2 SUPREME COIIR I' DECISIONS. A Digest of the Opinions Handed Down During the Past Week. Repo teil by Perrin Busbee, Esq., of the Raleigh Bar. M. Pretzfekler & Co. vs. Merchants’ In suranee Co. et al. (appellants) front Guilford county. Opinion by Clark, J. 1. Where the plaintiff was insured in several companies, the contract with each containing the provision that the plaintiff’s right of recovery against each wa* limited to the proportion of the loss which the amount named in the policy of each company should hear to the whole amouut insured, it was not only no misjoin ier. but essentially proper that all the companies should be made parties defendant, such joinder being within the purview of the Code, sectiou 267. 8. When arbitrators, or a majority of them, fail to agree upon au award, the plaintiff (unless ho is shown to have acted in bad faith in selecting his arbi tration) is not compelled to submit to another arbitration and another delay, but may forthwith bring his action in the c >urts. No error. Duncan M. Williams vs. The Southern Bell Telephone Company, (app-lUnt) from New Hanover county. Opiuion by Parches, J. 1. State courts have no right to en tertam or consider a motion for removal based upon the ground of local preju dice. 2. When the term of the court ended April 20th aud the d -fondant's petition and bond for rein )val were filed June 14 r b; Held, That by such delay the defeudaut for feited all rights it may have had to a rem aval, aud the court 10-st its power to make the removal. j Distinguishing Wilcox vs Insurance Company, where au order of the court extended the tim* ]. a. Where, in an ac’ion for damages caused by the negligence of the d< fenda t’s alleged servant the plaintiff testified as io a statement made by C, the general manager of tne defendant c >mpany some m >»ths after he received the injury eomp’ained of, that “I found out afterwards; Mr. C, told me that the darkey was one of the company's servants, working for them at the time;’’ Held, that ah hough C was general manager of the defendant, he is still but an employee, and not the de fendant. and any statement of his was a d a part of the rts ges'ae but hearsay an i incompetent. 4. As the admission in the affi lavit of the defendant are not equivalent to the declaration of C as testified to by the plaintiff, and where the Judg - in ing the jury did no' refer to the affida vit in auy manner whatever, but called the attention of the jury * specially to the declaration of C; H Id, that the error in admitting the declaration of C was not cure *, a d the probable influ ence of such charge and declar tion ■pon the veroict of th- jury entitles the defendant to a new trial. Error. T. J. Jarvis vs. J H. Vanderford, (ap pellants) from Pitt county. Opinion by Furctns. J. In an action for the possession of land, the defeudant offered in evidence a paper writing purporting to be a copy of the will of one A. which was signed by “Richard Evans, Asdstant Clerk ’’ It was admitted that, Alexander Evans was Clerk of the Court in 1818, and t Richard Evans was his deputy. The defendant then proposed to show the said copy to a witness, who was not qualified as an expert, and who ind never seen Alexander Evans write, and admitted that he di i not know his hand writing, but that he had sem cettam old papers said to be in the haudwriting of Alexander Evans, and ask the witness if the handwriting* were the same; Held, 1. That it was not error to ex lade both the copy of the will and the testi mony of the witness 2. That evidence that Alexander Evans was clerk of the court in 1818 aud that Richard Evans was his deputy raise* no presumption that they were in office pri< r to that time in 1808, the date of the al leged probate of said will. Judgment affirmed. D »niel Blue (appellant) vs. Aberdeen & West End Railroad Co., from Union county. Opinion by Montgomery. J. Where the Judge instructed the jur.v “that the defendant could only t*- re quired to provide against u*u*l and « rt i nary weather, aud if the jury shall find that the wind which caused the escape of the sparks and fire was unusual at d extraoidinary, and but for the unusual and extraordinary character on the above ruling by the court below, the plaintiff moved for judgment by default and inquiry on the pleadings; Held, that such motive was properly over ruled. No error AtUrmed. L. V. Grady vs. The Richmond & Dan ville Railroad Co. (appellant), from Duplin Co. Opinion by Clark, J. 1 Service upon the receivers is service upon the corporation, as fully as if made upon the president and superintendent, whose duties they are temporarily dis charging as they come within the term “other head ot the corporation,’ Code, See. 237, and a service upon their local agent is merely a substitute for and ha> the same legal effect as a service upon them personally. 2. The Code, Section 200, contains no exception or discrimination which re quires service of summons to be made as to railroad companies or their re ceivers, more than ten days before the ‘ term. 8. The power of the Court to permit the sheriff to amend his return, both be fore and after judgment so as to make it j speak the truth, is finally settled. Judgment Affirmed. Electric Hitters. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more gener ally needed in the spring, when the lan guid, exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers No medicine will act more surely i in counteracting and freeing the system i rom the malarial poison. Headache, in digestion, constipation, dizziness, yield jto Electric Bitters. Only fifty cents per bottle at John Y. Macßae’s drug store. A Catholic Missionary Honored. Washington, D C., April 2.—Arch bishop Sarolli, Apostolic delegate, to day j announced that the Pope had conferred ! on the Rev. Joseph A. Stephen, of j Washiog’on, the rank of private cham-> ; berlain to the Pope, with the title of j Monsignor. The occasion of the announcement was j a banquet in honor of the feast day of j Mgr. Satolli s patron saint, at which j : celebration Dr. Stephen and others of' the local Catholic clergy were present The title of Mousignor was conferred upon Dr. Stephen in recognition of his services as a missionary among the In j dians and his efforts to promote Catholic Indian schools. Don’t Tobacco Sp«t or Smoke Your .Lite Away I is the truthful, startling title of a book about No To Bac. the harmbs*. guaran | teed tobacco habit cure that bracts up I nicotinized nerves, eliminates the nieo • tine poboD, g vts weak men again! j strength, vig >r and manhood. You run 1 no physical or financial risk, as No "Io Bac is sold bs John Y. Macßae under a guarantee to cure or money refund* d. Book free. Address Sterling Remedy Co . New York or Chicago. 4 OOSE 0F BROMO-SELTZER, TA “ SBEPOBt BREAKFAST —BRACER IINVIGORATOR preparing TOR MENTALLY “ D PHYSICALLY ro ™ AY ' s Trial Size, 10c. I 1875 1894 | E. F. WYATT & SON, Saddlery and Harness Manufacturers. TWENTY YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS. f*» i | /•% »— ■ » r-» r~ ||| BECAUSE OF HONEST WORK SUCCLSSrUL AND HONEST DEALING. Lap Robes, Horse Blankets and Turf Goods. Upon this record we begin another autumn season and ask for the continued patron age of our friends end the public. Our specialty is in making COLLARS for wholesale and retail trade and we defy ■ all competitor* at home or abroad, in this or any other department of our business. E. F. WYATT & SON 109 East Martin St. Raleigh, N. C. Uses Mexican Mustang Liniment j Ora his horses, on his drivers. E Gentlemen.—Having bcco Mexican flustanT l.ini ment extensively advertised here induces mo to tell you how useful It Is to persons In the livery buslnoss I have used it for the past 18 years on my horses for almost every thing that horses are subject to. For sprains and stiff Joints Ido not think It has an equal, and for such things as harness galls and rubs it is wonderful. I onco had a very fine driver who was thrown from his car riage In a runaway and so severely bruised about his shoul ders and breast that I did not think ho would ever be able to get on a carriage again. 1 remembered, however, what Mexican Mustang Liniment did for my horses In case of bruises and had him use It constantly, and in about two weeks he was its good a driver as over, and not an ache or j 1 I know you must get tired of receiving such letter, but I thought I would add one more testimonial to the useful ness of Mufltang Linimont. Yours truly, ’ V Y?/ ' For Ift year* in It very and Transfer business, i The News and Observer, Thursday, April 4, 1895. Bl 1 Pl’hlchmtcr'i En*ll«h Klamond flrand. ENNYROYAL PILLS Original and Only Oenufne. A y- safe always reliable, ladies a«k \ f»S\ Druggist for Chichester * English manii Brand In Ked and Cold metallicX^w' —T’rp'yWboxe*. sealed with bln** ribbon. Take VKf vvS no other- Refutedanyerous mihstitu- v | / Ijf tione and imitation* At Druggist h, or I W Jv in stamp* for particular*, testimonial* *nch tnge with you, value for value, for all the spelling) books you have in stock, rupplying the new “North Carolina Spelling I!ook,“j which is to be used in all the public schools. Send the spelling books you have on hand to us by express, prepaid, and the North Carolina speller will be sent* to you in the same way. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO., SSSLt l-l-jbf. RALEIGH. North Carolina. ■■■^■■■■■■■■■nnnnHaßMunaHaHnßnMnMKncßai.«ynn«u« WHEN YOU Z THE BEST G —ON YOUR TOBACCO CROP USE— Premium Guano, AND YOU WILL GET THE BEST RESULTS. Usa OLD HOMESTEAD on your cotton And PREMIUM DISSOLVED BONE for corn. These brands are specially prepared and are the best in the market. PUT PREMIUM UNDER Your tobacco and rejoice in its rapid growth, early maturity aud excellent quality. Our goods have stood the test in the field and in the labaratory, and both the planter and the chemist are our references. For circulars, prices, testimonials and analysis write to, RICHMOND GUANO CO., RICHMOND, VA. ST. MARY’S SCHOOL. Raleigh, N. C. - Advent Term FIFTY-THIRD ANN JAL SESSION BEGINS September 20th, 1894. Thorough Instruction in Music: Piano, Organ. 1/oicQ, Violin, Mandolin Harmony, Eti Address the Rector REV. B. SMEDES, A. M. PP A CT" Institute for Youj| Ladies Una* raleigh, n. c. the GREAT FEMALE SCHOOL OF NORTH CAROLINA Advanced, thorough, select. Particular attention to advanced Art. Also a regu lar Conservatory of Music, with two professors and four ass utants. Send for cata logue and prospectus of Conservatory. Begins September 12, 1894. so JAMFN Ufsvv HHIIR. M. <. 'Univ. Va.) Principal. ALLISON & ADDISON, Manufacturers of the Celebrated STAR BRAND AND ANCHOR BRAND. FERTILIZERS For Tobacco, Cotton and Corn. These fertilzers now need no commendation from us, as they have a standard reputation of over twenty-six years, and the most successful farmers and planters everywhere in Virginia aud North Carolina testify to their superior merits. The constantly increasing demand is the best evidence of their value. Every bag is guaranteed to be of standard quality. For sale by agents everywhere iu Virginia aud North Carolina. For further particulars, address ALLISON & ADDISON, RICHMOND, VA.