irr H R V PabllBhed Dally (except MoadAj) 4ad Weekly. Qaettare(tuicn fee"'.;-..;...-SI At u - - Oally, one year, nun poitpald.... I c 00 as--. tux months b t s . as hi! " " ; I Lull k mi etvx,r,": 1 1 nil r w tvrimyt. ji wn-ESU?!1 t Mi- ; . " . & . r a m v lis v Mm - hKj m m, m mm M mm vj m mm m. mm k. mr mm a. .mm M - " ... t VOJT l'-45W,MVV.f, .....OVfcW !II7CAV Lij-m' AAV JfcfcAV 35a AV JM AV virAV . . L I . rJO . m Weekly, one year, mail postpaid,.... plxmontni, Ta city jnbecrlbera The Obaenrer will : be ' de UTered dally ai twenty oenta per week ; eTen- iy-fiTe i eeuta per montb : two dollars (or tare. BXPOSTX0 by THt AflftCKTD,p? DestructlTe Fire. Chicago, November 20.-41. fire in Peck & Bansher's lard refinery and! cooper shop last cigni caused a loss 01 ftw.OUO or 70. 000. Insured f r- Steamer Foandered London.-, Nov-mHer 2Q.-r steamer Pallas,1 from Copenhage nbagen for Am-1 8terdam, is believed to have foundered off Heineekirk. Thirty persona are rippoeea to n&ve peri8&eq.,-. r 4 f ) A a Lo$$on, November 20.'-An Odessa dis patch says about a dozen ef the most prominent dta.gsita cotton manufac'-firers have lately g6n' to Egypt to buy enor mous quanties of the raw material and hiru all the plantations on the bankof.the Nile. The chief aim of these itiercbants. -who axe stated to be worth 20,000000 rou ble?, seems to be to shake off the yoke of the mug usb and or the Liverpool market. All the produce of Egypt will not suffice to meet the wants of the' Russian cotton factorfes. Arrest of the Irish UssdeH.' Lckooh, November 20. The speeches for wh'icUiDavit and Daly, were arrested were inae at A'meellng on the 2d: of No vember at Gustien, county of hligo. The following rjlacard has : been posted in sev eral places in )he county of Mayo : 1 i i Totha People of Mato:, t i FjiuwCNTRYEiii'irhe5- holnr Of trial is come. - Tour leaders are arrested. I xaiii iuu l3it. wo tu.i Luiauu. uauu liberty! Go4 save the people Balla! Saturday next, ISaturday You .know tyour tdoty ;;will, ioaHdoit? Yes, you wilL Balla is the place of meeting Saturday is the day. Come in your thousands and show the government and the world that your rights you rwfll maintain and rescue in the mightiness of your numbers your land and liberty. God save the people. ' Balla 1 Balla ! Saturday next, Saturday next. Public Health Association. Nashville, November 19. The topic for discussion at the night session was the inquiry, "May not yellow fever originate in the United States?'' An elaborate paper entitled "Etiology of the Epidemic atSavanra m 1876," by Dr. Alfred A. Woodhnil. U S. A., was read by Dr. Hunt, New Jersey. The paper claims that the dUcase unquestionably originated in Savannah. The question -turning upon the indigenous or imported character of the d!seaer, an animated discussion erj sued, participated in by Drs. Campbell, oi Georgia, Hodges of Pensacola, . Howard, of Baltimore, Austin, of New Orlears, Bell, of Baltimore, , KeUo, .- of Arkansas, Holliday, of New. Orleans, 8turnborg, of the United States Army, Wise, of Mem phis. Tynner, of Memphis, and Siillwell, of Kentucky. The preponderance of opinion seemed to be against the position assumed in the paper of Dr. Woodhull, and am ng the speakers were physicians of thirty or forty years' experience in the yellow fever districts. Midnight Meports ' Empty Boat Found. Halifax, November 20. An empty boat with her mast broken and sails gone, was found last Sunday morning near Ad vocate bridge. It is thought to be the one in which six persons left - Scott's bay for Advocate harbor just previous to the severe ' gale of last I Saturday.' All - who were on board are supposed to be lost. Affairs la Ireland. London. November 20. A Dublin dis patch says: It is believed that it will be almost impossible to - sustainthe in dictments for sedition against . the persons recently arrested there. The ' indignation meeting of the Irish residents of Manches ter to denounce the arrests of Messrs, Daaitt, Killen and Daly in Ireland, is to be held probably on Sunday next. Fatal Affray.. CiNonrxAti, September 20. A special from Mormtown, Tenn., says two men. named Downfand Anderson, a day or two ago went armed with rifles to the house of Miss Josephine Williams, near James town, and insulted that lady and threat ened to shoot a man named Steincipher if he did not leave. Steincipher, however. snatched the rifle belonging to one of the man and shot Downs dead and ' clubbed Anderson i Dearly to death. Steincipher was arrested, but no one appearing against him, was subsequently released. mm'mt The Army of the Cumberland. . Wasbtsoton, , November 20. The So ciety of the Army of the Cumberland, after holding a secret session, adjourned to meet on board the steamer Jane Mosely. on which steamer the society was invited to visit Mount Vernon. Arrived on board, the meeting was resumed, during which. on motion of Gen. Garfield, a vote of thanks was tendered to the' three Virginia and two Maryland companies who, forget ting party diff erences, had joined the Array of the Cumberland in paying re spect to the memory of Gen. Thomas. When7-Mount Vernon was , reached the wlfld was so strong that a landing could not be effected, and tne steamer started on her return to this city, when the business meeting was resumed. A gentleman who hAf beenv an Interested spectator of the nroaeedings stood upon a chair and stated that,' aawidier who had fought against General Tbomisv and wbd carried federal hnileta iin-1 his boaom he wished to raise his voice id honor of the memory of thafgreal; and gallant Gsneral. LUheers j He had fought for What be thought was knt th arbitrament of the war had AitnArA rftint him. It would be a long time hence, Lowerer, before be would not be willing to extend the hand of fraternal trioWrifthin thoae who had fought against h,m . He nhw wished to j jin the army of thr rsimhwland and In- doing honor to nop nf the bravest, ourest and best Gene rals whn ' ever lived General G.7 H Thomas. Loud cheers and cries of good TTfatijr) Inresnonse tOthe QUeSi ttnn that his name : was , Watklns, of TTnorsrH nounlv. Msrvland. .- A A Gen. Garfield said Mr. Watklns yoice "-!. i , ,-i .v , .,.- ,.. . . ' J-i... i-.i.. J.,.. , . ' ' ' ' ' ! ' 1 " 1 1 ' ' ' M ' i n .. i i 1 1 i 1 1 i i. i . i r I;, VOL; 6. oialf theHrst of-tnatngreat orchestra oiroices tnat-wou'di. arise irom. all the Statei all over the Union In honor of Gen. Thoniaa The army of"lne'C6toDerlaDd gave Us bapd to WatkiBS and wished Ujat there WAM vlllllAn W t Irina QiiaK ThsMjIa n n kin the'arbiv of Ohe Cumberland, would alwava laspjin rrafena welcome ara lonre. Wat- sent its bullet to wound; t sent its heart to heal." He (Garfleld'waa-tlad that the day of wooodioft was over and that the day of healing had come. He waa proud of a great many things,' but o nothing so much asoi tbc.Jovend eeieeoibf his comrades. He would'rath'er lose evg-ything else than that -latY ln'JTiStata!' In conclusion he ;Z.Jiaida,Ulhute la.GeiTbcmaa: whOTeJzhrf b htt atMtAf HtiwxiJt F , wirj ri"lrx.tTJ Pul8e- - little .-r Improvement of the Quality of Cotton. . CT J TT-A UTO ?larrieu8l)acfcafeFW yeaf8f?iTb Leris- MJueuoasiDiBti) SttTre'of South Catdlna-is m sewiw lia l ne south s cotton production is now assuming propxrliJis J btch few deemed possible under the conditions attended on freepaborjr ffaY it iSnattqtetquaDii alone thatVebbuld l M4 P'i4 tion of cotton ; quality is also a considera tion of thfr. .wyj rinrpqaBce. A lit tle "more attention to details insiin them- selves,rfieem-unimpaftantk will produce a vast find. nbaitpychaQge In this regard. With respect to cottons that are sold on toeir ciass aione, ine 1 mam- consiaeraxiqns or color, freedom from leal and ginning. If cotton is stained its class is lowered, ,aa a rule, fully one grade. High class cot tons mutt be h free as possible ftom leaf, and, especially, the "fancy" grades. Many country buyers purchase cotton that class. es very nigh, but is somenatUeafyimda are very touch8ilrprtsedkn(l dissatisfied f at notainihgr.fancjrjglccgsad-i ginningdoes-jauch harm to good cottons, as it pa&kCS jthem . " waaty" and generally undesirable NotuiBg deiacUmorejJroaQ tha.ljl2?tf 3co4on-than. defecuvcgin- niniand ghry3Ses 'ln-cut" ed eful haiidlitig is 4baUTTT HlaL'-ItJiTaist. ot iriou imridcrAndaait aue ikd Mcare fuIrysxatchedSi42Se1seQ thing topin0dbsde&IX or three kinds of staple, andjajuiXlhb pro ducer bad not been content! o let bad enough alone, badly giaced besldes.3 fTfre sample of such a bale presents . to a con noieeeur of cotton just" the appearance of a bead of hair that has suffered mutilation at the hands or ad unskltlf ul berher.V In ginning staple cotton, and, particularly, "extra s aple kinds, the gin! should be in perfect condiikta.acrt should b run much more slowly - than when handling short staple. Many planters'ncglect their gins, and are careless in their giunio, for which they pay a penally ranging from two and a half to ten dollars per bale. The lint room of agin should be kept clean 4 other wise the cotton, baled up, will have a dingy and dusty- appearance,' and;, gh fails" will be distributed ,iu layers that often make rc bailing necessary. Some times, too. ine roof or tne gm nouae ii allowed to leak, and the planter is highly indignant when hU fuctor. soou after, in forms him that his cotton has been re jected as "water-parked." Vater pack ing" is of tener the result of carelessness than of bad faith, and the same remark will appiy to "mixed" cotton.- w It is astounding to see how vast an Im provement baa been wrought in the quality of the cotton produced in certain par. a of the South; Liet us take Arkansas;' lerxx ample. There is a story to the effect that a well known factor whose business lay almost entirely in. Arkansas was .s and ing in the cotton room of aproihetlactor. whose receipts came almost exclusively from Mississippi. Tbe. , Arkansas factor was looking at a list of five hundred bales, whose average class was lully good, mid dling. meboayskeahita hoWrhiich of that grade be found, in a shipment .of five bunared Tjaies which ne hacr, on the previous day, received from lbs Arkansas river. After the . bystanders, had made their guesses at his requests-be finally told them that out' of the entire shipment he had ' managed, by . diligent Search,', to find three bales that might class middling; the balance raoged from low ordinary to strict good ordinary dingy, dusty and discolored. Now, it not infrequently happecs that a shipment of - Arkansas cot-; ton will average strict middling i in class.' What has been done in that State can, with skill add patience, be accomplished throughout the South. The result would be. in a pecuniary sense,- beneficial to all classes, and would increase the hgh .rep utation which American cotton enjoys. OlTH ! CriUKEOB WITS IBRAZiL commercebetween Bzil abd the- Stales from 1859 to 1879, inclusive, aggre gates 709,870.337, " or at average . 01 133.804,144 per annum.-Of ( this trade. 576.025,293 have been products or Brazil sold to the United States, and $133,849, 044 . are domestic and , foreign ' exports from the United States to Brazil. . Thus, in the course of twenty-one 1 years the United States ave bought four times as many goods from Brazil as they sold to that countrvi Theruoess of imports over exports. amountrrighd-'$442; 172V249. has been Daid for or tbe United Stales in DUJ of exchange on England, and has afforded that country a valid profit on all the oust- ness of ours during the whole course or these years.' ' "'A "': x'" Anotbxb Otjtraob. A negro bruti, named Solomon White aZiw HeDry 'K hi te,' was lodged in jail' at Kinston last Satur-- day, charged with having -outraged the highway a few mues rfrom Xbavtown The scoundrel has been fullVldenlifi the young lady, and we leaf a doe ied confess nor deny his guilt. Miss Leggett was severely bruised in her struggle with the brute. t Of course he is a candidate for tbe gallows, and it is greatly to the credit of tbe law-abiding spirit of our Lenoir friends that tbe proper course of law is to place the rope around his" neck. Ooldsboro Measer.ger. Short Sirpptr o Bkkt BtJGAR.2-We' have already made mention of tbe . failure of the beet root crop, from which is made the larger part of the sugar supply o: Prance, Germany and Austria. . .Prom, the latest advices we learn that so great;ia.the dettctency in the raw material w prance mv. oniy ot sugar manuiactories were in op ration duqng September, as against 302 in'Septefa&eri 1878?whil8rihirfetttBW turned out ware resrfcttivej 30 and 16,- QUO tons. The dencit in the harvest 1 vanes from 20fo,40 iPej :cenu fbegsactine return has still to be taken into account. 8,nd thts,rrts3cordiog to some authorities, will mrn our verrpofcr. ,11 UoUedM- acfb 4V RiVXEUGH,.' frustick rd the souira-f t ; A Serere lUOiohe' j tm Hev Stalwart 43aanm a I' J ' nlaors. ,,h!-snf , , ' :! "wfT- ; , o.-am. -, : Ar The American , Missionary r Association recently held its annual meeting in Chica go. .The Key. Mr. Strieby, a c6lebrateil divine of NewTorkTaTfCI Ofie Of the found: ers of the OberlinCieitcbPieapqatfiig secretary oi the . association, delivered himself of a vety sensible' kdMrtess' on the anhlort nf IV Hnntn iRi l iAkUb subject of tb6 Bout Beth ' negro in which ne iook? occasion to1 aanarnister avery dig; nified, bat feeveW'rebtlke U the stalwart abuse of the' Southern pedple.1' The Amerw ican Missionary-' Association' makes -it a ipec'ial wort: to inquire rhto the oondition of the -freed crierr-' and devisee mithbds far UHeraneesre prooaoiy nuiiea no mtfa thatf oi,dinary ' consideration.' iThe Mr StriebVaAVH v' t members 'are mos'iv blacks meoJ ' iThev nave grally-her property and pay no tatfcs. tet beybaeaaxd 4hat impover listed Wfat'to' the verge" or1 destruction npUfbr public improvement, but to lavish I it jo poliQ themselves fn -suppers, wineic pertoiia! perquisites,' flu jobs: and' in rail road scheme Nor 'more scandalous i or i reckless ' plundering ci a public treasury baaever been practiced In -America? and that is savin? a tfreat deal.nj Whv ds this Tllttte handful of mock legislators 'Sv.lowep lb do this ? Why do not thei neorrfe rash Mpqa them and hurt them from; the places they disionor ?r why? sanpiy-because ihete suradsas' agiiard.JafilOKOf; Unued Stales soldiers hoi themselves '.sufficient in a umbers to be tiarmidable bat t repre senting' tbe national government and lits authority, and to touch them ia to touch IC3 The South Is indlrnant, Ldetermined, and, do you wonder ? The troops are. now gone, the 'black legislators dispersed and white tax-payers are in the; far ; places? and rising above -all other considerations is the our pose 6t those tax-payers that at what ver cost, and by whatever needed meth kU, , those irresponsible plunderers. .shall QeyerfCome back again: into, power. J You blame them, but I fear you would do the same yourselves under ilifce provocation lf;be-general government, by means of a blopdy war, should subdue th& Westera Statesand theti enfranchise In any; one State enough Indians to outvote tbe whitest and ', those (Indians .should re-enacs the plundering of the Columbia Ijegislature, bow loDg would the West bear it ? I sus pect it would not be long till every Indian would be eonver ed into a good Indian, but it would be in the Western sense ; he would be a dead Indian. 1 Brethren of the NoVth; make tbe- case your own. - Put yourself in your Southern brother's place, and judge - him ; by your own impulses. What, then, is the true remedy for this great - evil ? -To answer this we must honestly consider what the. real evil is. rhesa South .Carolina tax-payers-don't cnisb these black voters . because they arc black. .They would do the same,t to the "poor whites" if they,; having the numeri cs! force, should enact the same wrongs. Nor is it because they are -Republicans. The trouble, therefore ' is not : with . the man's OOL party,, hut with ttronnan ,ii self with his ignorance, his degradation acid his facility in being used as the tool of designing men. The remedy, then. Is not to change bis color or party, but bis character. .! All other remedies are delusive and it is a national folly and crime to tamper longer with them. . It is a shame and a grievous wrong"to leave matters as they are. it is a wrong to the DiacKS to com pel them to suffer in the South' or flee to Kansas. It is unfair to the South to put them to tbe dreadful alternative of suffer- ng or doing such great wrongs. It is a shame for an enlightened nation to keep itself thus embroiled, to the . hindrance of its prosperity and the, jeopardy of its peace. , , . .1 , ... '," n ; ' ";J A Terrible Time. ' From the Louisville Coarler-JoarnaL 1 Mrs. McTtmidy.' as she approached tbe drug store, '"WSJ astonished to hear . loud voices. ! -''' '- ' The voices ''were those of men, appa rently in angry dispute. ' "What can it ; mean r saw 1 Mrs. McTimidy to herself, beginning to tremble. The voices' crew louder. .Evidently the contention was violent.' - - i What might not happen f There, were fierce undistiDguishable words. ; ' . - There might be a murder I Mrs.' McTlmidy peeped in at tbe win dow. still trembling in-every limb. - There, Indeed, stood half a dozen excited menr gesticulating ia the most vehement manners Some of them were even, shak- nit their fists in the air; i Mrs;- McTlmidy quickly withdrew. But her curiosity still trarned. Bhe ran for ber big aon. He must go I instantly and see what was being done in the drug'Store.?'!1 Something terrible was happening;' h in. t, ; The big Dor-wenv prompuy. ; Presently he" rettrrned.' ' ? . ! Wha!-whatwbat is it 1M gaped Mrs, McTimidVw.' ; . &a :r:,..n u.u-. -a rOh. they're having a regular monxey- and-parrot time?' replied the bey. u ' ."And -what what are tney. saying rw cried Mtk McTtmidy i i u n l'Why;! they're arg'yini about how to spell? 'peddler.' They?ve got twoi diction'. aries. and the dictionaries iboth spells it different Jlminy I but if s a towi"" And the boy rani back to see ; how it . , aw . r -i". "A yation"jsndA grown." t . ; ; i-cl tCfticago Times.) W ' s- - i r iKLdng'Jtihti Wentworth, i" who stootl behind MayoriHatrisbn' while Getf. Grant was' delivering Ws' opeech. at its cpnclu- i:nk''Hn Im .diAi) wall . ''T'htB- la S'-nw- tion. (OheerS ) Grant "shook" with him on tbafcsebUtaent Ji -s;J ! 1 :" Thre cheers' tor Clrkhti ,weTec Called for,' but oWing to1 av misapprehension "on the part of the' audience the cheers were rather thiri In quality ! I Mayor Harrison then 'posted 1 the Gene ral orf the front edge of the' tittle platform and'; ari 'abbreviated ''tceptioa1 was held pt-efafced by the-" following address from 'OaT-C&rterfW t5tli il K' ' ! 1 Oentlcmon 1 YoawUl pasaby as quick as you -can.. ;Gen. Grant has seen a great deal, faJBd he is hungry. Laughter and applaose j v ,..r.;V7 1 i j Judge Brad well, who,, was in, tbe pro-. cession of ,haDd-thakerav as he wiggled Grant s llst, said enthusiastically: ; v We'll put ,a . on yodr head next year, GeneraLw-i t-i T - '. i Gen. Grant, smiled a frightful smile upon tbe deluae&pld judge, and gave, the next hand that as thrust, at him a vindictive grip, as if f that was- the , only, meansf getting eyen5f?Uh f Mark, Antony Brad well. ! j- 4" , CI. FklDAf; NO"VERrBERl21V 1379L8 ' NEW AiyVER'flSEMEKTS. 5i j J !' Partner "Wahtetl:1 -'' Prosrietoc of .(me- of, f ?te best parli L WeefclT Newspapers in ie State (ootatdeol i cities) want to sell a half interest for canh'to some one wao nas naa sipeneno as aa editor and is competent ro fill that position in Btmaaner that will give the P 'Pr a position second to none in the tate. Good Job patrons 'con nected with, the' offloej.' la- a nveiy, growing town. . Bestot rf ereaoss glvesu r A dlreswith I refernc,VWxxLT,',oarepBax8vxB,Ealeh?ii, l.C. '. , . " s novtf' Illy t Iv r, Homo EXHIBITION j A-i :t J lAn Uncqualed-Assortment of !.0i English, French jand Uonrestic DHES FAD H ICS, MLR TELTETS, ! ,ll" UNDERWEAR. ' i '.1 7 For Winter, toscther Willi fill P ; -S the -latest t i. i' I NOVELTIES' i IN lamassdl and: Brocades, 1 - A. J ri'.i 1 ; 'i a ! : .rl; "Willi-Peml an, Indiav, Japaneel fltnd. 'liter Antique Deaignk aad Corori ;r for ' rn stare. Drapery- cutd A . Combinaiion CostusneSw Embossed Brocade and fatln Striped veLVirrs'AN : ALSO, ;- ; p'.BUTTOMS rFahcy, rearl and metal, the most ' novel nat- , terns ; ball, flat, rouadv wtajon, oblong, oval, sonata and diamond nnen nainted. in ex. qaune colorings, or in inlaid and raised desisnsl .1 LA.T1BS DOLMANS AND WRAPS, ' '1 .r'. ' . '.;..: :,- flu CLOAKS,. ENGVfsn WALKING JACKETS ; AND UL8TSR8, ft .": 8 : i: DRltiir. it t., , u. ; KISSES' CLOAKS AND TJLSTKSS. . SarKow open and received dairy. 1 PRISES TO MEET ALL GLASSES OF PUR- BHitSllCSfi1" r W. II. & R. SmiCHER. anov 6-itf ; . If you arc raffrririprf ram mar health,' or languish lag un a bod oi s;mawas . Hop Cittere . If yon 'Srs . minlstrr, , tor I will Cure Yon. . i and avo overtaxed yo tleei or a mother, worn self with your pastoral tia mtvttheuoandiroric.01 !if yoa ra Mmply aUingj Jplnu4, wiliiout clearly . If . you feel weaic and difi-j knowing1 why, " ' IIop Bitters wiH; Iteettfi-e Yoa tneea, weakened " if von ars" a man of bns-1 by tbe ralonjiii vis iim r 1. .ft. Hop Bitters Willi if Ton ars Toamr. and Strengthen Yen. soffierfaifr from any India fast,asidofventhd caaj; Relieve Yon. shop, on the farm, at t that your nystciu n cop ulating without lutoxl- cretion, or are growing too . Hop Bitters will If you are in the work-l clcAiiaingt toning or stim-j tin at Hop Bitte. . If m m old. and 9 IWaat Yoa Need, poise Is feeblo, . your i faculties waning, Berres unsteady, and your Bop Bitters will gtre 7 New Llfc and YlgMw Hof Cough Cubs ia the sweetest, safest and "nest. I , Ask. Children. I One Hop Pad for Stomach, Iirer and Kidneys la mpj. I nortoaUotnora. cureaoy aoaorpuua.; n. L CL Is an absolute and IrreaifJtlhle curefor drunk- f H71a nmoi opniin, HMroi mm umww. Abut wHtydiugghUi Hoy THHimt Htf. Co. BoaWer, Nov. 14, 1879. V We have a large Stock of Groceries bought before the recent advance, and are Erepared to give bargains out of the fol wing line of goods, viz : " 75 Bags Coffee. . . V,' 50 Bbls Sugar. . '100 Rolls Bagging. , . 200 Bud's Ties. s . . .' 60 Bbls Molasses. , 700 Bus. Seed Oats. , 65 Boxes Chewing Tobacco. .. 25 Boxes Smoking Tobacco. 25 Cases Concentrated Lye. . 150 Boxes Laundry Soap. 50 Boxes Toilet Soap. 100 Cases Tomatoes. , ' 50 Bbls and Boxes Crackers. ; 100 Sacks Marshall Salt.. ; 100 Cases Baking Powders. 25 Bbls Kerosene Oil 50Tubs Refined Lard. 50 Boxes Cream Cheese, ; ilOQ Dozen B'acking.V ' , 1100 Dozen Sardines. t ' . '50 Cases Oysters. ' . s S00 Boxes Cigars. , f ' 60 Cases Laundry Starch. 600 lbs Black Pepper. S75 Reams Wrapping Paper. ; j 15 Bbls Assorted "Nuts. 140 Boxes Raisins. 4 1600 lbs Candy. 1500 Bushels Bolted Meal. ' 1100 Bbls Family Flour. i In addition to the above we have a com plete line of ' -? ,; ; - - iFarinaceoua Goods, 1 ' ; French and American Pickles, , ' Sauces, Catsups and Mustards, ' f j Canned Goods, Deviled Goods, ' - Jellies,' Preserves, Mince Meats, ; jFineSyrups, Extracts, Spices; . 1 French Groceries,'; -J :r - i .Foreign and Domestic Fruits, ; Green and Black Teas, Etc.; .. 'Special Large Sweet Oranges 35 cents per Dozen.-: -- -v' -j- Large White Cabbage 10 cents. - ' , iFat Fresh Chickens 15 cents. . 1 have now on yard several hundred tons of ' tie same kind of COAL which rare Bach gene ral satisfaction last winter, both BAD AMD "WBITK1 ASH, all of wh ch has been, received direct from "the 4 mines daring the past three months.' ' Orders 'promptly JflUed, the day they are re oelved. Office opposite rest Oflloe, at Peacnd Lee Ckx's Drug Store. 4 : t ; KxtnuioetoCoal Yard down Bargett street. 1 DeveSsyrmntoada. 4 --r t....... tli anjsi eoAswia. i. h u.,4i JUAtuua. I S7I . . . , i , . i Mf? DERTisEMirre? 2 ''jZLa A Mil 'On 1.-5.-7 J- 0 Ci. 'J : Li t ) JK ?. zas I: ".JOS!! Es JAlUa Bmstkxg.w x nov i BALTIMORE di Jo 1 hi JOBBING HOUSE; . ?(- ru. J ce f Day Schqtol, -.--:lWtIttdlCaasVo I ThcolosrleAlHns; ? Bfieltaiitioiistt waippcNQ Ajirii"wBiTriapA?iws, fi .' : ' BONBBT BOABDg'M PAPSB 'BLINDS, it' HYATT'S i CELEB RAT ttt in fx Aa and eTerrtsing ln:the, Book-and Paper. Business oan be procured of aa. Printers- and Binders BACLEY BUILOINPt ti-' AWARDED FISST PRBMIDM AT!THE LATS . FAIBFOS Plain and Fancy Printing ! j FISST, PREMHTM TOB t BOOK PRINTING ! Send us: Your Orderi, TfiEBEST WORK'AT 11YIS6 PRICES f : Sep 17 BaByiBaildlng - W. E HEAEES, Jr., wrrav- MANUFACTURERS 'OF CLOTHING "'WHOLESALE, 507 and 509 Broadway, 1 HEW YORK. ; IVOoods mannfaotarad exGlnsiVAlv' for tha SOUTHERN TRADE. ,- 7 , ' ' rfmni-ix'i DXALKS. TH Lumber.iTCoal. antfVVood, WEST HASQETT STREET; RALEIGH. 1 Orders left at Telegraph Office win be forwarded " 3i .;: ; :'-H -ka; c ?: f.i.- v..'-? 1 , bj Telephone,, . , ' 1 ;oct.iTi'ii - ' " : i:-''-- ' OLBBOOESItEEOUm) tHeat "ani &tetaiiflalf Maiiit' JJJ. An orders promptly. attended to, and, satlsfac tion guaranteed, ; Address, y. 1 THE ODSEttVEK, I f' j ,sFJf5 .-di flc4:- S-Jii NO.efl23; !lCSW 'AITVERTISEMENTSv MW-FUBLIOATIONSI i: j NOW BEAST! ...?kb;:law or THS 1UC 1 oil ? L1TB 0HIEF JUSTICE RICHMOND M. PEARSON; g or the rights which relate1 to things k qecscoai; un ngaia wnicn relate so me the practice of the law in civil cases; the Meaning ana weir nvsaenu; exeootors iloistratprs, and the doctrine of equttj. ed with Reference Notes and a Hlstort eal ftammary, bj jrifcjwjrF. i LON, A. ajftahdsome Yotnnie. of over S00 nacres. ' , Seaa orderit it once, ------i' - "'''-;' '' ' A TSA WARDS, BROTJGHTQN & COM Pnbllshers, Raleigh, N. C. J M 4t .1 Bnlbraclng.tjbe Reports from Zlst to 79th Volume, h:u i , . ; bothtnclnalve. V ;; . ..vJ,i v,.,'. j, ; : : ' a - ' Oontsihlng 6a pages, with an exhaustive Aaalytioal 'Index, and also a Complete: Table of .fisiseh:.-'- . ' r h .-ua - - c ' ISO BAILEY 1 Formertj;; Attorney General, i Cede Commia. sloner, Jke. ;i i.-u. ' r; : pricf I4.S0. ', Seat by maU $4.70; ; ;Pj rtfes Who have subscribed far this boot will pieamlt, whek tt will be ortrarded as dl- Addrass ' ' ' ." ' trnrKf k-Dtti n-DrtTriti'Prt-w s.:rm '- "' ! .- A it Publishers Ralegh, 17. C , pine Catawba and Scuppernorig : ' 1 ; 1 : 1 -V i 4 ronuthe TokayiiTineyar. KOlSTJH CABOLIKJi, ;- ' At J&i F. ill l IjT' S 4 ' ' Corner WUroington and. Hargett streets, nov ts-d-tf u ' J.SpOKlE,'.!). A. W.LUDQLP1 CHINA L PALACE OF CHARLOTTE, IV. C. VP, E TAKE . PLEASURE IW INFORMING j. ... - .. : .. . ou numerous friends, the trade and public gen eraUy that we have recently established a . i ' - " - ' " " I Wholesale1 and Retail Otn stocsj is complete, consisting of ' CHINA,' CROtyKERY, GLASSWARE, 1 ! " SILVER?LATED. :WARE, , CUTLERY, LOOKING GLASSES, :"'" '- ? . ; -.' - : . . - TIN. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BABY. CARRIAGES, AND GENERAL HOUSEFURNISHLNG GOODS, Ail of which we offer at very low prices. Would bej pleased toiaend quotations on application. Very respectfully, J. BROOKF1ELD & CO. ov llnJ-lyr A NORTH CAROLINA, STATE UFB PUioerpraa In 187? RALBIQH. N. ,Wa 9'- - W .....M.i...... StrrpI W t Policy Holders IT 3,39a 39 P. BlCafVwn President W. JS. AO.naerjfon. , , . rtee-:resuuni W;1S. 'titikJ Oee'p. and Treai Dr. E. Butlu HayrooL Med. Dtrectet Pref.JB A&. SmiVit C Advisory Actuary Tut onlv Hon life Insurance Company In Nottb -Caronaa. i One f the most sucoessro) Cbmpanies ot its age in the United. States.. Hat already issued between two and three thousand among our own people . All losses paid prompt' ly snAis; cash i Rate as low as those; of any oeis for eyt0UAaa of liabnitiea. i - ents wantea in every -coaiuj u uie ouue w rk for this most excnenr ana armiy osrup ed horns - . Mutasiaa. . : ror iniorznauos addTeSa J (T Treatin real ani tales er and Ida CnsiDll VV MM fc;5 fifRDu K Jfitt'Y 1SII1 ' i roar us Contracts for adverUstngfor anrsseos ortim " may bex made Jat 'the omW 'of Tbe OtossrvatL' Observer BuiMiniFayettevlhe street, Raleigh Nona carotnss UI& ;, jrt yi NE Wj ADyERTISEMENTS -, yteaveu nnos.; Co in ml s sl on " H erehanti. ' EAST HARGETT STREET, o i 1 i ? 5 Will be glad to correspond with parties aria , , Ummenls of ProdnnA. - Htmt rf- MftmnM if ' - consignments 1 aeair(JL .P. OwoxJ88.Raleiirh.N. C oct dSmpa Wanted, r1 mj mr. Mkumioa in a aouweni nana, on ae munt oitnim&to." Aaaress ' ' if f ii: J GILBERT I LYON,-.,f -1 " ' Litrle Falls.' j s r t . . - . . r Herkimer Co Nw Voi not 8-dtilldec 1 s I ,",: f;i Wanted, QECOND-HAND 'ORGANS. Address P. O. s8.Raieurh.N.a For Sale. A bsOOR ATIC1 OOUNTRY PAPER AND ii ! JOB OFFICE, that is no mafia nvmav. 12 i and wivh better attemioQ would make more. , f ? ; . . , Care of Thb OasBBVBK, , i RaleighfN.C.', 5 and 10 Cent,Countcr3j . : TO THE TRADE : The live bnsiaraa mmi f the Harare starting these OooiUers. We are.. the Originators and Headqoflfters. We have the 1 oniyiiwoezoiusivera aaa 10c. Jobbing. Houses n- . in the United SUtes. Bend for ataltigue and parti'mlars. - - t r ,1 . HUTI.RM BSRASt . . aoq and 0051 ttandoipu sr ., Ctoicsig-O).' oot v-Th-Sat.Tasmos FRED. A. OLDS, -WITH- Osxtrioi-OTi-HixySt C!o, Omoeover Clttsens' National Bank. - ' . ' ' r . " r " t : pec ial' Afirent if " For inc. Conapnnles named In Cameron, HaV Be' Co. adver- tf sipirn'nnf.'-! -3 v v. a. : , -a V; aplS-Smos Only, 19 Dollars PENNSYLVANIA SINGER MACHINE Eejnal to any 8lns;er in tbe .market. The above, cut .represents the most popular style for the people, which we effe you far tbe very low price of 19, Including; aUachments. H&member, we do not ask you to pap until you hctv tem the XaeMn, ; After having examined it; if it is not all we represent, return it to as at our expense. Consult your interests and order at! once. If you uve within seven hundred miles the freight will not be more than one dollars Address ' - - Pf NNSYLVANIA SEWING MACHTN CO- I v a j n N. loth street, Philadelphia, Pa. ' . .... n n, CENTRAL HOTEL, V. E. PATTEIXSON, Prop'r. NEW BERNE, N. C. .This well-known and commodious House, as its name Implies, is situated la the "central and business" Dortloa of tbe city :, hence reeom- mends itself for its convenience to the Trav eling Pubnc," affording soucnors every oppor tanltyof visiting their baemesso rrespondents. It has attentive Servants snd its Table is fur nished with every dUcaoy out of the market, i An Omnibus for the conveyance of guests to and, from the trains and steamers 'free of charge," a special feature In this place, and all the appurtenances whether of comfort or oon 1 enlenee. of a "modern first-class" Hotel. ; Terms to suit the times 1879. oct 8 City Lot for Sale. As Attorney- for Mr. and Mrs. Burrs R. Fkrbxix, we offer for sale their valuable lot at corner of Blount and Peace streets in Raleigh, containing one and three-fourth acres, -with dwelling house, Ac. We will sell in one or sev eral parcels ti suit purchasers. If not sooner sold privately, we will sell at public auction, at tbe OonrtJtoase door in Raleigh, Moxdat, De cember 1,1 18'9. i Terms One third cash; balance In one, two and three yearSr with interest. : j " T BATTLE If ORDECAI, JoctSf-tf.r; c-;. :-.- - t Attorneys, c MMgaMSMMSMBsasBSsawassasssssssssssawsssssi y;iwqrtca-IT; C, 'Brsinesa Cards. ! J V BOOK8. 8TATIOI'" BY, ETC. P. HSINSBERGER. and 41 Market su ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS. WOtTH A WORTH . .. . .... ...... .. . . .Water st. EERCHNER A C ALDER BROS. ...... Water St. ; ' COTTON DEAIaERS. LILLY A BROTHER...'.. ...... . : Water at. GROCERS Wholesale and BetaJI. ADRIAN A VOLLXR8. . . .Cor. Dock ft Front sts. ttEO. MY MM. ...t, 11 and 13 youth Front st. JOHN C. HEYEK. ............ ..North Water St. ; HARDWARE, SASH, BLINDS, N. JACOBI,. IS SonU Front st. j - PERUVIAN GUANO. . W. H, McRARY A CO......... ...... ..Water st. li I ! i . ill, '.i i OI SADDLES. HARNESS, ETC. If a TJ. ART? A lK)WQSN-..:oatiCFroatt 1 rv: 1 . v . iv

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