLAGE. aug28-tf. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS TITIS DAY sold and transferred to Mr. W. C. McMACK ;IN all his interest in the co-partnership busi ness conducted by the Arm of I MOMACKIN & ULICK, which is thereby dissolved. j Mr. Mc.MACKIN will continue the business at the same stand on j lucnee square, and I take pleasure in asking for him the pat ronage of my friends and acquaintances who desire the services of a COMMISSION MER CHANT. W. B. GULICK. Raleigh, N. C, Sept. 8, 1S7T. COTTON isi AMISSION BUSINESS, I shaU continue the COMMISSION BUSINESS at the stand heretofore occupied by McMACKLN GULICK, and respectfully solicit consign ments of COTTON, GRAIN, HAT, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE GENERALLY, to the sale of which I will give strict personal attention. POTTOU ts maae a speclaltj of my business, and .1 shall te able to make quick sales and prompt returns. tThe usual commission of 50 cents per bale will be charged. I Bhall continue the sale of MORO PHILLIPS' PHUINE. and of other Guanos, and also of AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS. J eept -tf . .. ... i , , I TREDWELL & MALtORY, Ccmai::icn Merchant:. BELL COTTON FOB A COMMISSION OF Fifty Cents a Bale. s WK GUAHAKTEK . FUTJL, aiAUKJGT PRICES AKD PROMPT gel-3m.j : RETURNS. WANTED TY A LADY, A CTTTT k TTfW A O fT l.' a rrrrwm Dlia school or family. She ia nnalifled tn The Merc laraor Suits give thorough instruction in all the English Branches, and the rudiments of Music, and would also be willing to act as amanuensis, elocution ist, or secretary. She would not object to a place tn the coantrv. '- i Refer to W. E. Anderson or Bey. Dr. Mar shall, Raleigh, N. C. ' " ! . ? , Address M. R. A. i sep lS-wlm Box 459, Raleigh, N. C. no. tio. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1377. Fall asi Wists?. : 1377. .hib Latest, mi newest Styles. T- JEL. LOADER, Would respectfully inform his patrons and the public generally, that he has just received ia full and -complete stock of ! ; j Fall and Winter Goods, EMBRACING NOVELTY OP STYLE FASHION. EVERV AND The very finest ENGLISH FRENCH and GER MAN CLOTHS AND DOESKLNS. . CHEVIOTS, DIAGONALS, i S00T0H, " , FBENQH and ENGLISH OASSIMERES, In short the most attractive line of Goods evnr brought o the Raleigh Market. Remember, I employ only FIRST CLASS WORKMEN And will not be undersold. ; tysatisfaction guaranteed in every instancfe Call and see me, T. R. LOADER, j i Merchant Tailor. Sep22rtf . Fayettevllle Street. IVAII in lilil I - Are Again Moving. Bring on jour Wheat and Get jour Flour. ' Gattis, Jones & Ellis, j C0RP3 WAITED. THOSE HAVING GOOD WHITE CORN, Or Groocl AVlioat 1 For sale, will please send samples, stating quan tity uud best terms to GATTIS, JONES & ELLIS. FRESHLY GROUND WHITE BOLTED For sale at wholesale Very Low for Cash. GATTIS, Sep 32-tf. JONES & ELLIS. EDWAEDS, BEOUGHTON & 00., BINDERS o. Jlaving- recently Furnlvlietl our Job Friniin With a supply of NEW TYPE, LATEST STYLES OF PAPERS, we invite the patronage of fliulneti JTIcn j throughout the State. , Our Rook Ilinderr is complete and ia charge of JOII ARMSTRONG, Esq., the most skilled Bookbinder in the State. VT keep ori hand and make to order LEDGERS, DAY BOOKS, RECORD BOOKS' In every way equal to any made. Hagazises, Feriodicils, Newspapers, . Bound In any style, and OLD BOOKS rebound. Our establishment la the LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE of the kind in North Carolina, and our past suc cess and the large increasing business we are now conducting, proves that our work ia equal to any done North or South. If you want Printing or Binding of any kind done with despatch and in the best style, send your orders to ' -. ; a ,.: JiDWAlUJH, BKOUGHTON A CO., , rBINTEBS AND BINBEBS, r : , A ' Raleigh N. Cl Sep 6-tf E. H. POCUE, Tobacco : Manufacturer, niLLSBORO, N.' C. Offers to the bade the following hranda nf Tn. baccos ANTELOPE, 11 and 10 inclu, 6 and to fl LEGAL TENDER. 1L 10 and 8 Inch. k. is nrt to lb. I RED BIRD and GEN. BRAGO. II lnch, 5 ft, DIAMOND and CX)MJJT, 9 inch, 8 to ft. ;s OLD RELIABLE and GOLDTOTXA71. llTiph OTjR TOANK" and LITTLK 1STJLA ; tnh A and 10 to .ft. in IS ft caddies-, i u . :i,l-a - 'STJN-CTJRED" and "TOQVETS BEST 1nif.lt- 4 to ftlnT ft caddies. iu. v. ..-.in l"The best assortment oli Medium anil inrfi larsxsD for Pbici List.j FAYETTEYILLE STREET, .ITCRIKMIIjLS PRIMERS 1 , Contracts fear advertising for any space or time may be made at the office of The Observer, Observer Building, Fa jcttcyille Street, Raleigh, . North CaroOna;.-h..-sw : t.-'!ti. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR RENT. ( I A NEAT COTTAGE WITH Til REE ROOMS and kitchen attached, situated on Saunders street. Neighborhood excellent. Apply to e R. W. BEST, Sept, 8 .. . .. HillBboro street. v Offices Fot Rent;;; IN TH E MOST DESIRABLE LOCATION IN the city. Well lighted and. well -yentiiated. Apply at the Obsekvek ofllee. or to july 15-tf . ; , JEFF. F1SIIER. 'ItailSTEAl JOIV'ES, ' ' " ATTORSLT & COtlSELLOR AT WW RALEIGH, N. C. : j Practices In all the Courts, State and Fedora taOtttce Uv Adams Jiuilding. on Martin stree Janss-ly, - - - B. P. Moors, , John Gatuho. ATTORNEYS AT LAV; RALEIGH, N. C. Practice in State and Federal .(Douits. Jjis-tf f , "VV, 13. GrA"VY3V- ASIIEVIIiLi:, 3V. C. Special Attention given to Collection' of Claims. aug 9-tf ; .-: ; PR RICHARD II. LEWIS, (Late Professor of Diseases of thp Evp itnd Tlar in the Savannah Medical College.) Practice limited tothe EYE AND EAR, Raleigh', N. C Offlce in the Tarborough nbuse. Refers tn thw Stuta intixai Ui o.i n... Georgif Medical Society. . , DR. GEO. W. GRAHAM, ItALKICill, N. C. ... rractico Liliultcd to Eye, Ear & Throat; sept 6-lA wTy ' ' FOR 8ALE, 5nnn ACRES OF HEAVILY TIMBERED VI 'M Ar i )l Q tf a ririr rniliAu.l tvr. .nnAn and Catching's stations, in Frauhlin- county, """i miuwu as oime iraci, rso. i,as.- Tne title to these lands, from the 8tate tothe present owners, is perfect aiid will be guaranteed. A uuisttiii. ici iu ninny 10 A II T ITCT7- A ; a., in, liuniv, AiMJriitry, ; Nashville, Tenn. or K. d. 11AL.K SOS. ang lo-tf 1T Murray Street. New York. GOLD LAND FOR SALE. rpiIE SUBSCRIBERS ARE ATJTIIORIZED X to sell two I ran of Land, one of 600 ai res and the other of 1,1 OU acres, on both of which gold in considerable quantities has been found, though not Worked systematically. They adjoin one of the most productive gold mines iu North Carolina. Terms liberal. E. J. II ALE A' SON., . aug 10-tf . 17 Murray Street, New York. Printing Office For Sale. A GOOD DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER IS wanted at RUTIimtFOUDTOX, BT. C, and the RIGHT MAN can buy a first-class coun try offlue, well supplied with all necessary ma terial at a low price and on easy terms. For particulars enclose stamp and address L. P. ERWIN, ju 31-tf Rutherfonlton. N. C. SIMONTON STATESVILLE. X. C. FXl.t, SF.SSIO Ojrem Aug. 2 1S7. Board and English Tu-tion $S5.ou per session of twenty weeks. For circulars with full particulars, address Ms. K N. GRANT, Principal. REFERENCES : . All friends and pupils of the late Professor Mitcheu, of the University of North Carolina. Jy UMim pl. Rutfierforfl College, 3VOIITII CAROLINA. Happy Home, P. O, THE NEXT TERM WILL COMMENCE AU gust, 1st day, and close December 10th, 1S77. Board, Including all expenses, is from $8 to $10 per month. Tuition .ranges from- $1 to $4 per month. For particulars address R. L. ABERNETUY, July 10-tf. - President. St. -R-AXiElGKHI, 1ST. C Rt. Rev. Thos AtkJupon, D. D.; Vial Rt. Rey. Theo. B.Lyinan, D. D. f ton. Eev. Bennett Smedes, A. M.. Sector. Xrs. Kate DeEosset Means Lady Superintendent. The rit Term of "this school will begin SEPTEMBER 14th.5 1877. FOR CIRCULAR ADDRESS THE RECTOR. NOTICE TO THE mciMrsAiojBnsiMss eh AS TOTT HAVE THE CHANCE OP SECTJR. lng the trade of the Pee Dee section of this State, (the new section Just opened out to Ral eigh) it will be well for you to go to work at once. The first thing to do is to advertise in the "PEE DEE HERALD." Prices low. For forth erpamcniarsy address"" ' ! COL. E. R. ULEs, augi6-tf Wadesboro, N. C. TO HATE GOOD IlEALTIt THE LITEIt DR rOKBCi a i :,v'uivi wa FEMALE COLLEGE no For Pamphlets address DrSanford, New York. aug24-dJtwlj juiy4-3m

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