Br P; M. fl ALB. rnbllshed billy (except Mondayy and Weekly, nan, one rear. xnaU portpaldl...:..... f 8 00 gixmontio " , " 4 00 . three : " 00 Weetlyi one year, mall postpaid,.. . 00 m gix montns, ; f U...... 00 To city Bubflcribera The Obserrer will be de- HTered dally at twenty centa per week; seTen- tj-flye cent per month; two aouara lorinree months. BY TELEGBAPH v I EKPOBTKD BY THS AflfOOIATXD PKXSd. f - . FORTY-SIITHJJONGRESS. . :: Washington, April 21.-SBNAH.The Senate, shortly arver meeting, resumed the consideration ot the army appropriation blMr. Bayard defended the inwiporation of general legislation on approprwtlon bills, there beibg nothbg unusual in it. Hence the cry of resolution ras unsub stantial and foolish5 and one which the, people would condemn. . . i - Mr. Bayard said the Constitution ex nrpm.T DroTided that no army appropria tion should be for" more than $wo year in i order to keep the expense of the army h the hands of the people's repfesentatltes. Kpfnre 1874 two-thirds of the leffislation M f lating to4he army was placed on the army, appropriation Dins, ,,-ao acxxjmpany.a yolq of money, with directions for Us use, was eminently proper, Ihougb in. general he conceded the impropriety but not the.un-. constitutionality of attaching extraneous legislation to appropriation "bills. To use. troops at the polls was to destroy freedom of election. Force and freedom cannot co-exist. Mr. Bayard having referred Id the presence of the United States troops in New York City at tbeHorember election ' of 1870, Mr. Blaine asked tim why he did not cite a case nearer by, .where Buchanan, in 1857, ordered out the United States Ma rines in a municipal election,! and seven citizens were killed within a ""mile of the capital. : - : 'l: Mr. Bayard " replied that he was citing an instance nearer lh time, if not in place, and added, "Any man or party infringing the liberty of the citizen will meet my condemnation now and at all times' Ap plause. He condemned all action- tend ing to retard vthe advent of. good feeling between the sections, and concluded by expressing confidence - that : the people would support the majority in their pres ent legislation, which was in the direction of justice and individual freedom. " ' Mr. Maxey followed, f He 'aid the con-: stitution did not confer on the U. S. Goyr eminent the authority to regulate elections, ' therefore it could not be unconstitutional to repeal or modify a law allowing such action. The present law Interferred with the prerogative of the: State government which alone had authority to protect its citizens in the right of lawful assembly for any purpose whether free government rests upon a free ballot and - falls with it. The Democratic ? party could afford to be condemned for "acting on this principle In reference to Mr. Blaine's remarks about ex-Con federates becoming Senators, Mr. Maxey said they were hereby: right, and did their duty in not stirring up civil strife, but believing in and endeavoring to hasten .the era of genuine brotherhood. Mr. Blaine ' bad also President Lincoln. Mr. Maxey said they all accorded to Mr. Lin coln fairness of thought and fearlessness in action. His words "with malice toward none, with charity for all," were adopted by the South which acted oh the convic tion of right, and endeavored to build up the waste places of the war, and bring back prosperity to the whole country." Housb. The House is proceeding with the regular order of business reference of bills, introduced under the call of States, the bill for the distribution of the unexpended balance of the Geneva award, introduced by Mr. Fry e, and three financial : bills introduced by Mr. Murch, of Maine. The House Committee on Postofflces and Post Roads to-day took up for consid eration, and will endavor to report during the present session, -npotf-memorials from differe nt sections of . the country, -cota- -plaining of the passage bf obscene matter through the U. S, mails. . Business iu the House of Representa tives to-day was confined to the introduc tion of bills under the call Of ' States, the unprecedented number of 1,383 being offered. , " Catholic DemoniratlQBM Komb, April 20. There was a great Catholic demonstration and display of sa cred relics yesterday in honor of the Virgin Mary, as a protest against the alleged sac rletrious teachings of the Protestant Min ister, Dr. Ribetti, who had' posted hand bills announcing a discourse entitled "Glo ry to God Only." The pilgrimage to the three great basilicas of Santa Maria Mag giore, Joha.Laterah and Santa Grace In Gierusalemme, in response, to a special invitation of. Cardinal Vicar -Pexevery, was numerous and enthusiastic' and was composed of all classes of society. V The demonstration is -described i as most im posing in lis proportions and solemnity. "' Gen. Garibaldi will go to Albania April : 27th.. . j TiiViwJ k tilii ;-3 " Collision at Sea. .:" London, April 21. The steamer Gellert from Hamburg, by way of - Havre, - for New York, was In collision with another vessel on Sunday, and arrived at Scilly where she was detained Until this morn ing, when 8he gave a $33,000? bond ahd proceeded. The vessel . with which the Gellert was in collision .was the. British brig Rosella Smith from New York lor Koven. The Gellert : sustained slight damage to her upper works, - and bad one boat smashed. The Rosella Smith-lost her foremost jibboom and main top mast, bad a boat smashed and sustained other dam-: ages. The collision occurred about four o'clock on Sunday morning twenty miles south of West Bishops, Rock Scilly. The Mciiers.ioweu ine tJ8eu ouiiui iu ovuiy. Turkltth Appointment. 1 ; St. Pbtersbubq, April" 20. An official decree is niibliahed aopoiatine provision ally General Goetrko, Governor-General of ' St. Petersburg, General Todleben, Gov-.ernor-General of Odessa, and General Lores Melikoff, Governor-General of Chas kff. Generals Todleben and Melikoff will command troops in their respective governorships. It is also believed that General Melikoff will rule the' adjoining Kvemments of Poltava, Tchernigon, , utst and Orel. m Deatb of fVilllam J, lladley. -, ' Albany, N. Y., AprU 20. William J. Hadley, a lawyer, who was assaulted and cat with a knife several weeks since by one of his clients, named Hughes, died t night. ' Hughes has been in jail ever uce me assault. The pemdexter C Kiohmosd. April 21. -The lory obtain ed to dav in i ho PninHfiTtAT murder trial irom veniremen, was broueht from Alex andria and Fredericksburg. The jury la vJiupoaea ot six. from each city, f. I ....... . . , .... . fi - - - r . j" ' r i , : u .. ' i f . "... t i. . i . . I i VOEiioA? ' '. Colore! Celebration. J ; ! : ! Richmond, April 21. The annual cele bration by the colored people bf this ity ih honor of the- thirteenth,' fourteenth : antf, fifteenth amendments took clace to-dar. the festivities consisting "of a grand mili tary and civic parade, oration and' the firing of a national salute. The roces- sron, .'headed by a detachment of city police, embraced four military mmnanies. thirty benevolent societies, two bands of nrasfc a triomDhal car with thlrtv-eizht girls dressed in white, and a larsre number of carfiafees.1 The dav was observed ! br the! colored 'people as a general hohday, the streets along the line of march being crowded 1 with people of that race who were hon particiDan's in the nrocession.' Evemhlhffpasaed 7off ; very 'orderly .and creditably, -the demonstration- being1 the Bw-i YiiirTAbtnfiert1 5 Thpmpiso'n, ;! tomity clerk; "hi wteii a; letter to me . urana oacnem, Augustas Schell, Id reply to anc invitation k attend an election of the Tammany Society to night, that heantTliiiTrftnwUIjnql par ticipate ih the election Jfor "the reason that Tammany. Hall .attempts; to exclude from participation in councils of the Democratic party 40.00Q Democratic ' voters of New York. ' It has lost its reputation . for in telligence and independence,,' and does' hot permit' fair elections.;, Mr. Thoflapson, says' tbat a bogus opposition ticket, may be run but that it; wjll be ; onlyj a sham, and hot sustained by him or bis friends. , , Louimana Stale Cwirenlion i New Oblbans, April '212 The Slate Constitutional Convention met to-day and was called to order by Gov. Nichulls, in a brief address. He alluded to, the respon sibility of the work which lay before the Convention, and the pressing needs of the State for competent and efficient legisla tion and a cessation pf the internal troubles with which she was, now sffl cted. -After prayer by Rev.: Mr. Percival the 'Opnven-; tien elected XL 'A. Wiltz pennanent' ebair man,' and A. C. Harris, of Pointe Coupee, secretary. After ' appointing committees the convention adjourned till to-m jrrow. rendition of General Dixi Ntw Yobc, April 21. At ? o'clock this evening Gen. John A. Dix was still alive uut entirely uqujdbcious. - uib ueaip is momentarily expected, and bis physicians have' abandoned ail hopes of his recovery.; They deem it hardly possible be can live through the night. Ills family are all at his bedside, and are ' becoming reconciled to the fact that his end la near at hand; ' Tlie Virg-inla state He bU Richmond. April 21. A council of foreign bondholders, through . their New York agents, have notified Governor Hol- laday of their acceptance of the plan fcr the settlement of Virginia's debt as pro vided in the bill recently passed by the General Assembly. The detail will be arranged in a few days. ,- . ? . ; Wablainsjton Notea ' Wasbikgton, April 21. A. . B. Hurt, of Mississippi, is appointed Clerk to the House Committee on Postofflces and Post Roads.. ; -. -.-.iM-rj The Secretary of the Treasury has is sued a call this afternoon for $24,566,300 o 10 40 bonds, constituting the residue of those issued under act of March 8d, 1864. Gen. Roberts Ready to Itlarcti. Lahorb, April 2L General Roberts is ready to Btart on a march through Strut argardam Pass, with two splendid brig ades, with which be will be able to occupy Cabul even unassisted by other columns. f Verdict ot coroner Jary. ' : Frbdbeiok,' Mdi April 21.- The jury of raqnest upon the recent lynching of the neno James Carroll, lit ohtrasriBs a mar ried lady; returned a Verdict thai be was hanged by men unknown to to jury. ; ':' Tle Patag'onlaa Trareleral TusotiMBti;: Ala-v April : 21.-Henry Hi P. Tudor and Louis Hi Ayme,Uhe Pata gonian travelers,' arrived Friday. This morning they resumed their journey south ward. - f-i r- - -' --; , 'm ' Ronmeiia to be Evacuated. -'t.- , ' aim ,--jtU Phillipeopolis, April 21. -General Stol- ipine received instructions 16 'take neces sary measures to com mence tne e vacua ion of Roumelia on the third of 'May.' M 18 C E L L A N O TJ S . , , :;M KENTDCKT STATE LOTTERI: la drawn in pnTsaance of an act pt the General Assembly of the State of Kentucky for .the bene- fit Of Educational Institutions. Bt the condltfon8 of this an the nranasrers were reaolred o cotito tkt Stata JTen. tHcky a Bond in. tU -Penal On Bimdrtd Tknttand iMMar. coniuonea jor ine prompt payment of all prizes, and theCraithfnl d acharge of all dnt'.es imnosed bv sal act. a U : 7 blMMONS A PICKINSCtt,;M anagera. pi. '-i The following attracttt e scheme will be drawn tn pnbat cov jigton, &.J., i . ?f i i APJRIL 3 0thy1879, under the supervision of sworn commissioners, l Prize of SU.coou:..,....... $14,000 -K 1 Prize of 8,000 is....,..........'..... 8,oc tiii Prize of ', 4,ojo ta..i..;i...i...i.n4,ott -. s Prizes of z.BOOare v ... .ooa 4 PFizes of., l.o00iire...W4 i.woo io iVixeaof ' 600 are..... ...T.. ....... 5.000 n-'to Prizes of -1W are..........;....,.. 4 ,ow ij 100 Prizes of v?-:'W are....". , ,00 i . goo Prizes of .7 45 are.-...i.........- 6,000 600 Prizes of . '10 are..... ...... 6,000 1 fUMPrizMAf ' B are.................. 6.HMI st ADDroiimailon Prizes amonntlng to. ,92S 1.8M Prizes amounting to !. ' : f WHOLE TltmETS $1.. ; ;i ':V,:j i;iv..l to j t - - ' " fTlnb rutjm nnnn annlication. tWAddresa all orders to our Gen'l Eastern Agts WILLIAMSON A CO., 699 Broadway, New orlu List of drawings published in (he New York Herald. All , out ef-'own. ticket holder are mailed a copy of the Official List as soon as Ten ceived. ' The next drawing May 15, 1SZ. Rell-. able agents want-. 4 in every town, i . v ua apr l-81-83-6-Wlt i - c;J . .KALEIGH; iN;; C.y TUESDAY, APRIL22, ;1879;: "..:::.:.:.: WHOLESALE '& RETAIL GROCERS. ' V" - , -: X " ' ft 1 ,.-v:-ir ''-A ' SO Cases, 3 lb., choice Peaches and Tomafcoea, 10 , Cases, 8 lb., choice . ; ; ' r nit-10 bbls. Rox and Bed Russet ApTlea.i w: 5 bbls. choice Baldrla Apples, boxes fresh Kesslaa. Lemons, a, boxes fresh Messina or angea,0O fresh Earancoa Cocoanuta, r , Rlcliardson & Robbing fa. Preserved Green Ga$e, Stranrberries,Toaiatoea, - v. - .;, Baaeberrlea. Peachea. . . . ..'. Pears, Qnlneea. Pitted and White Cherries, Pine '"v- ' Appie, reacRBannaiadev p -. Tnb ffnest New York aad IGeeeen Batter, 8e- r.rn, , lected Cream Cheeseu Fresh Mixed and Plain Plckleiq boxes D.'S.'Clear Bib SldeaV lft- bbl.furar Honse Byropai extra v dee lot Small Virginia Hams; Sides Shoulders. Verylow bytt)l , or haif bbls. e 1,1k bbls. ited s,,: -c, Safety and- j. 5 Aladdin Oils, tvwe aremamfactnrer'a Agents iorine toe wia, ana f will supply the tradd at factory prices. .Vf Coffees and Teas. We nav Darticnlar attention to to the selection of eas and CoffeeB. and have the largest stocfc and choicest lins f Or eu and Roasted Coffees and Oreea and B.acic Tea la the cty. In. store 2T different brands Tras and Coffees. Remem ber that we do oar own roasting, krxl can and win furnit h as tpod (it not better Boasted Cof fees (both wholesale and retail) as can be boujht In auy. other market ' . i . .i 1 Trj- '-vr new brands 6c wgars. ' t t lvins' A Wilson's Fancr i akes and Crackerf 15 varieties.- , fWXxir nice Uouie-made Pickles, Walnu: and Tomato Catsups. '. j ". apt io ir ; - ' ' - i , . -.. , ' , , i ; i , ii.i' i 1 1 i ,!,,. hit :iu oldl rnoil Item iniiilLEB IH 'ro'i :1 i i j ft PT. A TW. A TSTi . 1? A WfiV JU-LJkJk-kl ' AM, W -V IM .". ; -1. nk6-:i.').V: GROCEUTES, No. 29 rayetteville Street, - f Mt i t ! Hi?t,- ' .-. t.-l-'-.: . '1 !' Takes pleasure. In caHingf, the fact that h haa jqtteceived aid is -daily receiving , mrge aisoruaiii 01 nie uest ,. .-. .,1 Family Grocer i cs Of all ktnds. generally kept In a first-class Gro cery House. ' . -i . ' :.a41-" also : !- - '-. ! WINES, ' - ' I - BRANDIES, s" WHISKIES, " GIN. TOBACCO, 1 i(! .1 CIGARS, "J-'l SNUFF, ; : &0.i &O. I am also Manufacturers' Agent and selling at New York prices,' - 4' 1 n Shultz's Celebrated Soaps BOIT TOU CTiJlOS, Which are the very best articles of the kind eer offered in this mar set. mm them a trial ana you will use no other. i TalIandiccme, -;- "in. eiiAUsiriAtf. febn-Bm. ' - - 1 INSURANCE. FRED.' A. -OLDS; i with - 1 Mi Cameron, Hay Co, r: Office oyerUzena' National ankj Xy Special Agent 4 I; -roi i vi utyi. vvtupuiiivn iiauiv-uj iu Cameron, UayeV CoA. adrcr- t "i . , a u , aprls-Smos- CAMERON, HAY' & CO., ' GENERAL . ' J f 0f5ce, Citizens' Natl Bonk Building, ToM Assets HeDresentBil $36,000. MO ' Ajbod g . the . Companies represented are ; the following, viz : , fU Liverpool an4 LondoA an4 Globe. " ' I '. St. Paul Fire an 4 Marine In. Co. "t . Home Insurance Co.' lorNewTof i1 n l Seaboard ITire Insutraacd k. - London Aseuratice CorrxratIori.'J''r HainDurf-iJremen! insurance -Cov;: bf Koyai aire ins; uov 01 uwerpoel. - ' ' wrpectai attenon given to the insurance of Cotton, stored or , transit, and to, Mills, Facto- lies, AC dec29-tf.: ! A Insurance Company rxncnoTteijii lsraj , c- t is ra njcioH. jv a. ' Asset.1.'.;.. t?6a,370 70 u 4'i i:j ki' I i.i' v .i , i-, a ! t k SarplUK I FlJcr Holder 175394 99 FBi Cameron - - tM s.: . Iaiimt WJ&tdndenon.-1 ; :,! Vics-President : W. jJ. MieJUy'i u JSec'v and Treat Dri S. Burks Haywood, ? Med.' Binder Prtff.'B . BatfUAfoiwrjActuary - Tn only Hon Life Insurance Company in North Carolina." One "bfthe most succeaafol Companies of its age in the-United StaseavrHas already issued between two and three thousand policies. All of Its funds Invested at home among our own people. All tosses paid prompt ly ana ur caaiw .Kates as tow a uraae oi any first class company, uaa thkzz aouars oz . frar -rrr of Ha.hil1MM-., - t- w Agents wanted la every county tn the 8tate lo tk lor uB mum exceueuii ana nrnuj estBD- rtaTied .. nome, inmtwinoA., rot uuormaaai address " " r - - j --- ....t... j.: itu SaMgk,2l.fl9 111 III 1 BOOilS AND' 6TATIONKRY. ; BOOKSELLER AA D, STATIONER, t MARKET 'SQUARE, F A YETiTtV ILLE... N . C, i'ii ''4;usi .issri.v nad, ,;irh Keeps constantly on band a full supply of ; ..JSJ'vibd v;.: gIBLE8t-r f-?vt?j2 ; f-d?. rs vk. ' . r KAT Jus A-NXJ i o 3 vr. i - ..j; : HxatN books.- - t. . ..... j : .';-.': ., A fUI-b ASSOETMZNT Q - t- - ' " - WSITINQ PAPJSCES KNTBXOl'PS;jiBOY PA FANCY ARTICLK8, .. , :. l ( . i'WOKK BOXES, . , v : ! 7 . ' c VKITINQ DESKS, ' ' t i- ' f :': i.;;.' I :....,,' i ' ? ' ' ' '..-i 4 ' . ,tr;'- ' "' AC.g AC,,. AC, Orders solicited, and any book mailed, postage paid, on receipt ot the catalogue price, r .1 ; . . - Orders for music promptly attended to , a '!anT4-'ii .-'.-: tn , i . . K O W JOR ! ABOtJT. THE FIRST OP .JDLY, . 1 1819. taerefwill be ready for delwery from the Pub iahing, House of Edwards, Broughtou A CO., the1 -n l t. :i . liL.i LAW L!ECTDRES J Ci ':Oii-:i. .J ,A ' (I)'' j-i - . :.u.O trXZEt JMTE v: "f-t . .. 0hiefJustic3::";; Pearson. ill vv o.the i These lectures commend themselves following ci Aim of peraons : " 1. To those who are ,iu their Sovitiate;' tftnee they v contain 1n the 'space' of. "one volume an embodtment of the. whole law .course em braced in the several books prescribed to be read to obtain license to practice law. ; . to laerormer pupils or judge rearson. wno would i eview the course and call up the great leading ' principles of tbe common iawori the varied t objects of p'actical utility in daily use; and who would find these priu- iples set clown in a brief, clear way. with references in In 11 to the best authors and reports. . 3. 'io tnat large and eminent clans of tbe cro- fesslon Who were ner his former vwil. bnt who recognize the abilities of the great Teacher and JuruU and who would . etudr him as . a Teacher through the medium of his Ltcturea as they see him as a JnriBt in the Reports. l- 4. To that olaas of men who, although the if do not dexire to practice. lwwr ret would have a Knowl edge oi the rudiments of our law and would ob tain that information in the bnelet t manner. Thes Leetares are prepared for the press bv one of Judjre Pearson's pupils, a graduate in .Law of the University of .Virginia, and a mem ber or thenar. , 11 that pains and1 labor can do. both bv the Editor and Publishers, to make these Lectures as perfect as, possible, will be done. This .is the first time these Lectures have been put in p-int. To secure a copy of the first edi tion, let us have your order at once. KDWAKDS, iSKOUOn i'ON A CO., March i3itf, . Raleigh, N. C. E. J. HALE & SON. PUBLISHERS. 17 Murray Street) 3JTB"W; YORK, VI"! . St.. f ;'!' 1 ..- -fi---i i i e'f i nrVTTE ORDERS FOR - OF. THEIR OWN PUBUCATION A AHn FOB AIX OTHXB S0H00L, HIS0IILLAinX)U3 ' I;.,. : AHD STAITDaED books, AITO FOB ALL KDTDB OF I iu ' 1 Vjl , CTAPL3'. CT ATICITE P.T. 1 w j -- ..... - tl.;j' .-,' i ' .' - "i WRTTTJIO PAPERSy-Cap, Letter; Note aid ' !v other sues. BLANK BOOKSof all grades' ' - ' J E3!TviarTSotail siies! and1 colors and , ,' SCHOOL SLATES,' best ottanty," all sized. Jt, .... J A ,4 i .--.... . i 'i ."M PENS. INKS, MUCILAGE. Ac., icj Those whoravor as with their orders, by mat or In person, may rely upon tavtng theai filied promptly, and at prices which we Teljeye to be quite as low as -cad be had in this market j' . " .j-V li eTj- hale &' w , it PUBUSaZBS, BOOrBTT.T.TKS JCKD 8TATBKBBS, j r.r-s-. 't, h-'?T'! Murray Street. Mew York THE MGEL IN THE CUOUD kz w.3?t ytt fa -4tr k J aiai'i - ; rlVEW. EDITION, TT7 Js ' BA.VEI-. JUST- PUBLISH IB AlKKW . ; EDITION Jofc thla celebrated POEM, by the late Edwin W. Fuller, with the addi Uon of -a MEMOIR aad tfORTRAIT OF THE AUTHOR, and a number of smaller Poems not heretofore published. . -j-- ri t! Price, ; in handsome ; cloth, kev&ied boards, ..Orflerj solicited. '-.v. . -. J 5. f: s,v ' ,SJ HALES02f- .f may ta-tf , c J Marray Street, Ke yoxx Hill .:'-'i . 1'.'-,.:' . . ;. ' ' - ''.a'-' 1 f " 1 SJOLiilMUiU AU V ilV.i.lStJJ IS. j Jaxzs & Hekbzbt. Pjst' W, 'JB. AiBsrroK. :..u..: ; I - I ' - J GESERA1 COMHISSiQK WMIS, COXTOand: T0BACC0.: ." 87 So&ti' .CiarUs Street, ! ' " v ' - KBAjyTiroitE urr.3S it-t ,cU'i- 3&?7 .':.'! f ' trass Seeds. Guanos and Fertilizers v - Alvra js on tfand. j ?, ;,jt mh2S-?m-Ayd. , , , ,.'ft ; w i r a a t S T A B US H E D , I ? 5 2 , j u J t thos h. evahs aco.; Commission Merchants J;s fHOISMPEODUCE'lMLEESj No, 83 lights St. Wliarf:, , Personal attention given to the Bale of South, eru Pru.tS' and Vegetables." Seed PotatOtS epeciakr. Rkfbkbkces -Citizens' Natiora Bank, Balti more; John HiX; A- Oo , New York; Warringtonj Matlaok ACo . Philade phia, Pa ; A : Bennett A Co., New York. ' mari6-d3mo8. T : BALTIMORE ; ; EOfltmiiii'Pifiii JOBBING HOUSE. : w; . CONSTANTLY IN STOCK, THE . ... . Mi.iliscfillilieliil fx.. ...... (.'; ' : - . : . !' f j IN Snnd ay School, " . Pay School; ' Xaw. JfleUicuL 7 ! .V.. ' :;. Theological and . ... .. .... i r i: '." , 'ii I lrlisccllaiicou ISooks. WRAPPING AND WRITING PAPERS, . . BONNET BOARDS, , PAPER BUNDS, PENCILS, INKS, PENS. AGENTS FOE ' I' HYATT, ' S' CEL EBRATED Any and everything in the Book and Taper Business can be procured of us. ra. j. a dulaky & oo.' : mhS-dw-iy. 1870. 1870. CIRCULAR, BALTinoRK, January, 1S79. rrHE HIGH REPUTATION ENJOYED BY J. our famous brands of. Waiskiea, the "HAR RY BASSKTT." '-UNCLE K01iERT., "ti OLD EN' CROWN." KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS and ' BEAR GRASS,", and the "MARY LAND YACHT CLUB," "NJtW YORK YACHT ClAB" and NORTH CAROLINA YACHT CLLB" and J. B. BROWN'S CELEBRATED SWEET MASH AND SUGAR COKN WHISKXtta," hns com mended them to popular favor and made them the leadinsr .brands in toe South. In vkUUon of our copy-rights, which secure to ns the exclu sive use of these brands, the trade is often im posed upon by counterfeits and imitations of them. Lnecrupulous parties offering poods of an lnierior quality imitate, ana not umrequent lv copy eur brands entire, securing tbereby a sale tor their good which otherwise th j could not have. . '. We beg therefore to caution you against these fraudulent devices, and that you wtiV in like manner warn your customers against tnem. in addition to. the above, we always carry a complete stock o IMPORTED VINBS, BKAN- mn. ana uims, ana a run line or uuntsin; LIOUORS of .All jrrades. SWEET AND DRY CATAWBA8. AMERICA and OOLD' SEAL CHAMPAGNES ; APPLE AND PEACH BRAN 1)1 K9 in stocK. o d ana new. WE GUARANTEE all goods bearing onr name to give enure sa tsiaction to the consumer. . Very Respectfully, ftc4 -' " -1 -' " J. B. BROWN A CO . , .- 7 Wholesale Liquor Dealers and Distillers' Agents No. 26 Bowly's Wharf, , , . DALTUlOHE, WD.'' mchl-d-lm w-Sm a -ru .. , -ttbut' Wholesale Grocers, Liquor jjeaiers - and Commit- ' . sion : JdcrchaniM,.. No.l56fet Pratt, Baltimore. am'l A. 8 Kyle, Lamar Holljday.H. L. Duvan. I WVUUUW) jaANB MOLASSES. : if o.f45 SomhvIIotrard Street; BALTIMOltE. uicnrtmoale; ?-vvvy r. .!: W. J. ARMSTRONG,.,, t' J. E. CHADWICK, J t ?" I- THOMA-S V. SIGOURSET, J mhfr-3mpd 7iImingtcii, IT. C, Business Cards. - BOOBS, STATIONERY; ETC. P.. H E IN SBERGER. w.. .89 and 4l Market at. '-COMMISSION MEHCHANT3. s WORTH A WORTHJILV?. Waterst. KEBCHNER A C ALDER BROS. . .Water St. "i .e k'GOTTON DEALjERS': "..f ii KOTH EH....f.,..i. AVater st. FURNITURE. ' J ' J P;r!i. 8HTTTO;.:.1.X..S6'and to South Front at. GROCERSWlablesalaand BetalL ADRIAN A VOLLERS... .Cor. Dock A Front sU. GEOt MTKBS.i..tu,- il and IS South Fron st. JOHN CHEYER.)....,-..i.orth Water st. sEAEDWABESASH, BUNDS,' Ac. N. JACOBI.........4a44JOSouth Front St, ' PiilRU V LAN GUANO. W. H.McRARYACO. ."Water st. - 1 - SADDLES, HARNESS; ETC. v 1 MALLARD A BO WDEN.....'J8, South Front at ston MIX UMM JebMy..,. 4 . ,NO;.96, r WLNES, WQUO.pIQAEa; Ti Ei 03ft! i.J'JiJluJ : arris v.i o. , ! Corner ilartui and BaJisbxuT Streets. . Jii.iiHiwii it-t ' I hjj -,"ia iii LThis House is. conducted on the SUTtOPEAN; PLAN. , JXhe travelling public can procure finely, furmshed'rooms at all' tlmei"'' ' ," " J 'VI GENUINE DUBLU XXX BROWN SfOUT on draught wita Bass' ale; tfee Old English drink Hall A. Haif iov kif2fil. Kraisd ftcii tnoi vJBattimore Meats and., aU delicacies ofjth aea son served at ail hours in srst-ciass order. r -: Ci PF.THB FiNEST-i. ko 2c BILLIAKDRAI INfTHESOUTHJl, WITH , THREE .CPLLEN DERTA'BLES ANfe A FIFTEEN-ALL' OOLTA'BLfi-Id cONNECTEI) ' S 1. WITH THIS HOUSE. M ' Nine'r'rivatesftAni rOomsso tait; parties can' rrr- always be private. lk :cim 5 auiirt r.:ni tar-French Cook.; -; -, .. pct-6Jf,i . HUUJSAUiAUlit.lAlL.UrAlJLKlJ' WISES, v. CORDIALS PORTER, ALE The .fpllowiag brands are kept on hand : .-. , Live Oak (Sole Agent), Gibson, CooperCabinet, rTtincr. rjourton, 'woiaen" weaumg, Mono-t gram, XXX Crown Rye, and best Scotch W hiSr ties. '" ' Tom Cooper, North Caroltoa and Kentucky Corn ...Whisky. ,',, t . ' .... Bet Jamaica and New England Earns." , a m 16$ Castillo, .French and cauioraia x'pgnacj and Southampton Apple Brandy, ' KmmeH,'Curacoa, AbHyntne, andlReed?s cock taiLr . f T , j Bitters (the beBfin the majeri-n4,Gift'Edg London Dock. Holland and Domestic Gins and Schieddm SohnappsiU -aiuci- b o-A3-:nM-ih CaiHoniaPort, Sherry, N. CwScuppernopg, and imported ChampagneyPorfandSRerry Wines' MeEvans's and Baad's. Aies,' JBurke's iuillf ivilfl. ... , Jiff Lager Beer In Kegs and Bottles.; nus tncJii..i. o Imported Apollinaria and Seltzer Waters. . The Bar is supplied with TUG KivVr-Wtnes and Llquoj-s that cab kept. Oena.fLf i The popularity which this Brandy has attained Induces me to bring it more generally to notice. If yea like a good, pare article, this i am willing to guarantee; and il jou have any scruples as ui using it as a beverageyou may be assured of its mi d, stimulating and invigorating qualities in a medical point of view. It is receiving' the un qualified endorsement of men eminent in the medical profession in all low forms of disease of a wasiing and debilitating nature, where it? be comes necessary to support the failing powers of life ; and I am filling orders from convaies- from whoml could produce certificates, but I reier mat my Branay-snouia speaic ior WBeir. t is CAREFULLY DISTILLED FROM .THE JUICE OF THE APPLE, and is, as its name im plies, a.fflj& ukajnux i iree ir am an aauiter ations. I am now prepared to ship ii. to any part of the United States m bottles rannlng six- to the gallon, at $1,29 per bottle. " i ., ; . r You are respectfully . referred to the cor respondence below. ' r i ' :--i . '. All orders must be addressed to the under stated: as I have no agencies.' and all packages will be marked C. o. D., express or freight in all cases win oe paia oy tue purcnaser. Money sent by Registered Letter. ii ;;' 1 will also -supply ruins bCUPrJiiCNONG WINE at $1.00 per bottle. - - Auoreas is. a. isxniui, - Farmvilie, Pitt County, N. C, ' . .; Grskkvtxxx. N, C March 21. 1878. To all Whom, thin. Nay Concern: : ' ' ' . I have personally and lmtmately known R. A. Btum, of the county of Pitt, since 1S64, when, no a wimnilnl Hrtlrttpr. 1 mut rarnri for bv him at his home. His word may be implicity relied npon in ail things, ue is incapable oi Knowingly mis representing as ytning or deceiving anvDoay, lie lathe maker ot the best article of Apple Brandy I have ever seen or tasted. Those wtsh- mg to get an elegant article oz pure Branay wiU be sure to do so by applying to him. -- ; ; , - 'iiiOB. w. JAMVlo. Faruttixs, Pitt County, n! C. Janl 28; m. Bi KxcAlltncv. Z. B. Vanes :-r . , , . dkar ia : Alter navmg on several occasions, both at my house and elsewhere, tasted of my uia Appie ttnaay-ww ;oa o o- una as to give me, your opinion as to. its excellence and parity ? l think some four or five t sent some of it to a friend in Iondon, England, who thus becoming acquainted with its superior merits, challenged with it the makers of the best London Dock Brandy. 'May I not 'aStcyeai also to miprm me ei tne result ot tbat contest li yon know it T ;;;v K Yours truly, R. A. BYNUM. . 4, ((..; ,i i xKCTTrvs' Dsr ARTV KMT, ' ! '-t J- -, f ' ..... v ; Stats of iiorth Carolina, ,-. Ralrigh. Januarv 29th.' 1879.' Mr.. R. A'. Bynwm- rui i;- i-j.-: Y Jj si jjkabmk: lour note is received, and in an swer thereto it gives me pleasure-to say that I believe your Brandies are the purest and) best I ever saw of our home manufacture. -i in 1814 I presented: :a gentleaouui' Is. London wna.a gauon o your make and. he said it ex celled anything he bad ever seen' made from raie that nil hi. ..........!........ i. v. .1 i 1111, win. .ua. Mi.ut WilU il-VU tasted it thought it equal to the best brands of g-apeoramiy. i v u-jiKzii vxr- it people will drink spints as a beveiase it is a pity that they wontd not confine themselves to snca pure, . unadulterated and tjonestly. nude vpuMut as your jrantues. nespecuuuy ana trniyvours. j jan30-dAw-ly. Z.,B..YANCB.. pealcr InJFinc JUqaors, Domes i.jlic and Imported Cignrtt -j it v i i 'j - i .x ' ' .si t-: '..:t v ; hcz t'iJiut FayettevUte Street.' between GnUey's and the Citizen's National Bank, Hardin A Grues, old The following fine brands of liquors are kept constantly on hand: - , . - Old Nectar iMOWblstj. -t.i Gibson's XXXX Whisky? - u. uc ' Gibson'- XXX Whisky. -.w. odl'v-i vt? Robertson County 6 years old. , " Old Kentucky Rye, A years old. W .wt Old Uenaessey Brandy. Imported Stock. Genuine Port Wine our own Importation. '. .Holland Gin, very fine. 3 Vj tinir.- v" . Blackberry Brandy, 4 years age. ' - ' Apple Brandy. 4 years age. .'- i n : r. s Old. North Carolina Corn,, Whisky -sweet Ilinnii, . V J uvumvuo. . C'Jft Tt- 'i.'i'g. K: :!-?: iKJ,. ,!'..- J'V" Also will have In stock, imported Ales,' For-? ters, unoun fctout. ana Muwaukie and St. ixmis Bottled Lager Beerr - -1 r Champagne and Wines of all descriptions, too numerous to mention. Attached to my estab lishment I bate added a v pr.iii s-j.-$tsi ' vetau iigurr Tooaeco JUepartinent. in which can be found all brandS-'of DOMESTIC and HAVANA CIGARS, CIGARETTE", HALL'S -BSTWEEN THE ACTS" and "BEHIND THE xvjsnxia.'. n.irJSX'!9;,aWEET CAPAREI4' uu a imu uus u t .. . . 1 11 i i " . - ,' If. l,i tJM , Smoklngand fine Chewing To- I have contracted with MR. LEOPOLD, the well-known cigar manufacturer, of Raleigh, to furnish me with some of liu celebrated and re liable brands of cigars, and hope by patronizing home industries and catering for the eitirom in t-..; i i.'ij if general Raleigh the finest goods to be ob tained in ths world, to deserve a portion of their "... ... Ote i Square 1 Inch) one da7..vv..;.... i oo M iour Mmn a mi firer'.'J otf .Contracts f or. adyerUstng for any space or time may' be made' at the' office of The Observer,' Observer Building, Fayettevllle Streat, .'Raleigh, North Carolina, RAAiROALSfcdEfetJLES.1 'J " ismiis JAaa 64J:ioi .eiva $etfmv liprtli , Carolina 4 Eailroad. TRAINS GOTNO EASTV It 1 .. - . No. 8. DateiTJetS 49, "TS. rNCvSV ,'JToIA,': i Daily iii , Daily. Daily, ex. Sun. it 'fill j ',.)' " . i .' ' ; .? Leave Charlotte 3.20 am .45 pm i i. L -Salisbury u 5 J4 am S.Odpib 1 " High Point 7.00 am 10.S4pm ........... Art; fireensDore T.43am Ufipm ....... Lea'e Greensboro 8.00 am ......... 11.06 p m ArnlimsDoro ;'..' 10.10 am , t.4tam i Durham 10.59am ......... 6.18am vHsdeiglT mipQ J tljSOam: Lv. 3.30 pm 6.45 am AncPbldsboro i,6.s6ppt .66am ,,.1;?..... t SifA-hCtmneota at Sallsborr: with W. N. C R. R. for all points in Western North Carolina. vauy except ounuays. iai urreensooro witn tne' i. s jj. re k. ior ail "West ii At- Goldabord pomts North, East and for Wilminirton. - fioJ 4-HJonneets atr Greensboro' ukr the K.: A D. R. R. for all points North. East, and West. I )! fl' TRAlSS' GOLNG WEST. NO.T, Daily . ex. Sun. Date, Dec...2, 18. No. 1. Daily. No.S. Dallyt v.GoirtSbora' 10.10 am .20pm Ar. Raleigh Lv.' ": Ar. Durham 12.40 p m 10.20 pm - 4.ipm 5.33 pni 13.85 p m :s.U pm ' 4.87 p m 9.15 pm S.iTp m Greensboro 8.30 p m Lv. 8.65 pm 6.57 am 7.30 a ui Ar. High Point, v.'n pn 10.46 p m 12.50 am 9.14 a m " Charlotte 11.17 am No. 1 counects at Greensboro with smem Branch. ,At Air-Line-Junction with A. A C A L. Railroad for all points South and Southwest. At- Charlotte with the. C, C. A A R. R. tor all points South and Southeast. - " - r 1 3 connects at Salisbury with w. .N. C. R:l R.', daDy, except Sundays, for 11 joints in' Western North Carolina,; at Air-Line Junction with- A A' O. A. L.fop all points South and ( Southwest. At Charlotte with the C, C, A A. R. Rvfor all points south and Southeast ' i- f SALE 1W Leave eeensboro dai except S'ndr' '9 ib in Arrive Kernersville , r " J0.20pm Arrive Salem- -J?m in-!- 3"J it.wp m Leave Salem .. .. f . ,.i't. . ,00pm Arrive Kernersvflle1 -'I'M .- 6 4o 5 m Arrive. Greensboro .r" " , ..8.00pm -Confft'ctrag-at Greensbcra with trains on K. A SlEEPM-CAESWflOOT CHANGE Run both, ways on, Trains Nos 1 and 9, .between ' New York and Atlanta via Richmond, Greens boro and. Charlotte, audi both' ways on Trains Nos. 8 and 4 between New York and Savannah' via Rlchmond,Charlotte and Augusta. '. , i'MfThrough Tickets on' sale at 'Greensboro, Raleigh, GvlUsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, and ; . 1 1 ..r .. : . c ......... v. . ,. . . . . .11 pi mijiiu iuitib3 ouuur, ouumweub, esL, NorUi aivd East. For emigrant rates to points in Arkansas and Texas; address ' ,.!r. r , ( 4. R.MACMURDO, : - , , Tien. Passenger Agent,' J' y t-.- ; - .--( .,' Richmond. Va. . R nlcigli & Gnston Itailroad CHANGE OF SCIIEDUIE. SCPKRINTEhDEKT'8 OmCE, , ! ; 1 Kaleigh,N. March 11, 1879 If On and . after Thursdav. March . 13th. i79. L trains ou the .Raleigh A Gaston Railroad will f run daily Sundays excepted as, folio wa: 1 . Leave Leave " - ' ' Uiaieign...i.4 owa m w eition...... a sap m Neuse.. ...... 826 PorestviUe. . 8 48 Gaston 4 09 Littleton 4 84 j Wak.eij'.i.. 84, Macon.. ...... 6 00 Warrenton.., 513' Kldgeway.... 6 29- J auction...... 6 38 Middleburg.. 6 60 Henderson.. .6 07 KittrclJs 6 29 Frank llnton.. T 13 Youngsvilie.. 1 3a Wake........ 7 44" Youngsvilie.. 8 59 iTanKiiuton.'. vis Kittrells...... 9 43 Henderson... 10 OS Mlddleburg.-. 10 8'i ii Junction,.... 10 Ridgeway..:.10 47 Warrenton ...11 03 Macfm........ll 16 Littleton... ...11 43 Forestville ...,7 48 . Gaston....... 12 08 p m Neuse 8 04. Arrive at Arrive at . Weldon,.....12 40 " , Raleigh 8 25 " ;V J ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. ! ' Leave Raleigh at. . . . . ... 10.00 P. M. j . Arriye at Wejdon. at.... , .... 6.00 A.M. Leave weiaon at iv wr.M. Arrive at Raleigh at.. ....... 6 00 A. M. - Mall train connects, at Weld on with the mail trains of the Seaboard and Roanoke and Peters-: buigRaHroada, JNO. C. WINDER, supermienaent. Kailroad Company. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. a PUPERJNTENDENT'iJ OFFICE,! 5 ; Raleigh, N.C. March 11; ,1879. . On sndi After .Thursday. March 13th.' 1879. trains on the Raleigh A Angusta Air-Line Rail road will run dairy Sundays excepted), as fol lOWS i.V ,". U n.-it !:,:, ;-;; ---j Leave , . . Leave-.f.;, . Raleigh:..:. 700 a m Hamlet........ 2 45pm CarT..iI.' 7 40 iroffmau .... .. 8 SS Apex; . .t . t . s s 4 8 Key ser. ....... 02 1 Manly... ,...,,4 45 Cameron.... vi B 84 fev H1U...... 8 86 . . MerrOaks... 9 00 Moncure; .v.: 94 . w eanrora. ...... 40 Osgood....... 9 62: 7 06 naniora...ioo Cameron. .... 11 12 "M nnrnrti .... I. . . 783 7 68 819 S45. 912 Merry Oaks.. Manly;'... :;..1204 p 'tit -New.; swHIU.i... heyser 12 do ? pex; Hoflman.,-.. 1 20 , M , Carj .. ... Arrive at., Hatolet:....;. 215 Raleigh. ...... 9 45 ! rw"Conneetlng at fanford with Irains on Western Railroad for Fayettevllle, and at Ham let with trains on Carolina Central Railway for Wilmington and Charlotte. - - u - (-' - ' : t-i-'iOBXf- awnrDZB,'-' v.- U5ts i -i ui h- i BupeTintendent. : CAEOUBA- CESIEAL RAILWAY ' 10 Jil. Of a. 1 wn.wnnttvw nt'cl' ioto k ' CHANCE OP fiCUErjULr. - SK AND AFTER Mt)ND AT,' "dO'tta INST., KJ the -following Schedule will be operated on taisfiailwayti V atlLuna vovli- ii i V' rasswflXRXAiirAxj.xxrnxBSTBArjr 2 ,-: f Hi: Leave Wilminirton at.-i.Jt..... s-jun. m. No. L'i Arrive at Hamlet at..4,...i2:40 a. m. , , I Arrive at Charlotte at....... 6:86 a. m. - 1 '-(Leave Charlotte atl-;..',,. j.?. f :o p. m. No. . Arrive at Hamlet at;....ji.-.12;ia a.m. i- , lArrive at Wilmington at.. 7:46 a. m. TRI-WBKKX7 FREIGHT ANO ACCOMMOT16K TRAIN. .Leave, Wfimragton 6:30 a. m., ana Charlotte t :25 1 a. mt on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. iLeave Laurinborg 4:00 a. m. going East, and 6:00 . a. m. going "WeBt on Mondays, Wednesdays faad Fridays.' ,J . SHXLBT DIVISIPK MAIi, VHJSIGHT AXD FASSSKaXX T73 ! - ..j axrasaac ; " f' r ' " 5 wn"v "If Leave Charllptte it.'.,;",8.??..;3; a. m. f1 Arrive at Shelby at..i...L;..;ioo a. to. 5fo 4. ?7e s!f?y 7"i..;..-.iJ:40p, m. ZZr Vf"1! -at .Charlotte at.,... 6:oo p. m. Trains Nos. 1, 2. and 4 run dally except Sunday. i .Passengers for Raleigh make close connection t Hamiety arriving at Raleigh at 8:46 a. m. - Passengers for Statesville and Western N.C. H. K by lyo.'t-Traia- arrive at Btatesville next morning at 9:15; arrive "Head of Western Road" at 80 p. in., and Aahevllle same eveaintr. ' . K ' .,t i-.V-O.JOHN KD-NT IV LIT - KttftAi4ntA.JA-fc ' We6tern2RaUrtinfl . (rsFAisiTKViUJE, Majca. sfclS78. t On and after Monday, far'cit 8, i879, trains go r i 6 60 a.m. littleRiver at.,,,..v.;;'.;v.;-...' il. v 15 . t - rt-a. - . . t wna'B Stationat...,,...... ,8.30 t Jonesboro at.........;;... -a.os " ; Baniord at ...k . 4 t"&5 " ; Arrive atEgypt. 10,10 ' Be trains will leave ij.j s n--. r Sanfort at.........v...i,,vTrv.; 11 4 I Jonesboro at......,,.......-,;..! , , f Swann'sSUtion at... ........ ..... 1 00 " :f 6poat8)Hrlnat ...........&.... l'.66r . little Rijer at..... ....... a.25 ' I Arrive at Fayettevllle.. . i .-; s,ie W. m. l, c. jokjss, 6wyrtotva-ea l " '. ' f ri ti m fen 4f.. 51 1.' in I'V ti, ft V- if ii 5H t' 'Hi ' i It: 6 IT if - 1 r - il1 W I: