Publtoied Duiy texoept Monday) and Weekly. j I I i I I ' f . ! f VTul vh : 4' it J I 1 1 I ' :"'A ' ',-'-Tr' "oa Square (1 lncS) one Uy,-M-... ti ' i. , , , 7 :j ' . ' '. ' --i- ' - : 4 : ; T " ' . - ' ' ' ; !' " tlx ............. S ' , i , ' ., - ' ' ' ; -i -' i " ' 1 Contracts tor advertising ror any space or tm j , ; : : : . , 7- : .,7 ,--. . inaov susaoBirnoM u advajkji. ally, tine year, mall postpaid,......... ! . air months . 160 77 ihre.. ,.,7i7 .7 m 7' -'' t 00 WeeSly, on year, mall postpaid, . i oo fstx months, M M 1 00 " To oltk robecrlbers Tne Observer will be de Uyered Bally at twenty ceaw per week ; seventy-are penta per montn : two dollars for three mont Wintered I at the Pottofflce at Raleigh, Jf. C, a scconcLclaM matter. B? TELEGRAPH. KSPdBTKD BT THS AJBAOOIATKD PKBSS. Noon Report. Congressional Proceedings. Washington', February 13 Houss. On niotioQ of . Mr.- ''Fornev. , tbe Senate amendment on the 'Inilitary academy ap propriation bill was non-concurred in. Mr.lVvellB, of Missouri, from tne uom- mittea on Appropriations, reported bacs tbe bill making an additionat appropria tion of f 135,000 for the support of certain Indian tribes during the present nacal year. , Mr. Vf ells spoke in support of his bill, ;: Staling that if it were not passed, there l i 'wotUdTexiat great danger of the Indians ' ffoingbn tbe war path. The bill was then -" passed. ' ' Mr. jFrye of Maine, from the Committee Oalheflkter Oceanic Canai, wported a res i lutlo callings oo the Secretary of tbe " ! Navmor ail the information and corres- pondeice touching the international canal now id the possession of bis department and not heretofore published. Adopted U Mr. Covert, of New York, chairman of the Cbmmittee on Agriculture, asked ' leave to report a bill autnorizing the Com j missioier of Agriculture to attend in per- son ort)V deputy the International Wool and bnkep Exhibition, to be held in Phila- ; delphist September uext, but Mr. Beale, of Vireinfe. obiected. The 1 Speaker then proceeded to call committees for reports of a private nature. Inter-State Commerce. WabWgtoh, February 13-The House Commerce Committee tcok up tbe subject of Intel State commerce this morning. Mr. McLane offered bis bill as an amend ment 1 to Representative Reagan's . bill, whereubon Mr. Henderson offered his bill as a substitute' for Mr. McLane's bill, which was adopted. " s The uestion then recurring to the origi nal (Tuesday's) proceedings, Mr. Hender son's bill was offered as a substitute for the Rettgan bill, and after being amended, on motion of Mr. Bliss, in several particu lars, was adopted by a vote of 9 to 6, and orderedfc to be favorably reported to the -House, Iwith the request that an early day be Sot fpr its consideration iOpening of the Reichstag. LoNribtf. February 13. A Berlin dis- na ch sivs that but few clericals and no progressists were present at the open'ng of the Reichstag. Particular attention was attracted tp the fact that no mention was made of the much-talked-of Austro-utr- man aliance in the speeches. DeatH of an ExJnTtd States Senator. VOL. 6. RALEIGH, N. C. SAT ORD AY, FEBRUARY 14, 1380. NO. 192, Oca Square (1 lnci) one oy,-T-'T, 7r,, n " two " l Ml thTMM 1 M M M, flT t'wmma.mmmmm 101 M M M - i tUX- M M M M . M mm 0. (0 Contracts for advertising for any space or tin may be made at tin office of The Observer, Observer Boildlnf , Fayeoevllle Street, Salelti t North Carolina, . . . i i 1 ! i ' 1 J - f - I - Henderson's Intep-Statcl Commeree W ashington, February 13. The House, Committee on Commerce: to-day agreed toj repjrt favorably to the jHouse, instead of Mr. Reagan's State comiierce bill, the bill, prepared by Mr. Henderson, as amended,! on motion of Mr. Bliss. I The bill provides for a board of commissiclners with powers and duties similar to those proposed by ; the McCaid bill and thfe Charles Francis Adams plan." One of Mr. Bliss' amend ments extends the jurisdiction of the commissioners over thej transportation of all property by railroad from one State or Territory into or tnrougnione or more oiaer States -er Territories, o to or from any foreign country, whethe such property be carried by one railroad' or by several rail roads running in connection with each other, and whether ; sufcbi commerce be carried on roads lying Wholly within one State or more. Anothti amendment re quires the commission to) inquire into that method of railroad management known as pooling," arid state the fesult of this in quiry in their first anjnual report, and whether, in their judgihent, any, and if so, what legislation is expedient in rela tion hereto. j - Cotton Circular. Nrw "York, Februaryfl3 The follow ine is the comparative 'cotton statement for the week ending Friday, February 13th : Net receipts at all U. 8 during the week.. Net receipts at all U. St same week last year Total receipts to this date Total receipts to same date last year ...j......... Exports for the week............. Exports for the same week last year .. Total exports to this date Total exports to same date last year Stock at all U. S. ports. Stock at all ports same date last year Stock at all interior towns... Stock at all interior towqs same date last year........ Stock at Liverpool.... Stock at Liverpool same . last year Stock of American afloat Great Britain..... .U- Stock of American afloat to Great Britain same time last ports ports date to 113,128 147.742 3,983,679 3,550,615 79,477 147,099 1,254,104 2.191.583 1, 12.5.2 847,937 197,792 119,771 485,000 458,000 254,000 year . 327,000 Pro"hidkno$, United I States liietl last night. R. I., February 13. Ex Senator Samuel Garnold Midnight llepori Wa A largi pre8en VJaim Mr. Militi ing th r.T, tnett army : Hr. the til the c I ween Thou, .ngressional Proceedins;S. u.xoror, February id iiocsb. number of adverse reports were id by the ! Committee on War aud were laid on the table. ohnaton, from the Committee on Affairs, reported the Dill remov- Dolitical disabilities of Sergeant 'owell, and authorizing hlsappoint- an officer of the U nited btates NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. J. THOMAS BALTIMORE is, m w m pap: JOBBHIQ HOUSE. Commi ssion M er chant AKD conou FACT0P Esw Store. So. 6 Wilaiagtw- Strsei. RALEIGH, N- C. GUANO and FARMERS' SUPPL'KS nponthe most reasonable terms lor cash or on crop U Ap'ent for the celebrated brsnds of GUANO, ALU SO V ft ADPISON'S COMPLETE COTTON MNUEK, AMMONIA TED COTTON OOP GUAN , and ACID PHOSPHATE, either, wbtch I will sell for a money ot ectton rf slderation. i AtAO, 20,000 pounds BULK O. R. SIDE. 1,000 bushels CORN AND MEAL. 500 bushels OATS. 200 barrels FLOUR (all gradeO 50 barrels MOLASSES. " 25 barrels SUGAR. , 20 sacks COFFEE. Fodder. Hay, Bran, Chops, and, in fact, everything a farmer needs, which I will sell at prices to meet the times. Call and see me before making your r raiogements for the season. J. J. THOMAS, ' P. O. Lock Box, No. 200, feb 5 d-tf Raleigh, N. C. The Irish Beli it t Fund. London, February 13. Subscriptions to the Dublin Mansion blouse Irish relief fund to date aggregate' 57,584. and the irrants asaregate X27.00(). ? , The Times, in 4a article c last night's debate in the House of Commons, con cludes as follows : "jrhe objection of Irish members that a charge iipon the church fund would really be in aid of poor rates and would thus violate the express provision of the act of 1869, is inconsistent with the clause made jupon the Imperial Excbequt r. The measures of tbe govern ment are intended only tb take effect when the poor Id system proves wholly inade quate, whether it is at the cost of the ciiurch fund or of StateL" (500 yards, ; machines. IcCook, of New York, supported Th young man bad served in federate armv when he was be- ixteen and eighteen years of age. he (McCook) was considerable of a Republican, ne wouia say vuai. auy mau who hM risked his life for four or five years ifa the service of the United States ehouldj'tfot be debarred of the right' of promotion. The bill was passed. Thef Speaker announced the special order ot tesday to be the bill for the re lief of 3en. Fitz John Porter. Md Bright, of Tennessee, raised the quests m of its consideration and moved to go into committee of the whole on the private calendar. He raised the question of consideration Id behalf of the multitude as against individuals. Mr.! O'Connor, of South Carolina, sup portedMr. Bright's motion. If the House broceelled to consider the Fitz John Eortcr bill, thje discussion of which would con sume i vast amount of time, it would be jeaiiivalent to slamming the doors of Con eress if the face of every private claim. The JHouse, by a vote of ayes 41, (noes cot counted) refused to consider the bill nt into committee ol the wnoie on ate calendar. ill for tbe relief of Charles Clin- Assistant Treasurer at New Or- as reported favorably to the House. ill refunding to certain cuiz.bub ui urg, v a , taxes improperly ' wi on manufactured toDacco waa y a vote of yeas 151, nays 89. Liverpool Cotton Circalar. '" Liverpool, February 13 This week's circular of the Liverpool Cotton Brokers' Association states that j cotton was active through the week at haidening prices, and the quotations generally show a marked advance. American was in large demand and 5-16d. higher. Ie sea island a fair business wa done at Unchanged figures. Futures were strong andiactive on Wednes day, resulting in an advance of a farthing to9 32d. Todav ( Thuirsday they were auieter. and cotton being more freely offered, prices receded l-16d.3 32d-, the final rates showing an advance of 3-16d. 7-32d. Liabilities of Mercantile Agencies, Just Received. Large assortment .of the justly celebr; Coats' Spool Cotton. anniiinr to an other snool cottou for mW or handsewlng. t ALSO j Geo. A. Clark's and Jno. Carte's Spool Cotton. . i Wejaeil the above bran Is at agents' prices Wyoming Spool Cotloo, Wtiite, Black and assorted colors. Frencli Spool Cotton, for 5 cents a spool. jr"niim Gents' hand-made Gaiters for $5.00. . . i p:in ahi Bax'Toe tne cb3apept and best slice ever offered. and Misses' Kid. Pebble Ooat and Kid Foxed ' Button Shoes, from best manufacturers, In plain toe. roiwd toe and box toe; new stjles for spring wr. The nnest line and best as8ortmep of Black Alpacas, ' .from 25 cents up, ever exhibited. We claim to Bell the best make of , Black . Cashmeres ever offered in this market or elsewnere for tae money. 1 All Wool and No Col torn. from 60 cents to $1.85. To Close Out. A few ladies cloaks and ulsters, which we will i sell cheap, s well as the balance ot our fail and winter purcnases. , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NORTH CAROLINA STATB LIFE. It ' . . : -.." -i Insurance Company Incorporated in RALXIQE. Jf. U NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AT OTJB STOCK OF 360sT0 TO H. n. LTAPvTlITDALS, RML- 332 ani 334 Vest Baltmore Street. DOSSTAHTLT IN STOCK. THIS .anday.Scnool, Day School, i Law, ITIedlcal, . j Theoloirlcalansi ' niscellaneou Books. WSAFPINQ AND WRITING PAPXES, BONHXT BOARDS, PAPSB BLINDS, 1 PSNCIL8, INKS. PKXC8. Marplnat Policy Holders 175.394 H9 F.B.Cameron. President Wi JB. Anderton. Vk4Presdeni W. H. Hick, tietfv. and Treat Dr. E. Burt Haywood, Med. Director Prof S, M, JStnitJi, ' , Advisory Actuary ! i lOl- ' T.k nnii Han Ufe iBjmrance Company la North Carolina. One- of the most successful Companies of its age in the United States, ' Has ajreanT'ingnea Deiweea two auu nircc muumuiu nolleies. All of its funds invested at home unmw oar own oeorjle. All losses paid prompts i and in eash. Rates as low as those of any first class company. Has raui dollars- -of aa- oets for every pollab of liabilities. w Agents wanted in every county In the Bute to rk for this most excellent and srmiy esrao. spoBTiriie .7 ' ' ' I3AT EB1AL BDR-A-SS SHELUS, ! J" A PAPER SHELLS, SHOT CAPS, WAJJSV DUCD5U POYDEK, I- RIFLE POWDER. iostltution. For Informatlox I PRIMERS FOR SUKLLS, ashed home address. ; li . .... . Bala,N;Ct Vabisf 2 a I HYATT'8 CELEBRATED j WIRB-BOUITD ELATED, j m 2 8 E-t-S'S'wS-a LH4 lis " a m IXZiV tSii " It ! a REGAPPERS, r LOADING TUES, ; GREEN'S LOADERS, WIRE BRUSHES, 7 ' : SHELL CUTTERS, CLEANING RODS, CARTRIDGE BELTS AND BAGS, GUN CASES &a, &a, FELT SWABS, a ALSO A BTOOK 09 BREECII-LOADIXC GUVS. f-:i.," - '. WRITE FOR PRICES i TO Any and ererythlM in the Book and Paper Business flan be procured of ns. nhA-dArw.lT v QOLDEI ORAIN "WHBKT t The Only Direct Line OM 1T2T7 TOnE THOMAS H. BRIGGS & SOJTSj BEIGG8 BUILDING, ; KtLIOIf, NORTH CAUOLIJIA. dec 12 r1f " W.H.&R.S.TUOEER. New Oblians, Febfuary 13. Bonds were filed to-day in thisjeity for an appeal against a recent d"Ci8ioja of a Jury in tne case of Smitn & Zicgle: vs. R. G. Dun & a mercantile agen0y, in wnlcn a ver dict f.r $1,000 waa given against the agency fur a favorable) report on a firm pubseouentlv found to be irresponsibJe. It is aliened that tbe courts of last resort havs invariably reversed such verdicts and decided in favor of thb agency as to their non lfability for representations honestly made in the course of their business. feb T d-tf and wa tbe prit The ton. lal leans, The Lynch! leuted passed Before the Exodus Committee. "Washington. February 13. The ex odus committee to-day examined several witnesses, whose testimony contained no new lacts. une wunesa reaa exiracw from the Indiana Republican papers, de claring that there was work in Indiana for colored emigrants, ihe committee ad journed until Monday. Destructive Tornado. CiNdiSNATi, February 13. A dispatcn from Nashville to the Times says a tor nido struck that city at 11 o'clock last irgatj accompanied by a heavy rain. Great dinsagp was done in different parts of the city anjd several , casualties are reported. Th rdhf of Rheas elevator. Burns' block and thi Edgefield Manufacturing Company buildings were blown away. A; brick wall ol the new custom house fell with a crash firom the third story to the cellar. The Merchants Exchange was badly damaged. Fifteen dwellings and twenty business houses were partially destroyed. At 11:10 o'clock the wind was blowing fortv miles an hdur. Men were Diown down to the streets. A man on a trestle Lridselwas blown from it and broke a leg. AH thl trains were forced to lay up on wnri!t of trees and rails being blown acrosslthe track. No estimate of the los9 it made. Rhea & Sons are the heaviest losersT the unroofing of their elevator ex posing 20, 000 bushels of wheat to a flood of rain.' A number of freight cars which vere standing on the Louisville and Nash ; viile nkilroad were precipitated down an embankment. The damage in the city alone iB estimated at $100,000, but in the country it cannot be approximated. Sev eral lifes are reported lost. Homicide. Cincinnati.;" Februairy 13. At Colum bia. Tennessee. Hal Halcomb struck and Carter then shot killing him. It is marry Halcomb's D D wn is; mi i GOLDEN Git ATTT WHISKY.. GOLDBIiWRAlN WHIPKT. IOOLDKN GRAIN WHISKY. The inire oroduct of the choicest Grain care fully selected, fresh from the harvest, and dis tilled by an improved process. Rich and natural eraln flavor, orient color aid smooth, rellshome taste, preserved in perfec tion. Wholesome as a beverage, Effectual as a Tonic, Infallible as a Kestoranve. sna i PEKRLKSS FOR FAMILY TTSB. I Alwaysi Uniform at the Standard of Excellence, and is beyond Competition. , Tv ?03 East TSth'8trt, I Nw tobk, October fcth, 16T9. W a. Rrvm.HR. Eaa. Sear Sir: Inanswer to your note of this date, aufctnarme what liauor is best for use. I would say that I now recommend the "Golden Grain whisky" to all of my patients. I have care fully lerted It and know it to be perfectly pore, of fine flavor, and altogether superior to any other brand that I have met with. lUUIBklUlJ. J.R. LA.NE,M.D, For sle in Ralel, w. C, by M. G'ausman, Wm. 8iroison. P. C. Walter. dec Sft-d-ty P. PFEIFFER & CO., WHOLES ALB - ' CLOTHIERS, 47f Broadway, between Grand and Broome 8ts, NEW YORK. C. C WniTEHCBST. I Jan 11 d-Sm : - -1L WAKSIH A. SAKBOM, GIOKOX W. BaMSO. ' W. A. RAWSOSI Sc CO., ! Mann facta rers and Dealers in BOOTS AHD SHOES, 13 Duane and Thomas streets, one door west of Churcn street, NEW YORK. We do oar business exclusively for cash, and rive our customers all tne benefit tnere is m money. Cash buyers will do well to see us be- fnte nnrchsslns-. Should you order from OS your Interest wUI be looked after Just as well as II yon were nerc personauj. - ibo uw-jj. That conn pets via MOEEI1EAD CITY witn NBWBERN. KIN8TON. LaGKANUK. UOLUtv- BORO and K VLEIGH and all points on the A. 4 N. C.: HalJ-oad and North uaronna iti.uroa. i " " . EE EIGHT AS l LOW AS BT AHT OTHER LINE. Merchants and Shippers Along or in the vicinity of these roads will find ii to tneir interest to ship by this route. Boats on this line leave NEW YOKK regularly evry Thnrariav at B o'clock T. m . from Pier 34 Kast Riven returning leave MOREHEAD CITY every Tuesday at 10 o'clock a. m. "VT f.. W n n . TJ"n 11 "O Inn. Tlfia ' ton, Providence and all points North and west. ana or meaner at newoern witn noriwa, ttmore and Philadelphia. . The 'public can rest assured that Goods en trusted to this line will be handled with care ana delivered with promptness, and all damages onrmrrinff. when oroved. oatd for on demand. For fad Information as to Freight, Ac. apply to WM. F. CLYDE A CO., 85 Broadway, or Pier 84 Hast Ktver. n. x i ... A B. ANDREWS, ! guperintenent, Halelgh, N. C. 8. H. GRAY. Agent. Newbern, N. . 'dec4-d-lyr ' in PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. S. Mason. T. P. Dbvbkkcx JASON &DETERECX, Attorneys at Lixw, Room No. 4, Bag-ley Building, ' or. Pajetteville and Martin Street, I HACEIOII, N. O. Pracuoe ' the Courts, Bute and Federal. mch7-tf .. ' JT. C. JL . II ARB IS, ATTOIUTEY-AT-LAW ' RALEIGH. N C . . Ornca South or Couar Horai rx out 80 r w MIL BUtLDLNB.) - Practices in all the Courts of the State. septM-tf I yy IJ. GAVYN, Practices in State and Federal Courts. Oollec 1. 1 . Hons promptly made. ' ang -tf . JOHN Mi MOMKO, I or unatnam. j 1 unn if. itoaixe, I Of Orange. fORlNG ds xTIORIXG, 7 Attorneys at Law, DURIIA91, N, C.' rvAll business entrusted to them win reoelvs prompt attention. . febaa7&-ly. R. T. GRAY. JB. B. STAMP RAY &. STAMPS, Attorneys at Law RALEIGH, N. C Refer to the Banks and bos in ess men ot Ralelyh. tw coUectlons prompUy.attende to. my-lv. pd ryy- It,, GORDON, Attorncv at Law. Court' II case, N. . Currituck lan;i:-tf T. Mi A R Q Os Attorney' at Law, twPKACT ICES m ANY COURT. Otnt-e . J oiMlAg two doors above Yarbo Hons, .ata 'ciUc Street, Ralelgn, N.O. Jan-u: ' i' 7 . H. A. n Y1..C K1S- JOHN GATUM8 'it: I oil nor h PEXXSYLVAXI A SINGER IMACIIINE Ready for Delivsry J..; . - " " ; . .1 ; i Eqnstl to stny Stngcr in tUe Jlsrht. The above cut represents the mowt ponuiar style for the people, wnicn we one jui. w yrry low price of lf, IncJudhip attaohments. Remember, voes do not axk vou to pay until you kave teen the Machine. After having examined it. if it is not all we represent, return it to us at our exrSenee. Consult your interests and rdi-r . nni 1 n hvh within seven !tunaii miles the freight will not fee more than one dollar. Address PENNSYLVANIA SEWING MACIIIN ' CO N. 10th streevrhihillPllla' fa ang 9S ly i -. .. THOMAS BRANCH & CO every function to more healtnful action, aae is thus a benefit In all diseases. In eliml nan ng tne im pun lies 01 ia oiooo, tarn natural and necessary result is the cureof Scntf. ulous and other 8kin Eruptions and Diseases, including Cancers, Ulcers ana oiaer nora.- If DypePs. Weakness of tbe Mtomaco, uofiKi. nation, Dizziness, oenerai veomij, eic, mrm cured by tbe HafV Blttera. It is uaeqaaled On tbe Brink of Starvation. Dtthlin. February 13. The unemployed laborej-a of this city had ano-her demon- ntrati(ii to-day. m tneir Bpeecnes iuey declarfedthat tney were. $larvatiOD. on the brink of Suspension. New York, February ta. . o. Praniine announced his suspension to the HkiRvrhanire this morning on account yt ream advances in various stocks. knocked Milt. Carter, Halcomb in the face, said Carter wished to daughter, and that the! latter had forDiaaeo the match and ordered Carter to leave town, or he would kill both him and the lady. - Swindlers Arrested. Phil.dblphia, February 13. Fred erick Warren has been arrested, charged with swindling ODerations in collusion with a man named ,W. K. Wyman. The men established bogus! commission houses here and in New Y.arkj, and swindled their victims out of $40,009 or $ 50,000. The Macon and Brunswick Railroad. ; Atlanta, February; 13. K. T. Wilson Co. refuse to Dutchase or lease the Macon and Brunswick Road. They wanted the Governor! to warrant and de fend the title to the lessees, which he re fused to do, except jo far as he was au thorized by the lease act. . 7 Solid fJ Grant. Tbot, N. Y., February 13.-The dele gation hence to the State Republican Con vention, chosen to-day, are solid for Grant. Two Organs '- ' . Regulate first the stomach, second the liver; esoecially the first, so as to perform their functions perfectly, and yoa.will re mnvfl ikt lMt nine teen-twentieths of all the ills that mankind is heir to, in this or any other climate. iHap Bitters is the only thing that will give perfectly healthy natural action to tnese two organs.- t It is a medicine which should be in every fan. ily. and which, wherever used, will save ma payment of many doctors' billa. : j : Bottles of two sixes; prices. so cents and tLOa tlFanier'Bi Safe Berne dies are sold by Dragetsts and Dealers In MedlclkiG everyirhere. i EEWAMERW Proprietors, Itoeli eater. If.T. : 9-8end for PampaJs4 and TwHnnalill,' . . MM, THEBAXEIGO Christian Advocato, - -- ' "" . 1 .; KDITXD AKD rUBUSBXn tt . BLACK St R E I D . 117 East Mala Street, EIOHM0ND, VlEQINU. Dealers in Qovernment, State, City and Xtallroad Securities. We bay sad sail the following Seeurttlea: North Caronna new 4 per cent. Bonds. North Carolina old s per cent. Bonds. North Carolina Railroad Construction Bonds. narolina Railroad Stock. Cnairte. Colombia and Aueusta Ballroad iFbnlJiortcagwBonds. - Cnanotte, uoiumoia ana jLagumsm RjmhuI Mnrtnrt Bonds. CnarMCte, VolumDia ana Auguoui wuuw Stock. ' ' , vindiua Bonds and Coupons of every descrip tion, and Southern stocks and Bonds generally, bouffnt ana soia on commission. - We are saylmr TO for N C. R. R. Stock. Investment securities a specialty. nmrairjoBdeius solicited and information cheerfully, fives oa all topics connected wtfh taeir Misinesa. aaWd-im OLD DOMINION LINE. " Basbee's Criminal Dlgesl. HA 8 received the hearty endorsement of the Snpreme Court and of the Wadtwr Lawyers Of tbs State. It contains all tbe criminal de eisions and all the criminal Mat n tea. As to ii merits we refer to any purchaser. Price $t.eo, delivered postage paid. .Address, 1 EDWARDS, BROTJGHTON & CO, j Balelgh,N.C. Printing and Binding. UZZELL & V71LEY, r ii t & G-ATLI1TO- r AT LAW, H UiUU, N. C. L'-.dc" h-'.C Federal Ucuits. . 1 H. I B. A. ASH1. Aft i:a i: 1 , is. o. Practiee In t-o oi. an i r'cUml Conn? wher- tfver their service j i. uc roQUiiou. i dec 30tf : 1 It. IrilflELL, T. ATIOKHtf & COUNSELLOR AT LAW I tw-practlces In the state and Federal Courts. Prompt- attention to all professional business. uuicn, 'Mi noor u. a. rotttomce puikhuk, m!i27l-ly. ' t Baicnelor n w.p. ... Attomeys-at-Law, , 11 ALEI.GH, W. 43.- Practice in the Courts of the State and la th Federal Courts. i aprS-tf K. H. McKOT. I W. B. McKOT. I T, B. McKOT iJ TI1G SIcKOYS, j Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, WILMINGTON, N. C. Office North Side Market St., betweea Beeond I . .. and Third. Will practice in all the Courts of Eastern Nor h CarollDa. Special attention paid to col lection of Claims In any part of the country, auga-dly. ' IIUFIIS II. PAGE, . C rmri iMHlnn Jlorohant, Printers. " and Binders, BACLEY BUILDING, '-. ' 7 EALSIOS IT. O. AWARDED FIRST PREMIUM AT TBS LATH FAIR FOR Plain and Fancy Printing ! PTRST FREHTCX FOR BOOK PRINTING Favorite Passenger RALEGH, N. O, X the Arnn of about C9.000 Methodists In North Carolina, and has the largest circnla-1 linn nt anv Ttanr m tne state. 11 ktvcs uc 1 markets, seen tar and religions news. Ia a I weekly eight page religious family news-1 nioer. Only $i.00 per aanum, Sabecnbc at once. . . ... AND EDWARDS, BKOUQHTON & CO. 4 " - are be'ter prepared than ever for ail Kinds or PLAIN ANI FANCY PKINT1NU, BOOK. 1K PAMPHLB'P WORK, BOOK. BISOIHU AJSli BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURING. B ALKY'S DIGEST......... .......4 Bf- BT7SBBF9 DIGEST 4 60 PEARSON'S LAW LECTURES. i0 SELECT B01RDIK& IB DAT SfWOl, . HLLLSBORO, N. C. rpHE Misses Nash and Miss Kollock will re sume the exercises of their School a FRI DAY, 6th February, 1880, and dose tw June, twenty weeks. A , 1 Board and TolUoa $100. - 1 Circulars for warded ,ou applies Mob; . . "decl4sunwfUUf-U Between New York and the South. THS manlilcent Ocean U. S. ail Steam ships of this Company leave New York every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATUR DAY, it I p. n.. ior nonoic, rortsmouio. Petersburg ana iacnmonu, va., conneenns; j direct with through trains for Raleigh, and all points in Nortn Carolina ana Deyona. jrsres tow and include Meals and State Kooms, first i class Tickets. Bargage checked ttupcigh. The small boats 01 tne uompany maae oaiiy mpi i from Norfolk to Otd Point Comfort, Fortress Monroe, Vna de L'Etn, Hampton, see. ' Tickets on saie ai aupnaupai points. Oenerai office of the Company, 107 Greenwicbr treet. M Tort. - . . t laall-iy : I an6-tf NOW READY. TI1E COXITZ HOUSE, t . - v j r GOLDSBORO, N. C. WM.BONITZ...... Proprietor. 4 BOABD PB DAW 3.V9. ' ' Lmrf Sati pie Reeiat f r nereiai TouriaUt. rpHIS house is a large new hree-story brick building and is delightfully situated in the i centre et tne ctty, im corner south ot depot. Tneiaoie ta auppuea ox tse uerman and American delicacies. Special arrange ments msae ior iraveung troupes. aeca-u Send us Your Orders ! THE BEST TOK 1LL1TOG PRICES.! ; 7 - . 1. . -:-IZZELL &, WILEY, sen if Raglev Building PURCBLL 1 HOUSE, WIL3IiarOTdN,''N. C. Recentlrtharoughly overhauled FIRST-CLASS in every respect. and renovs ted. FIRST-CLASS In everv respect, juocatien desirable, being situated near all basinet honses FnU)fflce. LraBUtm liouse, vuir xiau and Court House. 7 , . Rjtt;.l....v$2and $2 50 Per ,, Oiifjjretto Is : fO PLEASE. I 7 1 ) HOWELL 00BB, Prourietor aagtf, I RALEIGH, N. C. 7 " . i gv prompt and faithful persona1 at- te lit ion to all usincss cniruxted to him. 1 ' ReferB to prouiinent citizens of this place and the State generally. Consignments solicited. O trice at No. 47 FayettevUle street. nen 1 o-B-mna 1 ' '11 V7ilrictcn, IT. C, Businesa Cards. HOOKS, STATIONEBY,i ETC. ' I18.1NSBEKGER.........80 and 41 Market St. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. woirrp A WORTH... i KEKCiSNER A CALUEK BROS. . ....Water st, ....Water st. QROCT5RS Wholesale and Retail. ADRIAN A VOLLHR8.. . .Cor. Dock A Front sts. GEO. MYKHS .., 11 andU South Front st. JOHN C. HHY3R., North Water sv. PERUVIAN QUANO. w, H. McRARY k CO. 1 A .Water st. SADDLES. HARNESS, ETC. . MALLARD A BOWOEN-..8.onth-FrOBt:rt fshR-"; - 1 ': CEHTRAL HOTEL, ; W. E. i?ATTEllSOit Propr. '" ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' NBWbKRNX n. a ! This well-known and commodious House, its name implies, is situated in the "central and Dufuness" portion of- tlie city ; hence recom -mends itself for its convenience totheHTrav elicg Public," affording solicitors every oppor. tuniiy of visiting their business e rrespondu. It has aitfDSlve Servant snd lis Table la fur nished with every delicacy oat of the market. An Omnibus for the conveyance of guests to and from tbe trains and steamers 'free of charge." a special feature in this place, and all the appurtenances whether of comfort 5r eou t enience, of a "modern flrsu-c-iass" Hotel Terms to suit tbe times 187 , pet X km r l a

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