.si i - t.l K- s- . f i RATES OK ADVERTISING. Bt S. A. . A8HE, Published Dlly cexcept Monday) and Weekly. iK advakc. . $ 8 00 4 00 t 00 S 00 1 00 ptf,, one year, mU portpald,.... six months ihree WeKly,ou year mall PO-V-"";-"" TfiClty subscribers The Observer will be de J Liv at twenty cents per week; seven Utered dally ,wn floUa lortare One i?quare 0 inch) one day,. h m ' three " -. n . ' " four " , -i m . , . ; fly . . 91 00 V'J 60 t 00 : S M S DO . 8 eo -A tj-flve months. VOL. 6. RALEIGH, N. C.. THURSDAY. JULY 31, 1879. - Contracts for advertising for any apace or tinie may 4m made at the office of The Observer,, ? uoserver uuueung, rayettevuie emob, xuueigu, North Carolina. ' - - 0:ai. is GRAPH. jyoo Report. A Deadly Dlca In Iowa. S haVe died from its effects daring tMrteen days and an JJJjgS baa been prostrated by it It ?PJaff0ni in Walker, a Uttle town seven mUes irom I? o Mri deaths having oc- A Defaulting Cannier. Lawbznos. "Mass., July 30. -Prescott Pillsbury, cashier of the Lawrence National Back, is a defaulter to the amount of $64,000. having used that amount of the bank's money to speculate in, mininsr stocks. A warrant has been isqued for his arrest. 1 PRINTING. MISCELLANEOUS. 5TH II. G. DIGEST OF THE SSK A Supreme Court Reports, i "w-"""-- ntftnd the dana or uenirw f"'"L r" - ; residenU are fleeing from me po. Foretsn IteM. for the t ink so -The race "i,-(-t,itwU'at the Good ward :r:rwon bv'W. S. Crawford's! IIItllUK. three year nM fwv colt t$ay Arcner, a. luicojvt - fln M:offwoa Barley'fl four year ui . 7 . j, - EOH 70th TO, 80th. UrCLUSXTSJ WITH CAREFUL A5D. EXHAUSTIYE IBEX BY ljj ti' CELEBRATED U0) r w '? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SCHOOL. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - RICHMOND ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 nnnnnn UJLIUU.U Hollenian "I-1 Bixildingf, Fayetteville St., CAN SUPPLY. ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THJS KANGB OP Staple & F&ney BmerUi, From a Tf epc5 of IMc to a Jar of Fine Olives. of Koles, second, and C. Perkins' six year ?tod'sbay filly Geralderic won the W.H. BAILEY, ESQ .Charlotte, N race for tbeLmnt stakes. One thousand masons at BnSkOl, wbo have been on a strike for two months, have submitted to masters! terms. : Saratoga Kacen. Saratoga, July 30. The five furlongs rfsh was won bv Caret, Duplicate second nH Zukak third time 1:05. In the free handicaD. two miles, Doncheff won, Gov. Hampton second and Clara D. third time j Midnight Report Irom IttemyUlK. Mkmphis. Julv 80. Four new cases of yellow fever were reported to the board of health this morning Rose Hendricks, John Creeden, C. H. Smith and Maggie Towoes. No deaths have been reported up to noon. ' W. W. Corcoran, banker at Washing ton, D. C, has sent a check for $3,000 to be used for the removal of the poor and destitute from the city. Of the sick, Brooks Wilson, S. A. Haicher, Miies Owen nd Michael Athey are reported in a critical condition. The weather is now settled. LATER. . Memphis, July 30. Eight more cases were reported to the Board of Health this afternoon, including five colored. There were no deaths from yellow fever during the twenty four hours ending at 6 p. m. to-day. Several ases were reported out side of the' corporate limits of the city, which are not included in the official re port of the Board cf Health. The Howard Association has forty -five nurses -dis-tributed among fifty-six sick people. S. A. Hatcher and Brooks Wilson, the tele graph operator, are reported dying to night. The daughter of Chief or Police Athey is sick with the fever at Raleigh, Tenn., and is in a critical condition. There are about two hundred people at tamp Marks. The weather is clear and pleasant. Ttw Fever. Havana, July 30. One hundred and seventeen deaths from yellow fever have occurred here during the week ended July 26. Elwin C. Wel, purser of the steam ship Niagara, plying between this port and New York died here from yellow fever on yesterday. , Kb? West, Fla., July 80. We certify that there is not now nor has there been a case of yellow fever in this city, port or at the island this season. (Signed). L. W. Bethel, Mayor and President of the Board of Health. J. V. Harris, Health Officer and Port Physician, J. W. Vj R. Plum- mer, M. D., U. W. Austin, M. D. Ma rine Hospital Service, M. J. Whitehurst, M. D., W. N. Elliott, Sanitary Inspector of the National Board of Health. Nbw Oklbans, July 80. Two suspi cious cases were reported to the Board of Health to day, making a total of five now under observation; no deaths. t he '1 urf . This book we now have in press and will be ready for delivery by September 1st. Price $4.60 per volume, till August 15th, after that time the price wiU be Increased. IN PEEPAEATIOH PJE PEESS. Mr. Bailey has in course of preparation An Analytical Digest or Index of all the N. C. Reports, after the model of Meyer's Index to Keuorts of Supreme Court of tne United States. This volume will be a small octavo of Drobablr some 600 paire s. and will be pat to tne profession at a low price. Pearson's Law Lectures. This volume will be ready for delivery about the oth or August. Price $5 per volume. Send your orders or 6th N. C. Digest and Peat ton's i .aw .Lectures at once. KUWAKDd, BROUGHTON A CO , y5-tf Publishers. Ralelgn N. C MISCELLANEOUS. BALTIMORE B00K,mT10MYAlP&PER JOBBING HOUSE. The wear and tear of business life makes such tremendous drafts upon body and mind that without resources to some sustaining agent they mast give way nnder the pressure. To those who are breaking down or wasting away from rnrs.i dphiiitT or affections oftlie liver, stom ach and the kidneys, a systematic course of the Bitters will bo reinforce the vital functions as to baffle all the assaults of disease and restore the system toil a wonted health. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND RE SPECTABLE DEALERS GENERALLY. . JelT-d-Tu-T-SAw-ly. Authorized by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, 1 nth POPULAR DRAWING OP THE GOODS PROMPTLY DELIVERED AT RESIDEICE. EVERYTHING GUARANTEED AS represented: . All Mistakes Promptly Oorrectedr I Jjf; Prices Hirbi Son to Us ImA Point. T) ALE I G II. MALE ACADE-1 .JAj..:,; ' i- " ' MY. " ----- ? ' . ; ' JOHN J. FRAY, University of Ta p-ina , ' HUGH MORSON, f The 2d annual session of this school will begin, nn Mnndnr. th 1st d-iT of Seotember. 1879. Boys prepared for any of tae colleges of N. C. or oX other states, or for the active duties of life. - For circulars containing terms, testimonials, Ac. address either of the principals. Circulars can also be obtained at any of the bookstores n the city. " Jyao-mawsw. Greensboro Female College ! GREENSBORO, N. C. " I The 47th session Of this well-known Institu tion will eoen on WEDNESDAY, the 80th of I August.' Terms redneed to suit the times. XF Apply for Catalogue to : . . . T. M. JONES, President,,, July Ulrno ' ! EX2TG-ZZA2I BOSOOL; ; I MEBANETILLEt N. & V ' - T" HE 171st Session begins" JULY 30th, 181 Board, with furnished room, reduced. to $12 per month; Tuition to $50 per session. rar particulars, auureas - ' July8-lm 7 Maj. R. BINGHAM. p2 JPurcell, LadcL & Co9 it mcimoND, TA., . . .. . . . . '. Misiral Walt fg, Pfeinls Mi Oils. : llesaleDrnOTS' i Loi , i. i . " .. Jl".i HHP. Klm 1 jmay8M3m LUBRICATING and KEROSENE OILS . by Barrel and Car iLoad. i BI-CARB SOD4, SPICES, . I ' CONCENTRATED LYE. 0 TALBOTT h3 & SONS, mm school, it- i A.X. Haoauley's Theatre, In tho City cf Louisville, on TIIFftSDAY, July 31st, 1879. on which occasion a GRAND CONCERT will be given, holders of a ticket or part of a nueci to admission rree. THE BEST THE CHEAPEST. We will sell you no shoddy staff unless you ask for it. We keep THE BEST brands of ; FLOUR, HAMS, LARD, TONGUES, . MJQATa, ANli . Provisions of All Kinds, IXest Laundry Soaps, Duryea's Laundry Starches, AND NO INFERIOR STOCK. ' i-AJiL.Eioia:,2sr. o. FOUNDED MAY, 1842. Rt. Rev. Thoe AtMnaon, D. D.,T Via. i Rt; Rev. Then .L.ymani a. d. i tora "Rav. "RTnTrTFTrT BMEDES. A. 1I iiector and rnncipai. rt. KaU DeBossetHeares, Lady Principal, The 75th Term of this School begins ; ' SbPTEnBER lltlii 1S.' -- FOR CIRCULAR ADDRESS f HS RECTOR, July 10 tf -:-rr ' - - - - ' " 4 I - ... ........ -..'...,.. v .... The Drawing will be supprvised by men of undoubted character and standing, and ticket- i Holders, agents and clubs are respectfully re- i quested to send on representatives with proper credentials to examine into tne .Drawing, A New Era In the Historf of Lotteries. Every ticket-holder can be his own supervisor. Call out his number and see it placed in the wheel. The Management call attention to th grand opportunity presented of obtaining fa only $2 any of the FOLLOWING PRIZES: 1 Prize.... ....$30,0o0 loo rvs $100 eh $10,000 1 Prize .10,000 200 P'z's 60 ; 10,000 1 Prize....i... 5,000 600 Pz's 20 " 12,000 10 P'z'sfl.OOO e"h 10,000 1,000 P'z's 10 " 10,000 20 Prizes $500 each $10,000. Prizes $300 each, Approximation Prizes $2,700 Prizes $200 each, Approximation Prizes $1,800 9 Prizes $1Q0 each, Approximation Prizes $ we patapsco. msTiTura, - l-TSS SARAH N. RANDOLPH, of Edge HilL 1V1. Virginia, PrlncipaL This well known School for Young Ladies and Children wUl bo reopened September 18th. It offers unusual fa- ticket en- TTArRr POFFFF, address the Principal, Fatapsco Institute, E1U- 1 XjXTlO Oc, V- J r. J.JJ LJO I cott City, Md. Reference Hon. Geo. Davis. Shockoe Machine Works RICHMOND, VI UG INI A. . HANUFAQTURERS OF w CHOICE AND CAREFULLY SELECTED WittmUITM i ; 332ana 334 West B-altee Street ""CONSTANTLY IN STOCK, THE IN Sunday School, Day School, Law, Medical, Theological an s. Miscellaneous-Books. A-RAPPING AND WRITING PAPERS, NNET BOARDS, PAPER BLINDS, PENCILS, INKS, PENS. AGENTS FOE HYATT'S CELEBRATED WIB.E-30T71TD BLATSB. j Any and everything In the Book and Paper Business can be procured of us. WM. J. a DULANT & 00. mh8-dAw-ij. 17. G. THOMAS. London, July 80 The race for the Lavant stakes, tor two-year olds, was run to-day at the Goodwood meeting. It was won by Lornllard's bay Ally, Geraldine. she made ail running and won by half a length. H. E. Beddington's (brother to I E. R.) Silia was second, and the Duke of Westminister's filly.Balblair, third. Seven ran. The betting lust before the race was ten to one against Geraldine, six to four against brother -to E. R. Silia, and two to one against lialb air. Saratoga. Julv 80. Th third rare, one 1.le,da8Q w&8 won by . Dan aparling in Jennie B. second, and Valturnb third. The fourth was the selling race, one mile and an eighth, and was won by 2?.? .K;.in 2i nna August second, and Bill Dillon tnird. MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF Plug:. Twist. Granulated and Cut Smoking Tobacco. AXONU WHICH ARX TBI CKLXBRATKD Royal Arch, Uncle Ned, Twist in Buckets, i and Grape Nos. 321 & 323 South Ninth St., RICHMOND, Va. : myM6t-w6mos A Diver Drowned, XT , 1' ' . . diver who was let down Into the water be-1 low the Battery today in a submarine COStume. to recover a annlrpn unrhnr was drowned by the bursting of the pipe which supplied him with air. He 'signalled to oe arawn up, but the signal was at first mistaken, and when he. was raised to the Surface and hi A hplmot nmnml ho VBua uead, the blond hvincr oniahoH rvrrf na"l v from his mouth and nose during his last struggles. -v.. .-.u The iTleruiona in Xruuble. Salt Laki, Utah, July 80. In the case of Cannon Carrinffton and Youne. executors of the late Brigham Young's es tate, and John Taylor, President of the Mormon Church, before Judge Boreman to-day for contempt in not turning the Property over to the receiver, it was iredthat execatora pay into court W0 cash, and that John Taylor pay ),000 in cash and , atocka received by ""p. and to be imprisoned until he did so. a he order for imp-isonment was suspended until to-morrow at 10 o'clock a. ra. Yellow Fever Refugee Released. JSiW Yovit. .Tnlv Sft All Momnhia ugees sent to quarantine by the board of last week .were discharged to-day. FaUaJ Canon Explosion. . - WoHiLMs Hatsn, July 30, A cannon Uenty-four centrimetres calibre burst on board of the Germau gun-boat, "Re nown" to-day, killing three and wounding ourteen persons. ,9(30 Prizes. $112,400 Whole Tickets, $2. Half Tickets, $1 7 Tickets, 950. do Ticttets, iuu All applications for club rates should be made to the home odice. Remit by Post Office .Money Order, registered letter, bank draft, or express. Pull llstol draw IflBLDUbitSiied In Louisville Cemrier-Jow nal and New lorK acruiu, -...... au ticket holders. For tickets and iiifnrai,j0n address COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION Svlt T. J. COMMERFORD, Sec'y, Courier-Journal Building, Louisville, Ky. N. B. Alter JULY 318T drawings will occur MONTHLY. Ju d-12-14-iT-19-'Zl-M-5-Y3 w-i-. 1v d-l-3-6-8-10-12-l-n-19-8i-a4-2C-53 W-t-S- 15-X2. ' ' YELLOW FEYER BLACK YOMITl It Is too soon to forget the ravages of this ter rible disease, which will no doubt return in a more malignant and viruitnt form In the fall mouths of 1SI9. - , MERRELL'S HEPATINE, a Remedy discov ered in Southern Nubia ana nseu wiu buuu wonderful results in South America where the most aggravated cases of fever are found, causes from cue to two ounces oi uac w w iukih . strained from the blood each time It passes through the Liver, as long as an excess oi bile exists By its wonderful action on the Liver and stomach tne tutii Aiia nok ouij prevcu to a certainty any kind of Fever and Blacr Vomit, but also cures Headache, Constipation of the Bowels, Dyspepsia and all Malarial diseases. N o one need fear Yellow Fever woo will expel the Malarial Poison and excess of bile from the blood by using MKRRELL"S HEPATINE. which is sold bv all ornggists ui xo cent sou u - ties, or will oe sent by express by the Propria or8' A.F. XEK&ELL A CO., Phila., Pa. Dr Pemkton's Stiliinma or Queen's Delight. t irThK rfnorta of wonderful cures of Rheu matism, Scrofula. Salt Rheum, Syphilis, Cancer, Ulcers and bores, that come from all parts of the country, are not only remarkable but so miracu lous as to oe aouoteu u uu ui "" dance of proof. . REMARKABLE CURE OF SCROFULA, C cask or cou J. a branson. ' . Kingston, 6a., September IB, 1S71. Gknts : or sixteen years 1 have been a great sufferer from Scrolula in Its most distressing forms. I have been confined to my room aad bed for fifteen years with scrofulous ulcerations The most approved remedies for such cases n&d been usea, ana ne iuui tuumui jiujoivi consulted, without any decided benefit. Thus prostrated, distressed, desponding, 1 waa advia ed by Dr. Ayer, of Floyd county, Oa to com-mnr-A thA age of vour Compocind Extract tU- lingia. Language is as insufficient to describe the relief 1 obtained irom me use oi iue oumu gia as it is to convey an adequate idea of the In tensity of my suffering before using your medi- cine : sumcien tu bbj, wi" wu.m remedies and continued the uae of your Extract of stillingia, untol 1 can say truiy, "i am cureu of all pain," of au disease, wim auwing w w atruct he active pursuit of my profession. More than eight months have elapsed since this re markable cure, witaou auj i,uuui tw "r OF EVERY KIND. .. Roasted Coffees of every description, fresh and of one quality. Arbuckle's Anosa Coffee, 20c. per lb., still leads ail other coffees at that price, samples of this Coffee free on application. We keep no mixed TEAS, but sell from the original packages the finest Green and Black Teas that can be bought, and will mix them to order. CA.1VIV1SI GOODS I'ltKLES, SAUCES, &C, &C OP THE BEST ENGLISH AND AMERICAN MANUFACTURE KS ; CANNED SHRIMPS (AS NICE AS THU FkESH), Ci-AMS, GREEN TURTLE, SALMON, Ac Gordon A Dilworth's Brandy Peaches. Red Cur rant Jelly and Preserved Fruit, Oordon A Dil worth's Olive (oest), saiaa wresing, Oils, Capers; Crosse A Blackwell's Pickles, Ia A Perrin's Worcester bauce, Bordeu Eagle Brand rondenced Milk (the best In the world), and first class Fane Groce ries generally. July -W.F-Su-13t Select Boarding and Day School. : mijiiSBORO, iv. c. ; The fifty-first session of the Misses NASH A Miss KOLLOCK'S SCHOOL will pen 85th Jury, 1879, and close llth December (twenty weeks.) Hir DIBUNA. the fine manist and instructor. who has been so eminently successful In the cultivation of the voice, will continue connected with the school. Circulars on application. - jyao-Saw-TATh-lm. - FOR BALE. r rJotice, FIMESTBUTTER r . ... . . . ...... Vs Received Twice a Week by Express, v rnmnK nr.n n. o. ci"KR vmKOAR. DEK. BSsT OATMbAL, AWB Kkjuxria. GOODS BELONGING TO THE GRO CERY TRADE. Alao a carefully selected stock of pure and reliable Wines Wliisfelcf, Brandies, Im ported Gin, English and . Scotch Ales and Poners, &c. For Medicinal and Family Use. Sole Agent tor the Robertson County (Tenn.) Rye Whiskies, and for Summerdean (Virginia Valley) Rye Whisky. SOLE AGENT FOR STRAITON A STORM'S oapadura;; n virtne of two several deeds in trust execu- teuito me on January 20, 1879. by McCALLUM A co?)PEtt and H. S. CCOPER. and for tue pur poses therein expressed, I will sell at public Auction, at the ' foundery of McCallum A Cooper in Raleigh, N. C. . -., Wednesdav. 20tlt Auarust, isu. an undivided half interest In tae loundery lot and other property conveyed in said deeds which are registered in page i67 and 168, Record Book, No. 63, office of ReK'ster of Deeds for Wakecoun ty. fcr-TermCASH. , J. D. NEWSOM, . .. . Trustee. , Grat A Stamps, Attorneys Jygo-t-l. The undersigned, having taken out Letters of A ministration UDon the estate of Jos. A. Engel hard, give notice to all persons having claims against the decedent to exhibit the same to taem on or before the 24th day of June, lSbO. All persons Indebted to the said decedent are requested to make immediate payment to tne undersigned. ' "L r7:iv IvB-JW Administrators.- una. TY ouia, j By Mksmmon, Fcllkr A assb, Attorneys. . t Dated uune iMta, --- C OTTO N FACTORY FOR SALE. - The Queen of All 5-Cent CISars. T?SS.I Jyi9-tf. E. J. HARDIN. Atlanta Ca.. May 22, 1879. One of our workmeni hai a bad ease of syphilis or five years standlnsr. and was cured sound and: well with two bottles of your.&wifl'g Sypliilitie Specific. ILIe is "now. to all appearances and. in his own :belief, entirely mo unci and well. WM.Il &T. W. 1IOOPER. SWlFl'ii SPAlCIrTO CO., Proprietors, Atlanta, G Sold by WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD, PESCUD, LEE S CO., and Druggists generally. jesa-ds-w-FAwsm. f U N E R S C II O O It OXFORD, If. a Classical. Mathematical and Scientific. Fall Session bezlna September, 1st. 1879. Instructors: J. H. HORNER. A. M.. JEROME C. H RNER, A. M., ROBERT W. WIN8TON, A. B. , For circulars address jjl3-dlwwlxn. . JEROME C. HORNER. UPERIOR COURT. Wakb Coctttt. f Elizabeth G Haywood, Extr'x of Jane F. Hay wood, dee'd Plaintiff. E. Bnrke Haywood, ExtT of Eliza B. Haywood, dee'd, and devisee or tne same frauoa a.. Haywood and Alfred W. Haywood defendants. Pursuant to an order made in this action ou the 9th day of September, 18T8, notice is nereoy given to the creditors of the estate of Eliza K. Haywood, to present and wove their claims against Raid pornr ttefni-A KtA at mv office In the cliy of Raleigh, on or before the 4th day of September. 1879, or they are to be excluded from the benefit of aaid order, and from partici pating in said estate. J. W. HIHSTJ A T.K. Referee. ' Raleigh, N. CJ. July 29, 187. Jysoaiawiw Pur tse truta OI lit BOOTS Buuemeut, i inra to any gentleman In Bartow County, Ga. and to the members of the bar of Cherokee Circuit, who are acquainted with me. I shall ever re main, with the deepest graJtude, . .-.i Your obedient servant, ; j, c BRANSON, Att'y at Law. a. Millie; jloi:. West Point, Ga , Sept. 18, 1870. Gkvts 5 My daughter was taken on the 86th day of June, 1S63, with what was suppoaed to be Acute Rheumatism, and was, treated for the same with no success. In March, following, pieces of bone began to work out of the right .m. a.ri(i continued to appear till all the bone from tne eiwow m tuo uvuxuv& uui who vuw Many pieces of bone came out oi tne right toot and leg. 1 he case waa uteu pivuuunccu one oi White Swelling. Alter nnYius oeeu cwusea about six years to her bed, and the case consid ered hopeless, I waa induced 'o try Dr.Pember tnn'n onmoound Extract of Stillingia, and was so weUsaiisfled with ita effects that I have con tinued the use out untu me preaens. - - My daughter waa connnea o ner oea soout six years before she eat up or even turned over without help. She now sits up all day, and sews mnu of her time has walked across the room. Her general health is now good, and I believe she will, as her limbs gain strength, walk well. 1 attribute her recovery, with tae blessing of God, to the use of your invaluable medicine. V. ith gratitude, I ..'fejuraOTr. West Point, Ga Sept. lft, 1870. ' . Gxvrs j The above certificate of Mr. w. B. Blantoa we know and certify.to as being true. The th ng is so ; hundreds of the most respected citizens will certify to it. As much reference can be given as may be required. : TO ARCHITECTS. THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF. LE noir County advertise for a Drawing, Working Plan and Specifications, Including Material In full for a Court House f r Lenoir County. Said plan to be submitted at the Com missioners' meeting on Tuesday after the first Monday in August, 1879. . '' Th htitidin? mnst be of brick, two stones high, and must have 4,000 square feet of room on the upper floor, and all tne partitions on the lower floor must be with brick wans. s One hundred dollars will be pal j for the plan accepted by the Commissioners, : who reserve the privilege of rejecting any or all of the Pro posals. ' - Specifications not accepted will bo returned to maer. Address II. X.. TAYLOR, Clerk Board Commissioners, Kinston, N. C. June 6th, 1879. jm-oaw-augi PURCELL HOUSE. KORFOL.fi, TA. E. .T. JAMES, - - Proprietor. ; tr Rooms elegantly furnished. Passenger Elevator. . katjcs: iar-aa.30 and 82.00 per day, according to ocatlon, . janw-iy Hew Atlantic Hotel Corner Hain and Granbj Streets. NORFOLK,Va. R, S. DOBSON, Proprietor. the South Fork of the Catawba River. ' - The property is well Improved. " The fall of water on the ahoal is about tb feet, fourteen of which la utilized. The mill Is run by a sixty-six .inch Turbine wheel of the most Improved make and will give Bufflclent , power to run 9,000 spindles; and preparation, logemer wisa iwuuug uiuku erv for same Picker is In a house 100 feet fr Mill, and Is run by a 26 inch ,Turbine of as good make. The mill is not stopped once In ten years by high water. . The power could be Im proved to run 100,000 spindles and preparation. Three different railroads wltmn.eaay enstanee. Long hauls saved. Cotton grown abundantly by planters In the vicinity, on tne property w a -- Together with Saw Mill and Gin. Also all nces aFj tenement houses, and cotton house, store and barn. . . . .. . , The mill consists of about. S.ooo spindles and preparation for mak'jQg warps and skein, either single or double, . i Terms Half cash, and balance In three, four, and five years' time, with intetet at T per cent, per annum. Or will sell one-fonrth, one-half, or three-fourths ana retain balance; or i will lease for an indefinite period to a satisfactory ?Fcr further particulars call on or address J. II. WTLHON, Jr., Oastonia, Gaston county, N. C i Building a good brick one, and will hold 6,000 Spindles. aprt-6mos n. o tXi-VvAl U-Wi&o oC t -n,." 11-11- (B Engines and. Boilers, Saw MUla, Grist Mills, j Shafting, Hangers and Pulleys, Turbine "Water Wheels, Tebaceo Factory Machinery, 'Wrought Iron Work, Brass and Iron Castings, -. . . - O Oinninsr and. Threshinfi: Engines ri I ir-t.i-. Tw. Tl . . . . j n f t n n : ! Repairing promptly and carefully done. ; w ; j tar send for Illustrated Catalogue. .. Branch Ofllce, R A l E I O II, N. C. ! STRONACU & ALWOTT,1 : I ' MANUrACTTJEKKS AQKHT3. jyi-tf 7 v '!. i r Notice. ' Will be sold at the Court House, In RaMgh.on WEDNESDAY, 80th day bf AUGU ST next, one lot In the city of Raleigh bounded on Wnst by Saunders street. South by Jones street, extended west of Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, Ka-,t by a fine near the said railroad and North by Lane street extended west of said railroad, containing Lbont two acres. Terms CAbH. Sale tublle. - I 3yl8-lm JOSEPH B.BATCHELOR, Att'y.,, j FURitPijLAiiurAcrrqRV.' . ' i ...... . i . v UlAU XUlwAs lit W, J.CALAIS, -Superintenaeiit. I " 4 MANUFACTURERS OF , WALIIBT CHAMIER XCITS. DREtSIXO PAXE I 'WASfytAifo: ;WARMOBEi,"HAI j IACIS TARiEX OF All KIIDS AIO tTTLES, AND EVERYTHING USUALLY MADE IN 4 j FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE FACTORY. 1 This 1a a HOME ENTERPRISE, and beln such, we respectfully ask! an? even share ur NOrtnern compeuwra. We have the best an newest shlnery, and -',---''- - r. Huperlor Workmen, i ; And guarant?. satisfaction, both in ttjlea and r rices. , (tr Oidert promptly filled. j MISCELLANEOUS. f . 11. A.. IIYNUM'8 Old. ApiileX3rn.ixdy; f The popu.arity which this Brandy has attained 3 1 I Induces me to brmg it more generally to notice. If you like a good, pure article, this I am willing , to iruarantee : and if vou.have anv scruples as to using it as a beverage you may be assured of Its j vtni .1 oHmnlatiniy a n .1 tmrlfrnratinflr n n n 1 1 1 i pa In & jnedical point of view. It is receiving the nn- quaiinea endorsement- oi men euuneui i uie . medical1 profession in all low'forms of disease of fr a wasting and debilitating nature, where it be domes necessary to support the failing powers of life : and i am filling) orders from con vales- l cents from distant parts of the United States, from whom 1 could produce certincates Dot i -prefer that my Brandy should speak for itself, f lr. is CAREFULLY DISTILLED FRoM THE . JUICE OF THE APPLE, ana to, m im- ations. Tanr nvtr iwtvtl'iU uw'-, of the United mates in bottles running , six to the gallon, at $1.23 per bottle. ! tar-you are respectiauy reierreu to tne cor respondence below, V i All orders must be addressed to the under signed, as 1 have no agencies, aud all packages , will oe marked u. u. u., ipresa or lrtigui, ui au eases win be paid Dy tae purcuaser.- jaouey : sent by Registered Letter. , u i 1 will also supply rums vm urr jkiuxujnu WINE at $1.00 per bottle. - . - : ; Artdreas II. "A. D YNUJVf. Farmvllle Pitt County, N. C, Grkekvtixk, N. C, March 21, 18T8. To all Whom thin May Concern : ' ) j I have personally aud inMmately known R. A. . BTWUM.of the e- nnty of Pittj since 1S64, when, as a wounded soldier, I was cared for by him at , iiiahnma nii.nm imt h litinllcltT relied unon in alLthings. l He Is Incapable of knowingly mis representing anything or deceiving anybody. ... i tie Is the maker of the best arueie -of Apple Brandy I have ever seen or tasted, xnose wibu- lng to get an elegant article of pure Brandy will be sure do so by applying j .with Improved mv mvf-tt. r I N S U RANGE O IX S A JL E . I Special Rates to Excursions. $2 $2. 50 and $3 Per Day, Accord- in? to Location of Room. JySS-dlin. A very desirable house and lot on the corner of Salisbury and Firwood Street. The house is two atorv. has seven rooms, a aouoie cjtcnen ana an necessary out-houses, a well of good water la alao In the vard. The pro Deity la in first ela&s i order and all nearly new, near the Peace Insti tute, and the best neignnornooa in ine city, j, will sell at easy terms. ' JyI3-ditaw4w. ' a, l,tj;ls. ; SUMMER RESORTS. FEED. A. OLDS, - WITH Oameron- Hay & Co, Office over Citizens' National Bank. Special Agent -roi MetropoUtan ;Hall. to Let. : $m t fie Sea."Season .of 1879. n r rt tia llifarmfin rf til A I . , . Yours truly. CRAWFORD A WALKER, Druggists. HON. H, D. WILLIAMS. . PTDR. PEMBERTON-S STTLLINGIA is pre-; pared by A F. merrell a Co., PhiUL, Pa. isold by all Druggists in $1.00 bottles, - or sent by express. Agents wanted to canvass every where. . . Send for book -curious story rree to am Medicines sent to poor people, payable in In- talments.- - . i ; . j. decll-D au-au-o m vv ajuk At tha late meetinir of the Aldermen oi the City of Raleigh, a Comiiittee was appointed to Invite and report proposals for a lease of Me tropolitan Hall for one or three years. t-eaied proposals for such lease will be re ceived from date until the Si st Inst, by me. as Chairman, or by C. W. Lambeth, City Clerk. . R. II. BATTLE. Jr., 1 . ' . Chairman. Raleigh, N. C, Jnly 17th. 1879. - . jylS-td JAXX3 B. HSRBKBT. ' PXTKR W. HAIRSTOX. Herliert mim comnssioN mchams, 00TT0N' and TOBACCO, 87-SsatliCharles. Street-" BALTIMORE. RA,EIGjBT9 JV: C.j f For tbe Companies named in Cameron; Hay & Co.'i adYer 'tlsement. 5 '- - : '-- - -y- ' . . - rJ .. a,p lo-emoB - NORTH- CABOLJNA STATES LIFE ; Insurance Gompany Uncorporatted In lkrsj - 1 ' " "bIZsioh, "N.cr. 3o,3r ro & Hairston, brass. Seeds, Guanos and fertilizers Always on llanfl. inhSMm-W-pd. 0CEAI1 VIEW HOTEL. ;-'"' BEAUFORT, N. 0.," ' ' . JJAiriES IX POOI, Proprietor, Is now open for the reception of guests. T The ! above Hotel is situated immediately on the water front, in the business centre of the town, and offers special inducements to' seekers of pleas ure, and has a view from it promenade ou the roof unsurpassed by any other building In tbe town. The Bar Is well stocked with the best grades of Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, Ales, Lager nee. Cigars and Tobacco, and is open at an hours during the night or day for the aocommer l pmf Smith. rial inn nf urnAKtjj Tlath.nor H(Mieo'nnimtlolH I ' , - . Bath Houses have beea erected on shore and beach for the benefit of the patrons of this HoteL Croquet Grounds For those whodellght in this Innocent amusement provision has been maoe. Boata iraat sailing ana weu iuauaca Boats win be In readiness at alt hours to convey passengers about the harbor, and will connect with all trains. The United States mail boat lands and sails from the Hotel wharf. Fiahlug Beaufort offers superior advantages to. those who rtAtlirht in ruthinir the finnv tribe. The Table will always be furnished with .the besfi that this and theadjoining markets afford. The servants will be required to .be polite and at tentive. This Hotel will be second to none. ; Reduction in Board Per day $1 JNK per month $30.00. . juij e-Aumo FABirmxB, Pitt County, N.C Jan. 88, T9. Bis Jzcelleiu;m Z. B. Yanct . .- ..... . i dzarSib: After having on several occasions, both at toy bouse and elsewhere, tasted of .my i 'Old Apple Brandy," will you be so kind aS to , give me your opinion as to its excellence and 4 purity 11 think some four or five years ago you sent some of it to a mend in lndon, England, who thus becoming acquainted with its superior merits, challenged with it the makers of the best . London Dock Brandy. May I not ask you also1 to inform me of the result of that contest, If you knnwttf- - - I have the honor to be. 4 i - - - - r ' Yours truly, : R. A. BYNUM. - Exscimvs Dbpaktmskt, j . StaU oi North, Carolina, Ralxiob, January S9th 1879. Mr. R.A. Bynvm: . - I Diak Sib : Your note Is received, and In an swer thereto it gives me pleasure to -say that I beUeve your Brandies are the purest j and best I , rver saw of our home manufacture." i ' ' In 1874 I. presented? 'gentleman In London i WItn gallon ox yuur uxa.m.v mixu. ue rau c- r belled anything he had ever seen made from fruit, and .that all. his acquaintance who-had; tasted It thought it equal to the best "bran da of jgraps brandy.- - , twit 4i & wxsm i If people will drink spirits as a be vex age It Is a. nitv that they would not confine themselves to ' much pure; unadulterated and honestly made, , spirits as your Brandies. ;.y., i -,' at. i ' . neBiteuuuiij auu uuij juuib. i janaoiAw-iy. . .. . . Z. B. .VANCE ., ! GOLD MINE : AND :,V.; 1185 Acres of Land fori Sale. f 1 offer lor aales 185 acres of valuable Land in ! Davidson county, six miles nearly east of Lex ington, containing a valuable GOLD MINE, known aa" The Conrad Hill Gold Mine." - i Ore from this mine has been recently analyzed , In Louisville, Ky., by a distinguished Assavor, ! and FOUND TO BE OF THE .VERY BEST. QUALITY. - ' - " ' i The heirs of the late Henry Conrad, who are , in possession of and own the property, are now working the mine to great advantage. The title is good. No encumbrances. Terms easy. . i Apply to the undersigned, Lexington, N. C, who will teke pleasure in showing the property , to parties desiring to buy. - ; ' ; . r . ; M. H. PINNIX, i .yl-2m . : A gent for the Conrad Heirs. . Assets'... ' P. JJi Cameron, . - - ' .President W. S' Anderson, . - Vtee-Jrresident W. II. Hick, ; tiey. and Treat ; Df.'JS. Burke Haywood, Med, Director Aaouary Actuary O: . . j - - Tub only Hons Life insurance Company in North Carolina. One of the most successful Companies of Its age in the United States. Has already issued between two and three thousand policies. All of its .'funds Invested at home among our own people, au losses paid prompt ly and In caalw Rates as low as those of any first class company. Has thbsb dollars of as oets for every pollab of liabilities. ' ' -wAgents wanted in every county in the state to rk for this most excellent and firmly estab lished home uistitatloa. ; - Peer ilnformatiot address. . . - GREGoH'ioUSE, CS-oldsboro, 3V. C, '" Is In the business centre of the city and di rectly opposite where the trains Btop. : Railroad and telegraph offices In the building. ... . . V.VV f rCCJUitU AM, Jk- Ua UU1U, , . . . - - PROPRIETORS. - J ; ' M EareinJ iSiicte Serrants., "febl-tf ' ' -- Q - - -- :: ' PboW. C. DOUBA. Mn PresV ; The next session of this Institution will rofu. mence Aug. ISta, 1879. All codege expenses for Board and tuition, from toO to $;a. For parUo ulars apply to ' " )yx9-adt A'KOir. w. v. wvo, xreaiacut, i f i- f f i i" if." If.'. 1 Mr . t. m - t. ;l.r i. 1 i. ' I 4 i

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