pT P. M. HALE. , ; Poi&iaoed Daily (except Monday) and Weekly htiM s i . I i f in Mil ill it i: a i r , 1 1 i m mi - ii i it'.ifl.. i ; ... ; i One Square fl Inch) on day,..; oo x7 M M U i two .. i w m gu months . ........... 4wi ' .. three. - M 00 weetly, on year, mall postpaid,. I 00 7 . months. " ; ! I 00 ' llty subscribe Tbe Observerwill be de livered daily at twenty, v . - tjf-ave cents per mouui; u uuu w uw tu-"- , I ii! TELEGRAPH. HEltHTKD BY THS AdHUClATgD , PKK83. FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. February 11. Sknate. r Morrill, of Vermoat, from tbe coin- aVi'cuJineut, the Senate bill authorizing the clmvcrsioa of national gold bauks. llacefj oa 'he cilondr. "'. . ' ; j lleilioireprted from the same commit tee -wMiout, amend meot, the Senate bill to hin'end sections 5,157 and 5.171 of the l-vised'' Statutes of the United States, lHalive ito the deposit of bonds. These aire two bills introduced by Mr. Morrill on yesterday. Placed on calendar.- ... j i Mr. 5arsey. of Arkansas, from the com- tlllttce Ou upiJi'Jyi isiiuus, icpiicu uav; the pistofflcs appropriation bill, ' with various amendments, which was placed on tbe calendar. " " ''; ', "- i lie al9o reported from the same com--niiftpe an amendment to tbe btll submitted by Mr. Ferry, from the committee on post offices and p-sstroads some days ago, pro tiding for the reclassification of mail mat ter and the readjustment of compensation ILid to railroads for the transportation of titd mails; substantially the same pro visions as were agreed upon in the post- oiite-bill of last year, which bill failed to fa-come a Jaw orj account of ' f he Brazilian iuail subsidy and other objectionable fcmeoduients thereto, in submitting the t p rt, Mr. Dorsey , said the committee . would not oppose an amendment if it bhould be urged by the committee on hostofflces and postreads. . Mr. Ferry said the committee had instrncted hioi to sub nit an amendment, and he would urge its p,isoga. ' i - .' : . 'Mr! -Sargent; -of California, 'submitted 'a resolution requesting the , Secretary of Slate to furnish the Senate with informa :ti'm in the possession of the State Depart ment, or'that may be obtained thr6ugh the c insular service, relating to the methods of production of the various kinds of fer mented, and alcoholic liquors imported into the United States ; also the laws and customs of trade in force and prevailing at various places affecting the purity of such liquors and genuineness of labels and muks designating them. He also sub mitted a resolution requesting " the, "Secre tary of. the Treasury to furnish similar m . furmation, and said that as the' object of these resolutions was t ascertain whether we received any pure wiaes, he hoped the M ouimittee on Finance would give the subject their early attention. Mr. Conkling, preferring to the last resolu tion, said it was- not usual to "request" a cabinet officer , to furnish information to the Senate, but to direct him to do so. The resolution was amended as suggest ed, and then referred to the committee on litiHUCC; ; . - , '- "'',- ; Mr. Krnan, of New York, introduced ja tfu to- authorize , the President to ap- ji ;nt Geo. Foster sltobinson to be pay ia is'.cr in the "U. S. array. Referred to tiie committee on military affairs. Rob- )u.i3 the man who defended Secretary reward from the assassin Payne. , . The tteuaie agreed to the conference re port on the naval bill, which was passed, bill passed for removing the political disabilities Of Chas F. Spottswood and !!. IL Kennedy, of Yirdnia. and Isaac It. i liable, of Maryland. A int resolution providing for a Com- Iniidsioa. to consider and report upon what legislation" is needed for a belter regulation t commerce, among the States was sub- tiijucd and referred to the jcommittee on bwnnierce. . , v The Dostal aDDroDriation bill, with sun dry amendments, was reported back from lhe committee and placed on the calendar. 1 he Senate resumed the consideration of tlii; bill for erecting a ibrary building on juuiciary square. ; , UOC8K. 1 he House has agreed to the conference report on the naval appropria tion bill, and is now in committee on the legislative appropriation bill. In the House to-day the majority and minority reports of the comuiittee on elections in Florida and tbe contested elec tion case of Finley vs. Bisbee were submit ted and laid on the table for future action. The majority report is In favor of Finley's claim, and is signed by all the Democratic uictuuvrs ui iuu : uuoiuiilmms. uwpt air. I . . F . I - . . . - Turuey, of Pennsylvania, who. joins the itepublicans m a report in favor of Bisbee. ihe House went into committee of the whole ou the legislative, judicial and ex t-rmivp. nnnriirirmr.irvn mil mn attar a protracted discussion, the House proceeded to consider the bill by paragraphs for amendment. 'After making some progress, the committee rose. j Mr. Regan, of Texas, chairman of the committee on commerce,, reported the river and harbor appropriation bill, which was ordered to be printed and recommitted. ltcpublicuu.4Juucu. Was hington, - Feb. H, A caucus of the Republican Senators was held to-day, The purpose pf the signers of the call was tu btcure an assiimment of some early date for action UDon tbe Corbin and Butler contest. No determination was reached. There was some informal discussion as to what course should be pursued in case any aiiu-ndments providing for' the repeal of the federal supervisors and test oath laws are attached by the House to one of the annual appropriation bills. Although no action was taken the general tenor of the opinions expressed was to the effect that the effort to enact such legislation upon an appropriation bill should be resisted even to the extent of causing the bill to fail. Sp&jiiU Affair. aMadwd. Feb. 11. On receipt of official reports from Puerto Plata, the Spanish trovernment will, if necessary, dispatch a man-of-war to Han Domingo to exact a heavv indemnity for the families of two (jenerala, taken from the ripanish steamer and shot by the San Domipgo authorities, ana for satisfaction to the bpanish flag. The Spanish Government has purchased all the Drivate riehts ia Cabrera, one of the lialearir. Island.4 in the Mediterranean. They intend to establish there a penitenti- arY aud agricultural colony. f . "' llartrldffe'H succesaor. . Savannah. Ga.. Feb. 11. W. R Flem ing has been elected to Congress from this V18lwct to fill the place of Mr. ilanndge. ueceased. There was no opposition. The . vote was very small in this county only 'r'o nanliauan Bank Robbery. Nw York, Feb. 11. The police have ".: UI?ue an lmnortant arrest in connection itu the Manhattan Bank robbery. Tbe Prisoner is John Hope, and he waa taken VOL. 5. Detent of Rritikb Troop In Aft lea. London, Feb. 11.- "Summonses were is-" sued this morning for a Cabinet council to i ue ueiu mis aiternoon to deliberate on the reverpes to the British troops in Zaluland. Ufflcial telegrams announcing1 the defeat," which were Tecoived at the Colonial office I at 12:30 o'clock this morning, confirm the details of the affair heretofore given in ! tbesej dispatches. The news of the defeat caused a sensation throughout London. The idemand for newspapers at all the suburban stations is greater than since the outbreak of the Franco-German war; i London, Feb. 11. The cabinet council to-day decided, to send six battalions of infantry, two regiments of -cavalry, two batteries pi artillery,' a company of engin eers, tnree companies or the army service i corps to rein force. Lord Chelmsford in South Africa. : 1 Lo3don, Feb. 11. The Times' comment ing on nvws from Capetown ' says noihine can exceed the frankness of the recital, for I u s clear that nothing has been held back. It would be useless to deny either the sad ness or extreme gravity of the catastro phe whet her there was or was not any want f vigilance on the part of our own force, j -It ia clear that the Zulus are even more formidable than our military au thorities expected Ihem to be. It was known that .they were, well' drilled that 1 great numbers are' armed with breechi loaders, and that they could fight courageously. We now know but too well how large a force they can mass at one point.) Sad as the los3 of our j iroops is, still graver is the pet il which must arisa with defeat. Ihe Z uus will be embol dened,! and the colonists will be exposed to Iresh and formidable daugers. in these circumstances the duly of the jjovernmeot cannot admit of the slightest doubt, and it is to send ample reinforcement to the Cape without the needless delay of a single hour, jit may be that they can be more quickly sent from Mauritius or India than from England, but at all events ; no effort and nojexpenditure must be spared to save the colony from disaster and the; power of the country from grave injury.t It is a melancholy consolation, meaa while, that the gallant troops of the 2ih regiment did their duty and died at their posts like Englishmen. London, Feb. 11. Lord Chelmsford, the commander of the expedition, sets down the British loss at 30 officers and about 500 non commissioned officers and rank and file of the imperial troops, and 70 non4commi8sioded officers and rank and filel or the Colonial troops. I v A court of inquiry has been ordered to collect. evidence, regarding this unfortu nate affiiir. It would seem that the troops were educed away from their camp . as the action took place a mile and a quarter outside of it. CoiigTevkioua.1 CuniuiitteeM. ! - " I -. Washington, Feb. 11. The Senate Committee on appropriations this morniDg agreed to add to the Postofflce appropria tion bulilhe section authorizing contracts to be made for the semi-monthly steam ship, mail service between the United States and Brazil by two lines, one from New Tot via Norfolk, and tbe other from Nw Orleans via Galveston each to receive a compensation not exceeding one hundred and hfiy thousand dollars per annum. 1 he Committee recommend that the appropriation be two hundred thou sand dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary to provide for this service during the next fiscal year, the expectation being that steamships for the New Orleans line wil not be ready to commence run ning belbre Ihe expiration of about two thirds of the year. I i j Foreign New. j. St. IfrtTKKSBCKG. Feb. 1 1. The St. Pe tersburg; sanitary committee have proposed to cleanse the canals and to organize a barge hospital in tbe Neva which could be anchored in the Uulf of Bothnia; and also to organize a sanitary committee in each dis trict of Ihe city and province of St. Peters burg. i : Paris, Feb. 11. 1 he Government s am nesty bill grants amnesty to all persons heretofore or hereafter pardoned except offender! against the common law, and condones all political offences since 1870 not heretofore prosecuted. A decree rela tive to changes of procurators general it Is expected, will be signed to-day. j Berlin. Feb. 11. It seems now settled that tbe jEmperor will open the Reichstag in person and deliver his speech from the throne to-morrow. Terrible Accident St. Ldns, Feb. 11. A Kansas City dispa'ch says a terrible accident occurred this morning at the foot of Grand avenue, in the cut being made for the Chicago & Alton Railroad. At that hour, the cut, with its almo8. perpendicular walls, ninety feet high, caved in and buried tbe workmen and their teams under 6.000 yards of earth. There were four teams in the cut at the time, and ten men working at each team. . il$e8ide8 these, there were the foreman, James McCarthy, his clerk, and two men wotkiug witn the pick. Mr. Soden, the contractor, was not in the cut. Six persons were killed outright, and Several iwounded. , The following are killed : Peter Bagley, James Uagen, Thos. Case"V. Ed. Hines, Dan Lucett and Richard Jvine. AU the bodies have been recovered. The scene is heartrending. BrltiaU Labor Troubles. Livxepool, Feb. 11. The steamship owners pave appointea a committee to confer with the delegates appointed at yesterday's meeting of the strikers. Much firmness is manifested on both sides. The City of Brussels is ready for sea and will sail this afternoon. Owing to the delay in the arrival of the Celtic the White Star Company has chartered the Cunard steamship Marathon to take ber place, The latter will sail for New x ark on Thursday. WahlDEton Hem. WA8in5aTON, Feb. 11. A. A. Mabson ia nominated for I ost master at Union SBrines. 'Alabama. t " w -v t m. rr y Oen. ura was Deiore tne rtouse jom- mitten on MiliUrv Affairs advocating the nassas-e of benator niaxey a oiu, wmcn . . ' . - .. . - nrovidea for tne erection oi . mure siutauw military mats for the protection of the Rin Grande frontier. The committee ap- near dismsed to KDort the bill favorably. and are bow in communication with the Secretary of War as to the Dest method oi complying with the provisions thereof. '-,'-'-' j A. New cardinal. j . 'PAjsi8.$,eb. li:--Mon8eigneur Deeprese, Arcbbishop of Toulouse, has been created a Cardinal. J . RALEIGH, N..j C., English Cattle Order j LiVEHPOOL,Feb. ll.-The order of the Privy Council, adopted yesterday, revok ing after March 3. 1879 ' article 13 of the foreign animals Jrder so far as it relates to the United States, was a great surprise to the trade here AD cattle from the United States after March 3d will - have to be slaughtered in abattoirs, now being pre pared -oa the 'docks of Birkenhead anr? Liverpool, within ten days after land ing. - - ' ' - - - . . fiiver ImproTetucntM. . J j Washington, Feb. 11. The river, and harbor bill which was concluded by. the committee on commerce to-day. ' contains the following . among its appropriations : Cape FearRiver, $25,000; Neuse River, 115.000 ; French Broad River. $5,000. The amount appropriated by the bill is $5,786,000. . - , - Striking liailroadert. New York,' February 11. The strike against a reduction of wages on the Metro politan Jiilevaled Railway j Extension from 83d to 110th streets coa-inues, though everything is very quiet. Two thousand men are engaged in the movement, but it is expected that they will return to work at reduced prices to-morrow. The laiilo Disease. New Yohk, Feb: 11 The Brooklyn health officers charge that a number of cows suffering frtm oleuro pneumonia have been taken from the stables and slaughtered at abattoirs. The cai cases are under guard until the veterinary surgeons can investigate. NEW A D VEKTISE l KNT, ,Grimes&Co.; Ilolleman Building. FLORIDA ORANGF3, a choice lot, direct from . me grower. MOUNTAIN HONEY IN; THE COMB, White and Very Choice. Another lot of Extra Large BEEF TONGUES. FINE TABLE. SALT, invrooden boxes, a very aesirame.arucie. CUBA MOLASSES, New Crop,' Best Quality. SEED POTATOES, Rose and Peerless. NORTH ERN NAVY BEANS. TiRIED PEACHES AND APPLES. TURKISH PRUNES, 10c. lb. CHOICE PICKLRS: Small Cucumbers in Malt Vinegar, by the gallon ; Crosse & Black- weirs Pickles, in every style. BEST BUCKWHEAT;, MINCE MEATS, Ac. EVERYTHING YOU CAN WANT IN THE GROCERY LINE. QF THE BEST QUAL ITY, AND VERY LOW. ''.''. i ' ! HABDIN, GRIME 3 & CO. ieo iz-u . i DIRECT IMPORTATION Now landing ex-British Barque Nancy Holt, another lot of K'l Httrvw HE, Direct from the English Pottcies, which we are offer ing at Baltimore ana New xorn prices, thereby saving the Country Merchant f reig t and charges between this port and Northern cities. We will duplicate Northern mils. GILES & MUROHISON, f ebft-6t 38 and 40 Mnrchfsan Block. :8th: GRAND DISTRIBUTION Gqmmgnws3.1ih Disiribuiioa Co., By authoritr of Commonwealth of Kentucky. Drawing and details unti-r supervision of prom inent citizens of Kentucky, in the city of Louis- vine, on i , . Monday, March 31, 1879. NO SCALING j NO POSTPONEMENT I PRIZES IL 1 1 I IV XtTIII $112,400 In Cash DISTRIBUTED TICKETS ONLY Unparalleled Success of tie Popular Drawings. Read the following attractive list of prizes for the MARCH DBA WING : l Prize. ...,:..$30,ooo ioo P'z's$io em $10,000 1 Prize 10,000 800 P'z's so " 10.000 1 Prize.... ... 5,000: f 00 P'z's so " 10 P'i's $1,000 e'h 10,000; 1,000 pva 10 " 10,000 20 Prizes $500 each $ie,ooo. 9 Prizes $300 each. Approximation Prizes $1,700 mzes zw eacn, Approximation prizes $1,800 9 Prizes $100 each, Approximation Prizes $ 900 1,960 Prizes, $112,400 87 tickets, Whole tickets. $3: Half tickets. V $50: 55 tickets $100. i m , - Kemit by post Omce Money Order, resists red letter, bank draft, or express. Full hstol draw ing published in Louisville Courur-Jow nal and New York Herald, and mailed to all ticket holders. For tickets and information address ujMaiuiM wjAim jJisTtuisuTioN oo.. or T. J.- COMMERFORD, Sec'T.: I CourierJoumaJ Building, Louis vuie, ay. r v ,JeO W -18-26 mch D-l-4-fi-S-U-13 15 13-20-22 25-8T-58 29 w 6-1U-19 86 - - - i ;r - 1878. 1 879. THE HIGOS HOUSE. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. Corner Salisbury and Harnett Streets, (Just back of A. CREECH'S Store), RALEIGII. N. C. . .... - f Location Delightful. Elegant rooms for pri vate partus. j - hi i Best Restaurant In tne City. French Cook.' Polite and attentive waiters. Finest teaks, Fish, Oysters in every style, and all kinds oi wild uamk. t ear and Billiard Sa loon In the building. The choicest Wines and Liquors in stock ; no other kinds kept. CIGARS, au me lavome orauus. - u SPECIAL No riCK! I take pleasure in announcing to the public that I bave secured the services of a good Caterer, who will have entire control of the Restaurant. , Mr. G. W. HARRI SON, a gneral favorite, will attend the Bar; and Mr. JAS. FREEMAN will serve his friends with the Oysters on the half shell and csrve the F-wL - - - i Igua antee satisfac ion, and I earnestly so licit your patronage. . . t JACOB HIGGS. . decs l -3m. .-'- - t. h . . v ; : . WM. BONITZ'S NEW HOTEL, GOLDSBOUO, N. C. I -,i Board per Day..........;.$2.00. " Meals-..,..-...-,, .......SO Cents. Lodfijine;........, ........ .50 Gents. Located ia the Business Fart of the City. . I 8 T-CLAS8 REST iFRAKT ATTACHED TO TBX MOID ' ' - - .... . i . ' -... ' - I J - . T ''. Sll-M -' WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1879. NEW; ADVERTISEMENTS." : FRESH SUPPLY FAMILY' GE00ER1ES, ES STOHE ATSD ARM VI TO DAILY AT TOE POPULAR ESTABLISHMENT OP & Slid, -. ON HARGSTT STxlEBT. We are prepared to furnish our city cus cuners with everything in tne une or t amiiv uroceries, . ana W ,v - .. wm -n :-i..-t Our Country Friends ? We otter special indn ementa. We can supply au loeir wants. JUST RECEIVED CAR LOAD Cuba Molasses "and Canton Syrnp 1 THE BEST IN THE MAKKET. SEED O I Anotbercar load of tne finest Seed Oats,! re ceived to-day. Call and examine them. 0XI0X SETS AND GARDEN SEEDS, Fresh and genuine; in any quantity. .: : One car load Floor, all grades ; also best Meal - in the city. ..; i . Onr Market In the ballding, aiwavs supplied with the beat mnt and in great variety ; splendid Bee ; PiMiK SAU SAGE A SPrXIALI Y. PLOUGHS ! Call and examine the beat Plough manufactured, known as It i i -1jjj1i . rv -. We are the AG e.NTs DOR THE CITY. -lantf - Cirisicplers & Sorrell, RALEIGH, N. C. W.G.&A.B.Stronacii. February 8th, "TO. RECEIPTS FOR WEEK : 10,444 lbs. D. S. Clar Rib Pldes. ; 8 000 lbs. Fancy Leaf Lard in tubs. j 1,1X 9 lbs. Thin Breakfast Strips. 1,293 lbs. Bulk Shoulders. , 45 sacks Marshall's Fine Table Salt.! 160 packs Bal.imore Family Flour. 1 20 bbls. Early Rose Seed Potatoes, j 10 bbls. Peerless 1 able Potatoes, i 20 bbls. Selected Baldwin Apples. I 10 bbls. Baltimore Pearl Hominy and Grits. xu cases nne Apple succotash ana orn. 6 cases Munson's Fresh Peaches, 3 tb cans. 2 bbls. Plain Cucumber and Mixf dTlckles. 6 cases Sweet Oranges and Fresh Lemons. American rin Head and Cauada Oatmeal. 4 chests finest Gunpowder arid Oo'ong Teas. Ferris' Selected Beef Tongues and Broiling Beef. 20 bbls. and boxes Ivias' Ex. Cream, Milk and Soda Crackers. Ivins' Mixed Cakes and Challenge Snaps. FRESH SPICED PIG FEET. I Heohler'a All Pork Sausag every day. j. , THREE REASONS why our ROASTED AND GROUND COFFEES are preferable to any others in this market : Firstly: Our Coffees are selected by us and are roasted and groui d under onr personal su per vision. " e can therefore guarantee the quality and kind to be as represented. i Secondly: We roast and grind every day, thereby enablins: us to give our customers fresh goodB at all limes. Thtraiy: xj ids oi our Koaated uonee wui go as tar as 4 lb, green coffee a saving of 1i5 per cent. In favor of our Roasted Coffeei Finally, Lantly and in Conclusion : Our Coffees are roasted m an air-tight revolving cylinder, that prevents anv of the aroma of the berry escaping, and the revolving of the cylinder cansing every grain to be parched alike. 1 I We roast CoHees to retail from '20 to 4uc. . , Wholesale trade supplied at a small margin. JOB LOTS CIGARS VERY LOW. Trade supplied at Manufacturers Prices with Libby'B ooofceo corn Beet, e jso cnop Tea, Oswego Co.'s Stu'ch-s, Horsf ord's Bread Preparation, Graff's Potash Lye aud Red C Safety Oil. ' feb9-tf - - '- - j - I have this day associated with me in business; mi brother. Mr. G. EDGAR LEACH. The bust-1 jiess ia future will be conducted under the name and st vie of M. T, LEACH A CO. All parties indebted to me by note or op& ac count past due, mast come forward and make Immediate payment, as the stringency of the times forces me to demand prompt settlement of business done on close margins. I 1 S M. T. LEACH. Ralkigh, N. C, Jan. 1, 1ST. " M. T. LEACH & CO., CROVEUS AND Commission Merchants, GSXXRAL AGENTS FOB PINE KLAND GUANO, -. (Fr Cetitral if. C) . - , , - :i . i Liberal arrangements will be made with re liable parties desiring to purchase in quantities. ! For testimonials, &&, address. ' r M. X. LE ACH Jk CO., - Lock Box S23, , feb6-diw3m RALEIGH, IV. C. PERU Y-&- CO.'S Of superior English Make ; famous for durabil ity and elasticity ; 'great variety of styles suited to every kind of writing. For sale by dealers generally. - -' i : TWESTI-FI VIS assorted ; samples for VU'WTALCON" Pens by man. on receipt of 25 Onts.1 I ; ';, IYTSOir, BLAKE MAS, TAYLOR & CO.,; ' SOLE AGENTS FOR THE U: S,v. t- ISO itnl 140 Grand Street, 5ew York. ael-wrd k Haf-pin3w-toi. Glrisloplisfs i- i - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. j. j. TH0QA8, COMMZSSIOK MSHDHAHT -AND. i POTTON TT f T T7T? VV' 1 J Vyi O XLlluLjlli XV, 8 Martin Street RA.LEiGrii, asr. o. IN STOOK and TO AEEIVE: 25.000 Yrt Cotton Baffle r f:: 1 008 BMles 'M'Aiiw Ties. 500 Bnniles Piecei Ties. 1000 Yarfls Dnniee Bam i . . : for Cotton tets. 500 Poimis MM Twine. ' Which I offer noon aa favorable terms as can be had AN Y WHERE. 8pecial prices to the Trade and Ginnera. ; Personal attention given to the sale of Cotton, and for those who may wish to hold I have am ple storage room, ana w.n make - , Liberal Casb AdTances. with low rates of Interest and storage charges on any Cotton they may Btore with me. ' l am SOJ-E AGENT iiere lor the celebrated Taylor Geqrgia Cotton Gin, and have in stot e - ' 1 One 40-Saw Gin, one 50-Saw Gin, and one 60-Sav Ciin, which I wiu sell at FACTORY PRICES, Ireigh added. Correspondence solicited. . i J. J. THOMAS, 8 Martin Street, sel0-d6nu Raleigh, M. C, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST. 178 Sacks Holt's Family Flour. iitM . lloi-ney's Family Flonr, 5U " Huffmaa's Ft.miiy Flour. 24 Barrels Virginia Super Flour. 20 Bags White Peas. 5 Bags Stock Peas. 500 Pounds Virginia Buttpr. 45o Gailous Prime Cider Vinegar. Turkeys, Chickens, JEggs, Butter, Ducks, Geese, OpposuiiiS, Dried Fruits, Irish Potatoes, Cabbage, ana all kinds of COUN 'X" KY PUODUCJB BV EVERY FREIGHT. PLANTATION MACHINERY OF BVKRT DK3CRIPTI0V. TALBOTT'S Planter, Portable and Stationary Engines, Saw and Grist Mills compleie, the b&ttt made. Steel Brush, Cotton Bloom, Windship, Farrar and Sorrel Cot on Gins, , Reduced Prices. lGeorgra Universal Plows, Farmer's Favorite uraiu uvm. ALL KINDS OF IMPROVED PLANTATION UTEXSILS AND Machinery for General Industries. Agents for the best manufacturers of this sec tion. Letters of inquiries promptly answered itnd best possible information furnished. Send for special circulars of any. machinery you may want. STRONACII A ALCOTr, Manuf iiciurerb'Agents, Raleigh, N. C, And Gen'l Pr ice Commission Merchants. nov2-tf IN STORE: Haxall Patent Familj Floor, 1-8 and 1-16 Sacks, Fresh b'ronnd and Equally as Good as Patapaco, Guaranteed Finest A Sjrnp, only 65 Cts.per Gal. FULL LINE JEa-mily Grroceries I ar-All Goods Delivered In City FREE. ' ; . -aT ' ' . : ' T"a TT TT TT , . JL?, - M m , -XA..A.'J.JLi 9 -- Coraer Wilmlagtoa and Hargett Streets, WILL BE SOLD TO THE HIGHEST B1D der, at the Court House, In Raleigh, on Monday. Pebruarv 4th, lfeTO. one lot lying be tween launders street and the Raleigh and Gas ton Railroad; commencing on Saunders street, 70 feet from southeast corner of Jones and Saun ders street, running nearly south along Saunders street, about 60 feet; to the northwest corner of Mrs. Ii. H. Page's lor, thence along tne line oi her lot nearly east to said railroad, thence along said raU'oad nearly north to Mrs. Osborne's south line, thence nearly- west line parallel to Jones street to the beginning. Terms cash. jan8l-td JOS' B. BATCH jelok, Attorney. IMPORTANT SALE BY . VIRTUE OF THE powers contained in a mortgage from J. P. H. Rubs and wife to J. T. Leach, regit tered in Book 45, p. 440, Register's office, of Wake coun ty. 1 shall on Monday. February 17th. 1819, at the Court House door, in Raleigh, proceed to expose to public sale the interest of said Russ and wife in lis acres of land, lyin en Walnut Creek, in Wake coaaty, and bounded by the lauds of Wil liam Scott aud Thes. G. Jenkins, Thes. Howie, J C. Blake and others. This tract is snblect to prior mortgages, which will be announced on day of sale. . -n J.T. LEACH. , RADB, BCSBKB BC8BBB, janlS-30t , Attorneys for Mortgagee. . Mm TDURSUANT to the powers contained' 3 x mortgage deed, executel July 1. S76, recorded in the Register's offlc for the county of Wake, book 44. page 604, we will sell at pub lic auction, a. tne uourt nouse aoor, ia tne city of Raleigh, on . i -. ; Thursday, 20th February Next, ... ' . j..-.t A VALUABLB ' - '-1 -V 1 ';-' HOUSE AND LOT, Now occupied by PML Thiem, Esq :J oa tbe Southwest corner of Cabarrus and .Elood worth streets, in said city. ,r. , ; TCRTIS CASH. . i- '. . GRAY 8TAMPS, an!6dtds Attorneys for Mortgagee. - IF 0 11 SALE; HALF INTEREST IN " " ' A Good Pasring Business. Only limited capital required. Address ' - -' A. U. Sc. C, mj-tf. Statesvllle.N. C. ' 1 e ior ae NO. 37i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. mi mm& Wl SPRING FABBlCS; . . .! o 1 . ; '' - ; JUSX-RECEITED: j Two cases early 8PRING PRINTS, standard makes, beautiful designs and patterns. Three cases favorite brands 4-4 BLEACHED COTTON, for famil ruse.. (' - ' ' COO'Fsench-wove CORSETS lit 40c' " 7 H. 'ft R. S. TUCKER. tr Customers ordering Goods and Samples by mail will please enclose stamps to pay postage. W. II. & R. S. TUCKER. , We wlU open on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11th, a new line of : r1 .. 2 m m Alpacas, of superior brands and qualities. ' Also, a fuy line of other MOURNING GOODS. CRAPES. 4c. "- ' ' W. II, & R. S TUCKER. feb 9-tf V l' - t ' ARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! RUGS, RUGS. FLOC2V.AHD Bought from the. manufacturers. All NEW DESIGNS and CHOICE PATTERNS never be fore offered in this market. Just received at DAILY ARRIVALS OF - NEW and SEASONABLE AN ADVANTAGE CAN BB HAD IN THE LINE OF BLACK IRESS GOODS, Offered for sale by this house including Black Cashmeres, . ... AND ONE GRADE BLA CK ALP A CCA That cannot be had of any one else In tills mar Kt 1. or surpassed lu any. octSMf. : DO TOU WANT PUSNITUHB? j If so it Will Pay Yoo to Read This. THE Best & Cheapest Furniture in the city is now to be had as the subscriber la determined not to be undersold, and is offering a very handsome stock or K1 T T B N I T T J JEfc E at REDUCED PRICES. For a GOOD BAR GAIN CALL ON ME. -W A U N UTS U IT B. A very , &elect..aasortment i)f WALNUT SUITS lust received and for sale very reasons bly. I hold out special inducements In this line Also a lot of WALNUT BEDSTEADS and varied assortment of Common Furniture, waic i a7i wring as cneap as "er de4-tf ; A. W. FRAPS. T OLD FORT, N. C, W. J. CALAIS, - - SnperintencLent. MANXTFACTURERS OF WALROT 6KAMSES SUITS. DSESSII8 CASES WASH-STAIDS. WARDROBES, HAT !( RACK, TABLES OF Atl KIXDS Aip'STUES.: DESKS. AND EVKKTTH1NG USUALLY MADE IN A FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE FACTORY. This is a HOME ENTERPRISE, and be In such, we respectfully ask an even share with our Northern competitors. We have the beat a chinery, and -' - 1 " newest unproved ma- I , 8uperlor Workmeni And guaranty's saiiafaction, both in styles and prices., : ; " i Orders promptly filled. vaji-i A. W. FRAPS. WHOLESALE ASD BET1IL DEALER IJT . ! FcriisikJisslw- Umif I WISES, CORDIALS, PORTER, ALE The following brands are kept on hand Live Oak (Sole Agent). Gibson, Cooper, Cabinet. PftUfer. Bourtton, Golden Wedding. Mono. gram, XXX Crown uye, ana best Scotch Wh kies. . ----- is s-'- '-s' Tom Cooper. North Carolina and Kentucky Corn wnisty. r Best Jamaica and New England Rums. 18ttS Castillo, French and California Cognac. KummelVCuracoa, Absyntne, and Reed's Cock- ruu cvuuiauijiuua Appie rraiiuj. Bitters the best in the market and Gilt Ede London Docl; Holland and Domestic 'Gins and Schiedam Sch nap ds : - . , 4 j California Port, Sherry, !fT. C. Scuppernong, and imponea uoampagne, rort ana snerry wines McEvans's and Bass's Ales, . E. T. Burke's lmonn porter. . - . . . ; . , ; Lager Beer in Kegs and Bottles. ' , . I Imported Atralllnails and Seltzer Waters. ' I The Bar U supplied with XUJB Wines and Liquors use can m upt. decll-a. lack mm PETTY s JONES Kism 9 Ml II ' I I nn.mln.a llianiiilni ,. : three ............. s oo four I'M f . live ....... ' w.; six sco Contract! for advertising for any space or tide may ba made at the office of Tha Observer, Observer Building, Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, North Carolina. J NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Msmhrs cf Ligiskiure and Oers CALL AT BRAHSOtl'S BOOKSTORE, IText Door to Heartt's Old Staud. North Carolina' Alniahacs - . At $3.00 per Hnndred or 60c, per Dozen. XuAW7 BOOfeS Of all Descriptions, at Lowest Ca-h Rates,' BLANK BOOKS, r. - LARGE AND SMALL: ' NewTork Dally Heralds And other Dallies, every day at I o'c'ock, P, M. Subscriptions taken for all PERIODICALS at the Publishers' rates- Call or ad'lrees f RKV. L. BRANSON, janil-m. . :- . a Raleigh, N. CV NCOURACt 1 ' ' . : ' .-uses' -it -'' o : ! ---nhi';M .' i HOME INSTITUTIONS.. .-- , SECURITY AGAINST FIRE. V A ' .:; 1U.-TH1C 1 -' r,. . , NORTE. j CAROLINA i i a J HO . RALEIGH. CX THIS COMPANY .CONTINUES TO WRIT Pollclesat -t . M.a- .,..4 a-f n all elaasea rt R , 1 t.1.f, , Insurable Property. PROMPTLY ; ADJUSTED AND PI I D. THJS "HOME" IS EaMy Browini m Pntlie . FaiTor APPEALS, WITH OONTLT)EN0E , i; .; TO ..- : ' - Insurers o Property in Kortn Oarolina. Agentt in qU parts of the State. j This Company takes risk on nronertr of verv character on the moot reasonable rates, aiyl nct- iriwnuiningine iarge number or losses it his sustained In the pam four years, it has never railed to pay promptly and od time. Its motto PROGRESSIVE! PROSPEROUS PROMPT ! , AMPLE RE8XRVK AND GOOD 8UHPLUS I Premiums Cash I POLICIES LIBERAL: "GUARD YOUR OWN INTERESTS B? . 8UKING IN THE , . IN lonii Carolina Ho JOHN G. WILLIAMS, Prtsldeu-, W. H. OKDW, Vice-President. W. 8. riMM.R(R , Sec. ano Treas.. t-UJUAMt: u,"rsK, super itnt NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE Insurance Ccnpnii,y Incorporated in 1873, JiALKJOU, N. C. JPald up Capital, - - O0,OO0.O. F. B. Cameron. Prerident W.B.Anderson, Vice-Presulent W. H. Hicks. toee'y; and Treas Dr. E- Burke Jlayvood, Med. Directr Prof. E 'dJ. Emithr Advisory Actuary :0: . '. Tut. only Horn Life Insurance Company lo ' North Carolina. One of the most successful Companies of Its age in the United States. lias already issued between two and three thousand policies. All of its runds invested at home among our own people. All losses paid prompt ly aud In cash. Kates as low as those of any first class company, lias thsek dollars of as oets lor every sollak of liabilities. wAgentB wanted in every county in the State to rk iot mis most exceuenr, ana ormiy estab lished home iudtltutloa. For lnformatioi address i . N. C. STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO., . Kalelah. N. C. CAMEROtl, HAY & CO., Office, Citizens' Natl Bank Building i;i ... RALE ICS II, IV. C. - Total Assets Represented, $96,000,000 Among the Companies represented are the following, viz: Virginia Fire and Marine Ins. Co. ; Liverpool and London and Globe. St. Paul Fire and Marine Ins. Co. Home Insurance Co. of New Yor. Seaboard Fire Insurance Co. -London Assurance Corporation. Hamburg-Bremen Insurance Co., of Boyal Fire Ins Co., of Liverpool. , kyspecial attention given to the insurance of Cotton, stored or in transit, and to Mills, Facto- Atlantic Coast Line 7 " PASSHNG EH DEFARTMEN T. r WnJUJtOTOW, N. C NOV. LUhi i87T. Attention is invited to the QUICK TIME To All - Fcisls Ssrih : acd Scaib, VIA THIS LINE. vrs. u. 7:23 13:01 Goldsboro to Richmond. do do Washlnirtoii.v. U aitimore. 14:56 do do do do do io Philadelphia.. . 1 8:21 XewJtork... 21:16 24:03 28:28 Colnmbns, (Ja.,.,. .nonTEromerr,;..;. 35.10 . New Orleans: 40:40 ' COSESSPOITDINCJ QmOZ TlilS i TO iill inLrillr:Cll2.Le Jrflmt,2. Trains leave Goldsboro, going North, 12:11' Noon, and 10:54 p. m. Going South, leave Goldsboro 6.-48 a. m. and 8:67 p. m. - Pnllman Palace Carson night trains, snd Par lor Cars oo day trains. , . . Train leaving Raleigh at 9:30 a. m. connects at Goldsboro with train North at 13:19 noon, and South at 3:6T p. m. ? -i ' j t - . Train leaving Raleigh at 4:10 p. m. connects with the 10:f4 p. m. train North at Goldabcro. . A. POPE, wrrl-t OccanU nmesgv jot. ie iDsnraoce Co i ' . i wm ns. J . v.i I. - .' : tr.: !! 'sit; n r-f-- - fj-v ';.- - - r fx - - r.i Ai-V V 7t - !' . . . ::V it. '-,' ' 'i I'm S Hp - m . ; r, -;-. -' - rLi.. ' m 4 - ii,' . A .' .'ft! . t lit 'V,4 - '?l 'iv l.;,'N ' ' i - V: ' vvj eusioay last nighL ' . ' 4 'f :V'-- ; "''"V", : ' 1; -' " : : 1 j ; '' T"