" -it-- - Pubuahei Doiljexcept Monday) and Weekly, , -'.4 Yd i.V fTT- H yl1' V-J.jf.rU or xvascaimap-' at asvamc. Dally, one ,ear.mil ported,.-.... f 8 JJ - - ..jx months ? ,r. .Vv'- 08 - three - t , c weekly, one year, mail postpaid....... i WWatxinontluvM.J ,-.- subscribers The Observer win be da- . . Mntl MTV WAAfc- MVMTW UT" . rr,r.nth . tvfi dollars fOT tbTM pinntm. - - BY TELEGRAPH. rBTKD BT THX ASSOCIATED FMtSa. 1 SfJNDAfS TEUEGBAjnS.- Foreign Newsw . v Losdo. July 27." la' Yiew of the ap prS completion of the.newFre Sable, tbeAnglo-AorMaaUUe Company haa decided to lay a new cable next year to facilitate the transmission of in creased nomber . of j messages which will result from a lower tariff.-; : Advices from Moscow announce that aggrarian disturbances have broken out in ranooff districts, of. Poland. h -.? - Nearly 800 engineers who are on a strike at Bradford,; are abotrt to, emigrate to the United States and Canada. V i Simla, July 27.-Major Cavagnairjjnd membersof thBritish Mission arrived at Cabul on the 24th insU, and were received with brilliant military honors and salutes. The demeanor of tns populace was re- BYaLoob Khan, replied in very friendly terms to a , speech made bv j Maj. Ct?ag nair on the presenting of his credentials. London, July, 27.-A Keuter dispatch from Constantinople represents that the crisis stilJ continues." The latest indica tions are unfavorable-to Khelreddui's re maiaing in power. , 4 , v , : Algikks, July 27. The Governor Gen eral has issued a decree rfeauesting the territory of cities 'Which "recenW revolted and imposing the extraordinary contribu tion of 255,000 francs upon them. ( v Paris, July 27. The Catholic journals here publish the letter of the Afeh Bishop of Paris to the members' of - the Senate protesting in the name of liberty against the education bilL ; . , Resignation tttd. Jpplutmt.i.;, London, : July i 2X-L .dispatch from Constantinople to Reuters. dateJ to-day, says that the Saltan; : having' rejected that part of the programme of Kbaireddin Pacha, Grand Vizier, Velative to the estab lishment of a responsible, Ministry, Koai. reddin has definitely resigned. Aarifl Pacha, formerly Turkish Ambassador to France, and who has twice filled the office of Foreign Minister in the Turkish. Cabi net, has been appointed his successor. ' " Ice-Cream from a tfra Kettle. Pbtkrsbdhg, Va., July 27. Saturday evening Captain Daniel Dodson, Auditor of the Petersburg Railroad Company, with his wife, fire daughters, two grand children and cook, were made seriously ill by eating ice cream custard,' which had been boiled in a brass kettle. .Neighbors to whom some of the cream had been sent were also takea ill after eating it. . " . ''''"'"'W""MM"MMMS Noon Report. Tlie fever at meuiphi. Mbmphis, July 28. Three new cases were reported to the Board of Health this morning. No deaths have occurred. A detail of 25 men from the colored military company bare been made to do police duty during the day, as the entire strength of the regular police force have been assigned to night service. It has been raining steadily since day lignt. " Dr. Samuel J. Ford, of Ennis, Texas, arrived this morn ing. He will be sent out of the city to- nignt Dy Order or John Johnson. Superin tendent of Quarantine,' as he has never had the. fever and the inspectors at the Quarantine Station have been instructed not to permit unacclamated people to en ter me city. Disaster at Sea. Losdos, ' July 28. The ' British J ship Riverlun, Capt. Kobinson, from San Fran cisco December 28, which arrived at Lorient, France, Jane 29, is ashore on one of the Sicilly islands. .It is expected she will become a total wreck. - The crew have been rescued.--; - i A dispatch dated Valparaiso, July 26, to me uoyds, says: The Pacific Steam Navigation Company's steamer illimani, of 4,000 tons, has been wrecked. , All hands were saved.; 1 I u m i v v: 1 m s. & , - t One Case of Fever at New Orleans Washington.' D. C Julv 28. Dr, Re. mis telegraphs from New Orleans to the aiiuoiu Kjara oi jaeaiin to-aay as fol lows ; "One fatal, case of yellow'fever at the corner of Second and Constance sLreeta Italian girl. The premises are nlihy and wwaeu. sso other case here." Saratoga it aces. T ' 4 mJ' Dm race, tnree-foun.hu of ft. mila wua vnn hv Rin. f.lf .Wo?d. Mark L. second, Balwark Midnight lieport ft'atal Affray. . GAiyasTON.-Jaly 28. A srjecial dis Patch to the Ntun from San A the following iparticiiiars of the kiUiug Of xuuuias r , uewees by Charles 'l'emple : Jharles Temple and James Ord, sori of wneral Ord. Derjartment Commander. ere riding icoa me .town bf.'jfieaaaDtOo Wuen thpv vera koMn 1 T'U,. V wud existed. Temple asked what was wanted, when the latter knocked him from oorse witb his flst. Temple retreated, Ut WS8 followed hv TVaarooa hn tUUed Striking h;m US Knife and Dlunired it intn De wets' heart. cauaing instant death. Temple and Ord arrested, but the latter.faas, since been Xae Fere at Mew York. , . -"i -uxjr io. jxLicnaei riizgio- r of the Memphis retugees,' who nfTi. iay , at me quarantine Of mellow forro.. T.,k1 . U M if 6 Bleedor8, who assisted in unloading X! 8m?' PJ 01 Mertda and contracted jeilow lever," died at tne lauarantine &t niffht. a s Poith v "f&mer Saratoga, and E-'li. Esty, steward t tile IVh-krvn Pmi. " Ekk:.. -'"yMian4 ports,- were admitted to the w-aay,. sick wiia tne lever. .. :- . Tberire.UuxuedL ... Lohdo5, Jnry2aTh rm has & dis- 7- vuuujrnung tne reportea destruction 01 tne theatre in . thr Kremline,f Moscow, oj an incendiary fire.. The staircase was arated with ipetroleum..' crobablv " by tuauig and tha torch applied. The thea- rv vuuoujg Durned fire hours. ; VOL. (5. Soutl Amencaa Affairs. New Yohk:. Julv 29. Thn Ppmian Minister, now here, haa In at rpr!vu1 thn folio win ir teletrrara from Rpnnr ? Triimvpn Foreign Minister at Lima, - via Panama : The Huascar entered the blockaded port Of IauiOOe and foilffht thft Chman nnfinrl. ron for two hours, leaving hors du combat the Cousino and Abtao. ; The Huascar is unhurt. . . . , - : A Dcfaalter Arrested. i Dxebt Lihk. Vt., Jnly 28. Thomas Reed, the defaulting cashier of the First National Bank: of 0WMtin Tpi m arrested -Friday at Granby; Quebec, by a uetecwvp. neea was 4orty tnouaand doi lsrs short fa his accounts and absconded in January last... r; , - - h- - t . s' '' Aid 19 turn KlcK.' i -.: r I WaSHTISOTOS.' JiiW 2S;Trift Kpnrpfarv of ,War has telegraphed td'the President of vne roara oi ueaun at, mempnia, in res ponse to an application' for tents and ra tinnfl' that ' mtinna will nnlw he fiiiniohpH to persons sick with the fever or in tjiiar- antine camp, wno can De subsisted lnaio other way. Xrains Collided. Phtladelphia, July 28. Saturday night during the storm which flooded the tracks of the North' Pennsylvania Road the Doylston accommodation train and the Bethlehem .Express collided near Edge HilL - Both trains were badly wrecked. Some of the passengers bad limbs fractur ed, but no lives were lost. j 1 ' A SaspidonM Case. - ' CrNoiNSATi, July 28. Chris. Mvers. who lef; Memphis a few days ago. called op the health officer this afternoon and said he believed he had the. yellow fever. After an examination the officer sent him to the hospital as a suspicious case.1 Tnrkisb Affairs. 1 Constantinopls, . July i 28. An irade has just been issued declaring, the Grand Vizier's resignation a necessity', abolishing the Grand Vizerate, and appointing Aarifi Piasba Premier and Sarfet Pasha Minister Foreign Affairs. ; V. Died, : I Sklma. Ala.. July 28. Hon W. Y. Little, President of the Alabama Senate, is dead. . . .' , . , MISCELLANEOUS. BALTIMORE K, PAPER JOBBING HOUSE. .1L1B, 332 and 334 test Baltimore Street CONSTANTLY IN STOCK, THE Eatt Works of all i hWw in : Sunday School, Day School, Law, Medical, Theological ana. miscellaneous Hooka. y RAPPING AND WRITING PAPKBS, . BONNET BOARDS, K ' PAPER BUNDS, PENCILS, INKS, PENS. AGXNTS FOB j HYATT'S CELEBRATED Any and ererythlng In the Book and Paper Ba&lne&a can be procured of u; x ' - WM. J. a DULANT & 00. PURCELL HOUSE. . . NORFOLfi. YA. i E E. T. JAMES, - Proprietor. ! tr Rooms eleirantlT fornlshad. Passemrer jueTawr. HATES: ' W-3.50 and a.OO xer dav. according to urannn. isnxv-iT New Atlantic; Hotel i Corner Main and Granty Streets," NOBFOIiK, Vn. : R. 8. DOBSON, Proprietor. -1 - ,. -1., 1-,'- Special . Rates to Excursions. $2 $2 . 50 and $3. Per Day. Accord a i mg 10 i4eauon oi Koom i ijse-aim. One or our workmen bad i bad case of sypbllis of five years siaoaitiff. ana was cured sound and well with two bottles of your Swift's Syphilitic Specific lie is now, to all appearances and In bis own toe lief, entirely sound and wen. T in w it ji. rr rrnniirT II ail M.m . w mwa Av. SWIFT'S SPECIFIC CO.. Proprietors, ' Atlanta, 6 Sold 1t "WILLIAMS & HATO'OOD PESCUD. LEE & CO.. and Drnffgista generally. , jessa-ds-W-FAwSm. Metropolitan Hall !toLert. tne taie meeting or the Aldermen or t the to tuvmc tua report proposals for a lease of j tropolltan Hall for one or three years. Me- I y"c irupwuus i or sue a lease wui ne celved. from date untu the Slat lnst. t by me re- aa uiuuuuu, yt uj y. w. iauiDeta, uity uierk. A. U. CAnXS, l K.. - - ' : .!.,--. s r - . :, -. ... ri. 1 We RALEIGH, MISCELLANEOUS. . Tne wear and tear of business life makes such tremendous drafts . upon body and mind that witnout resources to some sustaining agent tney must give way under the pressure. To those who are breaking down or w&sttngr away from general debility or affections ofthe liver, stom- ach and the kidneys, a systematic course of the Diners win so reinrorce ine viiai runciions as to baffle all the assaults of disease and -restore the system to 1 a wonted health.. :- FOR 8 A LB BT ALL DRUGGISTS AND RS- 8PECTABLK DEALERS GENERALLY. jelT-d-Tu-T-SAw-ly. - Authorised by the Commonwealth of Kentucky. nth POPULAR DRAWING OP THE . , .. Csmmsnwcilih Sistritics Gs., At.Mooauey's Theatre, In the City cf LouisriUe, on . THURSDAY, July- 31 st, , 179. Oa which occasion a GRAND CONCERT will be given, holders of a ticket or part of a ticket en- uiiea to aumiasion iree. - r The Drawing will be sunr?ised by men of undoubted character an i standing, and ticket- holders, agents and clubs are respectfully re quested to send on representatives with proper credentials to examine Into the Drawing, A New Era in the Uistory of Lotteries. Every ticket-holder cad be his own sunervlsor. Call out his number and see it placed m the heel. The Management call attention to th grand opportunity presented of obtaining fo. omy vi any oi the trvuuuw ixut rwz&a : Prize ..$30,000! Prize.. ..i... .lo.ooo 100 T'z's $100 em $10,000 SOOP'Z'S .60 10,000 600 PV8 80 " 12,000 1.000 P'Z'S 10 " 10.000 j raze.... .... o.oon it P'Z'S $1,000 eTi le.ooo 20 Prizes $500 each Sio.ouo. mses S3uo each. Approximation razes 3,ou Prizes 1200 each, Approximation Prizes $1,800 Prizes $100 each, Approximation Prizes $ 900 ,960 Prizes. , $113,400 Whole Tickets. $2. Half Tickets, $1 27 Tickets, $50. r 55 Tickets, 100 All applications for club rates should be made to the home office. Remit by Post Office Money Order, registered letter, bank draft, or express. Full list of draw ing published in Louisville Courier-Jont nal and Mew York HerauL, and mailed to ail ticket holders. For tickets and information address COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO., or J. COMMEKFOKD, Sec'y, Cottrier-JourwH Building, Louisville, Ky. N. B. After JULY 3ist drawings will occur MONTHLY. - In d-lS-14-17-19-l-S4-26-28 W-1T-84. jy d-l-3-10-18-16-17-19-8z-84-86-29 w-1-8- lJ-aa. YELLOW FEVER BLACK VOMIT. It Is too soon to forget the ravages of this ter rible disease, which will no doubt return in a more malignant and virulent form in the fall months of 137. MKRRELL'S HEFATTNE, a Remedy discov ered in southern Nubia and used with such wonderful results In South America where the most aggravated cases of fever are found, causes from one to two ounces of bile to be filtered or strained from the blood -each time it passes through the Liver, as long as an, excess of bile exists. By Its wonderful action on the Liver and btomavh the HEPAT1NB not only prevents to a certainty any kind, of Fever; and Black Vomit, but also cures Headache, Constipation ot the Bowels, Dyspepsia and all Malarial diseases. No one neei tear xeiiow rever wno win expel the Malarial Poison and excess of bile from the blood by using MkRRELL'S HEPAT1NE, which is sold by all Druggists in 25 cent and $1.00 bot tles, or will be sent by express by the Proprie tors, A r. iHr.Kitai.il m fjuM jraua., ra. ; Dr PemktonY Stfliiigia or Queen's Delights gvThe reports of wonderful cures of Rheu matism, Scrofula. Salt Rheum, Syphilis, Cancer, Ulcers and sores, that come from all parts of the. country, are not only remarkable but so miracu lous as to be doubted was U' not for the abun dance ot proof. m . REMARKABLE CURE OF SCROFULA, 4a Cass of cou Branson. " Kingston, Ga, September 15, 1ST1. GSNT8 : Vor sixteen years I have been a great sufferer from . Scrofula in ita most distressing forma. I have. been confined to my roam aud bed for fifteen years with scrofulous ulcerations The most approved remedies for such cases had been used, ana tne most eminent pny&icians oonsulted, without any decided benedw in us d rostrated, distressed, desponding, 1 was advis ttd by Dr. Ayer, of Floyd county, Oa to com-. mence tne ose oi jour uhupuuqu juuici ecu liniria. lAnxuage is as Insufficient to describe the relief 1 obtained from the us of the stiuin gla as is Is to convey an adequate Idea of the in tensity ox my Buttering wiure uring your meui- cine ; sufficient to say,: i aoanaontsa an otuer remedies and con tinned the use of your Extract of stillingia, until I can say truly, "1 am cured of all pain," of all disease," with nothing to ob struct me active pursuit ox my proiesston. More than eight months have elapsed since this re markable cure, without any return of the dis- ! For the truth of the above statement. I refer to any gentleman in Bartow County, GsL, and to the members of the bar of Uherokee Circuit, who are acquainted with me. I shall ever re main, with the deepest graJtude, - . .r x our ooeoient servant, -t. ; -n : .1. BRANSON, Atty at Law. ; ;a. iUBAckB. r -v : Wxst Point. Ga'.( Sent 1t imn Gxnts jiMy daughter was taken on the asth day of June, 1S3, with what was supposed to be Acute tmeumaMsm, ana was treated lor the same with bo success. ", In March, following, nieces oi none Degan to won out or tae rurkt arm, and continued to appear till all the bona from the elbow to the shoulder Joint came out. Many pieces of bone came out of the right foot and leg. 1 he case was then pronounced one of wnite swelling.. Alter naving oeen connned about six years to her bed, and the case consid ered nopeiess, i was uiancea o try nr. Member ton b Compound Extract of Stlllingia. and was so well aausned with its effects that I have con tinued the nse ox it untu tne present, i. , i My daughter was connned to her bed about six years before she sat up or even turned over without heip. She now sits up all day, and sews most of her time has walked across the room. Her general health is now good, and I believe she will, as her limbs gain strength, walk welL 1 attribute her recovery, with the blessing of uoa, to tne nse oi yoar tnvaiaaoie meaicine. . Yi gratitude, lam, yours truly, i , W. B. BLANTON. , . . WgCT POINT, OA., Sept. 16, 1870. t Gxnts -Tne above certificate of Mr. W. B. Blanton we know and certify to as being true. The th.ng is so ; hundreds of the most respected citizens will certify to it. As much reference can be given as may be required. - Yours trulv. CRAWFORD WALKER, Druggists. P(W u t turn .... o " AAW.. Ill ...... n iwj HTDR. P EMBERTON'S 8TILLINGIA Is pre- pareu uj A. m . mjuuLoui a vw., rnut,, 2' a. . . . Sold by all' Druggists In $1.00 bottles, or sent by express. Agents wanted to canvass every- i Send for Book ''Curious Story" free to alL Medicines Bent to poor people, payable In In stalments. J : '."' : - - - ( declt-D Tu-Tn-a A W lxm f ra .; f a-. CaEBRATED ; U) N. C.. TUESDAY. JULY 29,. 1879. NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS. EDV.U..3ARBIN, GRflCE Holleman, Bu.ilcllrig' Fayc3ttevil Ie S t, CAN SUPPLY ATJYTHINQ Top WANT EST THE KAKGB BF ": Staple & Fans jBi3Brie.i From a Tierce of nice to a Jair ; r. - or Fine OllVes."0 . GOODS PROMPTLY DELIVERED AT RESIDENCE. EVERYTHING: GUARANTEED AS : TPRESENTEDrl':--::": All Mistakes Promptly 0 orrected. Fricss Hirbl Son to ih Lovesi Jcial, THE BEST. ..... , . , . is .... t rt THE GHEAPEST: We will sell yon no shoddy stuff unless yon ask for it. We keep THE BK3T brands of , , . FLOUR, HAMS, ! '.. ' ': V XjARD, tongues, , !. : - ry.)'.:; ; ULEATS, ANP Provisions of All Kinds. Best Laundry Soaps, ; i r-illuryea'a laundry htarciies, , AND NO INFERIOR STOCK, i IS! ; CHOICK AND CARET 0L1Y SELECTED " . . . . - . i i . - TEAS & COFFEES . . . i,; .! OF KVEBY KIND. .1 . ; Boasted Coffees of every description, fresh and of fine quality. Arbucklc's Arlosa Coffee, 20c per m-, sun leaos an otner uonees at tnat price. Samples of tnis Coffee free on application. We keep no mixed TE VH, but sell from the original packages the finest Green an 1 Black Teas that can be bought, and will mix them to order. PICKLES, SAUCES, &cM OP THE BEST EUGLISH AND AMERICAN MANUPACTTJREKHr CANNED SHRIMPS (A8 NICE AS THK FKESH), CLAMS, ; .... GREEN TURTLE, SALMON, Ao. Gordon A Dil worth's Brandy Peaches. Red Cur rant d eiiy and preserved Fruit, Gordon & du- . worth's Olive (best). Salad Dre-sing, . Oils, Capers; Crosse A blaotwell'a Pickles, Iea k Perrin's V'orceter bauce, Borden Eagle Brand t'ondenced Milk (the best . In the world), and first t , , , class Fancy Grooe- . ries generally., fc t. ' , FINEST BUTTER KecelTed Twice a Week by Express. ! CHOICE OLD N. C. CIER VINEOAH. SMOKED BEEF. SLICED OK SHAVED TO OR DER, BJ.-T OATMEAL, AND ALL OTHER GOODS BELONGING TO THE GRO CERY TRADE. . Also a carefully selected stock of pure and re liable Wines Whiskies Brandies. Im ported iiu, English and Scotch Ales and . lorters, &c. For Medicinal and Family Use. Sole Agent for the Robertson County (Tenn.) Rye Whiskies, and for SummerUean (Virginia valley) Bye Whisky. SOLE AGENT FOR 8TRAITON A STORM'S The Queen or All 5-Ceiit Cigars. A i i . E. J. HAltDIN -Txily S4tli 1879, ) ;'i rso.t. FRESH CREAM GHBB8B ' .u h .im. ti. "( ? I,.' Mmmmmi - ' y - -- ; rt 23o. Per Jo5ccn i . ( Choice VUessina Lemons. 50o. I X'ottxxd s .ii -i I m p e r i a I G r e e n Te a ' . ' . m vl wa . jm .... : ' 3iroug uiiii jr ine w lut ureu, '-. Ko Paint No Poison I M HE NO CHOP TEA. Only Unoelored Tea in the Market 75c. ' lb. J Apollinaris TTater, Jlj the Dozen or Hamper. :i 1ISST, M IEllL t USBY S BEEF. " HOXSEFOSBS'S MEAD PEEPABATISX. fiKAFF'S POTASH LTLand : ; Ji I :iv ;4 : 0P1 OWM BOASTED, COFFEES. CJioice Fam ily Flour, j i. t: i $35per8ack, - ITJIVIY SOAP ' At Small Margin to the Trade. ! TO ARCHITECTS. THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LE soir County -. advertise for a Drawiog, Working Plan and Speciflcations, including Material m run ior a wwn nouae i r Aenoir Countv. . Said nlanto be submitted at the Com missioners' meeting on Tuesday after the first Monday in August, 18;9. f i The buildinir must be of brick, two stories high, and most have 4,000 square feet of room on tae upper noor. -ana au tne paruuons oa tne lower floor must be with brick walla. , I One hundred dollars will be paid for' the T-lan accepted by ihe Commissioners, who reserve the privilege ol rejecting any or all of the Pro posals. - -, - ; Speciflcations not accepted will bs returned to maker. , Address - Clerk Board CommisHloners, ' Klnston,' N. C. i juaetn, xs.--- ' i jui-oaw-augi lY.C.&A.B.Stronacii SCHOOL, Greensboro Female College GREENSBORO, IT. C. ' ; The 47th session of this well-known Institu tion will epen on , WEDNESDAY, the 20tn of August.' . Terms reduced to suit the times." ' j Apply for Catalogue to s . . . -- i , J ; , TM. JONES, President. l. I July l?lmo: ;i:-v; Z'l, - :. i 'i j i MEB ANEVTLLE, N. C. ! , ' !J t THE inat SeasionT begins JULY- 3tn, J-1879 913 permonin; i union to too per session. ' T For oarticulars. adde8S "' ' . ' .' '' July s-lm Ma. JEU BINGB'XM. ilwtefscBOli FOUNDED MAY, 1842.; " Bit.' BeV. Thos 'Atkinson, D. D"., Via. Bt. Bev. Theo .Lvman, D. D. f tor KeT. BEMUTT SMEDES, A. M ': ' . . . , i xLector and rnnoipal, . rs. Kate DeBossetXeares, Lmdy Principal ' The ?3th Term of this School begins . SKITETlBEIt JltU, 1879. FOR CIRCULAR ADDRESS THE HKCTOB. July 10 . ,v:-rt.i;'rtr. . .. . PATAPSC0 INSTITUTE, MISS SARAH N. RANDOLPH. Of Edge Hill, Virginia, PrincipaL This well . known School for Young Ladies and Children will be reopened September 18th. It offers unusual fa cilities for a finished education. . For Circulars, address the principal, ratapsco institute, Jin-( oottCityMd.' Reference Hon, !Qeo, Davis. , ,t juiy -w-jfsu-i3t ' Select Boarding and Day Schoel. inLiliSBO RO, 2V. c. The fifty-first session of the Mlsse&NASH A Miss KOLLOCK'S SCHOOL will open 25th Jury, 1879, and close 11th December (twenty weeks.) Sig. D1BUNA, the fine pianist and Instructor, who has been so eminently successful in the cultivation Of the voice, will continue connected with the scooti. circulars on application. - - - FOR SAL . j Notice, By virtue of two several deeds in trust execu ted fro me on January 80, 1879. by McCALLUM A uooriiK ana ii. a. twr nit, ana ior tne pur poses therein expressed, I will sell at public Auction, at the foundery of McCallum A Cooper in Raleigh, N. C, - Wednesday, SJOtli Insust, 1S7U, an undivided half interest In tae xoundery lot and otner property conveyed in said deeds which are registered in pages 167 a ad 168, Record Book, NO. 63, ortlce of Register of Deeds for Wake coun ty. gar-Term CASH. - J. D. NEWSOM, . . ,v Trustee. I GK1T& Stamps, Attorneys S , jySO-tl. UMINISTKATOUS' NOTICE j . The undersiirned. having taken out Letters of Administration upon the estate of Jos. A. Engel- bard, give notice to all persons naving claims against the decedent to exhibit the same to tneni on or before the S4th day of June, 180. . All persons Indebted to the said decedent are requested to make- immediate payment to the undersigned. ; - ; -. J4. B. NUGLUAKl;tl Administrators. ; ANDRSW sYME, Aaministraiors. By Merriuon, Fuller A Ashk, Attorneys. -Dated June 24th, 1839. i :- , -. Je26-w. s COTTON FACTORY FOR SALE. HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SAUS the South Fork of the Catawba Kiver. The property is weli improved. The fall of water on the shoal is about 116 feet, fourteen of which Is utilized. The mill is run by a sixty-six Inch Turbine wheel oi the most improved make and will give sufficient power to run 9,000 spindles and preparation, together with twisting machin ery for same. Picker is in a house 100 feet from MUL and Is run by a 36 w inch Turbine of as good make. The mill is not stopped once in ten years by nigii water. Tne power could be im proved to run 1' 0,000 spindles and preparation. Three different railroads within easy distance. Long hauls saved. . Cotton grown abundantly by planters in the vicinity, on the property is a Grist and Flour Mill, - Together with Saw Mill and Gin. Also all nces-aar-y tenement houses, and cotton house, store and barn..' i. .;.-:? i -s---'1 ; i ,t.'-".: i The mill consists of about 3,000 spindles and preparation for making warps and Bkein, either single or double, - r Terms Half cash, and balance in three, four. and fire years' time, with interest at 7 per cent., per annum. Or will sell one-fourth, one-half, or-three-fourths and retain baianceror will lease for an Indefinite period to a satisfactory party. .- - : .. -. ; r-. - For further particulars call on or address J. H. WILSON, Jr., Gastonia, Gaston county. N. C. unuaing a good brick one, and will noia e.ooo spindles. -.H'.itfi ' ? i aprt-6mos j Notice. Will Kn anl at tt a' innvHr TTviiaA In t?al . ItrYi am ' v iu rviu i vii x wua aavu0 aa tvtw ifu ,JkA WEDNESDAY, Suth day of AUGD 8T next, one lot in the city of Raleigh bounded on W8t by west of Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, Ea t by a uuc uar us h u iuuvsu uiu n urhn oy Aane street extended west of said railroad; containing about two acres. Terras CAtsH Sale l ubiic i Jyl8-lm JOSEPH B. BATCHELOR, Att'y. j SUMMER RE80 UTS,. I "Pom; ly ih SeaSeasos :flf !j!879 0CEAI1 VIEW HOTELS I"- i -.;: BEAUFORT, S.Cli ?o: i I JAMES B. POOL, Proprietor, - Is now open for the reception of meats. . The above Hotel Is situated immediately on the water rront,mtne Dimness centre or the town, and offers special Inducements to seekers of pleas- tire, and has a view from It promenade on the roof unsurpassed by any other building in the town. The Bar Is well stocked .with the best grades of Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, Ales, Lager iee7 Cigars and Tobacco, and Is open at all hours during the night or day for the accommo dation of guests. Bathing Houses Commodious Bath Houses have been erected on shore and beach for the benefit of the patrons of this HoteL Croquet Grounds For those who delight m taia innocent amusement provision, has been made. Boats Fast sailing, and well managed Boats will be In readiness at all hours to convey passengers about the harbor, and will connect with all trains. The -United States mail boat lands and sails from the Hotel wharf. .Fishing Beaufor( offers superior advantages to those who delight In catching the flnnv tribe. The Table will always be furnished with the best that this and the adjoining markets afford.- The servants will be required to be polite and at tentive. This Hotel will be second to none. i- Keaucnon m uoara Jer day $1.60; per month $30.00. July 8-Dlmo j West; AIr glixisx, Long distinguished for their Valuable alterative Board, per day, $3 ; per week, SU.60 ; per month. j THE CALWELL IIClTSE, Adjacent to the Springs, with -the privilege of toe waters and grounds of the same, ia also under our controL Board. $3 per day, $13 per wees, $t per montn or iwenty-eigm aays. . . r, j Elevation 3,000 feet above tidewater. ' 1 J tarSend tar Pamphlet : . - . GEORGE L. PEYTON A COM Je26-dAw-lni- - Proprtetora NO. 25. NEW- ADVERTISEJIENTS. . i : - . -- , . ! . - i 'A - -, ii '. o H : JjlWf ... fi. V j FURNITURE MANUFACTORY. i OLD FORT. IV. C : l ,rf r,t : ... . . . ( "... .! W.;J. CALAIS, - - Snperintenaent j E MANT7FACTTJRERS OF ' " WALIDT CHAM8IX 1UITI. DRESS1X8 CASE ! WASH-STAK9S. WAEDSSnS. HAT . RACKS TABLES XJF Alt KHDS r " ' : ah styles, besm. AND ETERYTHING' (JSUALLY MLs.DE IN A j : FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE FACTORY, I This is a HOME ENTERPRISE, and beln Inch, we respectfully ask an even' share with ur iNonnern competitors. ; ft, -. - We have the best ri. newest Improved ma- ; ' uporior w orK.mua And guaranty satufaction, both' In styles and pnees... ir,vij;".i e.'- ' i, l ti J ! 97. Otders promptly tilled. , mvt-tf. INS tJ R A NO E. FRED. A. OLDS, S - S " WITH " Ooxn.eiroii-XIn-y' Sc. Co, i v: , 0ffl5e ever Citl$eiif National Bank.J 1 . . 'i . r it- . . . : . . i S p e c i I ent j&aleigii, , jy;"5:a For the Companies named In Cameron, nay 3k Co.': adver- t . ,. , , ap lft-smosT i NOBTH. CABOUNA STATS UFB Insurance Gompany ;i Uneorperaud in 1879J RALEian. n: a j TO r - Knrpla tePolicvr Iloidera X72..t94 a Jf. JJ Cameron, vdt t-jsr'-uZfretident ! rK. 7. jlnderton, Vice-President J9r. S. Burke Haywood. Med. Director t Tu only noia life Insurance Company is North Carolina. One of the most successful Companies ot its age in the United States. Has already issued between two and three thousand policies-; All of it funds i invested at home among our own people. All losses paid prompt ly and in cash. Rates as low as those of any urnci8B company, uas tbto dollars oi as- , rk for this most excellent, and. firmly estab. fished home institution. For lnfonnaOoi aoazt .- t r .-.-;. j . K.C. STATE LUTE INSURANCE CO jlSsBiaiBaii' .c '..: -, . g - -a s sss- 3 : H jSZSZ j r "T ; g- & ( ; - :-:::; :;" akwJV VtJ J :. ill 1 III 1 iAI SJ3 Ot uVEETISING. OneSquareU inch) oc- davi.... tl 00 M two . MM. ,:1 M tiirve 1 00 ton 60 are - ii M - . I Contract tor adveruaing for any space or time may be made at the office of The Observer, Observer Building, Fayettevllle Street, Raleigh, " North Carolina. ' - - ! - ' -' RICHMOND ADVERTISEMENTS. H W. D. BLAIR & CO., WHOLESALE LIQU0ES, 903 East Main St. RICHMOND,; Va Proprietors of "B Select" Whiskv and mann- , . facturers of FINE CIGARS. - j rar-FlNE TEAS AND WINES a Specialty. f may28-3m .. .. v . ., Ftcrcell, Ziddd & Co., 1 YliolesalBllrnfffflsts RICH JIOAD, VA.t mmmmmnmii, )iij , ia. ii-i. uv J i:ft-jsi s..a - LUBMOATlNa and KEROSENE OILS ,i ..... . by Barrel and Car Load."' ' " . BI-CABB SODA, SPICES, -x CONCENTRATED LYE. 4 mayss-d3tn ; :.: - --4 - - v "f TALBOTT SONS, Shockoe MacLiiiie Works n RICHMOND, VmGrVlA. (MVS? MANUFACTURERS OP Engines and' Boilers. Saw Mills. Grist Mills. Shaftmg, Hangers and -Pulleys, Turbine Water Wheels, Tobacco Factory Machinery, Wrought Iron Work; Brass and Iron-Castings, " Ginning and, THresWg Engine. . A SPECIALTY. . J ifaohinerj of Every Deacrlption. repairing promptly ana oareruuy none. -f3end for Illustrated Catalogue. J . Branca Office, RALEIGH, N. c. STRONACII & 'AIXGOTT, I i ; Sit;X O-. ! i : 'J i ) . I I MANPFACTCKKR8' AGENTS. MIS DELL ANE O U.8. IX. A. YJVTJM'S OldL -A.Trle 1 J3ro,nclv' The popujirlty which this Brandy has attained Induces me to bring it more generally to notice. If you like a good, pure article, this. I am willing to guarantee ; and if yon have any scruples as to using it as a beverage you may be assured of its ml d, stimnlattng and Invigorating qualities in a medical point of view. It is receiving the un qualified endorsement of men eminent In the medical profession in all low forms of disease of a w.ai intr anil HaKillrotincv notnn mhaia 1. K& comes necessary to support the falling powers of life ; and I am filling orders from convales cents from distant parts of the United States, from whom I could produce certificates, but I preier tnat my Brandy snoaid speas ior itseir. ft. is CAREFULLY DISTILLED FROM THE JUICE OF THE APPLE, and is, as its name im plies, ArrMjK fiKAHUi i rree irem an adulter ations. I am now prepared to snip it to any part of the United states In bottles running six to the gallon, at $1.25 per bottle. - . . i savxouarerespectruiiy reierreato tne cor-, respondence below, , . -i All orders must be addressed to the under-: signed, as I have no agencies, and all packages Wui oe marKea (u. u. u., express or ireignt in au eases wilt be paid by tae purchaser, , Money sent by Registered Letter. - - I I will also- supply PURE SCUPPERNONG WINE at $1.00 per bottle. , ;.- ' Aaaress k. jl. hjU;Ti, FarmvUle Pitt County, NC. - - Gtinrnui. N. C. March 91. 187a. r To alt Whom t Aw May Concern : . , I have personally and intimately known R. A. Btkdm, of the c- unty of: Pitt, since 1364, when, as s wounded soldier, I was cared for by him at his home. His word may be impllcity relied upon : in all things. He is incapable of knowingly mis representing scything or deceiving anybody.- - is me uiaaor oi uie oest aructe oi jvppio : randy I have ever seen or tasted. Those wish ing to get an elegant article of pure Brandy will be sure to do so by applying to him. , . ' . THOS. J. JARVI8. FARirvtLLS, Pitt County. N.C Jan. SSL 19. - .. Bi Excellency, Z. B. Vance : .v. - ' t Dxab Sib : After having on several occasions, ' j both at my house and elsewhere, tasted of my void Apple Brandy," will. yon be so kind as to give me your opinion as to its excellence ana purity t I think some four or five years ago yon sent some of it to a friend In London, England, , who thus becoming acquainted with Its superior merits, challenged, with. It the makers of the best 3 London Dock Brandy. May I not ask you also , to inform me of the result of that contest, if yon " know U? (:. -, f I have the honor to be, t , n ! Yours truly. X: : - - . t:-R.Ja.BYNUM. . , . - Exictrrrvs Dkpabtkxnt, State tf North Carolina, l . RALXiaH. Januarv stth. 1879. lj Mr. K." A. Bynum : i Dbab Sib: Your note is received, and In an- swer thereto it gives me pleasure to say that I believe your Brandies are the purest and best I ' ever saw of our home manufacture. i - In 1874 I presented a gentleman in London with a gallon of your make and he said It ex- ; eeUed anything he had ever seen made from ' fruit, and that all his acquaintance -who had j tasted it thought it equal to the best brands ot , grape brandy. T If people will drink Spirits as a be vet age It la a pity that they would not confine themselves to such pure, unadulterated and honestly made , i - ; Respectfully and truly yours, Janao-dAw-ly. -,-;. , - Z, B, VANCE GOLD MINE AND , 185 Acres of Land for Sale. . I I offer for sales 186 acres of valuable (Land in 3 Davidson county, six miles nearly east of Lex- ington, containing -a valuable GOLD MINE, 1 Lnown as "The Conrad Hill Gold Mine," , i Ore from this mine haa been recently analyzed in Louisville, Ky., by s. distinguished Assavor.:; and FOUND TO BE OF THE VERY BEST QUALITY, i J ' ' The heirs of the late Henry Conrad, who are , in possession of and own the property, are new working the mine to great advantage. ' The title r is good. No encumbrances. Terms easy. Apply to the undersigned, Lexington, N.C., 3 who will take pleasure in showing the property , to parties desiring to buy. - . 1 t. - x-u : - M.--H. PINNir, - -r 1 yl-2m gent for the Conrad Heira. , l- -M IM , - . ' - J - ., ' , ' -l" , ; gregoryIiouse,- ! Is in the business, centre of the city and dl. t tectly opposite where the trains stop. Railroad and telegraph offices In the building, . . .j W.; 'W; Freeman: & T. U. Cain, . . ; .PROPRIETORS. , . , J J -I