an.ti KOtfjyt rr hut f PHTjlh U'ca lr2!4 ! f fvw ,dt oi 0r1 ft In wta 9riT , bt-.B t i Olzi watir ehjiti)T ri fn3S!'; si i .bam snHiii' nai ata?yi .qqw --.iscci m? aiow.nai ifrc c-j'n i J,' 1 " 7f r. or;i tlirw.'tjiwfqa "mjtc trtwSi ial-'ofi', q i -f tl .1 v. ?J S atf p ;3 iW r !M- i ijdiinir I -j rfi pitg-j J 9j ;t.Ji m. a a aw -ixrwoFttriMb. PaWlBhed Dally iexpsJlonday and Weekli it hM-i .iiwfr 3 ifhmiorus ban ewni ft bdvytt! HiVcaft IfntsJI syf il ii -tlr ?i ' dn 'it S v1 bt va i td .i ii; d n.vJ bi5l sdf ! fWm 1 . 1 1 i . t i ii If 14 1 il l I 111 A :H IH MM vf, U'4l Ml M ii ; 2- Vw7'i -' 1 1 1 1 ti r - 1 n tiiree " -- 1 tir, on jear, maU poaipald, x at) ivcttf QMcnoer The Observer will be do- cents pei uwumi ; ...... i I H Jllt T.vt 'V. (.::fffiEI8 ,kpotbj T THi utuuiiiR pssaa. ; :M11ll'- rlllolt will ,w,nwui 11 joemu ... W . WW . .1 bwt'i B yd He ' WWW terniM LociBTiLj-f,. j.OcwbpitiCS Tbe 8touj mouldrra rwsumed work here yesterday a( the price tbey ere rcceiying when ihi itrike wasmsinuiji aj. r The tfeUfctrtein th' WtfWh. U ea bctnff bfc (WMTta, Is c mnrmed for miK 'tfWj9iwir I gmtd for CoiupHcltT lu tUe Murder of UU.bUIl-dlUtlif liaaiTPd ff c tpiricy ia tbe massacre o the Bri'wh m ay Slouon the Winner of the Billiard Match &i ilT-Slo8n billiard . omtt-st la- BifTt. 81 - o midi one ibO'isaoil p-iin's tibty-six poin'ft. 8chaS r' bibes' ru wis four hundred ' and twenty aeveDJ Sloeson two hundred ao I twenty six. from AtempUla. Memphis. Ocoher 25 Aoothrr heav frosr feltlkat'drgnf ' bdcItb:fii W& foii u ice fuftBtd PQ PvfQlt :Ot t WS C( tilft r lb 'btii ' j orbs. B-f4mef!i atfi W Hi rg semce t m Mr on ine j.rnna.,AifS marked degreiti4 Vcfx:K tbli &uro trrifrtl t bis moroingvat QT y'cMk, beitij' tbe fir' b t id' ladd; 'at 'thewbatf -Tii'c The wea'ber n clear and cool. -!'3 . . t mm,, , i i . . End of the Fever In Nashville. Memphis. OotobT" 25 " i he fullowinp' tel-grHin W4 -nt rb mrning : Hon A 8 MarktcTJwemwpzratkvVle .i Tbf f pideuue m V -arrd etiUlii lav j Tbe camps will tie broken up on M ndi; mnrniDj? I thank your JSxoe llt-ncy oii behalf of . ibe people, of, , .U-mpbjs ... V r mat rial assis Htice render d. and lor lb further i-i promised if necear:l"n Wi! ba?e Kuflkieo fundi to carry US ibrough and will no be compelled to draw on yoi for any. (Sige1) v D. T. Poktbr, President 1 Lord Salisbury' Beceut Speech Attacked Man'ohkstbi. 0-tober 21 r A'- the L'-' eral d-iuousiranoa ester Oay lh Mtrqi;8 o( Utninttt-w) sbarplf attacked L d 61 is ! burj'a n ceo O spercb i litj said ihat tb' rihcy inilicated in L rd Salisb iry's circa j lar bad not beeb carried ou'; ard itlf'ltu sit bad bea CO nrmed hi all ibe on Cf w b be made by the treaty of ang efanv, lijtiaina; ib rufonna in ! Torkty," h cbaraeter-x -1 Lord Salehury's Jtf3icei the assertion ibai igland bad fr a iml, ipont bl'XKland treasure ia det nee of.b igftvernmentj ,as an innp-Tal policvait d-clar?d ibe g'Ternmenj.a' Afghan pjliej would end in anw-ia'iac. J Avenging a Brother. Murder;' ' ,: ' tern Xew.Tukk,, Dcbei fpcis? Irnm U3ui hki Ajj bioai jBaiaiihat las wavjohcT. Haknsbot and kilWd'S F Drake. To da (Fnd ) J. H. Drakr Vvjhrt-rf tb-dceaMKirlt Hlavkana sJS eommenced firirr upon him; cUwing wiH uBwams, ne mrew him to tbe ground The City Marthil fan l ahd aflpmnnri Pull off Drake, who was a-ing HawkinJ w mi neai wi Jptstol. Tbrowu. uciuaninai in, uraRe placed tbe pis Jnw bitraina. aiThe rrmod jwrr bad .rH,n; nan m incrctmenf sgaiost Haw iojod hit ao icof nd-Prake thaC t Ofl ilBW4iBt, a tihl.-f Drake es - i - ' ' V -f " f -- iiik , -, - -- " lee la Biohhawad. t .i n -sia tnKht. Triff therm meter at sunris Wdowu toSflUteer-. '. .wiiflrsjjrgnuq ' , PmKBPKO. OcioWr 2 The flr od the heaviest., font f A. he aeasotl e pwpiible ia manyplaer hew I WTts thmmortitnt;. lIti fearpdha ! P damage haa:beadQa"e:;io ;. the'jtb' :i i . a Georg, Burr's Body Found. ' ,.V: 'iifttl Vj4, 8t Louts, October 2-5. -Thi bod .5???. f M H -w -fLik IMichieiin -- ii. no ibe descrinMoo jfiven by Wm Utirr. ht the remains f his briber XT!" ? ,rr. whf amended in the baUooii iouaaer, wih Prof. v , "From Ulimahli. - ' mi I : . , H, rw linn. naib since this. moroirgv 'Thr total Swn 4 for itnwitk a;31iwht :U col'ired 1Q; toial to'-ate l.ail. Tal ,-"air9rtyellow fver for tbewerte I4i K wJ2: 2; otal to date 4T! ; oe ffJWHMs have 8twBiru v 1 wf?' wbiT "d 19 onld fatmlie! 'Mneludea thoM test tty Foimt ff! The first through traiororrl jwilK wit h aiii!,w. anW utemor Br wM?iUe, Jenxi raited - : 1 1 h-i.irr,;,,,., I T Indian; -AHalraC"-c-cJ i 1 lepram watrecrived tnia evening STO.VHsr of Indiso Afftug" j at i S08 Odob-r 2r -Arriver ber4 wrir " wi'o uirav. ami tw mrr e J m &rTi,r fr"ra the HWi4 SC?h. Of'een m!1M tt.i. -f.i U Wk-7: !LTM,t hal wav bet ween hera'ard "WftrAgeoc; Mra." Meeker," Xliti fT? fi-d y1Jt(0 ! dt till .h Tti' m w w-t nidw ,iod vjis ' fiih u vmKn, iu iruce ma nrr two cnuarvD are priaouer.iiB,.jTtf)D,s camp. Tbe cuMrer tnei. tin, ,Aiis,,laj?t tight 4n h daC maich,lr.,m ibe b8jUe catpp. ,ptK)r DeJieyea jha.kthe prisooext will be deilTered A nlhe' Thor0bargh maapacre .iwepij?- jHrai ipa. or a ,gr-ati ba; J ie,, ud( erfe tjrtviaera irom,, y jravio .peate ,fftt i is. p v rrure. WDicoiue? oDeveoi.. Aii malt here f rtbe remrn nf. Adami JwrraPiflit1 d trrai-fr3i ni:qrjr- j sdt at at n rtt iu -faiyf 'or- yofJth.e Sobooa t !u t b t"!ir!uI4 ..K'd a la Jd ft nCHiodL-Oct-i'!2l A' frjeeTaVWa ith (Xrb Qcedii terti be airA .rif Ubtdf bra diftfoiTthlaktihOrd. ' mma en it aaa f-reevfe dwuwb' wrv t 'Ks.ifVlse'iaftit bill Joi aeiir fikBi lidnti -Tb 'toilvat'btherwlaela lapiUtikU pbkr'mtdVrlVhe b rCiVVtejut fodfl ar Varpttraito froiH .Toi CltftO. u iiiru t sail on ? 1. in wi ld! ruuui 'm liw 'u'jai 1 gjgun r a tiiud Peaith Jdrth, Fmat U 1 a- jjunuji taiiuaju j a i av it " ot the riug'lh tpfdj wic 'eufcO OWu to.' lail.'iD ibe'leujDeia ty V.W?hiube'paat4Hbfee!;.day$, there bavin B fwti Koud tr'."w7h h;prpcs 7? rtifib'uJii otiI cvot ea' Wit." ihej B a'rd U u ni'u ucicujr. utu(fi iuc criu;kuv ' lJ 8?rf at an' eud. and au0 .Obc? a 1 bkt 1 's'uVift te4 ai&X T V6 be aiiprehedd.dfria .enow icvtr uv suhuht ui "uei jVciwu d lnfec 'rberVarJ d few'tases :pf 'ibifVfeVet'jy Kiope) batliy . 6rd)'najr): pfudet.ceLth.ete u I fj5 danger i; of the' 'disease ho wBpeadiya II UI lUBl BUUICXr. , t Maryland 1 Baoea. "PiMUoi. Oyober 25 - 'The "tlrst- pc aa U.ile d b 'f of two tefH olds' foV purae of ihrte itui.did dollars for tbe Oral vrt-,"aud-llftv d.ilarB 'hir'tbe iReuodj fi' wtte woo by Q ' 04tj." Lucia wai vue teCuud lace was for the Brtcken- ndge a akts, tor thn-e-ar olds, for ibre out drd Uolfats;" A'ttrbicrip ion of out iiubdred Uollats it rieit.- '4'he club to add ne 1 bouarnd dollars,' of wLkch five buul i f ed do tart was to .go' to ' the . st-cottd norse I be third burse- tyi hare bis stake a codii; Aurulius third Tiine; 3;25i. liie luitdi, race was for ; , baud cp purse of, Jive- toundrel dojlarf" for all raes hat baa run duiire'tre tnetuuK O ie aid oue .q mrttir hailea. 'Furiuna won. Oriole tccond; if turt-uce a. ibird. ' lime, 2.1(1 " -i--- - ! '' . I i ue fourth race, w(i jar. the tsowie Mak t; for all iA-a O je but dred dollars uirauce; on -batf forfeit. 1 be club, to add wo thousand doUfra'.for ,,fhe('flrr h -rse tod two b netrtd 1 Ui-llarSj n tbelttcout j- rar. w bo' na-B also'- to Tebelve t akea t o nffe Ttrflbunt of three hundred dollars! b bi bird. "Tlme;-t7:2i J.'.flecond .beat' WW "i'oi V Otenuilir, h A' tcond 01 -u. he6n2.r:r; If ' " ' aw a . r m j Wash friTbd1 Jtfflfttiial rid Nw rkJ UWlsaVs foe Hei l,b!n.'ay f ri'TefinsVlvinTa win fiave walk Bluhe It olutb ufketf bfT1 Jir tai nat in air 'itfietcotirte w h hu' GtnVrh Grant, ibat J.-bn mreBtll. nis oroiner. wn raveled touCil'itne-IMwrtd wi h bin HevWcoaHrd " . wlin1 'nitn tr' f bt pre8identiajtubjw:, tppr,, bad,, te i Q11 ral alluded to' it iu coti'vma ioo. with any FMV;'i bat- Grant paUt the bulk tfhts t : ieti s on 01 triD. ana t nat t nv r cMHsothatt be it, wrtti bittiidU,UUU riut ha'wtafd bd ia- tueh !wiy-ib8t it Viinir taj't that fua brbr rp"'r8 Gen ral Gran ft Ut'be t tfce ntmtjelra har ed.mal tliat he tyeT kne-' jfiat; bk,ii .iiapny c(w riuuur(i i.o.iiuej aju,. tAnia ela iTW. and taket taiU-facikio. in d4i a j THE KtPCtiLIOAN. N ATI 0?At qVKJTl When in Jew York Mr.. YtrTg met JWonel Keogh Of be rational K Dublicail 'YHumittre- egh; : U.ld. m,-. that ?sooif fter tbe rsovemmr elect inns the aationa mmlitee1 would; tneef, to 'cborae V plac , nr h'Idiug tbepa,t.ipnajfeonteBip. il beN reemett to be an tmrretsioD no Keoeh't mrt 1h tbe convention wtwra be "held lit '"hk gi . ! alt h '"eh 1 here 'Spf'i feod '.fcja C'aav f rPbi'adf lpblaj ianal"4hat. Jo liaranolia had IT red to build -a1 wlgan n which to 8cc inoda'e the. delcgatet, lti mei in iuaiy. t t . J ji. , Pit County Jbxodua Jtteettntf. , Upwards of 2,000 cor cremated in lewa n Saturday to devise means forerDierairg WW ffiL a - - a a o mnPH. i ne crown was aaorvtear .Ahf'u Flvid. who advised lhem to (le Ktusas without i hough of the morrcwj Uihera favorvd Liheria,- and.8 bt farib r a'er p ortion of the tpe8keftDd lnffi favored fiat iug at - bme ir the . Jandi of heir birth No arrangement was mrde irpariigf aid trw m ing jtdl-Mijred i confutioo wilhouL havirK .tffcMd an iwsan'za'ioag on jnakire aav plan .'for b proposed r'Krtia Am meeting i Wk'lfd torji-T mher. Ibe darkies wri much diata i.f6d atfbaipn left iheirwor o come io town for '114)010 'rain v of lru cjaun'cjc inai; ine meet lrg .was omy L'ric t ine nvM-coania. wno.wicnea oj ukiu urrr uif lue "eOPQL OI I roUUr QiiZ. I V e shall not di8Courspe irif exodua. T it -Vf "petipledTaire I'A go we wiU not 7it 6'ir.lile tffiger anainsl t. , If ihv ran s arid" R eHywCaiu wruhiSBfR'- voree - Aoqiana wtre, fkUJed ,i andujwp Wf unded.K Afler 1 hn.byrn't fight, nhe Indians knowing ilerrjit't sprirtiBCflmadi ftiei fficikl auouncetQeoVot ,ut: p f 'f'tteal tf dtkilarioar Ihe eafdi inid eudcO bVuiii g Sniof fhe cl'x pnivid- d tif ibsfrjiid 'Wpiibfoueti fJrfr'.Ut' bite. bgrl 6'Jmplted tjh,itiljvi?grdHo ibe, vin tUiiot H ' Uotjses 1 f edd- 'hoi b i tig' ei c ,1 f ' n'kVa Ihia ll?iccaSion lb adtiaepppied 'ueiVretarn' ixt' avoid' Infected oTad1! Four mile bfa's, TFirst heat waa woi t',3m8 Tty6hTg'; E efrrk fSbfrV t, ate," has7 ret birred il PHfrrm'am.'n trthe r5&lfric1atit .tef -hi K,tYmtarr1BI xrf ttjat all'the-lead intT'"11 in!i'lriflWphW,!,a're' T j tifam'f'f.if PrVs1drnt,",wtCh.Blai6iVt iircvSd fliice." 'a llcki-t'roa'deW ' Orot,:4tl4 11 -' ' own f Hi! 'a. ti 4- 4. i: , .- ...... ... - t -t (4 iurr! 1 : ifJ,.kij. r. 3&;-fbe ' samer ,f jair, ity ty yno wQose ;os9iriDe voy ageji wiyeo YptiaWpimifi1 S. Thoraaa WMrfdA'eattaayf lo' fire1 for .the qargo aoi"Ps4 ovxt-8 i peiroieum. ' ioxtvb prput(4 she WM abhi i" AsTa as knowp at presenr of ber ImssenKtrt and "crew risbedA f Mif ' bbatawere; dashed fto pucep Dy ibe crew and otly ohetxat load of. people-be je!fepJrTed yiaterday-i-ia kdowq 10 oave oren aavea. : ' ... Naw,rJKLka.1'OcrJ2a The Jtk8- pengt-r abd crew itf'Vhe.' Ktmr PJirb perfotTrescued ftf f be wmerX1 u'se tr nM? i.a;.ki ii. iy.U..iv,vi L Bahama .LWIt Jlmkli iii'auuLii utniia am uum k.iuwiiiu sat auai p&uf? of The; ditaef .that1 bad 'dtaurfri I ibi L write fT'crri aedldihe irlcraitf ittftll 'f'intbihe'forejoori fif thrfltf h-'ind;'tab iirtwt fTTnifelrtV ir4 lrt5rr i y -WttOiPrhrJt 4 'pi;.3fih reapOntttQCobiaVled tbfpilowln partl4 ibikc i.ju or ram, piyviini&B7ii; ataaiuui tiu? for Ibe lniatf fmV." "Every fhfing 'smrVk. Vn1riri 'W4 W A 4 fcal asLLal . I w y a a huuiuk t-r iuc tj, u "a iu vcori duuii loura. lutre heudd nnsni'id' tutu --an -i hySuHtitstt to&tfi'ttitp xtMmty&eh ip it or , ipe uniortnutiTx a, Tncniuivg; tut f Wtiea wben'-pWked trtt" IMid8 LVefl AUng iVMokt t?bked, aw. iu tB ou.ail.uuvi ub bui'u ivu iti ubti: OAeb-tet 'a ftyweftt) s: DHeecefs aiia si jupotd'' (V tdtl in e iroiu tnerr-ioni n 7 it v tv. BUif ttuj wta "vj aa v aaj iff andstjre in etery fimOkhd lift berr des crvvr 4sa.i SAjlaUtr U "1 MMO nti rtat" aa IA 'liaid d!tidtrlcd"ph;ieiit a rp.tta5W eivh.' ne 8tcund Wate'a'udl'otnibP'wbo were d airng'wKU'a piabk'tOuppSri tbern saw t -that k approucatdg'" and " mteaged tj( uhuibiug on top to avoid him w momea ; wieti -ue' turned aud' went' sway: 4,iDe ..f-tra"WiM'Vjwtkf'- bt R l lleJrera. of tUvkria. 'aLd1' ' w ai f. uitrlV '"ail American btiwteh New 'Yoiknd Havaoa. " t ' ' .. ; ' 1 Xiore buf! Better Jig. ' ' '' ' ' We iiave often . heard it said that a pound of wuol could Us raised at' cheap aa a pJuod1 of Coii 00, yet it we are to wan tu iutrouucu kheepr huabai,dryoaJ anything like a Ouainett fcCale. ' ihul tbe L 'K'eittntu Vesaea what iacrineU'-ine do wd (ear ibat It will be aloig'way on When auetp raisiLg will bu toadn.d ! ro much eX teuu Uar pian it to introUuce:muie doga. bu ul uiffereoi breeda. V e ' bave ' hoped o Ste atitep buabandfy 'rntrdditeea at a uU9ine8, under ' theeVuSiahi1 super vieiou it auepLerus. who bad ttiefr trioed atepi herd dogs io aid -1 b m iu" pfotecting 'whd Orming dp the-rH Aa at btghi.' 'We fe. pv-ai, that u appeal 1 10 ua not( 10 be to dilt dcuii a taak.: L-H1 out1 people ir0 vide gaitailbe ravages of the dogs" by getting tu ne ana oelier uoes, nmaaj vgav ut L K'siature'io enat f-wa tw ' iiur have cktiruyed rlhe wohhltss' tbbutafidtV'll he'jkniey the' Stu! W using' iti 'bt fchirig and hauling arodud7 youug'flah 'wai uted in import hig truckler tcotk of d.jgs, K wiVuia do mofef gudrulo they tfa ( iosthe t aav waa vwai ia waaawavMa w w w JOii . -t ifl'i'ti l!tf W'lt ta CD-Kj I -vj ai iili ilt 1 ,1 ' il .ll a U'ftofikely; thjat jb'e tppofnVmSiItt b ffMuUtettl 'egkn4.and',Kii8tla ;,wni, ;tW4Vtri her bhbiiWttbigtta apo'jintee, to go 10 England ItusaVtjdJ .r ,i hori ly oefore, . A number. 0 nanieii rebaeu tue oeiciuniaiiir in iriurc,iu voa ile deret rt'Maid La. tf a.. wrt '. y. ;Ura-a aa r . '-' tfirterifltfafe lUCeV we'ba'emrjloyed as uripdia'o'rfc'deB atid IUB1 Wuu Hkl UttBx -u. fiilv' rw Vsonar cof ffdeaf ctwniilcatldni iiti thrrrl tTl the timV during iheiftfalhM tfig,1 ko'd.Vd'nue cftnplencra of thtfrtce' ThednTfmatlon ibos' t-btainett 'wllf na Wnftiefftl uttf-rances 1 thd dof nuii 'ofihe1 6'ih'WUntk' 'Mfi)ld"feiple8 it tuco'ori feppondet5ct' wiTi" ornitfteifitm UrM lfcation io u 1 j. u t iDexpnaponuenr a; 3! aJ fit -;it .if.' ti- " 1 T ' ai ci i'iii .1 '2 '''w f bfek WflW JrWt Bp tbe? isprf of RJ Al .f 6xVEl 'I"' B'ack Crefkrj, rabbit ii'Mniy hut bree cM-OVeri whlqiti Art' tbtpi .hrfe oltfbWfclOhe da Tar twt tbW Vi'pk ed olii' ctob "wi t hi t he f ollnwfpjg'retnilfi Mirteft:' desrs picked 162 r rinds, 'Anfeie.VrVa old, f4S pounds and DeTphii 6 tears riTd,llt rounds.' According ttf ae fnn incres we inns tdis win pear ?ne ttte.D ck it n' bonesfhtrd wbrkfag colored Tnanfi bas five la family, 'and hia trof stbxfc f this jietif ha bhea imiyiet) Atlatrt. ?e rxpeCa to make wH Ir hit 6tB force: 10 ojr 12 bales of cotloh and CO bafrclt iVr c6rnV t' 1' 1 Ir '''lVcT'ed kt'i rtjrelngtatice fof Dem'4 iJrt fc-couftetv "at .the gmuth fbat the DemJ crirc O verbr.r or Tar 7 be" other dat f Vnt thp ReinuhlrbaiJl rif ' Afatlnr it xannnol 1 canons AiiiKlUrH Hio' aovoi u 1:11 a;a uu iuc evening Wi?: wbfle tin ibrrofefi thti f 'oeedplckt'tf up.1 w t,daoiie twenty; jpfcitdti 'VUe f6 I feartuf a.i iutde at iwi e&rly jdaj. , .The" Pj etldebt find aonrenbfe ft ici. At'wbicb.'.it a .aUrt-rd , thai ne was thus honor ed.. ry ibe US:;ttena'ev$rSrtatot Wtl ace'ai iMtSlr? Dtf-w'tfutq'fcaire hfVJhaftcea llaf'trarves? ; & r ' j 'Inf-fdit (ogiyefce p'uicriutf .u'd relf W'fewl.of iLeii WftMrf fust wofihy gf hi Witaa. " wen " tsedr - To rarjcsVwhJmbe'W t f aa'alcr?i4'L8keJ 'tie heart hflartLrt 'of tail h contean.b la !Pti!,Ktoihe Rate to be ;CredJtrJ tb'from partlclvating In aaideat e ,. -., , burn.n- of "ceTebralin hd "RentibTiciii v.l i. . w A H OX.lSe'fereei ! - TiCtory Hit Ohio.- -4 f . ' r - ; ?? . i r 11 . - ' - ;t - 'rf f' j t t ,i 1 ,-. -..j 1 . T i.i 1 . .. '. il l 1 l ib .1 iiia ., j.T :dT" :9rn-44-9dt vfiMti- iqt Commission n 3f Tc r c'it ' f s, Will b tlad t .o rerond w th parti having coiibi m nis o rnKiuci, , t at oi reiertuce 11 desire . P. . Box t66. RaJegn, f.iL, t ' ' ti tocts d3m T;,t .1-1 ttt. itTS iiJ iTtr ... ij ll(V tisi.m'v!i f I niyJhOpV s' Cameron, Hay .Ca1' t feJ95verpttana'Satikital BasJk4,(j iT!Jr-4- -.rj iV!t7 .v-ru jTj t!T.;5 f 1 .'i 'i.innWnB-M.uot itoed jl -rfj v-,ob n- ft J?.f KT XsCt rJ7"; .."V. .-t sf ei - en iid ?dT " vliW$ f I 5srtU Vti' rrtrlirJ5.r,t, V,hUV.Vl !l Val uab le l.atud forjale,,, ! BmA MsSaAtf nf .(.ia. X4 aVaw at l Lja nJ'to fiavnA4 ,K. Aran rm ra a a r w-'rnian rte .tn.iand nora Lnrtklng OBS.'rnn aln- Ive hamlri i, aeayn a'! uftnisr O aa Cre k - r Beouriii cash:,tbe,ret.merobe twoiM tWe Tea'R,pfin Weteat J.. ..,1.1 K V J; J .4.u1 M .i- TaaaireiLX. -rmurreaerwia r. n irmrri .11 - Tii anv os? 117 lollars c ) ;i'EVASLVMA r r '3 T. SINGER "JIACniNE d rf. ; 1 Equal to any xinifrr In ine TlarhcC ; The above ent- rTrwtg the?' wort onntar tile for th ttfto'e whieh re.firni ron for the vfv low frloe o ,!., . ctn.lirur Htach eni p ememer. ve po ftot-jaK ttnt' iq pn( win I you hive sn rte ' raehine ' After h l' r exanHidl sV'.t Ua oiH wn represent, fcafttra it t m at a xase. . -.nsnit yur.iauiv.t-ar' oraer at o if If n Jiv within sve ; hn'nd e4 mli-B th fr lht wtl not he mor; ihan ne 1Miar: "rt'tret(f , , tI -iK--, fi d, ... it aucct. uauiciuuuk f it . Dh.i.jAl.kt. n.r jruf ec y 9I c pf Fal u o bl e IK ca Etiute. Xtlls&ca TJTVirtne o a deed of lrnst ' exemted to n b M vc'4he and wire, or 'ersor e-flntT 5i.tr1. antveaisret ant)ie KeaMiVwok o sfar"U'. boot wPf- irVci,f wi'.sai At puo'ic anrnoa, on n 5a m o ,1-T,niwrne'u U;ion ih pre- ttuthe fo lwin rp-rmertf; I ilatrAla areantala felA Mll.ft.). e4 and far s'orlea,. huh ;l, aa twof'iTQ 'i'iaan4 1 wa Wheat MiiU.A Iva.Kv nni tnrhln- -i1 two wen,- ot wheeK TtWcf; acntlfof' stW lnf wsfn i Tronj ii in ."-tu utnaannoK'omKnei .Therei tjaw; MlH.-pmeo (ilt, eTiflOqa ai ni wnrEtinnn ait ntnt id.. Aw store Koa-e. ?x4 fef t lM nrat-ieieerf thnrtur. npoa which Lnt tnert ia a Mima r tioi a- anrt pta- KiBith Mnon - t 3-1. The an.t k own aa the Wo lbnrn Jracti conalsttn? of .apme .i0 acres. The 'tand watarniaiKl,ha-lhaa4ia prprUati of, wooxl To eicrsct but one there is. attached a ro 1 of 'exceTlot tow, ronair!. aii ti-n itbnt oni there ere MinfH' ii of thn erv va.nae-l Awnrvevef eaiiftrrptwlllJb-Khtlitedoa -'a or sa.e..aiui toe4ana, atiuwo. ugfin r. wJtn tna nrvevs. to anT.nraon tnftfct .tf .appncatui i t4 th' ttnderatenetVat aht' tnte before the'day of 4.b. Ava,naDia urarr. .jj - 3 .r Uh. Th crop -'or on. Whetf. Tobafcool Poi1r and ta a Also Teams anl Ptarratloii r,TKKMS-nTh Keal-Rstale-finon. the terroa-o '.''.k'.-ii-.t .i.-.J.Jl1 ' Ji 'JV oo--tniri an, oor-nir t n one ywr anq . vne third In two aearn with tntereat on tip rfvfpr'ed Myauets r.r trie ttav ( te'nniaipaiiUanl . T .-I" t l,te pjoet papteiKT ana f n.-ta rr jw.h M tiiiWi lot llrSMlIfi, t,virwitiol ! a-pf jjvtd htiKjw TinT30BoraffA.L)!rpoa rfsirnoK.i:5i Oi.t4yarah8&a!; C. Parar a. tt, n Btfhsoei .-lAffesoitrtrauv M :bw b-.B -Heei tf htMNuidP ai:? 5arW. IsLiotk .!. kiaitil uv It .1 Inu if itn t.hJt. iiil(j!i,tiiRi Ka(ueeiaat,tva. uaatia, uuije jweiin'i f ji"at' o Vf ja- a aw w - . aav ' a - sa iaa fxwife. J B Clettt3aidai r V'teats bt w fe, B . Brbee, f -H .Bur a JohnBJthf e.' 1ai two rn4itn 11 ter tw ,fy ow tvera iif me.' w-eeri Bart , i'mr Barret FiSinfli IS airweia at up wei 0 f foje fuia. a o ine a r-t fr. nut will f BJt 8TATP V?,NoKTtt CAKVLt? h a I 'n.r,tarre.f Wmkkvrmmtg Qkmtuto n.Toa are herei'y W n nia nd'i to aanAr on jC p rfartve. fciem Suw-ii tniDf t.nw, dat f endau s above uai-u, ,u an la Y.DVrtmifrv. to atnear at hey. w fcaad w- t. the .fflf: oftbt Clxfk of tlie tip'iio' iloott for t1ie'fcodnt4f Uakfwiihin 9v d T atif-r the aervk-e of this aan id' u inen. excinaive 01 1 ne ay 01 avl teYvice fl enawtT the corailamt. a no y c Which hat Jfeenr dppoite-t : ahe e Nft ierfe t v e -apecnir uonrv w isawi -Siiuj asd let tl i a take notice that u,th' fau 1 a Bwertn t' BiKfcomp alatwithlh tliat rime' th wta'Bttn ' ' appiy w tue vurt for me rem 1 ow DandrdHd4ieeQti.aiot. h? tasru t f , Uereot.,awt of An rptm5 " Gn-Fc nUder of this aaromona on maa to i.a d and teal o 1 wmim Vl w . .... - .y w . - . f t t, ,'cwT Court J Wat ! CouBtyt Superior iourT- jf ak e, f olinij Hjn'ireW fljmef AifJ raisrratnefttnisiaas; Ah , im wiiLa.unex(L-4f Uen 'i-r-HM limb: , ia k halfai kima-! .anl a i othr ereli. Oral fee'., of f l,UMB " w...... t n " ' Bt Uct ! jhireoj rie' the ci ititora of tne eettueof tVa'rB fiffira to.p-eae-ntaaid awove eetaxeof Frwe f efife 1, p-e-iii aiq n r.laiii B'ajrtint as id e-tve oeinre me. ft wi ofni. in tue ti'y l K ietrn,on or neto rae ;tik War jot -"V -veiBtien thev arei o he . . . ,i OCt llMMW-tV - : .ii: -5 ', ; 4 nimm" ,3V IriavrprTK 1 m (i 11 . 1 3' tagaei, Adi&w it rttor ui jtsik e tiortgej. ;t 1 j TSr?rt!lj'ANT,t'Sn r-rte?tr(le i'n r h7g tCtl'tj I tnnrtTvrtn.:trfcif!Waenhiooail Hit Jt t . .CI.IM Y I j T" I H TJ-J 1U i Jf )jix ja Tfnvi ;.iJ4 Uv-'V il't s 1-i l ( : :3 PVt-Wt tWviw-UKr idk 9dt rsi : . : '' i''v -:' : -1 : 7i.h '1 ' l0 tfkit--Hi:tM-3 ltd tl'ljL' t $ il Ol ifjt xihat txJ iliw. tifOt U ?;' i Utt iv? 'Jia of u "4 0 t-w af 'S!tJ-ij x. 'iftlw ai .-trT .'i iii " bruit t "ist: I ft sutj'.a '.JT .a 'l.u;iitc.!0 ; -4 ' st ; i -li ra aTwnr1 tra "m -1- twP"g,.".'-rr rsf?frT-ifrsi 1 "e i q-tr . -.h&i-t wtff tw brgfol t 1 ei ?4 i t Hlq KrrW-7 fn'd til ti It i Hitni s -5tl t-dw csm rt litOjWflJhtMRIIPQIa: .v nun ynh :d i-?ud ait bt-b. m -jilt d t fi i;:e Mb fur ' ojd l Rd en f siw A Fl.PgRi BUNDS.;t t5vt 8 fe-rt'if'- ft ttil Yd V"; ;;:t i -i '.;:i.ff 1 ti-'iiil f 35r.Vf -Ht irr-1 9 itlt i l 1! i . i 1 mi. nil-. )8-( i i e 4 r !! U! U ti d Aay itadf teverytmns W ' the Book -an Paper . -1- ? . j't'i. i . 1 i- 4" : s j . -.1. - 4 dub mesa can oe proenrea 01 us. . I WM. J. a DTTLANT b' OCX tB. HEARES, Jr., of NoMCaKMi 3Dv7H7 ' EATS D,'&.; :C 0.1 MANUFACTURERS OF - ell OH :X-".",j " . ) rjj CLOTHIKG.'tVhoLKALE fvt SO 7 and SOU Broadyraj, .. 01.. i NEW .YORK . , -r-i-. . wOoods Tnannfactnred . exeluslvel for the wUTuBKIt TRADE. . datiMf-pd to n BYNTJM'S ... .; 4 i5l ; iURt Hii in iH " LI le " .TUtd 31( ill .'". . " -.'.; ' i, :'t (Hi! iThSTSDnwJtrtty ntch thU Branditaatttainea .tndBRea me are hr nff it more aeneralla. aa aottaii If yon like a rood, pare artl le. thia t arn .wullnt to traatanree: atid if von have anv aminteaaa to oflnt t vt a tolerate voa may be aaaared of ttt affati' tuedtda Weef swim ia all low forma 4 ataeaae of a waainc and debllitattar natare.rwriere tdbei pomei neceaaary m support tut railing) pow of life; and 1 am filling orders' Jrom c mral eemt rromdiBtant parts of tae- umtea' aaat from whom ronoin pratace oentaet4 it nrffr that mvi Brand r ahonldWneak for ltnel frf fa PAT? B tnTLLY" DlSTfLLKD yROaf THE ittnCBTOF TB B AfI5i and lay afta same s- fflMjairuc kimu I rree -trcm ail awuter aftonacj? am bow prepared to a alp U so toy part it me uniteo taiea in notuea running six to 'hriilloe: at if 88 oer bottle. - i .ktTBu tre raapectf nil t refsTred toraa oi aanojidenoe twOow. . .;. .. .,,,. ". . I 11 r. i-r? iuum oc aiureaati, ku me unucrf ht'tedfaB'f nave nwarescirm. amr aS'eabkarea wr he-narked C. U Kpreaa orzilata all gwm ri , fptidi by iwtttef ,d none a 11 nlaoJ an mil t rnitl? Mf!tTrfeWAd m Kabti.tner oouie. m: i ma e. u d Address, -i,; c. i 1 f B.ABV918V Vlrmrlllt V r Kf 1 JtWSrvri.a W..Waifrir.- atoarsWai4 Jfaa Ammwju A ared 1 M ftrei'Htt oM may betaobitf reflel hnos in an tnuiga ne ia lucapaiMt OX mVKTW BK1 f HUB e4rfcaemu)g axythiog or deceifiag anybody. 1 ire lathe' msikerof ,r&e besd amcWof 'Apple ;pavi-Ptiawe'evs4en'brBUwe tTMoWwiaB iato.gaueiejraiit aruete ot pan JSraaUy twil) rt sore to do so by appiymr to hint. . -. . .,v t avO tsir sdj iLjzip'&j yrr- Fabbttillb. Pl Ceantv.N.-d'aknc VU taemtilmkcm, X: m. Faawsf fi0' i.i aO f 3 d'tAB. jm 1 Altar hartng on Bevera ooeaalonai )vUi at my hone and: elsewhere, tasted of mi "Old Apple BrandywiH yea besekind aa to ane an yoortuiicBaa: sa aaezeeiMee ad f arityt 1 awn some i t ox fl e yeart ngt yofl sent Bome giows irieii'i ld ixn'iorL. Ho intra beodmifig aeonalntecTwftA ha'anprtot rndrtaaj ehaiW-hirart .wHi nthaTaafccraottaxrbOal Leadoa,poc:iirandy.t May I not task-, yamlsd va mwrm fas 01 me resmt 01 utu oonteat. u 700 know it T- s - J I hare-the honor to be, ; j h iu .if ). , iii u Yearaaralyj, ;a J " A"Ctiyx DWARTaTXKT, j. I ? a 1 1 I ?Raiji1gk, Jajraary 89t Itrt. , Dzam 8ir; Yout note la received, and la aa4 wer uicrew u kuci uie pleasure to s&T inat bet (eve yee Bra&dfea are thepareat andteat evbt aa w of owe. aoaor tmhtnvntare. lo ; ic ml III 1 preppy!,, gfntl.Tni tu TmAmI with a gallon of y oar make and he said it exi celled artWade"taq made frord rait, and that all his acauainunne who had aatfd til fc of gpebrtndy. . .. ".- j -ir people win arurir epmta aa eveiire 11 It v buy that they PwUdiucKaxiBae the. a icitea M l sock pore, nnadoitorated ,ad ktneaUj fet Ipirttaayonxafiaie.; . ,x ; , , , aafltTdAw4ii'ii y U. i . . exAKOl hi la t Ml,have sntlTZ'Hl the , WhJgky known nndet ine orarni or , 'B-eieit cobtonet fj jnessrs. k'anrOttlalr A (o.; Hlotinioiid, Tai. aa ant K tree fruta rnoi, oil and oti r 111'parKKS.VDt ff co amend Ik. o.ei for lueUUlual B.hi family P-nbO -e. Jb: VcOa w, m, D- 'latt Pi of eaaor tot ChettUBry, atedieat College t Tirginia. 1 1 asmaoi-lV. if ,-i i-,S U it ;.cf 1 LFortalebTj saiia - di uaiiMrd ;Ai . . Cnil-lA!, oat a-tmoa Sou Agant for Raielgn, ti-.q. -r? in !i : r. .1 i : -J C" (J ' NO; 101 t r ) c NEW ADVERTrSEMENTi 'It ; rui V -H fi 1 uu !(' "!! i " '. 1 3 'I i j f il '- . . ,. j i. w e-'- . . e , . , 1.. 1, t Bld ylAiniFACTU5S tin.w sYatUBt IHAMUJt 4tnT; MRSItl W :i'ltoAtrf-fTAIO.1AfESSIIl. 'AT ' i;,lAaI.t'tk.lE tf AajfBBal J " AND EVERYTHING CSUALLT MADE IN ,,a lT-4i5IAfe',FtRlTTjRi Thia la a BOMB BTNTKRPRIHK. and belli snoh, we reepeetfoHy aaevea.thart :wtSh oar Mortunrn nompf'.HHira. 'oi.-ajmenor Waaplartntti) AiiWgnan&taaationl botti?Blei'ne Pwtl.,IiiT t;fll". tl etsr-qr.tOHdq Iltli L'Hm:-.ii mat 9i ?u!if ji.risd?rr Tfio 3drni,u fi YoiBliViai,-?! 'ttBttock m'Uie tiern'iiaetiror'tale im&H Mdeoniy by 1 wni on .tntf Courtney Jenkins & Co . t3id ei -.liAV&tq w-?.d ' oisfiw ,'i.--it.Si T . AI j la;H, d Wholes ALKjWotoJW8i(rtAT.: jitt'dt ;u n. o j ti-iJt hdtpA. Aathorized ny'the. Ooaunon wealth of KentactH Hoj j?"ii 1' i ,---tt ri iT. i I T j'ii i,Hi ti-i-ri fei-ij 3lj1iV'ia ii .! ;15 1 U TT H7T-W1 OV TTTW f h-t ;i fV- ViW M nfmim vl a o.r. 7b sir isd-- d fi' f r,A r Macauley Then , In the 'City CfLoniavUle, oa' October 30tta, ' l ,79. , THRR DRAWINGS, ATJTtTr RTTKD BY AOTOF THr IEOIjM A TURK F 6t M m M-r fv FD BY Li. 1 H fi'lTl'SHF K "fTCKY (ail audulevi ddvrtii&mmtii iff otfutr ktir 6trwipani who clafrm th tote mnitsxhtp ' all the mart ts in Kentucky, to the contrary not- Withstanding. i V n ' Ktill A K. J THn liAS. tVJi.KX.Mfi 111 llU4I rXVEPTEr.' A T Ri IUFEKV1SED ' Bt fKOMI Sh.fsT CITIZENS OF TllJi. b'4l B. j GRAND A NO UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESr 1 f -i OF THE 'SEW"EATURES7 -' Every ticket-holder can be his own snpervlsof. 'call ont'hia 1 oiber and see - iw pi to d n' th whe-l The Mnai(em nt call.aiieutton to thr grand ;opp rtunit preefitel of obtaining fop OUT tc amy of the FOLLOWING FJttZEa M l 1 Prise 3d.otoi 100 P'x't $100 eh tio.odt 1 TMze..i,;..t.ljOWI oopa'a 1 tt '. ltkt iop4ran.ioirht8,i i.ooopvb !-io h to.odi w Frtnss 600 each $in.t. u, a - tn c v I Prizes 300 each. Anoroxlmatlon Prlaea ft.Tffl raeh tioff each, Approxlrta1oi.d?riBea tlfj a Prizea $100 eh, ApproximaUon Eret 1 wt lt4JBriea.I "4i io" tVWf Ji a Ti ii -- . . i f; .' .Mil '2 . 1 'W T! AetsVf SOT 1 55 tlck1 06 11 Mttt applleattona for!clob ratea aTiosid-or made V""50-. . , .1,.,-Jai.X h rtttl tin iMrawiBf puoumfea"ur-jonBTiiir iCfru-J9y 'l, .and. Sew, York n4aUrfeanH mailed to all For tickets ann totorKtiion.riddmaT'j 4. YMSi.KKFOltlJ Corow- Hqiwtng. iomsvuie Ky. . ft a?saifhTW-wt -i. . : - d ' g H'l TVV! w Jj : ! 3t!"eirrO a?" . 1 "a". S vr f a HOBTH OiftnT.ntAJ rsTATa xxm lli-sai let ,5ti?fi 11.. fSU!eL.,5 lrt Sfil xa atcwi yaw anew axt xp7j . IT . a ,i)it fm .v.-lij0-e. Aaaaeta; 'r -V Tf awaaVlattair4ial4ertT9J3lM3W fetddth I fro. B t . Smith, LAdouoty Actuary :0:- Tut ociy Hot Tfe luurance Comnany 1 WortauiCaroUBa -One 1 of thetmeat aaeeewft Oompaniea of Its age in the United Slates. Baa already tanned between two and three tfcoaaanfl policies. Ail of lw fnnda Inveated - at aifjmr among our own people AH toaaea paid prompt ryndin esuue: oRaoea ias iow aa ttioaeiOf ant flrsiclass company, Has Tfltn dollart ef aa cets tor every roixaa of tlabilitiea.' -' r- - wAgente wanted in ever v. eoanty in the Stats tt rk for this most excellent and Crmir eatah- 1 laned. nome u istnaaatu rar 1 uuonBttiot aaarfs ... --, v. C.8TATK inr i!feimRA-wf!gnrt:2i i "id -: JL'A' .';iJvAv1-!;'":i;u,i' 1d tUUMU kWUMUUi La 4re4ibVpreriVed fnrhlsn1 imrffirk lit tf liUl.t' :AI.j stab h bsshXHhth&a. i.u . ovcu. m u iiuivuuvcu v uiu iu inn Bmuntm()atfcTindlnthtfUni4Botet-i I Ffttthop nurpft Baanvajia gas, tta, fcaji ! Whh coked; it i aa exdeUeatXaai fofolnH , . 7 i- t . j ; 1 1 si 'j, . ; f Alt orders arldressed to til nnrtmlvnui 4ti H.r'rt'i'tTO AbAriat6i eetlt-aam. t. 1 tlaaaT. f i't f v- I? IM: 1vl fe?i?d s i?n,d o-:di in rcisto.i a so ; j -lath-' 1 Ud.: aflfSllPl Sail Cjr.VK Sf!! m-i iiii;nti. aif, N. C !r ,!i it..)., i .i..... i'AUtt'J fAtSqnartptncajOTitttty.v;., rgt M .out"-J9 nr t w44wca law " " Atttl Saw m n ; ft -foM -ji.-. ., M - t wst orf.Trw fvtiwj Wi-iKUSiiT tji .f0tr"ft rf .3 fb rirf-aaifwHf" d oojuaorirrtt:fifrwat Observer BuUdtng FayeviijVBet. Ule!gk , Hbrtnltjbiya:1 5i X4mi lo rViui. ar H fipi.i.ti r.lrnnas .ri;f t ' 3 I lULMlUYpK tTJtrWtijg r Rut Ia?it4 Jo ifritf i t In roi' M .Jl 3ifodo r.f-.aa'i unj df io'JrnrO tft ravddtroda di &lir mm yrvi n .it mjhO di.9icLis1 fnf-'vid ieenio'J OfBaeasnv:K.Cl co nucO 9Ji o I oct '-d-f ..... 01 qs) ev-mono ni riQnii'aa wiiiy 9tf :p-ri'oT tfPMjfeW itioo 9;1T L 4)'3f n rJ r?HJfmBI lBtfWiv VA f I TiKa X BUKEi and HUB & AT u AT WOOD tr namg rormniTaipa(uurip.wtWtaeir , UtBA.Kl.liA WOOD, . t qponufifl TBrKOayi-witB 1 ef e.ara avathe tjsddbrfailwgbe rtd"iwmdaftdt mnl 4fto Wri-3 iSaUr t5 1 XS&JL iti taakreiOwtiNvj 4 .TliMmna Ih ii. ir. mi, a nid radii -alt nriil nwrl To fdt eqsdisq fT8 .eai ' t eit? ti mm! dl 3a' pnirr-vsTo0 rniJo f 'frMjp ei'im aw ,tt mo tii jtftfsait flirt (la-Fnpw.d.HtjTef couveulei e a o' a visas -a wuot aw a am iiiauvu rw vtifttsw v stews r 1 h trsweirw rlltrtinhe tt lovairWif e W RtnaiaaatYtn .tB f.;ufbetpg eonvetf jHtt.m uepnntipal imsiuetfl honsea.'TN stonTceCostomirt)B,clty Ha 1 ai d tmrt Ho ae 5 - ii A Bra -c'srs Bar ar d BlUlard Saloon eot 'ssta wertDitTl tTftnrctervi 'jbtij ffatb oiititiftnon ndf 5o ent9 r?t of oWimoa,'nq , . d! fljMt ,toi;i jrjmi.f P-;i,j.i i'i.iTj t..Hl ' "r- . . m ran w mvm . t rra'fcjTifijSCWrfiiA9W?d d-j,iw 'D a-a l44'M'tVJ 3dJ MafA.' et" S(dPPd6ITX:taKrS flOTJEL i5 e df ft !".f-?y;i '-ili3- ' Yli",!ifi"rT . Rooms large and comfo table. Terms modtt PoOta m4 aji.iJwKla' aiaiaerl ei jaata-t U 1 ,rsd! aLMtSK)RX; Mi Cb'tow. .. i . 0 ! id Ji?d JiaiVnifalj&'djB gfldng jffifth I per going jsiort rSfJfJbggaoo oh- yOOaildEbV G&tbr6f"v.,;9lNi'iicii,1 !!:- JarrMsyjrt.j beis gj's d 3f 11 is-.-fi . holt tahttfhtalnsa jeeradt-rtci etty aMjdl. recriyopppaiie wnere ue tratna Bum., tuuroao and tgi'OflWetmTtA WdMUof f i.nrn iL.JttKo "wli sioVjd woa it stood JireeicaiiStnisU Trj .'ii. vf-jd ); Jadl eyei cr-risd'a irtiirrftstiiJtftrattvi i sdl 1-liait nh'iH 'T;-n bft vd bfts , .sA , t frv9R9?f 1 Id tlr drTtarr. vdft4yKryM!!efv1 ra 'm'tttfee.tlddaoh rfB 9Pda:fVvrfiMtHenaif tkihnrotmtJrjMlllrtbt made brieiter or tele urn. . ,t ; wearMii rim t89t.i$tt Ml wJtihkrl 1J l'twfwen? fBBiraMBtaedV-ot, Very eatenaive iuipr t wi-cis u he ann nat -ofov-r Ofieeo thonkand i w05af4itow--eiig i?5Str Woo dl rtel xf cw'.'tiMlWtei9rMste rt"Y?iy.'T tf-Ti Tn?dt . jiyi .lv; 1)0 9Toro n CJ rjCr q oil Jf-Jf snionsj&o IfUMO 9lAttJblOLiafaa it'QfcphdCitX 1 a w.a itfloaiii inq.r ..qrot ei tniioa ienm rt . katjem: .-r - . . tBBT.t;8Tlf. tsu pr ayf4vlfli.o ff" ji.Mvi 9dl s?idw Jgjf .s;ot'ff3a1 . stU di'oigH toTluitX unoii laltuoD. . o oi TiYiJuaiA'qnpai tvnii . " RWrtl oWl-WantU Wt4B(w. R&.d!5S3i4avr!l 9Srl fceatto. rdeairabie, being Wanted, near . all basiseat aaawa-3KaatancavaUBt8tam iaionasjiyity v stall and court Uouae,. , - . . rr , s ,i vaoi c-i;'j-ij W-.rijvl.iiiw flnw Mot ta fa a Til PI V 1KV ...V. nun sdrrvtrTr-tsjrrn iniTjeMj ''a aor-t. . . . ... 9 ;nt ni & te t MX ras.iqc3 odr.-of 'f.'a 'jbu's ! i4 "fin'to bjs.asita-ia ilul all j2 rs tA ii HiaEi, di t3fjtt"3 -b odi' 3 t ifcgt , iflha t ou iv n iiuiinvii4r Xif 'ftirtrmfr r'Laeet. Itfbbdnt: .DrsrrFPs oT" -'it'oored HtxrH ID asf solid Colored He, and ther aeasotikQie cooda. Al ,JnTimr n'1 kvomifff'PArit ITI aa y S.!a Kf-rfiur; it!a K.-f i teorKaeritV'lrai t. cajled johlaB-oelaar ibe'h; sX'crd for e in th s part' of the a!e to" late ptaooli 'jM ai?d ea Jiiw ;wU tuaC'.q"; arci Graded' ud ;k.v nt. -J!iwerjithis.5fi' betrlnf!BWiite8UtBU.'MIa&2CJ 'zi. Hogj, wIwttoont.fHtt , etia-dM ALEX W-l7.02l. AdB