... ' r : B T S . A . A 8 I I , ... :atlihed Dallj (except Monday) and Weekly. UaUt, one year, mail postpaid............ $ s 00 m ,- ctXIBOBUIS " ; S3 three . i i " 00 Weetiy. oas year, mall postpaid.......... 5 9 00 gix months," ..li..' 100 T8 city subscribers The Observer win be de livered dally at twenty cents, per week; seven-: .-fire cents per montfl ; two dollars for three Intend at the Poetofflce at Raleigh, eccond-class matter. . .v. est, w B! TELEGRAPH; rfgpoBTZD BT TH ASSOCIATED : PKSSS Noon Report: Flour Mills to Close. St. Louis. NoTember 15. There ia a movement among the millers here to close tbcirruilla until the price of wheat de clines. The reason assigned is that floor is below the price at which tt can be made without Iosa Boiler Explosion' Cleveland, Ohio, November 15. The main boiler in the plate mill of the Cleveland rolling mill exploded last even ing and scattered iron.in all directions. Nu one waslkilled. rne fireman was siignu y in jured. Damage $20,000. i0 , f The Flour Market. t ; " ) Ciscissati, November 15. It is stated that many of the millers have already lost heavily oo contracts made, when wheat was less than one dollar per bushel, and they see no profit in the immediate future. Bat little flour has been shipped from here for the last three weeks, and large amounts are in store, more than enough to supply all the demand for some lime. Toe millers are satisfied that there must be a decline in wheat pretty soon. At all events they will not purchase ontil the price falls, or there is a margin on flour. , Kentucky Regulators. ; C'inoihnatt, November 15. A -special to the Enquirer states that Lewis Scoggs has been convicted of the murder of Wad dell, in Elliott county, Kentucky, and sentenced to eight years' imprisonment. Judge Rider refused a new hearing .and the case is to be appealed. ,Tbe prisoner was removed from the county jail for fear that the regulators would shorten the sen tence. The regulators c in . northeastern Kentucky have issued a proclamation, fashioned after the declaration of inde pendence. It recites that in view of the reign of assassination, robbery and rapine, which has lasted in that region for four years, they have had to band together to protect themselves and the property of honorable people. They deny- that they tre a mob. but assert that they are an or ganized and disciplined set of men who mean business. They assure good ci'izens that they have nothing to fear,' and warn ail barn burnt ra and murderers to leave thecountr, and threaten them with lynch law where the State law fails in its duty. Investigating: the Champion Disaster. Philadelphia, November 15. At the close of the testimony in the Champion disaster inquiry, the following letter was read : " November 13. Eilmard K. Sharswood, Esq., Secretary : Dbak Sik : We have to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of the 12th 'instant, relating to the investigation now THMuJin before the British Naval Court, at Vbiladelpbia, to inquire ints the particu lars of the collision between the steamer Champion and the ship Lidy Octavia. and your courteous iovi'atioo to have Capt. Lock wood attend. In reply, we beg to Sir. that Clant. Lnckwood ia now await ing the United States local inspectors, to I whom he has already submitted his report, aod before whom he daily expects to be wiled. If, therefore, he and the other parties interested in the lost vessel should desire to avail themselves of the opportu nity your polite invitation offers, they could not, in any event, appear at an early day. . Respectfully, yours, George W. Qcintaed, For New York and Charleston, S. C. The court then adjourned until Monday, the Secretary, Mr. Sharswood, being in structed to see when the captain of the Champion would attend. It is understood that there is no way to compel them to attend, as they are amenable to the local United States inspectors where the steamship belongs, and this being New York city, their trial, if any, most take place there. The Maine Election. Ai'gcsta, Mb., November 15. Rumors inregiirdto the Governor and Council intending to count out the Republican majority in the Legislature are exciting general attention. Notices were filed with the government yesterday for hearings in 'he disputed cases in Franklin, Lincoln, Penobscot and Washington counties. It is reported that no hearings will be allowed in the disputed cases, but certificates will be issued as already determined. Carefully compiled lists show that the Republicans have eighty nine members in the House nd one vacancy by death, - while the democrats have sixty one in the same jaach. Ia the Senate the Republicans have nineteen and the Democrats twelve. The Cotton, Wheat, Tobacco and Corn Crops. A Washington, November 15. The fol lowing i8 the condition of cotton, heat, tobacco and corn, as issued by the Apartment of Agriculture to-day : . Cotton There was a decided increase wthe condition of cotton during the tt'mth of October. Unfavorable weather as reported in Georgia aad Alabama, in all other States it was favorable. Re turns indicate the yield per acre of 176 Pounds of hut against 191 last year. This Tle'd, estimating that two per cent, more was planted than last year, would make a elicit in this year's crop of 290,000 bales 4o0 pounds each. Alllhe South At. Jmkic S ates show some decline. Texas m off thirty-five per cent. All the t , ISkjwdenngon the Mississippi River decided gains. wheat Returns of November 1 to this apartment show an increase in the wheat th I, twenty-six""million bushels over of last year. This great increase is e result of the very large yield in the eies bordering on the Ohio River and iwourL The Northwestern States show ""le nation from last year. Kansas ?a Ulifornia both decline in yield. &s,of all the Southern States, is the T Lne tbat faI18 off in yiel ya" dnnt COIt ig indicated that the pro Jk the entire country is ninety l.L5fr cent-of that of 1878. The gain SJK New York. and loss is the gJioOhio, Missouri and West Vir w!lh. material decrease also in v,;, "u a material a ral :??' f1Unow Indiana. In gene riouV ty il u tban tbat of the pre trtp!, JD- thongh it is damaged to some wit from house burn," wWch U re- Ais VT V,Si -i -,u. . M ' " ' ':' VOL. (5. ported lnT Kentucky and Virginia, and from frost In Ohio. Corn According to the returns of No vember corn promises an increase of over two million bushels, or nearly fifteen per cent over last year. The Atlantic and Gulf.State8-D0te some -decrease, but the Other sections of .the Union hava trrpnllv increased their yields.- The Southern in-H mua states increase nearly tnirty percent., and the other sections of the Mississippi valley nearly twenty per cent. The Pa cific States report about the same yield as last year.. : . ; - - Miscellaneous. j ' " i -Niw Jobk, November 15. The Cohen family, arrested on suspicion of setting fire to the tenement ; house." have t)een dis charged !for lack; of evidence of incen diarism. ' ' - Lodisvillb, November 15. A dispatch from Paducah says that considerable damage io abnUdrsgwaa done by a heavy rain" and wind storm. - - :. ,' The constitution Of Kentucky, it is now stated, has been safely locked up in the State vaults. . ; . A'flrtt last pight nearly -destroyed Fer tlso, fcmiih&Co:' .niiir.Ltogetbjer with nearly 2,000 bushels of wheat. Loss $23, 000; insurance. $ 9,000. - ; Mvdniglit llepori . Appointment. Washisgtow, November 15. Col. John Hay, formerly Private Secretary of Presi dent Lincoln, has been appointed Assist ant Secretary of State 1 to succeed Hon. F. W. Seward, resigned. , , i. . v Nsw York,-' November-15. Marshal H. Mallory, of the Churchman, was burned out yesterday, and says the losses on his presses, type,: machinery, engine, &c Is between'Iorty and fifty thousand dollars. '" V f ; ' 1 Baraed to Death. -PfiTETtsstmo, Va., November 15. While Edwarda Grammar -aged 85, was asleep in his Tesideucaria Prince 4 George count jrrTbwaciay night, the house was set oa fixe, and before he coold ebcape, was burned to death. ' : . '1 f laal Tenniaas of the Chesapeake Onto ltailroad. and Fort Monrob; Novem'oer 15. A. 8. Hatch od W. M. S. Dunn, pf "Ube Chesa peake and Onio Railroad, have spent the past few days in examining the , harbor at Newport and Yorktown and vicirjity as to the final terminus of their road. T Fever in 3Iemphis. "', . Cincinnati. November 15. A special from Memphis states that the reporis of the fever having broken out there is un true. There were only two cas in the city for the' last ten days. '' No? alarm is felt of these two cases. One caught the fever by visiting an old case, and the other from a house not disinfected. The Manchester Cotton Market. Manchester, November 15. The Man chester Guardian says that Friday's quo tations were higher and more firmly ad hered to all around than they have been during the present excitement. Trans actions, however, were quite limited, as prices were beyond the reach of any buy er's except for small and urgent business. Radical Plans Democratic Wisdom. Washington Correspondence Savannah News.) The Democrats and ' the Republicans whom it has been my fortune to meet are more than usual of one way of thinking among themselves politically. The Re publicans, as a general rule, predict that the next session after the recess: for the holidays is gtfng to be remarkably; lively politically, and tbat there is going to be plenty of opportunities for Republicans to whoop up the stalwart issue and make a solid North. They openly express the determination of precipitating upon every possible occasion a fierce political debate ' and of making it as bitter and as vindictive as possible. They do not intend to at tempt any important legislation, they say, except to help along the different appro priation bills they are always ready to vote away any amount of money but to leave the inauguration of important legis lation to the majority. They will fight against this legislation "most likely, they say,1 no matter what its character may be. This, is a minor consideration to i them, however: "Their all' in the next session seems to be based on the hopes of again opening up sectional debate. The Democrats have business princi pally in view at the next session. They express the determination to do work and make the session short and mainly a bus iness one. The principal business to be accomplished will be the revision of the tariff on a liberal basis no protection for one section of the country in order, to en rich it, while the money that goes to en rich that section comes from the rest of the country. It is a great and difficult task, but one demanded by - three-fourtls of the people of the country, and it is in tendeu that the demand shall be fulfilled. The rich tariff protectionists might - as well take note of the fact. They probably have already done so, and are preparing to accomplish die defeat of sny thing tbat looks like a revision of the tariff. They will have a hard fight The bill to pre vent political assessment of officeholders, which is now on the House calender, will also be pressed. But little in a financial way will be attempted except, perhaps, the passage of a bill to allow the Treasury Department to resume refunding opera tions in 1880. The internal revenue law will be amended in some particulars for the good of the country. Above all there is to be no sectional debate if it can be prevented. The Radicals only want such exchange of chin music to ; misrepresent all that is said on the one side, and per petuate their hold on the government by appealing to the worst feelings of the North. This lesson has been learnt, and it is intended that there shall be no repe tition of the useless debates of last ses sion. The fight with Mr. Hayes will not be renewed, but as heretof re stated in this correspondence, there will nardly be an appropropriation made for special dep uty marshals. ; 'W' , The above is the gist of.: what the Ke nnhtiran and Democrats say as to the next session.'. Something; may, .p ftt any time, after Congress re-assemDieo, w knock some of .these' calculations m the head. They are of interest though, as showing aa oullint 61 what" each8 Side in tends doing. rr Pay up your due to Tas Ob&xbyxb. iU fit I I f .1.1 v ? RALEIGH. N. tii 'make: rwAfirf on' babies. A Speech Which Occasioned Roars of r f Laughter in Chicago. .-' H . i j J - v J - -: Cmoioodvember 13. The banquet of the Army of the Tennessee at the Pal mer House jn the evening was a grand af fauy many t prominent gentlemen' being presebcr 'The 2sual toasts were 'drank and responded, to ia an able .manner.' A fcaLure was the h jmoroua response of -Mark Twain; to the i toast '"The BaMee." ;It was- greeted on laiT sides 'with laughter, and caused considerable merriment. T He Said S i : '. 'Ua-( ..' . -r ' 'Babies, as they, comforVus in our sor rpyr, JeLtli not forget them in our -festivities. Laughter. We haven't all bad the good fortune to be lediea. Laughter. We haven't all been generals or poets, or statesmen but "when toasts work down to babies, we stand on common ground, for we have all been there, for we have all been babies. ; Laughter and applause. It is a shame tnat for thousand of years the world's banquets have utterly ignored the baby, as if he didn't amount to any. thing. If yon gentlemen vill stop .and think a minute, u you will go back fifty or 100 years to your early married . life laughter, and -contemplate your first baby, you will remember that he amounted to a good deal, and even something over. You soldiers all know when that little fel low arrived at family headquarters' you bad to hand in your reeignfttion.-: Laugh ter. "He took entire command, you be came his lackey, his mere . body-servant, and you had to' stand around, too.. He was not a commander, who .made allow ances, for, time, distance, weather or any thing else. You had to execute his order whether it was possible or no, laughter, and there was only one form of march ing in bis manual of tactics, and that was double quick. He treated you with every sort of insolence and disrespect, and the bravest of you didn't dare to say a word You could face death at the storming of Donelsonand Vicksburg, and give back ttfow for Wow, Applause 1 ..But when ue crawea your wmssers ana puuea your hair, and twisted your nose you had to take it. Laughter. When the thun ders of wr, were sounding in your ears you set your face toward batteries and ad vanced with stesdy tread, but when he turned on terrors of his war-whoops you advanced in the other direction laughter. mighty glad of the chance, too. Wbeu be called for soothing syrup, did you ven ture to throw cut any rematks about Cer tain service being unbecoming an officer and a gentleman ? Laughter No, you got up and got it. If he ordered his pap bJvUei did you talk back ? No you wei t tb work and warmed it. You even de tcended so far in your menial service as to ake a sup at tbat warm, insipid sti ff your self to see if it, was right; three parts water to one of milk, a touch of sugar to mo Jify coke, and a drop of peppermint to kill the immortal hiccoughs. 1 can taste it yet. Hoars of laughter And now many thiegs you learned as you went aloDg. ' Sentimental young folks still take stock in that beautiful old saying that when a baby smiles in his sleep it is be cause angels are Whispering to him. Very pretty, but too tbin. Laughter. f Sim ply wind on the stomacn. My friends, if .be baby proposed to take a walk at bis usual hour at half past two in the morn ing, didn't you rise up prompt and re mark, ' with a mental addition which wouldn't improve a Sunday school book much, that it was the very thing you were about to propose yourself ? Oh, yes, you were under good discipline, and you went fluttering up and down the room in your undress uniform. -You not only prattled undignified baby talk, but you tuned, up your martial' voice and tried to sing 'Rock a by baby in the tree-top,' for in stance. What a spectacle for the Army of the Tennessee roars of laoghter; and what t flection for the neighbors, too, for it isn't everybody within a mile that likes military music at 3 o'clock in the , morn ing, When you bad been keeping this sort of thing up two or three hours, and your little 'velvet' bad intimated tbat nothing suited him like exercise and noise, 'go on,' did you say ? He simply went on, till you; dropped i into the f last ditch. Great laughter. The idea that a baby uon't amount to anything. Why, 'one baby is just a house and front yard by itself. , If one baby can't furnish more business than - you - and your - whole interior department can attend to. He is mostt enterprising, irrepressi ble,, brimful of, lawless activities. Do what you please, you can't make him stay on bis reservation. Prolonged laughter. Sufficient unto the day is one ' baby. As long as you are in your right mind don't you i ever I pray for , twins. Roars of lacjhter audi blushes, by. General Sheri dan. Twins amount to permanent in surrection. . . Laughter. It was high time for the toast-masters to recognize the importance of babies w hen. 1 think what is In store for the "present crop. Fifty years hence we shall all be dead, I trust, and then this flag, if it still survives. and let us hope it may, will oe floating over a republic numbering suu.uou.OUU. according to the settled laws of increase, our present schooner of State will have grown into a political leviathan or Great Eastern, and the cradled babies of . to-day will be on deck. Let them be .well trained, for we are going to leave a big contract on their hands . applause. Among the three or four million cradles now rocking in this land are some which this cation would preserve for ages as sacred things, if we could know which ones they are. ' In one of these cradles an unconscious Farragut of the future ia : at this moment teething! think of it.,,. 'in another a future renowned astronomer, is blinking at the : shining milky substance with but a languid interest in the poor little chap, and wondering . what is to, be come of the other one they call a wet- nurse, in another, a future great histo rian is lying, and doubtless . he .will con tinue to lie till his earthly, mission - is ended laughter. In another,, a future President is busying himself with no pro founder problem . of State than . that what in the mischief has . become of his hair. So early and in. mighty array in other cradles there are some 60,000 future office-seekers getting ready to furnish him the occasion to grapple with tbat same old problem a second, time.. And still one more cradle ; somewhere under the flag the future illustrious commander-in-chief of the American armies is so little bur dened with his approaching grandeurs and responsibilities as to be giving bis .whole strategic mind at this moment to trying to 4nd out soma way to get his own big toe into bis moutn. . . - ... Mr. Clemens continued at great length, bringing down the ; large audience with roars of laughter. ? The Boston Courier discovers that when twn vounir men meet thev address each other as "old man," and . that when - two old fellows meet they say "my boy," ' "" ' : ' '" " ' '"'"' ' .' . . -.- v , . ,....- " ', '' ' ' "" ' C.. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 16M879. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ATE AVER. BROS., Commission Bier chants, : XAST HAKQETT 8TRKKT, ' - Win be glad to correspond with parties riavlnj? consignments of Produce. Best of reference if desired. P. O. Box S6S, Kaleigh, N. C. oct8-d3mos . . Wanted, ,. BY s Boot-keeper in a Northern Bank, a sim ilar situation in a Southern Bank, on ac count of climate. Address GILBKBT L. LYON. Little Falls. . Herkimer Co., New York. nov 8-dtilldec I For Sale. ; A! DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY PAPER AND JOB OFFICE, that is now making money, and with better attenuoa woulr make more. , -Address, t JOHN DOE, ,. . Care of Ths Obskkvsk, : KaieighN. C. ' FRED. A. OLDS, -WITH- Cameron, Hay & CJo. . - (Office over Citlsens' National Bank. S pecia I A gent RALEIGH, N. C., For the Companies named In Cameron, Hay &. Co. 'a adver tisement. ; - ' an is 3mos ' Valuable Land for Sale. ON MONDAY, the 3d day of November next, the - undersigned. Comm ssioners. Ac nner a Judgment of the Supreme Court or North Carolina, will sell, at -public suction, at the Court Ilouse door, in the town of Halifax, the tract of LAND in sai 1 county owned by the late Catharine E. Edmonsron at the time o' her death, and known at Looking Glass," contain ing about twHvrt hundred (1,200) acres, on Roanoke River and L oklng Glas Creek. Term . One-fourth cash; the residue to be paid In one, two and three years, with interest from day or sale.. Bnd and approved security required. Title reserved T. M. AR30. . J. W r HINSDALE, oct 3-Vtd Commissioners, -, Only 19 13olln,x-s PEXXSYLVAMA SINGER MACHINE Eqnal to svny Slusrer In the market. The above cut represents the most popular style for the people, which we offe- yon for the very tow price oi including anacnmenis. tM do not auk vmt to m rift' 2 vnu ham mt the Machine. After having examined It, if it is not all we represent, return it to as at oar expense. Consult your interests and order at ooce. If you liv within seven hundred miles the freight wil. not be more than one dollar. Address PENNSYLVANIA 8KWTNO MACHTN CO., 17 V. loth street, Philadelphia, ra. aagssiy CENTRAL HOTEL, W. E. PATTE RSO.V, PropV. NEW BERNE, N. C This well-known and commodious House, is Its name implies, is situated in the "central and business" portion of the cltr; hence recom mends itself for its convenience to the "Trav eling Public," affording solicitors every oppor tunity of visiting their Mitdaess c rrespoudents. unas alien uts servants sna s raoieisiur nished with every delicacy out of the market. An Omnibus for the conveyance of guests to and from the trains and stsamers "free of charge,' s special feature ia this jriace, and all the appurtenances whether of comfort or con- 1 enienee, of a "modern first-class" Hotel. Terms to suit the times itn. oct o City L.ol for Sale, As Attorney for Mr. and Mrs. Kcrrs K. Fsbrkix, we offer for sale their valuable lot at corner of Blount and Peace streets in Kaleigh. containing one and three-fourth acres, with dweiling hoosa, Ac We will sell in one or sev eral parcels t suit purchasers. If not sooner sold privately, we will Hell at public auction, at tie Court House door in Raleigh, Monday, De cember 1. is;. Terms One third cash; balance In one, two and three years, witn interest. BATTLE A MORDECAI, oct89-tf , , Attorneys. c Wilmington. N. C;, Business Cards, BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC. P. HEINSBERGER.........39 and 41 Market at. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. WOL,lH A WORTH ..Water st. KERCHNER A C ALDER BROS Water St. , COTTON DEALERS. LILLY A BROTHER..... ; .Water st GROCERS Wnolesale and Re tan. ADRIAN A v6LLERS... .Cor. Dock A Front sta. GEO. MYERS,. ......r, 11 and 13 South Front st JOHN C. HEYER North Water st. HARDWARE, SASH, BUNDS, N. JACOBI ...... r. ......... 16 Soaw Front st. PERUVIAN GUANO. W. H. McRARY A CO ,.....,.....Water St. : c SADDLES. HARNESS, "ETC. VAT.T.ATm a BOWlKN....a4JaaUiFront5rt NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BALTIMORE ; JOBBING- HOUSE. mani 334 WerfBraiJiflre Street.1 ; CONSTANTLY IN STOCK,' THE mi . nr Sunday School, Day School, Law, Medical, Theol offlcal an s. miscellaneous Books; WRAPPING AND WRITING PAPERS, f . ' . i BONNET BOARDS, PAPER BUNDS, . ; PENCILS, INKS, PENS. A6ZKT8 roar , ; HYATT'S CELEBRATED Any and everything In the Book and Paper Business can be procured ot us. wm. j. a dulaut & oa ; mh8-dAw-lv. It. A.. BYNUM'e Old. Apple Brandy The popu.arlty which this Brandy has attained Induces me to bring it more generally to notice. If you like a good, pure article, this lam willing to guarantee ; and if you have any scruples as to using it as a beverage vou may be assured of Its mi d, stimulating and Invigorating qualities In a medical point of view. It is receiving the un qualified endorsement of men eminent In the medical profession m an low iormsor disease or a wasting and debilitating nature, where It be comes necessary to support the falling powers Af 1 fa and 1 am 4lTltt rwsl ami fwim Ann wo l ut inu j tatuva m sum uuui viucis iivui vsai v atv" cents from distant parts of the United States, from whom 1 could produce certificates, bat I preier tnat my isranay snouia speak ror itseir. ft is CAREFULLY DISTILLED FROM THE JUICE OF THE APPLE, and is, as its name im plies, APPLE BRANDY I free from all adulter ations. I am now prepared to ship U to any part oitne uniiea states in ootttea running six to the gallon, at f 1.25 per bottle. , 1 aw-xou are respectfully referred to the cor respondence below, 1 I All orders must be addressed to the unaerv signed, as I have no agencies, and all packages will be marked C. O. U express or fre&ht in all cases will be paid by tas purchaser. Money sent oy ttegisterea letter. : ' t I will also supply PURE SCUPPERNOHG wiriit at si.uo per ootue. Address . R, A. mnSfJIW, FarmvUle Pitt County, S. CV Gkkkkvilli, N. CM March tlt 1878. 4 10 au WAom int may concern: 1 have personally and islmately known "SL Aj Btwom, of the ounty of Pitt, since 1864, when, as a wounded soldier, I was cared for by him si bis home. His word msy be Implicit j relied upon in all things. Ha is Incapable of knowingly ml representing an ythlng or deceiving anybody. j He is the maker of the best article of Apple Brandy I have ever seen or tasted. Those wish ing to get an elegant article of pure Brandy will be sure to do so by applying to him. - THOS. -WARTIS. Fakmvtixi, Pitt County, N. C -Tan. S8, ' '$ Ui Excellency. Z. B. Vance: " vxam sis : Alter navmg 09 verai occasions, both at my house and elsew ere, tasted of say "Old Apple Brandy," will yoo be so kind as to give me your opinion as to its excellence and purity T I think some four or Sve years ago you sent some of it to a friend la Loadom, England, who thus becoming acquainted with Its superior merits, challenged with it the makers of the best London Dock Brandy. May I not ask you- also to inform me of the result of that eonteat. If you know it t I have the honor to be. . ; , Yours truly. , . B. A. BYNUM. Exxonrmi DKTABTmfT, -it tttate of. North Carolina, Raxjeish, January ssth, l87f. Mr. R. a.. Bvnwm: ' Dxak Him: Your note Is received, and In- an-' swer thereto It gives me pleasure to say thai I believe your Brandies are the purest and best I ever saw of our home manufacture. In 1814 I presented a gentleman IA London with a gallon of your make and he said lit ex celled anything he had ever seen made from rait, and that all his acquaintance who had sated it thought tt equal to the best brands of grape brandy. . If people will drink spirits aa a beverage it is a pity that they would not confine themselves to such pure, unadulterated and houesUy aaadr spirits as your 3 randies. , r . Respectfully and truly yours, . , Un30-dAw-l 2. B; VANCE . E MEAEES, Jr.; of Kortli Ganjliiia, WITH MANUFACTURERS OF CL0THI1IG WHOtESALt 507 and 509 Broadway, Uf ,.. NEW YORK. .. .V. tw-Goods manufactured exelnsivefy-Jbr the J. D. WHITAKER, TJEALEB VS Lumber, Coal and Wood, -.. - rs : ...... , : ' Virirv. -WEST HARGETT STREET, RAXUGH;- Orders left at Telegraph Office will be forwarded by Telephone. octSS-d-Iyr i We mm NO. 119. .NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. BROOKFIELD. A. W.LUDOLF CHINA PALACE OF IBROOKMIO &. CO. COARLOTTE, . C. TTK TAKE PLEASURE lf INFORMING our numerous friends, the wade and public gen erally that we have recently established a ;Wholesale and Retail CROCKERY HOUSE. '...":T 1- !-. . ' ' . . . Our stock Is complete, consisting of CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, ! SILVERPLATED WARE, CUTLERY, LOOKING GLASSES TIN, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BABY CARRIAGES AND GENERAL : t HOUSEFTJRNISHING GOODS, . AU ot which we offer at very low prices. Would be pleased to Bend quotations on application. -1 Very respectfully, I J. BROOK FIELD A CO. ov ll-d-1yr : m " i!!I!IIEI!iI msmh :S55rrP B t2 Ls angSS-dAwfm. : NORTH CAROLINA STATE LIFE IjoBTir'ance Company Ilncorpormted in 1ST 3, RALE1QH, N. O. AittetM - ?04,370 70 Surplus to Policy Holder 175.394 '39 F.lt. Cameron, President W. K. Anderson, Vice-f resident W. ff. Hick, tiec'y. and Treat Dr. E. Burke Haywood, Med. Director Prof. B a. Smith, Advisory Actuary Tik only Homi Life Insurance Company lb North Carolina. One of the most successful Companies of its age in the United States. Has already Issued between two and three thousand policies. All of Its funds Invested at home among our own people. All losses paid prompt ly and In caah. Rat as low as those of anj nrst class company, uas thkbb aouars oi as oets for every pollab of liabilities, w Agents wanted in every county in the State tc : rk for this most excellent and firmly estab lished home . istltutlon. For informstioi address N. C. STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO., , ... Ra)&.N.C: FSMs-tf Anthorlsed by the Commonwealth of Eentnckj 14th , POPULAR DRAWING OF.THK i iAt.Mooauley's Thoatro i. In the City ot LonlsvlUe on November 29, 1879. S i.vTHISE DRAWINGS, AUTHORIZED BY ACT OF THB LEGISLATURE OF 1869. AND SOHTAIKED BY ALL TH B COURTS OF KTN TUCKY all f audulent adverUtementti of other lottery ommpanU who elairm the sole ownership of -alt the grant ia Kentucky, " to the contrary not. Withstanding, OCCUR KEUULAKLY UN THK LASTj DA i OF EVERY MONTH (SUNDAYS EXVEPTED), AND ARB SUPERVISED BY PROMINENT CITIZENS OF THE STATE. GRAND AND UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS OF THE NEW FEATURES. Every ticket-holder can be his own supervisor, eallout his Dumber and see It placed in the wheel. The Management call attention to the graad opportunity presented of obtaining for only $3 any of the FOLLOWING PRIZES : --1 Prise........t30,ouo: loo ri's $ioo em $io,o , S00 P'X'S 60 " 10,000 OOP'X'S 90 " 12,000 1,000 P'l 10 10.00t' . l Prize. ....... .io,ooo l rnse s.ow 10 P's's $1.000 em le.uooi so razes sww eacn sio.ow. s Prizes $300 each. Approximation Prizes $2,701 t Prises $ioo esch. Approximation Prizes $100 9 raxes sum eacn, Approximation razes 1 m. 1 Prises. . 118.40C Whole Tickets, $2; Half Tickets $1. 27 Tickets, $50. 55 Tickets, $100 An applications for club rates should be made to the home office. -Full list of drawing published in Louisville Ctmrier-Jotu not and New York Herald, and mailed to mil ticket-holders. For tickets and information, address T. J. COMMKRFORD, CoOrierJoumal Building, Louisville, Ky, t augSS-SatTnThur-ws-s-ia. -Sdect WMsky. I have analyzed the - Whisky known under the bra ad of "B-Welect." controlled by Messrs Walter D. Blair A Co., Richmond, Vs., and find tt.fre front fusil oil and otner Imparities, snd recoramend its nse for medicinal and family purposes. BvMoC a W.M. D.. late Piofessor ot Chemistry, Medical Collrge of Virginia. - "January 13, 1813." - For aale by - F. B. HILL, 0ct4-tmos Sols Afent for Raleigh, N-jC. RATES OF ADVERTISING. , One Square (1 Inch one day,.............-, si 00 M " two 1 SO , .s . t three - ' S so , " " f fOUr w.mmmmmm, ! SO H H " five oe M H - tlX I SO Contracts for advertising for any space or tUn may be made at the office of The Observer, Observer BnUdlng, Fayette vtlle Street, Raleigh , North Carolina, ' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. S. mason. t. P. Diyksiux. ASON dc DEVEUETJX; Attorneys at 'iLow, : - icoom mo. , Bagiey Building, 0or. Fayetteville and Martin Streets! ' HILEIGH,2V.C P actice ' the Courts, State and Federal. mctrt-tf J. C. L. HARRIS, ' ATTOIUTSY-AT-LAW, UACEIGII, N. C. Omci South or copkt Boitbs in ou sb.ti . ' stMit Bcnjiitod . Practices in all the Coarts of the State. Beptss-tf tt. CWH. A8HKlIIiE, pr. c. Practices In State and Federal Courts. Collec tions promptly made. augs-tf fOWH K. KOBINS, I unn u. ucmnm, ... . Of Orange, . Of Chatham. J jyjoniNG & MORIXC, Attorneys at Law, uuuiiAirx, n, c. SVAll business entrusted to them will receive prompt attention. ,, . i f ebSS TS-ly. K. T. GRAY. . R. STAMP . G1 JJ.KAYdc STAMPS, Attorneys at Law, RALEIGH, N. C. tar-Refer to the Banks and business men nf Raleigh. tw Collections promptly attende to, ; mys-lv. pd y it. GOIIDOK, A 1 1 o r n e V a t L a w, Currltuek Court Hojsc, N C, jan lT-tf M A R Q O Attorney at Law, nr-FKAJllCES IN ANY COURT. - Odlce '. x tuddlng two doors nove Yarbo Houe, mile Street, Kalslga, N.C . Jaul-lv. , . . H. A: GtL. v. JODK QATUMS ; 0-Iii;.M & OATLI1TO ATTORNEY AT LAW, RALEIGH, N. C. Practice in State and Federal Couits. ylS-tf ,. A. B. HEBKIKON. THOS. 0. FUIXXR. I. A. ASHB Msrriiroii Fuller i Me, Attorneys and Counsellors it Lw, ItALKIGlI, C Practice in the State and Fede-al Courts wher ever their services may be required. . dec 30tf It. P'IRAELL, ATTORStf & COUNSELLOR AT LAW ITAIJIGII, 3V.C r"Practices In the State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention to all professional business. Offlce. 8d Floor U. S. Postofflce Building. mh27 ly. Attoriieys-at-Law, R A LEIGH, N. V. Pra-rtlce in the Courts of the State and in th Federal Courts. . ; aprs-tf R. H. McEOT. I W. B. MCKOV. I T. II. McKOT THE McKOTS, -Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, WILMINGTON, N, C. Offlce North Eide Market St., between Second and Third. Will practice In all the Courts of Eastern Nor b Carolina. Special attention paid to col lection of Claims In any part of the country . - augs-dly. A Card to the Afflicted. DR. ROBERTSON, 19 South ButaW Street, Baltimore, Md., From lonz experience In hospital and private prac.lce, guarantees a permanent cure In all diseases of the Urinary Organs and of the Ner vous System, viz : Organic and Seminal Weak ness. ?mpotency (loss of sexual power). Nervous Debility and Trembling, Palpttaiion of the Heart. , Dimness of Sight or Olddiness Pains in the Back, etc., al r suiting from abuses in youth or ex cesses !n manhood. Diseases recently contract ed cured in Ave to tn days, and the polsoi en-' tirely ei adlcat d from the system.- Also, all skin and blood diseases quickly cured. Dr Robert son, a graduate of the University of Maryland, refers f sny of the leading physic Ana of Balti more. ; special attention given to all female com plaints and irregv'arttles. All consultant as stiictly confidential, an medicines sent , any address. Call or write, enclosing stam lor reply. oct4-dAwly ,. Gray's specific Medicine. TRADE MARK Xile C.reZv.TRADC MARK itmdy,' an unfailing . cure for Semi- ' nalWeakness Bnermat r- rbea, Impo-r tency. ana au diseases that4 follow, as -a- BtlORk TAKIXSequence of AFTER TAIIX8. elf-Abuse;as Los of Memory, Universal La sttude. Pain la the Bak, Dimness of Vlalon, Premature Old Age and many other Diseases tbat lead to Insanity or Consumption, and a Pre mature Grave. rw-FuU parttonUrs In our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to everyone, tar-o he Specino Medicine is sold by all drug gists at $l per package, or six packages for $6, or will be sent free by mail on receipt of the money bv addressing 1 HE GRAV MED CIN3 COMPANY, No. 10 Mechanics' Block, Det.oit, Mich. tsr-f old in Raleigh and , everywhere by all drogglf-ts. ' octn-daw-ly. : BOARDING HOUSE Mrs.B. W; Boat, No. 1, Fayetteville street, over Stronach's store

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