5i MM . t if 1H lit ii 43 if ::-' lis a !f 1 IS! mm mi H 1 Hi' Mi 1; 1:1. nrS - - - '- a simmm ; - i ... I I'll S lft?fo AS toilet RALE1GH..N. C. ...... NOVBMBJBR 1, 18I 8BRUQN-.WlTniTaU0RAL. . There ia no doubt bat that the Radicals propose to carrj North Carolina , in the Paiiential camDalztu and we may ex- TBB TRADE-MARK LAW GONJS T . mm I . -m TV kMntAlilfl tYitk L RnnHm, Honrt of The National xepuowm ioeaeciwuu f; r-- kkw Carolin -nesroea the United States, sweeping away u r'.rTW.Li.T trade-mark law, and retiring It to the list of acts of Congress that the Court have BOlemnly declcred unfit for service, was as much a surprise to the bar as it was to me commercial community. The most wholesome restraints against pirating are-gone. Infringements of trade- illastrions at home and abroad-unqu tioned and qonable. ; - . a..mVii th only i man MK Mrrt Tifiw York. ' But won. ww hesitate to assert as our and "NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISMENT8. " T T. Ji-m ' h.t IUCU i M y aii vna anmnmuiuM . SEW YORK. World, writing from Utica, sets up a plea. arm arrived Wapgtcf Wednesday f urge the Democxata , -v oing to Indiana to rote I The xepuoucan to Dury ine wcnm. V!f-v. , aius m.ux- h I vi- i0Hnn i ' ftp. mi tht there ia, n! WeVrill thauk .the JkpubUcan to under- be united. Among other things, be maxes party. tm tiet stand that whenever North Carolina senu. tne following remariu i , l... 1 n- ntiny nnmoses. I like mvself. TOted for uer aaruewiuuiui tw-8 i i uwuouu, ... who we do not feitn,m - .. , J IV. -,. . iwn hpforel flnvmnr Hobiiraon. saw ana arenueu tuo marks hisy doubtless be restrained by ap- 8tie '"rklomewhat resul tVespecially wbeu.we saw tJJigD Mnthe courts, both State and they s'art. I ey shou theywUimakeeveryefT v - I ... o nnnwontinn wouiu . x will nrnnBuiT so. it tney succeeu, iucj - elect the ' President. It is evident that North Carolina is jast as much a pivotal State as New Yqrk is. Jt ia, then, all im portant to the Democratic party and to the future,: prosperity -and .welfare of the country that North Carolina should cast her vote for our nominee; - " The great work in hand is to secure that end.' To accomplish it, aU jninpr miAfttiana must 'be : subordinated. must have no divisions among ourselves. Those who throw fire brands about when we should bJ closing up our ranks prepare atory to the canvass of 1880, ought to be warned by what has .happened in New York. Nor do they need to go as far as New York to see the result of unnecessary , home issues. Consider :,what has hap pened in Virginia. The Executive Com mittee of the Democratic party in that Stat made the McCoIloueh bill a party iha Dtotntpa or 1HU. r:. i: -,7 cirsumstancea- vTbey. however. ia ana rc-cx. . -t whlnffto .nd may not m. B MX IIKWri INAHA M W 1 W I II w prisonment, which revised in seem to I many, the make so concession . ; HvroiisA tmnveniiou wecau ix-ak I""- . . i i - .nrt all the ricsrs." was me repiy, w ;ieo,n- .inoliw before-letton: day. The Jg -wben the convention was disposed S&"$? SL aav. the- leader of the. party aTop one man and save the party. privileges, or to deal in tnese counvcr-. -rT- - . t.0 - out a are and privileges, feits. -Unless there la i many ana an uw itua, -; ;vj t. i wuu iu u - - . pl- The . : .i ...lamnmuR advance proceeded to the offloe ot tbe -oiurran u h" v. that . it would a oIl:l'"V tj"-. uai v trp.t. and re-1 T Rnhinson if be were some . state law vo vi .nce fa -'contfnuing their nommated. the execution , of tbe , threat effect punishment' by indictment will De - , WR8tward. the emigrants was what might have bn expeana , ' .v.. n9 th!r Prrlnre was learea UJ meu w iu " naa uecnawio i. o fi,A intAmneraTe anu uci - . a ticket as peymoar, yzZiixX- Wainlv McDonald, or inaii. ? Tviwratks ft tnv the. Democratic ? - 5 - We are for the success of the party. we a;. it as our solemn ana """h"an eithenbmimip is to be savedi from J the v dangers that enrivon it, and the tcbeanessj " J .h.-t ri.K it in the face. be country weigh well the mtuaOoOir rift iMJSSI senitves that shall go up to the conven- iaer long anu .wvonttll The For once let the hour and nnnpnnn. IIAYIG Cu., EBrix. FIBE' INHIJACB AGENCY. CTTIZBN?' TJ1IJI25G, . HP i.w.n-nr v.) i I HP i.w.n-nf s y ' . . - - n ' - - ''" ' " " " ' ' ' ' I 1 . -: . I UverjMHri an a nnd GI1JV- OF fjVaBTOOI. AW INDOM- AM!tS -....$30,65V AKKClHAYJtCO.fAta. iRSturance Co. TT OF KlCHMOND. '' " Assets... ....i:..V..tiM00 CAMEROli. HAY Jt. 60.f General A gents. , Royal I nmrance Co. OF LlTKRPOOL. Assets . M 419,000,000 6AMER0X. HAY ACQ., Agt. responsibility is momentous. be no mistaKe. the man meet ! of imtweaible and parties complaining Ylt I damage done their business wlll be lef t;to Sherman and the Solid, South. , , "firHim the PoUadelpnia Times) , . Secretary Sherman', letter fining W Colamboat Jan. and nankins; company,' Columbus, Miss " i AmetS. $455,Ut CAKROU, HAY CO., General Agents. , ,. wirffinla Dome insnr : ance company, - t ofRichmod,Ta 5 S Assets ...,f.r..t.".t.ri0,(30 6AI5ESCX, HAY e8.,Au. '. civil is . nAk i a.wMnance l .... m ni.H. I 18 very " . , j continue tnexr. lourney, ruui, r n.ture and experience mai iduitiuu u Tbe spuwis at the present time are ie8 do ju8t that whicbihey are ared quit.& buVUhVaantrwere founder a SSSSi made comfortable jX , the Baltimore ana gflKS?-Ucif the Syracuse Conven Ohio depot fot&e,wgbl. ill wC w ha(j not persisted in ignoring the old issue. ... . y. m. a not a poliucai matter, u ougui, uw have been made a party issue. ' J I lUn seex reurea w,-w",v aTO) tedioua' and0 uncertain- nd-wlu requi nroof of owneubip of the trade mark in each particular case, as .we understand it, whereas under the law just pronounced unconsatutipnal, proof, of registration, of the trade mark was sufficient. -r The decision Of Judge Vyer pi iBc rJIW .-Raial friends sin. concurred in by judgfl Harlan 0f Jf? do any better for our Supreme Court, in November last had e tera.than f thatpennwg them effect of unsettling the law., . i souuu. ujiBflUWore tad Ohlo'depot-Iike niiostirtnMl bv able and uifltin-i . ct. t. - -oV- Prmr in I u h-? , . . I the ponies aown at me uuum, Buww meMUf, rf 1 T7 h gabbed lawyers, but the law is uuuj MtbdefktltfiWnnxt them to jeopardute the harmony ttted DOw by the decision of the Supreme nartv bv raising. sucu ao hmuo. a" . -mrfpTprt in the cases cer- - . a n tified and sent up from the United States Circuit Courts, of New Yotk'and Ohio4. Mr. JusUce Mfller writes the opinion : ' The court holds that a trade mark is not an invention or a discovery within the aoope of the patent laws, and that it w not . JU.tt;nr nr a nroduct of authorship. within the province of ; copyrificht legisla ti6n. Hence trade marks are not em hronpil within the meaning of that Qtause of the Constitution which empowers j Dr. George W. Congress to legudate for the proiion- oi Boricgg, Arkansas, urges consumptives, ffta! lolcl" It d all pcreODS 'iiffeg with cons -itutional provision in determining the bronchial and pulmdnary illi to-t t raw power of Congress to pass a trade. mark ygjerg. He states ( that salt, oysters, es- JL.f?!fJf.Jh f PecWraw,. from wbefV'in tne CoMtution.'The the sheU,' surely cite the secretory clause on whose meaning really depended functions of the mucus follicles belonging the decision of the question is that which to whole respiratory track, and tends tp,U.irr1Uoa. , T11. delicate several States." But this constitutional bivalvethtf contain the greatest amount But U:waabw, what was the result? We find a ) 'negro CapUin" introducing to the people of Petersburg, at a grand de monstration, Gen. Wm. Mahone. That is significant. Gen. ..Mahone is as well known in Petf-rabufzai M. George . Davis is at WilmingtoBv Governor Vance at Charlotte, Judge Howard at Tarborq, Mr. Do'rtcb at Goldsboro, General Scales at Greensboro, or General Cox at Raleigh. Now what would be thought of any political proceeding- in which t 'olonel Mabson, colored," should introduce one of these gentlemen, say to the people of Tarboro, (and so on down the list,) at some grandj demonstration 4n honor of their joint success? Reflect; think of itJ What would such a strange spectacle Fair, hewin f progress at Raleigh Clf this is done, while they may not learn so much 'titiout voting, they will learn how industry is rewarded in North Carolina, and how our colored people ere improving in all life EAT SALT OYSTERS. Lawrence, el - Hot cYaTacTerisUcrily shrew d MheBame time insincere,, ue goe w JlZ'tZ !i!r : f nnnhlican misrepresenta- 1Z ITihc When he tbtl !u ioe- f mPn who in the South sre Democrats: ere .Republicans in the North, and that if Republican principles t rn;,i nnnted to the people of Louisiana and other Soutbern SUtes much prejudice that exists against that party -n.ilA dUannear..- There is no doubt of the ti nth. of this assertion, but it is not so that Sherman and other Republicans have .o.ha n addresslre Northern; audi- mm thmncrh the Dress and from the stump. They have told their fellow-citi zens of this section, aaa wo oneu pcr na.ipd them to believe, that the Southern Democrats are bulldozers and shot-gun nniitlriana. intolerant of opposing opinions. and it heart enemies of the Uoion. Are thpae f eUows the same class of men who are ReDublicans in the North ? If he says Hkarman . ininlll th whole bodV Democratic irty ia united In a-deiexmlilpjng ln tectlon, collectively n.tinn tn oarrv this State It can do so, but H it.iHnaiiv for the Northern Re- when a clique or a spirit of cussedness at-1 publjoang peaceable,r law-abiding peo tempts to rule, pf , there is a determination l who tfe. accustomed to look to the on the part of a portion 01 ine., pat-y, ride rouch shod over the minority, we 'Jms "olrsWi Company, - ofNw YOKXCrrr. r Assets .......f-p'80?' eAKWM, HAY Jt CO., Agento. uvu r. - - i - v motto. ,Jfiveryining ior tne t"ij , S2 for men." It is no sufficient reply ibat the Kelly men throughout intended to cet Mr. Timen outoi tne way.. j ust what most of them intended for one thing. ; ,r.? -:---y sfi . . , The T7.000 votes for Mr. Kelly do not snow" the whole of the defection. Large numbers of Democrats, scattered over the S-ate, offended at what they considered the obstinacy of the Syracuse Convention in not dropping Governor Robinson and t&kinz up some other man, refused to, vote, , if very angry, voted' "HSX Tr thu class had voted with their ' . JU the balance oi me dum uuc kA. hmn lecied- . Whenjhe ALL NORTH U AltOLlN A SCHOOLS . - . ..WILL BB TUROTSHBP WITH- t CO., L that .constitutes. real happiness in party, ; MMf jjiffn n't t .'.& would uauwu v j -- - - . jilt, Lowest, prices, y ALFRED WILLIAMS & Booksellers and ; tationers, ::" RALEIGH.! N 1 C: , : . nvrvrra uipnnliMlINTIIcn HT TH IE STATE BOARD OF t EDUCATION. -V. - 'fk " i,rirm . , !1 Jh , .ii Complete cataiogaes, vennB, , i . "--"' Bvery School In this SUte should nave a class In SXoore Sc1icm1 History of Morlh Carolina, shaU be beaten t r ' rr QfnVT-ifrnni- Ireland' indtcaie- VUa vt3 vww - - that the horrible condition of the tenantry there, a full description of whose suffer ings we lateJypablished;,hM at length brought about its natural consequence. Tho ieadra havinff broken the law, and wswww.w - C3 bench and ! the ballot-box, and to them ninn for the redress of wrongs ana tne ttipmnt: nf nolitical . differences. To escape, the imputation : of, this . gratui irto A insult t and ta relieve Mr. 8herinan from - the logical - tendency - of i his assertion in the Louisiana, letter we prefer to believe that he talks in one wsy tn the.neoDle of the North and and i another way to the people of the South; In one way when a campaign is gum? en uu votes must be baa at any cos' oi worus, already recommended and adopted bj many North Carolina Schools. ;Dk8 per wuy kbwuuh" ,v ' " " r .Introductory price 7f wept 3i)-dtilanl mean ? It would mean that there bad been grant of power to Cong is mmcted to of j pho8phates and saline properties r a nuuiu.ut r iolirtnfci inter-Stateconunerce. It - . . i : a ''readjus'ment there "had been a re- .nirnntinnAl and inter-St ate coDamerce. aoa nnt authorize f that body to alignment of parties amongst us It would j regulate the Internal r domestic wnour a Una were split up, their organizaUon gone, their control of State matters gone, their vote in Uie Elecloial College gone; and the negro element would hold the balance of power and dictate the policy of the State. It would mean that enough former Democrats had sold out to make North Carolina a Radical State. We have an inkling of what Is going on in Virginia. sCoL Cameron has announced his new departure. He has eut loose from the Democratic ranks. ' He has laid down a set of principles and a course of action which are at variance with the settled policy of the Democratic party. Nor does the matter stop there. It seems to be feared that Gen. Mahone has already the Radical party in Virginia. It Is the first steps that costs. We repeat that we wjfch to give great prominence to these matters. Let not tne complications tnat have arisen in Virginia overtake us in North Carolina. Thb Obskbtkb calls upon the Democrats of North Carolina to be warned in time. The results we witness in our sister State have sprung from mak ing a political issue out of a State matter, which has nething to do with politics, the settlement of the State debt. In North Carolina we understand, an eff ort is being made to make an issue out of the question of completing the Western North Carolina Railroad. It is not strictly a political matter. Democrats may favor it, or they may not 'favor it, and still be Democrats.. Heretofore both the Demo cratic and Republican parties have favored the road. It is a matter of administrative detail rather than a matter of political principle. Webrinp forward this subject at this time"thatotir triends' wbo have the interest of the Democratic party at heart, may not by an inadvertence be led to give it undue prominence as an issue. All parties and all the public men in the State, or nearly all, have in times past favored the completion of the road. We suggest that it is a mat er for the Legislature rather than a ma' ter for parties to : divide upon. Thb Qb ekveb ' believes that nothing ought to be done or said that will jeopard ize foe election of the Democratic nominee for the Presidency. As far as we are con cerned we shall eubordiuate all else to that more j inSparian " matte. We ' shall n-n liguJy throw away our chances of electing a Democratic -President.- We shall not of local legisla tion Th real dimcUHV in ine caao ui trade-marks is that they are a feature of both inter Slate and intra-8tate commerce. Legislation, then, for the protection of trade-marks must regulate, or relate to, not only commerce mong the States, but also commerce 1 within the States. Such legislation, the Su preme Court . now decides to be beyond the constitutional powers of Congress. Ia answer to the argument that the law should be held constitutional so fsr as it relates to inter-State commerce, the court ruled that there was nothing to ehow that the trade marks in controversy were of that kind, and turtnermore mat "it is not within the judicial province to give the words used oy Congress a nar rower meaning than they are manifestly intended to bear. To do so, would be only partial In its operation. The value put upon the statute by the mercantile community, says the Timet, is shown by the fact that, notwithstanding the large fee for registration, about 8,000 trade marks have been registered since the law was passed in 1870. Hereafter there can be no statutory protection excepting that which may be provided by the several States. But State laws for this purpose cannot prove otherwise than unsatisfac tory blended are most active in awakening the secretions. Good salt oysters may be ob tained aloogttr margin' ot- the Western Atlantic oastf from New York,- Delaware being arrested, the people will probably and in another and quite a different way driven by r IT : V T.n TBE "LAMBS" LEARS A TBMQ OR TWO, and TJaTveslou bays. In a low state of i . . . vitality, when the lungs are threatened, formative neoplastic deposits tubercles from engorged mucus and parenchymatous structure when "phthisis pulmonalis" is portending, the agreeable "valvular husks" are prompt in nutrition and de sirable food. As a regimen, oysters supply material for brain and nerve matter, and arej good diet for those suffering with nervous affections. Some temperaments are much more susceptible to the stimulus or impress than others, and muco-laryn-geaJ, muco-tracheal and muco-bronchlal secretions are soon aroused after free in- thinks; will support the statement that the mortality from consumption Is less In the percentage In proportion to the population in .cities where salt oysters are abundant and freely used. ' For our part, we do not know any food more palatable than the salt oysters that are found along the coast of this State, called raccoon oysters, whose flavor is very, nigh tod delicate. If anything could prevent a consumptive f iom shufflaring off this mortal coll It is these North ' Carolina .oysters. Massachusetts ought- to move down to 6ur sounds." " ene&ee In an emeut and be harsh measures to deeds of desperation. There are times when it la criminal to be tender in dealing, with lawless folks ; bat in this instance It would be criminal to be over-nice in judging them. .Their sufferings distract them. for the next. Chanty,' therefore, requires the acceDtance of this part of the letter as -the confession of a demagogue however the confessor may have intended to limit a acone. The fact is that Mr. Sherman, more than anv o'her avowsd candidate for the Republican Presidential nomination, ia bidding for ooutne.ro support, j o recurs it be will do as much as he can to con ciliate the South without impairing nis standing with the stalwarts, and these stalwarts who are backing his claim to the nomination will look the other way and 1 ? J3 70 ENTIRE SATISFATIOM- n, nndersiffiied. Sole Asrente for this Cele-: brated btove, announce to the public that overi 1 Twenty-flve Thousand of these Stoves haye been sold, and that in eacd and every instance iney nave giveu Write far Descriptive Catalogue and Ust of Fornltnre. A Momentous Duty. ' The nexf. National Democratic Conven- ha nrunnTKnH ft .. OUT wiftflSt afl well as our most patriotic citizens. They laugh In their sleeves while he is diepen uF aVinrH tho ,ito oino- tr Sout herners such "taffy" as Is con- k oninir sink out of tained in this letter. Ue is allowed to tell sieht self and all selfisa considerations to the truth about the solid South to a bury all personal predilections for the one Southern audience, but when it cornea to KraSd, Important purpose of the hour-the addressing a Northern audience another L ToVnrJ.r.tio r,flrtv Never view of the situation must be presented, in the annals of nations -never, certainly, and the picture must be highly colored in . w-fc i Hardware of Every Description. S A S H . DOORS AND BLIND S. L ARGEST STOCK IN XOUTM ' CAROL.1TVA. JXJI-ITJS xJE WIS &c Co., JRaleigh,JIV. O. Vritc For Illostrated Catalogwe. The New York PoV$ financial article of the 19th, says that the large and In creasing numbers of outsiders who now throng Wall street, having come from all parts of the country to seek suddenly rich by speculation, and who are known as The Lambs, have to-day been shown v by the ' professional speculators that prices can go down as well as up. To many of them It Is their first lesson. and they have undoubtedly paid , lull tuition rates. During the first two hours of the stock market on the 10th, there was great excitement, and prices fell to 4J, the latter Wabash, w.bich sold as low . as 52f; C. C. &I. C. fell from 26 to 22; I. C. & L. fell from 15 to 11J; Union Pacific from 00 to 87; Pacific Mail, from 85Jto33i; Jersey Central, from 86f le A PRECEDES 7. in the past of the American Republic, has so weighty a responsibility rested upon My wcwattoB aS'rt!lre8l Upon ho OTJC that, in a few months more, must meet to name the leaders who are to bear the banner of the Democracy in the great struggle of 1880. Surely no unprejudiced person no sin cere patriot who, for several years past, has been vigilant of events, and wbo s es the political situation as developed by the recent elections can longer doubt as to the issues involved in the mighty struggle upon which the two great parties of the country are soon to enter. That struggle, beyond all doubt, must end either in a glorious triumph for civil liberty and the preservation of the government of the fathers, and ror peace ana gooa win among all sections, or else It must end in the blackness of the darkness of Radicalism in the midst of whose night of despair will wave forever the bloody shirt of sec tional hate, and along whose mournful borders the only light that can give Its noor comfort to a bunded and burdened A friend bands us a slip to the effect . Vl .! t Congress of 1776, held at Halifax, on gleam from its gory bayonets. November and December, 1776, being the Congress that adopted , our. State Consti- . a i .n. i tulion; was. the passage of bf the follow- ing resolution : lUttofoed; "'Cornelius Harnett, Esq., Vice-President of this .Congress, be au- tnorized to sign the journals thereof, and all ordinances not Already ,j signed, when the same shall be engrossed ; and aU such ordinantm thall be at paiid and effectual aif signed in Congress." 'From the above . resolution it order that the heart of the nation may be fired to a fighting pitch. , :As to the main question treated in this letter, and which has been much discussed of la e as to whether it is safe for promi nent Northern Republicans to canvass Louisiana or'any other Southern State in the interests of their party it is beclouded bywords. To propose It is to assume a doubt which does not exist in the mind of any well-informed person. Mr. Sherman, Mr. Blaine, Mr. Cockling or any other representative Republican might go from the Potomac to the Gulf and back again without any other perils than those which lie in the path of any traveler, whether his errand were commercial or political. Long before the rebels had accepted the results of the war, while they were still mourning over ADDomattox, and we.e suffering a 1 the worse than Egyptian plagues of thel reconstruction period, such . men. as Gen. Butler, Horace Greeley, Matt Carpenter and Henry Wilson, representing all shades of Republican sentimen', made the South ern tour, and everywhere they went preached devotion to the Union and detes tation of secession, and ; arraigned v the Southern people for their hardness and bit terness of heart against the Republican Dartv. They went and came unscathed. M. J. BAMSAY, North Carolina, WITH WIEBL, PAPE &.CO, WHOLESALE DXBSSISTS AND CHEMISTS, 439 Market 8t., Philadelphia. octlS-dSmos x 1.J.1S1, GROCER. Whether Urant be nominated or not, u will be all the same. An Insane hatred of the South a fanatical hostility to the rights of the States a wild worship of a Again and again : since those days has tbe GORDON & mi. WORTH'S MlNCEHEAT. I have last received mr flrat sapplr this sea son, of this very choice artic Those of m cn atom era wbo nsed it last winter, will not ne anv xasarance of its aaalitv t is madeoftlie finest materials, and Is in every way equal to tbe best home-made mmce a eat. anrvrfl that' the Congress deemed it necessary for 844; Delaware. Lackawanna and. Western. . T..TX i , 0l J??: t.,-. 'a - n,A order to be valid, and that In the absence pirn Q9 Olg) iciawaie cauva iauuovu from 86 to 84J; Erie, 'from 47 to - 45; the preferred, from 74 to ;7&i;Lake Shore, from 103 to 102; Lake Erie and Western, from 26 to 23; and Western Union Tele grapb. from 106 to 1051; a little . befora nnnn hH,-isnwarH tpnncT.waii checked. .. . .. -.t. -a r i i -- - -' " t - ngntiy tnrow aw., ut wwu recoTered and 3. The rnwrmkir nAVArnAv, - W rfn nnt want I . - - - ' . ,L - of, any resolution to the contrary, that tfyey. would not be. valid It signed -xrnt of Opngreas. Those old folks knew what they were about'3: vyvi i to see Grant sgain' seated At ' Washington with Belknap and Babocck and Williams around him, ' and DeTrobrlsnd . with his troops In Southern Sta'e Bouses disband ing Democratic Legislatures. ' We do not want to eee wbat little chance . we have to regain, . re-establish and perpetuate the liberty i tbe people crushed to death la 1880 ' Mneath the i' advahclhg " legions ' of corrupti: ;centralizatIonvtand j military despotism. In the presence of the calami ties which the future threatens to bring up, we would subordinate all merely local concerns. We would avoid the danger which Virginia is runninst to day. We would not have it possible for North Car olina to vote for Grant .and turn her back on. all hopes of goc!' government here- af ter. , The moral of this sermon is, that the Democrats of North Carolina ought to fee to it that no outside matter is allowed to be forced upon us and aet us by tbe ears, but that we should seek to be steadfast. strong, united, and thus attain the victory latter, Wabash, the only stocks vwhlpb have ruled higher than yesterday, are the the San Francisco and SL' Louis shares, -as the purpose of 1 the break.' was to buy Dot only has Beaman, of Michigan, re fused the "appointment of United States Senator, tendered him by ov; Crosswell, but now comes one Mr. John J. Griffin, of Norfolk: 'county, Virginia, who declines "atrone eovemmenf corruptions in elec tions and frauds in counting in these are but some of tbe horrible traits of ' the party whose leaders are bent on getting control of the government in 1880. As a steDDine stone thereto they have, recently succeed in carrying a number of Northern States. Never we repeat was a graver responsibility reserved for any body of men as that which is in store for, the next National Democratic Convention. It must make no mistake. It is conceded . every where by the wise men of the party, ' that New York can and must be carried. It is unquestionably a Democratic State. Noth inu but inexcusable blundering will lose the Empire State to the Democratic party, We cannot afford to take any risks as to New York. Thank heaven there Is no need to take risks. There are men who can carry it. beyond a peradventure men whom the country would delight to honor, and whose occupancy of the chief magis tracy would be an honor to the country experiment been tried by eminent .Northern ... . j . i . i i & KepuDUCans ana wuu . me nan rcauu, until at last tbe severest test of the tem per of the South was made. This was in 1876, when not only the South, but the whole county, was quivering with; an ex citement that threatened to break out into civil war, Sherman, Stoughton, Kaason, William K. Chandler and ; others, a score Dr more in all, believed by tbe South to be her worst enemies, went to Columbia and Tallebassee and New Orleans, and assisted and protected the returning boards in the theft of the electoral votes of three States. If these men came home alive,: where is the line beyond which a Northern poli tician may not. pass in dealing with the Southern people at their own doors? No; it is perfectly safe ; the field ia open ; ; let those who think they have anything to say to the people of Louisiana go down and say it. If there were anything to be made by it, the Republican National Committee would have : sent speakers Also Atmere'8 mirce nvct ; New Jersey and North Carolina cran berries. ' , ' New Turkish prunes forcookine.' - Fine Northern apples (to arrive to-day.) Spanish mackerel, in brme,: very choice. Ex'ra large choice smoked beef tongues. , Crushed wheat in bulk. i -. Canoed corn. -"Champi.ni" brand, best Extra large fine Irish Potatoes. Licl M Bisenlt The best plain cracker in . the world, 15 cents per pound. - A. large and complete stock of staple and fancy erocenes, n -e wines, teas. coffees &c. &C, &c , at lowest prices, and promptly delivered. Everything guar anteed as to quality and price. E. J. HARDIN. DOT 19-d-tf , COAL ! COAL !! - itself. They are men of unquestioned; ddwn there long ago.: The trouble Is, that 879. PALL TRADE. .'V 1879. Commi ss i o n M e r c h a n t stocks which had been sold at"the higher to take a 6f fUficate of election to the Vir- cle which presents to prices by leadicg speculators I the market gnia Seatte,fcbecatise he is convinced that llh SHrio has at the decline the support of good buying, although it is not unlikely thai it will be feverish for several days, whatever the ultimate course of affairs. . " T i: f 'ma v . . .. . M tbaT is witnin our reacn. t v TVifl Boston MerchanU' Association November 18. appointed ' committee to co-operate with thex organizations in an effort to secure th enactment of s national bankrupt law. ' Ths proposition that some of the leading Republicans of the North should make speeches in the canvass ia Louisiana will have o be : abandoned, as none-of those who were wanted can gp. Senator Conk ling is suffering with malarial fever and Senator Blainewho promised to go, must remain in Augusta to get the fruits, if poasi ble. of the frauds he t and his party com mitted there at the last election, ; Sherman has dreams of Eliza Plnckston,- nke snakes before bU tormented vision, and the other invited' gtjesU say '6hjt would never do. for they know If . they should canvass Louisiana the State. wopld go Republican, and that would be an jend the 'solid South." and the boom they are running to fire the Northern heart wouki xl atui- boxvXji tberefwe J that Dpp Par dee, KeUoez & Co. must w!.h'alSne. Well, they wUl get eaehrea !W tne same. was not chosen to the position. When clitics fall Into the hands of such nerve- ss purists as these, where are its profits ? I A. , i - A . -, Ab xiila noV lovely' hi the Radical camp, mere are said to do Tactions 8bringipg op. that will render their chances fpr success in new xorK atate more nope- less than they are already, with the Demo tic majority of 88,000 staring them in e face. Arthur wants Cornell to resign from Jhe national committee so that he can get bniatal be chairman. This Cornell flatly refuses to do. Cornell on the other band Is smacking his lips over the possible chance of his succeeding Governor Kjer nan In the Senate, where hie can sit by and sustain his maker, " Conkling. But Arthur holds up his hands in well feigned horror, and declares this governorship of statesmanship men whose splendid fame no s ain has ever touched no cloud ' has ever dimmed. u ' - uM un our outside is, pnnieu to uaj iu min tne country tne name of Hew York. :It is patriots all ever the land have learned to respect and delight to honor. This presentation of Mr. Seymour for a unanimoua nomination by the , Dem ocratic Convention comes from the city cf Utica, Mr. Seymour's own borne. -It is well known that he does not seek the nomination; that be wishes to spend the remainder of his days in the quietude of. his own blessed and beautiful home. But loving his blessed country as he does, true to duty as he is, be could not refuse his name and his services if they should be caUed for by a unanimous voice of the Representatives of his party. As is well known, he carried New York in 1863 for Governor by a large majority, when the war and the war spirit was at its height. He again carried it in 1863 for President agaiost-Grant, when the Republican party was wilder than ever with the delirium which its power had provoked. As be carried it before he could carry it again. Before him the Kellyites - would ground their arms' and around him the Tildenilea wouid rally. Tammany and anti-Tam many, nioenand anti-lilden and indeed New York quite good enough for a fellow like Cornell, and that he wants the sena-l patriots from all parties and all factions torial plum himself. And while the heads would set aside their prejudices and forget id leaders are quarreling oyer the bigger tils, the lesser lights are snarling qver ie bones. YVeu7 levm at it. their differences, to honor the man and to stand by theu statesman whose ; large heartedness, whose love of country, whose purity of character and whose wisdom are that there is more profit to the party : in keeping the Sooth solid, for thst insures a united JNortn,. wnicn counts tor mere inan scattering converts ine Presidential elec tion. The scarecrow must be kepi before the people. : - - TffB are now prepared to furnish anv amount If of ClU l.r COIL, which has been thor oughly tested, and pronounced- equal to. any Bituminous Coal found in the United Statea, For Shop purposes, steam and gas, It Is unsur passed. . ..,..:, i-,.. When coked, It Is an- - excellent- tfeal for foun dries. . . ... ; . r. . . . , All orders addressed to the undersigned will receive prompt aUenti-a, an t as tbe lowest market pries. ? r , i , v . L. J. HAUGHTON A BON. , OOtlS-dSm. . . . , . Oair.N.C. III BRCIAL III) I II 'Mrs. Eaton knew daring tbe last few days of her illness that life was, at tin end fot ber.t and; waited . very quietly and calmly for death. "It is a beautiful worid td leave." she said,, looking . out at the sunshine the day before she died. "I am not afraid to die, but it la such a beautiful world!" In answer to a-suggestion of something that should be done on the morrow, she - said t -. "Not to-morrow I shall be here only a little while to morrow." The nearest relative: whom Mrs. Eaton leaves is her daughter, the beautiful Virginia Ttraberlake. : now the motter-ln-law of one of the Rothschilds. TlfiK ! . . - , 1 m ,!, travcllns nnhM.'.n .v J WILMINGTON N. C !Ibsi8tino Upos a. Wkddiso A tele gram from ' Canton, : N. Y.; November 5th, says : , David Weller and Mary Fox were to be married at the letter's house. On the appointed evening the clergyman ahd'the guests were present and tbe feast spread, but the bridegroom did not ap pear. After waitinir. reasonable lenath oftime, Hattie Aldrich, one of the wbowassoon to be married, Jj would be ' wedding y' ,:t tim Z, a her lover and brouga iun WU BUU ,VUUU - ,j . t in and they were manwu yet appeared. Weller has not laiufcwv - m. . . in tne weir ivtrubre oi inn nnatnoaa of the city. inC2X,cn'ent to the prmclpal business houses. Postofflce, Custom House. Car HaU and Court House. ,i s i.-TTTrf firs'-elass Bar and Bllium a.v '.I : nected with this House. wm- larse Sample nooms ror Com mercial TraTelcrs. -RATCQ 03.00 Pen DAY F. A. 8CHUTTE.' ; COTTOil ; SELLER, ; S8iSl&re, fio.:S Wilaingtoa3 Street . ' RALEIGH, N. C. THB SAXE AND RTORAGS OF COTTON A ? T. SPECIALTY. TJ STO'JK AND ARRIJINQ1 ' ' iBO.OOO Yards Baffffingv Wbole an Half Bolls.) 1,000 Yards Fine Dundee Bagging:, for Lint Sneets. , ; : 1,000 Bundles New Arrow. Ties. 600 Bundles Spliced Ties, (all Arrow Buckles.) ,.i .. v, :. 600 Pounds Baffffinar Twine. A'so.a roll stbclc of MAT, ME AL, CORN, PlUR,MLA8S8S,SUGAR,COFFKEf SALT', e.- Ac., all ot whlc.i I offer upon as low terms as tiej can be bought anywhere. Personal care (riven to the sale of Cotton, and Upon any Cotton - stored with a for higher prices 1 ..will make liberal cast .d ranees, low, ratof interest: and. small chaige for storage. COTisuroments and correspondence sol cited. I will be glai to have myviends and enstomers . call at my office to 'e ne when, they coat to Raleigh. ; jk ' . I.,-. ,-T - ,f. . i. a. THOMAS." ': j , Office No. S Wilmington street. r Cotton Platform, McKee Square A Baptist Grove, - ang SS dwncs . Raleigh. N. C. ; brhi-i k Notice. - : : : '" Ralkioh, N. Ci October 1 . 1 rr9. DRS. B. BURKK and HUBSKT HAYWOOD having formed a rppartnership. offer their professional services to the citizens of Raleigh aid its viciiiity. - j- - u B; BITRKB HAT WOOD, M. D. , HUBJCRT HAYWOOD, M. D. oct s " .- - ,-. -v : y Notice Sale of .Land. on the 14th day f Jon, -ts.a. by W m E. rltJJSV Pi'-rcehia wifeand Tdalj wX nntlSv0. of-Deeds of thti. Sd1 5k M at page 448, I will on hMa?!iJL& December isk, at the court uh" 0"' ,j Kalelgh, proceed to SSrta S2Sfion riignest bidder, the t52? .fU. to ?ewortg4gedeed atoresaid, th.f i5OQ8?n(lacr88 more or less, adjoin Iisafl!?" ot P Pace Barney Jones. T?!S!tte!en?on Joau 8- Nob, and others. .AtifS V2t "J?-a811 Ttme of sale 12 M., De cember S0th,18,fi T. R. PfJRNELlZ novia"jtD20 At0rney tcf .Mortgagee. Jwortzaffee's Sale.' TlTJl1.6 5' Powers conferrel npori me 0A,d: fmort& wanted on the isc wif o - J , D uitutou WWiUiams t Wile, a d rtnlv Mni. a.n.i - , StfI 01 2?ee2ls 01 w county, In book 1 5 JLP?e K I Wi.!, on SATURDAY, the 2 whL - imJ ,18 y Oitntdu W4 WiUiams and " a u uuit rema nrai tn Ha n mo. r.r t a :No. pay ot Deoemb r nf xi. sell for eanh. at the conrt -TfS.K?ortuleln-tne onse and Lot in t,vghvLu Bft,w mortgage described, known as tne KirKhani Lot. 5j . . Thl ,w1r niade becane thi b'dder at the i.r.fc o aW property h&4 failed to com, PlJ with the terras of Me. I t.wk "WLy ASl R OLK, Mortgagee.