'to J"' By Si A ASH 3 Published Daily iezywpi Monday) Weekly. ,1 fcT J hr ! Dee Square ( inch) one aaj. n oe funsoi svatsjarj-noaw AnraMOB. ; -Oally, one year, mail postpaid,.... .... f 00 . six oatif .1 -s w --yv;,;; f &) tiiree .! . . , ; ....too Pi r I ' ( i J I v I jXz-i&. . IMS ' " . fl rJ 1 I '. ft t - WO : .m.mmm.m..im 1 f0 " ' ;?.:-:xmt.- t oo M tonx . i se .-flve s oo ; , six io Oontracta for adverttauig for any space or tin may be made at the office of The Observer, Observer Bonding, FayattevlUe 8treet,vXalelf a , Sorta Carolina. J . v-- '.y-'i-m t,h :?? 1 1 ' -. i . - - - . - .-- .sr.. r Weekly, one year, raail postpaid,... ...... HI 3fl flit1 f ; ) 1 1 To city aubecri&rai Tie Observer will be ,de- n.1 ll vered dally? at treaty cenw per week ; sven- VOL. 6. - ! ,LEIGH, N. C TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 1879. NO. 120. ty-iive cents per saonta; two dollars lor tares tntertd ' " - ' ' - i i i m-1 m telegraph: V h .U imui ui ma vj.-iuimh ouhb oviuhw. Ci.kvkl4.15d. Ohio. Norember 17. Ex- United States Senator B. W. Jennesa ifl dead. . HaaLsm Pays the JfwrfBlW TosantaL Novemh.17. Hanlaa . fo warded hiaT ft500 forfeit to Blakie , m Steamer Wrecked. AlamabaIs aground in the Seine &nTwill be a total wreck. The cargo is washing ashore. The crew were eared." ' 1 " s ' Advance in the Price of Coal. Nw York, Norember 16. The lead ing coal companies will adraaoa Ihe price ui uuhi iweuiy-uvo ceaia per wo uu juun day. It is probable that there will soon be a still further advance. - - - ' Kallroad Accident. Uhioago, Norember 16. A south bound freight train on the Ciiicago and Alton Railroad broke through" bridge at Rirerdale yesterday, wrecking six cars, killing a brakeman and injuring the engi neer and fireman. 'Boiler Explosion. Detroit. Norember 16. A large boiler in Woods & Reynolds' saw mill,- at Car rollton, Michigan, exploded yesterday afternoon, instantly killing Jean PatelL and fatally injuring Edward Raquepas and Cvrus Burr, and slightly wounding one other. Loss, $8,000. Drowned., Cincinnati, Norember 16. The wife and two daughters of Albert Woodward were drowned reaterdar. while trying to nmsa Cliftr River ford, two miles from Columbus, Indiana, in a wagon. Glasgow, Norember 16 Thirteen neranns returning from the fair last week were drowned while crossing Lochindsail lslay. Fraud Against the Government. Naw York, Norember 17. The iiun says a rumor has been current for sereral days that extensive frauds against ' the government hare been discorered at the custom house, and thai custom house offlcira of aliigh degree are implicated. Collector Merritt and Appraiser Dutcher went to Washington to make a prelimi nary examination, rney returned oatur day, but are retieost aa to UtfuicaulU , iperred. As soon, howererj as - tbelbcal fcoofucting iBteieatacao Oeiiarmonizea, an telephones in said New York territory and In the Idealities Tniemio'bed sis to be trans f erred to. 'and ictned by.' the National II .TotprthnnA fY.mnanv . The National ri"'Tr-T r. ..rr-f, ;i .11 TJonhnno fVunmflt rPA tn nftV a lvalrv M Kpfint-tn-'theWefdern Union at lorropd rfp nnon all telenhciea leased or tused under its authorityi f anuf actured or solq exclusively for exportation. j v Sospendingr Custom House Officials. .. . Naw. York. November 17. To-day an order was received, at the Uiislom House 'suspending Assistant Appraiser Aioeri an?rt and several. dars ago Examiner Vredtfrick Snvder was dismissed, or bus- SsitoM S.rTtfl. f7nt&4 States SlatmUaDe Pnivivumn R C. Nnvpmhpr 17. The casesagalHSt tmrtirr managers" of registration, arrested ' last -week' under section o.ooo, U nitea otaies uerisea oiat utes, were dismissed1 to-day by the United States uommissioner, on me grounu that s the United- 8tates j Supreme Court, in the case of the, United ibtates vs. Reese, had decided that the act ! of Congress, on which section 5,506 was based, is unauthorized, and "therefore un constitutional. , . ; Terrible Tragedy. Atlanta, Ga., November 17. To-day a terrible right took place at the Railing mill MwMn fnnr emnlovees about wages. On one side . was a young man named Harris, son of A. L. Harris, and David Reid, foreman of the pattern department; on the other side were two brothers named Sheats. - Reid fired sereral shots- at - the Sheata . brothers . without effecti-.when Frank Sheats struck Reid on the head with- a scantling, " inflicting a painful woond.r-Harrithen. struck; Edward Sheats - on the bead,, crushiBg'liis skull ifidwara eneau -cannot lire, ,au me par ties axe under arresu - " f rfj3dnoe. Th. 9axjcf4 CHAPreHiLVNdvTvIS79. 'Eoitob Obsxrykb.: PifTereni'. States IhftTeesuVishecL in their .,fiODstitutions A PRECIOUS BABCAL. The Career of a YonthfuL.-Criminal Im- t nrUoned on the Cnaree ex Kursiary, he Heads a Conspiracy So. Kill the 1 . Jailer AftorConTiot!n he At--mna Commit Kulcidn : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ti . t - Got. Seymour -will Refuse to Arbitrate Utioa; Norember 17. Gorernor Sey mour waSBfked to-day by -the Observer reporter what arbitration to settle the dif ficulties in the Democratic party, and what part he had been invited to take in the proceedings, t He said he nerer heard I of the thing until this morning. If any such thiDg was - contempiatea, ne anew nothing of it, and he should certainly take no part in the matter. - He had en tirely withdrawn for the past two yearn trom any participation :in political mat ters. In his ludgment. the only body to arbitrate in such affairs was the delegates to the State Conrention. who without i doubt, at the next meeting of thut body, would act wisely and judiciously, m ne riew of facts, and the results of the late elections. - The New York Cotton Market.;' America and Europe Connected by Another Tie. North Eastham, Mass., November 17. Work was commenced on the shore end of the cable yesterday and at 6 p. m. was on the beach and laid through the trench dug to receive it, and signals exchanged with Faraday fiom the temporary build ing on the beach, the shore end beiog landed. The officials connected with the cable company and the American Union Telegraph Company and others went aboard of a steamer and proceeded to the spot where the cable was buoyed, ten miles off the shore. To-day the final splice will be made and the cable will be worked throughout the entire circuit from Cape Cod to Brest, ana America auu Europe will be connected . by another tie. "Midnight MeporC Senator Chandler's Succeasor. Detroit, Norember 17. F. C. Beaman declined the appointment of Senator to fill Chandler's place. The Garerncr to-day appointed ex Gor. Henry P. Baldwin to fill the racancy. T-oaWloTit Haves' Son and Mr. Evarts in New York. n Vrtfir "WrTpmher 17. President Haves' son and Secretary Erarts arrlred to-day, and was escorted to the serenth regiment armory, where the opening ex erases of their fair took place. Failure of the Beet Crop. Norember 17. A Paris dis patch says : 'The beet crop iseren worse than was anticipated, and the price of sugar has sensibly risen. Many refineries hare come to a standstill, and nearly all are likely to terminate their operations by the end of December. The quality of the crop is inferior in quantity and deficient." longshoremen on a Strike. Nxw York; Norember 17. This morn ing the members ef the 'Longshoremen's Union, heretofore working for the stere rinroa fhr thirtr-flre cents for day work. and forty-fire cents for night, made a demand for forty cents per hour for day and nicrhL Two . thousand on ) the East Rirer front, from the foot of Grand street to the Battery went on the strike. - Along the North Rirer the movement is not yet general. The leading stevedores along the East Rirer front acceded to the de mand. , Consolidation of Telephone Companies iFXQBL to yrY or k Financial Chronicle. 16th.) There has been this weeffa :TerTTStKJyanl moriiPt fr orittnn on the soot, with more doing, the demands from home spinners having materially increased There was in advance of c on Saturday, l-16c. od Monday, 3 16c. on Tuesday, l-16c. on Wednef day; yesteraay, ana go iu-uay, being an advance of lfs from the lowest prices for this crop in the first week of October and the rise has taken place in the face of an increased morement of cot ton and better weather for maturing the plant- To-day, though, as stated, there was an advance of c, carrying middling uplands to 12ic; tne market was quieter. The speculation in "luiures nas ueea un exampled in -excitement ana acuvuy. The sales each, day exceeded two hundred thousand bales, and on Monday and Wednesday exceeded the quarter million, the traasactions of Wed -ncariav hwiniT the livst ret recorded. uvoum; n 0 -r There was a material advance from day to day; except on Monday and; Wednesday, when sales to realizs caused a temporary reaction; and at the close last evening bide, compared with the close on the previous Friday, were 76 to 79 hundredths higher for November and the winter months, and 56 to 71 hundredths for the. more distant months the later the delivery the smaller Hmnm. exrerjt that uecemoer aa w .w . . . T . IT- ;??-T?' laH?b 9w-:n ' mn,rt;ths?na rog nrro. named ,,T6r ail offedces, (except ini case of im jpeaqhment,') Mpon'iwfy" condition a he think proper, subject to such regula tions as may be provided by. law relative to the manne f apply bg for pardon. He . shall biennially communicate to the General ASsemblr each caie of reprieve, commutailorsardati granted, stating : he name J dTtt i coorict. the ' crime for whfch he waicc -'ctedvihe sentence and its date, the da: vfecmutauon. oardon The Legislature has left the Dower in the hands of the Governor, T practically unre-; stritited except by the constitution. He is prevented by that instrument from par- domng before conviction, or in cases or impeachment ; but, in other respects, the pardonirg power may be exercised "upori such, condition a he may think proper." This is also the fundamental law in a ma-; lorlty of the, States. . But greater re- strictions are put on the Executive in some quarters. . In Louisiana the Governor can grant reprieves for all offences, but the consent of the Scuate is necessary to pardon, and the remission of floes and forfeitures. In Maryland the Goyernor must adver- tise in one or more newspapers the appli cation for pardon, and the day when or after which be will decide the matter. ; In New Jersey no commutations are allowed; and the Governor can -only grant reprieres for ninety'days. The con sent of the Gorernort council is necessary to pardons and the remission of fines ' and forfeitures. The council is composed of the Gorernor, the Chancellor and the six Judges of the Court of Errors and Ap2 peals. In Nevada the Governor may reprierfe for sixty days ; but in order to pardon or commute punishments, or remit fines and forfeitures, he must hare the consent of the Justices of the S upreme Court and the Attorney General. . In Maine the pardoning power is in the hands of the Gorernor and seren Coun cilmen, chosen by the General Assembly. ' In New Hampshire the law is the same as in Maine, except that there are fire Council men, who are elected by the peo ple by ballot. . In Masachusetts the Gorernor. Lieutenant-Governor and Council, elected by the General Assembly, exercise the pardoning nower In Rhode Island the Gorernor and the Senate pardon. - In Vermont the Gorernor, Lieutenant Gorernor and twelre Councilmen, elected by the people, possess this power. The constitution of Pennsylrania (adopted iD 1790) says (art. II, sec 9 ) "he (the Governor) shall have power to remit tines and forfeitures, and grant reprieves and pardons, except in capes or impeacn ment." The same State adopted in 1878 anRnJCUOcJ - aiuvW'ii Mh d)arM that the Governor "shall have power to grant reprieves, commutations or sentence and pardons, except in cases of impeach ment ; but no pardon shall be granted nor sentence commuted except upon the re commendation in writing of the Lieutenant-Governor, Secretary of the Common wealth, Attorney General and Secretary of Internal- Affairs, or any three of them, after full hearing, upon due public notice and in open session, and such recom mendation, with the reasons therefor at tenirth. shall be recorded and filed in the othce of the Secretary of the Common- The pardoningpower is a necessary evil, full of danger to the public, of care and heariness for the Executire. Itshduld be regulated by law more exactly and strictly, so that criminals may understand and the public may be assured that pun ishment for crime cannot be escaped after conrictlon, except under the most extra ordinary circumstances. Instead ofcaus ing a hue and cry against this Gorernor for granting, against that ' Gorernor for withholding pardons, the exercise or tne pardoning power should be no more per sonal than the exercise of the judicial power. In a monarchy perhaps it might k. mhariiiiu fnr there." ftAVS BlSCkStOUe. 'the King acts in a superior sphere; and under aggrarated citair'ances. "Early in October, aa Mr Ti CLFridges, ;be jailer, was about to lock ,1e gates for; the night, one of the prjsonfcj.s, a negro named John Walker, charged wth cattle stealing: went up to him and whispered that he would like" to see -him .'privately a few minutes. Mr. Bridges immediately went one side sith.Walker,: ,wbo said : If a knock comes at the 'door to-night, don't yoq open It.", Why?" said Mr. Bridges. t"Becau8e,,,.w84lberemy, "Wm. ' Jones, 'OlaTeBeWhlUterrtJlnrrXeB Johnsoiand Charles Dent hare made a plot to spring out on you as soon as you open the door, throw a blanket orer your head, smother you, take the keys,' open the doors and escape with all the prisoners that will ; fol low them." - Thanking Walker for ttnTin formatlon, Mr, Bridges at once acted upon it, and locked up each of the four conspi rators in separate cells. Bill Jones was at the bead of the conspiracy. During the present week he was conrict ed of burglary . In the night and, after his conriction, he was carried back to jail. Upon his arriral there he was searched and, to the surprise of the officers, a sharp razor was found on bis person, and next morning a bottle of ritriol was , discorered in his cell. What his intention was wun regard to these was manifest. He would probably hare found the opportunity to use either one or the other on those haring him in charge had not discorery been so prompt. Yesterday morning he was car ried into court for sentence and maintained a defiant and insolent demeanor while it was imposed. Judge Snead sentenced him to twenty years at hard, labor in the penitentiary, the utmost extenfof the law. When the culprit was remored 1 from the court room, and while passing through' the hall, he remarkea to some one mai me omy thing he regretted was that he '"didn't cuss out Judge Snead." About two o'clock, after he was carried back to jail, one of the; nrtartnere tnlri Mr. RridffP.fi that' JoneS was eating glass. , The jailer hurried up to the cell and found tbav the information was correct. The prisoner had a quantity of powdered glass? tied up in a handkerchief,; and oh being questioned be admitted that he had eaten snout two hanufuls of the glass.' An emetic was at once administered and a physician sect for. He pave the would be suicide a btill stronger dose. The two forced him to dlf 'tge the glass. He was soon af erwards turned over to Bon- durant & Joplin, wno carried him out tp he brick yard, in double shackles. A t lantt Dinpatch. NORTH CAROLINA nODS: I 3. BUOOKMBLD. . 1 BUY AND SEL.I. . : NORTH CAROLINA NEW FOUR PER ' : CENT. BONDS. : ? - ; ' 1 ; " JOHi it ! JAMriaiier, ; . : Atlanta, Qa. A. W.tUDOLF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ?ia OF nov 14-d3t-w3t BALTIMORE sooirSraosiiiiPi JOBBINGr' HOUSE. J; BROOKFIELD & CO. CHARLOTTE, N. C. S. S. IARTINDAL23, WITH ; 332 M 334fi l :'1 CONSTANTLY IN STOCK, THE : ' . , IS Sunday School, Day School, Law. Medical, Theological ana. Miscellaneous Books.' WRAPPING AND WRITING PAPERS," BONNET BOARDS, . PAPER BLINDS, PENCILS, INKS, PENS. -AGENTS TOP HYATT'S' CELEBRATED WIRE-BOUND GLATESJ WEAVEtt BROS., GHrlN Aj :PAIiAGE I Commission M or cha nt s; 'SASTARGETT STREET,'. ".' ' ' H : -w Will be glad to correspond with parties having . consignments of Produce. Best of reference 11 desired. P. O. Box 966, Raleigh, N. C - - Wanted, : BY a Book-keeper in a Northern Bank, a aim- V 11r fritnalion In a. Sonthpm Bank, on ac ! count of climate. Address . - - UJi.oikKT it. i.xtri, - little Fails,' : . Herkimer Co, New York. nov 8-dtilldec 1 - . Wante4! . . : SECOND-HAND "ORGANS. Address P. O. Box 85, Raleigh, N.C " V1 oct 16-d-tf .? .- . : it it a: r.--,i- ' "' f ' ..) For Sale'. ADKMOCRATIC COUNTRY PAPER AND , JOB OFPrCE, that Is now makta money, and wikh better attemioa woald make more. Address, JOHN DOE, 1 . Care of Thb Obsxevbb, i - Raleigh N. C. . " ' - 5 and 10 C ent Coimtcra;' TO THE TRADE : The live bastnesi men of the day are 8tarting these Cooaters.; W are the Originators and Headquarters, We, nave the i . r i i . . . r V Ll.. rr.n... omy two ciciusiTB q anu iw. uuuius uvuki In the United States. x . .j H t .. Bend for catalogue and partlmlars. BUTLEK BIROS '.V 20 and 303 Randelph St . Ctlcao. US and Chauncy HC Uoaioa. FRED. A. OLDS, WITH . . Cameron, Hay & Coi Office over Cltlsens' National Bank. Spec! al Agent IALEIGH, Nm a. '17ai tfiA Comnanfei named In Cameron,' II ay & Co.'i adver-.liscmciit. ap is -smos' fTTE TAKE PLEASURE IH INFOR3UNU our numerous friends, the trade and public gen erally that we have recently established a Wholesale and Retail OE00EERY HOUSE. I Our otocl; la complete, consisting of CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE,! 8ILVERPLATED WARE, CUTLERY, LOOKING GLASSES, j TIN, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE,! BABY CARRIAGES AND GENERAL1 HOU8EFURNISHLNG GOODS, -- - '- - j All of which we offer at very low prices. Wouidj be pleased to send quotations on application. : Very respectfully,. - 3. BROOKFIELD A CO. j .nov ll-d-lyr : ? :- Authorised by the Commonwealth of Kentucky 14 th POPULAR DRAWING OF.THE Di'.lnklioJ Co., Any and everything in the Book and Paper Business can be procured of ua. . WM. J. a DULANY & 00. mhfuiAw-ir. - R. A. BYNUM'8 DEATH OF CAPTAIN KIDD. Old Apple J3ra!,Tld.y; The Notorious Pirate's Trial and Execu tion Reviewed. admiralty was Bailey, in May. It n IlUC - 1. - vanceu most. Mvermwi wu tuc ouuiuwu a - - F Tu. ... i7. .51' E.. 'osrit I thnnah h rpcnlates the whole gorernment maraets nave reeuuuucu w.nu ouuk. - --o . . MtK..rttnn W nnr fintton Erchanire. but as the first mover, yet be does not appear Nw Yobk, Norember 17. The two principal competing parties in thetele phone business, riz : the Western Union and Gold and Stock Companies and the National Bell Telephone Company have Blgned a contract by which the Western Union, acting for several companies and interests associated with it, turns over to the National Bell company an m ieie nhone property, and glrea exclusive license to the latter to use all inrentlons and lines belonging to the Western ' Union, practi cally retiring from the telepbonebusiness, and releasing the National Bell Company from all claims ana ouiis inwt.uiu uj Western Union for infringement of patents, &cr The slock interests of the Western Union in the Philadelphia local telegraph company, the Central District and Print ing Telefrraph Companies of Pittsburg, the Gold and 8tock Telegraph Company, of California, (which companies hare some interests in telephonic exchanges,) and interests in propertlea (other than tele phones) in exchanges within thirty-three biles of New York City Hall, are re- the main impulse to the upward movement seems to hare been speculation and only noMiintinn thnnch it mar be noted that W W' -.w , 0 the reports from tne ooumeru exenauges generally indicated a decreased yield from iat vpjir. To dar the market was fererish and variable, fluctuating widely, but at some advance. The Cabinet and the Campaign. The Republican 8tate committee of New York addressed invitations, ; in the early part of the campaign which has just ended, to every member of the cabinet to ; take part in the caarass. As is known; both SecretariesEvart8and snerman responaea. The other members,' with the exception of Secretary Schurz, acknowledged the invi tations ! and f expressed regret that they were not able to accept. Secretary Schurz took no notice of the letter which he re ceived. As Mr. Schurz Indicates that he proposes to stick to the civil service reform, policy, this might be looked upon as ? the cause of his ignoring the matter if it was not for the fact that he has made campaign speeches in Ohio and elsewhere. The real cause may therefore be looked for in the bitter personal animosity wnicn sudsisib between him and Senator Cookling. and which dates back to the time of the French arms investigation. Republicans here say they have no doubt i Mr. Schurz would refuse to support either , Mr. Conk Hog or Gen. Grant, and that If either one of them is nominated by the Repuolican convention and Mr. Bayard receives the Democratic nomination, he will support the latter. in any of the invidious or disagreeable parts of it. To him, tnereiore. tne peupie look up as the fountain of nothing but bounty and grace, and these repeated acts of goodness, coming immediately from his own hand, endear the sorereign td his subjects, and contribute more than any thing to root in their hearts that filial affec lion and personal loyalty which are the sure establishment of a prince." No doubt this principal has giren life to criminals whom Mercy dared not spare. : . A combination of the safeguards used In several States might be advantageous. ' 1. Glre the Gorernor absolute power only to grant reprieves and fr not more than ninety days. ; - 2. To the granting of pardons or com mutations and the remission of fines or traUnroa mabf Rsnential the writien ad- iviibuivb, - . . ' vice (with the reasons therefor) of the Lieutenant Governor, the Attomer Gene ral and the three Judges of the Supreme fnnr nf them. 3. Advertise in - the capital and in the county where the crime was committed; the petition for pardon with the names of all persons signing. - - . , ! -4 Set apart a time for the public bear ing of all that is to be said for or against the criminal. 5 - r . ... 5 File all papers and keep full written records. . . . Uniformity . in granting pardons and thorough publicity are essential to the proper administration of justice. The solemn sepsion of that which m?x at the Old were ana'goed for piracy and robbery on the high seas. All were found guilty ex cept three, who were proved to have been apprentices. Kidd was also tried for the murder of his gunner and found guilty. The men pleaded variously, and two of them had undoubtedly surrendered them selves within the time limited by the pro clamation. Col. Pass, the Governor of West Jersey (now New Jersey, aajfnmng that of New "York), corroborated this statement. It was shown that they naa not surrendered to a commission of four specially sent out for the purpose, and they were condemned to. die. This was, as far as the writer can judge,1 a hard case.' Another seaman. Darby Mullins, said in his defense that he served under the King's commission, and had no right to disobey any commands of his superior officer; that, in fact, the men were never allowed to question his autnoruy, ueuausc It would destroy an aiscipime; nu iuai even if unlawful acts were committed, the officers were the persons to answer for It, not the men. He was answered that serv. Ing as he did only entitled him to do that which was lawful. He replied that the case of a seaman must be bad indeed if he were punished in both cases, for obeying and for not obeying his officers, and that if he was allowed to dispute his superior's orders there would be no such thing as i oAmmanH nil t0 hiah fipju. This iDsreni- ous defense availed him nothing; he had taken a share of the plunder, and naa mutinied, showing no regard to the com mission ; and further, bad acted in accor dance with the customs of pirates and free bootert. The jury brought him in guilty with the rest. Kidd's defense was not strong, as a matter of legal argument. He in.iatprt that, ha had been more sinned against than sinning. He said that he went out on a laudable employment, and had no occasion, being then in good cir ...moMnviii In ero n.niratincr that he had bUUiOHWVW - f " OJ . , been threatened in his own cabin, and that ninety-five deserted him at one time, and set fire to his boat, so that he was disabled from bringing his ship home, or the prizes he took, to have them regular conuemueu, which prizes, he said, were taken under virtue of bis' commission, they having French passes (false) A witness, Colonel Hewson, spoke highly of his previous , ref n.itatfnn fnr hraverv. So mUC Of his OWp statement was doubtful or false that he was found guilty. When the Jodge put oo the black cap Kidd stood up and said My Lord, it is a very hard sentence. For my part, I am the most innocent person oi them all, and have been sworn against by perjured persons." A week after the bodies of Kidd and six'of his men were seen by the passers-by on the liver, hang ing high, suspended by chains, a warning especially to the seamen of . and entering the port of London not to turn pirates. Toe1 of . The popu .arlty which this Brandy has attained induces me to bring it more generally, to notice. If you like a good, pure article, this I am willing to guarantee ; and if you have any scruples as to using it as a beverage von may be assured of Its aaiunuiaiiuig iuu inviganHiiug quauiiea .n.HiAHrani1nTutnint nf men AnilTi enlll mirilal nmfMulnn In all lnw forms of disease a wasiing and debilitating nature, where it be- onmig nw.aaiurv 1r imnnnrt thA ISllimr OOWeTS of life: and I am filling orders from convales cents from distant parts of the United States, from whom I could produce certificates, but I prefer that my Brandy should speak for Itself. It is CAREFULLY DISTILLED FROM THB JUICE OP THB APPLE, and is, as its name im plies, APPLE BRANDY I free frrra all adulter ations. I am now prepared to ship U to any part of the United States in bottles running six to the gallon, at $1.86 per bottle. You are respectfully ref erred to the cor respondence below. AU Orders must ie auurewwu m mo uuuvi. signed, as I have no agencies, and all packages will be marked C. O. D., express or freight In all cases wul be paid by tae purchaser. Money sent by Registered Letter. ' "' "JT I wul also supply PURE SCUPPBRNONG WINS at $1.00 per bottle. Address K. A.-'BaTTOlW,'!. 1 . . . FarmvUle Pitt County, N. C, .At .Maoauley's Theatro" In the City of Louisville on November 29. 1879. ; , ... . t -THESE DRAWINGS,'' AUTHORIZED BY ACT OP THB LEGISLATURE OF 1S69. VND 8I'STINED BY ALL THB COURTS OF KN- mTTfiirV .il,l-tf iJnJrVuimj.il tit tif ' nt.hf.T lottery compani who claim -the sole owner nip of 'all the grants in Kentucky," to the contrary not withHtandina, OOCUK REGULARLY ON THE LAST DAY OF EVERY MONTH (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED), AD ARE SUPERVISED BY PROMINENT ClTlZKNSOlf TtlJfi o x aT GRAND AND UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS Everyticket-holdercanbehlsown supervlBor, i i.i nnn.K. oni boa it nisced m the C31Ui UUb Ilia uuium-i imi k 7 . wheel The Management call attention w o.. nnnnrhm tt nrenemea oi ooiuiuiiik I only $3 any of the FOLLOWiNU rtuz.jw s loo P'z's $100 em $10,000 200 P'a'S 60 10,000 S0O P'Z'S 80 " W.000 H.00OPVB 10 "10,000 SO Prises $500 each $10,000. - ?naes $300 eacn, Approjum j-, s rnzes aiw eaca, Ainrvim w 1 Prise. $30,ooo 1 Prize i,ooo I Tt1ea 6.000 io P'z's $1,000 em 16,000 Only 1 0 I3ollars PENIHSYL, VANI A v SINGER i MACHINE 1 1,960 Prizes. $113,400 i ' . I Equal to any Slnirer ua tne market, Whole Tickets, $2. Half Tickets, fl- . - The New Line O. BL. GBBBimiXB, N. C, March si, 1878. To all wnom mx may voncern: I have personally aud intimately known R. A. Btkum, of the county of Pitt, since 1864, when, as a wounded soldier, I was cared for by him at his home. His word may be lmplicity relied upon in all things. . He is Incapable of knowingly mis representing anything or deceiving anybody. ; He is the maker of the best artt3le of Apple Rnnih T hiva neraMtnnr tasted. - Those Irish- ing to get an elegant article of pure Branay will oe sure to do so by applying to I m nil 4" TrARirm.T.. Pitt Conntv. N. C. Jan. tS. '1 . Hi Excellency, Z. B. Pones? i . DbabSib: After having oo veral occasions, both at my house and elsew ere, tasted of my "Old Apple Brandy," will yon be so kind as to give me your opinion as to Its excellence and purity? I think some four or Ave years ago you nsiwiA fit It tn o tr oriil In T Tiifn W.n trl a nrl . who thus becoming acquainted with Its superior merits, challenged with It themakersof the best London Dock.Brandy. May Jnot ask yon also to Inform me of the result of that contest, If you know It 1' I have the honor to be. xourstruiy, r - v , R. A BYNUM. EXBCUTITB Dbpastmbnt, State of North Carolina I Ralbioh, January S9th,187t. Mr.R. a. Bynwn: -...-; Dbak Sra: Your note Is received, and In an a,thortn ft oivAn mA n'paHTire tn aav that I believe your Brandies are the purest and best I ever saw of our home manufacture. . In 1S74 I presented a gentleman in London with a gallon of your make and he said' It ex. celled anything he had ever Been made front ruit, and that all his acquaintance - who had 8ted It thought It equal to the best brands of grape brandy. . - It people will drink spirits as a bevel age It Is a oitv that they -woBlteooaflBe themt-elves to such pure, unadulterated and honestly mads spirits as yudrk3raHdies.- - J ; Respectrally and truly yours. j Jan30-aw-li , S. B. VANCE j W.RHEARES.'Jr., of Nortli Carolina; WITH iSDWaT" SAT2S..& 00. MANUFACTURERS OF glothi:;gt WHOLESALE, 27 Tickets, $50. 55 Tickets, $100 A h lXiiiaMnnl fnr olnh ratAa alinnld be made y 11 arn ih mmm .v. - WiUCauuiBvuiuc ... r .. Full list of drawing puDiisnea ui nuuuuu. Courier-Jew not and New York Herald, and mailed, to all ticket-holders. For tickets ana information, address T. J. COMMERFORD, Covurimr-JowntfJ uuuamg, ixmiaviuv, uj, sng 80-8atTnThnr wS-S-16. NOBTH CABOTjINA STATU UFB if. . . . '- - ? ' '" ' ' - Isixiriiaico Company ;: 1 ancorperated In isra, RALRIQH, N. O. so,3to ro Snrpla to Policy Woldera 175.394 99 F. B. Cameron, , ; President W. JB. Anderson, vtae-rrewwm W. E. Eteks, tiidy. and Treas Dr. SJ Burke Haywood, Med. Director Prof. S . Smith, Advisory Actuary Tn aniT koin Life Insurance Company 1b t North Carolina, t One oi the most successful Companies of Its age in tae unuea otatea. . a.aa already issuea Deiweeu nv uu uuco wuiuauu policies.' AR Of lte funds invested at home frpnag onx own people. All losses paid prompt Iv and in casn. jttates as iow as uium ux uj OXSt class company, xxbb ioua oets for every ihhxab of liabilities. ' " . ' w A gents wanted in every county ln-tne State to rk for this moat excellent and firmly estab lished home lastltutlosu For informatiot C. STATIC LIFE INSURANCE CO- i The above cut represents the most popular sttle for the people, which we offe' you for the very low price of S19, Including attachments. Remember, we do not ash you to pay until you have sen. the Machine. 'After having examined t. i. 4a all. WA VATlTAaATlt. w0t,LTfL It tO TIM St our expense. Consult your interests and order at once. If you live within seven hundred miles the freight wll not we more than one PENNSYLVANIA SEWING MACHIN CO 1T N. 10th street, Philadelphia, Pa. aug 26 ly .. . .' - CEI1TRAL HOTEL, , W. E. PATTERSON, Prop'r. NEW BERNE, N. - This well-known and commodious Honse, Its name Implies, Is situated In the "central and business" portion of the city; hence recom mends Itself for Its convenience to the "Trav eling Public," affording solicitors every oppor tunity of visiting their business o rrespondents. Ith&s aitnnve Derrsaw buu ua nlshed with every delicacy out of the market. An Omnibus for the conveyance of guests to. and from the trains and steamers "iree or charge," a special leatnre in ims piace, auu i the appurtenances whether of comfort or con- enience, of a "modern nrst-claas" Hotel, - Terms to sou vne tunes m. v Lord Odo Russell while calling upon Prince Bismarck a abort time ago, asked how he managed to get rid of that class of unfortunate visitors whom he could not well refuse to see, but whose room he found preferable to their company, "Oh," replied the Chancellor. 'I hare arery simple method. My wife knows them nrettr well, and when she sees that ther are with me she generally contrires to mnw in and call me awav noon some pretext or other? J He bad scarcely finish- V I - I 1 & I mm ea spea&ing,, wueu fue ;rjmcess puvner bead in' at the 'doof ahd said: "Otto, you mus, come, -and,, take-, your,, medicine You bnght 'Wtiarffbadttlen' mln'tites ago.T Lord Odo tRu86! had- not till then any ideabat-ms room oould be more welcome than hia company. London Vanity Jfair, Rkmtnisoekob ot Gkant. Strictly fresh reminiscence of Gen. Grant : When a boy in Ohio, or somewhere else, Grant drore a milk wagon. Among his customers was a colored family. , As he drore up one aay to the domicile or ms coioreu patron, uc bethought him to have a little fun at the expense oi a p'.caaniny tnai wm uiaa.i'g, mud pies in the 1 door-yard, and so ad dressed it s ? "You Ephraham, take dat chalk out ob yo eye V Ephraham's mother happened to be just aroand the corner of the house hoeing the watermelons, and hastening around in front; she almost yenea in ier inuign. "See beah; honey, you hab all you kin tend-to If you take., dat chaiK put od yo milkl" . t- ' ' V ; Pay up your due to The Observes. We learn that the splendid Steamer Gulf Stream, of the Clyde line, will leave Morebead city to aay ior ixew xorK wun 1 1,850 bales of cotton, besides a good com niiment of other freiztit. we are aiso re- ntapstMl to trive notice that the steamer Konofiiftnr win leare new iui& iuun rar nort fnr Morehead. and that freight from New York 18 solicited. The steamer oTTwtivl tn arrive at Morebead on Hat- nrrtav. and her freights will reach Golds- M nnndv. . ,. T. . -VT The new steamer line, oeiweeu xiew Vnrt and Morehead city is at last in suc- Loaofni rtrvration. Larze shiDments of vMtnn frnm Ralftiffh and other Dolnts on IVVtWU , wm. 13 i r th Knrth Carolina Railroad passed down the road Friday and Saturday for More- hMd tshprfl the nrat steamer is loaamz tT. n. Vnrk. We hODe the line will receive a liberal share of public patronage. Uolmboro Messenger. 507 and 509 Broadway, NEW YORK. VGood" manufactured SOUTHERN TRADE. exclusively for the . Janf-ly-pd J. D. WHITAKEE, DXALEB IN - j : . Lumber, Coal anil Wood, WE3T HARGETT STREET, RALEIGH. ; Orders left at Telegraph Office will be forwarded byTelephoue. H oct SS-d-lyr augss dAwem. n i...tm Mia WlilstCT known Under .tT?rrrS."S:i 7Anrt br Messrs Walter D. Blair Co., Kicnmono, It free from fosU otaer 1iPQr"le8' " . . m mba. rn niBiu'iiiai nuu isuuij XzLm- J. B. MoCA W. M. D late Ptofessor df Chemistry, Medical college oi um. ; "January is, I8is." . ; , . - aaleby - j qct4-smos Sole Afent far Ralelsh, N- O. City IA1 Tor Sale. - i o it,nnl in- iTr and Mrs. RtTr8 K. v.D.n t nffor fnr ..1m thpir valnshlfi lot at corner of Blount and Peace streets In Raleigh, containing one and three-fou-th acres, with dwelling bouse, Ae. We will sell In one or sev eral parcels t - suit porcnasers.r aa sold privately, we will ell at public auction, at tr e Court House door in Raleigh, Mokdat, De cember l, 18;. ! -n Term" une inira chjju; uuiuc iu uuo, and three years, wth inte-est . JJiVAAAaA B jnValAiNVA.f octss-tf ;. f ;. Attorneys, c Wilninflton, N. 0., Ensiness Cards. BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC. P. HBTNSBERQER. ........W and 41 Market at. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. W01.PH A WORTH ...... ...... - !h KERCHNER A CS lilltttowa.... - " aw COTTON DEALERS. LILLY BROTHER...:. ..Water at, QBOCERS WnoleeeJe nvl SetaiL ADRIAN A VOLLERS... ,Cor. Dock Front sta. mm u vwrh a. 11 and 11 Snath Front St. JOHN aHEYERg,..-..J.4Jartt Water su HARDWARE. SASH. BUNDS, Ac, N. JACOBI.... ....M Sonw Front at. , i - i PERUVIAN QUAllO. - ' ; W. H. McRARY A CO...iV. Water Bt. SADDLES. HARNESS, ETC. t , 4TTAWT a BOWOKN-....84J0QthTClt?t febfV - . - C , -

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