The News and Obse.»er. VOL. XX.XVIII. NO. *4. fool (L&IBdESTr ©O[F3©iHJ[LAVO®K! ®F AOT KKDtSTTEK] ©£\[M)[Lo[iM DDADOF. WAR ON MONOPOLIES TUB ll{ LL TELEPHONE COW PAJfV IHIU.NKI) l*V aECRE- I4KV HOKE SMITH. I SAVING TO THE GOVERNMENT. Tii* New l>lrphoi»* « W ill Cost lor all Tim* Only « Lillie More Than Han Brea Aanaally Paid per V» ar t*» t* e « B>II r«mpHiv»o'iicr Department* Will Pall w Tki«* Example—Rep ri •f the Geolpgi al W ork in v ori li Par alna I'ariag Ihr Pud Year. Special to the News and Observer. Washington. D. 0., F*-b 7. Fra long time past the Bell Tele phori« company b <* furnished the Inter ior Dei art merit 64 telephones at «• average of from s«4tosi2> per year, the total amount pa <1 being $4,132 Se< retary lf"ke S uith notified toe company last fdl that he did not intend to pax any such rental. Tuis was at first in *t with scorn, bur finding that the Secre a ry was in earoes l thecoraoanj sx»n made hua a prop -si ion to lurni-h the tele phones at an average r* ntal of $23 a year per telephone. In the meantime, how ever, th** Secretary h.d thoroughly i*- Testigat. d the ma ter, and a few days ago ta idea contract with the Western Construction company of Chicago, to fun iait th* Interior Department with leleph ".f s, 128 in number, for a total cost of s~* 507 Ther-e telephones will bo owned by the department, ami will cost for all time euly SI,OOO more than the department has a nuudv boon paying per year It is p ohabie that the other departments will f.llow the 1 iterh r Department’s Wad in this mat er The significance of this is t he more ap parent when it is r<*m inhered th>t th patentnflW#, whch granted the Bel Telephone Company its patents is »u the lute ior Department. Heretofor the B H Telephone people have claimed that n<* other telephone could turn's'! the s-rvice, and h *ve pointed to tin fact that tli patent office itself uwl its in stramants This action of the Interior Depart met t is the beginning of the end of the telephone monopoly in this city, a well as < Dswhere. North Carolina Militia ▲ r#i>or* sent to Congress yesterd *v by thn. Adjutant-General of the »rmy shows that there are 246,000 unorgan ised men in N-rth Carolina avail *l>l for militarv duty; 181 eomrai*aion>*t months work has been d voted to the prepare tioa o f a paper ba-*ed on his work on “Otog-»ic Movements and Appalation Draiusge,” this study ne*e sitateri the drawing of a large number •f map. and di .grams which will be in •ludt'd in Ur Campbell’s report. Mr Men 'enhall, his asms ant, was en jag d lisring D* comber anti January in makiag the plots based on his field aota*, and making section sheets re hating ta the coal measures of the region about Rslaigh and Tm scwell. The report ia signed by Char'es L) Walcott, di*ee tor of th* survey. The pr< positions mada to the S- crotary in this report will be very beneficial to the South, espe • all? to North Carolina, if approved. Much work will be done during the apriOk' in Western North Carolina among the n i»’»g sections and tests will be made of the soil in ths central portion of Ike Stale The Rala as P#pitbm. Today's P*>st says ot bitu: "Fran «.s I>. Winston. of Ralegh, one of the leading Democrats in North Carolina, was at the Capi tol yesterday, accompanied by Col Julian 8. Carr, the president of the league as I>* mo ratio elm s in the Tar heel Slate Ur. Winston was very pr*>m inent ia Ihe gathering 'll Rdeigh during the !»a #-m >atgn of the dubs from ihe various North Carolv a eit e-*. “It seems to me,” said Mr. Winston, “that the K-publuans and Populists have secured a h* 1 i upon North Car>*- lira whi 1. rannot be shaken dT for some time t.i «.m e. Ths > have not yet deci ded upon the details of the new election lavs wi i h they props to pa-s, hu' they er•• working in haim-my and will anvolve something that wid go far to ward per*>etu oing their emtn l. Marion Butler, who is to stive ol Senator Han •ora. is » great org ini* r and » man of ooasiderabb* ability aud since the the lion kts dev lo ed v. ry matt ri.dly. 1 would not tie surptised, t-ith* r. to see the eleveu electoral votes of th * State divi ded in 1891 between the Republican* and the Populists. The ldtftr will get six and the Republicans five if by fus « n they carry the S ate orer the 'lieuvc rata” ('•I. C«rr> Bonadoa. Is aommentin .on Mr Julian S. Carr’s gift of SIO,OOO to the National Methodist laivt-raiiy. the Poet says: “Col. Julian 8. Carr, of Durham, N. g g • Carr is well known throughout the Sou h, sad .*s>*ciHHy in North Carolina as a philanthropist. Very few erne- prises of an ei eternal characer have not been tha recipient-* of bis generosity. “JUai aight he had a call from Bishop Hurst. * f 1 1 is city, an ’ the result of the n f *‘tview vr h contribution by 01. Carr of SIO,OOO to the American Uni versity. "This i-* the first contribution made by a "southern man to »n <*d c >tion«l « n't r prise north of the Potomac sinc» the vnr. Col. Ca> ris on** ot the few mdlion air*s of the South. He lagan life coon after the war with not' ing but hi> •ducation and em*rgy. lb* haa bni t umself up fr« m a small beginning to one of the richest men in th«*S tu'h 11 is president of the Durham Tobacco Company, which is wor d wide in its reputation, is connected with ad the in lustrial enterprises of the Stab*, and if all signs don’t fail will be N rth Caro lina’s next Governor. He is quite a voting man, and the trend of p *li ies u the Old N- rth State seems to be that the young men shall come to the front." V * * Ur. Cleveland is determined to delay t v >e issue of bonds as long as possible He wants to give Congress an oppor un itv of obviating the necessity of any is sue of bon-'a at all, if he can, on the authorization. If bonds are issued by the President, thev will Iki sold to Lon don hankers f >r gold to be brought into this country. He is tired of selling bonds to bankers who pay for the bonds in the go’d drawn fiom th** Treasury. * * * There is much t-Hk here of whether the reconciliation between McKinley and Foraker will help s he McKtnlev bom t n consideration of getting bis support, McKinley agrees to throw his influence tor Foraker as United S'a*es Senator and F **-aker is to put the author of the Me Kinley bill in nomination for the Preai deney. It is by such trades that Presi dents are sometimes made. ♦ m * Mr, Francis D. Winston, a well-known lawyer, «f Windsor, B rtio county, is among the N rth Carolina visitors here to day He is one of Mr. Woodard's counsel in the contested election case of Henrv P. Cheatham against Hon. F. A. Woodard. • * * Tug boats ace plying the Po f omac night an-t dav for sixty mi’es down in order to keep the channel free f-om iee, so that boats mav make thei»- tr : ps Two \ ears ago the rb’er was frozen for et rhtv miles and an apnropristinn of SIO,OOO was made hv Congress tohir* an ice tug from Baltimore to open the channel. One night lately persons on iee skates enjoyed sport down Pennsylvania avenue. •# * * W. A. Campbell, of Rocky Mount re turned to W;i*»h s ngton yesterd «v with Mr. Bunn and will remain for the next ten days. V * * The North Carolina Rop-esenfative* here were not v**rv hor>efnl of the passage of ft>e Bp*-inger bill in the House, and its defeat to dav caused no surprise. * * * Cap’nin Hugh R G irden, a native of North Carolina, but now of New York, is a visitor here * » * (}nv. Chauneev F. Blsck, who is in terested in the company, said to-dav : "l want to see the Green-*h r * Iron and Steel Works a great success It will be a great addition to the South.” * * * The Nonh Carolina delegation voted against all amendments to the Springer bill and against the bill * « * Arrivals. Rope E!i"». Frat klin. Clem Vanlv, Wins'on. A. W. Graham Ox f ord. CHOSE A BRIBE IN OHIO. Mr. Ifenrv T. Rumbough, of A»he« viße,weds Vb* Sachet, ot Ohio, to the New** atul Observer nxvxLAND, O no, Feb. 7. Miss Harriet Olivia Ba«k**t *»as th ! s evening married to Mr. Henry Thomas Rumbough, a prominent attorney of A'heville, N. C The ceremony was performed at 8: -> 0 oYloek hi accordance with the Episcopal service by R*-v. Dr Cyrus S. Bates. It took plage at the home of the bride’s moth* r Mrs Alexander Sacket, at. No. 1.4f)0 Euclid avenue. The event was quietly celebrated, ot Iv the e’osn relatives and a few friends b* - ing in attenden**© or the services which was follow* d bv a reception M iss S ‘die Rumbough. tho sister of the grtKtni, was maid < f h nor. Mr. J. E Rtitrihough was be-t man and Dr. Thomas Carlett and Mr. T. Sterling Bo* kwith the ushers Besides Mr. and Mi'S Rumbough. of Asheville, Mrs Chas. E Brown and father, and Mrs F T. Wood of Chicago, wi re in attendance from abroad. RAILROAD DIRECTORS RFKT. Snow Six laches Beep at Greensboro a a*t still Fa It ins Special to the News »u*l Observer. GiiiCNSBOHO N C., Feb. 7. The directors of the North Carolina Railroad held their annual meeting h* r*- to-day and declared a dividet.d of J per semi annua ly, payable in March and Sept cm t>er. Greensboro is in the mhbt of a severe snow r tor in The snow is aheady a'out inches de**p and sti'l f-dling. Tl R*>or Vetiies the.ltesi*§ Broou N.’ Y, ’ F,d>r 7- tiv-day vefitd the o dinar*.* eassed Tnesdav by the beard of abler men revoking the license aed frauchis* f »he Bwv'khn Heights aud Atlantic Avenue Railroads. RALEIGH, N. C.. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 8. 1895. THE CURRENCY BILL THE ADMINISTRATION BOND BILL !HEErS ITS DEATH IN THE 801 SE S MAJORITY OF 162 AGAINST IT. Alt* r Three Pay’s Oiscussion all Plan* fjr Financial R lief are ltrlu«cd b> Bcci'iv* Vote—The IL-piiblican** Vale for the Bill and its Amendment* and the Peri Hjriitsand Fuim'Hs Against it—A State Hank Tat Amendment also Defeated. Washington, I). O, Feb. 7. fie House Las *i seuss* d plans for fi ancial relief three da\a an itiotts were reported to the H u Mr Reed, authorizing the is**uc of two year 3 per cent certificates of in d* b edoe-41 to meet current deficiencies in the revenue, and bouds to cover ti>.e deficiency in the gold reserve with an amendment propo-ed by Mr. Bryan. (I)era.), o» N-braska. te affirming the d< clarstion of the M t'.hcws resolution of 1878. to the effect thit coin oblig:- tiuns of th** G iverntnent are payable n sta dard silver dollars at i s option, and the substitute of Mr Oox, m of Tennessee, containing a re-h.ibilttatien of Btat bai ks, with an amendment pr*>- posed by Mr. Oobb, (Bern.),of Alabama, expre sly d**cliuing to confer the right to issue bonds upon the S-tr tury f the Treasury. Amendments Rejected. Mr. Rr an’s .imcudmeut wav rejected. Yeas, 127; nays, 1«9, aud then Mr. Reed's substitute went the same way by a vote of 109 to 187. This wes nearly a party vote, the Populisms and Dem* crats in opposition, and the Republicans ?u favor of the measure. The amendment, proposed by Mr. Cobb to Mr. Cox’s substitute, was voted down, and the substitute itself received but 55 v use, on a di visi.-n, refused to order the engrossment and third reading of tin* amended Spr tuer bill, which annonneoment wa-* rec-ived wth applause A vote by yeas and nays sonj**wb.v reduced the major ity against the b;il, it resulting ye-vs 135. nays 162, pr sent, and not voti< g 4 Just before the v«-to was announeed Mr. ttceil endeavored to m keau cx lan ation of the attitude -of him elf and associates ot. the R; pub ican side, but was eut * -ff hy c* ys of regular order. He was going to say : ‘•I had. with the support of all the Republicans, presented a proposition which the ruling powers saw lit to r<* fuse. Nevertheless I had goee further and voted f->r a bill wh ch contains thi 'gs which 1 do not approve of, simply to enable the matter to go to the Senate in hope that something might be done. The bill has failed. I now desire to sug gest tha? 1 have no doubt this side of tin* House would v »te for the s»vond action of my substitute or any other proposition whio’i had any particle of chance of pas-- iug.” Hpri*s*»r t'ba»*gr* Ilfs Vote. Mr. 8 -r>nger having changed his vo‘e for that purpose, moved to reconsider the vote, and that motion, on motion by Mr, Hatch, (D*un ), of Missouri, was laid on the tahle Yeas 135; nays 123, which finally disposed of the matter. The question pending when the Com mittee of the Whole resumed c< naidera t on of the bill was as to © h**th* ror not the decision of the chairman ruling nut Mr. Bland’s substitute on a point of order, should b-*sustained. It was decided in the affirmative 130 to 52 In the course of the considers 1 i°ii of the hi 1 Mr Wheel* r. (D.«*n ). Alabama, m vrd to repeal 'he tax iff 10 jar cent, on Brate bank circulation and it was lost by a vo*o of 98 to set An sm*ndifjent j>»orov** 1 bv Mr. Bdl w (P ‘p ), Colorado, providing for the pay ment of the bn*>ds in gold or silver without discrimination against either, wa* l*vt—loß to 74. Mr Bland got a vote on an amend ment requiring -ho Treasury note* issued under the Sherman act of 1890 to be re deemed in accordance with 'h *t law and directing the coinage of the, seignorage of the silver bullion in ihe Treasury, and it came within five votes of being adonted— 105 to 114. Before the bill was taken up, bills were parsed an horixing the re opening of the adandoned military *eservati >n at Fort Jn*>iter. Fla., and grant ng aj> n sion of SSO a m nth to the widow of the late General John G. Kilton, Adjutant General of the Army Mr. Gmsvenor. (Rep), introduced a resolution for which he vainly a'ked irn mediate consideration directing the ap pointment of » committee of five to iu vestigate the Congr*-ssional elections in Tennv-i,*ee lest November, with a view of rej>orting whether or uot the commis s ons issued th* re under by the G >vt rn or the State'shou’d b * re<*< gnized hy the House. It was refern dto the commit tee on elections. Albant, N Y . F*-b. 7.— The Assem bly this morning passed 'he Horton bill, prohibiting boxing or sparring exhibi tions in this State. THE BAY IN IHEsENATF. Discussion in Ilnga'd to l‘a\ment of Claims for the Sugar Bounty. Washington, I> Cl, reb. 7—Arctic weather was experienced in Washington to da; and at, noon sn >w ha*l Ikm n stead ily falling for a couple of hours There was consequently a very slim attendance of Senatotg when the Chap lain delivered morning prayer, and it wa** so d«rk th t it was found nec< ssary to light the gas above the glass roof of the chamber. Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon. sai*l that he was instructed by the Committee on Claims to report an amendment to an •ippropriation bill and to make a brie* sran-inei t. The amendment related, he said, to the claims for sog:ir bounty One part of the claim, he sad, was for the bounty whkh had been paid prior to August 28, 1893, whi n the McKinley act liecame law. Part of it was for half the bounty on the sugar produced after that date. The O* mmittee on t’l *ims, he said, was di viihd on both propositions. The majority of tho Committee be lieved that, the fl*st part of the * l *itn should be paid in full (about $ '27 000) but the committee was not willirg to rec -romend favorable action on the s cond part, bur left it for the action ot the committee on appropriations and t he r tho appointment of ■* select committee to inv*stigate the Diu isiana or Honduras lottery or o'her cor porations in Florida, (as to controlling or influencing newspapers or eleebons in Florida), was called up by Mr. Call, who proceed* d to address the Senate in ex planation aud advocacy of the resolu tion. Mr Call’s remarks were cut of by Mr Blackburn’s motiou to tak- up the Dip lomatic- and Consular Appropriation bill, a motion which Mr. Odl alluded to in an undertone, as “B Ist* ring up the Lottery Company.” The Diplomatic bill was before th- S nate up to the l our of adjournment, when it went over without action on Un item for the construction of a telegraph c-*ble lw tween tbe United States and the Hawaiian Islands. Speeches were mads by Senator Hig gins, in favor - f the item, and by Se"H tors P drner and Caffe* j against it, Mr Palmer r-effing a sentence from Mi- Teller’s speech of the previ us day, “Oh for a*i hour of Marcy, Clay aud Weo ster,” ho exclaim* d. “Oh for an hour of Chatl -s Sumner, who would not con sent to the annihilation of the negro re public of San Domingo Is there no one who will speak f«»r the people of the Hawaiian islands, who have been robtvd and who are- u<*w governed by agencies that are as despotic as can be im.-ig ned ” The Senate, at 0:30, adjourned until to-morrow. BRUTALITY TO tONVIUTS. S»iiK*riutf*ndent A' lilte and steward Stud- r )l**Hnd Over to« ourt. Special to the News aud Observer. Ashevillr, N. C. Feb. 7. superintendent W. 11. \7hite and Steward W. U. Sluder, charged with as sault on Tim McCarty, a convict *n White’s gang, had a hearing in Justice S Summer’s c-uirr this afternoon The evidence was that Sluder, under | White's in-truoti-UiS, had handcuffed and lucked McCarty, and White admin ister* d about 23 b:ows with a leather strap There was no evidence that Mc«'arty had done anj thing more than eseap from camp a few days before White a d Slu-ier were hound over to o *urt, bond be ng fixed at two hundred d -liars each. Itec* Be * Take Charge ol the N. A IV Ro'NOKB, Va., F**b. 7 —F. J. Kimball and Henrv Firik. receivers of tho N>r folk and Western Railroad, issued from the general offices in this city this after noon a li- ttficatioii t*» ail parties inter ested that thev had aasunmd charge of thep’Ofert> aid directing the op*ening of new accounts and reports of all offi c* r? to the receivers. All of the old offi cers and emplo'es at*» retail ed until further n<*tic-, and William G. McDow ell is appointed treasurer for the receiv *rs. Due Killnl sail Two Fatally lajured. Nf.w Orleans Ra , Feb. 7 — A north bound freight train on th<* New Orleans and No-th*astern Railro.d w s wrecked at Purvi-», Mbs., a hundre-1 miles north ot here this m<*ruing. A negro tramp was killed and two others fatally i“v ju-ed Foarus-n loaded c-*rs «er* -inasherl The cr*-w was injured. A broken draw-bir caused the accident. COLD. CRUEL WINTER EXTREMELY S© VERB "E VI 111 H REPORTED FROH ALL OYER THE COUNTRY. THE MERCURY FAR BELOW ZERO. A Driving Snow Storm Reported From Florida to Maioe**.Tho Coldest Da* of the Season Thronshont the South and tho Coldest Ever Known to the We-t-- V Howling Blizzard Raxing in Texas«Temperatute Falls io l>e greesin Florida fiuriag the Buy. Washington, D. C,, Feb. 7.—W ish j ing on exp* rienced a heavy snow storm , to day with gusts of wind r- mir.iscent of i the blizzard of 1888. This mor< i»g ti e- I thermometer r«gistwn. Little Rock, Ark., Feb. 7.—The tem perature fell to 8 degrees below zero this morutug, the coldest weather ever known here. Howling Blizzard in Tern*. Denison, T- xas, Feb 7. — A howling h'izzvrd, with the wind Mowing 50 miles an hour, prevails throughout northern T*-x is. Ir is the worst storm in years. Thousands of cattle arc dying from tx posu re. Worst in Twenty Years. Pfruy, O. T., F*-b. 7. -The blizzard that set in here yes*erday s tho w--r.-t storm the territory ha-* experienced in twenty years. From 8 o’clock n'ght till 9 o’clock this morning the thermom et» r registered from 10 to 15 degrees tx* low z* ro. The wind blew a burri«*ane from the north. No trains have arrived here since v esterday »veiling. ('old Weather in Teunessee. Memphis, Tenn., Feb 7. —The mercury r« gwtered zero t his morning aud w ill go >ar below to night. Heavy Gale aud Snow. Columbus, O , Feb. 7. Tlie th*r momater here is at zero and ;t d’ifting snow storm has prevailed during the morning. Street car travel is almost im possi!*le and the stre ts are paitly Ce ser'ed. To add toth- severity, a heavy «ale set in during tha night and r-t• 11 condnues, though the velocity has de • reas*d. The attendance atThesubur bau schools is very light The 11 irbor Frozen Over. Plymouth, v ass, Feb 7.—This bar t»r comnleGly froz*n over, which is a rare occurrence. River Mersey Blocked Up. Livehpo l, F.-b 7—An ice floe f ora the Upper Mersey has drifted down to the river's mouth, forming a mass half a mile long and several hundred fret s ide The ice has blocked access to the landing stage and compelled the stop page of the ferrie-*. Thirty-lour Degrees Below Zero. Watertown. N. Y , Feb. 7.-Glar and u-*ld weather continues thronabout rhis section, thoiiKh it li.*s moderated shgh'ly f rom the intense cold of th** past two davs At It a. m. to diy it ia ten degrees la-low zero iu the heart of the city, while in the country dis ricts it is from three to five degrees lower. At Gouveneur, St. Lawrence county, early this morning, twenty-six to thirty below' are the figures repotted a"d cor respoudingly low temp rature is recorded from other towis throughout this sec tion. At Alexandria Bay and other Thous and Islands points yesterday the l«**-»e.-t m*rk was th-rtv- f our d>grees below. Tne average temperature of the day in Wat* rtown yesterday was nineteen de grees bo'ow. Mercury Rapidly Fal’ine. Roanoke, Va.. Fb. 7.—This has been the roughest day of the win er h*-re. A flue dry snow fell all the fire noon and up to 3 o’clock, w hen the w ind he-.'an to M-w a gale. The m- rcurv has tier-n rapidly falling since that time, having declined from 20 aliove z- ro at rhr. e*o six a!*ove at six p. m. The high northwest wind continues. Temperature la the Mouth. Washington. I>. C., F.-b 7.—Drops in t-rnperature io day in th«* South were a> follow’s: A s Cha les on from a maximum of 80 to 28 dequ es; at Swaunah fr--rn 82 r<* 24 degrees; at Jacksonville from 70 to 32 decrees. Sii Inches ofSnow at Richmuud. Richmond, Va., F*b. 7.— The ther mometer here r*-g : Btered fourteen de er es. It has ben snowing stead ny since yesterday evening. The d* pth is alxmt six inches. Cold Wave Ht Atlanta. Atlanta. Ga , F b. 7.—The cold wave Struck Atlanta about 10 o’clock thi morning. In an hour the temperature fell fr->m 40 to 30. The wind bl* w a gab reaching 47 miles an hour this af ternoon. Snow rquails in short inttr- PRICE FIVE CENTS. Iv Us. The wind kept the snow in tbs • was blinding At sjv w» ths j r t'ermorth ter was 8 sKivr. T! e ohsst*- I ver s *\ s that it w;!l go below zero N-fom morning. Snowed fnrJFiltesa H«»ar»* Coni, Feb. 7.—Snow lias falYn N fifr*a*n hours in southwestern Ireland. ■s'veral trams i re emlnslded in drifts «n*i no railway in the region is opera# ing reguiarly. \ Stiff Northwest (istr Birmingham. Ala. F**l> 7, TM* j venth**r ha* grown steadilv colder all «ts| ind to-night at B.3'> p. m. the Age Her aid thermometer r< giatem! t 3 3-4 abor* zero. It will go stdl further down Iwfom midnight. A stiff northwest gal* has •vei n blowing all day. At noon u severs gust of wind blew four plate glass win dows from * ut of the front of the Bir rn'ugham Sho** Coropativ’s building, •* tailing a considerable loss •' thirty Below in N* hr«*«ka. CHAPPn.L, Neb ,F- b 7 The Unioa Pacifie’a Atlantic express was week*d a mile from here this morning by a spread ing rail. Four cars and the engita* wens overturned The thermometer w.*s thir ty d green belo-v zero and the passengers stiff- red greatly. EVADING HFTENUE L4WM. A Moonshiner’s Lair in the Heart South Caiollt «N Capital Columbia. S C . Feb 7. -Slick ronoi shiners wh-> have f--r years bvn making a study of ingenious methods to evads the Unite-1 Sta»*s r- venue laws. «re no# in if with the South Garolina re vena# law invaders. To-day a lair was unearthed right iu the heart of Carolina’s capital which was almost in the bowels of the earth—a hir which rivals that of the North Caro lba moonshiners who dived through a river's wa’ers to reach the month of their underground distillery. It, was w?*y down under the cellar ot tho grocery store of Pint! Hook »i»4 Spell, aud the whole construct ion, aad underground tunnel, particularly tha manner of concealing the way of en trance, was the acme of ing»*u«itf. Nearly $3,000 worth of whistey was bagged and ci'iifiscatcd The search oS the place w.-s made by the liquor <«n stables »n*l police. The owners *>f tha store refused to allow the officers fa go into the store, hut opened up tha orl lar. The budding is a very long one and; the cellar the officers were ushered inta ran only a butt half way. At tha real end w«s solid earth.. The offic* re knew what they were do ing. fat* they sent f-*r shovels and spadea and began to dig into the wall of tha earth. After digging for about six feat t' cir instruments struck air and they soon got into th*' rest <-f the cellar They went in and searched all sround. Oa one side to the brick wall was what appeared to be the foui d ition of a lergt chimney running on up through tha building. On this their attention aea-- tered. Pretty soon they bt'gan to col into the hr : ck and in a short, time thaj g*Zed through and hy the flickering hgbt of a candle they could sea thst the chimney wa< a false one, that in-ido & ladder ran upwards and there wa- ancat litila bar with all necessaries insido. They cut the hole larger and got They could -ce the bottom of wu ingenmo* trap door in the fl a*r ab-ve, whichoooMl n<>t b* detected above, as it was covered by shelving. But the liquor hsd no# been found, and the real ingenuity of the hiding place was vet to lie seen Th* constables looked around theiusid* walb o' the chimney and towards the out*** « all they Anally discovered a doorabou# four feet high. They b'oke this dowa *nd stood at the mouth of a long, dark tunnel, running hack into the “bowelt of the earth ” A mao could almost stand erect in Ihe neatly coi struct*d tunnd. A expliwa f iou t'e :an. The constables went ou and on until they struck a point where the tunnel diviiltd and branched in opposite direction.-, and the liquor was iu sight The e was about forty feet of tunnel ing and the earth taken out of it had been u.-ed to mak** the false back to ths cellar. It took the co: stab’es seieml h *t:re to get ali the liquor stored i» ths tunnel out. And there was lots of it. le ail the constables estimate th-y *•* u* ar’y 400 gallons. TREASURY RECEIPTS. Revenue From tbe New Tariff Rill Moodily Increased Niece November. Washington, D. i\, F**b. 7.—T!i* Treasury g<*ld reserve was reduced io by wttlidrawals o' $32 *,OOO of g *ld at New York to $41,743,138 Ti e Tuvv-ury receipts fr-m» cuatom* coi.tinue to ju>ify exp«:ctationa fiom tt># new tariff lull They began to iner am. last Novemb. r and have k-pt stead*ly up since that lime. The excess,, hj months, since )a*r November, as com part'd with the corresponding month?* of the last fi.-c 1 ve»r is: December $2 > w $2,.- 400,009 Most of the I e.ivy expecsb tures are made iu the (list half of tba mouth. Lxpenditupfi for Treasury do not thke into coueideratiou any tiz*ed charges on account of the finking #» z»d, which is in arrears ab ut, $l4O ttoo f*6> beginning as (ar b