II TELEGRAM. HEPOKTKD BY THE ASSOCIATED' FKSSS: FORTT-SIITH CONGRESS. Washington, May 2. Sen at. Mr. lohDSton introduced a bill amendatory of ..... Tras Pacific Railway act, so as to "take some of the lands granted to it and vest tliem in tne ooumern irauiuc ivsuwsy fompaay, and providing for a junction of the two roads at El Paso, etc.: Referred. tr the Committee on Railways, &CL s a The pending business was announced as Prvilegs and Elections to investigate the claim of Mr. Spoflbrd'to Mr. Kellogg'sf ' Mr.. II ar offered a substitute declaring that the former. action..,. of ; the Senatexr s-h it) 4 "-Jl , r " r - i There was no conclusion on the sub- tiive. j:ct. The Senate resumed the consideration of the iill to pn7enti the mtroauction into IUC tious diseases. ;. , Washington, May 2 la the Senate to v,ii,ff h Kelloirc-SDofford , contest went wiih the expiration-oi - the morning hoTir. . iThe health bill was further considered, aod the vote will be taken on Monday.' the. pending q ifstion being its recommittal. Xbe Capetown War. DoxDBK, May 2 Natal is becoming a bcw ba8e oP operai Ions for CoL Woods, now GeneraK of Newdgae's command. The universal hope is eater'.ained that the resignation of Sir Battle Frere will not be acctp'ed. - As regards Lord Chelmsford, every kindly allowance is made for his conduct of the ar, but public opinion re mains as adverse as ever. This seems to indicate that Sir'Bartle Frere has tendered bis resignation as Governor of the Cape C'olony. .Daily Telegraph, from Capetown, dated. April 15, says : "Dabalmanzi, who led .thr'altack on Ginglelova on the 3rd inBt., aqd other chiefs, with a large armed fol lowing, have preferred submission. Lord Chelmsf jrd promised them personal safety and' possession pf their cattle, but said pend ing the termination of the war they should be located on British territory. John Dunn lavirig pledged his word for their safety, their'chiefs are expected in at once. .1 he head ot tbe in telligence .department has pioved forward to Grey town to meet the ,ft:pre8entativea from Cetywayo, but the Sincerity of his proposals is suspected. Jjhn Dana has gone to Durbaa. His prtsence at-headquarters is thought neces 8 ityto secure the submission oi tbe chiefs. llVurything portends early, peace. Mean while war operations ara actively proceed - in(r an fiilviinw. n'n vinD,,B TCrnal eecuis certain from Col. Wood's direction, whether pe4ce is ctfered'or not. John IjQn, 'formerly Cuywayo's adviser, aa 8ur;3 nie that Cety wayo's pride' is broken, li t.fi the war he regarded the British as useful neighbors but contemptible in of run?! l-i itrril riir:lij f rrm fT"v"wl fMlinir anrl piirtiy from lDcredaliW of their ability to molest him, Cetywayo refused to molest 'us.' Now he sees hi3 mistake, and pro v'.ilcd he gets good terms personally he will coihb in Owing to the bad condition of the road, Kcipwakoar has been" aban- -3 J. I J O B uoueu. Lond)n. Miv 2. AdisDatch from Lord Chelmsford announces the - trans er of heiidqiiarttrs of his staff to Utrecht. Col L'reUick commands the division of the 'army on the lower Tugela river. Gen. iNt'wdgate su.xrsedes Col. Wood. Color els lWson and Wood will command the in dependent flying columns! : V" j-f r A (ieliiouw ITIurderer. 1 Loston, May 2. Some time, yesterday; :"CLas.fF. Freeman, of Pocoasset, Mass., inH a iruak of religious frenzy killed his five year old daughter, Editb. The man is a sk'md udventist, "and became greatly ex cited during the last few days while at tetidrrg a Beries of revival meeting. , Ab;)ut.a week ago he claimed to have re- : ctived a "wonderful revelation' and has not eaten or slept siuce. Ue says the Lord directed him to sacrifice his little daughter, and declares that she will risa agiin-in turee days. The little one' was st.aDbed with a knife by her insane father, and her blood was poured out upon a table which was improvised as an altar. Freeman has driyen every one from his house, and has ift yet ben secured. He has locked'and barred the doors and windows, and being suppled with fiie arms, he threatens death to any one who shall interfere. An eff ort l ' w.i!l be ma le by the authorises to capture liim to-diy. , Freeman is about 35 years f lii, aud lives with' his wife and family on liis farm at Poccasaet. lie has lived in ."oecisaet about Seven years, and is in moderate circumstances, tie is insane only ou this one subject. runner particulars of the Pocasset, Miss.,traredy 8tate that Freeman, the mail carrier at Pocasset between the railroad sta tioa.aod postoffloe, awoke his wife at 8:3 oclock Thursday morniDg, and tsld ber be must make a sacrifice to the Lord Of msyoungest daughter, lie got up, took tbe child from her bed and subbed ber in the side with a butcher knife, causing her death. His, wjfe said it was all right, arid that Abraham would raise her up next Sunday. Freeman says the child gave Qe scream and died a J minute tenvards. It is stated . that . the N&ood Adventists held a meeting at ... iwKx, vug pauuc ak ic& uvrwu auu Q r .. i . . .-wearea to wish the affair . kept , quiet, A rCemn Mmofl f Ikn na nannl An1 euowed no signs'of insanity. The cause W be terrible" deed appears to be religious excitement alone. Freeman is bow at his residence in charge of Officer Kddinc: and "r. (j. J. Wood, of Poccasset. He in rraed aTeporter that he was told by God j .offer Edith, 'shis youDg and beautiful tighter, as a sacrifice to Him, and that ?e d;d so, as God would not stay his hand. 7 e rJ t0 do His command and He would J,Js'.ify.him in bis act, ; Turf Item. London, May 2, The betting now on fnn? e r"lbe Uaester trades cup is five to Lord ZHiand's bay colt. Flotsam, w yesterday quoted at three to one for fapo n . J t I scratched from the ! 01 entripn l XS11 of fortune has won the race for the Cabinet neetmff. ? mxGTOJi. May4 Ths Cabinet re- iivctl to take decisive action to prevent JejQvasbn of the whites into the Indian Nomiaated, Louisville Kt.. Mar 1 MidnlffhL-' The Democratic State Oonyention met here to day, "It Dominated ! for Governor Dr. "Luke P. Blackburn; Lieutenant Governor, J ames E. Cantrell ; Attorney General, ' P. W. S Harding ;J Auditor1,' Fayette Hewitt Ho other nominations were made,' aod as yet no platform has . been adopted. The ! Convention is still in' Bession.-' ; - (Cincinnati, May 2.-kA Louisville dis- patch to the Enquirer says that the com mittee on resolu'ions reported the follow ing platform, which was adopted unanim. b fci The Democracy ot Kentucky, in con f ehtibtt 'assembled," reaffirm their attach ment to the1 Constitution of the- United Stales and tbe trr. ion of the States as the best guarantee; iof t.ne UDerties rine peopie State Officers rr-r iwthA-miiSMfyJi: rih 'irfttcbmtl vcell'l -'f i tbei power to solemn protest tnapine potmiaT'veraiet'Tir the polls has been reversed' 'by the action of anfE'ectoral Commission, and they de clare that, while in the interest of peac, that result was acquiesced in, yet i t shati not be held ad a precedent for futnre vio lations of right and Justice. Though thus deprived of the control Of execirtive power in the administration of the Federal Gov ernment, they congratulate the people of the country at large that the popular will expressed at the polls has secured the su premacy of the Democratic majority in Congress. r ; . 1 In the further expression of our views we resolve that we have viewed with in tense interest the struggle -between the "Congress of the United States and-the President, and contemplate with unfeigned anxiety and condemnation the unpiece- dented attitude assumed by t,e Executive in his message reepcciicg the supplies ten dered by tb? ; jeople for the support of army unon tho wholesome -condition that no military force should be used at their elections ' - '. , nesoivea, matwe nereoy enaorse me position taken by our Senators and Rep resentatives in Congress in coupling with the appropriation bills now pending a de mand for the redress of grievances by the repeal of the existing laws which tolerate the presence of soldiers at the polls and the continuance of the test oath as a condition for jury service and employment of super visors and deputy marshals to control elec tions. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That we approve of the mea sures 'heretofore adopted to- create a gen eral and efficient system of common school education, and t pledge the 'Democratic party to take - suck steps as from time o time experience may demonstrate to be wise to so perfect the system as to furnish every child in the Slate the means of a fair Euglish education. The basis of representation was changed to one delegate for tw! hundred votes, thus taking off fifty p4r cent- from the size of future con ventihns It was re quired that future prirnsries should be held on the samedaythroughout the State. ' Tbe Mriking 'LongnUoremen.' Nkw Yokk, May 2. Twent-five hun dred longshoremen who went on the strike yesterday morning, were still determined to-day net to resume work at the rates offered. They are peaceful and orderly at the piers of the National, White- Star and Southern Steamship, Companies. Noth ing was doing. A few green hands and a number of sailors werej at work :on the vessels ot. the Anchor Line for Glasgow. The crew of the City of Richmond, of tbe Id man Line, were getting that vessel ready to sail to-morrow. The steamer Wyoming of the Guion lin'e is be ing laden by her seamen and a numb, r of, Italians. , The Scythia of the Cunard Line is being "unloaded ' by men paid by the week and some of her . crew." At Pier 16 the sailors were at work on a vessel of the Anchor Line ; for . L6ndotf. , 1 Bailors were also at work on the Canada Of the French Line which sails to-morrow. Greeh hands are removing the cargo of the Charabell of the Atlas Line which arrived to-day. Some of the vessels which ard advertised to salt to morrow may be delayed by th? strike; i V " Liverpool Cotton Circular ': : I''-'... vZ.r.t .."..1 . tu j LivsRPOoi; Msy 2his' Week' ctrctH lar of the Liverpool pbtton Brokers Asso ciation says : . ' 'Cotton was-! itr Moderate demand early in the week at rather easier prices, but on Tuesday the market was an- hare generally adrancea on American. There was a large business and the price is an eighth, higher. Sj?a island was in gsxxi demand at full prices. All descriptions of futures were quiet till Tuesday, when a very considerable business was done and they advanced 3 16. I On Wednesday they advanced 1 82l-t6d. On Thursday, after some fluctaattng, they closed string with buyers st extreijne prices. The final rates show an advance of 7-324. and If. Arret ofla l orgcr. Richmond, Va... May "2. A man giving bis name as W. HJ Miclitveij and t repre, Benting himself aa a! fruit aud commission merchant o' Philadelphia, was. arrested here ta day. chareed with foreins a draft for two thousand dollars on the ; Qirards national Bank of I Philadelphia, and a check for one ; thousand , dollars on the State Bank of Vinrinia, which he , had given, to parties here in- effecting bogus purchases -of - two . farms. In, one of the ; transactions he ; was; . known aa Jas. : O. Virtue, and representea, nimseit as a re ; tired United, B'atea naval officer. The prisoner was committed. to jail to await the action of the grand jury. ,y. Democratic Caiicus 'c - ' WxshisgtoSv May 2. -The Democrats of the House held a jcancus this afternoon. It contin ud for several hours. Every precaution is being I taken to prevent the publication of the proceedings of the cau cus of tUe Democratic senators also held to-day, and the meqibers are equally reti cent regardingtbeh proceedings. There seems to be "no ' doubt that the " general policy of the Democratic -party tn view of the veto was the subject of very wide and animated discossion, without as yet de finite caucuBction thereon. -' ' ! ' - Comparative Ctwu statement. Nbw York, May j2. The .1 following, is the comparative cotton statement for- the week ending Friday! May IbU - v,i ti -.-f. iS79 ti 1878. Net receipts at all United States , - ports daring tbe weett.;;.,',.. ,033 8,5M Total recieiptato tnlsai.... ..,& S,C43 4,074,14 isxports : or t&e weet . iVi . l ,330 57,8M Total aapons to ttua date...,., 3,182,9! 8 3,993,43 Stock at i01 U. S. portaT. S69.240 4M.S00 If00 interior towns.. s ess ! 4S,49 S'i idK'" etocc of Ameaieaa not for ; New Ttial Dealcd. - Richmond, Va.- May 2. In the case of Poiudexter, convicted of the killing 4f Curtis, : on a motion for a new trial the court overruled all , the grounds submitted by the prisoner's counsel. .- iThe ; execution of the sentence was suspended m order to give the counsel time to prepare papers with a view to taking the case to i the Court of Appeals. : : . , The Veto Endorved. ... k St. LociE.Mo,, May 2. The Republi can State Central Committee, in session at Jefferson City last night, adopted a resolu tion approving President Hayes .ve'd of the army appropriation .bill, and' favoring a thorough organization of the Republican party throughout the State; and declaring Grant their.choice for -President far 188u: 7.n - r-jr, -rr i .rTT ft ; , - - i i " i ii . . . . RiOHstosno, Va., May 2. A dispatch - - . . r. ' j - lie rroin warrenton, V a., says Jfiustace Smith, aged eighteen years, surrendered himself ! to the jailor -there early this morning, stating mat he had shot and killed his father, Bennett Smitiu ,The supposition is that it was his purpose to frighten his father because of cruel treatment and not to kill him. . : : Ilelit for Indictment. Nxw Yokk, May 2. Justice Ottenbourg to day held Cashier Mt rritt of the Metro politan hotel in $1,500 bail to appear be fore the grand jury and answer the charge i rf .Yinfnv Ann W ,(U.'n .lU a htij: doJ'ar bill tendered him by Lemuel .VViJiiaui dr .belonging to the "U.'S. ship Supply. ' . . . r - . l 'lie Nvgro txodttk. . Ph ladklphu, May! 2. A meeting was nekl .lo nny to promote the oolored lm tnigration movement from the South.; The names of several leading citizens appear as endorsers of be; project. l . .v RICHMOND ADVERTISEMENTS. L LADING FIRMS : , .,.v OF THK CITY OF II 1 II M O X D. L - - - With the mo t extraordinary care and faith fuluessoar representative in Richmond has ar ranged a Directory of the leading business houses oi that citr. Parties desinue to transact business with the mo-t r liable Arms in Rich mond woul j do weli to consuls our directory, COATSTN MERCHANTS TOBACCO. HILL, SEOKER & ATKINS, PROPEIETORS OF CENTRE WAREHOUSE, Leaf Tobacco & General Commission Merchants, 1412, 1414, 1416 Cary Street, my?-tf RICHMOND, Va. CHINA, GLASS, ETC. E B TAYLOIt, ISTPORTKR AND DEALER IN China, Glass, O.uccnswarc, and lloiific Fiirnisbin$r Cioods. 1011 Main Street - Richmond, Ta. my2-tf George Gibson,'Jr (Successor to Kellogg A Gibson) Importer and Dealer In Cnina. Olass, Quecnsware arid i House Furnishing Goods, 1207 Kain' Street, - ; Richmond, Ta. njjra-tf r . , ... , ;, . vr,:' , .-'v ; " DRY GOODS WHOLESALE A. L. Ellett & Co, DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, J V lO. 12, and 14 Twlf.h Street, V .RICHMOND, ya, , A. U BLLKTT. , CLAY DRSWST -A A. JUD80N W ATKINS. . 8. B. HCOHE3, HOTELS JaAUllA M fc rilO 1 Jfi Ji; AND BALLARD HOUSE, Corner. 4& and Prank'ia Streets, ;; P.ICS1IOITD, VA. - J. L. CARR1SGT0X, - - Proprietor. Capacity 800.'' Popular prlcea$3.00, 2.50 and , f i.M per day. apris-3m. BOOTS AND SHOES. Wingo, Ellett & ; Crump, i WHOXSSAUt P11LIR8 PI f. Roots, SUoes,. Trtmkjs, Sec. Bichmoud, Ta Re ail Store, 1000 Main Street. myi-tf HELLEE & FLEISHMAN, ' ' ' waousau' vkaubs nr." ! - Bfiots- aad Shes,-. Trunks ; SatcMs, Jtc, 1310 Mala Street, Richmond, Va. 1TTKR HXtl.BR. S. W FLKI3BM AN, my-tf . ROBERTS. BEALL & CO., WHOLES A.LK niiXXBS TH ROOTS, SHOES & TRUNKS, ; 20 Fourteenth St., Kichmond, Ta. CHA3. A. BA'LDWIN. X.. T. JEN I ESS BALDWIN & JENKINS, ' Snoeessors to Hardier, Carltoa A BaUwlm, BOOTS AND SMS, WHOLESALE IS"o, 1321' Main St. ' RICHMOND ADVERTISEMENTS.' j MACHINE SHOPS. . . . ..riT.T;T-Tr T,vWCWHBIFPB.v, ,,...v ASA; o iN i -U li K, 1QQS Gary l f Jiicnmona, va., Asks attentipli to tlie following SPECIALTIES : ArcMfectarai IJVWork.; ! ' , V' Galvanized Iron Work. Scotch tod Americaa Tig Iron. Hyatt's Patent Area Lignts. t 'i-r ; 'ri. :"" , ! - Silicate Paint. . For if tATTat LIGOTS he is a Ucensed mannlactuxer and sella them at "New York prices. ' TUE SII.ICATE PAIKI nas the en dorsement of th Paris Exhibition and the Gov ernments of England and Germany as the best Paint in existence.' t ' apns-dW'ta.- TALjjolT &;,SOPfS, Shockoe Machine Works v MANTJ?ACTUBi;JtS OF i: Bngines and Bollew, Saw Hills, Grist Mills, Shafting, Hangers and Pulleys, Turbine Water Wheels, Tobacco Factory Machinery, Wrought Iron Work, Brass and Iron Castings, ; . ; Ginning and Threshing Engines - . . . A SPECIALTY. . Machinery of Every Description. Bepairing promptly and carefully dons. mr Send for Illnstrated Catalogue. Branch Office, RALEI tl II N. C. STROXACH & ALLCOTT, Manufacturers' Agknts. teuTT-dAw ly PROVISIONS, ETC. T Lee, Seddon & Co., Uork packers and Dealers in Pnmsions Richmond, Va. mjs-tf - 1 . SADDLERY, HARNESS, ETC. S. 8. COTTEELL. W. NEDPORD, : J. C. COTTRI1L. S. S . Cottrell & Co. MANUFACTURER OP Safe, Harness. Collars, Bridles, Etc. i AT WHOLESALE. 1303 main, and 5 South 13tli St., mya tf RICHMOND, Va. . HARDWARE WHOLESALE. WMISS, COTTRELL & 'CO.; IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP . Ilardware &. Saddlery Goods. 1307 MAIM STREET, ItICimOD Ta. twA gents for Fairbauks' Standard Scales. mT2-tf T JEWELRY, WATCHES, ETC JOHN, H, I7LEB 1 CO', ' (Succcraor to MITCH BIX A TYLKR,) . DEALERS XX Diamonds, Spectacles. Etc. Medals and Badge Flaa a Specialty. The old est Jewelry House in the Soutn. No: 1003 MAIN STREET, nrjrt-tf !KIchmond,Va. NOTIONS & HOSIERY. QKO. D. THAXTON. B C. NICHOLAS, msM & Nicholas, JOBBERS OF ' Notions, Hosiery, TOte fcois,: Etc. 12f3 WaJn St.. Richmond, Va. . mys-tf - . ' ; s WOODENWARE, ETC. Cresham & Brown, ! - ; WHOL'SALl CKALXKS t AIX KIKDS OF '.' Woodenware, Willow and Tinware. BopeS, Twines,: Axle-Grease, Paper, jfapperottB, orooms, c. : No. 24 Fourteenth St., Richmond, Va. A.1I.NOTT&CO., ' Wooden, Willow and Tinware in all Varieties.1 Brooms, Ropes, Twines, Paper. Paper Bags, Matches, Black-. inr, Blueing', Percussion Caps, Demi johns, Flasks, Axle-Grease. : Agents w. if. nei uq utaren, ana xuctera Improved Sgg Crates. . , No.iu tourteenui street, . myatf : - Richmond. Va. i ; LEATHER, HIDES, ETC. O.H, Ohalkley &Co. ... ... )f NUFACTTKKKS XSJ DKAUTS8 IX " , leather. , Hides, Oils, Calf ' Skins, Shoe Findings, Etc., and Commission Merchants: Nos. 15 Ss 17 Thirteenth Street, . myatf - RICHMOND, Va. tobacco Manufacturer. U. G. TH0L1A8; . i i MANUFACTURER OF ALL BLINDS OP Plugr. Twist, Granulated and Cat Smoking Tobacco. ; - AMONG wfffCH AKI TBI CC.X5RATXD Royal Arch, r . Uncle Ned. Twist in Buckets. ; . and Grape. .ii. Hob. 321 & 323 soutn iNmtn; at., I . . . . ! T 1 IJICII5IOM, Ta. RICHMOND ADVERTISEMENTS. WINES & LIQUORS WHOLESALE. JCISCKS BIXFOBD. . . . v LUCIEN R TATUM. WALTER D. BLAIR' i CO., "Wines, liauors,, iand Fine1 Groceries, . i i.' " Cigars and Tobacco. - ' : 903 Main St , ' '? EtlOHMOND.Vsw Proprietors ot the 'B Select" Whisky. - RECTIFIERS JLSD WHOLESALE 1323, 1325 ani 1327 CaijSW- RICHMOND, aprr2-3m. DURHAM WHISKY. Laboratort or Stats Assatkb & Chemist, i : ;: '.j. Kichmono, Va., Sept. 7. lbT8.j I haT carefully tested a sample of DURHAM RYJfi WHISK if. selected by myself from the stock ot Messrs. Ellison Harvey, and and it free from adulterations It is an excellent arti cle of whistT. and aitoeether suitaMe :or use aa a oeveraeor meoieme, ... w M . vrr n n m T-v m rtV A XnA. 1 VV. Jti. 1AI JLUii, M, v., oine vnenuau This superior Bye Whisky, now so popular in different sections, sand endorsed ly yer 300 dealers (mauy of them druegisrs)js oifered to the trade upon its merits only. There are many fine whiskies on the market, and we bare nothing to nay a rain at any known brand. , We simply claim the UUKUAM to equal me pest oi mem, aua we are satisfied a trial will convince all judges of this fact - EI..L.ISUN 6c IIAKVf.V; . - aprl-3m.- i Richmond, Va. WHOLESALE Tirgiaia Sculda'Sya Whiskies, ; Pure Apple-andTeici 'Brandies. Kichvond, Vam Marca 25, 18T9. The firm of JENKINS A STJEGAL la this day dissolved oy mutual consent. The buuinefis will ht reafter be conducted by B COURTNEY JKM KINU, under the firm name and style of E. Courtney Jenkins & Co., Who assume all liabilities of the old oucern. K. COTJBTNKt JBSKINS. C. L. STEQAL. In r-tirinff from the Arm of Jenkins A Steiral, as above noticed, I cheerfully commendthe new firm of . UtmitTNit i JJK1NS & CO. to my olil customers, and solicit their continued pat- onage. v. u. siKUAU Richmond, Va., April 8, JS79. Referrinir to above notice we respectfully de sire to ca 1 the atteation of the trade generally to our LARUE and WELL-ASSORTED STOCK OF WINKS AND LIQUORS, on which we offer special inducements to pur. cnaaers.' Thanking our eld friends for the cocfldjace and patronage heretofore steadily given us in our line of business, we assure them that we will use every effort to faithfully merit a contin- nance of the same. 1 ' , E. COURTNEY JENKINS A CO.. ; Distillers' Ag'ta A Wholesale Liquor Merchants 113 soutn jroarteentn street, 'aprls-Sm. Richmond, Va. DEVKiNG & STEELE : 1116 Bain Street, next to Diipateh Office, ; .; Ee8taurant and Billiard Saloon. BEST WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. ONLY THE BEST BRANDS KEPT. Reaoonable-and Fair Dealing. v DRUGGISTS WHOLESALE. ROBT. W. POWBRS. XSOAB D, TATLOK. ....... H. ;W. POWERS JL n ft Wholesale Druggists, 1305Jam St., an!9 TMrteenti St., mys-tf RICHMOND, Va. rurcelly Zadd & Co,9 WHOLESALE PKTJGGISTS, Dfaiera In Palnta. Oils. Dyes. Varalabes. Groceia Drugs. v j . 1216 MAIN STKBTCT, COR. THIRTEENTH, ! RICHMOND, Va. Kerosene OU by the barrel or car loacL ma8-tf - --... m ii J :. 4 n Bishop D. S. Doggett, (Southern Meth.) , It Is au excellent corrective of tndl eestion. . I nave used it with prompt beneficial results, ev. ut. jnao gum, rroi. umv. oi w. v. I concur with Bishon Doireett In his estimate of the Vest Pocket Cure. v ev. Drs. Jeter, Broaddus, Dickluson, (Bap.) . It is endorsed by tne direct personal testimony of men of national fame and of strictness of speech. - It is not too moch to say that no medi cine ever had such support in Its favor as a spe cific The word of anyone of the eminent divines who underwrite tins antidote to dyspepsia has deserved weight. Their united witness, Joined with the experimental use and approval of tbe preparation by well known physicians, removes all doubt. It is beyond iquestien a woaderfni therapeutical agent.. Editors .Religious Herald. Rev. K. JL. Yates, P. B. North Carolina Cohf. It has benefitted me. Send anetber package. Eev. Kl L. Dabney, L.L. Ham. Sid. JoL, Va. cat faculty and the people. It is excellent for i iuauresti3n ana natuient eonc sedative, aonn. nfic, tonic, slightly aperient, without jiausea.' jsauor lucamoua onstian Advocate. This remedy la of tried virtue. I hR.v mi dyspepsia cured completely by ft. It seems to i ha An-flnti!ntJt In mr "VaTirrtl rfiuao. n . rrk. irgTedlents are not kept by the apothecaries ana have been difflcnlt to get. i u, . r rice 25 Cents per Hot tie, . - J BOLD BT ALL DBCOQISTS AMD BT TflXLUMS & HA1W001, and PESCDD. LEE & CO.; marl J4w3moa . , , RALE I GIL ' : f FURNITURE, ETC. r . - j". ; a , jb e x. vi 3sr; FURS 1TUHE DEALER. ' i MANUFACTURES OF ' ' ' ' '' jj jj of Viues and Uoirs. No 18 Governor Street. RICHMOND ADVERTISMENrs!' GROCERS WH'OLESALK. Davenpor t & Morr is, 0305 WHOil8 AI.B DfAi.BK8 1 W 8alV Sagarg. Coffee, Tea. Syrap, Molasses, Bacon, FiouTi Kishj Powder,; A5 nd porter. eoua.. Mirca snap,, vjanuies, i tmacco, anc a le -dine cnicles oi the G.ocerr Trade.' 'ha i . ryPartlcular attention gf.ven to the; filing of orders. :f - : k- 'Hmj-tf .' ' ti i ' u. ijr, ... , v. j.. JJ. Pi Kogers & Co . , Liquor fiercM r&vvesaie W)cer8pn4 105 and 107. Fourteenth StrcJ,! nit I i i ipl TP I i si. ... : 1 Spotts Gibson; - 1- ; i : ft " .- Wholesa'e Grocers J Cof mission Merchants, Nos. 115 A 117 FpurteentK St., ; niCIl-TlOXO, Ta. Wholesale Grocers and4 Luor dealers, OontroUert of th Celebrated "Possum Hoi low.l KirLwood',' and "JacK Baker'' Whiskies. Virginia St, my-tf ' RICHJIOXO, Ta. ESTABLISHED 1853. u A. Y. STOKES & CO. ' . : ' . ." ' ' f r' ; ' 1': Importers, Wholesale Gro cers, Tobacco f M annf Acturers'- Sapplies, and Coihmlslon Mer chant, :'; ' ' '''ii 'it- :-mya-tf; , , IiTCIi;i:03VI, Va. ESTABLISHED 1848. Joseph Pi Winston & Co., , Wholesale Grocersf liquor Dealers, and Gener al , Commission Mer;cbants. Cor. Cary and Fourteenth ts RICU3IOND, Va mys-tf . i , W. JoJmson & Co., Wholesale Grocers Liquor Dealers, ana commission naercnants. j Pearl. Block, Fourteenth St IHC IIMOD, Va. mya-tf flour, meal, etc. l: THE HAXALL-CREKSBAW " COMPANY. u JH AX ALL (MILLS, RICHMOND,1 Va, Flour, my2-tf Meal, and t MHI Feed. -t- DUNLOP & IcCANCE, Merchant IlVtiller's, 1212 EAST CARY STREET, i ' ; ! !my2-tf .RICHMOND,; ! Black Cashmere, Warranted all wooli at M eta., Biaek Cashmere. warranteS all wool, at 60 cents I ' per yard, worth J5c . 1 151act Cashmere, warranted all wool, at 75c. per Black Cashmere, warranted all wool, at 85c per yard, worth L10. - Black Cashmere, warranted all wool, at ' fl per yard, worth ,-f ? . ' , r Coiored CAflhmera. Arra.ntAi1 nil wnnf ot.7ftn nor Colored CajiUmere, warranted all wool. at 75c, per Blact SUks at all prices, arid low .eneugh to suit Black Alpaca at IS, SO, 25, 90, 86, 40, 49, 60, 60, 75c, ! and Si per yard. ' A large assortment of Fan6y Dress Goods from i eye. tot i per yard. i--.--.ii ; . , Underwear for Ladles In great variety, and at i pt Ices to suit erery body, i . A large variety of Goods lor Boys' and Men's r Wean Casslmere at eoa. worth 75c., at 76c i worth $Vat $t worth $L0w , Our White Shirts, made oi genuine Wamtutta : uowon ana pure lnsn Linen, at only hoc.; being I the manufact rers of the Shirts, we guarantee them in every reapect --. -.T Bleached and Unbleached Shirtings and PUlow ; Case.' T -. Cotton Tarn, In all siaes from; 4 to 12, , at $1 per ! bale of 5 pounds. : ,;.r..-,.;; - , Cotton Warp. In all splors,warranted to be the i bcirt manufactured, at tlT5 per bundle ot 6 lba. Best Bleached Ball Knitting Cotton, all numbers i if uiu uj M, u d'c. per pound, -. Best Unbleached Knitting Cotton In Hanks, at 30c per pound. . - - - . Bewlng Machine Needles for all machines ex cept amger ana wucox Ulitm, at 25c. for 10; SiUCer. SOC. for lOl Wilcox h. Olhho. lOn. fnrli) Best Hewing Machine Oil at liic per bottle for . large size. - '. ' - -- t------ Pure Linen Shirt Bosoms at 15c, worth 85c. : A box ot 250 Heavy Envelopes for 40c. A ream of good Note. Paper ior $u Fringes, Gimps, Braids, Buttons and Dress i rruiuuog8..J 1 k h ,-'....!,, . Gloves, Socks and Sto-:klngs In great varieties. Hamburg Edgings abd IimerUnga 20,000 yards Just received from Auction, will be sold much j oelow regular prices. a.t? 'f.i- i ttS -in conclusion we wfll state that we keep the largest and best asserted stock of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions in this State.' all of which we will sell at the lowest, prices ever known, . Terms cash. One price, and no devia- won. . . ; f , MjmU V X IS HOTIl DRS, t , "J ' , 1017 and Main Street. "' " aprl3-3m. - i.v a: t.i Kichmond, Va, IN DURANCE. , NORTH , CAROLINA STATES LIFE InsTxraiico Compah 1 llncorpormted; in 3L8TJ t Autet....'.. 360,370 70 Surpl as to Policy Bolder 175,394 99 Wm M. Ilick. tiee?v. and Tmu Dr. K. Burlu Hayxoood, , Med. Director Prof. E Smith, .., , Advisory Actuary Tu enlV HOKE IAttt Trxmranea rnm n'.. t- Kerth Carouna. One of the most successful Companies of its age to the United States Has already issued between two and three thousand ruu..au iu .ui x anus invested at home among our own people. All losses paid prompt lyandin cash. Rates as low aa those of any first class company.. Has, term dollars of as oets for every dollar ol liabilities. wAgents wanted In every county In the State to rk ivr tius iuo xceuent ana nrmiy estab lished r home i lnatitutioii. .For intonnatloi address . .. .7 K. a STATS LLTK tWSUBXSCX QOJ ' ' mmmam PKQFSSJ3IONAL, CARDS " ; Office in the Pnllen Building, two doora above TarboroHQftiie.1 jjr i i 1 :. apr4-lm . X ; Attorneys-at-Law, r - jWirJiu it? - ti see iU8 9. v '; -.? .. ATI03SXT S COUJiSELLCE AI Li, f RALEIGU.'N O-.-v ' tPracces in the State and FederaT Oourta. PrcmpiaiteoUon to aU professional buaiuesa. Office, 3d Floor U. S. PoatoClce. Baiiaing. vnihaMy. i JOIIX C. TliOY, ATf OBEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, I F YE t TEYILLE, N. C. reclaims collected anywhere in North Caro lina and remittances, promptly made. . Jteiers by permission to Hon. W. N. H. Smith, Chief Justice Supreme Court. Hon. B. P. B ax ton, and Mesars. Merrimon, Fuller & Ahe. . mh'9-6m. !' s' v. - ' . ! i W.S.Mason.- T. PrPfcvEux. iVttornys at HiO.v, ; ' , Eoom J?o. 4, Bagley BuUdiiig,1 ' ; Cor. layetteville and Martin Streets, ' rt ieicii, n. c. P actice In all the Courts, fctate and FedtraL mch7-tf - , ! . i , ; ; JAHS01V4LABiE, : ,v : , Tayldrsvillei N. C. : - WUl- practice la the Courts of Alexander and adjoining Counties. " rarSpecUU attention given to collections ra all parts of the State.i mchil-3m JAtOIS 15 - , eonnscllor and Attorney at Law. UOCKY MOUNT, Pf. CM Will be In Nashville every Monday fromra. in. to 2 p. m. C1R01TT Nash, Edgecombe and 'Wilson. declT-6napd .. Jg W. T132BERL,AKE, Circuit Warren. : Franklin, Wake, Granville, Nash and ae27-iy. S . C. HARRIS, RALEIOII, X. C. Office South of Court Uocsb in oij Sknti kkl Build tNO.i Practices In all the Courts of the State. sn.pt a-tf j - k. Ciwix. .TTOPwlTEY-AT-LAW," Practices in State and Federal Courts. Collec- itions promptly made. auu 9-tf JOHN M. If ORINO, IALFRKD M. MORINS, I Of Orange. ui cnatnam. jyORl & MOR1XG, Attorneys at Law, DURIIA91, N, C. rAll business entrusted to them will receive prompt attention;-, teWi ns-ly. Id T. GRAY. L S. R. STAMPS. Gr1 RAY & STAMPS, Attorneys at Law, RALEIGH, M. C. !r?erer, to t!1 . iOliectlO the Banks and business men of :my-iy.iHl- ; - It. GOttpON, ) Attorney at Law, Currituck Court House, N. C. JanlT-tt. , p Mi A R C O Attorney at Law, ITiACTICE&IN ANY COURT. Office I in Building two doors above Yarboro House, 4'areiteillle Street, Baleign, N'.O. Janlr; r ; ' H-vA. GlLMAM, !, . . dOEM GATLIjlS ! GILLIAM ;&;OATtINa,, AT T O R K IV A T L A V. ! . ' RALEIGH, NC i r, , Fhsctice in State and . Federal r Cotuts. A. S. MIRKIMCK. TEOS.C. rUXLZB. 8. A. ASUS j AttomeyS atld OOH&SSllorS at LaW, ' BAIiKIGIIf N, . . Practice in the Bute and Federal Courts wlier . -. . ever their services mav be reaulred. ; -necaotr- t. X. 9 UEDBOI. l Attorney1 at Law, a RALEIGH, N. a Practice In State and Federal Courts. . fSDeclal attention rtven to the coDecUoh of i claims and the settlement of estates.: - .; : Office to AD AUS' BUJXDIKG, corner Martin and Wilmington streets. ' - Janl-ly "Wilsiingtozi, N. 0 Business Cards.' " ' ' ' '- ) - 1 - " "i i I i . l ' BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETP. ; P. nKINSBERpsr.-.v;T.-.-.S and 41 Market st.' " ' 1 'CrtMMTSRTATJ "MTJTR flTT A NTS wbKTHA rW6KTn.its..t.k..;:;.U.Water st. KBUHJ(BB CAXJJKKBBOS...... .Water St. cotton dealers; s tLLLT BEOTHEK.. i ....iiJWaler st. ' TTJRNITTJRE '- " ' -F. A. SCHTJTTB. .... ."..aa and 28 South Front st. , GROCTlRS-r-Wliolesa3e and BetaJl. ' ADRIAN & VOLLKRS. . !Cor. Dock 4 Front sts. GBO. MYBH8....i i.., 11 and 18 South Front st. JOHM C.ILKYgR.,..;....;(...Morth Water st. " HARDWAKEr SASH BUNDS, &c. ; N. JACOBI... .., ,. ,.io South Front st. c ; PERUVIAN GUANO. W. H. JIcHART 3t CO. ..i'i .... .V. .'Water st. , SADDLES, HARNESS, ETC. winery, - (-; w. y Great Britain......,.. ; UXJX j S04.00S If ALT, A KD M BOWDEN......8, Sooth Front st , apnd3m myS-d6t-w&mos mja ; RICHMOND, Va. r tbie-tf . , .i. . : i , ... , .7. ; . ' - lew-iy. 1 ' ; ' -' . .Li-- J el i t 'I. I-.., i