At 6 14 1 T P. M. HALS.-. - . r published Diily (except Monday) and Weekly. i L Dally, one year, mail postpaid............ $ S 00 aixtuonthe x" ........... 4 00 lx nionthe three 44 H . sveetiyi w year, mall postpaid,... ...... Blx months, 44 w " f".,,..4... S 00 a oo U ;1 r l oo T clty gubscribera The observer will be de livered dally at twenty cents per week; aeven- VOL. 5. RALEIGH, N. C, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1879. tj-flve cents pr moum months. ; wo dollars for three H : t 4 -t ' - ii TELEGRAPH. AiPOMTZl) BY THE ASSOCIATED PRKSB. J "mSsiira congress. , ; Wasiiisgton, MayJL4. Sknatb. Mr. Cockrell- introduced a joint resolution au- 1 tboriz'iDg and requesting the President to f open a correspondence with the Republic of France with a view and for the purpose ot negotiating a proper treaty ol recipro- . city. and commerce with that Government on terms alike honorable "and just; three Commissioners ta be appointed on behalf of the United States ; preliminary to mak ing such a treaty. Referred to the Com- miuee oa Foreign Relations. The Senate resumed the consideration of the Legislative Executive and Judicial Ap- J propnation duj Jir. Jtsecc explained the provision of the bill as amended, stating that the increase by .the Senate was $94, 500. making the entire'suia of $18,541,000: Among the amendments were $18,000 fori mints, $37,000 for interior department, ad ditional to that appropriated in the bill for these purposes. He saggested what re forms should be mide by the reduc tion of the number of store-keepers and gangers under -the - Commissioner of Internal Revenue so that $100,000 annually could be saved. lie thonght that bund reds of thousands might also be saved by readjusting the machinery 6f theJJustoms Department; in numerous casea the ex pense of collecting revenue far ex6eed3 the receipts., lie -hoped the Committee on Appropriations : would consult with the proper committees of the ilduse so that at , the next session of Congress they should have data on which to acV intelligently I He would prefer to .have teforms made now instead of waiting till the Democrats came into power. which.sthey expected to do. ,V Mr. Hampton rose to. a , personal, expla nation. He said the Senatbf from Minnesota, Air. YViodom. in his recent speech, stated that he (Mr. Hampton) bad put into the Democratic National platform of 18G8 the '"plank declaring that threconstructon acts of Va ingress w ere usurpations anduncon stuurional and void. Mr. Hampton said ' h'i had time and again denied that he did not, and had proved that he did hot, before the KuKlux Investigating Com mijee. He was satisfied the Senator did. not intend to do him injustice. . Dir. VVindorn jsaid he did not, but dur ing the campaign he saw what purported to be the speech of the Senator, in which the- Senator said, " That was my plank in . the platform. . 1 wanted nothing -else, for when the great Democratic party had pledged themselves to that when they r had declared that these acts were' uncon stitutional, revolutionary and void, 1, was willing to wait in pa'ieuce until that party would triumph and apply the remedy in their own good time."- ' Mr. Hampton replied that he could not . say whether be used that language or not ; if he did it was was in the sense that he approved the words, and repeated that he did not put them into the platform. - i Senator Thiirman then addressed the Tunate, and alluding to the clausecf theap propriution bilf relating to the trial by nury and elections, he said : These matters had not been made the subject of a calm, de li)erate senatorial debate, bat of thb most inflammatory, and unjustifiable attempt to array one portion of the, people against the other, and to make sectional division in. .this country as permanent and enduring as the continent itself. If these provisions mijihtonot on their merits to pas-", why had not tlfeir detect been pointed otfit and con demned. One third of the general statutes wire patfstd-on the appropriation bills and pirl of the very election laws -' sought tTy 'hi? bill to l)e repealed were so ( Lac-ed ;pet.kini of these election laws lie vmkI ii re.jCuiriQ to Lim a picture of their operation in-'iew York City ofa crtg'- lull i.f men sweltering and, suffering under the.-arbitrary and dictatorial man tiate.t t a n arupt and con'emptible com inbsioner of elec1 ious and . he cotild not suppress Mhe thought that a transaction lctd tak-iii place in this country that could not have occurred in any other civilized c.niti'ry wiilioutblo idahtd. He proposed. i; ho i vt r. uoMff to speak upon the Consul .l'in.-T, "I toatt instrument could ue men- 1 tin. t! . v. itliout offence, and first dis , j ciiksk (1 1 be jury laws, showing that trial by . jury was so dear to our ancestora because it fali'dded the people from op.u'ta.-ive Koyrnnient. Discussing the tOj'c wifh great e;iri-estnefs,'Mr. Thiuraan a:k 1 was the demand to return to the old, . ; vuii-lrvlen puhs ol jiisiiet; and legal nr iCi-dor .t a nntter to fire the Northern j win 1 ; :n4 t all the demagogues north of Mason and Dix' u's line declaiming against t.lw d 'stu6 of t hb -.. Democratic party.' He aunlj z-sd the;' laws proposed to be repealed,- aud. argued ihaf, -that they wcr-i in liie utiuost degrt oppressive. and' they shut intelligence from the jury box and punished those who could not , take the iron-clad oath lwicause . they had -; given - a cup of, cold water even o any one who had op- . posed the government; it the law was jus ttaable in war, H was not so now at a time . when all should unite in thepacification pf the country andk restore harmony every . where. Passing' from the subject of juries Mr. Tburraan srx)ke of the subject of elec tions aud their freedonj fronpolitical&. i. terfcrence. and the necessity and justice of repealing the. present laws which were in- strumentauticfrox corruption and fraud. House. -f The House reopened the morn- ig hour with: the discussion of the bill to amend statutes relating to the removal of cases from., Stat to United Slates Courts and Mr. OrthoLIndiaBai continued . and concluded his argument against .the bill and was followed by Mr. McLane, of Missouri: in support of it. ! ' The pending motion was to lay the bill on the table which was negatived. The previous question was then ordered with ' the subseauent-tiErreement that this: order would only-apply to thb first section of the; diu wnicn provides mat gom coma snau ye, a one doUar piece.for, a, t unit of 258-10 grains, and a quarter-eagle for ; 250, a three doii&r'piece, an eagle,' and a double eagle. The section was. agreed to. " ' i y . The question recurred on the'second 'se.q Uon whtcli " provides that th silver coins shall be a ' dullarnsr mnitra' half dollar; a iHinrter dollar- and a- dime ; " that the . weight of the dolia shall be 412J grains Troy ; the weight of the half dolartet hajf f this,-and thet weight of the quarter . and the dime one-half and one-fifth re. Bpectively of that of the half collar. Also! J that the silver; dollara-ln the Treasury when reduced in welghtVDy natural abra sion, not more lhanr oneer cent; shaJi be recoined. ; This section, .after Bomo dvecos . Clin. ' . J ... ' J. U-J. U:-J I oiuu was agrceaHO, anu me iuicu ocvatuu, which provides that any "owner of :silver bullion mav- derjosit the samel at any mint to be. formed into bars lor into standard dollars of 412 graira for WS iberfl,waA,P'.yw L - ;;.;.;. i j " u-v-'t ... taken up and the House soon afterwards adjourned. - A Conference ot Workingmen. . ' Nkwcistlk- on-Tyki, May 15. At the conference between tbe committees of the masters and miners yesterday two arbitra tors were appointed by each side, and an Umpire, to whom the dispute concerning wages in the' Durham coal mining district will be left for settlement. , . TThe strike of the employes of ten iron manufacturers in London, which began some months ago under the auspices of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers, has completely ' failed. A similar strike at Belfast, Ireland, resulted in a like manner. Fire and jlrrctbi. . STvPKTRESSTTEa May 15. Several con flagrations have occurred in the East Rus sian towns causing great 'distress. Seventy arrests have been made in Orenburg, on a charge, of incendiarism. Pour males and six female prisoners are under going court mailial at Kieff, including three Noble men, and one Prussian subject and a daugh ter of a Privy Councillor. Atnong other arrests are a titled lady and a leading Ni hilist. The streets of Kieff near the Court House are to be closed during the trial. meeting of Insurance Men. Atlakta, May 15. The eighth annual meeting of the. Underwriters' Association of the South will beheld in this city on the 21st, 22d and 23d of this, month. A strong effort will be made at this meeting to correct the existing demoralization in the master of rates throughout 'the South. There will be a full attendance of the members of tbe Association and officers of the companies interested. , ; Shot for Mutiny. Washington, May 15. The War De partment has been informed of the shoot ing, at San Antonia, Texas, yesterday, of a soldier of the Twenty -second Infantry, for munity, by Capt. Lawton, of the Fourth Cavalry. Workingmen Moving:. . London, May 15. The Allan Line steamer Polynesian, from Liverpool to-day for Quebec and Montreal, took sixty cot ton operatives from Stockport for a cotton mill at Dundas, Ontario,, There were 500 applicants for the sixty places. Entrllfch Weather. . London, May 15. The weather is in clement. A hail storm, accompanied by thunder and lightning, occurred yesterday with much rain and high cold winds throughout the night. Official Vlvit. 'Norfolk, May 15. Gov. Garcelon, of Maine, to-day visited the Navy l ard and the receiving' ship Franklin,' and : was re ceived with the customary salute. ' CJone"tBerlin. New Yosk, May 15. Hon. Andrew D. White, the new U. S. Minister to Ber lin, sailed for Europe this afternoon in the City of lirussels. LOTTERIES. 9th: GRAND DISTRIBUTION 41 i I By authority of Commonwealth of Kentacky. Drawing and details and suDervision of prom inent citizens of Kentucky, in the city of Louis- Saturday, May 31st, 1879. NO SCALING t NO POSTPONEMENT I DISTRIBUTED . TICKETS ONLY; $2. -p; GnparaHeMSBccessof the Popular Drawisgs; Rpadthe following attractive list of .priaes for -V the MAY DRAWING : . i ,ni -it 1 Prise.......... $30,ooo 100 P'a'aflo e'h $10,000 200 P'z's 60 , " lfi.OOO 600 P'Z'S 20 12,000 1 ,W P'Z-8 10 " 1 0.000 1 Prize 10,000 1 Prize.... ... 5,00( m P'z's $1,000 eli 10,000 2o Prizes $500 each $io,oi . . 9 rnzea $300 each, Approximation Frizes $2,700 9 Prizes $200 each. Approximation Prizes $1,800 9 Prizes $100 each, Approximation Prizes $ oo 1,900 $112, WUole Tickets, $2 , Half Ticket 27 Tickets, 950. 55 Tickets 1UU. Remit by Post Office oney Order, reglst ' red letter, bank draft, or express. Full list of draw ing published in Louisville Courier-Jaw ual and New York Herald, and mailed to all ticket holders. For tickets and Information address COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO or T. J. COMMERFORD. Sec'v. Caurier-Journal Building, Louisville, Ky. apr-a-xe-5-wK - my-d-l-S-6-S-10-13-;5-17-20-22-24-2T-29-W-6-13 20-27 . ,- : i- ; i . M AXtTFACTURIXG ! 1532 Main Starr eotv - t r.RICXIMOPill VA. '. FOUflDED 1829. . . 1 Having the: largest stock of Machinery and implements south of New York, and the largest experience in manufacturing of any house tn the ontry, we solicit the patro-;age of Farmers and the trade, confidentof onr ability. to offer superior totduoements to' purehasers Among our; fmeciaities are 4 , . : ',-SiV..- ;v- tHE CilSESTKRESBEa AMD SEPAkATOSL ': Va a -vmt r ARMras' friexd plows, THEfftailA Wi 8I5HMM8 HpRJE POWERS. 9 , mpmmmm-f - " ' " , . A , .. E . . . 1 And many other desirable Implements,';.!.' t ; tarwriteforacbpy of . ohr -catalogue before 1 iif-rrrA Sill 210 ; f .11 y.-n : - c ', - ? miii COURT NOTICE. NOKTnLw.aBerior Court. , MABCH 29, 1879. ' Before CHA8. D. UPCHURCH, Eng., Clerk. Andrew Svme, Adm'r d b. n."J . of J,J. Jackson, dee'd, ' Against ; "!' 1 Lnla Wynne, et ala. - ' J ' ; v.' : . Br virtue ot an order in the above action, on Jane id next, at- -S o'clock m., we will proceed to sell at public outcry, to the high est bidder, at the Court House door in Raleigh, the lot at land mentioned in the pleadings, sit uated on the northwest corner ol Jones and Har rington streets, and adjoining the lots of J. W. Crowder and others. , . TERMS OF THB SALE. One-fourth cash balance in one, t vo and three years. Title re tained until full payment of purchase money. W. S. MASON, ; ANDREW 8YJBV ' Commissioners. Sale postponed for want of bidders, myl-im ... ' - '- A CERTIFICATE FOR (40) FORTY SHARES of the capital stock of the Wilmington A Raleigh Railroad Company, now the Wilming ton & Weldon Railroad Company) numbered lt97, and standing in the name of B. F. Moore, has been lost. j - Notice is hereby given that we, the executors of tbe said B F. Moore, shall apply to the Presi dent and Directors of the said WilmiogtonA Weldon Railroad Company for the Issue to us of a ddpllcste certificate for said shares. The public is hereby warned not to buy or to trade for the said lost cestiflcate. JOHN GATLING, ' B.F.MOORE, V. B. MOORE, Executors of B.F: Mo re, Deceased. Raleigh, N. C, April 19, 1879. , apl 21-d4w. BUblNESS CARDS. ANTHONY PAPE. C. A. MAX WIEHLE. i WHEELER, PAPE & CJOM WHOLESALE Druggists & Oiemistl, 439 MARKET STREET, ap3-d6m PHILADELPHIA. : JOHN AK.T1STKOXC, Bookseller. Stationer. Music Dealer, AND : Blank Book Manufacturer. tr Orders for School Books SoUclted. FayetteoiUe St., opposite State Nat. Bank, KALEIGH, Pf. C OCt:t6-lT f . B. MEARES. Jr., of Hortl Carolina ." WITH j CO., ; MANUFACTURERS OF CLOTHIHG WHOLESALE 507 and 509 Broadway, NEW YORK, ; rrr-Goods manufactured exclusively for the SOCTMEKN 'rKAITJE ; Janl-ty-pd. FOR SALE MORTGAGE SALE. T Y VIRTUE OF THE POWER' CONTAIN ED aJ in the Deed of Mortgage, registered in Book 42, at page 415, of the Register's office for Wake county, I will sell at the Court House door in Raleigh, lor CASH, at 12 O'clock M., on .Monday, the 9th Day of June, 1879, The HOUSE AND LOT on Dawson street, ia the city oi itaieign, wnere J08.ii. ureen now re sides, containing about one-naif an acre. DAN'L G. FOWLE. ' ! Mortgagee. RALSicni, May 7, 1879. I my 8-1 m. "MORTGAGE SALE. BY VIRTUE OF A 111 - mortgage deed executed to me by Burt Wbitaker and wife, on the 6th day of March, 1 1873, 1 will sell at public outcry, at the Crurt House door, In the city of Raleigh, on Monday, the 2d day of Jnne, 1879, at 12 o'clock m., a house am. lot m the western ward of tbe city of Raleigh, on the A&ylum road, adjoining the lands of W. H. & K. S. Tucker, J. H. Green and others, containing about of an acre. Terms or saie, casD. w. w. will lis, mortgagee. Hinsdale & Dkvkkkcx; Attorneys for Mortgagee. Raleigh, May 2, 1879. my'Mmo WOOD anft LUMBER IN ALL QUA LITIS S AND PRICES, IN KKEP- . . j wnn iiiu; Tuira, at . WHITAKER'S YARD, i't Harsett Street Station. n h7-3ni. ; Sweet Potato , Plantings Twenty th usand SWEST, POTATO SLIPS of the tjnest quality, now ready to set wit. Apply io v C. L. HARRIS, i, . ijok ::tH, ap'-a;-tf. aleigh,.N. C. HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE -1 a Cotton Facto y in Gaston connty, N. C on the Sou h IFork of the tiatawba River.1 . The property Is weii improved. The fall of water on toe snoai is aoout to ieer, ionneen oi wnica is utilized. The mill Is run by a sixty-six inch" Turbine wheel ot the most improved maae ana S will riv sufficient power to ran and nreparat on. together with twisting machin ery ror same. ncKer is in a nouse 100 ieet irom Mill, and is run by a 26tf inch Turbine of as good make. ; The mill is not b topped once in ten . years by higtt water., xne power coma oe im- proved to run l spindles and preparation Three d fferent railroads within easy distance. Long hauls saved. Cotton grown abundantly by planters in tne vicinity, - on the property is a :.Grist:and FlourJ Mill, Together whh Saw TiIl aud Gin.' Also aU neces sary tenemeut nouses, ana cotton house, sure ana Darn. - ,. - ... The mill consists of about 3,000 spindles and 1 preparation for making warps and Bfcein,' either single vr luwuic, -. . e. i i. . . - .ir ; : 'i enns uair caso, na,Diance in inree, ioor, andfive veara' time, with Interest at 7 per cent. Der annum. Or will, sell 'one-fourtn, one-half. : or three-fourths and retain balance; or will lease, for , an .indefinite period to a satis'actorj party. .- . , ., r. : For further' particulars call on or address u. wilson, Jr., trastonia, uastoa county. BuUdmg a good bnck one, and will hold spindles. . , , i y. .. .t.. apr6-6moa r B3ICK & RUBBLEETONE WWL T" AM ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF. DI- X rectors to sell at lowest market price, for , cash, any bricks , or rubble atone belonging to this Institution.' Any person wishing to buy either brick- or ton4 will please .call at this I office. f i IrW J. HICKS, Architect and .Warden KorUi .Carolina State Penitentiary." ,- y r;, 1 apM-im- ; xCr14, OAJJllir Stt A H II ATLANTIC AND NORTH CARO JtVIUVI lina, First Mortgage Xizht Per Cent Bonds." - - ' ' "- - - I Anoiv at Ciuaen'a National Bank to i - arMW!i K'li ia. Ol .yV.. Jfi,lANDEKSOW,; i RICHMOND ADVERTISEMENTS. DURHAM WHISKY. Labobatokt f Statb Absatsb & CimrrsT, . , Richmond, VASept. 7, 1878. ' I have carefully tested a sample of DURHAM RYJB WHISKY, eleeted by my sell from the stock of Messrs. Ellison & Harvey, and find It free from adulterations It is an excellent arti cle of whisky, and altogether suitable lor use as a beveraue or medicine. - . , . W. H. TAYLOR. M. D State Chemist. This superior Bye Whisky, now so popular in different sections, a" d -endorsed by ever 300 dealers (many of them drnggists)4s offered to the trade upon its merits only. . There are many fine whiskies on the market, and we have nothing to pay against any known brand. We simply claim the DURHAM to equal th best of them, and we are satisfied a trial will convince all Judges of this fact .EIXISON & IIARVey, apria-3ml" ' ICicUuiend Va, D;O.QAVBS&eO. RECTIFIERS AND WHOLESALE Lipir Dealers, . 1323, 1325 aid p caiy Street : RICHMONT); " VA. apri2-3m. DYSPEPSIii's. Bishon D. S. Docrffett-YSonthern Mcth. It Is an excellent corrective of indigestion. I nave used it with prompt beneficial results, Kev. Dr. juangum. Prof. Univ. or n. c. I concur with Bishop Doggett in his estimate of the Vest Pocket Cure. ' ev. Drs. Jeter. Broaddus. Dickinson. (Bap.) It is endorsed by the direct personal testimony of men of national fame and of strictness of speech. It is not too mach to say that no medi cine ever had such support in its favor as a spe cinc The word of any one of the eminent divines wno underwrite tnis antidote to dyspepsia nas deserved weight. Their united witness, joined with the experimental use and approval of tne preparation by well known physicians, removes all doubt. It is beyonil qnestien a wonderful therapeutical agent. Editors Religious Herald, Va. r ! Rev. E. Ai. Yates, P. E, North Carolina Conf . i It has benefitted me. 1 Send another package; Rev. R. L.- Dabney. L.L. D.. Ham. Sid. Col., Va." it is nigniy esteemed nere Dy tne regular meai- eal faculty and the people. Is is excellent for I iuuircsii ju ana naiuieni cone seuau ve, nopi riSc, torflc, Bllghtly aperient, without nausea. ' Editor Kichmond Christian Advocate. This remedy is of tried virtue. . I have seen dyspepsia cured completely by it. It seems to be an antidote to our "National disease." The irgredienta are not kept by the apothecaries and have been difficult to get. , Price 25 Cents per Bottle, SOLD BY AIX DRUGGISTS AND BT WILLIAMS & HAYTVOOH, and PESCUD, LEE & CO, marl4dAw3moi , UALCina SEE WHAT A LARGE QUANTITY OF GOODS CAR BE HAD i For a Little Money. BUNTINGS at 12, 16, 22, 25, 30, 35 and 6oc. a vara i , BLACK CASHMERE at 16,25, 40, 60, 60, 65, 75, 85, 9 c, $1 and $1.25 per yard the cheapest ever offered. BLACK SILKS At 75. 90, $', $1.25, $150, $1.75, $2, and up to $3 per v'd: good bargains in au prices. BLACK ALPACAS at 12X, 16, 20, 25, 30, E6c, and up to $t per yard ; never were as low. . BLACK GRENADINES at 5, 10, 20, 25. 30c., and up o$t per yard; great sacrifices will be made. A large lot of FANCY GRENADINES ate, 10, i2i and i5c. a yara. PRINTED CAMBRICS, superior quality, at 8Xc. per yard, worth 12 vc. i DKESS GOODS ia great variety at 6. SK, 10 ami 'lyco. per yard. LAWNS in great variety at the lowes? prices. WHITE OUlLTSat!. 75c. l. t L25. $2 and $2 50. MAKH KILLED QUILTS at $20.worth $4, at$3.) worth $5, at $i worth $8. I OIL-CLOTH, two yards wide, at 75c. a yard, wortn $i.5. i OIL-CLOTH, one yard wide, at 25c. a yard." WHITE, RED-CHECK, aud FANCY MATTING at extremely low prices : also, great bargains in CARPET-. GENTLEMEN'S WHITE SHIRTS good cbtton and pure Irish linen at 50c.. worth 75c j GENTLEMEN'S wnitE SHIRTS Wamsutta cotton aud pure Irish linen, at oc.. worth ft 60. LUHES' UNDERWEAR of every description at extremely low prices. We offer extraordina oniinary li ducments in this line. We have Ja-'ies ta this 'lepartment to wait one stomers. PUR-K LI NKS TABLE-CiAjTHB, two yards long, a $ , won n i.5. , i WHITE aad TURKEY-RED DOILIES at 60c; per dozeu. woih 75c.' ' SILK b u IRTS for gentiemen-at $t.6, worth $2.50. im coljlaks aad c L at a at ioc. a set, woh s c.. '- -'- ;i XTOLOKFD E5TBROTDERED COLLARS at 3C, farru-rl7 sohi at 26u. .? I RUBBEiiDRESSING-COMBS at 5c, worth 10c., at loc. worth 25c, at 15c. worth 4.1, at 25 worth 60c. !. CAKPET-W ARP. best uualty. In all numbers. uunsnis in8ii Qualities at trie lowest pnees- UMB BELLAS and PARASOLS direct from the manufacturers. - i GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS In great variety at the lowest prices. 1 A large assortment ot LACE and SILK SCARFS, BOWS, and HANOKEKCHIKrS, at I.F.VV ItlCOTHCICS. , - . lun and ltd Main Street. aprl2-3m. - . . Richmond, Va. EXCHANGE HOTEL AND BALLARD HOUSE, Corner' 14th and Franklin Streets, riohiiosid; LJkli CAREOGT05, - - Proprietor. ' Capacity S00. Popular prices $3.00, $2.50 and $2.60 per day. " . ,- - apxl-3m. CHAS, A. SALDWIX. W3 F. JKNKIN8 BALDWIN & JENKINS, Saeeessors to iiardaer, Crltoa A BaMwla, wm:m shoes, -i;tr4 wholesale; St. RICI1VOND, VA,1 t apUd?nt iMISOE L LA NfiOU EURCELL HOUSE. nojifolaa, va, ; BiT; ;JAHES, -. Proprietor. tar: Rooms elegantly furnished. Passenger jtie.yaior,, (, . - tyA30 aad 2.0tt per day, according to location, r4Jan23-ly RICHMOND ADVERTISEMENTS fWIlSl For Suiier i We beg to call the attention of the trade to our exseuent assortment cf ' . n PORTS- AND SHERRIES. CLARETS. ' - HOCUS. - ( ATAWBA - SAUTERNES. Of aU grades; FWRRIGNvAIdD UOTIES Xic; which we are offering at HCnuciiD rnivja. aiso , ..'(.' Biacnerry and Glner Brandies ; ; of superior quality. .. Our stock of Tirpivtotih8ye;ldslies, ; FtLTS'Appla asi Feicli Srandies, la not to be excelled in any market. We sell OJLY; AT WHOLESALE and td the TRADE only, and respectfully solicit continuance oi weir c us com. E. Courtney Jenkin3 & Co , (Successors to JENKINS A STEGAL), DifitUtere' Agts Wholesale Liquor Merchants 113 ouin it ourteenin street, aprK-3m. ! Richmond, Va. TALBOTT & SONS, Slobckoe Machine Works RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. . j- MANUFACTURERS OF Engines and Boilers. Saw Mills. Grist Mills. Shafting, Hangers and Pulleys, Turbine Water Wheels, Tobacco Factory Machinery, Wrought iron wwi, Brass and iron castings, n; rrri t iaiului e.uu AAiioauiu ajiijjiuod A SPECIALTY. Machinery of Every Description. Repairing promptly and carefully done. t"3end for Illustrated Catalogue. Brancb Office, R 11 EIGII, N. C. STRONACII 3c ALLCOTT, I Manufacturkbs' Agents. INSURANCE NOKTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE Insixira.iice Company s - (In corpora ted In RALEIGH, ; N. V. AwcUi.... i6J,270 70 SnrplUH to Policy Holder 175,394 29 F.B., Cameron, President W. Ea A nderfrn. Vice-Jf resident W. Hi Hicks. aee'v. and Treat Dr. Eir Burke Hayvood Med. Director Prof, E i. Smith, . Advisory Actuary luconly Homi Life Insurance Company tn North Carolina. One of the most successful Comnaaies of its aare in the United States. ' Has already issued between two and three thousand policies. All or its funds invested at Rome among bur own people. All losses paid prompt ly andia cash. Rates as low as those of any flrsi class company. Has thksk dollar of as oeu lor every hollas of liabilities. w Agmta wanted m every county in tae state to rk ior this most excellent, ana armij, eBtao .ishod ihome ! tnstitutioa. , ror - ir.torniauoi address; I NI C. -STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO., Kaieigh. N, ' FRED. A. OLDS, Camoronj'Hay &, CTq. tface over Citizens' National Bank. S be c i a I Agent . ii- , FOB , RALEIGH, Nm C, Fop the Companies named in Cameron, llay Co.'s adver tisement. i ' -. : ' aprI6-3mos- CAMERON, HAY CO,, ' I 'l 1 j GENERAL Firs:- hmim Office, 'Citizens' Hatl EankEnildir, I RAL.E1GII, X. C. Total Assets Eenresentei, $96000,000 Among the Companies represented are - th followUi4rlz : ? : v. - Virginia FJxo and Marine Ins. Co. ' Liverpool and London and Globe. i St. Paul fire and Marine Ins. Co. ' Home Insurance Co.- of New Yor." Seaboard Fire Insurance' Co. London Assurance Corporation. . Hambursr-Bremen Insurance ;.. Co of Germany.. Royal Fire Ins. Co. of Liverpool. a Special attention siven to the Insurance of I Cotton, stored or . transit, and. t Kills, Facto- iies,c- , - i 7 aec2-u. $28: ! REtTt ICJ9U-ST0LEN FROM i Stables oa night of the 21st, one dark ihesumt sorrel HORSStwo left feet I white, star In forehead and. average size, gait naturally loping but dolL t K.)HrMCGTJIRK, rOCt26-3tpdtiw, !S r0 Battleboro. N. C. -4- TEACHERS RSJ&SItS darinff the Sarin? and Summer.! For full par- titmlAra miUrt-am J ! McCURDY A C.. Phlla- deiphialPat,j .y : j . mj5w4ti 1 Use km -t- PROFESSION CARDS. i - J R. rURAELL, , ' ATTORKET & COUNSELLOR AT li, or-Practices in the State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention to all professional business. umce, no noor u. . postomce iiuuaing. ,. . mhgr-ly. - - .-.i , . - - ' Jos. B. L-Wiilitcaslcr, Attorneys-iat-Law, Practice in the Courts o: 1 the State and in the Federal Courts. 1 apra-tf JOI1N C.TROIJ, ' j ' MoMMCODJMIltf Fa YETTEY1LLE. N. C. IVClaims collected an; where In North Caro lina and remittances promptly made, -t Refers by permission to Bon, W. N. H. Smith, Chief Justice Supreme Conft. Honj R. P. Box ton, and Messrs. SMerrlmoni Fuller k Ashe. mh9-6m. . . t W.' S. Mason. : , i T. P. Dbvbkkux. ASON &DETEBEVX, ; ,-. Attorneys lat Iaw, . ... Room No. 4, Bagly Building, Oor. Fayetteville andj Martin Streets, imleigh; iv. c. P actice in all the Cour iru, btate and Fed. raL mch7-tf SA9ISO, tAKE, AITOBBEY aii CCDSSEllCE AT Ilf , TaylorsyiUeV N. C. ... Will practice in the Courts of Alexander and adjoining Counties. - laspectai attention given to collections in au parts of the State.i mchll-3m JACOR BATTER, ; Counsellor and Attorney at Law. uocki inouM. n.w. Will be in Nashville everyjMondav from 9 a. ni. to 8 p.m. i CIRCUIT Nash, Edgecombe and Wilson. decll-5mpd j 3 n : r W. T1JICERLARE, ittcr&ej and Gcunsellsr al.Uw, ,li0UIBBUE,O, IT. o;;t Circuit : Franklin, WakejGranvllie. Nash and Warren. ! seST-iy. J. C. Li. HARRIS, V ATTORNS Y-llT-iiAW; Orncs South of Court Ebuss in old Sknti- ! : NKL UUILDINu.l . Practices In all the Courts' of tkc State. Bept 26-tf V f ' ; ' '" b. gtvyjv: ATTOB.NEY-AT-LAW, - Practices in State and Federal Courts. Collec- tions promptly made. aug 9-tf : JOHK U. KOKIKfl, I ALTBin M. KOBIMfl, Of Chatham, i Of Orange. . A fOItIIV &. MO R1S INO, JJJL Attoriicy at Law, ' nuRHAmj c. ' '; t3T"All business entrusted to them will receive prompt attention. feb2'i '7-ly. R. T. GRAY. E. K. STAMPS. 'S, , ..... Q.RAY & STAM Attorneys v RALEIGH tar- Kef er to the Banks aud bus'ineas men of Raleigh. I my 9-1 v. pd -T 7 R. GORROX, Att o r.n e Vv$i-tt Lay.' Ctirrltuck Court ill onse, janl7-tf - ; . ... T. tAi A R G Ot Attorney at Law, firi-bACaiGES IN AN V crURT. Office . x jsinlding two iloont above Yarbor' i . House, iave teille Strcei, Haietgn. N.U lanl-ir; f r - UJ A. GlL M 4 M. ! i JOHN .UATUU6 ATTGRtEY il ; UW, j . : RALEIGH j j,' C , v . ; PkBCtiCf;' in State ant 1 Ieral Colu tW Jyts tf 4- AW 8. MEKKIM0S. TT ii'! Li. .. 8. A. ASH T'l 1,1 AC Attcrr.c ' cyiseaors at Law, ka.i.h:ic3 ii, ; c Practice la the Slate and Federal Courts wher- t ever tneir aervices may oq reqasreou decSOtf . . j r .. . . ik U, BLSDS02. ' I j;b. BL8a0$ , i Attcrners ai Law, '; ' RALEIGH, C. - wPractice in State and Federal Courts. ' t VSneclal attention civ eh to the-coUecUoo oi claims and the settlement rft esttfce. ' Oiflce in ADAMS' BULLJXCxGj corner MartB ana w umuigion Bcreew. i , i . jam-iy. . 1 - Wilminston, N. C, Business Cards. " BOOKS, STATIONEBY. ETC- Ii ttlNSBERGER .3 and 41 Mai ket su JDOMMISSION MERCHANTS. ' WORTH A WORTH Ii Water tt Water SL . , n . . KEKCHNER it CALDEit UltOS, j, ... . , -4m . COTTON D3 v.. Si .Water si LILLY A BROTHER, .'. i rv I FUBNITTjaE. F. A. SCHTJTTE..... .,.26 and v i8 Sooth- Front etc ",1 OEOCEB3-nWJioleBfaeT and Betan." ADRIAN A VOLLEKS... .Ctor. Dock A Frmt sta. GEO. MYEhS;. ...... 9, 11 And 13 sooth Front at john u.iia.xtit..i.....j.'....jsortn water si i 1 i. " HARDWARE,' SASHBLINDS, &Cv H. JACOBI. . .. . i i , V. i : i if South Front W , ., , M . T : , : - .. . - PERUVIAN QUANawJg,! f W. a. McRARY CO.. Water et. r -r- SADDLES. HARNESS. iETC. " ' MALLARD A BOWDEN...' jB, South-FiobJ t EIY1P1R E 3 H O U S E r I. It DOLBT,"-! proprietor. BOARD 2 ITR DAY . oca ?t,u y Contracts fur arivertliir for aay iac or. ute may be made at the otrtct of T? serve, Observer Bnildlng.;FByettnn Ktr-t.' Raieigl ', North Carolina.. - . I RAILROAD .SCHEDULES. Westeim .pjilroad. "- Faytostillk, March, t, 187H. On and after Mondays Marolts, 18T9. trains go ing np the rad will leave v. - . . ' Fayetteville at.... .... so a. m. Little River at.4..,...i.. . i.y - - Spent Spring at..............'." 745 u Swann's Station at.; . &so Jonesboro at...,. 9.05 - Saniord at ........,,.... 9 as 5 A2TeatgyPh,v; 10.10 Return trains will leave Egypt at........... ..........,....11.06 , m. . Sanfordat ........ ..,,. .11.40 f Jonesboroat.........:..:.t.v.;;.'; m. - Swann'8 Station at, 1.00 Spout Spring at .. 1.66 " . - Uttle River at. ........ ... ...... S.85 . . ; Arrive at FayettevUle. .......... 8,10 p.m. - L. O. JONBS. Snperlnw-rnt. 11 11 j " . 1 1 " . . v; j -i 1 - EAROLfflA' CENTRAL "RAILWAY H . ..Office General JSttperintendent, Wilminqton, N. C, May IT, XSISi CHANCE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER i MONDAY, 20tU JNST., the following Schedule will be operated on this Railway ?.,'' VASSSKGKK, VAIL AND SXPKKSS TBAIM : ! (Leave Wilmington at......... 6:30 p. m. No. l. Arrive at Hamlet at... 18:40 a. in. lArrive at Charlotte at. s 6:36 a, m. (Leave Charlotte at...... ...... 7:80 p. in. No. S.-? Arrive at Hamlet at.,..,....l2,-l5 a. m. - (.Arrive at Wilmington at. 4 .... 7:46 a. m. TRI-W1CKKLT FREIGHT AND AOCOHMOTlON TRAIN. Leave Wilmington 6;30 a. m., and Charlotte 1M a.m.,on I'uesdays,- Thursdays anSaturdays. Leave Laurinburg 4:00 a. m. going East, and e.uu a. m., going West on Monday a, Wettnesdajs and Fridays, SHKLBT DIVISION MAIL, FKKIGHT AND FASBKKOEK AND KXPRKRS, No. 3, No. 4: . t 1 IV fueave Charlotte at...., v.,-.. :35a. m. lArnveat Shelby at. ..10:60 a. to. j Leave kelby at. ..12:46 p, m. 1 Arrive at Charlotte at. - :oo n. m Trains Nos. l, 8. 3 and 4 run daily except Sunday. Passengers for Kaieigh make close connection at iiamiet, arriving at Kaieigh at 8:45 a. m. - Passengers for Statesville and Wester u N. C. R. R. by No. 1 Train arrive af Kt,atesvili neit morning at 9:15; arrive "Headjpf Western Road" at s:b p. m., and Aauevilleijaje evening. V.O.JOHNSON, 1v -, OMiml 8noertnT.nrt nn North Carolina ' Railroad. TRAINS GOING EAST. , ' i No. 8. Date, Dec. 29, 73. No. 4, No. . Dally -, :: Daily. DaUy. ex Sun Leave Charlotte - 3.20am .45 pm ...... .. .. " Salisbury 6.?4am 9.00pm. ...... " High Point T.OO am 10.24 pm ......... A rr. Greensboro- 7.43 am 11.65 pin . .. Lea'e Greensboro S.oo am . ..... ll oa n m Arr. HUlsboro lOJ6am S.-.4am 44 Durham 10.69am v. ...... 6.18 a ui 44 Raleigh i li.ispm T50am Lv. 4, 8.30pm 5.49am .... ... Arr. Goldsboro . 6.55 pm 9.55 a iu No 2 Connects at Salisbury with w. N. i", R. R. for all points In Western North Carolina. Daily except Sundays. At Greensboro with the R. A D. Ii. K. for all points North, East and west rAt Goldsboro with W. A W. R. it. lor Wilmington.. . , No, 4 Connects at Greensboro with the it. 4D.K.-8. for all points North. East, and West, TRAINS GOING WEST. Date, DeOi 9,''T8. No. 1. . No. 3. Daily t ; - DaUy. Daily, ex. Sun. Lv. Goldsboro 10.10 a m 8.20 pm - ' Ar. Raleigh 12.40 p m p m ' l 4.l0pn .wt,... 12.25pm t Ar. Durham 6.33 pm. silpra ' " HUlsboro, 6..T pm ......t... 4 SJ pui i 4 Greensboro , 8.35 pm 9.16 p m Lv. 8,56 pm e.STani. r Ar. High Point pm 7.80 am r... 44 Salisbury 10.46pm 9.14am .... - " ihwriotte 18.60 am U.U m .....'... . No. 1-j-Counects at Greensboro with Sulem Branchy At Air-Line Junction with A. A c. A. I RailToad for all points South and Southwm . At Charlotte with the C it. for all points South and Southeast. No. 3 Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. R. R., daily, except Sundays, for all points in Western North Carolina; at Air-Line Junction with A. A C. A. L. for all points South and. Southwest. At Charlotte with the C . C. A A. k. ruior an points soutn and southeast. .SALEM BEAFCH. , j Leave Greeensboro da'iy except Sid'y 9 10pm Arrive Kernersville - - i , i p ni Arrivesalem 44 .-."Yii " ll.lOpiu Leave s&iem " e oo p m Arrive Kernersville " 44 ;'r " 6.4op m. Arrive Greeiinboro ' .41 ' b.oeoni Connecting at Greensbore with trains on It. a u. and o. it. it. SLEEPIKa CAES WHGDf CHAKGB ; "Run both way m on Trains Noh. 1 and 9, between New xortc aud Atlanta via Kichmond, Aireens boro and. (Jh.arlotte, ami b th ways on Trains Nos sand 4 between New York aud Savannah via ltieninona, unariotie and Augusta. taThrough Ticweta on sale at GreeuslicV 'ft " ' M"ivtj'iwii.uttiiuui .IHi VUIU lUtiV, 1UU at all principal points South, Southwest. West. North aud East. For emigrant rates to points iu Arkausas aud Texas, address c V if J.K.MaMURDO. Pa latnrh 1. -n lu . mri U,l.t.(iii,vaiifl lha.lnt... .....t Gen. Passenger AgttntTf RiohrRonil. 1 aleicli & AusuHia Ai'-Liue JLV Railroad Company. i - C'Jb'ANGE OF SCJfEDtJLE. ; SDPEKlNtENDfeKT'N OFFICE. , Ralegh, N. C March 11, 1S79. On and after Thursday Alar :h 13th, 1S79 trains on the Raleigh A Angnsia Air-Line ltaii road will run daily; Sundays excepted), as fol lows ! i Leave - Leave . 1 Kaieigh... 7 oo a ra Hamlet. 245pm a 33 4 02 4 ; 4 45 4 6 34 4 6 411 7 1 6 7 sa 7 .6 8 .9 -P 45 9 12 '" Cary......j, .V 7 40 Hoffmai . ... . . Apex......... 8 0S' 44 . cw Hur..... s 36 ' " Merr? OaAp... 9 on ' Moucnte. .... 9 24 " Osgood. ...4. 9 62 Sauford .,.. 10 V0 ' Cameron.-...: 11 13 ' Wanly... . 'Cameron Sanforu..... . -Onsuod.i. 1 Jiencurc...... ' " Merry oas&... m Ne- liiii , Apex :Cary,.:; Manly t. Si 12 14 p Keycr !- " iioflmaaw.. 1S AlllltU . . .. - . , tj Arrive at Hamlet..;.. .i 15 ""s Kalelah.. 9 45 tx)nnectiiir at f anfunl with train Weatern. Railroad foe Pavetteville. and at Ham on let with trains on Carolina Central Railway for, Wilmington and Charlotte; , --...- .JOHN C. WINDTtt, ; - ' - - Sapertnten-nf. . aleigh- & Gaston Railroad. L'HANhE QY SCI1EXULE. ' StrFKRn4TimXNTfl Omct, I .1 :fij 5taitignrN,.u.,;MaMill7t8:9 f" On and after Thursday. March , run. 'trairts oa the -Kaieigh A?iGastou Raiiroflii wiii ' ran daUy LSuadays excepted as fulioTVa : Ieave Leave Raleigh.;,. w a nxweidon S5 p m ' Xievm ..i-S Gaston 4 0 4- Forest VtUe. . 8 42 MtLietnii - u . "Wake. .yi 46j 4V iia(iu 5 1 i IfounpsviUe $ . a ,M - fWarreaKn... 6 13 ' Frankllnton-.i ftia -'Ridgeway.... 6i.s - Kiuitiia..... 1 43. rij iunctioo.... i Henderson. 10 u. 14 f Middjebur.. 6 U) . ilKldleburji."4'-'JHender8on.. ; Jnnctioa-...10 3 .i44;4.Kittrella.,.. Rldgeway.lAle4l v Frankiluton.. 7 3 Wairentoa.M M fYoungsville.. a s " acrf Hi 4 Wake ; 44 44 : Littleton. J-ll 43 FerestvUle ... 1 4s Gaston. j.. ., 12 08 pm Neuge.. 8 v4 Arrive at ' ' ' Arrive at weiaon.,. j.. Kaleigai..... 8 25 ACCOiLMODATION. TRAIN. -7rjeaTe"Raietgfrat...., lo.oo P. M. t v Arriva at Wedonat....Mi.. 6.00 A.M. ' JUave Weldon at.... io tm p. m. . -Arrive at Ualeigli at. ( (00A.M, Mad train connects at Weldon with tlio nail traina of the Healo.irU uod Koanofce and Fi U ra trnra Raijrmds. . . asii . WlNDEK, j.'i .; ,j .' r,t. O.-r.iii i uperiuttuueut, " J I -1 ! H a M 4 A I it 1 i 4 1 111 Hi v K .3 i ;5 K '1 It $ i.4 5 h -i t I" i - H I VI Pi' r-'t tt '-h 4 .1 .-Of n