V M. HALE AXD W. L. SAUNDERS. Published Dally (except Monday) aad Weekly. !fisaor eirB8CRimoii-ot Advaxc. Dallv. one year. maU postpaid, f 8 80 six months V 'f ' 00 three M 'V j ...... 00. wetiT. one rear, mall postpaid.......... 00 L six months, M f4 1 00 fa bltv subscribers The Observer will be de livered daily at twenty cento per week; seven- tr-flve centa per month; two dollars for three two 1 f inoatti Y TELEBRAPH. KSPOFTKD BY TUB ASSOCIATED PBES8. FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. 1, - Washington, D. C, Jan. 17. Senator Morgan, of Alabama, presented the cre- ricntiala of Coneressman ( George S. Hous toD. elected U. S. Senator from Alabama for s x yeara, from the '4th of March, 1879. to succeed lion. Geo. E- JSpenceR The. credentials were read and! placed on file. ' Senator Saulsbdry 'submitted a resola- tion calling upon the Secretary of the Trea niirv for information as to the amount of commissions or other compensation paid bankers, brokers, &a, foraervices in nego- tiatinz the sale of y. o. ponds or securi ties from 1862 to .the present time; amount raid any such persons for services m te- funding any! bonds of the United States, onH 7hpth-r interest has been naid or col lected on these bonds, and at the same time paid on bonds sola to reaeem suca bonds; how much douoie interest was paid on each Class of bonds; and hjow much money is allowed to remain on deposit m the JNa tinal Ranks designated as deDOsitaries. Mi!. Morrill,; of .Vermont suggested that it be i-eferred to tne Committee on Fi nance. Mri Saulsbury would not consent to the reference, - Mr, Morrill objected to the further con sideration to day, and.it was laid on the table. ! : Mr. ! Allison, ftom the Cbmmittee on Pi- nance, reported adverselyKon the Senate bill to! authorize the killinglof fur seal and other fur bearing animals within the' limits : of v Alaska.'- Territory. Indefinitely post poned, , j : This is the bill introduced by Mr. Cam eron, of Wisconsin, the 2tth of January lastj andauthonzes the Secretary of the Treasury to declare the teititory of Alaska, ) except the islands of ot. George and Saint J'aul, open to the killing df the fur bear ing animals. Persons engaging in such killing to pay to the Government ten per cent, of the appraised vaBue of the skins taken. ' ' ';- . Messrs. Wallace, of 'Pennsylvania,- and . uayard, are excused from further service on the Teller special committee. Messrs. McDonald and Randolph ire appointed to iiu iue vauauciuti. In the discussion upon the question of grantirie the request of Messrs. Wallace and ijayara, me iormer saia ner maae tne re quest to be excused because the gen tlemen who represented' the minority of me oenaje on tne iener uommittee were now about starting North firom Hew Or , leans, knd the others were going to Charles ton -to- continue the) inyestigatibn. It was. impossible for biml to gp to Charleston, and the Senator from DelaWare could not go, as ne was m 1 exas. 1 he; Patent ''Laws bill was again dis- cvssed.i ; The Senate several times found itself without a quorum. Adjourned until Mondaj . 1 hrillouse wa4 engaged a considerable . ywuup oi io-aay on tne pill tor tne pay ment or twenty tbousandl dollars to the .trustees of the Protestant EDiscorjal Semi. nary and High School in Virginia for rent of building during the wai Messrs. Con : ger and W hite of Pennsylvania, and Town send of New York, opposed the bill on the grouna or it being a war claim. Messrs. .Haskell, Eden, Hunton, Bright of Ten-. .nessee ana Kelly ot Pennsylvania, favored tne measure. Without action the House adjourned. Tle t rench Assembly. PARIS. Jan. 17. The Miniat Prial of nto ment has generally produced an unfavora ble imnressinn. l'h Jmj.mJii 7W riehnta 4 ' w r raruvv A'VO 1 "O grets tjuat the Government did not employ ' says : "In' reading their declaration one might jbelieve nothing had happened in France for a long time, whereas only a week ago the Republic was established." The; liepabUque Francaise says : "The Government must rely only upon the sig nificance of their acts andlthe frankness of their attitude, as the declaration will be of no assistance to them." The Neuvieme SUcle says : ' 'The Government spoke for wetty minutes without pronouncing a single word that j they ought to have spokenj; The language of the; Miniatrv'ia Tint, ft Dionr "nrnrrro m rvu but a simple exposition of the situation, or a report of Parliamentary! proceedings." ' .The 'Figaro says : , "The' Ministerial statement is a political testament which will not prevent the fall ofj the Cabinet. Thej- Vonstitutionel, G$utoi) and Solid praise the Government program me. . The Happen Voltaire, Marsellouse and Revolution Francam vehemently attack . the statement, and characterize it as void of purposefcthe fruit of madness and uses other like expressions.. The question of minis terial crisis is discussed every where, an d the general impression prevails that the Cabinet can scarcely remain in office after the unfavorable .reception of their pro gramme in the Chambers.! The Steele indeed expresses the opinion that the Ministry cannot survive more than twenty -four hours. Tjx souie quarters it is said the crisis will ensue immediately; that MacMahon will summon Gambetta, . and in the event of hia refiusina; to form a Cabinet MacMahon will , resign, while on the other hand it is , believed by some that if Gambetta shall refuse . to form a Cabinet, MacMahon will re- , quest Mr. Dufaure to form a new minis. y. it is puimeu ous nowever in par liamentary, circles that according to strict parliamentary rules there can be no other President of the Council than Gambetta since he at the present moment practically , holds the post In ' spite) however, of the language of the Republican journals and he generally prevailing impression, there jis a somewhat strong beliejf in well inform "ed circles that the ministjry will obtain a majority in the Chamber (k Deputies after the debate which begina on Monday. ' .' ' " ir K-fr Mrtklujr .Timers,, Pottsville, Jan. ; 17. In addition to the strike of miners at the Conner and Ham mond colliery, at Girardsville, the men at Preston mines Nos. 2 and 3, and Girard colliery turned out this rrjorning, claiming wo months back pay whjch is due. t hem. The five collieries now idle comprise the entire Girardsville district, and are all operated by the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company, employing about 1,500 men and boys. j Proclamation by tne Governor. Philadelphia, Jan. 171 The Govern L or's proclamation announcing the names ' of the Congressmen, elected at th late general election includes the name of ' Jute, Democrat in thie llth District, i which has been disputed i hitherto by Al- , ' bright. -RcnnMiM. - ..... T VOL. 5. CongrrekMional Committee. Washington. Jan. 17. The Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections met to day for action on the memorial of D. T. Corbin, who claims the scat now hejd by Senator: Butler, of outh Caro lina. .The Republican members of the committee have reports favoring Corbin's admission, but a minority report in oppo sition mereto is beinir. prepared. Action on the whole subject was postponed until aionaay. The Senate Committee on Territories heard arguments this' . morning as to the advisability of bringing the Indian Terri tory under the civil form Of Government Delegations from the Cherokees, Chicka- saws and Creeks were nresenL all of whom opposed any change in their Dres4- ent relations with the Government, claim- mg xney naa treaty ngnts wnicb should not be violated by any new order." y , ' .Komtnaiions. ' -r' - ' r ' Washington, Jan. ' nIfonunations.' ' a 1 . J T . r-w . ' m -m m ' ixieiauuer u. xiagner, or Maryland J is to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, and the following are to be Postmasters: Vireinia. Geo. V. Case, of Liberty: North Carolina : Wiley A- Walker. Winston. : Jonathan D. White, Greensboro : South Carolina. James H. Gass. Union Court House : Alonzo Webster, Orangeburg C. H:. Geo- gia, l?'red. iv. Hall, LaGrange ; Alabama, Mrs. Maryland E. Henry,, Decaturs Mis sissippi; Kobert Stuart, Macon ; John B. Deason, Brookhavern : Frank M. Goar. Tupelo: Texas: Chancy B. Sabin. Gall vision ; A. B." Norton, Dallas. JFire in New Vork. New York, Jan. 17i-r-A fire brokb out thisevenine in the wholesale cloth house of Van I Valkenburg & Leyett, N. 62 wortn Mreet, and rapidly enveloped the entire building. The two adjoining build ings occupied by Pastor Walkinshaw,:No. 66, are on fire and the flames have crossed the street to No. 65 r occupied by Joseph" Loos. '-.. - -.' ,-.." 1 9:15 p. M-The fire after crossine to the South side of Worth Street is working through? the block southerly to Thomas Street, and now appears to be extending on Worth Street west, toward Church and East in the direction of Broadway. . j ." . . lJarine. ; ; " London, Jan, 17. The U. S. sailim? ship Constitution, went a shore early this morniDg on Bolland Point, near Swanzen. England. Steam tugs were sent to her assistance. New York, Jan. 17. The bark Oliver Emery arrived with the Crew of the Mas- ifie Vandusen from Smithville, N, C, for Baltimore, which was found on the 10i-h inst. water logged, rudder gone and two of the crew frost bitten. Comparative Cotton statement. New York. Jan. 'TJ'. The following ? the comparative cotton statement for the Wfek ending January 16th : 1879. 1878. Net receipts at all United States ports durburCbe week 111.054 ibo.584 Total receipts to thlsdate..,,2,936,l6l 8,?i2,H)'i nxporaiar the week... 12 .055 156,' (h Total exprt8 to this date.... . .1,678.105 1,466,233 Stock at aQ U. 8. ports. . 841,461 856 415 btock at all interior towns .. 177,594 145,355 Stock af Liverpool......... ... 424,000 392.UO0 siocit or American afloat for Great Britain........ .... 213.000 &86.000 Sentence of Kate Cobb Norwich, Ct., January 17. Kate M. Cobb has1 been sentenced to imprisonment for life at Wethersfield. Her counsel moved for a new trial. Ten days were al lowed to perfect the motion. Bishop's trial for bis share in the murder and for the poisoning his wife Was postponed until Aiarcn term. ! Death of John W. New. New 0elkan8, Jan. 17. The death of Maj. John W. New a prominent attorney is announced. The United States and District Courts adjourned in respect to his memory. In the Legislature the ballot for Senator was una uccessf uL i Conkling' Successor New York. Jan. 17. The Senate nnnU .yed that bh January 21st a U. S. Senator hi . . suaii oe yotea tor in place of Conkling. Another T resolution provides for a joint meeting with the Assembly on the 22d for the election of Senator. meeting- ot Breedent' AMOclation. Utica, N. Y., Jan. 17. The Ayreshire Breeders' Association by a vote of 51 to 10 resolved to drop from the Herd Book the names of all animals, whose pedigree is not traced directly to importation. Wm. Berie, of Spribe field, was elected President , fj. S. Senator JCleeted. Haetford, Ct., Jan. 17. O. H. Piatt, of Meriden, was nominated for U. S. Sen ator in the Republican caucus lastnightj on the 37th ballot. He is a prominent law yer and States Attorney for New Hanover county. Dlvabilitle Kelleved Washington, Jan.f:17. The President has approved the bill relieving James Chestnut, of South Carolina, of political disabilities. NEW ADVERll&lJ.MJ2jile. Q.EO. H . HAIGH, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, MARKET SQUARE, F A Y E T:T EVIL LIE N C Keeps constantly on nand a fall supply ofj UIBLKS, PRAYER AND HYMN BOOKS, AND ilL SCIIOOJL. BOOKS in general use. -. ( A fWL ASSORTXXNT OF WE1TING PAPERS, KNTELOPES, BOT PA PKTERLES, PENS, IKES, r'ENCILS, , FANCY ARTICLES, . WORK BOXES, ..' , - , WETTING DESKS, AC, AC,, a Orders soUclted, and any book mailed, postage P1U, on recelpf of the catalogue priceT ; Ordra f or miuslc promptly attended to. " ,T v . RALEIGH, N. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Printing! Binfling ! THAT'S IT! I" joa wint anything of the kind, ELWAELS, BSOUQETON & CO., j RALEIGH, N. C, 18 THE PLACE. They have the largest and most complete PRHTTING OFFICE ' I . , ... -AN0 ' " -l ' ' - BOOK BINDERY IN THE STATE, And their worjc stands -with that done any where in the United S;ates. Anything from a ViMiting Card to tlie Larcu Poster. Call or send orders, EDWARDS, KUOW;iITO!V & CO., PKlXTESJtS AXD BIKDBRS, ; RALEIGH, N. V. J janlO-tf If OR SALE! Tiis Sorth km kiik Published at .ayctreville, N. C , is offered for "a..,t! has a 800f, SupDiy of NEWSPAPER. DISPLAY AND AMV-RRTlSlX'M TTPlf p, . . .va..1u iAi; A. A VOO 1 1 tine order, ample p inti g material of all kinds and, ia shoit, everything needed for the. pub lication f a good eeven-fc ilumn, newspaper. Tne Ciaseeite is the only paper published in Fayett,eriile a cit of 5,000 inhabitants; it has long been the recognized organ ot the Democratic party in the Upper Cape F-ar section; and it has a ronage. j Circnla ion from 1,000 to 1,200. f i PKOPRIETOR ZRTTE, janU-tf. - Fayette viUc, N. C.1 ON ITHS .BUEOPBAN PLAN. Corner; Salisbury and Hargett Streets, (J use tacK of A. CRE KOH'S Store), . RALEIGH, N. C j Location DeliKhtful. Eleirant rooma fni pri vate partus. ; Best Restaurant in the City. ' French Coot Pnla . - " Mjv unvvubiTQ If CUWiS! all kmdsiof Vii D (UiMK. , Bar ana BUUara ba- lnnn in .tin . .. , 1 : . . . mi. . t . . . . iwiu mo uuiiuiuR, jiue cmHcesi wmes and Liquors iin stock ; no other kinds kept. CIGARS, all the favorite brands. i NHIAL NurriCKIItake pleasure in announctng to the public that I have secured the services of a good Caterer, who will have entire control of the Restaurant., Mr, G. W. HARRI SON, a frfineral Avorit win ott..nri ,v. t- . . --- - . ...... , ' ' ' uuu. bUQ , and Mr. JAS. FKEEMAN will serve his friends wji.il iuei uysxers on tne nail stiell and carve the F wl. .( . I gua-antee satisfac ion, and 1 earnestly so licit yout patronage. JACOB HIGGS. aecsi-sm. v jF1- U. HILL. FAMILY GROCER, Corner nlliulngtoa and Hargett Streets, BAf,nW'HAMS' BREAKFAST STRIPS BULK fi&WUal i C. R SIDES AND SHOULDERS. Pf flff- (HAXAIX MILLS PATENT FAMILY A5D iUUUtili ; THktKJCASHAW FAM1LT. A FULL LINE OF SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS SOAPS, STARCH, CAKES. CRACKERS, AND CONFECTIONERIES. '''"' -A FRESH LIME OF Fancy Groceries . , . IN STORE. I PT-A full stock of HOLIDAY GOODS arriving. Fair dealing and low prices. All goods sent i to your residence. jan4-lnu PAGE'S HOTEL. 8ANFORD. N. C Eight Hand Side going South, ? Left Hand Side going Uerth, Passengers take Breakfast going South ; Sup oer going North. MEALS 50 CENTS. v ! W. C. PAflB. nOTlS-tf, Formerly of Cary, Proprietor. TIM L EE'S RAJiKIGH CIUB HOUSE "lis Bghsoiisa cf lb South" Corner Martin and Salisbury Streets. Vl ENTJINE DUBLIN XXX BROWN STOUT on draught with Bass ale, the old English drink of I Half A Half, can be procured' ia the future at Tim Lee's Club House. Also on hand old Robeson County whisky bought of Hardin A Grimes, i Baltimore Meats and all delicacies of the season served in first-class order, i. w t Nine private sitting rooms, so that parties can always be private. l"French Cook. octs-tf Canal St. from Sixth to Seventh. Richmond, Va. . Engines, Portable and Stationary, SAWMILLS, GRIST JipjLS.BOIIRS. Castpgs of Brass and Iron Forging-s, Macnlnery for Gold and Coal Mines. ' Blast Furnaces, &c. We call special attention to onr- IMPROVED PORTABLE ENGINE for agricultural and other purposes. Also to our new style small Locomo tives for hauling lumber and other articles upon tramways and narrow gauge railways. -- Shafting, Pulleys, &c., For CJIn Souses. Eminent planters in North Carolina and other Southern States consider our: Ginning and Threshing Engines the best and cheapest in use. absolutely safe from sparks. ; Repair work soUclted and promptly donei Send for Hlustxated Catalogues, which are furnished free. v. ? ? . . ..-.i , , daw-lT WM. E. TANNER A CO. 1B7B. 1879. iff E;' Hetropolitan Works, C, SATURDAY, JANUARY, 18, 1879. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, Which took the Premium at the Great Exposition in Philadelphia in 1876, and also in Paris In 1878. It is distilled from PURE CW)B", which is - made from SOUND, RIPE APPLES. ' 1 " . - It is Wuruisihre'uihi fros Drugs. THIS : , OLI BKV NDY . HAS NO EQUAL For Medicinarntposes. GTVE IT A TRIAL AND YOU WILL LIKE IT. Address janll-tf. S II. A. BYXUM. . i jFarmville. N. C. Membsrs orLegislaiur g and Qthsrs - CALL AT- I BRANSON'S ' BOOKSTORE, Next Door to Hearths Old Stand, North Carolina Almanacs " At $3.00 per Hundred ior 60c. per Eiozen. lawIbooks Of all Descriptions, at Lowest Cash! Rates. ; L i BLANK BOOKS, LARGE AND SMALL, j New York Dally Heralds, And other Dailies, every day at l o'clock, P. M. i "( - Subscriptions tatn for all PERIODICA T.S at the Publishers' rates. Call or address ! RET. L. BRANSON, janli-3m. :..,. Raleigh, N. C. MORTGAGE SALE. BY VIRTUE OF A MORTG ' GE DEED Ex ecuted to the " Life Association of Ameri ca," of 8t Louis, by W Solomon King and wife, au reooraea in boos, an, p. am, in tne omce oi the Register of Deeds of Wake county, the under signed will expose to public sale at the Court House door in the city of Raleigh, on i Tuesday, January 2Sth, 1879, A tract of land in Wake cbuntr, lying! near the line of the N. C. R. R., about seven miles west of Raleigh, adjoining the lands of E. A. Allen and others, being the land upon wh ch W. 8. Ktng now resides, and containing oixe hundred and sixty-two acres, more or less. j Terms of sale CA"ii. ! i LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. Reads, Btjsbek A Bfsbbs, Attorneys. J4tIlt-tUB. , HARDIN, GRIME S & CO., Holleman Building, llayettevil eSt. BEING now settled in our new store, we are better prepared than event il l the orders of our customers for nrst-tlass , . GROCERIES AND PEOYiSIOSS. W E offer also our usual; choice variety of One niiu rename WINES, LIQUORS, &c, SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR i Family and medicinal Use. OUR STOCK is complete in every depart ment, and we guarantee evervtlilntr thai leaves our store, to be as rf presented in ouality, and at lowest living price. nARDIX, GRIMES & CO. janS-tf. , 1 Grocers, A Happy New Year to All ! J. A. BRAGASSA. I return mv Sincere thantn tn thA nnhitn . fnr thir liberal patronage fo the shoft space of time I have been among them, and hope I may continue to merit their patronage in the future. i wui eep constantly on Dana everything usual ly, keptina First-Class Confectionery Store, Consisting in part of ORANGES. LEMONS, - j BANANAS, FIGS.! RAIblNS, NUTS, FIS FfifCNCH CANDIES, And other things too numerous to mention. 15 FajetteTille Street, Raleigh, N. C flARPETS!! 1. CARPETS! W CARPETS! RUGS! RUGSI FLOQR AND TABLE UII CLOTH Bought from the manufacturora. An -htew DESIGNS and CHOICE PATTERNS never be- roro on ere a in tais marxei. juat received at PETTY s JONES. DAILY ARRIVALS NEW and SEASONABLE AN ADVANTAGE , CAN BE HAD IN THE LINE JBLlACK. tjkess goods, BEAOKGASHMSRES, AND ONE GRADE , ! BJLA CK ALFA CCA That cannot be had of any one else in tall 1 1 1 i i II 1 1 1 1 1 P, ; 1 , . kk is- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. l IVEIK-Et;,' The Fa?hienaH8 Tails' H0LLEHA5 BUILDING, Is prepared to meet the demands of HerchantsL i .Having just returned from the North with a fun and complete lin of all the New Styles of CLOTHS. VESTlttGS, DOESKINS, &c Which have been selected from the Newest and Fullest stocks of Imported and Domestic Goods to be found tn the North and East, Now is the time to LEAVE YOUR MEASURE for anew , Spring and Summer Suit ?atne.larSe8t Btoc)c of FIRST-CLASS goods, and GUARANTEEING ALL HIS WORK, There is no place in the clt wnere BETTER BARGAINS, FITa,or SELECTIONS can be had. REMEMBER THE PEACE Holleman Building, j Fayetteyille Street, - - - EALBEGE IT. 0. apra-tf. I A. W. FRAPS, WHOLESALE AS BET IL DEALEB 15 Mil and b::li! Ilprs, WISES, CORDIALS PORTER, ALE AD LAGER BEER. The following brands are kept on hand : Live Oak (Sole Agent. Gibson, Cooper, Cabinet, Pffciffer. Bourhen, Golden Wedding, Mono gram, XXX Crown Rye, and best Scotch Whis kies. . Tom Cooper, North Carolina and Kentucky Corn Whisk v. i . Best Jamaica and New England Rums. xsoo vasiuio, uTencn ani caiiforma Cognac, and outhampton Apple Brandy. Eummell, Caracoa, Absyntn, and Reed's Cock tail. Bitters (the best in the market) and Gi!t Ede Tonic. . . . London Dock, Holland and Domestic Gins and Schiedam Schnapps. California Port, Sherry, N. C. Scnpperrong, and imported Champagne, Port and Sherry Wines McKvans s and Bass's Ales, E. A J. Burke's Dublin Porter. Lager Beer in Kegs and Bottles. ! Imported Apollinaris and Seltzer Waters. The Bar is supplied with THIS BEN'l' Wines and Liquors that can be kept. decl-tf. COM. iilDlEl. Coal of Best Onality Always ob Bant We can give low figures on all classes of pine lumber. Par lies wishing to purcliae wjl find it to their inleres to eall and get our Prices. Western Te minus IJargett Street oct 6-dSmoa. - . ' ,' FOR REST QUALITY APPLY TO w R. J. HARRIS. Office at Ji W. Watson's Grocery Store, FajetteTille St.. or Martin & Os- bora's Feed Store, N. a J)epot. S-All ftrrlPT Prnmntlv fillon - DO YOU WANT FUENITUEE ? ' If so it Will Paj Ion to Read His. THE' . " Best Cheapest Furniture in the cltT In nrtw tnw hoi aath mw j. determine not to be undersold, and Is otTeriM FFR NIT URE at REDUCED PRICES. For a GOOD BAR GAIN CALL ON ME. W A LNUT SUIT Si SUITS Just received and for sale Tery reasona bly. I hold out special inducements in this line. Also a lot of WALNUT BEDSTEADS and jMiCMwwurunewoi common tmrniture, which OLD' FORT, W. ; J. CALAIS, Saperintcnaent. MANXTFACTUKEBS OF WALIUT CHAMBER SS1TS. CXESS1X8 CASES WASH-STAIDS, WARDROBES, HA1 RACK, TABLES OF Alt IIS3S AID STYLES. BESES, AND EVERYTHING USUALLY MADE IN A FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE FACTORY. This is a HOME ENTERPRISE,5 and being such y we respectfully ask an even share with our Northern competitor. We have the best newest improved ma chinery, and - n perlor Workmen , ' And guaranty satisfaction, both to styles and prices. Ordem pmrnntlv nnwf wrf-tt, STOP AT THE Richmond Hotel, (OPPOSITE LONG'S HOTEL),' . ' ' ; ROCKINGHAM," N. C.1 lIESi J. A. HcDOilALD, Proprietress. Booms large and e 'inferable. Toms moder ate. PoUte and atteaUre waiters. aeVHs. ' V J I "'Wit v SFSHSIUS uustom-Mafle Si' s Coa ' NOe 16. . NEW ADVERTiaE3lKNT8. Firs lasBrasGS s -Agiatiy Offics, Citizens' Nat'l BankBmldiiy, Total Aets' Eejresente J," $96,000,000 , ; .. . - "i 2 Among the Companies represented are the foUowing, vis : . . i " Virginia Fire and Marine ins. Co. "'' i Iilverpool and London and Globe. St. Paul Fire and Marine Ins. Co, Home Insurance Cor. of , New York, s Seaboard Fire Insurance Co. ' London Assurance Corporation. Hamburg-Bremen Insurance Co., of Germany. Royal Fire Ins. Co., of Liverpool. SD5ial attention given to the Insurance of Cotton, stored or in transit, and to Mills, lacto nes, Ac , ; dec29-tf. , DR.-RICHARD B. LEWIS. ' $&S2S3&HS3& Rar 18 RALJSICU, IV. C. Practice Limited to the EYE V3VI EJR, Refers to the State Medical Society, am th Qeorgia Medical Soolety. atr 4-dAwtf ' WAHTFIl A COOD AGENT to can- f nil I tU vassRaieig anu the adjoining towns for the best selling household articles in OTYir4, Vp profits. Write at once to ww.Manacturing Co., 8 Clinton Place, N. Y. 5sS5-jani-4w, , IIOUSEKEEPERS ! ! A Postal Card sent us with your address will insure free, in return, our illustrated Circulars of nice Housefarnishing Spetfiaities. Palmer & Sskiltoh, Manufacturers, S6I Pearl Street, - ew lorS 225-jani-iw. AGENTS, READ THIS! VPe will pay Agents a salary of $100 per month and expenses, or allow a large commission to fiftil ftlir TIP r flrtii vri.naA! -fnt rrr . mean what we nay. Address, without delay. 2a-janl-4w. I Marshall, Mich. JOHNSON'S ANODYNE LINIMENT will pos itively nrevent thin t.PrriMo diOBOon anf or! n ttively cure nine cases in ten. Information that mm navf uiauy nves gent iree ny mail. Dont delay a mo aenw Prevention is better than cure. Sold evervwhere. I. s John Afro m to - ..V . w , MU1 gor, Maine. 225 janl-4w. A NEW EXCITIXG BOOK Britttiiuar with the WILD ADYOTTJBtS of STANLEYAFRICA. , J he ONtT authentic e.v!TTopyrighted cheap edi tion. Bv t.htt hrilUnnt J. T. Headley Gives a FUl L hiitorp of h s won pKKFOi. discovert-s in Africa and mabtklous j ourney dawn the Congo. More fascinating than louian e. j-roump uiustrated, and highly en dorsed by the clergy and press. Over 15,000 sold. More aji: i .v tvi -.-r rar2 wv, . " 'r- - Jk Vlv iV" ticui.a8 about the book; ii,b Of Agents and 2a6 janl-4w. Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa. . -L. POKOI7S PL ABTBM las CELEBRATED the WORLD OYER I The Manufacturer imm axmrH fk ,,- eat mid only, ttudal given rubber piasters, ad Far Superior to common poroua plasters, liniments, the so called elp.r.trtRS.1 annllonoao Jkn it to jr ".VJJ, ".vy, in mav icp, known remedy for Lame and Veak Buck, Lumbago, Diseased Kidneys, Spinal Com-l olainta. and all ilia for whih nnmni niagt. are used. Ask your Druggist for Benson's! h"! noBkcr uiu see tnai you get nottuiu, else. Hold bv all Drn arista. Pri Mailed on r. celpt of price by Skabckt& Johwsow, 81 Platt trkt. Nsw York, i i5JaT34wT GOriDENSED TIME. Norti Carolina Eailroad. TRAINS GOING EAST. ; No. 8. Daily ex. :sun. Date, Dec. 1,1878. No. S, Daily, No. 4. Daily. Leave Charlotte " Salisbury 3.20 am 6.65 pm 9.10 n m Mam ..... .. ..,...... 4.15 p m 8.57 pm 10.24 am l.io a m - High Point 7.00 am 7.39 a m 10.39 p m att. ureensboro Lea'e Greensboro Arr. Hillsboro M Durham' " Raleigh ! i Lv. !! Arr. Goldsboro - ii.iapm S.ou am 10.16 am 10.69 am 13.15 pm s.ou pm 6.65 p m 6.45 am 0.55 a m No. a-connectt at Sallsbary with W. N. C, R. R. for all points in Western North Carolina. Dail v except Sunday. At Greensboro with the K. A D. R. R.. for a.11 iwtlnta NnHh D..t Goldsboro with 'W. AW. K. li, for . 4 Connects at Greensboro with the R. P R- R- for all points North, East, and West. At Sallsbnrr with w. tj f r w .i 8unday for aU points in Western Zkorth Caro- TRAINS GOING WEST. No. 7, DaJiy ex. bun. Date, Dec 1,1878. No.L Daily. No. S, Daily. Lv. Goldsboro Ar. Raleigh Lt. , , Ar. Durham " Hillsboro, Greensboro 10.10 a mi 6.20 D m 12.40 n m 10.20 pm 4. i o d mi 6.46 - 9 08 ti.oo ' 8.30 6.33 p nil am am am pm o.ii p m 85 pm 9.88 pffl 10.66 pm 1.00 a mi Lv. - Ar. High Point .47 am 7.25 am 9.01 am 10.50 am Salisbury " Charlotte t mm tog., No. 1 Connects at Greensboro with Salem Branch. At Saiisbnrr with W. N. C. R. daily, except 8unday lor all points in Western North Carolina ; at Air-Line Junction with A. A C. A. L. Railroad for all points South and South east. Wo. 3 Connects at Air-Line Junction with A. A fl A fnr till tmlnta fliinth .n4 UAnthu,. - . - " wuvj. .uu .yu.i.n vd. , at Charlotte with the C, C. A A; R. H. for all iiuuius ooutu auu ooalawest. t t SALS1I BEAFCH.- : Leave Greeensboro daly except 8dV 10 b m Arrive Kprnratii . " u Arrive Salem . . " 11 10 d m LeaveSalem " . .. eooSm Arrive Kernersvllle - t c-wd m Arrive Greensboro , - RjloSm jnnectingat Greensboro with trams our. A 1). and N C R. R, ... - . SipPINS CAES WITHODT CHAHGE ttun ooin ways on Trains Nos. 1 and 2, between New York and Atlanta via Richmond, Greens boro and Charlotte jtn1 hnt.h fiv.i,. Nos. s and 4 between Sew York and Savannah via Richmond, Charlotte and Angusta. . ) l"Through Tickets on ale at Greensboro, at all principal points South, 8onth west. West. North and Eat. for emigrant rates to paints in Arkansas and Texas, aduress - , W. K. MACMUKDO, - -.,i'. Gen. Passenger Agent - ' , , Blctupondy Ya. - mjzmmmt av..Ut;tjv- ,.r-f BATES t)F ADVEKTISLS. One Square (1 inch) bne'day,.'.'. ... . .V. !Y.: $r' " - " two-; m a.a w r m 1 three" ? '..mw; i et M'touVH- r sat M flTa-" t oa ur nuvcriMiujf wf any spao9 OT Hi iBJ . be . made " at . the officco't f ijv ObserTer, ixmtMn. . . .. . WUBWTer uuuoing, Payettevare Htreet Raleigh. North Carolina.' ".;tz ''; 'L OWING TO TUS ISCLEVKJvCy f THE weather we had to-p.-ipon otir sale ot toys; baskets k nd fancy goods at auctfoi, but "Will hfethe sale r.Cv.i jht at lnd, oppu,uc Jona Wimiuu Ban" Wale to begm about ly$ xt&om. . - . , """ Manager Uak &tg Grocer w ,E wonld call the attention of our patrons and the r,nhln- trpTipraiir .r.. -.rz Fansj (MMm : mi v Of aceries. ' WE keep as fine stock, and' more of it, than ever. We are located at A: II. BAKEKS OLD STAND,' , ON WILMINGTON STREET, Andean offer inducements in many kinds bt goods.-, We have beautiful COFFEE at 18 cents per pound, and the prettiest in the city at 25 cents. ' ' . - - . - Pine - Golden Sugar; at Ten ; Cents, KEROSENE OIL 25 CENTS PER GALLON. ' KEROSENE 'OIL BY THE BAR- V REL QUITE LOTr; We SeU -, Wests' . Zerosena . Oil, . WHICH 13 TfB BEST ON THX 1TARKKT, rVUR STOCK OF FANCY AMD HEAVY GROCERIES IS QUITE COMPLETE. . We are selling the very finest Raisins, Nuts, and French Candy at about cost. Try ns and see it it is not so. Several barrels of SHEEP NOSE, BALDWIN AND RIIODK . ISLAND GREENING Apples Just Received. A lot of FINE ORANOrtSJuf Received. Call ani see, as we have thVonly - !F;ANCT.!GBOC-E..B.;ri; ON HviLMINGTON STBKKT. , J. R. II. CaRMKH, - Jan8-tf. ; j iNTHONYPAPE C. A. MAX WIEHLE. WHEELER, PAPB'ft 0. v wholbsai e , Druggists A Chemist 439 MARKET STREET, . oc3-d6m PHILADELPTIA. gNCOURACb HOME llSTlTUTIOm ! SECURITY AGHIIIST FIRE. T THE -- , NORTH CAROLINA Hnmfi TiisiiraiiRR f!n AUMtU UUUU UU 'j . - on all t!R?if - , I'D-' I ris iira-bfe P ro p d:rty. fOMILY AliJljSTET A5J PAID. . -..THE" "HOME" IB RapMly Growini m ifcils Fftror1 ;v" : ! AND ' r appeals, with (xnmDEiol: To .- .'; - . Insurers o Property is pfona. Oafolina. W Agents in all porta dfthe State. This Company takes risks on property of every character on the most reasonable rates, and not withstanding the large number of losses it has sustained in the past four-years, it has never tailed to pay promptly and oa time. Its motto s: . PROGRESSIVE! PROSPEROUS . PROMPT! . ' AMPLE RESERVE AND r OOOD SURPLUS Premiums Cash 2 POLICIESLIBEMALn , O-WA VlfM Ai.lliJlJ.iiH431Di)X 1X1 STJRINQ IN THfi I 1 JOHN G. WILLIAMS, President , W. H. CROW, Vice-President. . . " W. & PRIMROSE, Sec. and Treas. PULASKI COWi EK, Buperv.a Oil The, Gregory House, Grbldsbpro -'2V". C, Is in the business centre of the eity and di rectly opposite where the trains stop. Tiailroad and telegraph offices in the building, : - Eichard Gregory and W. W- Immi i PROPRIETORS. f "," Good.. 1m iil'MwmMw Serraiits. oct 10-' " . P tI". I'.", ' FOVXDED MAY, 1 842. Rt. Rev. Thoa Atkinson, S. D., f Vlal Rt. Rev.Tbeo. B. Lyman, D.D.i" tors. Rer. BENSETT SMEDES, A-M., ' Eector and Principal, Mrs. Ists DeRoRsct Kearg, Lady Principal. s The 73d Term of this Scnool begins . SEPTEMBER I2th, IS73. FOR CIRCULAR ADDRESS THE RECTOR. Jew Schedule on Ralcisrh 4c uastoii ilailt'ond. . RALEIGH A GASTON RAILHOAD.l ' SurBBrNTEXDjSVT'S OFFICE,. t - Kaieigh,Jj.J,, Nev. ,ii78, B.and after Monda.T 11tn instant, train! oa the Raleigh A Gaston Railroad wai ran as fol lows : '-.-, MAIL TRAIN.4 LeaveEalelirhat.....:.;;.. fg.oOA. M. ArJlve at WelUon at Ii.40 P. M. Leave Weldon at 3 40 1 M. Arrive at Raleigh at 8 2i , " - , ACCCU4MODATION TRAIN. -. Leave Ralefg at. .7 T.30 P. M. Arrive at Weldon at..rt 3.4T A. M. . Leave Weldon at 10 00 P. M. Arrive at Raleigh at. . ... . 9 &t a. M. ' Th mail train mVfU nlncninisiiu . nr.i don via Portsmouth and via RI hmoud to and from all points North aal N orthwest. . : Thft ftW'iirnmfklfttiriii rriin liuviniili.ra . -Hwwtv.flUft urQ , .3H0 p. m. connects with the passenger train for the Nnrth tit HmbmAni) s 1 . Nortli Carolina Home 00L