i J 7 1 J .0 , - r ) ' 5 .. liALii AND W. L. SAUNDERS. &N iSv iiSv .AV rrfSV is L k ! . . " . id ra.Ij except Monday) and Weekly, RATES iOF ADVERTISING. I'd ;. 1 ,151 W' ".'IB w.:""-'" '"' IS ':.' ' -i .'.'vf ..'H'V.m sot- n. RSOKIFriON IN ADVANCE. One Squaie(l Inch) one day, $1 oft isi&li postpaid, ........... i 8 00 ;.;,T,itl. '' " ........... - 4 00 s iJPf fin h 154 . ' 2 00 veer, tr. ail postpaid, 2 00 " uc.n. - M. .- ico VVl-i n,a,,j:v- fi.i.i f-t '-' The Observer will be de- 1' ?-V',; its1'? y.jiVy.ceBU per week; seven- ;v.r tf5t!i;.two dollars or three 111 ILldsUiUliil. !;TJ'-J KY T.'!K A.--."'lV.';'t:i H:gri-. J- Soon Jtcport. At')'airtn i:it;jia:d. T v,iiMNvJHlv 19.' TlK?Marqaisof. Salis bury li'c!firwl in Hi? ;i louse -f Lords last Yj.rv he iarto s-aft on.bebalf of his ((A u'I'-h L rcis Dt':i':oifi; id, Cairns and ( , "' 'u. bir S!Rfll Nortbcote. Mr. !(.' Dak- ot Kiehniono. ana jlr. "l--j '. IV :-s cxpvtlr.iuh lor seizing Cyprus . c '-r-ct. 'I iiciew?i quite a scene ', x. phut:, itur'ntr which Jiord Sahsbu v -s i::il'A to or.'tfr for-Sav'Hijj that tut :ruien. was .!'- true. - ... Lon;oN. .jii.y ill. uie tinusii- sailors in .V'T'i ,Hi'f,t ''.v !n; Kussiau Troops ;lr t: c 'J lv "f ."si: - have r; unied to the ft.r. - '.... ' , ! Lovdov. JulyjlO. Six iron ..clads and tlffe-sjiiaik-r visk-Js liHve.be;n ordered to A dpi'ch from Vienna shows preal a if :n Palv lor annexation, winch 4-rbu? uncaM'ri'jss in Austria. .oM 'Si' Jii.'v 10. All the morning ! i, i'XO irg the -Juti'y Sewn, com- ivoi')ttiy on. jjO.ru ixwunsnem s vJunicnl in. tile House of Lonls ldSt nm;. I ll" 7 tine Ibirris Lord -Derby In U. r-, .(.;; U:.4 rights aude.istoim, which h (1 v mi. to i;;..holtI h'.ui in- making fc liis n'colliT..ioi;s in. former discus-; Cibini. Tlie feene in the II-if'-- i . Fd,'d to hive 8iHp-ased in bril- iiatK-v - iml-' an'm.-i'ion anylhing with- 1: vim; me'innry. ' J-vt-ry .". part oi i iiaiiihcr 4 'a as dersely crowded, r.ji'.-s; rrc -between Lonls Salisbury and I)-fby If-ing very sharp. Lord Salisbury Siiii;l liidl, Lord Derby was constantly nuking reveiaiious. rlhis was his . third sj'cccii since he "Iff t the Cabinet, ii: d "ii '((! -occasion we r have had an . ir.siiii'nii" t of the s une fatal tale. Like Dr. OiVs, he i-md, Lord Derby did not ii-iow j w much the public would eudure, -s-i iii; i.tyV- his "story in broken doses. So Jr an his .( Salisbury's) memory served, L:rd ,11 --rhy's stateiuen!, was not) true. On "Ie im ( ,i ctl ;.) wr.der, Lord ftaiifhury sub J !'':: it term " incorrect'" ; for "not ;i it t . i !;sdaimed any intention to. ira- .!;:i h'fil Di-fby s veracity. ading 'his speech . last night, irickl said that, England had rv :,ti I; that she eotild go thus far u:vi ; . ; i'' liiT. Asia was Inre enough : i i i.iind was n -s dved to defet.it i u'li' V ;i.,i.iif: any further 'attacks from 1; i iif occupaii'in by Kuglund was m . a, if , mi itsuie. but a..'94-p-in the pro s'1 - 'H-ae. lie assured his hearers ! , i ' ai.d did rot fear war with any i ' ;i .it. it r did &hceek .one; he said thai I ."Iijiis had len mailed bv . i:i:;i m wits, cih'mI- wil! and true states Kuuiij.-n'. i In- s; t: h (f Lord Xwr .i.jj. i'd wa retv. atecilv che.'-reil, and litii: iiM vn amid entliusiastic applause. i ;iii ii . - 'm: w. !.;... .luly i!)..- The San Jose .l.'ii!) a, d i i.ii'j r i , -in; .'iny bus' Hied a,li'li j"ti jn h oik ':.'( v. ftMhiuiies ,U00: lit. 1 N. i'y l! The liabilities of ..:AV ! A' C;i .iii' -vo I ."urok'-r.--, is .?,- j """! In t lire. has ai-"o involved 1li:il o! ; .'l. i;i ii k-O coiiiaii.-i&iyu llliTi'll.ilj I amv w.k, Ju'v 1 -. A. 1. & R. Da- Viv 1 1-1 1 1 1 ; I ,c ih t. nj ii brciias have sus 000; a.-si.'ts nomi- i -.-'.. i in r:i-.'. ir h.'li. witia f "'hires lire also announc i"hi .-iii', VoodiiK.n & Co.. inanuaeiurers "t lilaiik hooks. Tlielr liabilities .do, not 'vvf-,1 x 100.000. V a ! ' r J-'icidinsr,. manufacturers of L'aiMli!"K-s 100,000; nominal as- U - V. K,.!chin -&' Co.. dealers in ptstiuiins and china. Liabilities ..$33,-J-0, at'ts. u..ijiinalrv, 39,000. .t'llow levtr." Voi k. July 19.-A report was .. jr. 7 ,' -,f, y,-s-,.rtj.,y t,at i hi; yellow fever " u i'f war Colorado and Verinout and u."' '.;,,1'' yei's of the navy yard. Investt Jn Vy !he board of "health showed ' "'"W i.n at ft he .Naval Hospital six c:t".t,j rrs,..,M, proW)uneed to be yellow v' r- 'in of which,, harl proved fatal, tonun ilo,x. N,ch(8on denies that the dis m" " .V"il"w fever, but Hhat the palients .''r(' t!' .i i ll fur hil'.nia ff vir Ther are i ;i i n ,1(nv in the hosnital Michael 1 ynii H,,,:,; F ()llu,V) fnjj0,.St and Mich '' ' Carr 11. landsm in. The primary ?mptoms hi everv case are those of re- mi-'tt'nt hiliona fTr.. ' l.' ; t t,o N I'lyians- ff'ir th-it ti,.. ' "wlp uinla.ly, yellow fever, may be de H'"p' d at any moment. Meantime every i'a!!M'rn ha9 ben lSikcn to prevent the ."pteml of the maladv.- 11 H'Miethecotitro w w-...Lr: ' ' 1 ,c"!''ning the interests of this dis- 1L,.:, :.; .'anyj'r had charged that Gen. ji.inea win, the Itadical ring w3K ,,ntoibe ,n,ctoof citizens of i ' ii ?n' further said that he ,, , :'' bulldozed by Hnnton or any r,, li01 apP'intees. Mr. Alexander i to Jt union's letter ihnt.tK ::,,: ;.' ,,)r fear of the police, but his k'w i ! so word"d ,1(at it cannot be con 'cii, l0 a" acceptance or refusal of the t : ': - 11 's understood that if ffnn-' i-V rJ' i;'!nn c he legally" construed ciia!,ni.re, the Commonwealth's At- g'-'tltlr Ul -MeXandriA wi 1 nmacrnto Kot fnnn. l Uc Indians.. d:r.. FKAN July 19 A Baker City 'in.i,V V'T'n,s lhat ,be L'matilla Indians HftU. , ".,u,r- smu-K a liosrue -r-m v -y nieht- tw and Hi , 8 1 anlie, on the Daly Wp,i , -unp-' struck, a hostile camp miles Road. hten 1,c, n warriors and capturing . .. . . '.. J - ' n,,Ve, Wompn and children and sixty ,n'y horses. icrta of lort Dues. . c it Am,wsdors to discuss the in , port dues nrobopwl bv Afr To-i, V I'tntr i c. pr":lsUion, Belsrium and t be ii i h e? l?k U ad referendum, eotner Amba&sadora supported y "c ' JlTTibbctU. V kfefun JcT Jl,lJ 19-'-1eo.i'M. jib- an estate of iw 0 minion dollars. Hunton nf Jul7 Preventative li nton. or )irginia, has challenged Mr Ulumbns Alexander f tWs-HYy to meS n, beyond the reach of the dii&XJSS? VOL. 4. dominations'..-.'.. :' ' I'ueblo, Col, July 19. Tl:e Demo cratic State Convention yesterday nomi na:,ed W. A. H. Lovel for Governor and renopiiiJi'ffcd Thos. 31. Patterson for He rif -ntative iti Congress, txth by acclama tion. . j . '' Failed. "'': Losdos, July 18. Hazard & Caldecatt wool, brokers Lave failed. y Liabilities $250,000. ; night lieport.' Tlli EASTLRNJCOT; ' Iwms; July 19. The! DaZv -New believes that two parties of Railway ex perts under the direction of the Govern- ment wid examine the Ticria and Eu phrates valleys for the best Railway route to me rerstan uuu. i . Losdon, July 19. The Times Berlin dispatch says . Gortschakof will return to tjt. Petersburg instead j of going to vy uaoaii as tie nael intended; A Berlin dispatch to , the Standard savs GortschakofI gws to St. Petersburg to op pose intrigues lor .ins own overthrow and SchouvalofTs promotion. ; . ' - , ; Loxdon, July 19. A Eerjin dispatch to the Pail MaU Gazette announces that Rus sia proposes to appoint diplomatic agents at various points of Asiatic Turkey to watch Russian interests. Russia is also making efforts to secure the early con struction of a proposed Railway from Orenburg into Central Asia, distance 200 German miles..-. -The; money required for the undertaking to be raised by a loan. ; Alexandria, July 19. Emigration from Egypt to Cyprus is proceeding on a large scale, and it is probable a direct ser vice of gteatneis will be established be tween this port and Cyprus. : Italian Affair. London, July 19. The rumor of the probability of the resignation of Count Corti, the Italian Prime Minister, is denied fr-mi several sources. The entire ministry approve of his conduct, and will accept the responsibility therefor before the Par liament. Fifty meetings favoring the annexation cf Southern Tyrol to Italy are organizing in the principal towts. Lonoon, July 19. A dispatch from Rome to Renter's says negotiations now are in an advanced stage whereby the papl Nuncio residing at IunicWwill have jurisdiction over the Catholic Chjirch and bishops in Prussia. ; This compromise would pf brdily lead to a conciliatory 'arrangement' between Prussia and the Vatican. , l.icrriool Coftoit Circular. LivKkpooi., July 19. This peek's, cir cular of the Liverpool Cotton Brokers Association fays : Cotton was jri good de mand t hardening prices early in the week. F r the- last few days business was large, with a general advanced In Amei i car. tltere wa l;rge business, anil qnotatiims l-lG(i3-16l. higher, the advar.c beir.'gnf tt marked in medium and iowetf grvje?, which were in most requesi. " c -u Islatid was in exteT.sive demand, chiitly on the lower quflities of Fe-riJa, wh'ch. advanced id. Futures were not materially ch-t'ged ti!UTu sday, wiien the tone was stronger. Weddi-sday :ind Thursday il advance was geueni'ly obta'ned. but the n arket closes l-l(d. b. low the a .ivanC': for same peti tion. I'eveiiiiel rutiblvH in South Carolina Washing tov, Ju'y 19. Some discus sion took place at the Cabinet to day in refereuce to the. interna revenue troubles in Sotrb Carolina. Four oftigia's, while in search of Redman, the illicit, distiller, killed in self-defence a mad mmed Ladd, in whose house, Redman ' wai concealed. and were indicted for murder. ; An attempt was made to have the case transferred to the U. S. Court. This had been positively rtni8ea. the Attorney General an nounced that he would direct the U. S. Marshal to fake out a writ of hnbtas eor-pv-fnv the transfer of prisoners. This course was approved. ; ' HomanS lClfflits AMiociatlon. Rochester, X. Y., July 19. The thirteenth ; anniversary of the National Womau s ' Rights ; Association is in session. Among those present are : Lucre- tm Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan IJ. Anthony, Mrs. Losier Phcebe Cousins, Elizabeth Oaki8 Smith, Matilda Joslyn Gage, and representatives from all parts of the 'country. J'he attendance is very large. Irs. Slanton was elected President of the National i Woman's Suffrage Asso cia'ion for the coming year and Mrs.-An thony, Chairman of the Executive Com mittee. ; V ' . ' J' ': Comparative Cotton .Statement. New York, July 19j---Tbe following is the comparative cotton statement for the week ending J uly lUin : - ": ' : 18l. .! 1877. Xet receipts at all United States, ; Torts durinirtlie week....,'.. 340 4,091 Total reeemt-i to this date. .. . . .4,215,445 3,928,798 Exports for trie week- ,v.s. -;8.3C8 li,03t 'ioial fxports to this lata....M3,'iSt,64; S,9T6..V2 (tucK at au L.s ports 127,mi -n,ois StaK at a.I iaterior towna.... ' 8.4C3 15.41 SUHJkat Uverpooi... .., 109,000 953,000 htoek of American afloat lor ; . Great Britain i ....... ' 45,000 ' 65,000 WJll J-- " rm '" ..Texas .Politic . ii ' -' New Ori.kass, July 19 A special to the Arfw from Austin says Jn tlie Demo- crattc btate Convention last night, the first ballot for Governor resulted R.: B. Hub bard 673, J. W. Throckmorton 500 and W. VV. Lang 210. , Adjourned. ' Galveston, July 19. A special to the News savs on the second ballot for Gov ernor, Hubbard had 697 votes, Throck morton 5(MJ, and Lang 211. . : Railroad Accident Cincinnati. Julv 19 The Cincinnati Express train from Cleveland on the Ham ilton & Dayton Railroad was plopped near Miamisburg last evening by a tree across the track. ,The freight train following ran into the fear coaca wrecking it and iniu- !, n ii.,.-:.. , . r. riDg xj. j. iivvit oi .nig city miernauy, K. il. uumnacs oi xncw Orleans also suf fered compound f racture of the leg. '" -i?iVasjiin5ton Item. ' i "Washington, July 19.--The President, General Sherman" and Attorney-Genera Devensleft for Ohio to-night. ' ' ' Tlin President this evening l efore bis departure froni AVashington. signed the ap point ment' of Ai S. Uadgeri as Postmaster of New Orleans, vice Parker suspended; RALEIGH, N. Florida, rolltic. Kkw York, July 19. A dispatch, from Jacksonville says: The Republicans of the First District yesterday nominated S. B. Conover, present Senator, for Congress, and adopted resolutions endorsing Hayes' Southern policy and Conovers course in the Senate. i The German Emperor, London, July 19. A special to the Times from Berlin says: The health, of the Emperor is steadily improving. He goes to G.isteia shortly. All the members of the Nebilings family have changed their names to "Edeling." Yellow Fever In IVew York. ' New York, ' July" 19. Two seamen," Daniel Willis and James McDonald, were taken with yellow fever on board the United States ; Receiving Ship Vermont, lying at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, to-day, and removed to the quarantine. Ohio Politics. Cincinnati, July 19. E. B, Judge Wiley were nominated for respectively by the iJemocrats and 16th Ohio Districts. The Republicans h of the 11th District nominated W. W McKnight- i Committed. Norwich. Conn., July 19. The City Court to-day committed Wesley W. Bishop and Mrs- Kate M. Cobb to; await the ac tion of the grand j ury on a charge of pois oning the late Charge H. Cobb, jr. i mat mm &mt : Vandalism. Beampton, Ontaeio, July 19. The Catholic church in this place was burned to-day. Supposed to be incendiary. The church contained very valuable pictures. 1 Labor Troubles In France. Pakis, Juiy 19. The Cabinet has de cided to end money for the. troops as soon as' possible to Auzin, the sceue of the col- 1it' strike. : ?fanne. Qceenstown, July 19. Anived Scy- thia. ' ! New Y'okk, July 19. Arrived Elysee. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Eikifli toils SfBituy, RALEIGHJ 1ST. G. The Fall Term on-ns Pent, to, 1STS. The ad- vauiaesol a Firsi-Class Scnimary are offered TERMS TO SUIT THE TIMES. Board per month English Tuition per mouth... ...$13 00 ... 400 Extra Etnclie3 moderate. For catalog aprHy to F. f . HOBeOOi, Fnacipal. jyt4-oaw7tAw;t. STKOXffS LAW SCHOOL. The n :xt r ;n ar s ;ou -t this IvWution Will tr -iri a on 0 1 AY. t h t o f -; r ; - K nex, h'uiI Outiaui- tili lite 1st of Ja-;e fi'tiowmg. p; LckU3 vili, noiv-L-ver, be re-.i ive - r.c auy tae, a.i'J L"'.1':ks a -:i-r.it uor.iu Vn -..-vju ut ao.e r'-manu .jfm fie city una wi n;.. ii. w- eaioi ai.ltcMin h ofe ue'iveieu f i v scnopi by iUitM ifUisl.CM iut?i;.o 'i' oi Jri; :iii ear. iue aiivaui-Jrta si iCii t.iis cuy uo -in me ouveu;en -e i s.-; to t:.? b.:st 1 . . i iu ofportitniti s lor aMet-cUagtie courts viu'"i-Hre u seMOu more uim n;ii iue yea, . haa u: mect nsr mcuibers of t'.v mc and oilier i..u l.i -ut Keu.le eeu, snrpr-sscs taose of auy ot;; j; locality in tlie s'nte. FhlS JSE IIUMDR3U DOLLAK-?, for which the siudeut e n arteud as mag a tie eh o scs. O'Krtl Bi.ar.t ca- be l a I Mr id.00 u ' s.oo per moutn. tor further part.cuiara. Ad'lress, UKUKiiK V. STRONG, jy -in i EaleifU, N. C. ALFBED WILLIAMS. X. G. HARRELL. Alfred Williams & Co WH0I313ALE ASD EETAIL BOOKSELLERS -AND- STATIONERS, EALEIGn, NC. A fall Btoclc of everythinj In the Boot an Stationery line always oo hand. Sclibol Books, i Clank Books, Sunday-School Books, , Law Books, j , Rcligrious Books, IHIsoeJlaneous Books, &c, &c. ... , PLAIN AND FANCY j STA TIO IV JE RY . ! . . Of Every Description, for the Wholesale and Retail Trade. AGENTS FOB Battle's Digest, Tourgee'9 .Code of Civil Proce dure, and Digest of Cited Cases, Win ston's Law and Equity (new edi , tion), and N. C Supreme Coart Reports, ;' S"nd for Catalogue of School Books, Ac. . tW Special terms to Merchants, Teachers and Sunday Schools. 1 jj4-3m. U j 1 A SjIALL LOT OF GOOD : , lOU2TTAZ27 SUITS?., For sale LOW, by the PACKAGE, or at RETAIL. We continue to receive EVERY WEEK the Hi direct from the Dairy. We receive it by Ex press, paying a hijn rate of freight, to get rt lathe best possible order. A FULL STOCK OF THE BEST GROCERIES asiPROYlSIOHS ' AT LOWEST rPJCES. . HABDINt GRIMES & CO. Jyl2-tf. - 0.. SATURDAY. JULY 20. 1S7& NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Snnmer I tllif And we are Preparetl to Keep oar Friends and Cwsicers Cooi and Cemfrf:Si;e. J u s t li e c e i v e d , A NEW SUPPLY OF GENT8 SOFT and STIFF BEIM HATP GENTS' WHITE and BROWN STRAW HATS. GENTS LISLE THREAD, and GAUZE VESTS. GENTS X " BOSTaid LO W XXT SB(ES. -'' GENTS' LISfJE THREAD GLOVES and FS PENDJiRS LINEN DUCK 'and LINEN DRILLING. sfor tie Ladies. IN EN LAWNS, . PACIFIC LAWNS ORGANDIE MUSLINS, LIGHT GROLrTclLICOES, BRO WN LINENS FOR SUITINGS, SUMMER WORSTED, BUSKINS and SLIPPERS. FANS, New Style PARASOLS and SUN UMBRELLAS. I.H.&B.S.TUCKHL my 14-tf PAGE'S HOTEL. SANFORD. T. C. Eigtt Hand Side going South, Left Hand Side sro'-ajr ITortb.; TassengertaRe.!R'"eakrt. goittk- S'mtU: Sua- per gom Koi ta. l KALs 50 cknts. , W. V. vcv. nov IP-ff Fcrmerlj of IfcTj, l ioi r etor. j. Awiiw worm, CjlSPETlXfi OIL. tLOTBIS 11 ATT IMG S , L A C E C D R,T A. I K S. ' j AND W INDOW SHADES. 130 Sycamore Street, Peiersburg, Va. may l-3rn GUfflBEDTIlWS. -oo- WE 1A.KE PREPARKD TO FURNISH CANDIDATE S . i with GUSHED TICKETS for ready pas iuj. Per Thousand (for one Officer), Two thousand " " 3 GU EDWARDS, BROUGHTON, CO.. j Printers axd Binders, ItAJLJI G II, IV. O. jy 9-lm ADAMS & BINGHAM, Grocers m hun Csaiidos Kercimts, AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF Country Produce. We always obtain the HIGHEST PRICES for any and evervthinj? consisned to oar charge and mafce PEpMPT RETURNS. We haveonhund at all t!mes a larjre and well selected stock of GROCERIES, such as ! MOLASSES, SALT, SUGAR, COFPtEE, FLOUR, MEAL TORN, SOAP, STARCH, BULK ; y'ATS, LARD, FISH, COTTON YARNS and DRY GOODS, i , ; - i - all of which will be sold AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Try us, we p?omise to j treat you square. ADAMS & BIXGIIA15T, Market Exchange and Martin Stt ' RALEIGH. N. C. ap 85-tf Bit. RICHARD H. LEWIS, (Late Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear in the Savannah Medical College.) Practice limited EYE EAR, Raleigh, N. C. ! Office in the Yarborongh House, iteiersio mo iaie at euicai oociei j, ana toe uorjna xeuicai ssociety. ap -aw-iY - TABBOBO HOUSE. CHAMBEELAIH & PiWLlFrof Mors. TAKB0PO, ?;, C. This House has been very much en'arecd and thoronzhlr renovated, and now know a as the " TARBORO HOL'SK," under the management of -: i- ,. ,-t :,. a HIRH. 01131X1:1311X1- Our ROOMS ARE LARGE. A1UY AX1J VV Kl.l. Ji U 8 1 ESS PA It 1 Or TUB TOWS. We invite alt to irive hp a trial, and we G UAR ANTKEUSATlSFAtJTION. v larSPEOI A L j AltHA NG EMEffTS FOR THE HlUU.iON OF SAMPLES. j febMnij , -'' fs Ve have ju?t cnmnleted our BATH HOUSE; whictt has leen fried up in the bl style, and are prf 1 are i to gt re Cold or iiot Lathi. Traveicrsanotud note tan. R. S. PERRY. it, 1 . . . . SAMPLE "'.ROQFJ1. - WilminTiwn Street, ' ' Between Pepper and Morgan. . - Keep? coiwtantlv rm hand the verr best FRENCH BHA:ViY. NASH COUNTY. APPLE ; JilltNlYjFOatlGN AND IHjMUO : ' '- RYE AND CORN WdSKIES. " . Rnm, Gir.s and Wint of tvtrv v:iiitv. My goods are all bout Jit irom first turn wiioe sale dtaier? mid warraiiU'd to be ar!iresit ffl ' I have five neatly f arouhed rooms for reui ay octO-tt NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 3f'i, r . f i r, w a". - y IJT. ' . '1878. f Tf X Cm flTPIk I We have now oiien aaa for Sale LAHCZST AliD HANDSOMEST ''G3ASbN3i3;- GOODS J 1 1 WE HAVE EVER OFFERED. Every Depannieut in our House is filled with the ' Newest and- H sirable,5oods," And our pnees wai be found as Low as the lowest, 1 j. ;i r- -. ,j - . .,'.-,- OUR DRESS isboDS PEPARTMEXT la loaded down with beautiful Spring Shades ia the latest styles aad I-biics, inoinding riain, Slripodnd Checked Silks. Printed French Cambrics at 12)$ cents ; lower than ever kr owH ! White Can-brics, equal iu IC. e cas- s coiionaries. . , . . io ;a"cs bO'trx and siiOEs." ' " GOUiJS iOK JiRN BOiiS' WEAR OF JiVliUY DKyCKll'TluN. LADIES', JllSSfiS AND OKI LDRENS HOSE OF LVlii.Y ILAjLI'I Y AD PRICE. , LARGE STI CK OF - GENTS'. HALF-HOSE, INCLUDING ALL T HE .NEW STYLES IN FAIsCY COLONS. 300 PIEdSKAK23S fAGZI ECSIHBS - . .'': - A LARGE VARIETT OF - KID GLOVES, In Opera and Medium Shades from 30c up. CSf" Merchants can buy ol as at prices to com-I-i te with Xonhera Jobbers,, We extend aa iur vua'ioa to all to call an' examine our UooUs. mim-tf. PETTY i JSr: E3. t3f Christian Advocate cojiy. II UY THE MONUMENT L CITY SIITRT, J which Mii'iiasS'.s jy clhtr iu ffsarxl uo year aud tt, lar salt oy . L. ROSENTHAL. A FULL LINE OF BOOTS Alii) S.1IOES at' L. ROSENTIIAL'S. A GOOD AHSOKTMENT OF STRAW WOOL, 1 a. and FUR HATS at L. ROSENTHAL'S. J 1NE.V LAWNS at a cu.tH. also BLACK XJ GKENAIMNEand l;l..Vi K Mi.K at L. ROSEN 1 HAL'S. iy " I NTED CAM B RK'S PACIFC LVY"NS L at L. ROSENTHAL'S. newlot of J'RINTS just rece.ved ai L. ROSENTHAL'S. 0'i"i:AV MAT J INC.s, v. hlte ud laiicy, Irom O X cents and u, at -L. ROSENTHAL'S. LEACUF,D and UXELEACGLD COTTONS LJ at bottom prices, at L. ROSENTHAL'S, C1I.OTHING tor M FN end I50YS in rrdlet variety, aud t; 1 1- Fo".d at ( xc.'i Si' iia; l-v.-tr ilie next CO day., iu ord.r to rcUnce ti jCK, ill L. ROSENTHAL'S, IXAVIXE tho GM. .:: UNDE.JIUTd to l; i J HOl i'lOill 2 CCU"-! ! II. f-f L. ROSENTHAL'S. ( INGHAM a!id MS.K; PARASOLS, a'SO UM V" jjuli.la., aOii io-.Vo' ti;;tu evt;r at L. 1 iOSENTHAL S. OIUJEKS F :0f A I. T STANCE -SOLICITED and p. ont(iil hi eu by 1a. IIOSI'iXT2IAt, Afi. 50 and 54 FayetteciUe Street and Errhange Tlace, ' IIALEIOII, IV. C apr22-3m. 1 J v.. TOBAGCO! TOBACCO! TRY THE CELEBRATED Tar Heel antl ; pecdnocehoe. : 'ci- -r-BRANDS OF ' ': Smoking Tobacco, MADE OF THE ( " ; T Best North Carolina Leaf, . AND t.--- ;" ,-1" v?tr WASRA3TE0 F0?E ASO OB ADULTERATED. ' - MAN LTFACTLrREr BY trlm I. .TOTS EH & GP., ' lfli,BOKO, IV. Ci J 1 r-i wjji iaiiy.1,,.1 NPLKr TOBltBO GITEH AWAY! ail Atiy person 'sendlfjr theff address oa pos-f! ir-ialcard to MEKCHAKrs"i.OBACCoCoMPANT.Sial I'iiiEOAo Street, Boston. Mass., wid receive m V niaiT, poetpaid, a auipie of he L&ai PlcojI til obacco ever made or usei. j ri M Baxter & Eird, Bal timoTe. i Md-J g AJOlbpreale?glMXannfttredToleo. H 1 1 1 1 1 1 m t 11 i " ' 1 1 ' v " ii i'i 1 '"w 'm mnw m ' je26-i- jia. '1 FOB THE SENATE. I hercbvamHuinre mtseif an li DEPENDENT CANDi DATE f?r the Me cat k I--wi!l, at the proper' times ad plirees srtve mv full vif wi on a'l sub jf;t.4 in which the WHLE PEOPLE, of the coimtyareintercitcd. If f? ! tioc to e part in cay caucus K'garflrrg r leg7Slat.oa iii j? n tjena tfr. if elected., AU i as.k,ii a, fair gtnme.il v i 1 sro 'or m interest, AT ALL Tl.Vi ks, of the ' , JOHN A. Alt DONALD. .., ' Raleigh,' July 1.1S7S. - jj2-tf. ' JAS. T. FETTEWAT. : v , C.H'SCSCIXEH PZT'XiVAT ' & 'SSEULSEH,.''! EEDKEES i COIMtSSiON MERCHAMS MERCHANDISE AND PRODUCE, Aisnts for Yfx. GIbT)8 & Oa's'lfaidpa- lated Guancs. : " ' - trpLbTss UD cosiqxaijTs soucited. Offering Mer a,' Laid, TT. c. Bacon: Bams1; r nr, ai-jiajsca, aaj jrisn, sagari Coffee, Can- ifesoap,Peannts&e;j '1 . I Waitt -CoBiigtmenta. Naval 3tores, Cotton' juiucs, x uis, us, luiga, imuta, Poultry-, Eggs Game, Ac. ' -, - ; ;j ' j s-Siaiples of Merchandise sect to any point waeu rcqMsifieu. ;- - "- - f.. i tivar.u ! i-KOHTSwe can give buyers of Merchandise the Advantage of THIS au u-a'aulu MAJiKKTai mos8-a. 4uoinj wiiii i.uwiaiesi; ai anu locts- per Yd lt eases $nri ig c?ii; ru the bw styles. tSO,OOU Yanu lTi;iPac!vd LkHnestic. 1 1.,oa;t Yards li.eaoiiuu Doiucstic no: to. J- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' 4 RALEIGH , W . C . , ti. .-. i '.' ' ; ! .' i 5 :. . j ',.,.:. ni rn i 'i!.i fiWi : tf:.- if. jO; Flour ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND A GOOD V:; ASSORTMENT . OF . ; Staple y FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC I WHISKIES,'1 ' T " ' WIXES, ; j, - ;- .. . ,; -:'':' GIN, ': ' ' '-' i - - uuifi and Rlii", TllilfaSniftB'jHsflll 1 . IIOLtEMAX BUILDIXR, Is prepared to meet the dcmatxls of Merchants, l;usmi.s8 Men, aad ail others who want Citoi-lie Sis ! navtnjr Jus- returnetl from the North with a full aud complete jiue of all the New Styles of CLOTHS; . VUSTIXGS, - DOEteKSXS, &c..- Tv'ljieh have been selected from the Newest and l i!!L-rt stocks of Impoi ted and-Doni&nc Good ro b0 found in the North and Eat. 'w in the time to LEAVE YOUR MEASURE for:a 110V . . . , prij5 aad Suiiinksr Suit. r.,1rti?ot-h0'.,UrgHt' 8100 ot -FIRST-CLASS GOODS, aud GpARAATEEOG ALL HIS WORK, o7?r?n.n,0El,i!,iat:,e 1,y wnere BETTER BARGAINS, FITS or'SELEcm.ONS can be hud. K3ESIBER,'Tlil3 FJLACE ; Holleman Buifdin & Payetteville Street, - ' apr2-t.f. ' -- EALETQ&N. 0. We are prepared to furnish Candidates with. ( : , ; COESEOTLY.TmTID V it ts, On short notice, at the followins reason able prices .w ; ' 1 ' j County Ttckersper l.onoV. . . j Liaislatlve Tlcketa. ner l.om. .$1.00 80 1 1 Gummed Tickets, psr 1,000.. 2,0 Congressional Tickets, per 1,000..:. 60 A d'sebnnt of 10 oer cent on all orders' W of 10.0C0'arl(Fot?pf ,n 1 . " i .': , i li i- r in oraenng Tickets, write plainly atid distinguish between i and J1.' ' '-' 1 Carajpaigi ; Documents .. .. '..1 f PRINTED 6N J 8IIO XI -XJ N OTI C 1 j- i v ! 'r. -,..' i,. t .'!.... 1. .. AT RASONAP E PRICES. ; r '.. ALL STYLES OF J V ' Printing r and Binding . , EXECUTED BY US . A- LTO AMY5 IN THE STATE. ' ' . ... ii 1: Address j EDWAEDSr BE0TJGHT0H & CO., ; , t'riater and JBiudcrg, r,1 -f r RAmoit, N a.;;;; vv vV'.-Yy; . vv LL 1 ll; , LLLLLL t. rr.xjcjii , v v - v v yy , -yv :re ! vv 'v . vv:.'wv, 'YY ' YY KE- aVV-VV iVlT YY EEEEEE P.HLEEEEi' er:.i VV VV: YV VV v v v v ' . YYi VV W YY VV W ' ,f -J- EtEF.EI EEEEEI 1.LLLLL Uhazipicii,' InproYea.'-YoiQ .. Shifts, . .... . it x tj GHAjirioN shirts mac? to orcier, Y'S CHAMPION SHIBTS ar made f Oie bestmateriaL-7!!; LEYTS CHAMPION SHRTS,wUlgiV(S BUfac LEVY'S. CHAMPION SHIRTS are oerfect fittinz.' . !, . . -:r -uiv;.,.; oiij -iVi. ; JLEYY'S CHAMPION SHIRTS .wl .)4e.as . the 1 ' - - - wi-artj. "' ' LkVY CHAMPION SHIRTS cann leioet j-EVY LEVTS CHAM PIG snbltthTS'-jiiem ir2." . LEVY'S CHAMPION SH1RT8 cfu be retimed jaa n-tf; ' u 1101 rtecU' fltttE liiiifiifii' Tll.,i:i! i. MGCDOD We !S CHAMPION fcUlRTS, ready-made from hif a-irextediiig ttA tui;M tth of t,"i,.' ' LEVYCHAMPION bTmTrSnaSedlo Vof " . , , two 44 .. .......... 1 CO ; .' ' 44 44 ... j' three44 - Ci "4 ; ' ' xl tout 44 fl 19 ,a n. ' ', . , flTe 44 ; '-' 00 ; . ..- : 'i.'j..gix ; 44 S 50 ;, Contracts for advertising for any space or tin. e may be made avthe nice of The Oreerverr Observer Bnilding", Fayetteville Street, Ea'etli North Car Jli as, I " .' ' , TT: ' TTTTr- 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. " mmsr j-m wnsm a t - f4 S31I A3t3TS;FaS TO CESTi:.: F25 Wm. EvTanrer ' Co.'s "Metro:o ft ;u Works," lUeiirtiQud, Va.; Mtaudard Ma v 1 1 , ' v tic RiveV. Co'iri., manufaet n -.: a of the tfusily clcbisat!d iMtin n' s ei Bi'tisU"' ami '-Coito:' B.Oiiii'7 ot " il ' lou Gint G. Vvebcm('.-.:ts , , , v . & Co., Si-hi'Boct-.o-y, In. Y., '" V . : Threshers, Cleaatia I: : aad Separai.crH. j StillwellA Pierce Maaulacturinfr Co., Dayton, jOhio; the'-Koiipse-Doable Turbine Water--. Wheel rDavtom Machine Co., I .t ton, O., " Victor Improved star and tuiky jaoraKaKe. t We are prepared to receive orders b ml f timsh the best end cneapest Improved Machinery man ufactured ia the UntSvl fciuu-a. Thoc aaticu pating buying can and will " i' they will coisultor correspond with us before purchasing. I . Onr General Commission Dejaitmeiit is completeVcif idnrited by close personal atten tion aud thorough system., By our experience we are prepared tiguarantee very 1 I2!glics JSarkct IrIcc.', ' I on arrival.' Prompt rctiirns with check to bal B ance. We are dailt recaivinar I'Iiu-whik. i-Vca. S Btnter, 'Flour, Bacon. 'Lard, Honey. '.Trimmed i sua iwe tieritng, cprn Mf al, lieana.l'eas, and all , Best Country Produce. Call and examine! prices and aality. STSlOfkCpI Ci AIILCCTT," Corner Wilmington and Davie StreLs. uiui-u. . - SPECIAL NOTICE. .m '0T i'OHTH CAEOirKA, ' ' ' . ' t ; - - 1 - - ..i j BogA to annonncc to hi frlendar d cutOTera ithat, ftir their convenience, he wi I teep du.ng jiue fcpriug acaou, a mil due or Emuiiits of ; 3 O.Of S AND SH0ES); Manufactured bV'ifJhe rion!p he w. roiinccted' wjUi, CAKKICK. CALVEUT & CD., 1 tu'l gAKr.. .strkkt, BoMton, ai fie Bout and Puo Jisiiuig Houho of 'E.J. II ALE & SOIV," v-ff.. a 17 Mv4rray Street, N'EW YORK, Where he wi'l be pleased to see a-d to serve" tiu-lii. Audhewiii be pleased 10 reeeivf orders liiere from ti;o; e mo rcuauis who will iw t Ko to mha-iA-w-if. tuarket this si a-sou. P. fy -A N I) EHMON. R. C. AN PERSON f A:T,7TT".1!5 10"VT 'sT i ; I --, ' Commission - Merchants, j Xo. lo24 3IftitoSt., Richmond, Ya. :o: f Will eiVC ocrsoiisl Sliltenllnn tn taloc Sf TntKi.n C'erij, Wiit'M, FiourlaiHl Pn1ticc, Mavxetlrg ami wvuainu.M ot aii knuls, i-ti.hijju'u lo Uf, Grain Fnrn::he3 cn IT-nal Terms. an no-'Utv i :raiEAcioR im euildep. . ...... .- , ., '.. Sasli, poor aiia Elinfl Factory. ,,(.... I : : I DEALER IN ""."' DRESSED LUMBER OF ALf, KTND.' iLUOKl.NO, CfcilldMi, Tl KNIM1, ' f i, SCROLL SAIVVING, WIADOWS and - ' t'-' DOOit FifAMES, MANTELS, XC. :' !' ; "' ' -' ' Aii KlNPS Of Moufdinrs, Rrackcis, BahifterP, Sfalr Raild, "' j .Newell PostA.aj.d i n ac,f Wood Work ! MANUFACTURER OF )(K WALNUT, POPLATJ, MAPLE AND ' ! 1TNE FURNITUHE, EUPEAUS, TirriiTI? !A TVS v:a Trrriii.'o WASH STANDS, bAFES. L:.''f; ' ';' &o.l'p&o., ' &c..; , qOMPLETE iOHAMBLE SETS : of my own designs, made in betutifal and da- raoiestyies. au work c trusted to me ! ; will be doue lu the bent niai'iier. eatispaoiion gijabamied. - Ureoiime HhojsUelwce hokgan and II A R QETT SlLEKl s. on the li. ii. Railroad. ' w niTPFlA ' roil.es i P.O.BoiST4, RALE10Jl, N.C. , s-daw6m y. J. CAIIS;:;- Superintendent.. j .; (MANUFACTHRERS 02 . WALMHT CHAIfBEj WITS, WES5KB CASES ' 4 WASH-STAKB$, WAS3SCEE3, HAT ? . j u tr EACKSrTAElES CF ALL CIJL3S ! ASD STYLES, CEcES. I AND EVERYTnrSlG USUALLY IfADE IN A FIRST-CLASS rM URNiTURK FACTORY. iThl8 ia a HOME! ENTERPRISE, and being saeh wo rcspectfuljy ask, an, even share wlta our Nonhern compqtitors. , We have the best, a1" newest improved ma chinery, and - ' j . ,; ' '; : - - -' Superior Workmen, ' ' " nf . . ; i- - '.7', f ..... .-j ; And guaraDi'-j'satisfactlon, both in Btylcs and ppis9'jii-ii. rtx if? r- . A . rai Orders promntljr HlJed;.,;' , mjT-tf. - I! ffliiiieiiwi. ;i!tuqiiaRiVK;c. - iTWfl poliular'and teeit kubwii lson tmMt, ff ment ot the jn'ejieiit rojrii t- r-, tvr een f vuov&tfu," rnii tv? 'is CT e oi ti,e: laoKt uieaaant. and altiiiutivn -buta. North "Ceroliaa. '. jji W:t oii t.tre n:a v iiv : jJroriurtnerpani;uiargadilress' r.' ' -oi f pruvetnoots. rre tito' rrchea fwadimr .i, r j ' c J .4 V I i,' i rt I, i - v t V I t ( m '' i v i t t 4. ' - rroprietori

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