. 1 .V .... ' .. ' RATES OP ADVERTISING. . , t . . .4 j:' B T S A . A8HI ; flushed Dily (except Monday) and Weekly, k.TMor suiacKiniojt w abtawob. . One Square (1 inch one day, ; fl oo Oalll. one year, mU j-wM-w--, J JJ aix monUii ? jM 00 tnree " 1,4 ' ? 00 Weekly., year vmall posted,-. . , I 00 u six months, " iw Tecity subscribe TfceOterver will be de- 1Wered dally at twenty cents per week; seven- M M , II, two " .l.so ' three ............. S 00, - m f0UI m.'m.m.J.a, C' t 60 . : , . . six MMM.MM.V ' 60; Contracts for advertising for any space or time' NO." 21. may be made at the offlce of The Observer, t Observer Building, Fayette ville street, . Raleigh, VOL. . RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1879. .j.flre ceuu v- - North Carolina. . I -. i " . - l ; . Railroad to b Sold, i BaLTTMORK. Jnlv ai. At . mtin(r tn-t MISCELLANEOUS. SCHOOL. RICHMOND ADVERUSEMENTa PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 4. KSPOBTSD BY THK ASPOOIATKP PBKSfl. f 3Tom Beport. Foreign Item. - Losdos, July 23.-Tbe Globe and Ec7u this afternoon publish a statement tfaait the government have received a telegram from Sir Bartle' Treer announcing that Lord Chelmsford had defeated the Zulus under King Cettawayo with immense loss, . and that the war was virtually over. The newspapers publishing the statement, do not say whether the telegram came by way of Madeira or St. Vincent. .The .battle as four on Joiy 4th. i TheZuhis were variously estimated at from 10,000 to 20 000 in number. They sunounded the British troops who formed into a hollow gquare. The Zalus charged the square on all four of its sides. After the Zulus were broken by the British fire they were pursued by cavalry and utterly-routed.-Lord Chelmsford burned and destroyed; all the military kraals and returned .to his camp the same evening. , A Paris dispatch to the Time says the disunion of the Bonapartists is becoming daily more apparent. Some of them ad vocate tbe claims of Prince, Victor 80O of Prince Jerome Bonaparte.- Others are only willing to accept Prioce- Jeroma on certain conditions, and now M. Grainer DeUassagnac urge in the Pay that ' lin eage is nothing and that everything should depend upon the result of a plebescite.- '' London, July 2a In the Hoaseof Commons this afternoon Sir Michael Hick Beach, Colonial Secretary; announced the receipt of a telegram; dated Capetown, July 8th, confirming the news of a decisive victory gained by Lord Chelmsford's forces over the Zalua, virtually ending the war,' as given by the 6 lobe and Echo to day. Lord (jneimsiora remained in camp tin the afternoon of July 3d, awaiting the sur render of cannon and 1,000 rifles captured by the Zulus at Isandula. .These not ar -. riving, he advanced, and was attacked m the open country by 15,000 Zulus who flc-d under tbe heavy fire of tbe British. Lord Chelmsford then advanced to and de troyed Nlundi. ' The Zulu, loss amounted to 800; the British lost 10 killed and. 53 wounded. London, July 23. A Stl Petersburg dispatch to Keuters says : In consequence of the prevalence of incendiarism the au thorities of Knorkoff have divided the town into 324 tire districts. Every bouse, holder is bound . to keep a special night watchman and have thirty buckets of water always ready. Yellow l'er in Iouiwille. . " LocisviLLK, July 23. The health offi cers discovered two cases of yellow fever in this city yesterday afternoon, - both of which were brought from Memphis. , Mrs, Samuel Eokers, wife of a barber, who died in Jlenfbis several days ago, and who came to Louisville on Sunday, Is ill at the residence of a friend,, on Story Av enue, in the eastern part of the city. The other ca?e is.that of Miss Easing,- also a refugee from Memphis, who is residing with relatives on Portland Avenue. Botb cases are of a mild type, and there is no excitement over their discovery. There are no Ci?es of local origin in the cUy. from TlemrittlM. Mkmphu, July 23. Thirteen new cases were reported to the Board of Health this morning. Among them are J. L.' Reister, wife and child and .Ex-Chief of Police' Thomas VV. O. Donnell. One death oc curredMrs. Delia 1 Barry, in Mosley Street. Fever seems to be gradually spread ing in the northern portion of the city and Chelsea, which, up to yesterday, bad been exempt. Michael Athy, brother of Chief of Police Athy, was taken sick last night, aod it is thought he bas fever. The citi zens continue to leave "the city in large numbers. The authorities are still looking about for a site to establish a camp. llutord's Seutence. Owkntox. Kt.. July 23. The jury in the case of Buford, on trial for the murder of Judge Elliott, after being out eighteen hours brought in a verdict of gudty of murder in the first degree and fixed his punishment at imprisonment for life in tbe penitentiary. . Died suddenly. Norfolk, Vs., July 23 Richard H. Chamberlain.. President of the Citizen' Bank, died suddenly this morning at his tesiuence in tms city, i Midnight Meport Zulu War. London, July 23 Lord Chetmsrord continues to advance and his forces have reacnea an excellent position between LoadaeDgoand Utundi. The Zulu army uau oeen oosprved leavioir its bivouacs about :30. Ad engagement Was soon af ter crmrnenced by mounted men, and uj o clock the Zulu attack was f uUy de and the Lancers, followed by the remaind er of, the cavalry, attacked them and a ghaeTc-fout en8ucd f-Tne prisoners state that King Cettywayo was personally com manding, acd witnessed the fight from a neighboring kraaL ; fey say20,000 men DarilCiDateri in thn nftaob Nwri fhalm ford estimates the Zulu loss to , be not less ihan 1,000 men. Utundi was burnine at noon.. Tbe steadiness of our troops, who one time was eurroun;ed by a complete b-It of fire. WM romnrknhlA. Th dh and enterprise of the cavalry was all that vumu oe wisnecL iconln ltepubiicau Cvrutln. ' , i Madison, Wis., July 23 The State tt-puMican Convention was called to or in n the Assembly Chamber by Horace KuN. Vhairman of the State Committee- at owock this morning. - There were 266 legates present Permanent organization i ceciea by the election of J, B. Cas- -IT, oi ttock. as President. bmitn wa nominated for Gover- un me nrst ballot and the nomination , "aae unanimous, by acclamation. -ames AL Bingham was then nominated 'OT LlPntonor. r.. . IT r nr ireMnrert acd -Richardi Guentherfor --wrney ueneral. " r ' The IfeUow Fever. "ashisgto July , 23. A. dispatch v . lTen or me nation n iJoaro ft taS lmm Shelf Tenr;Eseef-wlich fp.T v inerar no neva, cases oi yJ'w 5er there, and m refuse case is about same. t;' . i . day of tbe bondholders of the W ashington Hty, Virginia Midland and Great Southern Railroad, Company, lor the purpose of hearinir the renort of the cnnimittAA nf n. OTfiniiation. it was decided that the mul and franchise shall he sold nrvW m. rWnw of tbe trcuit Court for the city of Alex, anana, in tue sou ot John iu. Orahm vs. the Com Dan V. now oendin? &nd Trnsteeii appointed, who v shall purchase the noad t and s organize ' a , new n.com panv.and execute new mortf&pea !n nlane of the originals.,. The; common and pre ferred stock of the old companies is to be represented by stock in the new commay upoa a basis of $100 of the latter for f 500 of tbe former. The parties to this scheme are required to subscribe their assent thersi to by the first of next September. ; -fj Waehisgtos, July 23.The Sabeiia tendant of Mails at St. Louis has tele graphed to the PostofSce DeDartment that tbe Postmaster there bas refused to receive mails from the infected districts, and ask: mg instructions. , The following reply was sent by the Acting Superintendent; of Kail way Mau Service to-day "By direc tion of the Postmaster General you will deliver ait mails that cannot be forwarded to their destination on account of quaran tine regulations to the Postmaster at St. Louis, who will be held responsible for the safe keeping of tbe same." Wnnf Iranla Hepubllcan Conven tion. ! Habkisbctbo, Pa , July 23. The Re publican Mate Convention met this morn ing in the Hall of tbe House of Represen tatives with a full attendance of delegates. 1 he ' organization ' was effected by - the election of Hon. Galusha A- Grow perma nent Chairman. Samuel Butler was then nominated for State Treasurer by acclamation: 1 IVunuded. Nokfolk, Va... July 23.-rIn a difilculty d-day on tbe steamer Uipsev. carrying the mails between ' Erahklla ( Va. ) and i Ply- naoblh (N. G.), Col. Zimrie McDonaldr Qf Washington, was shot ' by T. J. Burhage, captain ot the boat. The ,bal) entered the left cbsek, breaking the jaw-bone and knocking out some teeth.. His wounds are not considered fatal. Jflanne. Wilmington. July 23. The bark. In. diana, Capt. Evans, from New Calabar, Africa, is at quarantine with one of her crew dead and two rick of African feverA Tbe steamer Regulator, which struck an obstruction inside the bar yesterday, was towed to tbe city to-day. Her cargo is unujured. Fatal Aceidenu Petersburg, July 23. James Charles aod bis son and Alex. Nugent, painters. were precipitated into the street by tbe giving way of . the scafljling to-day in front oi tbe Opera House. Charles died a short time. Nugent is in a critical condition and Charles' son is badly hurt. MISCELLANEOUS. PATAP3C0 INSTITUTE, MISS SARAH N. RANDOLPH, of Edge Hill. Virginia. PrinciDaL This weit known Soiiool for Young Ladies and Children will be reopened beptember 18th. It offers unosual fa ciliues for a flniahed education. For (ircalara, aMre8S the Principal. Paiapsco Institute. Elli- cott Ctiy, .Md. KeJerence lion. Geo. Davis. JUlf w-ir-so-iat 17: C. TE30M8; MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF : Plus. Twist. Granulated and Cut Smoking Tobacco. . . 1 AMONG WHICH ABS THS CBLZBHATSO Royal Arch, . r uncle fled, Twist In Buckets. , and, Grape. Nos. 321 & 323 South Ninth St., iticnTio.Mv Ta. mvs-dst-wemos ' V , 815,000 FOB SI. THE KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY Is drawn in pursuance of an act of the General Assembly of the Btate of Kentucky for the bene- atof .15 Educational Institutions: The following attract!! e scheme will be draws in public at . Covington, &.J.. under the super vision oi sworn commissioners, on ! . KCH&MJt; 1 Prise of $15,000 U.... ......... ...... Sis.000 jl Prize of , 8,000 uu. 8,ooo ! l Prise of ft.030 is s,000 "S Prizes of .600are i ...... ... S.000 ; Priaesof l.uooare S,0u iu maesoi ( oware ...v 60 Prises of 100 are......;.;......... roe prizes of : ? 6eare..i.I...... teoPrUesoX M are...4...,. eooPrizesot. 10 are... 5,000 ,000 6,0110 tfiW 0,00) S,0U0 t,SS 1,000 Prises of 5 are.:... n Approximaaoa rases amounting to: 1,94 Prises amounting to.... S67.W5 'TiVle !! c CLUB RATES i 1C5B lit 11 UPON APPLICATION. CXBTinCAT AS TO BOXD FOB VATHKNT OT PBIZSS By the conditions of this at the manairera were required 70 ex-cuteto.tAs oto A'- (tusty a Bond in tk m qf One hundred i nousana jjouart, conTitioned for the prompt paynent ot an prises, and the faithful discharge ot all duties imposed by said act, seen by the certificate of the County Clerk, as below stated. , iujns DICKINSON, Managers. Stats of Kam-rrcrr,) , Henry County.-. V as. CrrTOFNswcAsrt,I t s J, W, W. Turner, Clerk of the County Court in ana xoraaia luubij mu state, ao nereoy certiry mat 'the bond to the Commonwealth of Ken tucky in the penal sum of one hundred thousand dollars, required to be filed by the Act for the benefit of the Henry stale Academy and Henrr Female College, passed by the General Assembly of said Common wealth and approved Dec, s, UM. was duly executed, delivered, accepted. and approved, and that said bond la dul ILed in my office as Clark of said Court. Witness my official signature and seal of office at Newcastle. Henry county, this ttth day of March. A. D. 1879. W. W. TURNER. (ssbal) - -County Clerk, Henry tounty, Ky." r Address all orders to W ILLIAMSON A OU ueoeral eastern Airta. 699 Broadway. New York. List of drawings published in the New York BtraJd and Sun, staatt ZHtung, Philadelphia Record, Philadelphia Sumdap Dispatch, Plt.sburg Lomimue iMmiwraat, AUoawu town ticket holders are mailed a copy of the Of. vcuuust as soon as received. The next fol lowing drawing August 14, 18T. Wanted at ouc gouu, reuaoi agents in every town, Adr urea mo suufs. Jj 19 S1U W-ltW J TTTTZ n Authorised by the Commonwealth of Kentucky mth POPULAR DRAWING OP THK -A.t Mooauley's Theatre, '- In the City ef Loaisvme, on THURSDAY, July 31st. 1879. 'On which occasion a GRAND CONCERT win be crtven, holders of a ticket or cart of a ticket en titled to admission free. : ine jjTxwmg wui do snprvisea dj men or undoubted character an l wanding, and ticket Boldera, areata and clubs are reepectfollT re- jqnetted toKHnd fcpepgMeawtiYea with proper croucuLuua to examine uuo tae urawiajr, A New Era in the Histerr of Lotteries. Ererr ticket-holder can be nls own Bnoenriaor. Can oat nis Dauber and see it placed in the wheel. The Management call attention to th grand opportunity presented of obtaining fa. paiy $2 anj of the FOLLOWING PRIZES : , . . 1 Prize $30,0001 100 P'i"s $100 eTi $10,000 800 PVi 60 " 11,000 OOP'a'S SO 12,000 1.000 P'S 10 ' 10.000 1 Prize 10,000 1 Prize 6.00m 10 rl! 11.600 e'n 16,000 80 Prizes $600 each $10,000. 9 Prizes $300 each. Approximation Prises $3,700 s Prizes $300 each. Approximation Prizes $1,800 Prizes $100 each, Approximation Prizes S SOS ,960 Prizes. $11X,40U TOoIeTleket8,$2. Half Tickets, $1 27 Tickets ?5U. 55TICKet8. An sppllcations for club rates should be made to the home office. Kenut by Post Office Money Order, registered letter, bank draft, or express. Full list of lraw lng published iu Louisville Courier-Jtnu nal and newborn iieraicL, ana mauea to ail ticxet holders. For tickets and Information address COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO., or T. J. cuMMitKrouu, secy, cowur-joumaf Building, Louisville. Ky. N. B. iter JULY SisT drawings will occur MONTHLY. iu d-li.l4-;T-lS-vl.S4-2ft-98 W-1T-24. Jj d-l-S-6-10-18-16-lM-Si-S4-86-29 W-l-S- 1V. - ' The wear and tear of business life makes such tremendous drafts upon bo ty and mind that without resources to some sustaining agent they must give way under the pressure. To those who are breaking down or wasting away from general debility or affections oftne liver, stom ach and the kidneys, a systematic course of the Bitters will so reinforce the vital functions as to baffle all the assaults ef disease and restore the system to i s wonted health. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS ATJ RE SPECTABLE DEALERS GENERALLY. jel7-d-Tu-T-SAw-ly. B. A. BYNUM'8 Old Apple Brandy The popn-artty which this Brandy has attained induces me to bring it more generally to notice. If you like a good, pure article, this I am willing to guarantee ; and if you have any scruples as to using u aa a oeverage you may oe assured oi tta mi d, stimulating and invigorating qualities in a medical point of view. It is receiving tbe un qualified endorsement of men eminent in the medical profession in ail low forms of disease of comes necessary to support the falling powers of life : snd I am filling orders from convales cents from distant parts of the United States, from whom I could produce certificates, but! prerer mat my uranoy snouid speak ior itseir. It is CAREFULLY DISTILLED FROM THE JUICE OF THE APPLE, and ia, as its name im plies, APPLE BRANDY ! free frcm all adulter ations. I am now prepared to ship U to any part of the United states in bottles running six to the gallon, at $1.85 per bottle. vr x on are respectmirr referred to the cor respondence below. All orders must be addressed to the under signed, aa I have no agencies, and all packages wul be marked C. O. , express or freight in all cases wui do paia Dy tae purcnaser. money seat by Registered Letter. l win also supply rums BCUrrJKNONU win it at si.00 per botue. Address as a uxnujti, . Farm vine Pitt County, N. C, GssnrvTLLS. N. C. March 81. 1373. To all JTkom this May Concern : 1 have personally and intimately known R. A. BYVCif. of the county of Pitt, since 1S64. when. as a wounded soldier. I was cared for by him at his home. His word may be lmpiicitj relied upon in ail things. He is incapable of knowingly mis representing anything or deceiving anybody. - He is toe maxer oi me oest arucie or Apple Brandy I have ever seen or tasted. Those wish ing to get an elegant article of pure Brandy will oe sure to ao so by applying to mm. - ' Farmvtllx. Pitt County. N. C Jan. 3S. "79. Dkak Six : After having on several occasions. both at my house and elsewhere, tasted of mv "Old Apple Brandy," will you be so kind as to give me your opinion as to its excellence and purity? I think some four or five years ago you sent some of it to a friend in- London. England. who thus becoming acquainted with its superior merits, challenged with it the makers of the beat London Dock Brandy. - May I not ask you also to uuorm me w. uie result oi uu contest, II yoa uiywui . . a iuiv tae uouor so ne. . , , Yours truly, ' ' R. A. BYNTJM. EXSUUTlf S DSTAKTMSNT, - , SteU Hortk VroHna, ' Balkish, January ssnh, 187S. Mr. R, a.. Bvnrtm: - Dsas Sik: Your note Is received, and in an swer thereto it gives me pleasure to say that I believe your Brandies are the purest and best I ever saw of our home manufacture. - In 1374 I presented a gentleman in London with a gallon of your make and he said it ex celled anything ha had ever seen made from fruit, and that all his acquaintance who had tasted it thought it equal to the best brands of grans brandy, t.v If people will drink sninta as a bevei aire it la a pity that they would not confine themselves to sucn pure, - unadulterated and honestly mad pirua aa your raaaiea. . -. Respectfully and truly yours. 1ansn-dAw.lv , Z. B. VANCE STOi AT THIS : Richmond Hotel, ,.: (OPPOSITE LONG'S flOTSL), -ROCKINGHAM. N. MRS. J. A. MCDONALD. Prourietress t Rooms large snd comfortable. Terms moder. MetropolitanHall jto Let. At the late meeting of the Aldermen of the City of Raleigh a Committee was appointed to Invite and report proposals for a lease of Me tropolitan Hal for one or three years. - healed proposa's for such lease win be re ceived from date until the 81st inst. by me as' vnairman, or oy v. w. iamDetn. city cierk. . - -7 . B. H. BATTLE. Jn., . '? i - A ' . Chairman. BaleirU, H. C. July ITthjis;. Jy ls-td jtw f CELEBRATED Greensboro Female College ;' GREENSBORO, N. C The 47th session of this well-known Institu tion will epen on WEDNESDAY, the 20th of August. Terms reduced to suit the times. Apply for Catalogue to T. M. JONES, President. July 13 lmo MEBANEVILLE, N. C. THE ITIrt Session begins JULY SOth." 187 ; Board, with furnished room, reduced to $12 per month; Tuition to $50 per session. ror particulars, address . July 8-lm MAJ. R-SINGIIAM; ST. MARY'S SCHOOL; -AJIL.ElC3-I3:, 3Sr. Cf- FOIJDED MAY, 1842. Rt. Bev. Tbos Atkinson, D. D., Via. Rt. Eev. Tb.eo .Liyrajtn, D. D. J" tor Bev.BEHHETT SMEDES, A.1L. iiectxr and Jhririoipal, Mrs. Kate De Bos set Mearea, Lmdjr Principal, The 75th Term of this School begins KbPrEnUER Jltb, 1879. ' TOH CIRCULAR ADDRESS THE RECTOR. July 10-tf FOR SALE Notice, By virtue of two several deeds in trust execu- teofto me on January 80. 1879. by McCALLUM & COOPER and H. S. COOPER, and for tae pur poses therein expressed, I will sell at public Auction, at the foundery of McCallum A Cooper in RaJeiirh. N. C, lVelnesdaT, SOth Jlnsrust, 1879, an undivided half interest in tae loundery lot and otner property conveyed in said deeds whicn are registered in page 167 and 168, Record Book, No. 63, otneeef Register of Deeds for Wak coun ty. SW"TennCA8H. J. D. NEWSOM, Trustee. Gkat A Stamps, Attorneys JySO-t L The undersigned, having taken out Letters of Administration upon the estate of Jos. A. Engel hard, give notice to ail persons having claims against the decedent to exhibit the same to tnem oh or before the Mth day f June, &0. All persons indebted to the said decedent are requested to make immediate payment to the unaeraignea. E. B. ENGELHARD, ...,,,- ANDKtCW &YME. Administrators. By Mbrkimon. Fcxlkr k ashk, Attorneys. Dated Juue 84th, 1SS. Je'6-w. COTTON FACTORY FOR SALE. r HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE a Cotton Facto y in Gaston conntv. N. C. on the South Fork of the Catawba River. The property is well Improved. The 'all of -water on the shoal is about 6 feet, fourteen of which is utilized. The mill ia run by a sixty-six inch Turbine when oi the most improved make and win give eumctent power to run v.ooo spindles and preparation, together with-twisting machin ery for same. Picker Is In a boas 100 feet from Mill, and is run by a S6tf inch Turbine of as good make. The mill is not stopped once in ten yrs by high water. Tbe power could be im proved to run 1' 0,000 spindles and preparation. Tbrt-e different railroads within easy distance. Long hauls saved. Cotton grown abundantly by planters in the vicinity, on the property is a Grist and Flour Mill, Together with Saw Mill and Gin. Also all nces-sar-y tenement houses, snd cotton house, store and barn. The mill consists of about S.ooo spindles and preparation for making warps and stein, either single or double, i erms uaii casn, and balance in three, four, and five years' time, with interest at 7 per cent, per annum. Or will sell one-fourth, one-half , or three-fourths and retain ba.ance ; or will lease for an indefinite period to a satisfactory party. r or runner particulars can on or address J. H. WILSON, Jr., Uaatohia, Gaston county. N. C. Building a good brick one. and will hold S.000 spindles. apr6-6moa Notice. Will be mild at the Court House, in Ralolch mi WEDNESDAY. SOth day of ALGU ST next. n lot in the city of Raleigh bounded onW-st by Saunders street. South by Jones street, extended west of Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, Ka-t by a line near the sa d railroad and North by Lane, street extended west of said railroad, containing about two acres. Terms CASH. Sale l Ubllc- JylS-lm JOSEPH B BATCHELOR, Att'y. SUMMER RESORTS. Wis Upt ; West "Virginia, Long distinguished for their valuable alterative waters and fashionable patronage, is now open. Board, per day. $3 : per week, lil.so : ner month ui bwcuij-eigut uajs, oo. : THE CALWELL HOUSE, Adjacent to the Springs, with the privilege of the waters and grounds of the same, is also under our controL Board. per day, $1S per w cci, mn yi uiuui.ii ui tweuiT-eigntaaya- kwSend for Pamphlet. GEORGE L. PEYTON ft CO., JeSS-dAw-lm Proprietors. ."Don bj fee Sea." Season af 1819. OGEAIi VIEW HOTEL. BEAUFORT, N. C, J4AES II. POOL Proprietor, is now open for tbe reception of guests. The above Hotel is situated Immediately on the water irons, in ine Business centre oi me town, and offers SDecial inducements to aefcker of niou. ure, and has a view from ft- promenade on the roof unsurpassed by any other building ia the town. The Bar ta well stocked with the best grades of Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, Ales, Lager Bee, Cigars and Tobacco, and Is open at all hours during the Bight or day for the accommo dation of guests. Bath ag Houses Commodious Bath Houses have been erected on shore sod beach for the benefit of the patrons of this Hotel, croquet Grounds For those whodellght In this innocent amusement provision has been made. Boats Fast sailing and welt managed ooais win oe in reaomesa at au nours to convey passengers about the harbor, and will connect with all trams. " The United States mail boat lands and sails from the Hotel wharf, iishing Beaufort offers superior advantages to those who delight in catching the finny tribe. The Table wul always be furnished with the beat that this and the adjoining markets afford... Tbe servants will be required to be polite and at tentive. ' This Hotel will b second to none. -Reduction in Board Per day $1-60; per month S3U.UU. juiy b-jiimo HOWELL COBB. C. D.M. COBB PURCEIiL HOUSE, V WILMINGTON, N. C; Recently thoroughly overhauled and renova ted. FIRST-CLASs in every respect. Location desirable, being situated near all - business nouses Post-office, Custom House, City Hall snd court House. : , Eat3...... $2 and S2 0 Per 17 - Our Motto Is: TO PLEASE, ; COCC XSROS - - Proprietors. aprii-tz. FURNITURE MANUFACTORY. ; furniture: JOHN T. MORRISS, Corner rayetteville and Davie Sts FRAPS' OLD STAND, IRAL.EIOII, N. C. , i C-MAUSK- ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, SPRING BEDS, AO-, Has now in store s nice assortment of Cottage and Walnut Bed Room Sets ; Pa 'lor, Office and Kitchen a urniture ; Bedsteads, Bureana, wash stands, Tables, Cribs, Cradles, Chairs, Lounges, Desks, Tin Sales, Sofas, What-Nots, Ac. To all in want of Furniture I would say, call and com pare prices before purchasing, as I csn and will seu aa eneap as any one ease. apre-sm OLD FORT, 1. CM W. J. CALAIS- - Superinteaaent. MANUFACTURERS OF WALIBT CHAMBER SUITS. BRESSIIB CASE WASH-STARSS, WARDROBES, MAI RACKS TABLES OF ALL KIRBB ARB STYLES. DESKS. . AND EVERYTHING USUALLY MADE IN A FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE FACTORY. This is a HOME ENTERPRISE, and beln such, we respectfully ask an even share with our Northern competitors.. . , ' . ' . We have the best and newest Improved ma chinery, and w;-- ;;!., i .. 1. . . - Superior Workmen, ; And guaranty satisfaction, both in styles and prices. . . '-,'n'r ' ' W Orders promptly fllled, l . , . mv7-tt. ; t. IN 8 U R A N C E . FRED. A. OLDS, -WITH- Oameron, Hay &c Co. ; Office over Citizens' National Bank. . Special Aent EALEIGH. IT. C.i For tbe Companies named In Cameron, Hay &. Co.'i adver tisement. sp 16 3mos NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE Insurance Company (Incorparated in 1873,) RA.LKIQH, H. C. Aet...... t J60.3T0 TO Knrplus to Policy Holders 175.394 29 F. 11. Cameron, President W. JS. Anderson, Vice-l resident W; H. Hicks, tiee'v. and Treat J)r. E. Burke Haywood,- Med. Director Prof. B Smith, Advuory Actuary . :Or Tub onlv Hon Life Insurance Company fa North Carolina. One of the most successful Companies of its age in the United States. Has aireaay issuea Dei ween two ana tnree tnousana policies. All of Its funds invested at home among our own people. All losses paid prompt ly and in cash. Rates as low aa those of any flrsiclass company. Has thbis dollars of as oets for every pollab of liabilities. . . wAgenta wanted in every county in the State to rk for this most excellent and firmly estab lished home institution. . For informatiof address N. C. STATE LTMS INSURANCE CO., Raleigh. N; C. Psnis-tf , TO ARCHITECTS. THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LE noir County advertise for a Drawing, Working Plan ' and Specifications, including Material In full for a Court House fir Lenoir County. Said plan to be submitted at the Com missioners' meeting on Tuesday after the first jHonaay ia August, iy. The building must be of brick, two stories high, and must have 4,000 square feet of room on the upper floor, and all tns partitions on the lower floor must be with brick walls. one hundred dollars will be nald for the dan accepted by the Commissioners, who reserve the privilege of rejecting any or all of the Pro posals. bpecincanons not accepted wul b 3 returned to maker.. Address B. JL. TAYLOR, . , Clerk Board Commissioners, ' Klnston, N. C. iunein,iy. . . jui-oaw-augi Proposals. OFFICE CITY CLERK, Ralkish, July 9. 1879. PROPOSALS for building the addition to the Rescue Kmrtne House, according to Diana and specifications on file in this office, will be received until MONDAY, July list, 18T9, H M. : Djoraeroi uommutee. - - July l0-t T C W. LAMBETH. Clerk. Jakks R. Hikbsbt; PbtxbW. Haik stok Herlert 1 Hairston, GENERAL COHIESIONMEECHASTS, COTTON and TOBACCO, 87 South Cliarles Street,'' BALTIMOR . Crass Seeds, Guanos ' and Fertilizers Always on Hand. mh2S-6m-W-pd. ; 1IAJ. W. B. LYNCE'3 - SELECT SCHOOL. niGn poixt, y. c. Maj- W. B. LYNCH, A.M..... PrinrtpaL Mt. . xuixxr( a.. ............... .....Assistant. The Prtnrfnn.1- bavina- nll nnt iiia nau .Du-iunAm ovHWJu oi WOICB he WSS I piwpiicMir xur uikecu years, opens a BChOOl Offering equal advantages without the mintarr BOARD AND TUITION PER SESSION OF ... inii 1VJUUI9, SO,,. . For circular uldrnu tha Tri.(nt . u.v... ' . . a ai.uiuw a. jkciwuo We. N. C., till August Uth ; afterwards at High twH,u,v . -, . . t jezs-wst. PEACE INSTITUTE, ' ' Tor Ycang Lkdies, V ' I BEY. R. ISI WELL & S8I. Principals. The next session commences on the FIRST " JfcOUA I AJU BItrrJSJtBJCK, IS79, & closes first Wednesday in Jane folluwine. Teims havr bee reduced from to to. so per tf 11 1 llld th. Prtniln.1. .laim .ha. th.. Affa. mm great advantages at as low prices as any irat- Every Department Is fllled by sccompl!ghed ttTtM A TnsrlAniad mot tmmmm For information as to terms, course of study. 1:1 REV. R. BUR WELL & SON ml Jyi-wto; JtaleJgh,N,c. W. DTBCaIBe co V (Established 182S). ' - ' WHOLESALE LIQUORS, 903 .East Main St., RICHMOND, Va. Proorietors of B Select" Whisky and manu facturers of FINE CIGARS. ' EV-FINB TEAS AND WINES a Specialty, i msyS8-sm j . : . ., TALBOTT &; SONS, Shockoe MacliineWorks RicimoMt virgima. ; . 1 MANWACTURERS OF i BnjrlBesand Boilers. Saw Mills. Grist Mills. O. . fYin. iIbnmw. mwiA h.m nw.wwi. nr.... Wheels, Tobacco Factory Machinery, Wrought iron nor a, Draas ana iron uasungs, Ginning and Thresning Engines t A SPECIALTY.. " ; Maohlnerj of Every Desoription. Repairing promptly and care rally done, a Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Brsutcla Of Ilc, RALEIO D, IV. C. STRONACn A; ALLCOTT, ' Maktfacttjes KS' Agknts. Mnt tiUw ty . - 'v JPtircell, JLadd & Co., RICHHIOiSD; VA.,7 Mifil Waters, Paiilswi Oil:. LTJBRICATINQ and KEROSENE OILS by Barrel and Car Load. BI-CARB SODA, SPICES, CONCENTRATED LYE. mayss-d3m BALTIMORE BOOK, STATIONERY AM PAPER JOBBING HOUSE. 332 ani 334 West Baltimore Street, CONSTANTLY IN STOCK, THE ' II. IN Day School, - Law, ITXedical, . ; Theological an s. , vr Miscellaneous Books. WRAPPING AND WRITING PAPERS, i . BONNET BOARDS, PAPER BLTNDSt J ' ' PENCILS, INKS, PENS. " f AGEHTB FOB ' i H Y ATT 'S CELEBRATED TTIBS-BOITITD CLATSD. Any and ererything in the Book and Paper Easiness can be procured of us. WM. J. a DTJLAST & 00. mhS-dw-iy. MISCELLANEOUS. 5TH II. C. DIGEST OF THE rSOH 70th' TO SOth' INCLUSIVE, WITH CAREFUL AM EIHAUSTIYE IBEX. BY IT. II. BALLET, ES QMCliarIotte. ! This book we now hare In press and will" be ready for delivery by September 1st. Price per volume, till August 15th, after I IS TEEPASAHOir PjB pbess. $ , Mr. Bailey has in course of preparation ; An Analytical Digest or Index mU?VUL ?del "f.HPfa 8tfts- - This volume wmbesmau 7 proonoiy some sou pages, and will put to ta profession at a tow price! i I Pearsoii, lUaw Lectures. be .TJolnmew,UDe remdV fordeuvery about mS Xflttl Of Anonat Prb.. . . . 7 your orders for 6th N. C. Digest and Fearaon's . M EDWARDS, BROTJGHTON CO. JJ5-U ihiblishers, Kaleih. n, c, NolGsaleDMits bun werks of -uwhwi J. B. Y EL.L.O W JLE Y, Attorneys at Law," GREENVILLE, H C. ' . 1 and in the Courts of Pitt. Greene. Beaufort and - Hyde counties. - ' - : r . u254im. i W.S. Mason. ' ; ' T. P. Dxtssxttx. ASON & DEVERELX, ' Attorneys at, Law,j t. Room No. 4, Bagley Building, c t. , K Cor. Fajetteviile and Martiii Streets,, ... KSL.EIOU, N. C. , P sctic . . the Courts, fetate and Federate mcU7-tf , k . . , - ,: E: W. T1MBERLAKE,1 iOUIOETJP.5, IT. O. Cntcnrr : Franklin. Wake. OranvinA. TJash unrt Warren. seSTlv. RALEIGn; X. c. S !'" Jt Omci South of Cottrt Housk ln old Sskti- ' .. " - ' KU. lUUdlHOi . ' - ' " ' : Practices in all the Courts of the State.) '. ' ' i aept 86-tf , ahheit,tr; iv. c.! Practices in State ani Federal Courts. Collee- ' ! : n - i wtua prompuy made. -. JOHN M. M OBIKa, I , AXJTSKD K. M0HIN8, . Of Orange. vi wnatnam. J Atlorncrs at Law, DVRUAIM, C, ii, 1ST" All business entrusted to thpm will ranol prompt attention. - febsSTS-ly. R.T. GRAY, , E. R. STAMPS. & STAiriPS, 4 Attorneys at Law,1 RAL.EIGII, , C. 1 Refer to the Banks and hnnineaa men of i ! Raleigh. ., rw collections promptly attends to. " 1 ' my-lT. pi , f - yT : . GORDON, At to rnev at La w. Currituck Court House, Mf. C. s T. M A R C O Attorney at Law, Or-PKACIICES IN ANT COURT. Office aT tll.lldln turn Armra anva VavKn 9ouse, ave' t eiUe Street, Raleign, N.C U. A. GlLiy. J OHM UATUNO E, ATT OR KEY AT LAW. "i RALEIGH, N. c. . Practice in State and Federal (Joints, v, JylS tf A. S. KBHRIMON. THOS. u. TUIXSK. S. A. A8HS Attorneys Ar.c 0 oar sellers at Law,' KALEIGII, TV, C. Practice in the State and Federal Courts wher.- , ever their services may be required. decsotf . w. H. BLXDSOS. I. M. BLSDS 01. BLEDSOE & BLEDSOE, Attorneys at Law, . r. . RALEIGH, N. O. f? . twPrsctice m State and Federal Courts. ' ' tsr-gpecial attention given to the eolleotlon of ' i claims snd the settlement of estate! . Offlce in ADAMS' BUILDING, corner Martin and Wilmington streets. - Janl-ly , Omiti COUNSELLOR AT LAW f i BAXaaiGH. IV. C ) J; 1 S Practices in the State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention to all professional business. 1 . Offlce. Sd Floor U. 8. Postofflce Building. -J ; ' f tnhSI-ly. k. l & W. P. ' Mmki ' i Attbriieys-at-Law, B A LEIGH, N. C."; i Practice In the Courts of the State and In the ' ' Federal Courts. ; , . .i..prs-tf . s TOI1M c. Tuor, i FAIETTETILLE, N. C. : ' ; rwciaima collected anywhere In Nortn Caro ' Una and remittances promptly made. ..- Refers bv permission to Bon. W. N. H. Smith, , Chief Justice Supreme Court. Hon. R. P. Bus: i! ton, and Messrs. Merrimon. Fuller Ashe. . - . ' mhfS-Sm. - READY-MADE CLOTHING. J. H. EOSENBAUH, h it pn ni n uiLUuyBiiwzr-. Informs the citizens of Raleigh and the State that J he has reopened with an entire new stock of. goods, coiuj'sUng of READY-f.lADE CL0TH111G ftpTltlpTTiAn'o . "FniieTivnfi. flnAct . w A. fc" - Jim ax mrnXOlXXmrnQ VIVwLiO ; From medium to the finest, which he Is selling jw cu ai oouom prices, ue is where he has v been for rem-.. -r-, Corner FayetteTill and irargett St. my25-tf. GOLD MINE ' AND '.r,'- 185 Acres of Land for Sale I offer for sales 185 acres of valuable Land In Davidson county, six miles nearly east of Lex ington, conta'iing a valuable GOLD MINIS, known as " The Conrad HUM Gold Mine." ' Ore from this mine haa ben recently analyzed in Louisville, Ky., by a dlsilDiruished Abator, and FOUND TO BR OF THE VRiiy bEST; QUALITY. ; - The heirs of the late Henry Conrad, who are in possession of and own the property, are pew working the mine to great advantage. The title isgooa. ro encumbrances. Terms easy. - ' Apply to the undersigned, Lexinifton, N.C, who will take pleasure in showing the. property to parties desiring to buy. M. JJ. PINNIX, 7I-201 A jrent for the Conrad Heirs, 1 si ir ft 1