2 HAD THE GOLD CRAZE AN INSANE MAN WANTED TO SELL GROVER A JOB LOT OF TIIE PRECIOUS METAL. THE INCOME TAX DECISION. Reported That the Supreme Court is Divided as to its Constitutionality— Justices Field and Cray Expected to Read a Di'sentinjt Opinion—Ex- President Harrison Has B'-come an Enthusiastic Bicyclist—The Depor tation of Negroes to Liberia. Washington, D. C., April 2. Aa infirm man loa led down with yards of brass chain, his coat and hat faitiy covered with cheap gewgaws, lugged a heavy big up to the White House portico at 8:30 o'clock this morn ing aud asked if the President’was still baying gold for the Treasury. He claimed to have a job lot of the precious metal which he was willing to let at par. He emptied the bag. which contained nothing but brass castings and tin clip pings, inside the big front door, and drew from his pocket a lump of glass, which he offered to part with for $15,- 000,000 in United States securities. Then the patrol wagon took him away to the uearest precinct station house, where he gave his name as William La very, his age as 85, and said his home was in the asylum at the Little Sisters of the Poor. The police department con fiscated most of his treasure and told him the gold reserve had been fully re plenished. “How would the people of Washing ton like, to see Harrison mounted o:i a bicycle, and das ing along Pennsylvania avenue ? ” t nquired Louis Osborne, of Indianapolis, lud.. at the Metropolitan. “Perhaps if Mr. Bar rison ever returns to the Capital they will witness this sight, for he has taken to the wheel, and it fits him as easy as wa'e: fits a duck. Ho has become an enthu i?.st on the subject of bicycling, aud almost on any day the ex Presi dent can be seen seated on a wheel and picking bis way through the streets of Indian tpolis as unconcerned as others who have taken to the bicycle for health and transportation. All of bis household also have the fever, and Mrs. McKee, Mrs. Dimock. “Baby” McKee and Kuth McKee have been supplied with wheels, which they ride with grace and dignity.'' Senator Gordon, in bis lecture toar through the West, Is carefully refraining from talking politic-*, and says the only .subject upon which he can be inter viewed is the industrial affairs of the South Iu this connection, he says: “The South presents a singular ex ception to the rule applying to other sections of the country. In the period of depression it has f urn'shed no tramps, Coxeyites or strikes. Poor as we are, we are not poor ia the sense of being in want. There is no suffering for the lack of clothing or food. This marvel is due to the fact tint after the war we began life anew, and every one knew that he had to make his own living or starve. “We are more independent than we were ft/e years ago. The fact that we could not borrow money has been a god send to us, and, though we are ia debt, it is not to the extent that exists in Kansas and other sections of the Union” Wh n concerning the proposed depoitation of negroes in large numbers to L ; beria, he said: “The colored population do not want to go, and we want them where they are. The recent increase in the price of cotton has brought some relief, but not much, as it came too late, the people baring already parted with their crops In the future our people will diversify and intensify their farming; that is, they will raise more on their f arms thau in the past. The South is getting on its feet, and the marvel is that they did it with the conditions that confronted them ” There is deep interest here in the de cisiou of the Supreme Court on the in come tax. The court is reported divid ed Those who believe that the law will be sustained entertain the opinion that the decision will be icad by Chief Jus tice Fuller, and that in all probability the dissenting brief will be read by either Justice Field or Justice Gray. But this impression lacks authoritative founda tion. Those who predict an adverse de cision fix upon Chief Justice Fuller and Justices Sniras, Field, Harlan and Brown as the members of the court who believe the law unconstitutional. Many believe that the clause taxing the salary of Federal officers will be declared unconstitutional. The precedents of the darts would seem to expect such a con struction. If this exception shall be made, will not the judges be open to the criticism that they have so construed the law as to tax others and exempt them selves? Lieut. Lemly, of Salem. N. 0., is here, having arrived from Columbia, South America. He has been detailed to that country fir some time to give military instruction. Electric Bitters. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited tor any season, but perhaps more gener ally needed in the spring, when the lan g»id, exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggb>h and the need of a tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and freeing the system from the malarial poison. Headache, in digestion, constipation, dizziness, yield to Electric Bitters. Only fifty cents per bottle at John Y. MacKae’s drug store. it Pays to be a “Kelortm r.” Col. Olds in Wilmington Messenger. It is reported here that Daniel L Bus sell, t v .e eminent Republican lawyer and Advisor to the fusiouists in the Legisla ture, made no less than $7,000 in t e way of fees during the late session. He was a busy man and in his room at t'ue Park Hotel kept a type writer and sten ographer sb adily at work. More Evidence ol Manipulation. Salisbury Cor. Charlotte Observer. Mr. J. H. McKenzie, one of Rowan’s Representatives in the past legislature, was in town Saturday and says he can not account for the appointment of Row an’s magistrates by that body. He had several good Democrats—Mr. C. H. Bruner, of China Grove, Mr. D. R. Julian, and one or more others—appoint ed, and their names were on the list when it came from the committee room. These names, he thinks, were erased and othets substituted afterwards by the Fusion gang, just as they manipulated other bills. “His Piety Tested.*’ Under this caption, the American Hebrew, printed in New York, says: “Devotion to the cause whereto he was attached was eminently a trait of John A. Broadus, of Louisville, Ky., lately deceased. His early life, so like to that of the ancient disciple of the Talmud, was consecrated to the South ern Baptist Theological Seminary. “At the close of the war the seminary— then at Greenville, S. C —was in a deeply impoverished condition. Dr. Broadus stood unflinchingly by the apparently tottering institution, al though too poor to provide any but the barest necessities of life for him self and his family. Their only fare was the coarsest, cheapest food (corn-meal) that could be obtained, Aud this when his services would have been prized and munificently rewarded by many a wealthy congregation, North and South. That was indeed, ‘plain living and high thinking,’ beyond the thought or dream of the Brook Farm philosophers. There was a man of w r hom his fellow-religion ist might well be proud; iu whom all his townsmen, Jews aud Gentiles, reposed the utmost confidence; for whom they fell the highest veneration and profound est respect.” It may save you time and money to be informed that,* when you need a blood purifier. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is the kind most in favor with the medical profes sion. It is the standard and, as such, the only blood-purifier admitted at the < hicago World’s Fair. I What S) s I Shall I M V !i( Take § M is the anxious question f/S 'lf asked by those who are not Ilf t?! feeluig well —have no appe- \Va ||i tite—are out of sorts—have jig n\ no energy —feel tired out. Jig f\ Perhaps you are feeling sick Ug Ir yourself! lIM hi Many medicines are reeom- Ilf £* mended, doctors consulteil — lla M (in many cases) much money jg gl spentinthissearchforhealth If -and yet it can all be avoided. j| : Wise people commence at II once taking \\\ d Brown’s j)j 1 Iron Bitters 1/ and are soon made well ill ■jj and strong. Nearly every yJL «.j prescription given by physi- jl| Ijj cians for such troubles cou- 113 f : l taius IRON which so me 111 ii\ people say they cannot take, u* I‘A try Ur can's Iron Bitters —it jjl *y% i« warranted not to give |/| (jj headache, stain the teeth or 111 c ause constipation as allother 111 Iron Medicines do. )|i ?.M Genuine has the crossed Jfg ’ Red lines on the wrapper. iff iiSOWNCHEM.CO.BALTO.MD. 11l SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, AND POULTRY. g§o Page Book on Treatment of Animals and Chart bent Free. OCBBB< Fevern,Convent ions, Inflammation A. MenTnaitia, Milk Fever. B. Lameoeu, Kbenmatiam. H.C.—Distemper, Nasal Discharges. ll.D—Bots or Grubs, Worms. E. Conghs, Heaves, Pneumonia. F. —Colic or Gripes, Bellyache. G. —Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. H. and Kidney Diseases. I. I.—Eruptive Diseases, Mange. J. Diseases of Digestion, Paralysis. Single Bottle (over 50 doses), - - .©O Stable Case, with Specifics, Manual, Veterinary Cure Oil and Uedicator, 97.00 Jar Veterinary Care Oil, * - I.o# Bold by Draggktat or teat prey mid aaywboro sad ia aay qaaaUtjr on rccoipt at pries. HUBPHBETB’HEP. CO., 111 * lit WlDtaai St., SowTark. IT^JIgTrMPHBSYS’ fJHI HOMEOPATHIC fl UHjSPECIFIC No.ZB In uss 30 years. The only successful remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over-work or other causes. 01 per viaL or 6 vials and larve vial powder, for $&. bold l>y Druffgiiitft, or wnt posttmid on receipt of price. 11l artfflltYH* fIKII. CO., 11l Allß willita Step Now Fork. SICK STOMACH, FROM IMPRUDENCt IN EATING AND DRINKING QUICKLY CORRECTED BY BROMO-SELTZER. Trial Size, 10c. The News and Observer, Wednesday, April 3, 1895. Jp|| /, Ik ,A #. -A /if? N ~ I -|| V'~bf>n my little girl was one month old. she r: i.l a 4oah form o.i h -,r face. It kept spreading . :! she was !-. .jily covered from head to • it. Then she lia 1i n la. She had forty oil her •> ad at one time, and more on her body.’ When - x months old ■ did not weighsevenpounds, : round and ah Us less than at birth. Then her am started to dry up and got so bad she could nor shut her eyes to sieep. but lay with them half open. A bon: this time, I started using the cti<tha lIKMAUTK'-:, and in on* month the teat cured. The doctor and drug bills were over one hand re l dollar*, the CutICUKA bill was not more than tire dollar*. My child is now strong, healthy, and large as any child of h«r age see photo.), and ft Is all’owing to Ci rici. it.t. Yours with a Mother’s Blessing, Mrs. GEO. H. TUCKER, Jr., 632 Walker St., Milwaukee, Wia. Sold throughout the world Potter ask Cr.-r <'or!*., Sole Props., Boston. “All about th<- il.jod, Skin, Scalp, and Hair,” mailed free. Paby Blemishes, falling hair, and red, rough hands prevented and cured by Cuitcura Soap. WOMEN FULL OF PAINS r VT’/r' Find In Cuticnra And. Pain Plas i\ V 4 ter instant and grateful relief. It 1 * 8 Oie first and only pain-killing, lX strengthening plaster. E. B. BARBER. A, A. iCOMP.- BARBEE & THOMPSON, Cotton Buyers, TEMPERS OF THE RALEIGH C0770' EXCHANGE Raleigh, N. O Coble Address—BAßßEE LEACH & BARBEE, Proprietors of the HORSE EXCHANGE, Cor. Blount and Martin Sts., RALEIGH, N. C. Stables new, modern, clean and convenient. Purveyors to the trade in horses and mules In all its details. Fine driving and saddle horses and fine .Kentucky mules a specialty. Call at our exchange or correspond with LEACH & BARBEE, Raleigh, N. C. PJganS World’s Best Makes At Factory Prices STEINWAY, OLD RELIABLE, MATHUSHEK. MASON & HAMLEN MASON & HAMLEN AND And STERLING STERLING PIANOS. ORGANS Pianoss22s Up. Organs $29 Up All warranted goods shipped on trial— with fall outfit. Write us for catalogs and prices. We are the largest dealers ir all the Southern States. Honorable deal ing. Three feet to the yard, sixteen ounce to the pound Our won! our bond—try a HIDDEN & BATES Southern Music House. MILLER & UZZLE, M’g’rs, RALEIGH, N. C Rep B-d *w-3m. ENDORSED ——FOR Quality and Price of Work, o Read the following from Mr. N. E. Johnson, dealer In Dry Goods, Boots. Shoes and Groceries, Warrenton: WARRENTON, N C., Jan. 9, 1895. “Messrs. Edwards & Broughton, Raleigh North Carolina: I)EAH Sirs:—l enclose check for journal It was a most excellent job and two dol | lsrs and fifty cents ($2.50) cheaper than the same book was bought in New York. ] will give you more work. Yours truly, [Signed] N. E. JOHNSON,” We have scores and hundreds of suet oluntary and kind testimonials as to the haracter of our work, and the reasonable | charge we make for it. We use nothing but good material and employ only skilled workmen, and hence turn out no slop work. Sssflf you are in need of Printing ot : Binding send us your order. Edwards & Broughton, Printers and Binders, RALEIGH, N. C. ICE. ~ We again offer from the Raleigh Crystal Ice Factory j Ice of best quality and at lowest prices, | in Raleigh and to near-by railroad points, , Ice now ready for delivery in any quan ' tity. Jones 8c Poweil. Pocahontas Steam Coal : is ahead of all others ia quality and prices. Jones & Powell, Raleigh Agents. For Grain, Hay, Mill feed, Shingles, Laths, Etc., call on JONES & POWEIL, RALEIGH, N. C. Summer School of Medicine. University of Virginia. J. W. Mallet. M. I) , Chemistry; W. E. McConville. M I)., Physiology: W G. Christian M. I)., Anatomy: W. W. Luck, Histology: W. A Lambeth, M. D , Materia Medica. Opens July Ist; closes August 31. 1895. A school for beginners and for those desiring to review the fundamental branches of medicine. For full particulars address the Secretary. Dr. W A. Lambeth, University St <t ; on, Charlottesville, Va. Administrator's Notice Haviug qualified as administrator of the estate of Jas. R. Rogers, deceased, late of Wake county, N. CT. this is to notify all persons having cla l ms against the estate f the said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of March, 1896, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to the said estate will plea-e make | immediate payment This March 19, 18 5. J, C MAHCOM, Artm'r. J. H. FLEMING, Attorney. i ————————————————— "■■■ I «wsSiw -fcSSv j ” *>• y?;■ |•' j ' AM ■ ‘ «i - ! f.' r wy* je - aSSin «3e —THE H. J. BROWN COFFIN HOUSE, JkO. »*. 3RC‘,YN, Ps&paoi.r, FcbwrJ Director and IvniL-unei. K ■.' y.T'irj, I?. • JAMES C. McRAE. W. H.OAY McRAE & DAY, ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW, FISHER BUILDING, RALEIGH, N. C Practice in State and Federal Courts. JAMES E. SHEPHERD. CHAS. M. BUSBEe! PERRIN BUSBEE. SHEPHERD & BUSBEE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW', Pullen Building, Raleigh, N. C., Practice in State and Federal Courts and wherever their services maybe desired. S. A. ASHE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, i zsspßaleigh, N.C. I YOU WANT A TEACHER? We will recommend you one FREE OF CHARGE. Do You Want a Position? We can get you one. Send stamp for par ticulars TEACHERS’ AID ASSOCIATION, I Box 255. Raleigh, N. C. - proof Thatth -g cures - TKm-K f^RK When ail Else Fails, We Refer to the Actuaii Experience of its Users Bhall wo mail you a book of ceruncafes and let yon see how North Caroli nians value the instrument? ELECTROLIBKATiON COMPANY, 8-45-ly 1122 Rronu «tty, NEW YORK. O TEACHERS: 1 11 WE WAN I Old Books! rri"n 'l'MnaßinCTTgTTXHWMim aiir— i nimfiiiiiim in m»% \it in i THE haudsome “North Carolina Practical Spelling Hook” Is adopted by the State Board of Education for use in all the public schools. The price is 20c. a copy. Send us the old spelling books now used in your school, aud 12 cents with each, and we will send the same number of new North Carolina spellers by mail, postpaid. ALFRED WILLIAMS A CO. To Dealers in Books: I You Exchange Even for Live Books. We will make even exchinge with yon, value for value, for all the spelling: books you have in stock, supplying the new “North Carolina Spelling Hook,”’ which is to be used in all the public schools. Send the spelling books you have on hand to ns by express, prepaid, and the North Carolina speller will be sentt to you in the same way. J ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO.. l-l-ts. RALEIGH, North Carolina. | WHEN YOU z THE BEST e —ON YOUR TOBACCO CROP USE— Premium Guano, AND YOU WILL GET THE BEST RESULTS. o Us 9 OLD HOMESTEAD on your cotton And PREMIUM DISSOLVED BONE for corn. These brands are specially prepared and are the brat in the market. UNDER Your tobacco and rejoice in its rapid growth, early maturity and excellent quality. Our goods have stood the test iu the field and in the labaratory, and both the planter and the chemist are our references. For circulars, prices, testimonials and analysis write to, RICHMOND GUANO CO., RICHMOND, VA. OT. MARY’S SCHOOL. Raleigh, N. C. ——The Advent Term OF FIFTY-THIRD ANNUAL SESSION BEGINS September 20th, 1894. o Thorough Instruction in Music: Piano, Organ. Voice, Violin, Mandolin Harmony, ftt Address the Rector REV. B. SMEDES, A. M. Dip A Institute for Young Ladies Bimnr B m Isiesks raleigh, n.c. the 6REA T FEMA LE SCHOOL OE NORTH CAROLINA Advanced, thorough, select. Particnla • attention to advanced Art. Also a regu lar Conservatory of Music, with two professors and four ass stauts. Send for cata logue and prospectus of Conservatory. B3flii*BeftPinbe/ 12, 1894. s(i JAMF.fc DU* w u»DfR, A. 'Uni*. Va.) Principal. ALLISON & ADDISON, Manufacturers of the Celebrated STAR BRAND AND ANCHOR BRAND. FERTILIZERS For Tobacco, Cotton and Corn. These fertilzers now need no commendation from us, as they have a standard reputation of over twenty-six years, aud the most successful farmers aud planters everywhere in Virginia and North Carolina testify to their superior merits. The constantly increasing demand is the best evidence of their value. Every bag is guaranteed to be of standard quality. For sale by agents everywhere in Virginia and North Carolina. For further particulars, address ALLISON & ADDISON, Manut . cturer ,. RICHMOND, VA.

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