BT P. M. HALE AX W. L. SAUNDERS. Pnhianad DaUT (except Monday) aad Weekly, . 'i j '' ' J ':' . " ' ! c 1manjrl-TTfm-OJ ADVAHCB. Dally, on year, mail postpaid............ f s w six months ' - 60 ,. three , " .....!- I00 nt...wi in a aoP mall Tv-tnAtli-.' ... WWUJiuv,"i" r '-' six months. " " 00 ivi clty subscribers The Observer win be de li yered dally ' at.twenty cents per woe, t y-JIre cents per month ; two dollar for three months. . .. -. j - GRAPH. ililiU j ESPORTSD BY TH j ASSOCIATKI PRKflfa. K FGRT1-PIFTH CONGRESS. ' .. Washington; Jan. 20. Senate. Messrs.- t'oDkliflg ao'd Kernan presented a pre amble and reaoluti'ia of : the New York Legisla' tire opposing the passage of the bill jto reorganize .the army, or at least that 'portion of the-bill relating to the Orel . nanct Department, U. S, arsenals and ord 1 narnie stores. Laid on the table, the bill having been reported to the Senate. f t Mr. Cockrell introduced a bill to pro vide! for uniform national currency, J,o re, tire notes of National Banks and prohibit their; incorporation and their ' issue of notes, to utilize silver aud provide for the - re issue of coin and bullion certificates,' to provide fot the redemption or the payment of the bonds of the United States and for the issue of bonds bearing a lower rte of interest and to provide for -the expansion and contraction of paper Currency to meet the business interests of the country.. I Tabled at the request of Mr. Cockrell; who desires to speafein favor of the measure. Mi -Moracan presented a series of resolu- , tions'expressife of the viewsof the Demi ocratic Senators upon the Constitutional amendments, as agreed upon in the caucus this morning,, which was laid on the table -for the present. ' 1 't The Senate resumed the consideration of the bill to amend the patent laws. v ' J. IIocsb- The House is occupied in. reference of bills introduced under the calf V of States, v ' T " A resolution referring to the question of . ' electoral frauds will be reported to-morrow, lis reading was called for to-day. It recites that certain alleged telegrams in cipher have jbeen published indicating that at tempts were made, after the Presidential election of 1876, to influence by,money or V other fraudulent methods, the vote of elec tors or the action of the canvassing officers in Florida, South Carolina and Oregon. It therefore directs the committee on inves tigation bf election1- frauds to inquire into the same, and into any other matter con nected with such? election which, in its judgment, may be proper, with power to send for persons and papers and to report at any time. Also appropriating $10,000 for the purpose of defraying expenses. ' ; The House passod-the bill providing for . the settlement of outstanding ' claims against the District of Columbia. ' ' Mr.) Springer introduced a'bill to secure to the people in every State equal and just repreaentationi He presented in connec T. tion'with the bill a statement showing that unded it there Would have been elected a; the last. November election from the South I . .. . X- , ;n Kdpuoiic-ius instead oi six, .or a ne, publican gain of 28, while the DemcK crais would have realized ' a like . gain - in. the North : that the general ' result would have been the same, but that the Republican minorities at the South and the De.m(cratic mm oriuea at the North would have pet-n equally represented in Congress: and tlUt the four millions of colored pop . - ulaiioh would 1 coatrol the election of ; twenty-two members in the following 1 btatesj:' Alio -una, three ; ArkaHsas, one; Georgia, three, Louisiana, two; Alississ ippi, two ; North Carolina, three ; South Carolina, two; Tennessee, two; Texas, ! two, and Virginia, tjwo. -s Deniocraiic C'aucuw. aishixgton, Jan.v 20. The Demo cratic Senators be!d a caucus this morning to,con uder what course to pursue -. on the resolu-ion of Senaioc 'Edmunds, now pendinp: in the Senate in relation to the enforcement of the I3ib. 14th and 15tb amendments, and to protect all citizens in the exercise of all rights secured by the laws passed, for that purpose, &c Ihe Democratic Senators agreed upon a sub stitute for the above named resolution, to be offered when it shall be taken up for consideration, in the Senate. While in this substitute they admit- the 13th, 14th 'and 15lh amendments to the const it uiiou to be of binding force and validity, they regard Senator Edmunds resolution as proposing legislative action in conflict with decisions of the Supreme, Court of the' United States, ( particularly in the -Cruikshank case regarding those amend ments, and they quote from Dicia of "the Codrtj to sustain the ground which will be iaken in the substitute, that the United States bave no citizens distinctively their own that the constitution doea not confer the rigbt to vote on any one, - but simply confeits the privilege of freedom from any discrimination on account of race, color or previous condition,! and that the regulation of suffrage belongs exclusively to the sev eral States. - I Hebrew Conveniioli. Cincinnati, Jan. ! 20. The Executive Boardl of the Union American Hebrew Congregations convened here yesterday. Fifteen congregations have joined the Union in the last six months. The follow ing resolution was passed : J " "'" ReaofoecL, That the Board of Delegates on civjl and religious rights be instructed to take into consideration the.' feasibilty of active co operation with sister societies in Europe for the purpose of encouraging i agriculture, among the Jews and the settle ment in this country of . such as are willing to devote themselves to that pursuit on lands in the .West and South. -TheJ report of the, secretary of the Board of Governors was read. The next meet ing will be held in .ew York on July 7, ITloonabiner rrcMted.' , Cincinnati. January 20. A despatch from iKlizabethtown, Kentucky, says: The w venue raiders, unileir Capt. Adair, returned last night, bringing Beven moon hiners of the most dangerous character. They were captured on Otter Creek, iu Lane county, and bad long defied the au thorities.' The officers attacked their still house Saturday night, capturing (our men. They found two stills in operation and de- btroyeq the material, these parties nave long been the terror of the" boldly defied the officers. . country,; and .f Arrekt for Pention Frauds. Bath, Me. , Jan. 520 George Prince, fn old resident ot Bath, has been arrested on the charge of obtaining a large amount oi money from the tension Office on ' fic titious names, which it is alleged has been going on lor years.' ' : i m n 'm ' " JDenth of ,laiibew X. Urennan. Ng wv Yoke, JanHf 20. Matthew T. Brendan, a well knoro politician, is deai. He had filled several important municipal . Offices, f '-'-;; ' VOL. 5. Foreign items. . London, January 20. Six cotton, mills at Preston; running 183,144 spindles, have given notice of a - reduction of wages of five to ten per cent. Tjbnova, January 20. The assembly of Bulgarian notables which was to have met at this place on . the 18th inst. to elect a Prince has been postponed to the 25th or 27th.: u Deputies now here ' think Prince Alexander, of Battenburg, will be elected as ruler of Bulgaria. Edinbuboh, January 20 The trial of the directors of the I'ityjjf Glasgow Bank is proceeding to day. , The prisoners ate cuarged with fraud, theft and embezzle ment. The court room is densely crowded. London, January 20. A dispatch from Candabar of Jan. 10th says that Major St John, of the British army, was fired upon in the streets by a fanatical native, but was unharmed. , lbd man was. arrested. A Lieutenant of the, Rcjil Artillery was se verely, and two other persous belonging to the British force in C&hdabar were slightly, subbed by a religious zealot who will be hanged to-morrow. ' ? 5 . Arretel for Murder. Richmond, Va., January 20. John S. Lacy, of New Kent county, was murdered last Friday night near1 Tunstali's - station, on the Richmond and York River Railroad. Two negroes and a boy . were arrested. The boy stated that the negroes committed the crime, which they afterwards confessed. An 'unsuccessful attempt was made last night to lynch the negroes, who are incus- tody at Talleysville. Indications are that another attempt' will oe made tonignt. : Pleaded Utility sentenced. j Baltimore, Jan. 20. In the U. S. Cir cuit Court to day, Judge Bond presiding, William Robinson, a J udge of .Election in the Fifteenth ward at the late Congres sional election, pleaded guilty to an indict ment charging him with having assaulted and . hindered a Deputy U.; b. Marshal while in the discharge of his duty.' lie was sentenced to pay a fine of $100 and four monthslmpriaonment in the city jaiL 4 ' To Be Muac. . ; Hakeisbubo, Jan. 20. The Governor will issue to-day, warrants for the execu tion of Alexander B.. Saere, of Philadel phia, and Hezekiah Sholer, of Franklin county, wife murderers. The execution is to take place six , days, hence. The Governor has also signed a commutation of the death sentence on Blasius Pestorius to jmprisonment for life. J Washington, Jan. 20. At a meeting of the Senate Privileges and Election Committee, whib was called for the pur pose of acting on the . Corbin-lsutler con test to day, did not take place, there being less tnan a quorum present. None of the Democratic members of the committe were present, on account of the party caucus on Mr. Edmunds resolution. j " - ' marine. . .-rt . Q okbn sto w n, Jan. 20.-The British steamer Oberan, irotn Hew Orleans for Liverpool, went ashore in White Bay, inside this harbor, last night, while en tering without her propeller, which she bad lost. The crew were saved. 'A south east gale is blowing. - Woolen .tllliat Burned. Philadelphia, Jan. 20. The fire, at the. woolen mills of John Brown & Sons, Eighth aud Tasker streets, destroyed everything, leaving only the bare walls. Loss on ihe building and machinery is a quarter bf a million dollars. Covered by insurance. Died from sv PUttol Shot PirrsBUBO, Jan. 20. Nicholas Jacoby, who was shot on the street while 'accom panying his wife home early Thursday morning died yesterday. He made a dying declaration and stated that Frank Small, former lover of his Wife, was his mur derer. tlreiiiun Killed. ' Richmond, Y a., Jan. 20. A fireman named Williams, on the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad, while oiling the engine fell and was run over, the whole train passing over him. -.' , .' - - ISEW ADVKKllSllAlfclNics. j DISSOLUTION: rvHE CO-PARTNERSHIP IN THE GRO J eery Business between the nndersigned W this day dissolved by mutual consent F. c. Christophers will settle the iinsiness of the late firm - ( . - K. C CHRId'IOPHERS, ' '' D. P. M EACH AM, ' :r W. U HAKKL-i. P. 0, Ohristopliers. M. W. SorreU. I F. C . Christophers, of the late firm of F. C. Christophers Col, and M. W 8 rrelL successor to Sorrell A . Jackson, having formed a, co partnership, will carry on the ... ,-. GROCERY and COMMISSION BUSINESS - ' at the old stand of F. C. CHRISTOPHERS & C03LPASY, IlarscU Street, Will be nleased to have our numerous friends and customer to cT. Having tiie experience of a number of years in the Urocery lousiness. we can compete witn any nouse in toe cuy. MEAT We make a specialty of Fresh Beef, Pork, Sausage and Butter. Also , TOJtJAUUU. TU15AUUU. A full stock oi all and retail, at grades on hand, wholesale Ciristobrs & Serrell- jan'4-tf IMORTAKT SALE. B VIRTUE OF THE -powers contained in a moitgage from J. P. H Kuss an t wife to J. T. Leach, registered la Book 45, p. 440, Register's office, of Wake coun t, I shall on Monday, February 17th. 1819, at the Court House door, lu Raleigh, proceed to expo-e to public sal'- tlu interest of said Russ and wife in 110 acres of land, ly in : on Walnnt creek, in Wafee uoantv, aud bounded by the lands of Wil liam Scott and Thos i Jenkma, Thee. Howie, J C. Bake and others This tract is snbleet to prior mon gages, which will be announced on dayofsale. J. T. LEACH.,-, : , RIADK, BCSBXK & BrjSBXX, : " )anl6-30t Attorneys for Mortgagee. : - 5 . - ' - :t . ., , 1.:-- . , '-it RALEIGH, NC, TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1879. , NEW, ADVERTISEMENTS. DR. J. . B. DUNN, Office No. 6 Malilcr Building, " FATETTETIjlLE STREET. Messagrea left at .tie Drnsr Store of F. H. Heartt will receive prompt attention, r jnl6lm . v - . tMfi PURSUANT to the powers contained in a mortgage deed, executed Jaly 1, SIS, amd recorded In the Begister's offlc for the county of Wake, book 44. page 601, wa will sell at pub lic auction, at tne court house door, in tne cuj oi naieigD, on Thursday, 20th February Next, ;'T A VALUABLE ' HI I UoHj i.iN J ; jLAJ L 9 I " Nowccupied by PblL Thiem, Esq v oo the Soutnwesv corner of Cabarrus and Bloodwortn streets, in said city. rrJBRHIS ASII. v " " I - : i ' GRAY A STAMPS, janl6dtds Attorneys for Mortgagee. Printing ! BMn ! THAT'S TT !i , -"if - v . 1 If yon want anything of tne kind, SDWAEDS, BEOUOHTON & CO., - RALEIGH, N. C, IS THE I"1L.AJS. They: have the largest and most complete PRINTING OFFICE AND BOOK BIND EE Y IN THE 8TATE, And tbedi work frtands with that done any wtaere la the United States. Anytblug from a ViuiUng Card to the Largest Poster. Call or send orders, EDWARDs, BKOVGIITON A CO., 'PUINTERS AND BLDBRS, RALEIGH, N. C. janio-tl. FOR JVLH! - i ! ' Priblisjied at Fayetteville, C , is offered for sale, it has a good sapDiy of NEWSPAPER, DISPLAY AND ADVERTISING TYPE: Press ia Une order, ample p intl g material of all kinds and, in short, everything needed for the pnb- iication oi a gooa seven-c lumn newspaper. , The (Stueette is the only paper published in Fiyetreviue a cit of 5,000 1 inhabitants; it has long been the recognized organ of the Democratic party in the Ufiper Cape Fear section; and it has a larpe suwcnptioa list ana go a advertising pat ronage. Circnlarion from 1,000 to 1,200. j For terms. Ac, address i , ! PROPRIETOR G'ZETTE, Janll-tt - Payettevlllc, N. C. 1878. 1 THE C31GGS HOUSE. ON THE EUEOPEAN PLAN. Corner; Salisbury and Hargett Streets, (Just back of A CREECH'S Store); ! RALEIGH, N. C. Locatidn Dellghtfol. Elegant rooms for pri- vat- parues. : . . . ; Best Restaurant in the City. French Cook:. Pol te and i attentive waiters, j Finest tteats. Fish. Oysters in even stvle, and aU kinds of W 1 1 D U AM K. Bar and Billiard Sa loon In the bnildlnor. The choicest "Wines and Llqnors in stock ; no other kinds kept. CIGARS. all tne favorite oranas. SPECIAL. NO'l ICK I I take pleasure In announcing to the public that I have secured the ! services of a good Caterer, who will have entire control of the Restaurant. Mr. G. W. HARRI SON, a general favorite, will attend the Bar : and Mr. JTAS. FEEMAN will serve his friend, I with the Oysters on the half shell and ctrve the F WL . .1 Itruarantee satiarac ion, and I earnestly so licit your patronage. : JACOB HIGGfc. dec3t-Stn. TIM LEE'S RALEIdH m HOUSE -'at sk " m. ''aB-'asiei V Thfi flfiMaSlCO flf IfiB Corner Martin and Salisbury Streets. GENUINE DUBLIN XXI BROWN STOUT on draught with Bass ale, the old English drink of Half A Half, can be procured la the . future at Tim Lee's Club House. Also on hand old Robeson County whisky bought of Hardin A Grimes. Baltimore Meats and an delicacies of the season served in first-class order. , Nine private sitting rooms, so tht parties can always be private. ' ' nr-Prench Cook. oct-ftf BY VIRTUE of power in me vested by deed of trust, executed to me on the 22nd day of October, 181 1, by R. H. Smith, recorded In Book 53, pages 4S5, 436 and 487, in the office of the Register o Deeds lor Halifax county. I shall sell for OASQ, to tne highest bidder, in the town of Scotland Neck, on tAe . jj : . 11IH Day oT February, 1879, th fo'lowing valuab'e lands, lying on the Roanoke River, fle miles dis ant from the town of Scotland Neck : Une tract, known as the CYPRESS SWAMP PLANTATION," containing Two Thousand Four Hundred and Ninety -Augnt acres. A secona tract, known as the , i a . . - "ISAAC SMITH PLACE." containing Seven Hundred acres. Also ' 300 Acres of n owt Land. " These lands are among the finest and most productive in Eastern Carolina. They are in a ugh state ot cultivation, are well adapted to stock rasing, to the production of cotton, corn, and to all other agricultural products usually raisea in ine pouih. i .- . ,. , This, zta day of January, 1879. - -- , s , , . W. A. DnrK, Trustee. ' JanlO-dSw . - ? - - lor ale PUBLIC LID SALE mm. m t NEW ADVERTISESIElfrs. Which, took the Premium at the Great . r Exposiaon In rMadelphia la IS 76 and also in, Paris in 1878. It la distilled from PURS CTD,, which ( , , made from SOCSD, RIPEAPFLKS. . It is Wariaatei Pari. wlTrii Mln TEIS BKANDY iiao jaw Jiuau? ' ForiMedicinar FtthxsB'esJt OIVK IT A TRIAL AND TOU WILL LIKE IT. 'Address IT. A. BTNUffl, J i 1 ; H Farmville, TX. C. jantl-tf. Mesbrs cf Lsdsl&isre and Oihf f s CALL AT - ., ' .. f BRANSON'S D00KST0RE, Next Door to Hearths' Old Stand.! Nnrth Ooliri " ' - - I At $3.00 per Hundred or 60c. per Dozen. LAT'BpOKS Of all Descriptions, at. Lowest Cash . Rates. BLANK 30QKS, LARGE AND SMALL. ISevv York Daily., Heralds, And other Dailies, every day at , l 'cook, P.M. Subscriptions taken for all PERIODICALS at tne mo isners' rates, can or aa iress Ksrv. L. BRANSON, janll-3m. ' . Raleigb.M.C. MORTGAGE SALE. I Y VIRTUE OF A MORTG GE DEED EX- X ecntedtothe " tile Association of m eri ca. " of m. Louis, by w Solomon King and wife, and recorded in Book 39. p 104, in the office of the Register of leecJa of Vke county, the under- signed will expose to public sale at the Court House door la tne city of Raleigh, on Tuesday, January 2th, 1870, A tract of land in Wake conntr, lyiug near the line of the N. C. R. R., about seven miles west of Raleigh, adjoining the lauds of R. .A Allen arid others, being ihe land upon whch'W. ii. King now resides, ant containing oue nunared and sixty-two aces, more or less. Terms or sale OA-H. LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. Rbadb, Busbsk A Bvsbbb, Attorneys, jaud-tds. s i A Happy New Year to All I J. A. BRAG ASS A. I return my sincere tlianks to the public for thir liberal patronaa:e foi- the short space of .time 1 have been among them, and h"pe 1 nay continue to merit their patronage iu tne iuture. l will keep constantly on hand everything usual ly Kept m a First-Class ' Confectioiiery Store, Consisting in part of ORANGES. LEMONS, ' BANANAS, FIGS. RAIMNS. NUTS. FIN. FRENCH CANDIES, And other things too numerous to mention. 15 FayetteTille Street, Raleigh. N.C. oct3l-3m.' IARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! RU6SMUBS! FLOOR, AND Bontrht from the manufacturers. All NEW DESIGNS and CHOICE PATTERNS nevef be fore offered in this market. Juet received at A 0 DAILY AHRIVALS - OF ' NEW and SEASONABLE AN ADVANTAGE CAN BE HAD IN THE LINE , ! - BLACK DRESS GOODS, Offered for sale by this j house including ., . . AND ONE GRADE ' BL A CK ALFA CCA That cannot be bad of any one else In this . market or surpassed In any. r -. ; octWVtf . ; " - 15. HILL, , FAMILY GROCER. Comer YTIlaiiBgtoa sad Hargett Streets, rtLJiGii. i fj I f W HAMS, BREAKF AHT STRIPS, BULK MS Mil f UftJlsBIVJAAD SHOULDERS.. FLQUE HAXAIX MILLS PtTEST r MILT ASD . TUACRtiaiSHAW VAM1LT. A FULL LINE OF SUGARS, COFFEES. TEAS . bOAra. STAKUH, CAJS.KS, CRACKERS. AND CONFECTION kRUkS. - - A FEK8H tHra OF ' s- Fancy,; Grroceries ... .r .: . Of 8T0KB. -' " - ' ' ': I tWA full stock of H0UO1T GOODS arriving. Fair dealing and low prices. All goods sent to your residence. jan4-lm. . PAGE!S-HOTEL. - SANFOHD, UT. fj Right Hand Sido going South, Uftliaiidde going BertiL Passengers take Breakfast goinr South : Son. per going North. MEALS 40 CENTS. . ' "'"" - W. CV PAGE, novl8-tf Formerly of Cary, ProBrtetor. mm1 miiiiii PETTI JOHE iflii mm":, HI r V . - .11 11, , I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.4 THEFAIIJipjPMmrOll 'I HOIXESllLlI ISUILDIXG,. 4 I prepared to meet the demand! of XerchaBts. iiavmrrast returned rrom tne ortn witb a rou ana oomptete une oi iii tne ew styles o - CLOTBS. -';-' : !- ''' 1 ' " CASSliaURES, DOESKINS, Ac. Walch nave been selected from the Newest and Fullest stocks of Imported and Domestic Gooda to De iouna in me rwrtn ana jiaat. Now Is the time to LEAVE TOUR MEASURE roranew -?.. ... Spring and Summer Salt. with tne largest stock of FIRST-ilass uuuifs, ana , , . fFTlOVs, tm VIA nloiia tTk fttiA WfV tiaa T317"Twr'TJ,0 ODD BARGAINS, FITS er SELSCTIOSIS can be bad. REMEMBEU THE PUCE Holleman Building, Fayetteville Storeet,- - -KALEIQH. B. 0. aprs-tr. v '; A. W. FRAPS, WHOLESALE ASD RIT1IL VE&LEB LS WINES, CORDIALS, PORTER, ALE A A 11 LAULi; UEtK. ' i The following brands are kept on hand : ' Live Oak (Sole Agent). Gibson, Cooper, Cabinet. rxtiaer, rwur en, oiaen weauing. Mono gram, aaa tjrown Kye, ana Dest scotca w - lues. .- v- ; ;: i - ' f" ' ' Tom Cooper, North Carolina and Kentucky Corn Best Jamaica and New England Rnms. A9U9 castiiio. irrencn and caliionua Cognac, and " outhaniDum AddJc Brand. Kummell, Curacoa, AbsyntUi, and Reed's Cock- Bitters (the best in the market) and Gilt Sde Lrmdon Dock, Holland and Domestic Gins and retuedam schnapps. 'ali!oruia Port, Sherry, N. C. Scuppernong, and lmpoiedlCiiamBaKne,Pott and Sherrr Wines Mchlvinu'R aDd Bass's. Ales, . & J. Burke's kuuiiu runcr. Lager Beer in Kegs and Bottles. imponea ADouinaris ana seltzer waters. The Bar is susDlied with X11I-: RKsrr Wines rn.uu uqucrrH uu can oe Kepv aecl-tl. i .iiii COAL LUMBER; Coal of Best Qnality Always on Hani we can give ipw ngures on all classes of pine lumber; Par- tics wishing: to purchae nil find It to tbeir in teres to call and get our Prices. r Western Te mlnps Hargett Stmt FOR BEST QUALITY APPLY TO R. J. Office at J. IT. Watson's , Grocery Store, FayetteTille StM or Martin & 0s born'g Feed StoifeIT. C Depot. SPAU Orders ProiniitlT Pillfifl - If8oithTToatoSM. Best & CheaDest Furniture - " " -f- - i , In the city Is now to be had as the uhaerlher 1a determined not to be undersold, and la offerint a very handsome stockof x , X7 tl JC il ! A ;X -JiJtt'Jtt, at ; REDUCED FRICE8. . - For a GOOD BAR- W A LN UT SUIT Sa A very select aasortnieat of : WALNTTT SUITS lurt received and for sale vervTeaaona. bly. . I hold out special inducements in this line. Also a lot of WALNUT BEDSTEADS- and a arled Msortxaent of Coramonj rarrutorn, which iamariuixxeacpesipaaeveT.. ?'. . MANUFACTURERS OF - fTALIOT CHAKSEt SBITt,! PRESSIX8 CASES WAXa-lTAX3$. :WARBrR?SEJ,- MAI lACIlt TASLEJ Cr AIL IIZSX ' T'Aia smES, cesij. AND EVEKTTHaWO uinrt?ifAi)s m A JUUST-CLftASS FuENITURE fACTOBT. 1 This Is HOME ENTERPJasE. and mrk tw innwi lit full. ' .J ? ' wviH wv-iwysjbwmjr in SH fjf m UUkTI WIU We have the best tM newest mnmrsi m. "- Snperlor TVorkmen. f And guaranty aatlafactlon, both ia styles and i.sar".OreT promvtiv and. ; : i:mt-i. " - i !- STOP AT THE i ' Richmond 'tJHotel, . ' ; (OPPOSITE LONG'S HOTEL), f ul ' ROCKINGHAM, N; C. " K in? T a irTVT T n T rZ " 1 u- , ArwhnssH. I v Eooms large and eomltrtable. Terms moder-' late. Polite and atteaove waiters. . aala-tx. SllifflS! Moimtteiiiiis 1 HARRIS J n Sa-;-,-? ('-A.' cr,.'ju iy? ,-t-VdCk ait. :.3nA .tV f ( ""I ' .A. NEW AjiVERSEJllESn ; cAr.iEno.H, - hay co M ", .-....; .-. J-il?5 t3? Amonir the Comijaaiea xenreaented are the foUowinir. TiZN-rf t--- ' u, a i. . -u jg Virginia 1 And MartnTaC.'' iAvrioiwaLtiatoMaaiQtH. St. aulJfijo wjd Marinet Ina. Qo, ,v Home go.'f Of New York. neaooara mBurance ve. ' London Assurance . Corporation. Hamburg-Bremen Insurance Co., of Royal Fire Ins Co., of Liverpool. ; ; pr8pecial anenUoB eiven to the insurance of Cotton, stored or in tcankit, and to Mills, Facto - ilea,. ,-' oils st-JM. 7. :if. ,.:l eo3-tf. "DLlilCflABJ) fl.; OTEr L (Late Professor of Diseases of the Eve and Ear .a the savannah Medical College.) , ; KAIElOIl, JN. c. Practice Limited tQtlie'' m k t ; ; EYE ;AJNT JSlikitJ Refers to the State' Medical aoolet. and i ; 'teorgia'Medlc8ijet;-foi,4;jrA Sjt s:; i WA1ITED A CO O D A C EM T to can- vatut KaieiK anu the adloinlus towns tor the ot the world. -Hd towns tor the Dest sellinjr, household Articles) in J the world, -lip ton nreilts. Write at Once I o World Manufacturing Co., Clinton Place, Nj Y. HGUSEEE A PbBtal Card Seat US with Volir. aulilrnia Will Insure free, la return, our illustrated ..tlrcnlara of nice HohseluiHiflhlng 'Specialties. "PaLUkk a. bau,tom, juanuiacturers, stta i'eari street, ite w York. - -- jjii-4w.: AGENTS. READ THIS! We will pay Agents a B8ter?of 100ar moBLh and exjienses, or. allow, a large .'eontmtaBlon1 to sell-our new. and. wundeiful-inwrntioMj j Wt wan what AidieewitBoio.de4y, f .Bnarnnmix sv i -janl-w. ' '-Kt MarahaiVMteh. 1 . . . i woifcim ? JOHNSON 'iiANODYNJI LINlMaNTiWiaDO. reiveiy prevent idis lerrioievisease-RKifWku poo- tiveij cure nine cases jb teug .iaiMaaaiBttiaat wibaave many lives seat free by mail. Don't delay a mo dent, .rreveuuoa is beuerthanure. aoia everywhere, i, h. 4uiiujn a f, $au goriaame. f jani-4W. 1 i ' ,-r,' ' ' A INEW EXC1TIAO ROOK ' OrUttluas; wtth the W.IXP , APTjyJtljCBlja j of uonr--py tne pruaam oesurwuve, auinoi; turn. JlT.nmuti GivesairuteMftotirgw6K- DgKPCfc miscoveri-'S.ln. AJrtcat and. mabvClocs Journey dovmth Congo. More fascinating thaji . romau e. Frafuaely illustrated, and BMuLV rt- . dorsed by the otergu aud prem. over 16,000 Mflif. 1 More AtiO- AVA XliD r rFOB rAK- TICCLABS about the book eeej Of Agents aud pest terms, aaaress . ii l hhaxuj bKUH., ftrju-,wi ' iuusaciS . ftuiafuoiiHua, l a. CELJSB RATED the W0RJJ.Q l ne jnmnyjaeiurera wert avarata im tug cai ana omy mecuu given ruooer, piaster both thMinnia Far Superior to:- common porous plasters, ltonnents, the s-j baled electrical- atrpflances, Ac, it Is the best known . remedy for' Lswe aad.-'Weak'.Baet. Rheumatism.' Female Weaicness. ' Mciattbai LumbaeO. Diseased -lUaney"nlnaf 'Conk4 ipiaints, ancraii uis iorwtucn poroaspiaatetbf are usea. ask your muggigt lor neamniui Capclne Plaster and seer that yon get nothing eise. , sola uy aii vruggists.' rnce xo ceni Mauea on nceipt or price Ty BXABtntr QITKBO?r, ill TXATT fTRB BT.' I WJt ORK. , I. I -J TJTJZa lo I COIIDEIISEO TIME. ' v . f.ftit7Itj.:m..rf r... r-,r: a:qo North Carolina ' Bdilroad 1 I TRAINS GOING 'tt Ci ! jx .No.a Daily .e.8un. Date, Dec. 1,1878. rTo.4. Pailj. Paily Leave Charlottes 8.20 a m .H4 a m .6Stm Salisbury . 'vcrH.rt Point .io p ml 74)0ainU)pin Arr. Greensboro .... , ..ft. Leae Greensboro ait, HlUsbaro -,; o.w mux ' 4.16p !a 1U.24 a m HfACjim: yprhani, Raleia-B iu.l6pm 1.10;anr Ctopm .4Sam .66 am Arr. uoiaaboro Ifrft Wo. 58 Connects at Salisbury with W.H.O, I R' R. for all noihts in Western North. Caroling i Daily except tiunaay. , AtJreensboro- with the R. 4 1."R; R: "fofair points' North." Eastland w i mtn mnn t connect as JBreensborb with' th hl' si). K.K. lor all points North, East, and West. At SaJftiabtujithW3i..CJtt. R." daily except Bunaay lor an points in W estern orth Cax- (TT : 'wft :UJ L'ti jjui e.ii,i'T 1 1 rOROTTS PLASTB5L1 . ft,0wnflMMHnriv HftM. 1 -i-duUftruUftUt4AdAiAaAui DaieclISTslt 'o?li jWt,,J Dally l' $1 .tis v , .U iDailyi iDaily ex. Sojm Lv.Goldsboro " A l(fcl8'am .S0pni .t.,.iii3i Ar. Raleigh - l&.epm ........... LTintftU..... ; i ; , I .ipta ia. t SUS a m Ar, Durham - s 6-3 p an a a m Hulsboro, ... ..Tpm .... lljOfani fc3GreensborO M S.SS"pm .v.?...;. ,rS.3pm Lra .ivj-rt 8,Wbm svtTam w AT. High Point ,y m LWr w.fei..,.. Salisbury . i, 10.66 p m 9M am ...... 'Charlotte' ' w l.oosm io.straln .... ' " ill H 1 . ! I !i "i . fl m , i Na. lWTouttActa at Greensboro'" wlt.n Roiom Branch. t At Salisburv :wrth : Wr ft; c R. dairy, except Eoaday tov alt points In Western monm uarouaai at AiT-uae JunoiioBwun ia. a Cl. WRailra49r jdllnts gonUytnd jfwUi no. 3 Connects at Air-Line junction with A. A C. A.L. f or alfe points South) and Southwest t at Charlotte with the a, C.'A.R,,Rfor an points South and. Southwest.; ':j'r T" lircs id.-' e-drJ : i v.. Leave Oreeensboro daiy except S'ndy 1 10 p hi Arrive Kernersvllle Arme K.fmprm m - w . . lo.sopm 11 IA n m Arrive balen --Leave Salem w-'-r . ,--.:. Arrive Kjernersville... r,..4 .4opm Arrive Greensboro - a.00 p m Cotmeettag at Oreehabomwjta trains oq K.A SLEEPIKiJ-.CiES vMOn?.(SiKGE Run both ways on Trains Nos, l and , between New York sad Atlanta, via Richmond, oreens bonrand'Chariotte, and 'bothays on' Trains Nos.' s and 4. betweea NewTortr aad savannah via Richmond, Charlotte and Augusta.;" ty Through Tickeu ou sale at Greensboro. Raleigh. Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, and ataa principal points South, 'Southwest, jWesc, North and ast. r For emigrant jutes to points in Arkansaaand Texas, adoress . . ; . ; i -' 1 J. '' Jf ; Si K.1 MacMTJBDO " : f ' - -.4 4 . C . "r .wi ecrii JtauintDadf'Va, , RATES OF ADVERTISING. OneBqnaren Inch) one day...... -M, - i Vil Vwo! - t W V s mm SI 09 IN IM three . fives MM.v,..i 4 o ";i.:j r?j ' s' Oontracts tat advertuung for any apace or One may be , mad at ihe office of The Obseryer, Observer Bulldlag.Tpayettevme Street, "Ralelgm, North Carolina. - yS"? j i -i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. x 1 OWING TO THE INCLBMENCT OF THB weather- we had to postpone our sale" of tots, Baskets Atro fancyqoods kt soctidn, but'will save the sale To-SIdHT, at our old stand, opposite John G. Williams Bank, bale to begin about 1)4 o'clock. Jia J I2T. tti-n. CAKMER,.. i tTT7 X would call the attention of our patrona VI and the public generally, to our One stock; -.LHiwuir. I'rmtDrttinlrB or as V& keep &s fine stock, and, than if .jeyer. .JiVe are located at, -r ...... , :p;nKEisa OLD utaxdI Aadean offer inducements fn mBj kinds of goods. We have beautiful COFFEE at 18 cent pec pound, and the prettiest in the city at 86 ieatMft-m, i. . '-i)l ' LiT; "KJ S.:.a -:pci- Tins Golden Sugar at Ten -Cents. EEROSINB OIL S5 CENTS FEB GALLON; : ; j KEROSENE OIL BX THE BAB- i . , , REL mTE LOW. ' Wt Sill WfiTteaj Oil, . WHICH lg ISM BIST 0 TH XABXST. o UR-STOCK OF ... . I TANCY ASD HEATY! a iio o e iu es 11 IS QUITE COMPLETE. ' ' ' We are selling the very finest Raisins, : Nutiu and French Candy at about cost. Try us and see if it ia not so. Several barrels of , j , SHEEP NOSE, BALDWIN AND RHODE ISLAND GREENING APPLES Just Received. A lot of FINE ORANGES Jus Received, : Call ana see. as we have tha only FABiCI GROCER f OX, WrXMINGTON BTRKKT. ,' i ' t Jv R. 11. CAKMEU," ' '' Hanairer: Jan4f. -: ' .r?'.- - r .i? ANTHONY PAPE. C. A. MAX WIEHLB. WHEELER i H-l A; s WHOLESALE ' f ' ists & Olxemist, lm MAftKET STREET,; '! ! ocB-dSia PHILADELPHIA! JNCOURACti io t HOME TN8T1TTJTION8. ii : - ilECyjlITt AGftlHST FIHE. S0RTH CAROLINA c rajeigh; n o. 'T'HIS COMPANT.CONTIXDK8 TO WKlTi 5QMP L Pouoles at Insurable Property. PROCPTLY ADJUSTED AXI PAID. THE , 'TOME" 18 ; Rapidly drawing in MiiG Fator APPEAL, WITH (XN1TDENT0E ' ' ' . ' TO ' -' -' Insxirers e Propertr in Norm Oarolinai 'Agent in all parts of the State. This Company takes risks on nrooertr of ererr character on tne most reasonable rates, and uou wuastancung tne targe number of, losses it has obtained uv the past four years, . hat never pay prevptftj ana on time. Its motto PROGRESSIVE ! ' PROSPEROUS1 . PROMPT! ': : AMPLX &E8ERYE AND GOOD "GUARD YOUR OWN INTERESTS BY IM lh 1 JOHN G. WILLIAMS, Prcsldea. W. H. CROW. Vice-President. TV. 8. PRIMROSE, Sec. and. Tress j FTJXkASKJ OOWPjtW. Bnpervlso House, Groldsboro, t Is in the business centre of the citv and di. i rectly opposite where the trains stop. Railroad and telegraph offices in the building. j - j Eicliara Grogoir aE W. , w ?mw '"' V5-. rROPKlETJRS. 3 j 1 V'.. --ii ETJJJtf.! i.";rj...CT 'Di feurwrA i i r-i i Ksrjn -LNi c;j ..- . .-1 Et; Ker. Thoa Atkinson, DJ D.iViVlslJ Bt..Be.vThoo, B, Lyman, D. D. tors. EervBEHHElT SMIIDES. A.M, i AEeotfe"ir Principal, I rs. aauuettosseiseares, iuiy tmncipai. A t. -iThs T3d erm of this School begins "SEPTEMBER 12th, 1878. FOR CIECULAK ADDRESS THE RKCTOK, i'JJM'lJtfrU f(A ftflT .TM A - Of A TT T Turn, ....j. ftlftUftU uua Jja3Urunce Company 'tlncorpormted in 18720' ! ' ' " "RALEIGH, "jtr. fi. ". i PsU np CapltaJ, - - - 20JKK).o ir. B. Cameron , "... Pnuadmi t'W. B. An&ereon, ' ,:-ViuiPrtSdM . Dr., E. Burjce IZaytoood, ? ifed. Director Irvfy E j Smith, , .Adoitory Actuary - . . :o: , : . r Tat. Only HOMS life InsoraiMui. rrnnnunT la North Carolina. One of the most euocetMfal Companies of its age ia the United States. Has . sJreadyissuea between two' and three thousand policies. Ail oi ate rands invested, at. home : among our owa people. - Ail losses paid prompt ly and. in cash. Kates as low as those , of any E first class company. Has thkxb dollars of as eta for every doulab of liabilities. ; : Dnigg, Home Insurance Go ! iuI v , .SUBING IN THE J ) ft? IfiOariiliMninfi ill UtUUUUI . l.Tt--t I , wAgents wanted in every county in the State to ' ,rqriftfoT this most excellent and firmly estab lished home . instltuUoftW. For , .lnformatioa address " K 'd"tr ?JC BTATE LIFE INSURANCE CO., " Kalelirli. Ti. n- c" -

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