.i! X ' :::; fe r i l . 1 ' BT P. ,M. HALB AND W. L. SATJNDERS. JL1TKS OF ADVXHTISLG. Published Dally (except Monday! and WeeMy, ' r. J !. f t Ou Square p Ison) one day,.;. . . M M f m . Vara w , i. ,iwo ... J n , ; tnreeM . ; a F ' ' ' f roar nu 1 Ml ....- S Mi. l. .... k,mamTnnii-IN ASTANCS. flail . nnft vear. rtiail p-DStpald $ 8 CO v i- i - i 1 X months . 4 00 . three " . " ' ' WeeKly, una year, niall ' 8 00 foostpald,... ...... . 00 six months. .... l w Te-city subscribers T)ie Observer will be de Oontracta for advertising for any space pr da "Bay . be made at the office of i The Obserrer. ll -red daily at twenty inta per wees; seven VOL. 5. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, JANDAllY 1, 1879. 4' :no. u i tv-rive ceata per month; two dollars for three Obaemer Building, Fayetteville Street" Raleigh, months. nuiui varoiina, ' . o ' " f 1 i TELEGRAPH. RBPOBTKD BY TUB ASSOCIATED ' PBKSS J FGRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Washington, Jan. 15. SsxATB.--ifr. Voorhees. of ln'diaDa, submitted a resolu tion instructing the opmmittee on Iudiaa Affairs to inquire inti the circumstances which led to the recent escape of the Cheyenne Indians from Fort Gill, Texas, and the ubstquent slaughter of, the U, 8. forces. Agreed to. . '' Air. Allison,. of Iowa, from the confer- ence committee on this military academy appropriation bill, which was agreed to. Having been agreed to in the House of Kepresentatives yesterday, the bill now i goes to the President for hia signature. ; During the 'morning hour the Senate proceeded to consider the bills on the cal endar, not objected- o, under the five minutes rule. '. The Senate resumed jLhe consideration of the bill to amend the; patent laws, but ad journed without aet ion; .House. The HousS has under consid eration a bill reported ffom the Committee on Ways and Means fbf the issde of certi ficates of deposit of thb? denomination of ten dollars1, bearing interest at 3 pejr cent., and convertible at an time into 4 per cent, bonus; establishiig, in brief, a, national-'savings bank. Kelly submitted; an amendment to make the certificates convertible with accrued interest, after ' six months, into lawful money at any tim into4 per centr bonds. An interesting debate followed. Speeches were made against the bill by Bauks, But ler, Hewitt and' others and favorably by Wood, Garfield and Chittenden. All amendments wer rejected and the House took a recess witb the main question on the bill still pending.) BVKNUiO session. " ' The House resumed the consideration of the bill authorizing the fssae of certificates of deposit, the first yot being on a motion to table .the bill, which (was defeated. The bill then passed yeas ,117, nays 72. Mr. Phillips of Kansas, presented a peti tion to open rail way communication between the United States and Mexico, "and especi ally urging that a survey be made by the Secretary of War from Austin, Texas, to Toplovampa bay, Gulf t California. The Mexican minister has I written a letter to Mr. Phillips strongly favoring the above scheme. He expresses the opinion that the Mexican Government . will be willing to assist to make the preliminary survey. Cougrehttional GNumiulilceK. Washington,- Jan. ' . Couimitiee on Hanking 15.The House and Curreocy to- day authorized .Representative E wing to oner the fijllu wing ' ainufiument to tne Dill now pendijag bn tue calendar of the House providing lur the repeal fof he resumpiiou act : ''l'rovided, That nkoney hereafter re ceived from any sale of jbouds of the Uui ted Stales shall be applibd jouly to the re demption of oLher bouds bearing the high 'est rate tot interest and fciibjecj to call; and i'rovUled furtlier, That whenever from time to tune the proceeds the sales of bonds shall aggregate th-ee bullion of dol ' lara, the Sticretaiy , of the Treabury shall issue a call for that amoiint iof bouds to be redeemed, and the interest in bonds called , for redemption!' shall ctjase : in thirty days from the date of such cdll ; and. Provided furtlter, That all United States notes re ceived in the Treasury shall be re issued and kept in circulation with any change in the aggregate amount of the several de nominations . existing on the 31st day of May, 1878, . and it sbaljl not be lawful to issue legal tender notes (of larger denomi nation than one thousand dollars." The voteof the committee on theamend- j ment was: f : ' Ayes Me8srs.J3uckner ! of Missouri; Ewing of Ohio, "Kates of: North Carolina, llartzell and Fort of Illinois 5. i ; Nays-MesBrs. Hardehbor of New Jer- "sey, and Eames of IJhode Island 2. Messrs. Bell of Georgia, Ilirt and Chit tenden or.JNew xork, audfhillips of Kan sas were absent. AVa meeting of the Ckmnjiittee of Way ana Means to-day, Mr, reconsider, the vote ty tee last Monday decided to recommend .Changes in the sugar tariff, but the motion i was lost, trpre in the HUe negative;' affirmative, six' in Constitutional Aiuendments Washington, Jan. 15 The" Democratic members of the . Senate held a caucus this morningwith a view of deterrrhniDg what course of action should be adopted in, re gard to the resolutions - recently submitted by Mr. Edmunds, which in substance de . clare that the three last .' constitutional '"7 amendments were duly ratified, that laws alreadyi enacted for their, enforcement should be faithfully executed, and that Congress should further provide for their enforcement by additionkl legislation.' Af ter some discussion, Hhe subject was refer- . red to a committee of - jseven, headed by - Judge Sherman, to report to a future meet ing of the , caucus. The caucus also ap pointed a committee of tfcree with Senator - : Morgan as-chairman, to report what furth ' er action, if any,; should! be taken to secure the repeal of both sections of the revised ; statutes which prescribe J the test oaths for jurors In the United Stages courts. ' ; ;:. Vfuh in BTtonj 1 terns. !'.'' , Washinqtos, Jan. 15. Speaker Ran 311 has appointed Acklen, of Louisiana, to fill the vacancy occasibned by the death . of Air. Schleicher, on the committee on Foreign Affairs. , : Washington. Jan. 15. The U. 8 steamer Pensacola arrived at Gautemala, . December 26th. The Ticonderoga arrived at Funchal, i. ' Madeira. December 24xhj and will leave K the aoth for Sierra Leone. The health of -: the officers and crew is good. I Justice Hunt's condition is still practi cally unchanged.' 'f It is said Mr. Everettf Secretary of Le- gation to Berlin, stands good prospects o: promotion to be minister; Great preparations are being made in r,Mexico for the reception of the Chicago f excursionists. The Government itself lends : -aid.- Every facility will be given for the '-inspection of manufactures and industries. s ! The papers - without expecting any imme- waie iiuuu tut hue roouii luluk. uoiu couu tries will be benefitted. The sub-Treasury at New York paid $30,000 more gold than it received in ex change of legal tender notes to-day. Bank Smyeaded. , EtFALA, Ala., Jan. 15. The People' 4ans has suspended. Forei)pi. LoNDoir, Jan. 15J The dissolution of the Aarjan Spinning and Weaving Com panv, one of the most important cotton concerns in , Switzerland was in conse quence of the unsatisfactory results of the past year's working and the general unfa vorableness of its position. -. There has been no communication yet with the entombed colliers in the Dinas Mine. " Eighty yards of the roof at the bottom of the shaft have fallen since the explosionfrendertngventilatioh impossible and the explorers cannot enter the mine. Experts say that only: by the barest possibility ' can any of the sixty men be alive, and give no hope of their rescue. IiONdon, Jan. 15. The Umpire on arbi tration concerning the wages dispute in Cleveland and orth of England Iron trade has decided that j the men mast ac cept the reduction of five per cent. . Sev eral of the cotton, mills M kelson, near Burnley, have Riven notice of a reduction in wages, ihe same milts have stopped altogether. There have also been some stoppages of mills at Padihamind, Wbitte field, . . . Constantinoplb, Jan. 15. The signs-. ture of the Kusso-Turkish treaty is expect ed to take place Thursday. Russia, it is understood: accepts the reduction of the indemnity by a hundred million roubles and also the payment in roubles, j Paeis. Jan. 15, The Senate this after noon elected M. Louis Joseph Martel, who who was nominated by the left, president of that body. j Railroad iH alters. Richmond, Va., Jan. 15. The Atlantic Mississippi and Ohio Railroad case was called in the U. S. Circuit Court! to-day, the counsel representing the various inter ests were all present. Sir. McFarland, of the counsel for the Trustees, moved for the final decree of the foreclosure and sale of the road. There was some discussion upon the petition presented by the Attorney General of Virginia, asking that the btate be made a party to the: suit to protect its interests, and have leave to file cross bill. The court thought the State was already a party to the suit, and that exceptions .would be allowed, to be filed with masters report which was re committed at the last term of the court for further information was again submitted and was discussed. Recess until 7 p. m. The caed. Indians. . Fobt Robin308T, Jan. 15. Saturday night the Indians in the bed of , Indian creek, on the Hot Creek road, strengthened their position. At noon oa Monday, a twelve-pound Napoleon gun was brought up, but, owing to the nature of the ground, could not be brought to bear effectually. Tuesday morning a reconnoissance showed that the Indians had escaped during the night. The, troops, being without provis ions, returned to camp to equip, pack a train, and start on a prolonged scout after the savages, ' ., Work Resumed. WiLKESBABRE, Pa., Jan. 15. Charles Parrish & Co., miners, who have been on a strike in consequence of ten per cent. reduction have accepted the situation, and work will be resume at the mines in this city this morning with a full force. The- Plymouth division will resume to-morrow, the reduction will only be enforced until the first of April. ' The Yellow lever Committee. Washington, Jan. 15. The board of experts who visited Memphis and New Orlieans under the instructions of the spe ciaj Congressional Committee for examin ing into the cause of yellow fever and what. if anything can be done, to prevent a recur rence thereof, having returned to this city,. commenced to-day summing ' up their abors. Jt will be several days before a report can be made. ; iTIectlujr of Northern Settlers. Charlotte, N. C, Jan. 15. The north ern men whd settled south since the war assembled in the Opera House to-day and passed resolutions declaring that in no sections do all classes enjoy greater liberty. rive states were represented. Postmaster Arrested. C?tncisnati. Jai 15, John Back; the Postmaster at Tretichburg, Ky.,- was ar rested yesterday charged with rifling val uable letters. It is alleged that he has broken open upwards of thirty letters in tne last three mom hs. . .. -1 . . Marine. London, Jan. 15. The brig v Panty. from New Orleans, was abandoned at sea on the 3rd. The crew was rescued aBd landed at Queenstown. ' 1 - NEW A I) V 1 laEALhiN 1 . DISSOLUTION. rrBJt CO-PARTNERSHIP IN TH GRO- J. cerv Busiaess between tbr undersicned H this day dissolved by mutual consent P. C. Christophers will settle the l uslneas of the late nrm - r.u cuKisrousits. r-- - , : 1). P. MBAC-HAH. .W.L. HARRIS - ' P. U Ohristophere. J , M. W. Sorrell Ciiitfijfe i:& Surfeli, F. O. Chrlstonlrera. of the late Arm of VJ C. Christophers A Co.. an'' M. W S rrell, successor to -Sorrejl A Jackson, having formed a co- paiiueranip, wui carrjpoa tne GROCERY and .COMMISSION -BUSINESS at the old stand of , - F. C. CHKISTOPHEBS & COMPANY, Hargett' Street, WUl'b pleased to have onr numerous friends and customer to cL Having tne experience or a ouinoer or years in tne urocery Business, w uau compete wiiu ujr uouae m me city. MEAT MARKET. We make a specialty of Fresh Beef, Pork sausage ana uutter. Also TOBACCO. TOBACCO A fall Rtock of all grades on hand, wholesale uareiaii,ai , ; .., , A NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. innp juuli ioRpUNtill The Spring Term commences oa the 30th ( Jannarv and c1ori on th isth nf .Tnno of AU den TtmentJI Sllnd hTmtfrinMd anA ann. cesaful teachers Terms moderate to suit the times. , For circular and catalogue address r itav. k, BLKWELL A SON, 3anl6-d2t-wlm . Raleigh, N. C. WOOD & LUMBER YARD. L. HARRIS will earrj on the Wood and Lnmoer business at Christopher's Yard, north east corner Baptist Grove. A large lot of oak wood jnst received. AU orders left at the store of Messrs. Christophers A,Sorrell filled promptly by 1 W L, BARKIS). JVOrJ?lCJE. rJ,HE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF the ftockaolders of the North Carolina Home Insnrance Company will be held In the Com- panyls office, In Raleigh, on We nesday, Feb ruary 8, 1S79, at ll o'clock a.m. jan1S-3t W. S. PRIMROSE, Sec'y. THE DWELLING HO0SE ON WILMING tou and Lane street , north of my resi dence. Apply to jams t. v. tiuGG. inig! Biiifliiig! THAT'S IT ! ; If yon want any thing of the kind, ' EDWARDS, BR0U5HT0N & CO., RALEIGH, N. C, i 1 IS TJX J3 PLACE. Tlipy have the largest and most complete FinzrrrNG office AND BOOK BINDERY I IN THE STATU, And thfir work stands with that done any- wuerejin tne united urates. Anything irom a Yifciling Card to (lie Iiarg:et Poster. Call pr send orders, eiuvakds, itou;n ro A CO., PRINTERS AND BINDRRS, -i RALEIGH, N, C. janlO-tf FOR SALE ! Published at Fayetteville. V. C . Is offered for Sale, it has a good supDlyof NEWSPAPER, DISPLAY AND ADVERTISING TYP?. Press t;i line order, ample p inti n material of all kinds and, im short, everything needed for the pub lication of a good seven-c lumn newspaper. ne .azt-ue is tne only paper published in Fiyetteviii a cit of 5.000 inhabitants: it has long been the recognized organ of the Democratic party in the Upper Cape Ft ar section; and it bits a Tarse subscription list and go d advertising patr ronagei CircnlaMon from 1,J00 to 1,20. J or terms, 4c, address S PROPRIETOR GAZETTE, Janll-tf. Fayetteville, N. C. 1878. 1879. : THE r S3S0GS HOUSE. OH THE EUE0P2AN PLAN. Corner Salisbury and Ilargett Streets, (Just back of.A CREECH'S Store), j ! RALC1G1I, X. C. Location Delightful. Elegant rooms for Brt- yate parties. , ... i Best Restaurant In the City. French Cook Polite and attentive waiters. Finest Meaks, Fish, Oysters in ever style, and all kinds ofWHD GAM K. Bar and Billiard sa loon in the building. The choicest Wines and Liquors In stock ; no other kinds kept. CIGARS, all the favorite brands. special No riCKZ I take pleasure In announcing to tne public that I have secured the services of a good Caterer, who will have entire control of the Restaurant. Mr. G. W. HARRI SON, a general favorite, will attend the Bar; and Mr; JAS. FEBMAN will serve his friends with tne oysters on the half shell and crve the F wL .. . .: I guarantee satlsfac Ion. and I earnestlv so- ncit yonr patronage. JACOB HIGGS. B. HILL, : FAMILY GROCER, Comer Wllmlngtoa and HargeU Streets, T KAI.KIGU. B i ffftW HAMS, BREAKFAST 8TRIPS, BULK Mtf V. K WUW Aiu SllOULlJERS. nous niXAI.L SILLS PTEST FSILT ASD A FULL LINE OF SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS T SOAPS. STARCH, CAKES, CRACKERS. , . - i AND CONFECTlONliiUiiS. v"f 1 .- 4 A FRKSHUMS.OF . Fancy Grroceries - i IN STORK. - - i . trx full stock of HOLIDAY GOODS arriving Fair 4ealing and low prices.' All goods sent . t . your reaiueuce. ., jaM-im. EMPIRE HOUSE, , , t TTILMIXGTOX, N. C. I. L. DOLBY, - r - Proprietor. BOARD 82PER DAY. oca s-tf. PAGE'S HOTEL. :.t- - : I ANFORD. N". CJ. Bight Hand Sid going South, 1 ; Left Hand Side going North, ; .. Passengers take Breakfast going Sooth : Sup- rmr cmT a TCnrth 1TRATJS fin J'PVTa :., . " " j. w. c. page; ' novl8-tf Formerly of Cary, Proprietor. m liivf. Pr NEW Ai)VERTISEMENT8. APPLE BfiAW Which took the Premium t the Great Exposition in Philadelphia in 1876, . and also in Paris in 1878. It is distilled from TDRB CiIdew, which is made from SOUND, RIPB APPLES. It is Warrants! ftre incl Frss from Sings. -:' . -. . -this-"; I- . i -i- HAS'O KQTJAL ' ' ' - 1 j: -.'. ! ; For Medicinal Purposes. GIVE IT A TRIAL AND YOU WILL LIKE IT. Address: ; i - II. A. BTXUffl, Janll-tf. ' Farmville. N. C. ' - ' 1 . - Memlssrs cf Legislature and Others CALL AT - BR All SOU'S BOOKSTORE, Next Door to Ileartt's Old Stand. Northr darolina " Almanacs " At $3.00 per Hundred or 60cJ per Dozen. T-.-AJW" BOOKS ! Of all Descriptions, at Lowest! cash Rates. BLAlTVIt BO OIZLS9 LARGE AKD SMALL. New York Dally Heralds, And other Dailies, every day at 1 o'clock, P.M. -i S ' i Subscriptions taken for all PERIODICALS at the Publishers' rates. Call or address . Rev. L. BRANSON, ' janli-Sm. i Raleigh, N. C. MORTGAGE SALE. BY YIRTDB OF A MORTGAGE DEED Ex ecuted to the " Life Association of Ameri ca," of tt. Louis, bj W Solomon King and wife, and recorded in Book 82, p. 7t4, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wake county, the under signed will expose to public sale: at the Court House door in trie city of Raleigh, on Tuesday, January 28lli, 1879, A tract of land In Wake count,, lying near the line of the N. C. R. R., about seven miles west of Raleigh, adjoining the lands of R. A. Allen and others, being the land uponiwheh W. King now rebides, and containing oue hundred and sixty-two acres, more or lessn Terms of sale UAH. LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. Rkadk, Busbkk & Besbkb, Attorneys. , janS-tda. - . i n HAS DIN, GRIMES & CO., Holleman Building, Tayetteville St. BEING now settled in our new store, we are better prepared than ever to flU the orders ol our customers for nrst-clasa i GROCERIES I AND PROVISIONS. W K offer also our usual choice variety of fine ana rename ; M WINES, LIQUORS, tsc, SKLKCTKD BXFRBSSLT : FOB Family and Medicinal Use. OUR 8TOCK Uncomplete in every depart ment, and we guarantee everything that leaves our store, to be as represented ia quality. ana at lowest living price. HARDIN, GRIMFS CO. jauS-tf. " . . 3 rooerH, A Happy New Year to All ! J. A. BRAGASSA. l return my sincere thanks to the public ior thir liberal patronage for the short space of time I have been among them, and hope I may continue to merit their patronage in the Inture. I will keen constantly nu imnrt pvprvthtnc nsnRl- ly kept in a . " i First-Class Confectionery Store, Consisting in part of ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, FIGS. RAISINS. NUTS. . FIS-. FRKNCH CANDIES, And other things too caikerons to mention. 15 FayetteTille Street, Baleigh, X. C fARPETS! Ii CARPETS! U CARPETS! ru is l i ne s : FLOOR AND -Bought from the manufacturers. All NEW DESIGNS and CHOICE PATTERNS never be fore offered in this market. Just received at PETTI i JOHES. DAILY ARRIVALS HCW and SEASONABLE AN ADVANTAGE CAN BE HAD IN THE LINE BLACK DUESS GOODS, AND OSS GBADS r ; BLA CK ALU A CCA That cannot be had of any one else tat this - uuiet ur urpaasea in any. . OCt 90-tf .: . : ., ". DRY GOODS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. : mm sbits! IK EL, The Fastalls vTafc HOLLEMAN BUILDING Is prepared to meet the demands of Merchants, Business Hen. and all others who want Cnstom-Mafle Suits ! Having Just returned from the North with a full and complete line of all the New Styles o' CLOTH S. CASSIMHRFS, VESTIS, Which have' been selected from the Newest and Fullest stocks of Imported and Domestic Goods to be found In the North and East. Now is the time to LEAVE YOUR MEASURE for a new Spring and Summer Suit. With the largest stock of FIRST-CLASS GOODS, and . GUARANTEEING lLL HIS tVOEK, There is no place in the cut wnere BETTER BARGAINS, FITS er SELECTIONS can be had. REMEMBER THE PLACE Holleman Building, Fayetteyffle Street, BALEIGIL U. 0. ' aprs-tf. A. W. FRAPS, WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL DEALER 15 ! Foreign a.sd: Ss&Esiie lip, WINES, CORDIALS, PORTER, 1.LE AND LAGER BEER. The following brands are kept on hand : Live Oak (Sole Agent). Gibson, Cooper, Cabinet, Pfeiffer. Bourdon, Golden Wedding, Mono gram, XXX Crown Rye, and best Scotch Whis kies. Tom Cooper, North Carolina and Kentucky Corn Whisky. Best Jamaica and New England Rums. Castillo, French ani California Cognac, and outhampton Apple Brandy. Kummell, Curacoa, Absyntne, and Reed's Cock tail , Bitters (the beet in the market) and Gilt Edge 'ionic. London Dock. Holland and Domestic Gins and bchiedam schnapps. California Port, Sherry, N. C. Scnppernone, and Imported Coampagne, Poi t and Sherry Wines McKvans's and Bass's Ales, E. A j. Burke's Dublin Porter. ' Lager Beer in Kegs and Bott'es. Imported Apoliinaris and beltzer Waters. The Bar in supplied with 'I'll i: -T Wines and Liquors thai can be kept. decld-tT. COAL agflEl. Coal of Eest Quality Always" on Hand. We can give low figures on all c!asseof pine lumber. Par ties wishing to purcbae wil find it to their intere to tall and get our Prices. Western Te minus Hargett Street oct 6-d6moo. FOR BEST QUALITY APPLY TO Ii. J. HARRIS. Offiee at J. W. Watson Grocery Stxre, Fayelterille St., or Martin & Os born's Feed Store, IS. C. Depot. Ail Orlsrs Promptly FUlea. DO YOU "WANT FTONITUEE? If so it Will Pay Yon to Read This. '; THE Best & Cheapest Furniture in the cttv ia now tn Ka hA bji thm inhohAi determined not to be undersold, and is offering a very handsome stock of F XJ It IV X T U R E at REDUCED PRICES. For a' GOOD BAB- GAIN CALL ON ME. q WALNUT SUITBt A very select assortment of WALNUT SUITS Just received and for sale very reasona- 017. - x aoia oa special lnauoemems in tnis line. Also m. lot nf WAT X1TT RKHSTR A rH . varied assortment of Common Furstture, which 1 am wiims h cneap as ever. 4f- 4-rf ttei.:. I OLD FORTlS. C, J. CALAIS, - Snperiatenoent. MANUFACTURERS OF ! WALIUT CHAMBER SDITJ. B8ESSI1G CASES WASH-STAHSP WARDROBES, HAT ; RACKS, TABLES OF Alt III OS AXO STTLES. DESKS. AND EVERYTHING USUALLY MADS IN A FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE FACTORY This is a HOME ENTERPRISE, and bemg t, c tcojnsuuuiij Ba an even snare wtta our Northern competitors. . We have tbe beat a". newest Improved U1UW1J,W1U ' ' ' . 8unerlor WnrhmAn. And gUarant" aatiafaction. both ia styles and 1 i" Orders promntly flllwi. ' ' mrr-tt STOP AT THE Richmond Hotel, - (OPPOSITE LONG'S HOTEL), - ROCKINGHAM, N. C. itES. J. A. McJJOITAID, Proprietress.1 I : ' Rooms large and comfortable. Terms moder I ate. jruiue auu buvsutc waiters, . aeift-u. 17 E Coat MlifeMmlcli! .ixj v , oiif Am xor.m r.w i a. CAHERplliHAYiaxp., Si: .fit GEXERALr Fin OEca, Citizens' Natl EankSnildic RALEIGD, JJ, C. liji'I'.T 5.. Total Assets BejraMrMppO Among the Companies represented are I the following, Tis: r ,. . Virgrinia Fire and Marine Ids. Co. t Liverpool and London and Globe. : St. Paul Fire and Marine Ins. Co. i Home Insurance Co. of New York. , fieaboard Fixe Insurance Co. London Assurance Corporation. ' j Hamburgf-Bremen Insurance Co., of ': Germany. . ? - . Royal Fire Ins. do., of Liverpool. ( W Special attention given to the insurance of Cotton, stored or in transit, and to Mills, Facto lies, Ac ; ; . decSSWt " TIM LEE'S iwmw CLUB nous "fte-Behosico fifth Souti " Oernex Martdn and Balisbtuj Streets. rj.KNTJ!NE DUBLIN XXX:BROWN! STOUT -on draught with Bass aie,t old Bngllsh drink of . Half A Half, can be procured in the future at Tim Lee's Club House. Also on hand old Robeson County whisky bought of Bar din A Grimes.) Baltimore Heats and all delicacies of the season serred In first-class order. Nine private sitting rooms, so that parties can always be private. CT-French Cook. 'oct6-tf sr. .uiifi's FOUNDED MAY, 1842. Rt. Rev. Thos Atkinson. D. D 'Visii fit. Rev. Theo. B. Lyman, D. D. f tors, Eev. BEHTffETT SMEDES,' AIL. Bector and Friiicipal. Mrs. Kate DeBosset Meares Jxuiv PrineijxU, The 73d Term of this School begins SEPTEMBER 12th, 1878. FOR CIRCULAR ADDRES8 THE REOTOP. Canal St from Sixth tb seTenthV Blchmond, Vs. Engines, Portable and Stationary, SAWMILLS, GRIST MILLS, BOILERS. Oastlng-s of Braes and Iron Forirtaes. jnttciimery xor Moia. ana uoai Jkaines, Blast Furnaces, &c. Wa o.aU noflal BttnMrn tn nnr VirWDntnm PORTABLE ENGINE tor agricultural and other purposes. Also to our new style small Locomo tives ror naming lumber and other articles apon tramways and narrow gauge railways. Shafting, Pulleys, Ac., For : Gin :rr ; . Houses. -. . Eminent planters in North Carolina and nthr Southern States consider onr .(4inninv l.mi Threshing Engines the best and cheapest m use, absolutely safe from sparks. itepair wort solicited and promptly lone, send for Illustrated Catalosrasa. whir.h m.rm rnrfiinhi free. - , , agJSJdaw-lv . WM.E. TANNER A CO. 1 VIAItTFtl ACOOD AGENT tocac- If Mil I CU vaas Raleijr 1 and the adtoiniu towns ior the best, selling household articles Ll me wona. 'np top proms, write at onoe 10 World Manufacturing Co., 8 Clmton Place, N.Yj . S25-Janl-4w. , . , .; ,.. HOUSEKEEPERS!! A POHtaJ Clril AAnt tut with vnnr insure free, lu return, onr Illustrated CtrcBlarn oi. mce uouBerurnisning Kpettialues. Pautik KKU.T0M, Manufacturers, 281 Par street, rew AQEOTS. READ'THIS ! tt b wm psj Agents a saiary 01 9100 per month and expenses, or allow -a large jcomalssian to sen our hew and wonderful Inventions. We mean wnat we tag. Address, -without delay. -o Y I . J SHERMAN CO., -Janl-tw. Marshall, Mich. JOHNSON'S ANODYNE LINIMENT will pos itively prevent this terrible disease, and will pos itively cafe mae cases ta ten. Infennatlon that wm save many lives sent free bv mail. Don't delay a mo nent. Prevention is better than cure. sold everywhere. L S.VUHNSON CO. Ban gor, Maine. 225 Janl-4w. V lu t ' j : ; .!. 1 111 1 (in i.i. A NEW EXC1TIXG EOOK Bristling with the WltD ADYKATUBW of STANLEYS-AFRICA. The ONLY authmitio u&eopyrighUd cheap' edi tlon. By the brilliant descriptive author, Bon. J. T.BeadUu Gives a FULL hvstorv of h s WOif- dsrfcl discoveries in Africa and- maktxlocs journey dawnthe Ccnao. More facinatina than romaa e. Prqfuatly uiastrated. and bioblt en- aoraea oy tne clergy ana pre, over I6,HH sold. More AOEJI'l's WAYrEDJ BrFoapAa ticclaus about the book, sveres f Areata and best terns, address HUBBARD KKoS ; 226 JanWw. Publishera, Philadelphia, Pa. CELEBBATEU the WOBLD OTEB.) etand tUp medal given rubber phuUraic hnth the tmljm.ninl niA VrW. I I " . MMvyvowumm. j ' Far Suoerior "to ; ;S i ICOmmOQ TKroaft nlafltPift. IlnimAnfat tHm baJ Known remedy for Lame aad Veak Back,' jLumbago, Diseased Kidneys, Spinal Com-i Iplaiota, and all ills tor which poroas plasters umw. a your vruggi8t tOT ,eenson j Japcibe Plaster and see that yon get nothhu Seise. . Sold by all Druggists.; Price 25 cents I Mailed on r celpt of price by SkabttbtA: jJOHUBOTT. 1 FlMTT VTRlfgr. NgW YOBK j 1 sfinnn : I : MetroBolitaD forts , . r n l-g wi advertisements;-! OWING TO THS INCLKMKNCY OF ,TBI weather: we had to postpone our sale of TOYS,' BASKETS AND FANCY GOODS at auction, but will have t ie sale To-xlbHT. at our old stand, opposite John . Williams' Bank, sale to begin about Tjtf o'cloct. - . ... - J. R. H. CAKMER, ' ' , Manager Oak ; Vity Grocery. WE would call the attention of our pa rona and! the public generally, to our fine stock FCoDitioI fjM Groceries.1 : WE keep is fine stock, and more of It, than ever. . We are located at .- " A. M. BAKEX8 OLD 8TAND, ON ; WILMINGTON bTREET. ' And ean offer .inducements In ' many kinds of goods. We have beautiful COFF&B at IS cents per pound, and the prettiest in the city at 86 cents. '( - ..;'. . -,' ----- Pine Golden Sugar at : Ten Cents. KEROSENE OIL'SS CENTS FES GALLON. .!. i " - . . ". KEROSENE OIL BY THE' BAB- 1 BEL QUITE LOW. We Sell Wests' : EerosesB Oil, WHICH IB THE BEST ON TBI MABKKT. QUE STOCK OF ' . : ; j- j FANCY A3D nEAVr OROCE11IES I ; D3 QUITE COMTTKTBL . WeareseUing the very finest Raisins, Nuta i and French Candy at about cost. Try us and see if it is not so. Several barrels of , SHEEP NOSE, BALDWIN AND RHODE j ISLAND GREENING APPLES j Just Received. A lot of FINE ORANGES Jasf -Received, i Call and see, as we have the only F A NC Y O R O CEUI . ON WTUCIHOTOl 8TRIKT, t 7; J. K. II. CAItMEK, JTianas:er. jang-tt " vv .t ANTHONY PAPE, C. A. MAX WIEHLE !wheeler7ape &co., ! WHOLESALE Druggists4 & CliemisH :' 1 439 market street, . oc-dm j - " PHILADELPniA. ' j TNCOURACb ! HOME INSTITUTIONS. SECURITY AGAINST FIRE. .1 , T HE , NORTH CAKOLIKA Home Insurance Co jtALEIGU, N. C. THIS COMPANY .CONTINUES TO WKITl Pobcletta. J J on all classes ' M Insurable Property. V ALL LOOSES ARE PR03LPTLY JLDJCS1EII ANI FAlb. " . 1THE "HOME" IS. ' Rapidly Growiss in PsSg Jmfl r f AND ' - - ;! ! APPEALS, wn& oowwmoE .-a. ; " to Insurers o r Property in JTortn Carolina ' iSrAgents in (MparU ofthe 8taU. ' This Company takes risks on property of every character on the most reasonable rates, and not withstanding the large humber of losses It has sustained In the past, four years. It Has, never tailed to pay promptly and on time. Its motto PROGRESSIVE I PROSPEROUS . .FROMPf 1 . AMPLE MR8BRVB AND- GOOD 1 8URPLU8 ! Premiums Cash 2 TOLlbmS ZiBERAL. t-GUAKD YOUR OWN INTERESTS BY, IN '.J"v-;f StJRTNG TNTHE ",r a JOHN G. WIULAJM8, President.: W. H. CROW, Vice-President. iW. S. PRTMKOSESeo. and Treas. PTJLASEJ orwPBR. Supervisor TALBOT & SONS, Shockoe Machine '..Works. KICIIMOAD, VIRGINIA. . MANUFACTURERS OF j -- Engines and Boilers, Saw Mills,. Grist Mills, Shafting, Hangers and Pulleys, Turbln" Water Wheels, Tobacco Factory , Machinery, Wrought Iron Work, Brass and Iron Castings, Ginning and Thresning.Engines ' A SPECIALTY . n : r . Machinery of Erery Description. t : Repairing promptly and carefully done. 1 ' ft3end for Illustrated Catalogue. . Br&ncta Of rice, R ALEIG H C. e STROarACH & AtliCOTT, ' " Maxctactukk -i ASXXTS. i . , The Gregory .H bus e , '. Obldsboro3V O., Is in the business centre of the city and di rectly opposite where the trains stop. Railroad and telegraph offices in the buJldiDg - L - Mari Gregory-griiW.-W-rffeinaa . PROPRIETORS. Good Fare ail Accommodating SenantSr- WIGaroMSHie n