(ii i : fc. 'ji I'd r..i , '.c f Dl r2i.'i i.i, P$;n. Si .v..- .-"' . VUS 1 tc Mil By S . A. -. ASHE. 7 RATES OP ADVERTISING. ohihed D-Uj (except Monday) and Weekly. . - f . .7 " 11 t ' j f x I n I I . - . - ..i . , - . , . - ' . - . . i J f'f' ' DaGt, one yeai. mail poalpatd,. rS 6T) u tlx monuui - : ........... three " ..-, -" 4 00 too S 00 1 00 To city subscribers The Obaerrer will . at tfn cena ner week: be de- seyen- Urerea - ceMta per month ; two dollars lor three moniaa.- ; - -" I HI TELEGRAPH. IfiPOBTKD BY TH ASPOCIATXD PKI8S. l lie Frcneli Prince. Lovoos, July 12. It is announced that tD Prince of Wales, the Duke ot Edm bureb the Duke of Connought and the Crowd Prioce of Sweden will act as pall bearers at the funeral of the Prince lm penal to-day; Various t accounts mention that there ia some amount of ill-feeling in France. There is great demonstration of m turning in Ejfc-laod for the dead Prince. No family of tbe French Embassy in poa don will be present af the--fMeral. ' Id the French Senate on Friday the motion to pos ne the nomination of the Smmittee on Jules Ferry V education bill because of the absence ot the Bonapartists was resisted by iL Pelletin, (KrpublicanJ on the ground that they were not absent because of genuine sentiment of mourning on their pare but had gone to England m search of the pretender. The oomiDatton of the committee waif eventually postponed till Tuesday next. Marshal Canrobert has come to Eaglaod despite the official pro hibition aeaiost his atlendaoce at the f uneraL When the coffl a was opened yea, terday the features of the PriDce were, much disfigured but were recognizable by his teeih. : London, July 12. The weather' was tioe but cool. Crowds of people dressed in niouriiiog, including a large proportion of French, thronged the London railway statiens as early as 6 o'cloekHhte mornlnjr The entrance to the Camden House is draped with cream colored tapestry. Iu addition to, the royal personages previously aDDOunced. the following- have arrived to attend the funeral : Prltcess Beatrice, Princess of Wales, Prince Christian and 1'iiDce d ard, of Saxe weinaar. London, July 12. The funeral of the Prmce Imperial took place in accordance with the arrangements already announced. Iu addition to the notable personages here tofore mentioned, the Hnssiau and Danish Ambassadors to England were rrsent. ' A bxly ofParis workmen reviewed the cof fin previous to the , funeral. It is esti nu'ed that various sympathizers brought bouquets and wreathes sufficient to fill two vans to place on the grave. Mndam-Onris-tini Nilason liouseou volunteered her ser vices iu the choir in the ' Church of St. llary. ' j ----' - Kcntuchr Trotting Club. LonsviLLB, Kt., Jul? 12 The first nuding of the Kentucky Trotting Club was c ncluded brilliantly wi'h a large at tendance to-day. '1 he event of the day was the pact- g race, won la three straight bin's by Sleepy Tom in 2:17$, 2:1? and 2: 6j B inner B jv woo the race iu the 2:4: data on Thursday i When this rao btgHD B nuer B y was tampered wkh. and the j nlges chnrg -d drivers,- putting Wiu Wuuilard. of Eminence. Kentucky, in ciarg of thehore. Woodard remained with bi ch irge during the nigt and br night him sitelv through to vcury on the nv-rrow. Bonner Boy's last time was only 2:27 aud hs time 'was the bet tnade, ihougtr six hen's were t roiled. Ire. the 227 class on today's pr gramme Ota jnac i hief won the race, nib best time b"irg 2.?3 in six beats llai.o's carried III tbe honors in the free for all race, in wh'Ch only two horses started. : 1 klrucn ve Murm. Dtr. it, July 12. P.mltac, Port lluron and St. Ulair, in this State, Wrr-i visiied yesterday by a destructive storm of wind aud ligh tiii'g At P m Mac, the spires ot tbeCoMnn ga lonal and .Episcopal Churches aud j ill were seriously damaged and a numbr'r of bouses unruOftL"- Tbe damage ti crops and orchards in the "vicinity of Pom -a? is reported to be very gri at. At Port Burin, the. new Methodist Church ai.d other -building were blown down. Tue Oand Line freight house was un rooful and many houses and barns upeet or unroi.'fed. 'As 'far as known; no lives wire Lst. The storm! here interrupted Ul Krapliiccommunicatioii on nearly every rou e leadlug frjin the. city, and the rain fall is said to be. i he heaviest ever known he:je. The lightning struck seve ral placts wi'bout serious result.' Tbe damage to the crops in the surrounding country tr m Leivy rain and wind is n poried to be very s-ri.us. and will irflict Ltavy lossee upon the farmers. . ' , - i i v 'I be Weailier and lite Fever. Sr Lons, JulM2 To day isiia warm as Hsttiuaj, t he fhermomet(r showing m-aily the t-ame range. I The tneicnry fjirtnu to night, hot ver.and advices from 1 ankion ay ihe biroroi-frrf is rfsinK; - and mercviry filing. This indicates bret.k of the hea-ed term at this point within 4d hours. O ily four prostrations froin hat were reputed today, none of which wtre fatal Wha'ever apprhenskn prevailed here growing ()Ut, of the reported existence of yellow fever at Memphis haibeeu much allayed to day by advices from that city, find S!- Louis baa .relapsed into hex. nor md ondiiion. ' .' ; , , Quarantine Krf ulalion. AIRO. IlL. Julv 12. The steampr r.itv 1 Uelen. from Vuksburg, whs not al lowed to land here last night O larantine regulations have been 'enforced aeainst all steamers and trains from Memphis, in av cordance witb a resolution adopted by the tVoiklur oa hbort T iue. OLDHAM, Mim : Jul 1 2 Th tratpm of soon tirxe wot king in the cotton factories nere is preadinir. About forty mills a-e working on short time or have iota ly 8 oprd. Reduction of wage is also con lernplated. Midnight'lieportj? Heallby New Orleans. Nkw Orlbans, July l& The Anziliarw --unary Aesociatnn makes the followi o'a'empnt In m;i x -- n " U1W.IU luiui : Oilier it laorough Investigation by the officers and members of this assoHation, sunryvrted by ik! stimonV of the Board of Health and r uneana Aiedicai . AsROctation. v Hereby ripclam that thia tnm a l- . w ua. vJ 0 uuw IU perfectly healthy condition, and that there nas not been a single ca-e of yellow fever IU thla ! . t . Tt, li ' uu,aT me pre seal summer, th t 18 ,n better sanitary condition ul raany years, ana tne arjseoce "vai usuaiiy precede tne yeiion has Inspired tbe belief that we sbal v. "-'" NCKDPss. i ne country Will 5 fflcWiy notified, ihonld tbe yellow rer appear. i - VOI. tt. ' . Tne Situation In nfvmpnlM. . yJ Mimphis, July 12 The State Board of Health this morning established inaDebtort of trains aha passengers, " Hereafter f! all persons Bnd trains5 leaving 'MemrJhis' will te reqaired to havecertrflcatest.frbm ; the Inepectifie officers.' All trains atTivim? and derjartlmr will transfer4' 1riHnpr and baggage at a point five miles distant from tbe CjtyV ', J udge Riy's cpaditldn.is unim proved ana bat ramt hopes are entertained tyr his recovery.5. J His son also lies In' a critical condition. No new cases' have been reported within the past 24 hoars MzifFHis. Julv 12. At a loiht rheetfb of the Chamber of Cornmerce and the Cot ton Exchange "held this afterndon, the following- was adopted i - ; Whereas the city of Memphis has in alt resppcts "complied with all the rales and regulations ' prescribed by: . the National Board" of Health ; therefore be it Liesolved, That Arkansas turn New Or- eans ahd other cities that have anaran lined against us be -reftuesfed to' observe and respect the rules and regulations sug gested by the National Board of Health and adop ed by the Sahi'ary CoaecU of thd Mississippi vallev. , , ' A.. D. LAngstaff, President of the Mem phis Howard " Associatioh.'whb left this city th'S morning,' telegraphs from Milan, Tennessee, as follows : ' "Have visited everv town between here and Memphis, 'on the Louisville R ad, and conferred with the Mayors, physicians and prominent citizens. All sympathize with as," ahd will not qdarantine against ; us unless we have the eDidemic. ' - iLveryhing regarding the fever remains a statu quo. No new cases have been re ported, and tbe general impression is tba' the fever will not spread, but be confined to the families where it is at present 1 1 cated. No change is reported in the con dition of Judge Kiy and his son., ' Bith are very low and not expec ed to live. Tbe Fall Kiver Strike. Fall Rivkr, Mass., July 13 Thf mills nave been filling up rapidly -with spinners this week, and q lite long delega tiotis arrive" daily. b ms of the' new comers are bought off or p rsuaded by th s'riktng spinners to leave town, but tber is no denying the fact that manufacturers are getting tbe best of tbe s rke so far an running mills is concerned. A manufac turer stated last night tba after careful in quiry at all the mills he f ui1 that 43 per cent, of tbe spinning machinery in ihu city is in operation. Several of the mills have erected cheap boardiBg houses in the mil' yara ana toe new comers are Kept entirely free lrom strikers. Corporations .have found little d iculty in filling up, and i is probable that next week quite a number of mills will be running full time. M nu facturers also say that many of their ne help have been accustomed to work longrr boursand can earn about $6 per week. and look upon their new position with hort Lours and watres paid here as deci ded betterment of their codi ion. Mem hers of the union are quite hopeful, and sty l hey are quite couSdeut of success ihey have considerable money in - th- reasury, and are onsantiy receiving nut ide aid, but the g"UBds on which they expect to succeed finally are ' hard to be seen by outsiders 'She storui in hio CiNCissaTi, July 12. Advices from points in tbe interior and eastern portion ol he stave indicate that tbe s orm last eve ning wa- very severe, and in many instan ces the ff.-cts were disastrous. It ap proached Ohio from the north and north west, but maintained a south and south eastern direction and seemed to haveatxur fpnt it 8 force when it reached southern Pcnnsvlvania. At Mansfield the haidware htore of P. toenail was unroofed and tbe roof carried a nundred and fifty feet, de molitbiDg a barn and beer saloon. Th Smith Opera House was partially unroofed. I he damage to the crops will be very great At JJegrcdl a cumb- r of houses were blown down, and tbe whole country cover ed with water ; aud .the crops .leveled at Went balem. A young man was killed by door s rising him. At Jefferson tt prominent business blocks and a numb ro' dwellings were UDroofed. At Cuyahoga r alls the walls of the residence of II B. 8a xe were blown in upun the beds of the family. No one was taially iojurcl, how ever. All through the btaie the dav has been intens ly hot and the fair very sultry and oppressive. . A ICttur in 'I'enueMtee. Knoxvillk, Tame.; July 12. Hugh M Botibam, a pnNnineatouig lawyer, IX p uty Circuit Court CletkJ SuptTinteodent ot Yob c Iastruc ion for Anderson county, and Priuctpal of theCnnton Aca1emy; wa attacked this moroing by Jack Qieener. County Court Cletk, ana John Lt. bi.lpe and bi8our3am, both prominent citizens at Clinton. ' Boo bam was struck over the the head with a club in tbe handa of !5am Shipe. When he attempted to ' defend himself Queener and tbe two Bh'pes fired un htm with peckft pistols, five balls takii g n I U .a n IVW I.mJi. . ,1 n n . V, jura ' UICC IU tUC UICBCI IHU I f U IU IUC bead. B obam ' fought desperately s aud he tore he was overp wered had ' slabbed Queener in tbe face atd shot Sam Shipe latally in tbe atxJomen and seriously, if not fatally, stabbed John L Ships. The trou ble occurred about staoderous language used by some of the partiea about Mies Edmondson, daughter of ex-Tax Collector E. W. Edmopdson. Orange Pari(te- l lie l eiaa Steer. ; New York, July 12 The Orimeemeo of. New York aud Brooklyn celebrated ti e 12ih of July by an sxcuraiou to Aipine urove. ' . A drove of Texan steers ;; was "being driven through Central Park to day when some of the animals became unmanageable and br ke from the main ht rd. Thev rushed down tbe streets,, pursued by the police aua crowas of people. Several per sons were tossed on their horns, but noue reported seriously hurt. . Iho Ucaiber. Knoxvuxk, Tess..' July 12. Wm. Crawford, a freight engineer on the East Tennessee and .Virginia'Tload, dropped dead on his engine at Lionaon this morning. It is supposed that his death was earned from heart .disease or sua stroke. The weather has been very dry and ho for ibp past six weeks. if rain does not rail bouq there will not be half the usual' crop of corn this seasoo. The thermometer regis tered 103 degrees at 3 p m: Lyucbed for Uap Atlanta, Ga., July 13 Neil Win- bush colored, who atlemnterL a ram on youcg lady in , Clayton county last, week, was taken from the guard night before last and Hung id tree. v "t y ' .' U u i "i . i j. il ALEIGH; .'iT- ;. . ' Tffl r f ( . ! K , " nayal Accident. nrtkitfflToVJulv ' 12. WhPn vth . sleanjer Chs'rfeston; for'New -Ybrk. backed k out of her' doefhere1 this forenoon some of thepackfrrg of "far machinery1' gave way i byvrtiictf the Ship was rendered helpless; I She drifted into tbedHorweeiah bark Hebe in the stream rrryin away the jib-boom of ineTOre.; me unanestonwas afterward wed lb ssifp anchrtntge: ,Non her damage was donC a1 she wilt iwar td-rrisht or in the mornlog' foT Niw York:.1 ' - - - i '.ii '-'.x a v i, i, . ,.' 5.,, ;J v.i-i. Niw 1rbkk7 July 13 Tbe Coroner jury iri the case of John F.' Seymour, who was : mysteriously snot ana killed in the grounds of ,tb Theological Seminary -on the night of Julv1 3rd, rendered v-verdict that Mr.eymour came Xo bU dth from a pistol shot rbnnrlTiJi the left breast, acci dentally received from the bandiof some pesori, unknowa.-in the -grounds ' of the Theological Seminary on the night of the 3rdof July, i - - ; Dadtlnr Icllow Jmk. r Cincihatl July 13. At a meeting of tbe Common Council last evening, at the suggestion of the. Health officer, $16,000 was appropriated for placing tne, city in the best possible sanitary condition,' and to fill up air inlying p-mds liable to breed miasma and cause disease, also ordered that all street sand alleys be thoroughly flashed by the fire Department. Tb Watbineton Monnmeni. Fbkjdxricksbcrq, Va.. July 12. The Masonic lodge, No 1 4, of this city, in which (Jeorge Washington was , eutered. raised and passe J. has' ,dJter mined to take part in tbe d.-dicitioa of the mooumerit ordered by Congress to mark Washington's birthplace, and has addressed resolutions sigoif ving their desire to . tbe Secretary Of State.' ... . . Ihj Mtlford f rutl. Owenton.' Kt.. July 12. Court assem bled at, 9 o'cloct ThSSS'OQ WtSOTC'l- pied in extminmg th wrnesses for tn pr s-cution. L D floilow-yr testified -as othethrea's mate ajainu Judge iilliott and Prior if h;s ewe wa d"CTdei unfavor ably. The defence will not'offjr tesu- uopy before Tuesday.' . f Death ot Judjfe Ilumpbrles. ' Washington, July ' 12. Judge David C. Humphries, of tbe D-sirict of Colum bia Sunrem Coort, did at bis residence near Franconia. Fairfax county, to-day. His remains ill be tken to Huatsville, Alabama, for in'ermrtt. WINES. LIQUORS AND CIUAKS. A. W. FRAPS, WHOLESALE AX BtTAIL DE4LEB IK WIS ES rORDI LSt POUTER, ALE AJJ LAtiEK cEtii Thf rnllowiiur brands are kept on hand : lv Oalc (Sole Ageut. bibs n. Cooper, Cabinet, Pfelffer. Bour- on, GoUleD Wetiiling, Mono gram, XXX Crown Kye,and best scotch Whiu luea. i - ' j l oin oper, North Carolina and Kentucky Corn Whisky. Best Jamaica and New Fngland Rams. 1 sun Castillo, irrencn an-i canrornia cognac, aud outhamnton Apple Brandy. Kammeil, Carueoa, Abyntde-, and Keed's Cock- Vol - - - Bitters (the best in the market) and GUt Ede Lon.ion Dock, TTollana and Domestic Gins and fkihledam sennapps. , . . . ali'orula Port, Sherry C.Scnppemouir, and i0iixrtd Cnampaime. Port and Sherry Wines McKvaoas and Beau's Ales, K. I. Barte' Duttl in Putter. - LatrerJBoerm Kegs and Bottles, - v lrqroriHl ApoUtnaris and Seltaer Waters. The Bar is supplied wrtu 1 11 K II KMX Wtnea nd i.innur ttiat can h pt rtecia-rt. 11. AT. HVNUM'8 Olil Aiipl Brandy, The popn aiity hlch this Brandy has attained Induces me to br hg it more tteuerally to notice. If you like a gooU pure artl ie, this lam wiiitog to guarantee ; and If yon have any siraptMi as io using it as a beverage rcu may d aaaored ot its tui d. stimulating and tavigurat ng quaUtiea in a luedii "i Duiut ot view, li ia reo-iving The un- qualideU endorsement of ropn eminent in the weutca proresa on in an row ryrtnai i aiiiease or a was injf aud oemiltAtior Datore, where it 4e- coims necexaary tc aopport the faiilnr powers or lire ; ana i am numg ora rs rronj ,c invaies c tits from distant pan of the United States, from whom i-i":am prouuee certihca'ea, but l freier tnai my nranav unouia spfiK jot inwir. is CAKEr'ULLY' DISTILfED FR-iM'THK J VICE OF TH K AP LK, and la, as lta UHTue un files, Arru dKANUi j iree irrva au aJaiter utiuaa. I am now ur .ai ed to skip U to auy part I the united Mates 44 ootuea rannmg six to ib" eiiiu, at $1 iS per bottle. rr-ouarirreBp?ctfairy referred to tne cor resor)def!ce blow. 1 1 i ; Ait nlra aiuat be addreeeed to the ander slewed, as I have no ageucir&and U paoaaveii wdl be uarKiHl COD, xprenr frcUht In all cases win be paiil bv tie parci.aeer. Monej aent by Keplstertd Let wtj . . . . -a . y 1 U1 -also .supply PUH1E SCUrPsHNONG WLNKarfi-OOperbotUe7 -Afldresa- , , LIU A. HVMJTt, t i , Fanavtlle Pitt Connty, N. C, ' 1 ' GkkenVVllk. 3 -C. : March . 1S7S. ' T o alt Whom tki Stag Concern? I aave personally and :n imately Known K. A. Btncm, of the c amy of Pitw aince ls64, when, a a wornrted soldier, I was are 1 for by aim at bin home. Hia wora may be imolK it j relied upon ic ad things. H e is incapable of knowingly uia- repreaeaaiig ai ytiung or ueceivm any body . lie is the maker of the oet a-ucie of Apple Brai'dy t have ever seen or tasted. Those wish ing u get an elegant article of par" Branny will oe sore to do so by applying to hin. ' ? - . 'I'll kV. T tlDVIO ;T- PAKirvnJL,PluCoanv.KCJan:as,l Hilt liBMllcncy, Z. B. Vunet: . V Dkakce : Aiwr having a seTeral occasibna, bth at mv nous and elsewhere.- tatted of mv "Old Apple Brandy," will yon be so kind as to give me your opinion as io iu excellence and purity t 1 thin k some four or Ive years ago yon eut some of U to a friend Lu Londoa. oglaad. o thus becoming acquainted with its superior merits. chaHtTgen with it the maters of tnebeM Lonttoa lock. Biandy.' May 1 not ask yon also to uitorm me .01 tae result w aat contest, tr yon enow it 7 -, 1 . . . 1 navauie nonor 10 d. ,H "; ' ---1' - . -Yoors truly , -J tMnv-' - . e.i Kxjscctivx DKraitTJiiifT, ;(!jd . .7. , - btute of A'ort arolina, " 5 ' BiLMOH, January sath, 187. ' Mr-R."a! Annum: i. - i ; -' I)ka.k Sn : Your fcoSe ia received, and iu an swer thereto gives me pieaaure- to . sat that I believe your Brandies are the purest ana best I ever saw of our Home manufacture v - I La ISM L presented: gentteman la London with a galiou of your mak aud he said. it. ex celled auytaing he had ever seen made from fruit, and that all his aeaaalntsDee-who had tasted it thought it equal to the bee brands of grass branuy. . 1 . i, ... , If people wfjQ drink spirits as a bevei age li Is a pity that they would not eonflns theidlves to neb pure, unadulterated and uonesUy mad ppiriui aa your ranoiea. ( x , . , . JanaUWiy16," ' ' .11 i ill - - ' ' - II BOARDINGjaODSE .- i, -it ihiL i s-.u ., naar th f!ntLfil Mmn. KOiM9 iKn -LrvrT j BOARD by tne day, Tree br toontn, on reason Tbe Seynionr Inqnemt. '- N. C, SUNDAY, JULY 13, 1879. FURNITURE MANUFCTO ,IOUN T. MORRISS, . Corner Fayettevi le and Uane Sts , x FRAPS' OLD STAND, BALEIGH..N. O. . - A ALL KINDS OF FURUITURE ' MATTKESSX8, SPRING BEDS, AO . Baa now in store a nice assortment of -Crtaga ana v sanai jea nnora eeia ; r jut, mm bi K. tchen hnraiiure ; Bedsteads, Bureaus. Washr Brands. Tabies, Cribs Cradles, Chairs. Lonnges, Desks, Tin Pares. Kofaa. WhaWNota Aa '10 all in want of Furniture I would say, call and com pare prices before parehaaiug, aaleaa and will sen as cneap as any one eise.. .. j pni-ai. W. J. GALAIS, fcperintenatat '. , ... MAJJTJPACTUKEH3 OT ,. -' WAL10T CHAMIEI SBITkV CIEIS1IB CASE WASH-STAI9S. WAI3S81H, NAT RACKS TAILES Ct All KlldS ; -AID STTLES.I DESKS. AND ITTOBTTHINO JSTJALLY 'ICADB IN A FIKST-CLASS FURNITUAH FACTORY, ; This la a HOMlJ KNTERPlUSfi. and" beta such, we respectfully ask an even ahare with our Northern competitors. We have the best' a4 newest Improved ma chinery, and j - . Superior Wbrkmenii And guaranty satisfaction, both in styles and INS U R ANCE. FRED. A. OLDS, -WITH Cameron, liny fc Co, ' ; ' -r-: 1 " - .7".'i ' . . ' ; Office over Cltlaens' National Bank. - i L ' S pecia I . Ae nt RALEIGH K C., For the Companies named in Cameron, Hay & Co.'i adver ti seme nt. w ! " ap 16 3mos NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE limurance boiTipa,ri.j' IncorprAtcxl in 1S73, KALK1U1I. N. i AtkcU...... .. a6 370 70 nrpla to Policy Holder 173.394 S9 W. B. Anderson, Vice-President HV . IIiaks - i. rxf. and. Trttu Dr. E. Bur Ice HavvaoodL Med. Hirtcbrr Prof. E . Smith, Advuorjf Actuary Tut, only Bon Life Insurance Company la North Carolina. One of i the moat successful Companies of its age in the United Statea. Han already issued between two and three thousand policies, au or lta runis invested at home among our own people. Ail losses paid prompt ly and in cash. Kates aa tow as inose or an .thkbk dollars of aa- Drat class company. Has oets tor every dollab of UabiUtiea. war' nts wanted in every county in the State u rk for this most excellent and firmly estab lished home Institution. For InformaQos address N. C. STATE LIFK 1N8URANCJB CO. Rulelffh. N. C APOLLIN RT3 NATHAL MINKRAL w A ER. tTit!e and lugs, fresh and sren- uloe direct from trie impoiter- i;nicn Messina l,m. is. . .,.. Vxtra fin - large anaas I BRB"" TONfJTJES Pn-e N. '. CItER ViNKGAR, bes qualiv. PIO HAMS. SMUKKD BEEF, shared or aliced t"i rder. j Brrtee water. Pataraco and other brands Received twice a week by Express. Every thing: ( In the grocery Line , Best Quality, Lowest Prices I T2- T. II A.RTIIV. RI i) "I July to tf ' r:ciAJ;Stftoai. i , .Inly lOtli; 1879. i ! - -. ' ". .'-4 Roasted j Coffees: '' W'iM ntn " IMinn Wlinli flea Bit) COFFEE at 'a cems per poortd. guaranteed u u iresuei ana o- ihii .man auy su cent Koaated Coffee lu this market. ... , . ' Choice Roasted LA6TJAYKA and MARA. CAIBU, SS eeaw. - r -Fancy SAVASILLAl Roasted' 30 vnt 1 - Best OLD GuVERXSfSNT JAVA, Roasted, :iGood OLD GOVERXMINT JAVA, Roasted. So cents. 1 . -. . - . , Soasted, Arabian , Mochay. .Peabury, ' f - Mexican Java and Sant sand" "f--;1 'cJbsta Wca Coffees.' .. "We especially recommend to our customers our Bflastei SaranlllaanI Costa VAtx COEFEES! They are as fine flavored as Old Government Java or Mocha, and have more str ngih Aa we do our w H'utinr. we guarantee to ruruisa riuui ana bsclkh. , . , than any Northern Roasted Coffees and at a less price.' . a -dI'Is, -tJ U t : .DP P.T"TA TATT Ta TTITTnn JP Ull l l i u njDi WHULEaALE & KljTAlL GROCERS Refreshing asd WhQhsome iisiiiii RICHMbNDADVERTiSEliENTS. BLACK LACE POINTS J v j BLACK liACB POlNTSl . Vf . , , - - BLACK LAOB'-POTT?T8T MUST BE BOLD I . MUaT BE SOLDI ,r ... t MUST) BE SOLD ! !-- e A fTS BLACK LLA MA-LA' "K POINT for $40 ; .' A S6S BLACK LLA MA LACE POINT, for $35 ' a s-is Black llama-lace piin for tss ; A BLA K LLAMA-LACE POINT fT $0 ; A $ S BLACK LLAMA-LACK POINT for 1S ; A fit BLACK LLAMA-LACE P INT for $1$ ; ! A $i BLA K LLAMA-LACE POINT for $14 ; ; A ttO BuACK LLAMA-LACE PtllNTtor $1S ;;i . A $l" bLA K LLAMArLACE POtN for, S ; t i A $9 BL CK LL Va-LAi E P INT for' $5 : i A $T BLACK LLAMA-LACK POINT tor M'J A '$4 ULA KTLA A-LACK POINT forf $4, ,: i ne aoove aruc es noat be sold. - Soca an. op-: poriunity to pu- chase a Lace Poiat at low figures may. not offer iVelf again in rears. So avail yourselves of taa present Yportnaity: - u i, - ,.wir;t s i r LEVY BROTBKHSy v , ' .... ivi. n , PARASOLS I PABASOL8I SUPERIOR QCAL uy biLK Parasols, Uned taroogh wits Silk wHl be sold at$l .$! 60.and$..78. which la less tha half tte vaiae. Silk, Uiaeham, Swge, and Alpaca Umbrellas and Buggv Umbrellas, at - LAWNS t LAWNS 1 LAWKS ULani at 63 J 8W.10. and 19 wo. oer yard. Linen Lawns ia great variety at ap price.1 The beat Irenth Orgaudy Lawns at S6c peryard. at - - s , 1011 and I1 Mala siwet. i BLACK flRENADINES 1 BLACK GRENA-j BINES !-Ortnadines m at be closed out at once ; the stock marked down ; some to be sold as low aa 6c per yard. A large lot of REM N ANT to be sold at a -sacrifice. .Oar low prices will Insure a speedy sale. o call early at - , C ORtETS ! CORSETS I CORSES t-A tall assortment of hand-made and trench-wove Corsets In white and colored. . Nursing Corsets,! Adjustable Corsets, and Abdominal Corsets. Shoulder-Braces, at ' IAVY BROTHBRa'. TRAVJkLLERH WILL FIND A ' - BATCH B 8. BASKETS. TRUNKS. TRUNK-STRAPS, bOAWL STRAPS, CUPd, LAsi&ix ii a i ts. if ana t ...., .-. ULSTERS -FOR LADIES, . V- -- UAMM(X)KM, at ' - I LEVY BROTHERS'. READY-MADE DRE8ES. We show a large Assortment of LINEN and LAWN iHUlTS FOR A DIES A large assortment of UNDER GARMJCN iS FOR LAUIE, at LKW BHOTIIERS, i ... lui7 and U19 Main Street, apria-Sm. , -. . Juchmond, Va. Forsiir We beg to call the attention of the trade to onr ezsellent assortment cf ' '' PORTS AD SHERRIES. CLARETS . HOCKS. ATAAVB A SAUTERNES. Of all grades, FORRIGN AND XOTIES- Tic. which we are offering at REDUCED fRICES. Also ar d Ginser Brandies U 1 -of iiperior quality. Our stork of ; Vr Pure Appls &&1 hu Srandies, la not to be excelled In any market. We sell 03LY AT WHOLESALE. and to the TRADE only, and respectfully solicit continuance of their custom, j E. Courtney Jenkins & Co , (Successors to JEN KINS A STEGAL), Distillers' Agts Wholesale Liquor Merchants lis boutn jroanentB Mreet. aprls-Snn.' ; Richmond, Va. CH18. A. BALDWIN. ' WTf F JXKKIHS BALDWIN? & JENKINS, Successors to Cards r, Carltoa A Bsldwla. B0OT& AND SHOES, WHOLESALE, No.,1321 Main Rtl,! RICIl 'vSOXD, TA, , ; spi d?m f EXCHANGE HOTEL AND BALLARD HOUSE. Corner 14th and Frank: in Streets, t J. L. CABBIXGTO 3, - i Prvprieto-. Capacity 800. Popular prices $3.0", $3.60 and is.eoperday. , , ; aorls-irn. DURHAM WHISKY. LaBoaatoBTOF Srara A4va rnv 1 . . HCMOliD. VA-v-Sept. 7.. lais. 1 I hare ufu!ly tested a sample of DURHAM RY WHISK V, elected by a yaelf from ihe sUick of Mttt-srs Ellison A Harvey and find it free from adulterations Iris an excellent ant- le of whkky, and a together suitable cr use as abevera eormeicine. 'r - " i ., ,j W, fl. TAYLOR, M.D, State Chemist., Thin miwtlnr ttttt Whllkt nnmr aA1 J tU different sections. 'd endorsed hy ore SflO umm - w wuiururgiH9).isoiiered lot he trad Uiicn its merits only ..There are many fine whiskies on the market and we have nothing to aa sa-ainat any known brand - We simply claim th TM'W lA M tn Minl trv .k - are - ..... V " nuupu .iuu: wui oooTviee . an jungeaoi this aprs-sm. Ricb moud. Vat. ; JPurcelli Zadd & Co.. men no s d, va., LTJB&ICATINQ and KEROSENE OILS toy Barrel avnd Car Loadv ; "' i BI-CAJRB SODA, SPIC2S, i iat ,4t?bs,:i-x.''.- CDlTCiniJTIJATLT) LYE. use MolesalBllrQgpts NO. 12. RICHMOND ADVERTTSlHrENTP.5 RECTIFIERS AJJD TTHOLESALE V 1323, 025 MlfflMlfouK RICHMONI), "VA. apris-sm. 5 -t,: . , -.w : - t ..-'t ( . . Ai iitAXli, ft .Mm, t -ci-iu-i. iistabUsaed.t82a)i tu-i trtisl 003 East Mala St., RJCHMOND, Va i Provrietors of B Select" Whisky and maua- factureraof 1NE CIGARS. . . . . i kwJTlNK TEAS AND WtHES a Specialty. mayss-tm- - - -- j- TALBOTT .' & " SONS, Shockoe MacHine 7orks; ; mCIIMOND.TIRGIMA. . . MAJTrjPACTTJRERS OF ; Engines and Boilers. Saw- Mma, Grist Mtlls, Shafting, Hangers and Pulleys, Turbine Water Wheels, Tobacco Factory Machinery, Wrought Iron Work, Brass and Iron Castings, Ginning and ?Thresnirig Engine M aotXinery of Every Desorlption. wepamng prorapuy and carefully done. rar"HeBd for LUuatrated Catalogue. Branch Office, BALEIG D. f. C. STRO CII & ALLCOTT, ! a M Awtrr AcrtraxBS' ' Asnrrs. 5 1 . aasCTAfcWj'T'l v. .. i, ...I -j,: s- BALTIMOUE AUVEHllriEMKN 1 8. BALTIMORE , JOBBING HOUSE. . 332 and 334 West BalCmore Street. CONSTANTLY IN STOCK, THE ; Caiesl Works cf a.11 the hUisers ' . : ' ' . rs Sunday Scliool, . Day School, . Law, Medical, Tbcolo0calana. . . . JfJIscelluneous Rooks. WRAPPING AND WRITING PAPERS, BONNET BOARDS, v PAPER B INDS, ' ' PENCILS, INKS, PENS. AGENTS IOB ' :. HYATT'S CELEBRATED . Any and ererytMng lu the Book and Paper Basin ess can be procured of us. . a ' WM. J a DTJLAT & 00. tnhS-dw-ly a 1 MISCELLANEOUS Proposal ; oi"'prrE dtTY clerk. URPOALS for bulldinc the u idition to the X Kes -ue v.nglnfl House, accord I g to pi ins and speciflcaMouM 01 fl e m this offlo. will be rfceivea u nt MOUAY.duiy sist, ibis, UM. . Rvnrrln' of CAmnniitM. t .- , .-- . July lu-St , , .j v. C W. LAMBET'I, Clerk. ! Eight Years Success! THE 'LARGEST IU TUE STATE I rtmvnrivrt; invnisvu AXD ; b'lakk Mi mMmm- : , - - - ' 1 n. ' ..- .r. We return our thanks to friends and natron Who "hare heretofore favored -us with their oroera, aaa we use piea-ure m saying; to them BETTE tt' PREPARED For good work and prompt ezcuUon ot orders than ryerbefor-. while our n cks abb as low AS WUUST UUA14 WUI CAJI BB DoVX AXTWBBkS. PRINTING AND BINDING of any kind, from IIWHUI M ULB IMCH fill II""'. . 10 . .' AJSCSAIt D LARKS. , .. A complete assortment of Ial Blanks of the latest iorms always on band and mailed postpaid at $ .t 0 oer hundred. Rend for Cmami- " If yoa wish anything ta this line write to osj wu jmj yuu. , -: . -r . . . EITT7AEJDS, CROUGIITOr CO.V 7? . Prlntsr.ahdClndersV . .-1 - liiili - - - ,i - .iaar One Square (1 Inch) one day,:..........'., ai :,. . . two M 1 Sd 3' - " tares " , . 00 '" foar"M-.M.HM"LS so w w - flTO IJi.'.'' ' f ' ." SIX ' -: .' S SO i Oontraets for advertlsi&x lor any space or time atay b mad at tba office of .The ObserTer, Obaerrer BnUdlnc raycttwrlUe Street, RalelEU, Horta Carolina. , ; PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ' T ' 1 Ui : . u. -Jj . i-i ' E C & J. B. ' YEL.LiOTVL,ElT, Attorneys at Law, : 0ffXENyTLLEtuX. a"" ; and la the Courts ot Pitt, Greene, Beaufort and tiyde counties. v-,ti v juxA-am. , W. & Masoh. . . V. ; : . -.ii ca"X-T.P. DsTSanj.' MASON A DETEREIX, . i .Attorneys , at Lay , , Room No. 4, Bagley BuUciuig, Con Fayetteville and Martin Streets, ' ' ':";.,,naLEioit, ;-piJ v - P actic , . - the Conns, Mate and Federal, Wt TlMllERLiAKE, t '. r ouioburo-I 'it. ai'": Cikctjtt : Franklin, Wake Granville, Nash' and vvarrea. . ? . . sesi-17.' Jt' c . jl ; II A U R I s , RALEIGH, 1. C. : ftlmcl 80XJTH OF COTTBT ' EOUBI Df OLD 8SNTI- . u-.,t if'-u tnrOPDW. Practices la all tne Courts of the State. , , septss-tf Practices la State and Federal Courts. Colleo- : tious promptly made. . augs-tf ' " . JOHN M. XOBTKe, I . I AXraBD U. MOETNa, ui unatnam-i, i si - of orange, . JORINCJ & MORIXG, Attorneys at Law, 1 DURHAM, C. tar All business entrusted to tnem will receive prompt attention. . - fobsa 7-ly. R.T. GRAY. v! B. R. STAMPS. l RAY A STAIWPS, V-Am Si- t:.; ,i it i : ii -.? ..... ,1.; Attorneys at , Law, . , RALEIGH, K. C. ,,; its" Refer to the Banks and business men of Raleigh.- - - . , K Collections promptly attends to. ,. , myS-ly. pd w. R. GtjROOAT, A t to rnev at L a w. urrlluck Coirt House,1 N. C. P ' Mi A R C O. Attorney at Law, V KACl ICES IN ANY OOURT Ofao i ddftH" two door above Yarbo iouae. i-ayeteilie Street, Kalelgo, N.C t. ; is: i. - : - .- ' - - '' it. A. Gil i JOHH GATLlKd ATTGRMV at. LAW. RALEIGHr N. C. . " , rVactice in State and Federal Couita. jyi& tf A. 8. MBBHIMON. 1UO&. J. FCTLLifc. 8. A. ASHS Attorneys a X-oasellors at Law, RAL.3DIGH, 3V. O. Practice la the State and Federal Courts wher eyer their services may be required. . ec sorf , . i ....... r. a. sutrwoB.' r s -j b. slsosob. ? BLEESOE & blzesos, Attorney at Law, ( ' RALEIOH, N. d tr Practice in state and Federal Courts. , g"speclal attention glren to the collection of Main s and the settlement of estate. : . . Offiwin ADAMS' BUILDING, corner Martin nd itmiiartw trta. - lanl-lr R. Pt'UXELL, ATTOBNET & COUNSELLOR AT 1AW RAlKIOII. N. C. ' or-Tractices in the state ard F deral, Courts. Pr mpt a tenfon t all 1 rofsunisi business. Office. Sd Floor U S. Postofflce Building. mni iy - '.',1 Attorn eys-at-Law, V'; R LElQil, JV. a Pra-tice In the Courts of tbe Ktate snt in the Federal (!oon. t apra-tf OHM ). TROIV ATUW Ui i.; F IR TEYILiEw IS. C.t : tC'aim8 collected anywhere In. North Caro lina aud T( udiGances romut y made. Refers by permission to Hon. W. N. H. Smith, Chief Juiee supr-mf Court Hon R. P. Bur ton, an.i Messrs. Mammon, Fuller A Ashe. . mi f Km . . . , , , . RE A D if - M A LIE CLOTH I NQ. J.:M. ROSENBAUM, Informs the citizens of Ril igh and th Ststethat he has reopened with an entire new ktock of gOOdS, COuS'StlOg Of ; : . , ii ) . ' -1 i - - 1 - READ Y-L1AD ' C L O'flltH G axd Gentlemen Furnishinsr Gob'ds. - ..r-"M . . i . I , .....i'" From roerUum to the finest, which he is selling for cash at bottom prU es. Up Is where he baa been f'yr years. , . ( , , . , . f , t orn-r ryetteyrille aud Ilarsjett Sta. . U3J itS tf. i : -iU ," -i . i , i ... GOLD MINE -.Ai 185 Acres of Land for Sale. " I offer tor sals 165 acres of ramabie Land in DavVuon cou-ity, six inilm near.y east of Lex ington, conta iilng a valuable GOLD MINE, known as Tha onrad Hu Gold iii.e.- --.- Ore from thi mine has ren recently analyzed m Loolttyille. Ky., by a d sttnjrmshed Ast-a or. and FOt Ntr Tty-BIB t)F. THB YEuY BEST QUALITY. t- The heirs of the fate Henry Conrad. 'who are In possession f and own the property; are new working the mine to great advantage. IhetlUe is good No encumbrances. Terms eas. Apply to. the undersigned, -Lezngion, N. C. who wit take pleasure in showing the cronertr to paruea deairmg to buy. v 3 ... v . M. H. PISNIX . Jyl-Sm Agent for the Conrad Heirs,