mms-nurrm r;ii" -""rr! 'iMg"sMsssi. : " i mlp.Min.iii i nmj.1 J I ill n-ij a ...fcj j j i, .i. i i . ' (f if illPfSllK a a Tt t - on v i 'it RATXS OF ADVERTISING, wed DaU, texcepoacUj) and Weekly. ? rear, mU postpaid.. .. Hi . i ' .':.t Ode Square (l inch one day,.. H oe 1 IM S M S 00 I 'two M " three " v i ' rour t five months . tt M inree maii nostoatd I 00 nnC jew i i i ? r wr The observer will be de- . otiif acta for aitverUsing for any space or tun may ibe., made at. .the oSQco of .The Observer, . oiM.erver Building, Fayettevllla Street, Kalelga, " North Carolina.'" ' " W5"Lt si twenty cents ,per weekj eeven lfered " ... nPr month; two dollars for three vou; t?:! r RALEIGH. N. Csa TUESDAY..OCTOBER 28, 1879. NO; 102; I i " ' 'i 'v.:., " - j?"' PostoJTlee at Raleigh, N. U., at a ' second-clan matter. ' ..,n R THE atWOVIAT I Xoo Report. "rny Accepts Hanlan's ChaUenge. RocHRSTtB. Oct. 27.-Cnnrtr.ey pub, . letter in Sunday's Democrat coo . I to r w HanJao forhe JitD bit- nrl nskinir onlv fire da' toe after the cmoHloo f bis nevrshtlf , rr" i lB,etigating the Cabal Outbreaks " !iLi 0ober-27.The, investigation wo the'massscre at Cabal is pmceedinR- under close arrest ; , ' , '. , : - Fire in Nashville. 'isHvif-t. Oc. 27 The McKepdree Ch'ircb.' f tbetoutbern Methodist Church, oo Fiin"h "'reef, was Durwo last nijrm !, f 31 000; irsnrane $2-5 000. Th; nj ,,ory of Jnbn Luck's toy store, next door, was alao ournea. it is prooaoiy corered by insurance, msbbSsV saa BEa i 1 Train Banning into Memphis. -' . Locishlh, October 27. The Lonis it av.d Great Werern Kailroad has re inmed iberinnioj? oT trains to Mempbif nnwio",g,iranioe - schedule i Hold-rp or round rr licke's return upon Ihtm vp !0 November 10th. A New Kailroad Company. DnvBR, Col., Oct. 27. -A company lib large capital was onran'z d hr- yes KrlaT to bnild a new Hnilr. -ad from ih Bifr-f the South Prk Road to Leadvill. rsFiir Play, with a luooel tbrnuab tb Ho'iilo Mountains. The distance from Fiir Play to LadTiJle will thus be abort oed forty miles. ! u . Telegraphic Tactics. London, October 27 The Timei rial arucle says : The tac'ics of he Anglo Amencm t able Company to nip in 'be bid the FreDCh cable enterprise bv tn D'uocing a r due ion in the tariff on m fs-ag' a "to sixpence per word, from 'be openin of the new "French cable, sp - irs to have tv en so siiccessiul. that the ibires of the French company ispued a five per cent, premium, have fallen to iwtniy five per cert, d'fcount. Mormon Leaders Defiant. New Yonk. Oc. 27 A Salt Lake City P'cal says: ihcM 'timn leaners are rill il Gant. At the a'e confererce of iLe five Apos'h'8, i' was ibeir avowed de termina'ion to dfr the government and live no to their piibcipl s The acqtiiita1 of the mmd'ttrs (f Elder S'ardmg lesds the church oign to the intenses' tra'h. In an rdi orial published last cvetnner. it eas it is evident that a vin cannot W impanneiled in Gt-nrgia which vmpuDifcb AESiissios for killiDg a Mor- Balloon Ascension. New TohK. Oc'oher27. A special from 8'. Charles, Mo., tays: Will Iirayton. snmaiit. made ansFceDMon here on Satur 4v, wind blowing very bard. He was dr-svd in Mgh e and :he balloon had o kket. havinjj onlv the rigging to bold to. Brayton hung h ad d wn ard, holding bj h's tog, when five hurdred feet in the air It is supposed the balloon became unman liable as it crog d the Mississippi, gr.lng die oonb. and was soon out of sight. i'h nitcloibirg but ligh's be could no endure the old l mg. Dr. Downey, o Louisiana, nephew of Prof. Wise, assisted Brajton. Foreign Affairs. - Loxdon. October 27 The tnbca which "ire infesting Shuiorgarden have dis pereed Byd has accepted Elliott's articles of peraent fora race to be rowed Febru V 9 h . " J8 reported that one of the partners "o we Brn fcf TomMnson & Co.. suspended ton brokers .f L verp ml. has abscond d au has been dUcovered that he obtain d ances on b vpot hecation of cotton which "fl DO IMl PTIDItin.. BRL . .10 . uc. in, Oc-obr 27 Dr. L-anhard Mi! -""ri i JU9Iirp. MttB Tondprp.1 hid ro b on account of 111 beal-h. Hert " Loder fcecretary of S ate. wil. ,ueabiin nmpUon of Business In Memphis. MtMPHia. Ouober 27 There waa a paerai rvsump ion of buaioess this morjj. n all branches of trade Stores tha cJIU0 8ince ,a8t Ju,y wen JJPd by heir proprie ors. who have re woed o the city, and the wheels or com Tce are a?aii moving rapidly along inmogh trains on all the railroada, ex rint 'he L'u,eRock route, ; have; ar .""'he dept and streets piesent r? 'r Wa",pi animated appearance. The Exchange is opinio visitors and mbers. and the regular quotations, re 'na. shipments and at ck will be p ted wret(fre. But one case . fever hac reported -Mrs. Rosa Volman. who " rickeo three dava asm. Imprisoned for Libel. Wdo5. Off ober 27 -Adolpbus Rosen 8i . Towa Ta'k. wa convicted on efffhVH m' and soterc?d to day to (je. ""'u-uB imprisonment on me in frd ch,rg'nS h,,T w5,n publishing im7.'J against Mrs. Lmetry. of ik. . "0nt h imprisonment on each smi!.. J- ,c'mpnt8 chareing him wub Wrl i1;" aratnst Mrs Cornwallis It anrt . T L'M,"prorough respective-' .'.ill at i hp iiTn!...;,. o . k. .. t in hp"8nment be is to be bound over onemJ n .""Cognizance io the sum of w -'""ana pounds for bis good eha- "g'een months. Justice brv::u:8aia De regretted be could not PW nletcs of hard labor upon the -- t . 1 1 1. M j eetin g of Bank Presidents, iee'.n0k5 0nhrM -At an informal in.kQf ,,Mly of President a of the lead- to the StnA vl"ider the relation f banks "ntwt r Exchan?p. a committee was raivl. s rifr w,,h ,be Rowing e, 4 of the S ock Exchange in refer H touav 68141)11811,11601 of 8loc clear- tt fEIMAPH. JHiflnigh t Report- Death f Col. ti D. Childs.' CotTJMBia. S. C . October 27 Col. L. D. Chitrfs formerly President tt the Car olina National B tnk. . died this afternoon. TT-JriVtMMtT Strike . IViyr Oct j 27. The Sou b Sa fford- irenail makers have resolverf toVrtke. The intrres a of tbirtyigbt thousand men are involved. !" : ' Cotton Brokers Arrested. "a Lrvrjfpocri Cober 27-2-CharleirTom- Hnann. of W. D. Tomlinson & Co.. sus pended cottorf brokers,' bait been arrested. charged with obtaining $50,000. with in tent to defraud , There varerJialteaaonJo snppose that the partners were aware of the ma'pracUce. --rp--r, r r xv, : -! Fires. - . r . ' Chioaoo. October 27. The German OrpTian : Asylum '2 neat Jtosej Htn," n' the nburb" or tnis ctiv. was nmea yester- dav Ix as estimated at JO.UX). it was weir Insnred J ' ;t " . Dbtroit. Octobpr- 27 LanRtfVa blrck nd several emaU biiiWlrga-art j Hiieizi at TrAna M'ch., wre destroyed bv flr t8t bight. Iwa $30,000 Trsurace $20,000. Shot in the Trenches. , Detroit. Mioh . Ocob-r 27 This mornirg Wm. Copeland and Geo Rhine hart, while difeine a town ditch acros th land of Wm WUham in the town of Bii ton, fnr mile? from Flint, were ordired hv Wilhano, . who prona'ed against tb di'cb, to atop work. The men not com plying. V ilham shot Rhfnebart dead, ar 'nppdand ran -awav. Rhinebart kawp wife ard several ebildr-n in des'l'Dtp dr oumstaDCea. Wil ham ia not arrested. Tllden's Taxes. Naw Yh Oatolr 27 In the aren nent beerl before Jndee Bla'chford. in tre Upited Staea Circuit Court, on the demu rer to the hill nX d'sooverv fi'ed bv the g-v "rnment in the suit begun gn 8. J T1 den for.onpatdj'rcomptax, United Stats Vitornev Woodford a d . B. Clarke p vared for the government and x Jude Porter and Aaron Vandrpoel for the d fedant. Judge Rlatchford srav hia de eisi n overrilingthe demurrpr, and Htrpcted hp plaintiff lo serve his proposed form of order. ' '.,- Foreign News. t j ' IRojib. Oct. 27. Garibaldi has wntten to the President of the Italia Trndenta committee aa , follows: ."Some persons 'alk of peace and friendship with Austria. Peace I yes, since we bave not tbe cqurage o drive her out of I'aly ; but friendship with Austria would be a sacrilege and a he." London, Oct. 27 A dispatch from Ca- bul says: :Tbe five men who were hsnpd for complicity in the mascre of he Bruisb Embassy, include the Kotwal, tf-Cabul. (of tbe bead of the eity of Mol- Uhs) and two generals. It is charged that hey dragged the mad of Mm r tvag. iari from tbe British residency to Bala- kissa. T "M- fBgr - - i A Constitutional Question. Washington. D. ().. Oc ober 27 Tbe cae of the M mphis and Charleston Kail road Company agains' the 8tae of Ten. nepsee. erowirgout of the State's enaran'ee f Jhe liabilities of. the Bmk or Tennes ee, came up ror argument in me uot e -Hatea StiDreme Court to-dav on a writ of rror to t ber Tennessee :8ar)reme Court Toe roost Important. tjiesion involved is. whether, the ac of 1865 abrogatiDr tbe previously exist leg rigbt to brinjf suit aeatnst tbe State in its own courts is. or is not constitutional: The Attorney Uenera' of Tennessee maintains that it is. and that the State cannot now be sued in its own courts without its own consent. This wa atai tbe view taken by the Supreme Court of Tennessee. Colored District Conference. - ; The Wadesboro District Conference ! of he A.- M E Z'on Churcb, met io Mon roe, on t he 1 5 h ult: " We have beetr fur1 wished with a synopsis of tbe proceedirgs from which we take tbe following statistic "ircuita and S'A'i'v. 11: membera and rbat loners. 2.372; in Surdav schools,9 770: vol s in litM-srv. .'.1.000; churches eamngrounda, etc , 00 this dis.. 85, valued at 7. 1 65 Cb urcb- s out Of debt, except he new church a Monroe. . Churches Huilt this vear. bv Elders Smver and K ler on of eb. A memorial was prepared askire the' General ' Conference, which meet next year to re urn Bishop Hood to his Episcopal District forano ber term or our years Petitions for return 01 same E'ders and Deacons 00 this Dis'rict for another vear. was sent up to the annual conference. Next meeting of Dia,rc Con frerc io Wadesboro in 1830. Monro Enquirer. I ' 1 En Bent to Charlotte. - Cl . We bsve information that Mr Barbour. receiver of tbe Virginia Midland Railroad; Mr. Spencer, assistant ; to Mr ; Garret, o' the Baltimore and Ohio, Mr. Hollar d. President of tbe Com on Council of Dan." ville Va . Mr. Hawkins, a member of ibe Council. Mr. Nevel and Mr J . Turner Morehead. of Leaksvjlle Ji'XJkingham county, left Lesksville on the morning or Wednesdav lasr. oming across the cnintry to Saeeville.-foMbe purpose of gathering sip "data looking tdf the proposed con necl inn with .the Atlantic. -Tennessee and Ohio Railroad at Rtatesville. which tbe building of a link from Danville will ef feet. The party expect. 'to reach Sates ville this evening or to-morrow, and in pursuance of Iheir plan will 'come on to Charlotte bv Monday morning's train. CharlotU Observer. , - - - Big Day.' Yesterday was the "biggest" day, in point of trade, that we have ever had jn Monroe. " 373 bales of cotton were sold on the streets, and our merchants got tbe benefit of he trade from it. 1 It was a sigh. to go into the s'ores and see tbe people trading. $10. $20 and $50 notes were apparently as plentiful aa fnickels Every dilapidated darkey and old granny bad them, and were laying tbem out in goods. Yesterday was certainly a "field day." and we will probably have more sucb next week. f co-ton keeps up at present prices. Monroe Jxpret.f-i j tbMS1' MiHe, .X .a,priiy acrefS. has band so red aa to resemble boiled lobsters Sh is a tnrrt charming young person, aid Gordinet, ''but . her hands are rather Its.hrnt ... A LEAF FROM HISTORY. r Reminiscences of Grant's ' Early Fxpe I ' rlence in tne war. : An exchange p blisbed the following let ter, : dated Raleigh, a r April 24, 1865: -; - , h 'V' i Sitting around a blaz'ng camp fire, a few evenings since, several IHionig office's re toed tbeir experience of General Graqt in civil life. ..Here is. as nearly as I. can recollect if, what General Joho K Smith aidoo tbesubj -ct: r i . I don l believe any man in Illinois knew Grant better than I did, and I-ihink I bad quite as much to do as any other man in brirging him into 1 he war. I , lived io Galena at tbe same time. Grant's place of business was near mine, fie kept a bard ware and saddlery store. 1 used to drop io to see him.: very .often when I was on my way home, and be and I would gener ally smoke oar pipes together ia his office, ad Hining bia store. . , " lie was a very poor business man. and never liked to wait on customers. If a customer called, in tbe absence of tbe clerks be would tell bim to wait a few minutes till one of the clerks returned, and if be couldn't wait the General would go behind the counter, very reluctantly, and to nine cases out of ten charged either ton much or too little. He would rather talk about tbe Mexican war than wait on tbe best customer in tbe world. When ibe war broke out I told bim one day ibat I was going d wn to Springfield to see Gov ernnr Yates, wbo bad sent for me. Grant nerely remarked, io a quiet way : You can say to the Governor that if I can be of tny use to bim in the orgamzt'ion of thee regiments, I will be glad to do what i can. I went to Springfield and mad irrangements for Grant to re sent for .e came rigbt down and went to work to rganize ten regimen's called out aa a aort bme guard, tor thirty days at first, but 1 terward enlisted for three years. 1 When bad done this and wsa ready to go i me. Governor Yalta off red him the lo Icy of the Twenty-first Regiment, one f the ten. , H. accepted it, and immediately wen o camp. 1 went with bim and l nevtr hall forget tbe edne that occurred wbet. is men ; first saw bim. It was ver augbable Grant was dressed very clum i!y, in a suit of citzen's cloibes an old mat. worn ou' at tbe elbows, and a badly line d plug bat. Hia men, though ragired nd baiefoottd themselves, bad formed a igb ea'imate of what a colonel ought to and when - Grant walked in among hem tbey began making fun of bim rbey crid out in derision t "Look a our colonel 1" "What a colonel !" "D nsucb a Colonel !"and made all sorts of fun of bim. A few of tbem, to 'show r fT to the others, got behind bis back and began sparring at tiim, and while one was doing this another urave bim such a push that made bim bit Grant a terrible blow between his shoulders. The General soon showed tbem that they must not j idge the fflcer by the uniform, and before be got through he unruly fellows felt very much modi fied. One of tbem generously confessed bat lit was all io fun, and hoped the new colonel wouldn't get mad about it. - Gran' went to work immediately, and in a very hort time had his men clothed and fixed up in good style. j A Thoronghly Organ feed Militia Force of i XOO.OOO Men Kecomniended. The annual report of Gen. S. V. Bene chief of ordirarce, fj. 8. A ,' shows that hp expenditures tor the ear were 443 993. A hrge portion of tbe r port is devoud to tbe subject of the militia, favor- ing i's re-rrganization by act or Concre8, ibe mobilization cf a certain por ion io -ach s' ate. and providing for the d 8'ribu ion of arms (q ially throughout the couu ry according 10 poniation. Tbe aygre gate strength of tbe militia of tbe U bed States is as follows : Organized. '118 873; unorganized. 3,822,114 ; and only $200. 000 is annually appropriated for their arms and equipments Gen. Benet holds that by liberal appropriations from Congress and a mull la law s'nc'ly enforced an ac tive militia of 200 000 men could be kern in band aa a reserve force ready for any emergency, domestic or roreign. ' tie re commends an annual appropriation of $4. 000,000 for the expenses of an annual en campment, the payment of each mUitia man of a per dirra for each day's service in camp, cc. la this way the benefits of 'be appropriation would be atricwy con fined 10 those States and to those Individ uals complying wi'b tbe req iirements of the general law. In further elaboration of bese views Gen. Henet urges the organ ;xt ion of a national reserve, "under the constUutional power to raise and support armiea." , Alleged Assault n the High Seas. Mr. J. Adkins, one of tbe Cape Far bar: pilots, in a communication to us. rates that Captain Strong, oil he schooner G B McFarland, which cleared from tbia port for Bath. Me., on the 19 b instant. made an unprovoked assault upon bim 00 Wednesday last, after tbe vessel bad cleared tbe bar. Mr Adkms says tbe captain refused to pav bis pilot charges. aiiused bim and called bim a liar repeat edly. and. while he waa seated at a table In tbe cabin, attempllrg to write a receipt. struck bim.' He arose and jrrappbd with his assailant, and during the struggle was struck two severe blows on tbe bead bv a man be took to be tbe second mate.' Be ing 00 the men seas," alone and unas- sed. be very properly concluded tbst f discretion was the better part of valor." under tberirrumstapcea aad so left the vessel. Wilmington Star. - : A Real North Carolina Boom. September 25th. one month ago yester day, epiri's turpentine was. quoted in this market at 25$ cents, rosin at 9695 cnta for strained and good strained, tar at 97 cents, crude turpentine at $1.10 for bard and $1.70 for soft, and cotton on a basis of 9 cents for middling. . Yesterday tbe quotattona were: bpirra turpentine 33 cents, rosin l.4 forstratned and good strained, tar $t.25 crude turpentine $1.50 for bard and $2.50 for , soft, , and cotton 10 rents for middling. DuriDg. the part week spirits turpentine has advanced at tW rate of more; than one cent a day.' n utfunglon etar . - -. . jm 1 ii " A Hasoock Boom is PesnstlvakiaJ Informatioa comes from Philadelpbia that nearly all tbe leading Democratic politi. eians in that ci'y favor the nomination of Gen. Harcock for tbe Presidency, ard that a "noon" to httn will soon he smarted in that qnar err ; Speaker Randall, it is auegea. bas oeen and is atui trying to set tbe S ate op for Tilden. but l bat bis old adversary, Senator Wallace, ia at tbe bead of the Harcock movement, and is makinr considerable inroads on Ttlden's "boTn" la auarers where the SDeaker: harillv I looku lor u. NEW ADVERTISEMKNTU WE VE E ItOS., Commission. 3Hcr chants. , . . r . f! , XAST JJARGETT STREKT, ; . ; Will oe vlart to c renonrt w tn pantos naving cotisiir m-nts of Proiuc, h. at or reference 11 deire F. . Box wo. Kaietgn, w. c oct 9 d-tmos - ' ; - FRED. A. OLDS, Cainer-on, Hay &, Co, 1 . Offlce over CtOaena' National Bank. , - S d e c i a I Afire nt RALEIGH, N. C, t -. 3 ... . : For the Companies named In Cameron. , Day &t Co.'s udret tisement. ... an is Sttkw - Valuable Land for ale ; ONMOVDT, the3ddayo November aext tnt o derslffaed. - Coum sstoners Ao. on ei a iwtgment or tne rioprerae oart o Narttt - oUn. will sell. Ht public anction. st : the Court io t. in the to n nt Halifax the tract of LAND ib sut mnntv ownen bv the late atttarine R RimoDon at th tmie o her oe-th, and noB a Lnoking,01sa."conain- tn ahont tw ive nnndrt n,t" a res, on KOH'ok- Klv-Tsvrt L ut irfliii Cre k a Tkkm one-'onrth cash: the reHue to be mid in one, two an1 thiee tea-a, with interest fra-'idayo sl- Bn1 and approved security realrca. Title reserved J w HIN'SDATE. ( Oct 3-3Ttd fnmmi 1 .ner8,4c. Only 19 I ollrtT-H PEXXSYLVA3JIA SINGER MACHINE Equal to any Singer In the Itlarket. The above cut reprpsents the mopt popular -t-le for th neopie. which we ffe you for th verv low prlrenf 13. i eluiline attach ent. Pemem er. ice do not auk vni to vat until vov have Kef the Machine Alter h-t te examined it. If it la ot lt we represent, teturn it to us a rur expense. Consnit your interK-ta ad . order at o ce it y o nv wirnin seve nana en miles the fr-isht wil not fee mor t than ne dollar. Ad'res PENNSYLVANIA SWINO VACntN C'V. IT . Kith street, Philadelphia. Pa angga tv . . -1 - - -.. - Trustee's Sale of Valuable Real Estate, Mills &c. DT virtue of deed of tmst executed to me ibv M Mc'lhe snd wife, of Person cunt N. C, and registered in th- Register's book of said com t?. book W, p S?0. Ac wli sell at pao'ic aueitton. on tnesa -in o n -vemoer oet. upon the pre nises. the fo lowtn pooertv; 1st. a large ana aiuaw- mill "xieiana four stories hia-h. It as tw". urn i'lsand wo Wheat 11UW. d ivea by one tnrbln a-d two overntot wheels. Is catacity for st ing wheat i from six 10 seven thousand bushel There is a "aw Mill. Cotton Gin, MU er's uoose and Workshop au cbed.' so. Anew more uoue,xoxn reel ani urn oon eutei tnerewttn. upon men Lot there is s Lumb t Ho ise and Biakimith Shop Sd. The and krown aa the o dburn Tract oonsisttne ot some l.wo acres. The . Land tf tilvided into convent nt tracts all we' I watered, and hsnn a du proportion of wood. To ecti trad but ooa there ia attached a Ki of excellent low grounds, and urn Ml but one there are uHdlfg some of them very vmuatM. A survey 01 eao tract win oe exnioitea on "ay ef sa.e. and the lands shown, togeth r with the any person nnakits: application V- the uaderstgned at any lme before die day of sale. - ' - -. - 4th. A va aabie Library. , 6th. Th- crop ot 1 orn. Wheat. Tobacco. FcWer and a s Also. Teams and Plantation Implements. Taaifs The Real Estate upon the terms of one-third cah. one-thir-t it one jexr and one third in two vears wi b 'nterest on te defer et payments rr m the day of site until paid, and tie other property and effects f r east. Trustee. Person county N. September 16. 1 is. ; sept is da wtl. Id - . - g i i j WAKE COUNTY TN THE STJPERIOK C UBT rETrnot to skli. roa rasTmoN. V. G. D, Eand aga ntt o C Pju-bee, U Barbee, AdmliiiatraMHr ua J. H JSa'D e. nm a rbee Rveline Barthlesaaw aad C 3 Bartholomew, her nu8and. Waller -Sarbee, I sad ore Llodsav and M H Lindsay her usr nd. J h Bar bee, Oeorge Sarbee, Nanc Baibee, M iln ia j Babee, last two, ulcbms node twentv-one years or sire, u. u. naeanv auu rr nets nis wife. J. B. Clements and Ki y V. lenients, h swife. J. M Takran SaJi-eF.P Tavor. b'lwfe.' w. e Barbee, llie Barbee a d John Barbee. lat two Infants unter two ty one ye ats of ae. Petchrr BariKP, Was Barbee. Penney D. Barbee. W , G. Bar e. You gSto eand I'a oiae A Mue, his wile THE STATE tFNuRTH CAROLINA. 'j, , To th Sheriff Woke rountj-QzxTnxa. Ton are hereoy ecmmande'l to summoa C O- Barbee, Clem Butoee. and the o ner de fendants above named, if they be found with in your tmuBty, to appear at the offlce of the Clerk 01 the "upenor .""outs tot tne county ..1 Wake wittiin Sit dys after the servk-e of this sun mnm m tnem. erciusive or tne -ay 01 shod service sv.i nswer the complaint, a co y c whk-bhaf een deposited .1 ? the office ol the t'lerk f le uperior Court for said c uuty. aad let tl itate Dotice rhat II th-y fau t an swer to t ' s itd cotnp afnt within that time, the plaintiff -Jl apply to the court ror the relict ee inand-di .tie complaint. Hereof il not. and 01 this summons mace dneretm'" Gten under mr na d and seal of said Court tils sttt c o! October, '8 8. cBAb. Oi UPC i i kj. "wre ; , .u-?e.irf coart J Wsk County. ..... Gist. B ifOV, ABcr&iay tor PAtnUff. Superior Court Wake County. Andrew Srme Ad ' inistrstw de bonis non, lth the wiil annext a oi uen -tr-on iiuig4 in oe half hlms-1 and a i other credi ors, c , of irrancee t-odite. dcesed, sgitist- J SJOu- tague. Admibia rator of Fraurea Hodge. T3CK TJaNT t an otlerwsde i this action at 1 . AaiiBit fer m. 81 of wake upnoiourt: n. tlce t. h-rei irive to ihe ct.ditO'S of tne estate of rYatreff hctire to present and wove Uteir clalM ami in-1 said e-tie neiore me. si m offlt, in t e cry of k ieiga,on or uer -e ise mh day of N- veiutier. !, o iDey, are io be excluded' from 'he bene ts of sua order and from participating la said este - - ' - . w-.R.t)X, Referee, t . Raleigh, K CX, October 10, 1879. ir,, - oot W-oaw-sw NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BALTIMORE V JOBBING HOUSE. f ,i W1TU J,-. - ,-'. -!. 332 ail 334 West Baltimore Street CONSTANTLY IN 8TOCK. THJB Lilesl Works of aU Us PaMisfe ; . IN fniiday School, Day School,; 'y Law, Wedlcal,; ;j. r. , - i . Theological ans. 'l- -" - - 'Mj ntscellaneous Books. TRAPPINa AND WRITING PAPKRS,n .'1 - : j BONNET BOARDS, 1 PAPER BUNDS,; PENCILS, INKS, FENS. " AGINTSror HYATT'S CELEBRATED WntB-BOTJlTD'' GLATED. Any and everything in the Book and Paper 1 Business can be procured of ua. 1! " ' . f !;v WM. J. 0. DULANT & 00. R. A. BYNTJM'8 j Old Apple Brandy The popu arity which this Brandy has attained 'nrtuces me to brni it more senerallv to notice. If you like a eood, pure artl' le. this I am willing to iruarantee ; and if you have any scruples aa to .Binz urn overage von may be assured of tta mi d stlmulatinc and tnvigorat ng qualities in a neoK'ai point 01 view, it is receiving the un- lualifled emiorsetrent of men eminent in the uedica' profession in all low forms of disease of a waa in? and debilitating nature, where it be- .'mf8 necessary to support tne railing powers tf life ; and f am Ailing orders from c nvales- sents from .llataut pans of the United Mates. from whom I oouid produce certincatea, but I itrefer that my Brandv should speak for Itself. t' is CARETOLLY DIaTtLl.KD FRoM THE tTJICK OF TUB APLB, and la, as its name un files, APPLE BRANDY I free frrm all adulter Uloos. I am now orepared to ship U to aay part f the United state in bottles running six to n- gallon, at Si .86 per bottle. 1 rsr-you are respectfully referred to the: cor- -esponaeiice oeiow, : I All orders must be addressed to the under 4gned, aa I have no agencies, and all packages win oe marked u. u. express or ircight in all oases wtn be paid by tae purohaser. Money 4ent bT Rearlatered Letter. - 1 will also supply PURE 8CUFPERNONQ w in a at i.uu per ootue. Addresa R. A. BYKTM, -- FannviUe Pitt County, N. O, OaaxKytLLa. N. March 41, 1878. to all Whom tkU Mat Concern: , I have personal It aud Intimately known R. A. Bnn, of the e unty of Pitt, ince 1S64, when, is a wounded soldier. I waa area for bv him at his home, ills word may be impliolty relied upon in ail things. - He ia incapable of knowlagly mis re presenting at ything or deceiving anybody. - He lathe maker of the best article of Apple randy 1 have ever seen or tasted. Those wlah ng to get an elegant article of pore Brandy will ie sure w ao so oj appiyinr o mm. - THOS. J. JARVia. Fabmtillx, Pitt County, N. C, Jan. W. ' Tt HI KxetUeney, Z. B. Vanee : a Dsaa 8i : After having on several occasions. ,"tn a my nous uiu eisewaere. tasteo 01 my -Old Apple Brandy," wui you be so kind aa to clve me your opinion aa to its excellence and I purity r I tuns some four or five years sjn you sent some of it to a friend in London, England, wuo thus becoming acquainted with its superior merits, challenged with it the makers of the best London Dock Brandy. May I not ask you alao to miorm me of the result of that contest, if you anow 111 . , m. nave ue nonar to De, Yours truly, R. A. BYNUM. . j-. J :- Exxcdttvb Dkpartkbkt, r : t ,. State of North Carolina, Balxioh, January SSth, 187t. ' Mr Jr. a. ByMm:- 1 Dsaa Sra : Your note is received, and ia fewer thereto it gavea me pleasure to say that I beUeve your Brandies are the purest and beat I ever saw of our home manufacture.' - 1 - In 1874 1 presented, a genUeman in London wnn a gauon 01 your maxe ana ne said tt ex celled anything he had ever seen made from rutt, and that alt his acquaintance who had asted tt thought it equal to the bee .brands of arane brandy. ; l If people will drink spurts as a beveiaffe U is a pity that they would not confine the tr- elves to sucb pure, unaauiteratea ana nonesuy mart pinia as youz jranoaea. Bespectfuny and truly yours. , anMiAwy . B. VANfig . B. HEAfiB, iu of Ml Carolina, .-fit n . WITH: 2D WIN BATS 8 - & f MANUFACTUREtlS OF CO., CLOTHIHG t WHOLESALE, 507 and 509 Broadway, NEW ".YORK. , gar-Goods manufaerured MOUTH ERN TRADE. exclusively for the an-iy-pa. dsn Hfdskj. -I have analyzed the Whisky xnovm under the brand of B-"elett " cootiollert oy Messrs. wsiirrit. Duir co., Kicnmono, va aui una tt free from mill oil and ot.r Impurities. nd reco ameud it u.-e for mediciual a:id fami'y purpo-er. J. B. JHcCa W. M. !.. late Piofeasor of Chemistry. Medical CoU ge ol Vuglnia-- - January' i -i v ' Jot aale by , . ; . . B. niLX. eat 4-taaos ISols Agent for Raleigh, N-a0, NEW-ADVERTISEMENTS. t OLD FORT, N. C.i' h W.; J.C ALAIS, - - Supsrintend&nt. " MANUFACTUKSRS OF ' r " ."- WALSHT CHAMBER SUITS. DRESSIRI CASE WASH-STANDS. WAROROBES. HAT f 1 BACKS TASUS OF All K1I9S . -:. . , , ---'- AI3 STTLES. DESKS. i.- ,il AITD KYBRYTema DUALLY "MADB in a t UT"RST-fTT.A SS lrTrRNITtTRK FACTORY, r. This is a EOMK XNTESPKISS, and beln ach, we respectfully ask an. even soars wits. oux worinern oompeasors. , , We have the best aj4 newest' Improved lu calnery, and ; - - ' t' Superior Worlcmen, Aad tuuranta aaOaf action, both in styles and prices.- - Otders nrnmotlv snd. . mr-f pree apple ahdjeach buahdhs. Largest stock in the Southern Market, for sals to the trade only bj ; B. Courtney Jenkins & Co. DISTILLERS, AGENTS, aim LIQUOR MKPCHATS, . lilCBMUim, Va. WHOLESALE angt dSm Authorised by the Common wealth of Kentucky 13th POPULAR DRAWING OF.THE A.t, Macauley's Thea ro. In the City cf Louisville, oa October 301 b, I 19. TUK'SE DRAWINGS, AUTn'RIKp 15Y ACT OF TH f lEGISlATURK F 1KJ9 M s- In FD BY A L. 'I It ' V 'I' It 18 (C K N. TTTKY (ail f avthtlent aihvrtim"tnntn of other Inttj-rn nnnrmni irho rim'M the mie otmitrxhip of -all the in ants in Kentucky,' to the contrary not icithtUandimj.U C I! 11 ' EGU AK14 iin TH I. as. U"-oF tVERY MONTH sUNlAYS FX KPTEU). A t KS KL'PJSIlVlBU lil 1-KOilINKNT CITIZENS OF TUB bTaTK. GRAND AND UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS OF THE NEW FEATURES. Fvery ticket-holder can be his own supervisor, call out his nu-tiber and see it picasiu tne whed The Managem nt call auetitiotrto tae erand opp rtunitv presented or ootmning ror only H any of the FOLLOWING PRIZES': 1 Prise.. $30,000 loo rvs sico eTi iio.oon soo P'B'S 60 " 10.0t f00 P'Z'S 80 " 1S,0W l Prize 10,000 1 Prise 5.0O 10 P't'sSl.onoeTi lo.iiftti t,oooPi's io "io.ooe ao Prizes S500 each $10,000. Prizes $3oo each. Approximation Prizes $2,700 Prizes $200 each. Approximation Prizes $t,60o 9 Prizes $ioo each, Approximation mzes vw. lo Prises. lHM"u . . . Whole Tickets, f 2. Half Tickets, $ 1. 27 Tickets, $50. 55 Tickets. 100 All applications for club rates should be made to the home offlce. . . . . Full list ol drawing puousnea in ixtqibtujv CanrOtrlou nal and New York Herald, and mailed to all ticket-holders. For tickets and information., address T. J. com M k KJfOKX), CtmriJfurmr-' Building. UmiSVUie, H.J. an' SstTnTrrwr wS-S-lS.: I S3 82,5 3 3 px 32 rz: rr r-i ii. 5 2 - M " srs i w mmvmi NOBTXF CABOLiINA STATE UEFB Insurance Company (Incorpwravtea in 1873, "- - -V, 'f RALSIOH, X. a ' Assets.... 260.270 70 Mnrplns to Policy ITatlder 175.394 39 iT. u. Uameron. : rremdent W.B: Andenon; '' 1 : Vie6-Preddent w. ii. uteju; csecp. ana Treat Dr: B. Burke Haywood, v Med. Director Prof. E Smith,1 Advitary Actuary Ta only Hon Life Insurance Conmany i'b North Carolina. One of the most successful Companies of its age in the United States. Ha already issued netween rwo and three oolicies. - Ail or its funds invested at aomt among our own people. All losses paid proia pi' ly and in cash. Rates as low aa these of tuj orst class company, uas thksk aoiUTS or ok. oets lor every poixab oi liabilities. - ' wAtrents wanted in every county in the State jr. rk ror tais most exceuear and armiy estat ished home , iastltuaoa. For infornati6t address N. C. BTATE LIFE IN8UBANCE CO., -. . RaJojrh. X. f! Pebla.4 .'. COAL! COAL!! V WE are now prei are 1 to furnish any amount tf JI,a" :.!-whi. h hHH bt-en i hnr. iouirhrv tested.' a d proi-ounced e ual to any ttiummou4 coal found lu tbe Unittd States. - For fchop purpcea. steam and ia uusnr. :pased.a.t t;--.,: ;a si ir-'Si.ufj,,:-. ... When coked, it ia aa .excellent Coal for fnnn. AU orders addressed to ibe uuderttimpd wn receive. prompt 'at.eutliB: aa l at th lowett market price. '. - .. a.... S l .,,,), wmi'i Csbb1 WUn Co., r- Ill ' 5ff3illf oeua-dsta. ulltN.c, new AhYEtmsfeMEjn's: ar. J. IiAHSAY, yortli CaroUna, WITH WIEIILE, PAPE CO., , ' WHCLCSALE DRUGGISTS AND CHtKlSTS, A 433 Market St;,' Philadelphia.' ' -; " 1 v ret "6-d 6mos j - Wanted, . , ... ;? CECOND-nAND ORGANS. Address P O. 17 Box Raleigh, N. C " bet fi-d-tf -. H :-e: .v-s-O ' t' . I t t : " R iVKlOtr: TJ. C . Ontnhw 1 WT i : '! 1fRS E. BURKa and HUBKKT HAYWOOD J having formed a copartnership, offer their professional services to ths citizens ot HghI aud Its vioiuity. . E BTTREB HAYWOOD Ki D.' -n , HUBERV .HAYWOOD, MD ' oct s -.. 5 and 10 Cent Counters. " TO THE TRADE: The l ve buslnsss'msn of theiaynre starting the xionnters. We are the Originators and Headqusrters. We bavetha. only two exclusive 6 and 10 J Jobbing Houses 1 inthe U-ltd Mates. . ,. s t; ai' heudiorcat h gue and psrtt"ulara. "" - - . ttarrs :s KRoa, 3IOand2fl3Kanllpli St . btcstgo, . itH unit 28 4 hauncy St, UOklss. . pot 8Tb Sat-Tusuios . ... i j fc WILMINGTON, N. C. TH B Proprietor having tiorrugt ly renovated -, this House a d furnished it entire y new, ; lsprtpsrtd to give to the trar ell tig public a i the ceuvenieBCta on FIRST- LAS Hoigu It. is loraied in the ve y centre f he business part of th- cit being conven ent to the principal baslness houses, Pcstofflce. Custom House, City, Ha 1 atid court Ho ise a flrac'aas Bar and Billiard Saloon la ooa necied with this House. . Large Sample Rooms for Com- j t merclal TraTelers. ' " ' RATES S2.00 PER DAY,' v. A P. A, SCHUTTE. oct -3mos STOP AT Tllli Richmond Hotel. J (OPPOSITE LONG'S HOTEL), ' ' ROCKINGHAM, N. C. ''"" MES. J. A McDONALD, Proprietress. Rooms iarure and comf o table. Terms model t Pnirte ni attentive waiters snia-tf. j TAGE'S HOTEL. BA-JSTITOItD. N". O. Sigtt Hand Side going South, , Left Hand Side going North . Pcsgenrrs take Breakfant going South; Sup per got Worth. ME, LK 50 CENTS. . W. O. PAGE, tin 1 Vtf F.rmflrlyf flarv. Hronrlator GEFGORy HOUSE. Cm Olllyor O, V, O.e Is In the business een'reoftbe city and di rect !t opposite where the tralcs stop. Railroad and telegraph offices in the building , T. II. Haiti, Proprietor. ' " i i Good Fire aid icconmioMni Serrutsi ! . fht-f - - ' : THE CARROLLTON, -; .. BALTIMORE, LIGHT AKD GKBMAH 8TBXXTS, . BALTIMORE. . ' 5 ' (The largest ard mly modern bniJt Hotel la . be ity. $4.00, $3.on. and $'.6o per d.y, ccord- -nir o size and Iwation of rooms. ;, Sp t iat a fanee-ents at all times will 'be tnade by letter or tele t am. . '1 r levator rnns co t nuonsiy to an tne floors. . Permanent board by the mouth at from $40 ber mouth npwa ds. - ;1 a no- s ot city psssenge cars pass tne aoors. Very extensive tntpnvrm-nt to i fee amount 7. bf ov-r Sfteen ihontand dollars are now I eing placed on the h'tel. nd every arranirement for equiremem oi puomess win ne st rana. F. W. COLEMAN. Manager. octfM5m-pd. . c. . ., PUKCELJL HOUSE, 5 NORFOLil. TA. ' JR. T; JAMES; - - Proprietor. f . - it , Passenger; j rw Rooms elegantly furnished, .Elevator. rw-a.50and S3.00 per day, according to. a--". ' oct'7-iv ' i FLllljiiLL II OB II. WILMINGTON, N.' C. :h : & Recently thoroughly overhauled and renova ' ted. FIKST-CLAS8 in every respect. Location . v houses Post-offlce, Custom House, City Hall ,t aad, coon Bonaai ?v -,.i t ,w.- Bales (2 and $2 50 Pex ? r 0nr Motto 1st TO PLEASE. HOWELL 00BB, Proprietor. "' anirS-tf. NEW GOODS 1 .i'f. AT f:j" T ADITS' LNEN SUITS ND DUSTER Jii, , 'J rlrtijrm Laces, Ritbors, alofquito Bars eorsets. Ladies solid Colored Hose. Misses' sol id Coated li'ise, and other seasonable' goods.' AI very cheap. Jiesjectlully, Jo'vittf , . - t M.BOSENBAUM ! HOSEMUE I Sale of Fine Cattle. . : TJILLBEOlDON THE PBEVISES.NEAH I ,.VY, tver Station, a fine lot-of DEVON ar d OKADHD A LIt R k Y : C'A'S"!'. Bv AND belotgng to the csute of D W. Kerr, deceased ; . . Ti-e atteBtwn ofe,e-devw-aitd-bntcherB is called to this s ock as the b st ev r off end for saem in-s parv of -the country .bale to.Uae place. . ti. a . , . , yKt . November 12111, -t - "i- ' ' ' , " .,,? , f . j . At the spme time all ths perif hab e pronerti belongtngto said efctte consisting of Horse Hogs, ft heat, Corn, Oats, - J?!. ."' J , at 14-dU AEXWUkf1 dn :t