2 RALEIGH’S CHARTER A HIM. TO IT IVFRO* UUCCI) YESTIKIOV IN TUB SMVATE. ANOTHER DEMOCRAT OUSTED. R* |»r**»ei»ii»tive Mewbornc, of Cirprne, Unbh.fl of II in Neat and Dix<*n Rc»o(pil In On H* bed tile rime—Fi »HßrlalJPl«nWV*f tne Popnli-t Nation al riHiiona,l tie I n«l ine • he Sob-Trean orvlil'H, Adopted—% Hill to Horn) Offi •T'l ia Guarantee Companies. Tin* S*nate was called to ord* r at. 11 o’clock yesterday by Pieskfant pro tem Frai ck. Prayer was cffered by Rev. H W N**rrt- of the and the journal of Thursday approved. Petition*. By Mr. Snipes, «>f Hertford, from citi sens of Warrenton agdnst amendment Os the present charter of w'arr* nton. B* Mr Sanders, of Union, from ci i sens f M<mne for repeal of Chapters 48 and 49 public laws ot 1893 By Mr Gran', of Wayne, memorial from Western North Ca'oina Confer ence «»f the M E Church, to prevent competition between State institutions for higher idncation and the piivate ins'itmions for higher education. By S -nator Adams, of Moore, from ctnsens of Moore county, asking for re appo mment of 0. W. Stiaw, a justice of the pea* e. Bill** and desolation* Introdneed. Bv Senator Sander*, P., of Union, bill to repeal actions 6,7, 8,9, 10. private LiWr* <*f 1893 Bv Senator Carver. R.. of Cumber land, hill to amend charter of the Fay ettevi le Compress and Storage Com pany. B* Senator Stephens, P , of Caswell, bill to declare valid deeds executed by Trinity Col ege By Mr Gr«nt. R. of Wayne, bill t<> •m nd and revise the charter of thec'ty of Rdetg*'; bill to amend secti >n 1,853 of t he Ct»de. B* Senator Dowd. D , of Metk’enbnrg, bill for protection of birds in Meckleu burg county. By Senator Sigmon. R , of Catawba, bill to pr omote the timber interests ot North Carolina by opening more floata ble sir ams. By Senator Herbert. P., of Clay, bill for r* ltef of Stephen Whitaker. By Senator Sigmon, R. of Catawba, bill to incorporate the Mutual Savings and Dep< sit Company. By Senator Hurley, P , t f Montgomery, bill to amend section 3604 of the < ode. By "enator Afall, D, of Johnston, bill for the relief of Rev. Solomon Po<>l Bv Senator Adams, D , of Moore. b\ rrquest, bill to authorize the Treasurer of Randolph county to pay Jno A. w il •on amount due him as public school teacher. By Ben»tor White, R., of Alamance, bill 'O prevent hunting of o’pos'tims at certain seasons of the year in Alamance Bv Senator Cook, bill to p ev**nt trusts and coiumnntion* and to provide legisla tiou to suppress them. C'alendar. Senator Marshall wa* a’lowed to with draw hill to abolish county boards of ed ucation, which was reported unfavora bly. S B 309. to govern letting out. the Eublio printing, as amended by the louse, was concurred in by the Senate 8. B 297. to auth rize the county o* Mitchell io fund and compromise it- debt, passe t third reading 8 B 148 to incorporate the Bank of Granvi'b', passed third reading 8. B 320. to amend the charter of the town of Jamesville, extending limits, passed th rd reading. 8 R 39. *nstructing our Senators and Representatives in Congress to use all honorable me uis to secure the passage of a law for the free and unlimited co n age of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 w *s called up. 8-maior Cook offered the following amend m nt: T<> st* ike cut the word silver and iu sert in lieu thereof; “Os all the silver produced from the mines of the tJni:r*d Statesj and such other and further financial legii-lation Will increase the volume of currency suf ficientiy to meet all the needs c»f tr*de and •ommerce, limited to the extent, (hat the purchasing and debt paying power .*f the debar, whether of silver, gold or paper shall be at all times equal,” Senator Mawbirne • s » , d he wanted all silver coined. He was not af'aid the silver' o r other countries would do us any harm He w•» willing to see any amount of it dump* d over here. Senator Abell sai l the rea duHonem bodied a dank of toth the Democratic and populist platformsm Norrh Ca o nia and *te wanted to see who wou d staud by it Senator Moody, of Haywood, moved to lay the amendment on the table Senator Abell demauded the ayes aud noes The motion to tattle was lost by a vots of 83 to 8 Senator White, of Alexander, moved to re tv er the r solution to the commit tee on F»<ieral Relations. Sera or Rcc said the bill was merely a Democratic laimbshell to create a division te ween the 00-operationiats who «sme here to make laws for the pcop'e. »*ut differed somewhat on finan cial ques'tons He sold the represe ta fives of the Democrat! • press were here to blow the matter and make political capital of it Mr. D.»wd said he wanted this Legis lature to go ou r. cord on the silver ques tion. Senator Moody asked if this was the place tor puties to make recor*ls on the finatioi 1 que>t o f Senator Dowd said if was the place to begin Senator Rice asked Senator Down what he was Senator Dowd a*ked Senator Rice what he was. Senator Ktee said * I am a t.epu liean.” Senator Dowd said “I am » Itemocat ” Senator Moody a-ked Smator Dowd if he would vote for Cleveland if the De u ocrats re-nominated him fo r Presde it. Senator Dowd said he did uot kn .w whether he would or not, but be bad *< me doub»s about it. 8 n»tor McCaskey called for the pre vn us qutg ton. Thecall was su*tatned. Senator Mewborneseut forwa»d 'hefol Jo* if g amendment. e* p»ed fa di y from the National Populist p atf< rm : “We demand a national uurrerc'. safe, eoin d and fl xifae. twsued by the goveri ment only, a full legal tender for all fiebts. pub ic or piivaie, and ibo w ih'ftit ihe u.-e of b*i king corporat*n-; i a just, t quit able and *fficient means o? dtstriffuting dir* ct to the people at a tax j not to exceed tv*o |*cr cent , set forth by the sub- 1 rea-ury plan « r s j system; •*l>o. bv payments in discharge ! or its obligations and forpubli improve ments. • We d» mand the fr*e and unlimited coinage ot stiver and gold at the hgal I rate of 16 'o l j “We (I* mand that the amount of th< j c'rculatuig m*dium he i« creased to at ] least 50 per eapiia exclusive of legal re i *eroes ” S-nator Fow l r said he wss a Popu \ H~t. but was not in fav r of the sui>- Treasurv plan. He w*» opposed to it Senator Moody. of Haywood, renewed | his motion t.» re refer, and ai * 1 this was only a resolution to create tn ub e be tween the P* pu ists and the Republicans, 'hat it was introduced by a Democrat foi that purpose. 8 nator Westmoreland said he Wanted it re reh rred, ami something brought U| that there would not be so much divis ion ujM-n. Senator Dowdsaid the first was a plait resolution far fiee coinage of s'*v>r. H* wanted theS Date io s*> whether it f vored free coinage or not.. H** wanted io see it the P pulis s were sincere ii iheir professions on the financial que* t on. Senator Moody demanded the previous question. S* na or Abell called for thi aye* and n< es; both calls were su-tained The m< tion to re-reftr was lost by a vote of 33 to 16. S nator Mewlrornosaid h’« amendment was embodied in the platform of the People’s party. He said these were the principles ot his party and he was “going to stand h\ them forever, amen.” He demauded the ayes and n< tea. Senator Abell said he was not going to vote for the pUtform of the P**pulist party, but he wanted it understo *d that he W’as for the free coinage of silver. Senator Fowler said he did n t wan' •oswallow the suhtnasury plank, bu' |>eople s-'metimes had to drink a greal ■ 'eal of had water to get a little good wliskry. Senator Fortune said the sub-treasury feature of th« l>i!l put him in a h<*ie, and he endeavored to exp'ain himself out He voted * No ” Senator Mewhorne’s amendment, which wasxi'tnally a subttitute, was adopter by a vote of 26 to 15. Senator <’<a k‘s amendment was lost, by a vote of 29 to 9. The n» ilution, mangled entirely on' of its ortgi al shape by Senator Mew * orne’s addi ion of the greater part « t the financial plank of the Populist, plat form, was adopted by the following voe: Ay* s—Messrs. Ammons, Be lamy Candler, Carver, Dalbv. Dula, Farthing. Fo*ler, Franck, Herbert, Mew borne. Moody of Stanly, Norris, Parsons, San d-is, Shaw, Sn’p'S, Stephens. Taylor. We-tmor-land, White of Alexander. White of Petq limans-26 Noes—Messrs. Abell, Adams, Black. Cook Dowd, F >»tune, Grant, Me'cer. Mitehell. Moody of ft .ywoo<t. Rice,Sha»p. Sigmon, Wall, White of Ahxmder —15 Bill mending the charter of the town of Bltnore, Buncomt>e couuty, ptsseo its sec**t»d reading S. B 15«>, to incorporate th« town of Guiltord t’ollege, pas ed third reading 8 B 332, to incorporate the Surhng ton Bankiug Company, pas**e<l third reading S. B. 164, for r-lief of Jno. W Co#>k. late sberitf of Guilb»rd county, whs ta bled S B 168 for the relief of sheriffs and tax collecto-s of the State, was tabled. S. R. 150, asking the Treasurer of the University to give number of and con dition* on which all sch*-lar-hips given by that institution, and number of stu dents that have attended without charge tor tuition, pass'd third resiling S. B 171. r*q dring examination of teacheis. and piohibi ing the faculty «f the Sormal and Industrial schools fn*m givb geerti?“* , *' a ro tfHfb-ra.and re|M*al ing law allowing holders of county Imti* »utes to exaram • teachers gpd psue cer tificates bra period of three years and taking away the privilege ex’ended t<* Peabody Institute, was called up, and p ssed i*e< ond reading. S B 175 '0 re-tore Jonathan Duncan of McDowell c>nnty, to citizenship, wa tabled S R 181. directing the S*ste Auditor to issue his warrant for $1,605 to halai ee old items that h *ve lieeu can* ed as cash on s books, passed third read ing S B 189, repealing Chapter 533 laws of 1893, as to bo' i's of officers of Warren countv. passed third reading S B 19'. making 46 pounds a bushel of unboiled me 1, ««s tabled. S. B 198. uiwtruc'ing b»M»rds of Trus te sos th* University and oth* r S’ate ins tiiu ions to reduee salaries of process**rs of these in fitutions to correspond w th -alaries <>f professors of the deno tna tional eoll* ge*r Wf4R i H i,i on the table S B 194, amending S etion I, C’hap’er 172, laws of 1891, passed third reading S B 197 to amend chapter 197, Laws of 1893. in rega»d to fi-hing in Ho want’s Creek. Watauga c >uuty, pa-s ed third reading. S B 196 to amend the charter of the Fayeftev ile Compress and Storage C<»m pany. pa-sed thi d reading. The Sena'e adjouruetl to meet at 10 o'clock tin* moning. Highest of all in Leavening Power. — Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Rpjtfvl» ABSOLUTELY PURE The News and Observer, Saturday, February 9, 1895. HOIXK. The House was called to order at 11 oYI ck b Speak r Waser; | raver by Rev. I> H. Tuttle. It was moved t r> the nadingo* the journal be dispensed wiih, to wh'ch Mr. M< K»** zie o* j cted. and s< me discussi n ensueil, but finally it was dwoenssd with Petitions amt W-moriaU. Mr. Wooten, petitim s !n*m Is* Grange, for and ag-in-t icpeal ng 1 w pr >t.i *itu g tte s tie of hq or in sa <t town; from Pam I ivo cowry, against anv law per mitt o g oy -er dn dgit gin Pamlico S und Mr Abb.tr, asking that a Itmitrd dreOg* iaw be pass d Mr. Bk*r. E g* coude eoun'y, againtst p.ssage of bill ngiilat ing warehouse changes. Mr. LuH-back, • gainst change of law as to South Fork Creek in I)avid*on county. Mr. Bateman, jn-tit on of ti ; z*ns <t Plyn omh against changing of ward.- in said town: v r H**oker. Beaufort county in regard to fishit g in Pamboo riv**r A mot g repirfs to m standing commit f< es was an unfavorable - n * on the pro I* s**d bII to prohibit the marruge ct first cousii s Rr«i>latlom and Bill*. Mr. Mitch 11, r< lief of Miss Eliza fath Tbontps* n, of Watauga; Mr. Linn* y. on ins rncting the S|*e*k-r of the H*>use with r* ferenee to c«len<’ar; VI» lu i er. of Mitehell, to incorporate v;-ri • •ns chur* hes in Mitchell county; M'. Monroe, to provide f*.r inring the bliud; to prevent blindness; Mr. Hopkins t< extend the provisions ~f Mecklenburg road law to A-he and Wataug *; to allow the sheriff of A-he county to e* b* ct back taxes; Mr. < heek, for wotking 'put* lie r«> ds in the county of Orange; Mr Wooten, to prevent the sale o hq in the town of La Drang**; M r . Hooker, to prevent obstructions i*i Bailey (he* k BsaiPort county; Mr. Walker, to amend the 1 ws relating to the Board of H-hR ; Mr. Wooos, to provide tor woiking roads of L*-noir county; in relation to he stock law in Lenoir county; Mr French, concerning the official bonds of county offices; .Mr Crawford, to en able the town of Marrion to secure a •vater supply and to re ease manufact nrers trum municipal taxes; Mr V*cke r s, to prevent the town of I)nrh*m from c*lle*'ting arreages <*f taxes; Mr. Vicke s, to amend itie charier of the town of Durham; Mr Julian, for t* e relief **f certain citizens nea< N**al Bridge, R »wan county; Mr Linebaek. to amend the charter of W n ston; to allow John Boyer, ex-sher ff, to colh ct arreages of tax*s; tone* ruing a ••lassified rate by transportation c uupa "ies; M l- . Smith, of Stanly, to furinsb Bt«ulv county cert iu Supreme Court re {siriß; Mr Taylor, to repeal stin k law in i ortions of Cumt*erland; \Jr. Y**ing. to reduce the quorum of the Trustees of >h w Uni'ersity; Mr. K ng, to change the county bne between Macon and G a nam; Mr Cre.ws, to es abhsh a noun 1 -cbo -1 for the colond raceatOxford; Mr. Ho* ker, to amend Chapfi r 59 Laws 1883 concerning certain bridges in Beaufort county; Mr Ctuniel, to proh bit the sale of spirituous l qm*rs w*th n tuiemil** ot New House (’lunchin Yadkin c unty. A Bird in the Itund. Mr. Mewborne wanted his bill reeon sidered to jeped the game law iu Guil ford. Mr Julian object*d. Mr. Mew f *oruesiid ’hat the bill had been favor* bly reported on, and he had not had a fair show. Mr. Tu'-ner, of Mitehell, fa *ond reconsideration. Mr. Lusk did not, saying that the hill w g in f vor o' the pot-hunter who wanted to kill and ship the birds in Guilford away to those who were too go d t*» come and live in this country Mr E lis did not think it local, and, moreover, it gave to Greensbor* and Guilford a inonop <>ly. Mr. White thought it should not have been ta’ led on a minority te p >rt. and that there must h..ve been a mistake Rethought it was local, and hat we owed the courtesy of reconsid eration to the gentleman Mr Lusk asked could not ev- ry c*unity ship buds under the hi I to Guilford «nd then slop th* m to New Yotk Mr Wnite was not a* law points; the gentleman r m Buncombe was an able lawyer and must answer that himself. Mr. Bagw»ll sa'd the bill had been twice ref*rred and the second time favorably rejiorted. He wa- opposed to r*consid* ratmu If **e open r,i efl od gates of Gutlf rd we won’t hear 'he whistle of a bird in a few y ars. Moti u to reconsider put ami voted down To incorporate the town of Riitmore in county of Buncombe, passed th*rH reading; Mr French moved that rules b** Mi-pended toeoi s d**r bill to ftp d the dt?bt Qf Mllffliiqfp'n* Voted down ( uileniHin Dixon on Deck. The m jority repo t, in case of D'xon , vs Mew born was sent up in favt-7 of s atiug Dixon, the cont<-.‘ lHl ,t In m Gr*-* ne, Mr. McClammy sent forward the mi noii'y re|H*rr Mr. O x ai*l he w« uld cad the pre- V'ous qne-tion in 9o minutes—6o forth** D niocats and 80 for the m j rity re p -r 1 Mr Peebl* s want* d more ume ; s ne wanteo to oresent the l**gal points carefully. The Sneaker »aid the qu*s tt«»n was on the adopti* u of the minority r* jK>rt. M•• Peeb'es began bis remarks. The 'aw left it to us to decide these eases, bur it was assum d that we would de cide according t*» law. Mr. P* eblea read from an opinion by Judg** R'*fiin saying ttiat a det*>si *n by the Legist*!ure c ntrary ioth*-law wis an intring* nient. of the Constitution and j all th*- more provoked because these wa> uo appeal Mr. Peebles said it wa< therefore only left to him tosh*»w that the law had la-en r ken in ths casein order that this bodv should kn >w its duty Mr. Peebles read from 16th Michigan j affirming ihe principle of law laid down in North Carolina, also, that no man uot i»rope*ly h*xWMed cmild v« te Mr Per I* s riifi* d the otner.-ule tobringanv devisi**u Bh*> * i g that where ihe Con-ti t *n**n rcqui'vd I•ws to b tra*te tor r**g isiratt"U and *nere th*-s«- laws h *d l> * n passed t t*e * 1 ctor w h*. was not reg st* r eii * c oming to those ia«s was ieksli entitled to *ote Mr I’*-* t<l< s cited several eases to su» ! am tin-p*t*p >shi<»u that r*-gu-tr«»i »n not a coord n g to the i*gvi t* qu r**tn**n's, or in* trtilu** to reki-lec as iai*i down by law in vail ’at d ttie vote cast utd* r such r* gist rat i«*n**r non reg'S'ration. Au*l*c tiou without legal 'egistrat ou was Void. Mr Turner. <f Mitcticl waund t** kn*»w it tftese votei# hcl made eVeiy at t* uip’ to eg s* r wn bout su* cess shouhi ih* y tie depiiv* ti o' t. eir vote Mr. Fee* les s nil ihat tiiat did not tow Aittnn thi- r c*>r<t; th* rc wu-s no ev id*me S to -bow tha ities© voters had taken ou* I ,»ny tuand ms io c**mpcl ttie* appon.t --m nt of registiais. Judge vtirui»n, thai able juti-t, bad Said t at it a man appear'd at Hie p*»lls i and mi i tie wanted t<> reg is er an* i the ngtstrar would.ib legistcr him then he might la* entlil*d to voie, blit that * as mu the esc her**, the eleik had not ap p mt* «l a r* gis'lat It a| p**ar« *i that tl eie were 373 voter.- r*gisie *<i **u the looks in this township; 142 of ih*ru had vot*d. aid -iventy-nve only were qualithd Voters. T -at '» t« eevid uc»*. Therefore ttierw were -31 electors who didn’t voe. If they had beeu c*ume<i tor c -nt*sfee it would leave a maj »nty *f *leveu for cot testa* t which taken tr mc*>noS e*s' titty two maj roy ou* side «»f Spaigtit's pr « incr leu the <• n iesi*e ft rty-one u»j rity. Mr IV* bl s in; de a clear, leg. I argument uiiorna ineuted aud str*in .'. Mr. t o\ di*i tint ela m to be al'le t*> m*ei Mr Pe« hies in argument, but said Itiat the fag'slatuie v» Mcti had passed laws for ih* ele*tioii of us metnbeis had a tight ro apply i»s own remedy when the-e laws were broken The c* mtuii-Moi era had appoi'Pd a Registrar ami the Registrar had said he was uiuin'd tt« d Mr 0* »x scouted intimidation. A tium her of P* pu'i.-ts and R publicans weni to ihe clerk and ask**d that Keeistrars la* appointed front them No man 'O'edai tins • le*ti *ti who had not a legal right to do so iu the election t efore Mr. P* ebles asked for the evidence of this. Mr. C*»x watded t<« kn* wof Mr. Peebles * xi*ct*-d h-rn to pick out t *•«„ d*»m bits of evdtnce from forty pages, when he (Peebles) bad had the evidence for two days. Vr. Peebles said he had never seen this piece of evidence. Mr. Cox: Then you are speaking on s m* thing you have m»t s* en. (Lauchter.) The lines, as defined by Mr. Peebles and Mr. Cox un to this time were fol l<»w* d by M-ssrs Tinner «*f Mitch* II and Mr Phillip ,of Pitt, who t‘oe* much feebmr into th* ir lemark*, wi*h in nrrup’iO 'Sby M'ssrs Montoe and Pee bl» s enforcing the Democratic |>o-ition. The discussion was eon»imied bv Messrs Smith <*f Gates, Young. MeC'am my and others until the previous ques tio was called by Mr C< x Th«» vote on the m nority report. «a taken by ayes and m**s w-th ihe follow ing r suit; Ayes, 33; noes, 67 (party vote ) <*n maj *rity report, ayes 61, noes 32. and Mr. Dixon was sworn in. Smith, of Gates, Monroe and Young explain* d 'heir votes. Leave of abseno- was granted to Dun ean and Maves till Mouday, Self till Tuesday. Lii.ei»a<k, !»y uranitnoiis consent, withdrew bill 545 aid substitund au other in its place The chair S)*|v.inted a special commit tee *-n reform and retrenehment: Bryan, chairman; French, Taylor, Lin Ue> Adjotrned till 10 a w. isslilWonicn Suffer untold miseries from a sense of delloacy they cannot overcome. BRADFJELD’S Arousing te Female Reoulator. "nilX'.'!™ ACTS AS A SPECIFIC It causes health to bloom, anti >oy to reign throughout the frame. . . IT NEVER FAILS TO CURE. •• Sly wife ha* neen und**r treatment of le*dui|f phy sicians tnree ve.tr*. uiihout beueflt. After lining three bottles or iliupFUH-P '* f>l*U Kbollator the can uo cooitmg. miikii<e and « »»n*«w.” N. s. lirtak. Hendantou. XIA BBAOnr.t.t) m en.ATOK CO., lllasta, tie. SoU »y arugguu at SI. 00 txr bottle. eqfMt’fi* T o QR DER RALEIGH.N C A MID WINTER PICNIC.— Everybody daticos to the tune of the reduced prices. When “Berwangers” say that every Suit and Overcast !• th* ir hoime is reduced to t*>e tone of 25 per c**nr , people know exactly wh«t to deiiend on. Cur sales are different, alt** g.-lher from those of other hous*s -th**y are not attached with the many little ifa, but mean exactly what we auuouuse. These are the Reductions’. MEN’S SUITS THAT WERE— f3O 60 sell now for $2 2 s<‘ 27 00 “ “ “ 2‘* 37 8» 00 “ “ “ 18 75 22 50 “ “ “ 1 * 3^ 2‘i Oj “ “ “ 15 <»0 Is ini “ “ “ 13 5" 15 «*o “ “ “ 11 25 12 00 “ “ “ 9 • •• 10 00 “ “ “ 7 50 You get the -ame reductions on all the B >y’s Suits and Overcoats; none reserved; all go in this sale of “One-Fourth Off” the Regular Prices. We take stock on F**hrna’-y 18th aid will pr**f.*r Ibtle le-w p oflt and still less stock, anything to clear otar fable and give jou a chance to supply your wants for the balance of this season Have you seen the new styles for spring in Men’s and Boys’ Hats and Cips! They are here ready for your iuspectlwu S. & D. Berwanger. Clothiers you can always rely en MUST wont TO KEEP UP. FEW PIIVSICI OSTHV TO COYER TH E WIDE EIKI.DMP M ltiM K. TENDENCY OF THE TIWE. One AlVlißtiOttaut Hr««ek nf ttfdl* fmf Mmiip'ii >e«lectrd Until Inde pendent Dl-c**v« ry Mad*’ Great S*ri«l**!»*Yillioi*t Have IP en R< »- « •* d. “My physician goes hand in hand with my p *st**r ” Tiiis remark wasraa ’e by the late J G Holland, bmiseit a doctor, and it w>*- true. I tie w *rk done by the medical pr*>fe s on of America is vast and valua ble. S * vasi m<fe*d that few- physician •re able to eov r ti e entire fiehl of pr*c jtice, but select -{a* ia d {mr'nnnts tn wh» hto b* come profi*. i**nt. It is jar hap- Strang** that so few d*H*'ors have made a si tcialty o' stmfying or treatii g the most importantoigai s of the IsKiy, | which arettie kidn ys, but such never fi* less is a fact. U s probably because j th* se organs are so wood* rfully delicate and uncertain, have so few- recognisable symptoms wi en they nr** d* ranged, and in fact, a-kune the symptoms that ar** al-n th* c use of nvst oth* r «tiseas* s It was left to mdepend* nt dis* oveiy topn>- du* ear* m* dy esp* cial'v adapted for the kidneys, liver ami other organs and so * ffi *i* nt has this discovery tie* n during the past twenty vears that it is un best tatingly ack-ow]edg*d by the m* dical pr*»»essi*ui and scientists generally, as a H"V**teign remedy forth se troubles It is n*edless to say that it is VVaruer’s Safe C'*re. Wlnle mdlionsof jieoplehave been res en* d from sickm ex and *re kepf in health by the use of this great, remedy, com par tively few realize howr great is us punty and power. It s-othes all in flammation, fevers, irregularity o*- simi lar troubles o‘ these ami adjacent or gans a-d leads the sufferer back t-> he *lt h and away from misery. If you, therefore, are a sufferer from any ot the-e troubles, while you h>*ve your reg ular phy-ocim. if is not necessary t’ua' you should call upon him, for you have a means of restoring your health within easy reach. E'ei-y intelligent man or who stops to r* fl* ct real aes this, and in time of trouble should act upon it. NOTICE. The Stock holders of the R leigh Cot* on Mills having re-olv d to b-c* *-a-e the « apt fcal -t.* c l * of t* e co p r>!pon by ihe sale oi 5 0 -Imres of stock <*t the p r v lue of #1 0.00 etch, n t ce's he ebyg ven that the books f<*r said subscriptions are no ** open at. this office Hai tns * esiiiug a safe ai d p ofttdi e investment will do** ell to-ub scriia early ny bito*mation r K*rtl ng the * O'i pany c**n be h*d h bv c* ling at th.s ofliu**, or wr : ti*»g to the secretary. J S WY ' NE, Set retary. QARNES’ PRINTING OFFICE m IN NOW IN THE Academy of Music -cv- It is to YOUR interest to know when* are. First-Class Commercial Work st mod -irate prices. We respectfully ask s share of Ihs pu) •ic patronage. Barnes Bros., Rslslgh N. C. Orric* or i ( RANBKRRT IKON NS r’OAL Ce ,>■ No v4u So-ith Third ) Philadelpria, February 4, W*6. The annn 1 meeting at the stool* holuen* of the Cranberry Iron and Co*l Company will he held at the office of theContpasy, Vo 9*6 South Th rd Street, Philadelphia, Pa., on Tuesday, the i Oth day of February, 18*4, at 13 o m , for the pnrpoaeo* elec ing a Board es Directors to serve ft»r the ensuing year, ami for such other busl ness as may bs brought before the meeting J. 8 Wl**E Secretary LIVERY AND SALE. On and after May Ist, in connection with the sale business, I will keep a few nice horses and buggies for hire. I will, also, continue to keep plenty oi mules and horses for sale. JOHN M. PACE, Rslslgh, N. C. The 1 electric | thrill of I «■>» • health I sa is never felt by those who =s are run down-out of sorts- Es poor in Wood-hadly nour- S ishrd dyspeptic. That S would be impossible, and 5g so the delight of living S is lost! g I Brown’s Iron Bittera bring l * weak people up to thestanTTP dard **f health—ieed* the blood—acts | on the nerves—strengthens the tmia. 3 ; Hes. It brings the blush of yottthg*> 55 i weary women’s cheeks — is a bo**n to S 5 i the invalul—refre-hes and renew* Si life in the age«l—-noun-h* t the weak, S 3 piif'y child—briefly said, »/ guvs S 3 strength, and strength cannot eiut without perfect health. It it a neces sity in every family. It dbrr m.v 3 injure tht teeth er cause *emOjfiu/iam. 8 it’s Brown’s S Iron g Bitters you need! The Oenrt/ne ban the> Cmasaed S R**J Liuca ou Wrappve. Baosm Chrmicsl Co , Baltimore, Md. ~ liillllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllltl Th.. T.tm.n. R.m.4* ...... ,n.hh.. ,ml ... nanentlr all nertous €ll*»'a-e*. •iirh a- Weak Memory. Ixias of llraln IViwer, lleaUeche. VVakw fulnese. I.auit VltnlHe. nlulitlr emlwiana. «ni dream*.lmontenejran.t nsnimi *ii*eaM>« rnn«e<l Nr votithrm epro-n nr ('omnltit no Opiate*. I* a n*r»** tnni**nn*l M**«*< hull >er. Make* the pale ami i*nn» eirona and nlumi* K* ally carrie*l In e**at i»xiket WI perlvie. O i*n «A. Hf mall pmnal<l with a written Rneranlee te cure oe money refunded Write n« f**r #Vee meriteM hook, *ent nealed In plain wrnnf*er, whirl* r<m* tain* testimonial* and tlnanelal refereneee No ehnnre f**r *nti«aHatl<m«, R'lntn of |m||» •ieni. Sold hy our advertUed a*renu. or addresa HKKVI'.SriII ro.. Masonic T •mnle.fhleam, «OLD IN KAIJvIUILM.C. PT W. U. kLMU MOO DON'T SEND ALL Over the United States for Books •*-*«* stationery such as every person Is constantly newm,. because It Is too much trouble and expensw. YOU CAN GET EVERYTHING You want In this line, no matter where manufactured or published, at ONE PLACE. If you want School Books. Sunday School Books, Law Books, Medical Books Blank Books, Standard Rooks, New Novels, Fashion Jour nals, Magazines, Plain Stationery, Fine Stationery or anythin* else send to Alfred Williams & Co., Raleigh. N. C.. And you will get promptly lust what you want and at prices that are sure to please you. CATALOGUES, or any other Infer-* mation you may desire, wttt be cheerfully furnished. North Carolina Depositary for the State Public School Books. S. B. BARBEE. A. A. rflOMPeott BARBEE & THOMPSON, Cotton Buyers, MEMBERS 0E THE RALEIGH COTTBR EXCHAHOE. Raleigh, N. C. Cobh Addraaa—BAßßEE OVERCOATS THAT WERI - —• S3O 00 sell now for s2l 3t 27 56 “ “ “ 20 8f 25 00 “ “ “ IN 7* 22 50 “ “ “ 16 8t 2<» 00 “ “ “ 15 00 18 00 “ “ “ 1* 56 15 00 “ “ “ II 2* 13 00 “ “ “ » "• 10 00 “ “ “ 7 M

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