-. J i ". V - . ., - - - - . . . ' ' 'J '. y-' - - , j - . , ,,, , ,.- ,., , , , i 1"" p t P. M. UALK. publtahed D Uy (exceptjklondaj) and Weekly. 'iuTB" SuHHUKiri'IOH IH ASTAMCl. . oHT, one year, nwU postpaid, $ 8 00 atx momliB " ': ...... . 4 00 m diree " - on Jcar mAl1 POs'Pald,"".... 00 .. uiwitns, M ' , ' , 1 00 Trt su'riberB The obaerrer will be d ,1Tyred daily nt twenty centa per week; aeTen 4e oeucis per month .wo dollars fortnree nonwia. . TELEGRAPH. KKI'Oi'TKD BT THK A.SHOOIATKD t FEKSfl. J rOR?Y-SHTB CONGRESS. Washington, May 14--tSbnatb. Mr, notice of hia Intentirm tn inf rr. ,ipo ft hill DroDoaimr to orsranlze the Tn . UUW . t , dian Territory, mto a State, and providing for US auuiisoiuu iuiaj mc u uiuo. ' ilia ,resolutiod making inquiry as to whether -1 ik T;AM : 1 -2 1 . any pari ui.iuc xuumu xcnituijr uau ueeu nurcbased by the United States -with a view of. locating "Indians or freedmen tiiorwin was aiTreed to. V,-'--- Tne Senate resumed the consideration of the legislative, executive ana judicial ap- nrnnrifttion bilL Air. Kernan addressed the Senate advo cating tne repeal pi toe test oath and in opposition to the use of the army at elec tions. . - .. . , ,i..:: - ment for paying the arrearages of pensions, with that Dortion of the ten million nf Hnl. lars in the Treasury kept as a special fund I or me reucujpnuu ui intutiuatu currency. Hnnsg. After the nasuvura nf thn -Mil allowing the expenditures for the purchase of sites in connection with the improve ment of the Kentucky and Ureat Kana wha rivers, Mr. Warner,' of Ohio, at. tempted to have his silver bill considered ; but failing to obtain the necessary two thirds vote, the business of the morning hour was taken up at 12.05, being a bill in regard to tne xranster 01 cases from State to Federal Courts. : After the morning hour the silver bill was taken up and discussed until adjourn ment. A. iote will probably be taken - to iiXorrow. , - ConsrcMional Committee. Washisgtos, May 14. The House Committee on Revolutionary Pensions to day agreed to ifeport favorably on Mr. Dibrell's bill to prevent the withholding of d pensions from pensioners under! the act of March. 187S. Tbe obiect of the hill 5a tn prevent the withholding of pensions from J laitsc w;ju uavt- uccu reaiureu 10 me pen bioo roll and then dropped on the charge of disloyalty. j- Chairmaa Bruce has called a meeting of the select Senate committee on the Freed riiau's liihk for next Tuesday, when the Commissioners in charge of the affairs of that" insolvent institution will lay before the committee a detailed account of their management and personally respond to "cognate inquiries. The committee intend to apply to the Senate at an early day for au thority to sit during thefecess,and also for .sundry powers not explicitly conferred by the resolution under which the general in vest igition was originally ordered. ?lr. IleecUer 1ft ITlmpUI. New YoKif, May 13. A Memphis spe cial says Henry Ward Beecher waa greet ed by an audience of 4,000 people at his lecture in the Exposition building last Dight. lie waa presented to the i meeting by Mr. Keating, of the Appeal, and his ecture waa frequently interrupted by ap plause. w ' : s r M its close Mr, Beecher presented Mr. Keating With a check for $250 to be by him distributed between the Orphan Asy lums of Memphis, Chattanooga and At-, hnta.. Engagements have been cancelled, and Mr. Betcaer will return to Brooklyn on account of physical inability to fulfil Ihem. 'While in Memphis Mr. Beecher has been treated wi'h the utmost respect, and his coming was 4he occasion of excursion trains being put on all the roads leading iaio Memphis, and all were crowded with people from West Tennessee, flortli Miss issippi, N rtu Alabama and Arkansas. 'I lie xotluM. St. Louis, May 14. The officers of the steamboat companies having , head 1 wrters in this city, and . the officers of bii-amers plying between here and New Or leans, deny having refused transportation tu colored refugees whenever the latter had ,iuuuey to pay their passage.- - They also d,uy that there has been any generally ex pressed disposition, on the part of mer ehanw and planters to withdraw patronage M 'ui the boaS which carry emigrants. 1 ins h.s been done in a few instances, but the dvs'iK" m prevent negroes from leaving the S nth is cbaoging, and now the planters u ii )4 seemto care whether they leave or 11 i riief officers of the latest arrived - -j nuo UUli UOUVU OU IUC WttJT "y n-y negroes, and do not believe there sroes, and do not believe there Hie any suc'o, numbers of refugees on the -s us b is been suted. They further . u!t; exciienwnt is fast dying out; and .win c. jse altogether in a short time, i 1 j foreign Iteiuv, : I'AKia, May 14; The Journal De Be--M siys; "Oa the attitude of England "'" the Greek 1 question may depend the omtinuance of that mutual confidence wuich has hitherto marked the relations of r ranee and England." ' '; fl0MBAY, May 14. There was a great conflagration last night at Pocuah, an im Prtalt government and military centre, e'guty miles southeast of this city. The government school,: Boodwar police, the aw courts, postofflce, police: office and "y mouses were completely destroyed. 1 ue fire has since been extinguished. -1 m l ' 1 . " . Xtoe Tnrr.- 1 r Lssington, Kti, May 14. The weather continues fine and the track is in excellent 'tuer.. The first purse, $200, one mile uasa. Peru 1, Glendalia 2, Checkmate 3 ; time 1:44. The contest between Petu and Glendalia was close at. the finish and was on by a length. ' y;. :,...;..- V t Second-Eace. A selling of one mile and garter. Eight starters. Enquirer 1, I'nlliantlne 2, Dunkirk 3, Crosslet 0, yPPle 0, fehelton 0. Caliaula 0. Chief 0 : "e 3:ii.; Caligula was a great favorite 10 the pools. - ' -''".- '; ; ' Jabea Corpu Writ Ilel uwed. t H10HMOND, Va', May 14. In the Uni hnf ates Circuit Court to-day, a writ of corpus. iu the miscegenation case of me negro Edmund TTirinPw anrl thA whitA joman Mary HalL 'no confined In the nmvtK-,ary for a violatiQ of e Statute Fombuing the inter-marriage of races was that , , uub6 . vj mo KIVUUU Si - United 8tales Court have no ju- over questions 01 marriage.: - Episcopal Convention. jjlma,... May 14.The: Episcopal Jjned at-Oreeushoro to-day. Bishop Wil rif5 Riding. , The - attendance . both 'tticalj and lay, was unusually large. 1 he .session wUl last four days. ; iV; ;V; ; j z . .'. , V C , ... l IV V I XVV. aW . i . I A-iT . JVl iJ - tfJ "IBB- 1 a --ibf w .x i , '"I I f - (U VOL. 5. Helping the Crops. 4 St. Louis, May 14. Heavy rains pre vailed over a considerable extent nf tprri- tory west of here yesterday, benefitting ) "LOTTERIES, 9th: GRAND DISTRIBUTION CfflEai lislrihlisa Co., nS?nl!Jj Acornmonwealth of Kentucky. STiSSf nnder rapervl8toii of prom- ville on - ""ji " ci vi iui- Saturday, May 31st, 1879. NO SCALING ! NO POSTPONEMENT I PRIZES PAID IJV InCashf DISTRIBUTED TICKETS ONLY ft 2. : Unparalleled Success of the Popular Drawings. Read tne following attractive list of prizes for the MAT DRAWING : 1 Prize.. S30.000 loo rvs $io eTi $10,000 200 P'z'g 60 10,000 600P''a SO " iQnnn 1 Prize... 10,000 i mze k nnn 10 $1,000 10,000 so pi. $6bo eS5h 'fie.oboT ' iW u'wu r-nzes duo eacn, Approximation Prizes $2,700. Prtzea$200 each, Approximation Prizes $1,800 Prizes $100 each, ApproxlmaUoa Prizes S 900 1.960 IIO A Ail mole Tickets, $2. Half Tickets, $1. 27 Tickets, $50. 55 Tickets, $1(H). Remit hv Pnat (imo j letter, bank draft, or express. Pull list or draw ing pnbllshecl to Louisville Cmirier-Jmu nal and New Yftft Hrrnltl anA m.na.1 .n Mit m.i... S,9ldAr.8AXL tlcket8 an(1 information address COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION Cot, or Building, Louisville, Ky. . mV-d-l-a4t-S-in1!t-1K17-QnOi 01 ot an " in BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Q.EO. II. UAIOU, I -mm. BOOKSELLER A D STATIONER, MARKET SQUARE, FAYETTE VILLIE N C Keeps constantly on hand a fall supply of BIBLTES, , PRAYKR AND ' . HYMN BOOKS, AND ALL - ' - - SCII OO .Li M OOIC S . in general use. ; A 'FULL A8SOKTMIKT Of WRITING PAPERS. ENVELOPES. BOX PA ' ' peteries, pens, inks, Pencils, FANCY ARTICLES, . . WORK BOXES, , ? WRITING DESKS, AC., AC,, ftC Orders solicited, and any book mailed, postage paid, on receipt of the catalogue price. Orders for music promptly attended to JanM-t . . ... E. J. HALE & SON, ; , ' PUBLISHERS, lESUSdTIOMS, 17 Murray Street; 4. " XsTE-T YORK, INVITE ORDERS FOR ... fi . - ,-. ' t ' OF THEIR OWN PUBLICATION .'.!','..': : : ; y AND FOR ALL OTHXlt SCHOOL, MISOTlT.LATreOTJS AND' STAlfolRD BOOKS, !' ; AND FOB ALL KINDS OF - ' BTAPIiB , CTATIOITSS.T. WRITING PAPERSj Cap, Letter, Note and . ' , other sizes. BLANK BOOKS, of all grades. I ENVELOPES, of all sizes and colors and qualities, h. T t SCHOOL SLATES, best quality, all sizes. SLATE AND LEAD PENCILS, i i PENS, INKS, MUCILAGE, Ac. 4a Those who favor us with their orders, bj mai or in person, may rely upon having them filled promptly, and at prices which we believe to be quite as low as can be had tn this rn.art.et. E.' J. HALE & SON, rUBUgHKBa,B00X8XXLXB8 AND STATIONXRS, i,...s. ;., 5, v , ;T Murray Street. New ynr;.v; THE ANGEL IN THE ClOUD Vj C NEW EDITION. rrjE HAVE JUST PUBLISHED A NEW jfV EDITION of this celebrated POEM, bj the late Edwin W. Fuller, with tht addi tion of a MEMOIR and PORTRAIT OF THE AUTHOR, and a number of smaller Poems not heretofore published. ' ; " " Price, in nandsome cloth,' berbled boardp, tl.50. GntSdge,f3.00. ' 1 ' i Ortlers solicited. K. J HALS SON - max nJtx 1 11 xvraj saeet, Hew Yort. : $112,400 ' - VVV. y , . I klO ' ' : ' Oil J , ytyk XJ lj ,U" . W a - ' I Va.-! ' " OneBouareninchloned...... 1. oo ill 1 - -.r 1 . ............. i . ... . .... ,...,.....,. M f . t 1 . , ... foar i.i ' RALEIGH, N. COURT NOTICE. NfSSSfe. Superior. Court - - JSAECH S9, 1379. Before CHA8.D. UP CHURCH, Esq ,. VI -JJ'Ti rl 'fr- Clerk. Anarew svme, AamT a b. n.q ox w, a. uacson, aec'U, Against Lula Wvnna.pt ala uv virtue of an order In the above action, on June vd next, at .2 o'clock m , we will Proceed to sell at public outcry, to the high est bidder, at the Court House door in Rale&h. tne lot oi land mentioned In the pleadings, sit- "v" " liuiwnrai cumeioi rfones and Har rington streets, and adjoining the lots of J. W Crowder and others. ., v TERMS OF THE SALE.One-fonrth cash ; balance In one, tvo and three years. Titte re tained until fan payment of purchase money W. S. MASON, ' ANDREW 8YME, Commlasioners. Sale postponed for want of bidders. ; myl-im. . . ,: g CERTIFICATE FOR (40) FORTY SHARES J. of the capital stock of the Wilmington A Raleigh Railroad Company, (now the Wilming ton A Weldon Railroad Company) numbered; 1097, and standing In the name of B. F. Moore J has been lost. . Notice is hereby given that we, the executor of the said B F. Moore, shall apply to the Presi dent and Directors of the said Wilmington A Weldon Railroad Company for the Issue to us of a duplicate certificate for Bald shares. The public is hereby warned not ta buy or to trade for the said lost certificate. JOHN GATLING, B. F. MOORE, V.B.MOORE, . Executors of B.F. Mo jre, Deceased. Raleigh, N. C, April 19, 1879. apl 81-d4w. BUSINESS CARDS. 1 1 ANTHONY PAPE. ; C. A. MAX WIEHLE. WHEELER PAPE & CO., V v : WHOLESALE Druggists & Chemists,, 439 MARKET STREET, ap3-d6m PHILADELPHIA. JOHN AIliTlSTKONC, Bookseller. Statioaer. Xvrie Dealer, AND Blank Book Manufacturer. Orders for School Books Solicited. at FayettemUe St., opposite UtateNat. Batik, ItALiEKJH, N. C OCt 16-ly ,r W. B. MEAEES. Jr., of Nortn Carolina WITH BD"v7I2T BATED & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF GLOTHIMG at WHOLESALE 507 and o09 Broadway, NEW YORK. nr-Qoods manufactured exclusively for the NOIJXIIKItN TRADE. JanT-ly-pd. FOR SALE MORTGAGE SALE. BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER CONTAINED in the Deed of Mortgage, registered in Book 4. Rt nacrp 41R. nf thA 'Rptrtator'. ntfloa f U'.b county. I will sell at the Court House door in Monday, the 9th Dar ef June. 1879. The HOUSE AND LOT on Dawson street, la the vi.j ui a.iiciku, wuere dun. a. ureen now re sides, containing about one-half an acre. DAN'L G. FOWLE. . Mortgagee. Raleigh, May 7, 1879. my8-im. MORTGAGE SALE. BY VIRTUE OF A mortsrage deed executed to me by Burt Whltaker and wife, on the 8th day of March, 1873, 1 will sell at public outcry, at the Court House door, in the city of Raleigh, on Monday, the 3d day of June, 1879, at 18 o'clect m., a house ami lot m the Western Ward of the city of ia.iciKii, va ine AByium roaa. adjoining tne lands of W. H. A R. S. Tucker. J. H. Greerf and others, containing about X of an acre. Terms of sale, cash.- W. W. WHITE, Mortgagee. II IN 3D A LB A DETERETJX, Attorneys for Mortgagee. Raleigh, May 8, 1879. mys-lmo WOOD and LUMBER IN ALL QTJALITIKS AND PRICES, IN KEEP . ING WITH THE TIMES, AT WHITAKER'S YARD, u. Harcett Street Station. mh7-3m. . . . . Y. ... Sweet; Potato . Plantings wenty thousand SWEET POTATO ?L1P3 jpf the finest quality, now ready to set out. Apply to ' C. L. HARRIS, I. O. 5x: 338." apr27-tf. . Raleigh, N. C. ' I 'DiE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE 1 a Cotton Factory in Gaston county, N. C. on the South Fork of the Catawba River. The property Is well Improved. The fall of water on the shoal is about v5 feet, fourteen of which is utilized. The mill is run by a sixty-six inch Turbine wheel oi the most Improved make and will give sufficient power to run 9,000 spindles and preparation, together with twisting machin ery for same. Picker is in a house 100 feet from Mill, and is run by a 26 inch Turbine of as good make. The mill Is not stopped once In ten years by high water. The power could be im proved to run 100,000 spindles and preparation. Three different railroads within easy distance. Long hauls saved. Cotton grown abundantly by planters in the vicinity. On the property is a Grist and Flour Mill, Together with Saw Mill and Gin. Also all nces Bary tenement houses, and cotton house, store and barn. - The mill consists of about 3.000 spindles and preparation for making warps and skein, either single or double, Terms Half cash, and balance in three, four, and five years' time, with interest at I per cent, per annunM Ot will sell one-fourth, one-hair, or three-fourths and retain balance; or will lease for an indefinite period to a saUa'actory party. , .;. , For further particulars call on or address J. H. WILSON, Jr., Oastonia, Gaston countv. N. C. Building a good brick one, and will hold 6,000 spindles. - . aprt-fimos B31CK & RUB3LE STOSE FOB SALE I AM ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF Di rectors to sell at lowest martet price, for cash, any bricks or rubble stone belonging to this Institution. Any person wishing to buy either brick or stone will please call at this office.?: - : W. J. HICKS. Architect and Warden North Carolina State Penitentiary, . ap24-lnx FOR JALE. Sr ATLANTIC AND NORTH CARO- ilfUUV, Una First Mortgage Eight Per Cent Bonds. - ' ; . - Apply at Citizen's National Bank to ' ' aprao-im -; - W. jb. ANDERSON, v mm mm m C, THURSDAY, MAY. 15, 1879. RICHMOND ADVERTISEMENTS. DURHAM WHISKY. Laboratory of Statk Assateh A Chemist, 1 Richmond, Va., Sept. 7, 1878. I have carefully tested a sample of DURHAM RYE WHISKY, elected by myself from the stock of Messrs. Ellison A Harvev. and fl n it free from adulterations. It is an excellent arti cle of whisky, and altogether suitable for use as a Devera?e or meaicme. ? W. H. TAYLOR, M. D State Chemist. This superior Rye; Whisky, now so popular in aurerent sections, ara endorsed by ever 300 aeaiers (many oi tnem aruggisw),is offered to the trade upon its merits only. There are many fine wmsKies on tne market, anu we nave DOtning to say against any known brand. ?- We simsl claim the DURHAM to equal the best of them, and we are satisfied a trial will convince mil Judges of apria-3m. .....,Riclumoiid, Va, D.OJAVISWGO. RECTIFIERS AND WHOLESALE .1323, 1325 anJ 1327 Cary Street RICHMOND, VA. aprl2-3m. . : ' ' Bishop D. S. Doggett, (Southern Meth.) It is an excellent corrective of Indigestion. I nave used it with prompt benefl cial results, Rev. Dr. Mangum, Prof. Univ. of N. C. . I concur with Bishop Doggett in his estimate of the Vest Pocket Cure. wev. Drs. Jeter, Broaddus, Dickinson, (Bap.) It is endorsed by the direct personal testimony of men of national fame and of strictness of speech. It is not too much to say that no medi cine ever had such support in its favor as- a spe cific. The word of any one of the eminent divines who underwrite this antidote to dyspepsia has deserved weight. Their united witness, joined wlthithe experimental use acd approval of the preparation by well known physicians, removes all doubt. It is beyond question a wonderful therapeutical agent. Editors Religious Herald, Rev. E. A. Yates, P. E. North Carolina Conf. It has benefitted me. Send another package. Rev. R. L. Dabney. L.L. D, Ham. Sid. kl., Va. It is highly esteemed here oy the regular medi cal faculty and the people. It is excellent for in digest i an and flatulent colic sedative, sopo rific, tonic, slightly aperient, without nausea. Editor Richmond Christian Advocate. This remedy is of tried virtue. I have Been dyspepsia cured completely by it. It seems to be an antidote to our "National disease." The ingredient are not kept by the apothecaries and have been difficult to get. Price 25 Cents per Sottlc, 80LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND BY WILLIAMS & RA1W000, TESCUD. LEE & CO.. : and marl4-dAw3mos RAK.EICJH SEE WHAT A LARGE QUANTITY OF GOODS CAR BE HAD For a Little Money. BUNTINGS at 12), 16&, 22, 25, 30J55 and 60c. a BLACK CASHMERE at 16, 85, 40, 50. 60. 65. 75, 85, 9 ?c., 1 and $1.25 per yard the cheapest ever offered. BLACK SILKS it 75. 93, $', $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2, and up to $3 per y d; good bargains in all prices. BLACK ALPACAS at lav lfi' n so axn and up to $1 per yard ; never were as low. BLACK ORENADINES at 6, 10, 20, S5. BOc., and up to $1 per yard; great sac ti flees will be made. A large lot of FANCY .GRENADINES at 6, 10, 12 and 15c a yard, i PRINTED CAMBRICS, superior quality, at 8c. per yard, worth 12c. DRESS GOOD3 in great variety at 6. 8, 10 auu 'axe. per vara. t LAWNS in great variety at the lowest prices. WHITE QUILTS at4u, 75c., SI, $1.25, $2 and $2.50. MARSEILLES QUILTS at $2.60 worth $4, at $3.50 worth $5, at $5 worth $8. OIL-CLOTH, two yards wide, At 75c. a yard, worth tl 5 OIL-CLOTH, one yard wide, at 85c. a yard. "Witt, itiiu-juiiUK., ana fancy matting at extremely low prices; also, great bargains in CARPETS. . . GENTLEMEN'S WHITE SHIRTS good cotton and pure Irish linen at 50c., worth 75c GENTLEMEN'S WHITE SHIRTS Wamsutta cotton and pure Irish linen, at 90c. worth $1.60. LADIES' UNDERWEAR of every description at extremely low prices. We offer extraordina ordinary inducements in this line. Wc have lfLfilAA 111 t.h 1 a rlanortmant frt mai n n- otm ami PURSUNEN TABLE-CLOTH3,twoyardslofag, WHITE and TURKEY-RED D0IUE3 at 80c. per dozen, worth 75c. SILK SHIRTS for gentlemen.at $1.50, worth $2.50. INKN COLLARS and CUFFS at JOc. a set, worth 5fc. , . i COLORED EMBROIDERED COLLARS at Sc. farmerly sold at 25c. RUBBER DKESSING-COMBS at 5c. worth 18c, tioe, worth 25c, at 15c .worth 4J, at 25 worth CARPET-WARP, best quality, in all numbers. CORSETS In all qualities at the lowest prices UMBRELLAS and PARASOLS direct from the manufacturers. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS In great variety at the lowest prices. A large assort ment of LACE and SILK SCARFS, . BOWS, and HANDKERCHIEFS, at i i LEVY BICUT1IERS. !'" I 1017 and iei9 Main Street. Jt . aprl2 3m. j Kichmond, Va. EXCHANGE HOTEL V.vV AND .,:x::-yVr: BALLARD HO JSE, Corner 14th and Franklin Streets, J. L. CARRIXGTOX, Proprietor. Capacity S00. Popular prices $3.00, $2.50 and $3.80 per day. - aprl2-3m. CHAS. A. BALDWIN. ; WX. F. JKNKXN8 BALDWIN & JENKINS, 1 Successors to Gardner, Carltoa A Baldwin, BOOTi AND SHOES, WHOLESALE, ' JVo, 1321 Main St;. KICIIUOXD, VA, ap!2d?m ; MISCELLANEOUS. PDRGELL HOUSE. JKORFOLfi, TA. B. T. JAMES, -Proprietor. Rooms elegantly furnished, Passenger Elevator... . . RATES I '"' ' '" nr-a-soand 'i.OQ per day. according to location, : ; ' "!'? ' s-Jn-iy 1,11111 RICHMOND ADVERTISEMENTS. TALBOTT & SONS, Shockoe Machine Works :. . RICHMOND, -VIRGINIAi V'- -.V MANUFACTURERS OF Engines and Boilers, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Shafting.Hangers and Pulleys, Turbine Water Wheels, Tobacco Factory Machinery, Wrought Iron Work, Brass and Iron Castings, . j Ginning and Thresnirig Engines y A SPECIALTY. . .. ' ;, ' M achinery of Every Description. Repairing promptly and carefully done, sv-Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Branch Office, It AL EIG Ht N. C. STRONACII & AL.L.COTT, i Mancfactukkrs' Agents. itT!Hlw 1 y INSURANCE. NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE Insurance Gompany . Incorporated in 18raJ ! . RALEIGH. N. C. AMCtV. S6'.270 70 SarpI u to Policy Iloldcrv 175,394 29 Jr. JJ, Cameron. President W. B. Anderson, Vice-President W. H. Hicks, i bec'y. and Treas Dr. E. Burke Havwood. MmL ftw Prof. E a. Smith, Advisory Actuary 1utOH.lv HniTB f.1fA InnromB r'nmnDm In North ( Ifirn! i ri it . rinA rvf thA mn.f . n ...... .,n i , .ur V'. lilt. lUVDf .UVWJOIUi Companies of its age in the United States. Has already issued between two and three thousand nnlliiina All a. J . . . z . . I""". An ui ilw iuiiub invested ai nome among our own people. All losses paid prompt Iv and in cash. Rates as law & thnu nf &n. first clags company. Has thrkb dollars of as- oew ior every dollar oi uaDUiues. wAgents wanted in every county in the State to i ..... v. ; . , , j ., , , . it. iu ium moot eiceiieui. ana urmiy estai tlSbed home institlltina. For infnrmatioi address j N . O. STATE LIFE I NK (TRANCE CO., :i t i Hsleiiyn. N. ("! FRED. A. OLDS, wrrn- Cameron, Hoy & Co, Office over Citizens' National Bank. " Special Aent FOR ' . RALEIGH, Xm C., For the omnnnl8 Cameron. II ni A rn a.vvrA T 4 w. J . U . . tlsement. - ' prI6-Smos GAMEROH, HAY & CO., . ' GESEUAL . Firs taw U. Office, Citizens' Natl Bank Building, i RALEIGH, IV. C. 1 Total Assets BejreseiM $96,001,000 AnOtl IT thA CnmnanlAa roniaonntnJ a P - - -f..vu v va vovuiwa ate Virginia Fire and Marine Ins. Co. Liverpool and London and Globe. i-aui jire ana Marine Ina. Co. Home Insurance Co. of New Yora,' Seaboard Piro Inmirnnpa rv. London Assurance Corporation. namDurg-areinen Insurance Co., of irermnnv. . ;-- Royal Fire Ins. Co., of LiTerpoel. "Special attention given to the insurance of Cotton, storedor , transit, and to Mills, Faeto- ues, c deo29-tf. PRINTING. 1 CIRCULARS, COMHENCBMENr PEOGBAMMES SOCfI2TT INTITATIOXS, sreaiAMiEa! Our extensive and varied assortment of type, perfect printing presses, fresh papers, and prac tical knowledge of the wort enable us to offer special inducements for all manner of , School Printing I We continue to execute in the very latest style. Letter and Sote Heads, , . Bill flead. Memorandums, Cards Circulars, Posters, Dodgers, Tags, Ac, AS WTKLL AS AIX CLA88K8 OF -- .' BOOK & PAMPHLET PBINTINQ. Our Book-Bindery is complete, and ' we make to order LEDGERS, DAY BOOKS, : r BLOTTERS, PASS BOOKS, Or anything else in that line from the largest to the smallest. ... . . ; FT! A RSOU'S .. LAW LECTURES Subscribers are comrng in every- day to 'this valuable wo SOW IN PKIXs. It will be ready for delivery about 1st July or August. Send in your orders at once. Puica $5.oo per volume. Every I-awyer, and Law student, and Magistrate in the State should have a copy; , ! A COMPLETE STOCK OP : -:- ' - LEGAL-BLANKS ALWAYS ON HAND, OF LATEST PORM. 2 EDTflKDS. BR0UGHT0X & CO., I - " . - Printers and Binders,- Scboo Data topes jNO. 116. PROFESSIONAL! CARDS. rj :f, JR. PURVELL, ATTORNET & COUHSliLOR AT LAW CTTractices In the State and Federal Courts. ATompt attention to ail professional business. . , imrat ly. ?. ; , jAttorae3rs-ajfc-Law I Jt IjJEI gh, n. c. ' Practice- in the Courts of the State and id the jreaerai uourts. v- , j apr3tf TOON C. TROIT, ATTOEflET & CODNSEiLOR AT LAW A InriliVAL.LfSj N. U. v r DTCllimB collented &nwhrA tn Tnrth rWn- lina and remittances promptiir made. ? itciniii iKTriiiiiuiiiiii ua nun. w . nt t-i Mmirn Chief Justice Supreme Court,! Hon. R. P. Box- uu, uiu jkcbbtb. (iicrruauii, f uuer A ABae. ) r mh2-6m. ; : .-. . i . b W. s. mason. ! t. P. Dkvxkiux. ASOV&DEVEREUX, Attorneys art Lawi Room No. 4, Bagiey puUding, J j ' ' Cot. Payetteville and Hkrtin Btreeta, P. actlce in all the Courts, btate and Federal. mChlitf .- - , . j ATTOHMET aid COU W TaylorsTille, N. C. Will practice in the Courts f Alexander and adjoining Counties. t WSpeclal attention given tb collections in all parts of the State. j . - t mchll-3m JAtOB BATTJLE Counsellor and Attorney at ! Law. : ROCKY MOUNT. N. C, Will be in Nashville every Monday from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. CIRCUIT Nashi Edgecombe and Wilson. decl7-6mpd j Jg W. TmUERLAKE, AUorney and Cosnsellor at Ls.w, Circuit ; Franklin, Wake, Granville, Nash and Warren.' se27-ly. J. C. Li. HARRIS, ATTORNEY-AE-LAW, RALEIGH, . C. (Omci South of Cotjbt Houk in old Ssnti- NKIi B0IU)INO4 -Practices in all the Courts of the State. septS5-tf w. B.GWYN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, .. A8H rLLEi. IV. C i Practices in State and ' Federal' Courts. Collec - tions promptly made, aug -tf i JOHN M. MOKIKO, I I AXtFBXD M. MOKIKO, j I . ! Of Orange. ; uicinatnam, jyORING & MOR1NG, Attorneys at Law, DURIIA91, U. C. iar"All business entrusted to them will receive prompt attention. febSS T9-ly, R. T. GRAY. . R. STAMPS. GRAY &. STAMPS, Attorneys ctt Law, RALEIGH, -fll. CJ. tw Refer to the Banks and' business men of Raleigh. i tw Collections promptly attend e toi mya-lv.jxi .. ; w, R. GORDON,! ' . ..... i . ...i ,- Attorney at Law. J3. Currituck Court Honse, K. C. janl7-4J i i . . T. ,M A R C O Attorney at Law IVV ItACllCES IN ANY COURT. O dice in iSodding two doori above Tarboro aoa&e, .-av i eiue Street, Kieirn.N.U U. A. GlL'.l AM. ' I i JOBM OATUM6 ATTORNEY; AT LAW. RALEIOH, N, C . Practice in State and ; Federal Uouita. JylS tf a ! -- ' A. S. MEKHIKOK. TBO. i ,. rVLL-.-. 8. A. A&HI " m. li'r J Ashe, Attorneys ca5 0 oanseiibrs at Law, Practice in the State and Federal Courts whef f ever their services may be required. - decsotf . i , . . ?. W. H BUDSOB. t 'i.S.l. BLSOJOS. BLE35SOE & ELEtSOS, ;- K . Attorneys at, ijaw, i : . KALEIGU, N. 0. ! I aTr actlce In state and Federal Courts. s - ivSpecial attention given to the collection oi claims and the settlement of eststet. . Office in ADAMS' BUILDING, -corner MarCa and WiUnlmrioB itreetavt ; & , , Janl-lj Wilmington,' N.'C; Bnsikess Cards. BOOKS, 8TATIONEBY. ETC., . ; P. HE1NSBERGER. .89 aqd41 Maiket St. COMMISSION MERCaANTS. ,-. WORTH A WrRTH...i..:..i:i.i..... Water st KERCI1N ER 4 CALDRBROS.(.. .Water St. '' COTTON DEALERS. ' LILLY A BROTHER.. ........... ... .. Water sl FURNITURE. 1 ' F. Al 8CHUTTE........Sand 28 South Front si GROCERS Wholesale and Retail. ; ADRIAN A TOLLERS... .Cor. Dock k Front sts. GEO. MYKK8 ..., il and IS South Front at. JOUN C.UETER .North Water st ' HARDWARE, SASH, BUNDS, &ci . N. JACOBI...1. ........ ......10 South Front ai, : PERUVIAN GUANO. ' - - : W. H. McRARY A CO.... . .i...:.Watersu SADDLES, HARNESS; ETC. t MALLARD A BOWDEN.I....8, Sonta Front m febWy. . ;. . i HOUSE. " TTILMSGTOX, If.? C. " " ; ! ' L L.' DOLBT: - - - Proprietor. BOARD $3 PER DAY, : S JSEllORATU I fl 00 1 SO 1 00 s so S 00 S 60 Contracts for advertising for any space or suae may b mad at the offlev of The Observer, Observer Building, Fayetteruie Street, Raleigh, Norm Carolina. t' . - . RAILROAD SCHEDULES. Western ; Railroad. ' 1 'ATXTOiMarcli.t,l8T On and after Monday, March 8; 18IB trains im. lng up the road will leave ' 1 Fayettevtlle at . , Little River at tV1 Sput Spring at...... "' vli ' r Swann's station at......... ...... b"80 Jonesboro at............ " a os Saniord at.....;...........,T tj Arrive at Egypt i ".lo.io " Return trains will leave - Kgyptat..-. 11.06 a. m. Sanford at.... i 40 Jonesboro aK........ ll!5a.m. , Swann's Station at.5 1 1.00 Spout Spring at 1 68 , little River at i, j Arrive at Fayette vllle 3,10 p. m. U P. JONES. SnoeitoMfwwt. CAROUNA GOTAl MNR 50 , .... Ojjice QeTtaral 8uperi7Ueidenti . . WiurorGTOH. n. C, May lTiSTS. CHANCE OP SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER MONDAY. SOUa INST., the following Schedule will be operated on this Railway: i.-,!. .: : . rA88BNOXB, K AH. AXB XXTKBSS TKAIM fTe Wilmington at.. 6:30 p. m. No. I. Arrive at Hamlet at. . 18:40 a. m. ; 4 Arrive a Charlotte at......... 66 a. m. . IJ6 Charlotte at 1:80 p. nt No. S. Arrive at Hamlet at-........-.ifci6 a. m! (Arrive Wilmington at 7:4Sa. m. tKl-Vnt"a-'z WBIGHT AND AOCOMMO'TION TRAIN. Leave Wilmington 6:39 a. m., and Charlotte 7:3 a. m., on imesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. Leave Launnburg 4.-00 a. m. going East, and e.-ou. ta?S;-e8t 0n Mondays, Wednesdays SBXXBT prVISieMlfAIL, FREIGHT AND FA88BX6IK n B Leave Charlotte at.. . :35a. m. .10:60 a. va. I Arrive at Shelby at. Leave Shelby at.. ..12:48 p, m. . 6:00 p. m. Trains Noa. 1, a, 8 and 4 run dally except Sunday. s ,ui ivmviiu uin&e ciose connection at Hamlet, arriving at Raleigh at 8:46 a. m.' Passengers for states ville and Western N. C. K. R. by No. l Train arrive at Statesville next morning at 9:16; arrive "Head of Western Road" at 8:30 p. m., and Ashevilleaarae evening. V.O. JOHNSON, , OONDENSSS) t:2,:e." North Carolina Railroad. f TRAINS GOING BAST. 1. No. 8. Dally ex. Sun No. 4. Daily. 6.45 p m v.uunm 10.S4 p m ll.65pm 4 ' 11.06 S.44 - 6.18 T.50 p lu am a m am 5.45 a m 9.55 am N. 3 Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C, R. R. for all points in Western North Carolina! DailT except Sundays. At Greensboro with the R. A D. R. R. for all points North, East and West. At Goldsboro with W.A W.R. R. for Wilmington. ' . ; ... No. 4 Connects at Greensboro with theR. A D. R. R. for all points North. East, and West. TRAINS GOING WEST. Date, bee. 29, '78. No. 7, Daily ex. Sun. No. 1. Daily. No.s. Dally. Lv. Goldsboro Ar. Raleigh Lv. Ar. Durham " HUlsboro, u Greensboro Lv. Ar. High Point " Salisbury " Charlotte 10.10 a m 6.20 nm 12.40 pm 10.10 pm . id p m 6.83 pm 6.17 nm 19 26 i 8.11 4.37 p m p m 8.35 pm! pm pm "9.16 8.60 pm 6.57 am v.xi pm 10.46 d m 7.80 am 9.14 am 12.60 a m 11.17 am ...... .... No. 1 connects at Greensboro with Salem Branch. At Air-Line, Junction with A. A C. A. m.,0JLaUPolnUlSontl1 n Southwest. At Charlotte with the C, C. A A. R. R.or ai points South and Southeast . . ' tN' 3-;,onnects at Salisbury with W. N. C. R. R., daily, except Sundays, for all points in western North Carolina; at Air-Line Junction with A. A C. A. L. for all points South and Southwest. At Charlotte with the C.C. A A. R. R. for all points South and Southeast. SALEM BRANCH. ' " Leave Greeensboro daly eicept S'nd'y 910pm Arrive Kernersville - - ' 10 SO d m Arrive Salem " lltODm Leave Salem s'ood m Arrive Kernersville " .640Dmi Arrive Greensboro ' 8 00p m 6CanNtc gR.tRlreen8b0r0 wltU trama " R- SLEEPING CABS WITHOUT CHANGE Run both ways on Trains Nosl 1 and S, 'bet Ween New York and Atlanta via. Richmond, Greens boro and Charlotte, and b.-ith ways on Trains Nos. 8 and 4 between NewYork and Savannah viaKivhmond, Charlotte and Augusta. . tar-Through Tickeui on sale at Greensboro, Raleigh, Goldsboro, Salisbury and Charlotte, and at all principal points South, Southwest, West. North and Last. For emigrant rates to points in Arkansas and Texas, adaress . - J J. R. MACMURDO, ' . Gen. Passenger Agent, ; Richmond. Va. Kalefffb A: AuuNta Alr-l,ine Railroad Company. ' ; CHANWE OF SCHEDULE. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. Raleigh, N. C, March 11, 1878. v . On and after Thursday, March 18th, 1879 trains on the Raleigh A Augusta Air-Line Rail road will run dally Sundays excepted), as fol lows: . . - Leave Raleigh.. ' Leave ' 7 oo a m Hamlet 2 45 p m 3 83 402 4 45 6 84 4u 7 06 " 7 83 7:i, " 8 11 B46 " 912 " Carv...V. 140 Hoffmaa ... Apex......... 8 0S 1 .'.eW HOI..... 8 36 Merr Oaks... 9 00 Moncure. .... 9 24 y. Osgood 9 62 ' Sanford...... 10 20 Cameron il 12 Manly... 12 04 p Kevser..-.. . Manlv.. Cameron... sanford.. ' Osgood... Mencure...... Merry Oaks.., m New Hill....-.; Apex..,, Cary.... Arrive at Hoffman.. i 26 ArrivBat . j&.eyer......,i6S xiamiet 2 15 " Raleigh... i.i. 9 45 vAMmecsmg tanrora with 1 rains on Western Railroad for FayetteviUe, and at Hani let with trains on Carolina Central Railway for WllmiDsrtoii and Charlnue,' . , . . , k - JOHN C. WINDER, ' . 1 - . Rnperintni-ijt jraleigli & Oaston Railroad. CIIAXbE OF SCHEDULE. ! Sdtkbintsndxnt's Office. " ? ' ' ..cL?- Mar,ll7l8T9. auu aiuct- AjJuiBuay, march I3t iti trains on the eigh Aaston RaHrSad wal' run daUy Sundays excepted) as follows Leav Raleigh...... Neuse. ForeBtvilla. . Wake........ Youmrsville. 826 8 42 846 8 69 918 943 1006 10 99 niu....... 4 ya Littleton.... 4 84 " ' Macon s uu ' Warrenton... 513 Ridgeway.....6 29 - Junction. 6 8 Mlddieburg.. 550" Henderson... s it Kittrells . 6 29 Jranklintou.. t 3 - . LXPSsrille.. 7 82 Wake 7 44 Franklinton. KutreUa H c.ndcrartn Mlddleburg. M (t innciion. . .10 33 Ridgeway 10 4T Warrenton ...11 f 3 Maoon 11 10 Littleton. 1 1 43 tJForestviUe... 74s Gaston. 1208 pmNeuse... - 8 04 Arrive at Arriv t Weldon..... .12 40 .Raleigh 8 25 " ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. , Leave Raleign at............ 10.00 P.M. ; Arrive at Weldon at , 6.00 A.M. Leave Weldon at 10 00 P. M. Arrive at Raleigh at.........' 6 00 A.M. .-Mall train iviTiiiM.ra .t WaIaaii .iti. ..vi- vu i.m. ui. If Mil trains nf th.ts,hn.ri .nH u Att.lru anil D. burg Railroads. .f JNO. U W1DXK, Date, Dec. 29, "78. No., DaUy. Leave Charlotte 3.20 a m " Salisbury 6.84 a m " High Point T.OOam Arr. Greensboro 1.43 a m Lea'e Greensboro 8.00 a m Arr. Hillsboro 10.16 a m . Durham . 10.69 am . " Raleigh ia.i6pm S.80pm Arr. GoldBboro 5.65 p m yi-i ... apermtendent. J) il j; .1 . Hi: