2 OAKES WAS DRUNK JUDGE FAIRCLOTii TELI.B THE STORY HE HEARD IN HOLDS* BORO OF THE SPREE. WAS HE DRINKING IN RALEIGH? Egg Nogg and llrandy Ordered Nightly at the Yarboro House—Th<* Evange list N#w at Keely Institute in Ash land, Va.-Mr Oakes’ Bible Expo sitions Here Were Masterly—-His Friends Claim a Nervous Organiza tion and Over-vrork in Mitagaiion ot His Downfall. A few days a*jo there was printed in this paper a story to the eff ct that, on the au horitv of a letter signed ‘Citizen’’ in the Wilmington Messenger. Ii v K. W. Oakes, lately here in the evangelistic work, had been seen drunk on the train between Wilson and R>cky Mount. Suspension of judgment by the public was asked by Rev. A. M. Simms here un'il he could shake out the truth from the story. Then Mr. Oakes dtopped for the moment from the public print but this morning is forced forward again in a news way on account of tour develop moots. first, Dr Faison, of Faison, N. C., writes to the Wilmington Messenger who having seen the gentleman says: the published report of his condition and conduct on the cars between Wilspn and Richmond is true ” Second, Rev. ?. Mclntyre, of Faison, N. C.. writes to the Wilmington Messen ger in estimation of the minister’s mis fortune. Third, He D afc the Keel.v Institute near Richmond, (prohablj at As land.) Fourth, Mr. Oakes is said to havo been drinking at the Yarboro House while here. This last charge is based upon a state ment of the persons who filled the orders for drink from Mr Oakes nightly, some times eggnog, sometimes brandy. But theie is no ooubt a“out one fact, Mr. Oakes’s demeanor at the table did not bespeak a drinking man, or in parlance, “he carried his likker handy ” Judge Faircloth, who returned a few days ago from Goldsboro in reply to ques lions from a reporter of the News and Ob SKitVER said that he could say absolutely nothing of his own ptrsounl knowledge. But he had a statement from a per fectly responsible and most highly es teemed party in the Goldsboro Bank that Mr Oakes was drunk. Here is the story : Mr. Oakes before starting on a joui - ney from Wilson to Rocky Mount, went in to see a doctor at Wiison to get relief from a stomach pain which was said to have been very severe. The doctor gave ginger and then prescribed whiskey as the pain did not abate. That was the first drink, then another, then the train. The pain returned, and the clergyman called for a bottle of whiskey in the Pullman car (one of those little bottles which the public know contains about two good drinks). Tnis bottle was emptied, Mr. Oakes finally lay down and stretched out, and finally be eame unconscious. The Pul'man conduc tor couldn’t get him to stir at Rocky Mount, and called for the train conductor who, on looking at the sleeping man ex claimed, “that is brother Oakes; it can not be true that he is unconscious from drink; he is a sick man ” The Pullman car porter drew the bottle on the i rain conductor who was shocked into silence. Then the preacher was made comforta ble, was carried to Richmond, driven in a carriage to a first class hotel and snugly put to bed. (Bince then it seems he has been taken to the Keely Institute at Ashland). Mr, Oakes as the story runs, had in his pocket about S2OO. Os course the citizens of Raleigh, specially ihose who were interested in the Tabernacle services here were not only as'our ded but distressed That is all the story as far as concerns the news feature of it, and following the fact have come to the rescue of Mr. Oakes many warm friends of his who claim that he is a sincere, earnest man, did much good, and fell as many have done before, from a drink habit acquired years ago, coupled with a nervous organization that when over taxed craved stimulant. Men who know what it means to fol low one drink with another will probably have more sympathy with him than those whose intolerance is based upon a life-long drjness. But with out trying to shade the case either way in this simple story of its details, it is fair to that both drys and the wets, if they feel grate ul to and benefitted by Mr. Oake’s past services m the pulpit, will consider him eliminated from that field at least for the present. Mr. Oakes was formerly a very pleas ant gentleman, and certainly while here showed himself to be a master in health ful and thorough exposition of the Bi ble, and one and all will hope that he will trace himself and “sober up” soon. TICE-PRES. ST. JOHN’S VIEWS. The Man who Led the Fight Against the Boycott Fully Satisfied. Norfolk, Va., April 16. (Special.)— Editor Constitution: In auswer to jour request for my opinion in regard to the decision of Judge Lumpkin in the Sea board Air Line case, delivered to-day, I am of the opinion that the decision is a very large sized victory for the position taken by the Seaboard Air Line officials, and that it determines the fact that a contract made and legally executed be tween two persons or between two cor porations, h<sa legal and binding effect far superior to a boycotting order cf a third partj. even though issued by a com missioner of the Southern Railway and Steamship Association, to which contract neither the commissioner i.or his associa tion was ever a party any more than the Seaboard Air Line has been a member of said association for nearly a year past I am of the opinion that our friends of rise Wes ern and Atlantic railroad won d never “of their own free will and ac cord ’ havo obeyed the order of the com missioner of ti e Southern Railway ar d Steamship Associa ion to boycott the Seaboard Air Line, or made any con test whatever in c nuection wi h the enforcement of the contract now determined but for outside pressure from well known sources. But if they had or thought they had any grievances needing, in their judgment, attention at I our hands, that the questions at issue would hwve been submitted for consider ation, as the President of the Seaboard Air-Line by letter to the President of the Western and Atlantic, and long before the commencement of law proceedings, ; requested time and again should be done, ' and as the vice-president of the Seaboard | Air Line by telepraph—“made a part of ! the court record”—also requested, with j assurance that if any errors had been I committed they would be promptly ad , justed. The conditions in this respect do not change our position, which no one can say has not been and is not honorable. I am of the opiuion that the idea of en forcing an order of a commissioner of a railroad association upon a line not a member of such association by the intro duction of that obnoxious product of foreign anarchism, the boycott, will, when present conditions have passed, never be tried again, and that if it should be the people will have even less sympathy with it than they have with this one which is so small as to be invis ible to the sight, assuming the statements of the press, the letters we receive from merchants, manufacturers and others and the passenger patronage we are receiving to mean anything, and we think it does. And lastly, I am of the opinion that the decision is a most excellent one, that the bond will he filed instanter, that business will gradually resume its wonted channels, and that if it does not that the Seaboard Air Line will resist the further prosecution of this or any other boycott to the finish and with out question will come out successful in each case, and that to win success it will never propose or suggest the thought of boycotting our friends and supporters, the great American public. E. St. John. NO PROHIBITION ELECTION. No Local Option Election Can Be Held Until-1897. Charlotte News. A movement for a prohibition election j was made in Asheville, but was knocked on the head by the discovery that there i is no law for it, and the commissioners ; declined to call the election. Their ae- . tion was based on the opinion of their counsel, Capt. M. E Carter. He quotes the old law and the new concerning elec | tions The old provisions under wh ch the commissioners might appoint judges ! of elections had been repealed by the j last Legislature, and the power had been given to the clerk of the Su perior Court, who should appoint, upon the recommendation of the State i chairman of the political executive com mittees. Besides the clerk should estab lish a voting precinct for every 350 ! voters throughout the county. Under the laws of the last assembly the old registration books which would have to . be the basis of calculation as to the re quisite number of petitioners for an election, are little more than any list of j names made out by a private citizen would be. The new law provides that the clerk shall redistrict and appoint on or before the first Monday in Sep tember preceding the ’96 election. Capt. Carter thought that the ma- ‘ chinery for an election of this kind was lacking— a saving clause had been left out of the election law. It does not begin operation till next year, so that it will doubtless be 1897, as he suggests, be fore a local option election can be held and then only provided the Legislature does not enact another law placing the matter in the condition it is in now. A News reporter submitted Capt. Carter’s decision to Maj. C. Dowd this morning, and after investigating the matter, Maj. Dowd declared that Capt Carter is right, and that no local option election can be held this year. A Household Treasure. D. W. Fuller, of Can-joharie, N. Y., says that he always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery in the house and his family has always found the very fa st results follow its use; that he would not be without it, if proc rable. G. A. Dykeman Druggist, Catshill, N. Y.,says that Dr. King’s New Discovery is un- j doubtedly the best Cough remedy; that he has used it in his fa nily for ei;ht | years, and it has never failed to do all j that is claimed for it. Why not trv a ] remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles free at John Y. Macßae’s drug store. Regular size 50c. and SI.OO. Clllt'Q | “MOTHERS' g I FRIEND”! # f?l mn O* / J 3 the greatest fe V l V* ;7 ***i> i blessing ever offeredo %? j / child-bearing 'woman, w ■ 1 Qf | 1 have been a mid-# u t- j wife for many years, # V — —/ and In each case w 0 where “MOTHERS’ FRIEND" was used 0 S0 It accomplished wonders and relieved# 0 much suffering. 11 is the best remedy for 0 0 rising of the lireast known, and worth the# 0 price for that alone. g Mas. M M Brewster, Jj> ** Montgomery, Ala. 0 Sent by Express or mall, on receipt of price, 5 •l per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. 9 0 book “ ToJlotiierß ” mailed free. V fbRADHELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, Qa # «WMMW»BoogoOafQgOOi<»<lti A. R. D JOHNSON. JNO S. JOHNSON Johnson & Johnson, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ’ Wood and Coal. Phone 150, Office 117 Fayetteville ritreeL General Commission and Brokerage. The News and Observer, Friday, April 19, 1895. jSick/ J . —Not, L-r-q I tn*t 8 prooably what ails you if ■ you’re drowsy in the day time. ¥ If you yawn, stretch, and f » too weak to work, and broken up 1 generally, some people may call •. 1 it ‘Spring Fever,” but you are £ Iskk. I I i3ut do not be discouraged. | f Many persons have felt just like | m you do, and have been made | m well and strong by \ Brown’s Iron } j Bitters ( m and what this famous old n i § strengthening medicine has done f. m for others it can do for you. M But what is it that makes ■ Brown’s Iron Bitters so good for I the health ? Any physician can i i j 1 tell you. jlj j I • ■ Brown’s Iron Bitters is pleasant * 1 to take. It will not stain the teeth I nor cause constipation. See th v J crossed red lines on the wrn; I BROWN CHEMICAL < 0., | I BALTIMORE, MD. HUMPHREYS’ Dr. Humphreys’ Specifics are solrntlflcally and carefully prepared Remedies, used for years In private practice and for over thirty years by the people with entire success. Every single Specific I a special cure for the disease named. i citim. rstrss. I—Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations.. ,*ZS !£—Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colk— .‘25 3- Colic, Crying, Wakefuhcss .‘25 4- Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25 7 Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 25 8— Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceacbe..... .25 9 Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertfco.. .25 10— Dyspepsia. Biliousness, Constlpaton. .25 11— Suppressed or Painful Periods .. .25 12— Too Profuse Periods 25 13— Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness 25 ' 14—Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. Erupthns . .25 15- Rheumatic Pains 25 16- Chills, Fever and Ague. 25 19 -Catarrh. Influenza, Cold In the Efcad. .25 20- Whooping Cough 25 27 Kidney Diseases *25 28— Nervous Debility 1.00 30-Urinary Weakness 25 34 Store Throat, Quincy, UlceratedTiroat.2s Mlf ft DR. HUMPHREYS’ cntl| OKC // NEW SPECIFIC FOR 0111!, Put up In email bottles of pleasant pellets. Just fit your vest pocket. Sold by DroscUt*. or sot prepaid on roceljt of priaa D«- Hraraui. M>*ciL <U4 pose*, sailku r*«- HrSPHBKTg’UKD.fO., ill * lit Wllllaa BU.SKW TOBK. SPECIFICS. Notice to Cedltors. o Having qualified as executor ot George ! B. Moore, late of Wake county, give no j tice to his cr ditors to pr sent thrir claims to me in Raleigh, N. C., by the 22d day of ! March 1896. R. H. B VTTLE, Executor. Raleigh, N C., March2l. 1895. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the j estate of William D Hcsheth, late of I | Wake county, i hereby give notice to his I creditors to present their claims to me, at |my tome,in Oak Grove township. Dnr- I ham county, by the 12th dav of Apr;!. 1896. ELIAS H. HUSKETH, Administrator. Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as executors of Mrs. Mary S. Speight, late of the city of Ral- j | eig", w give notice toher creditors to pre | ; seut their claim-to R H at Kal- i j eigh, by the <s.b day of March. 1896 ; HENRY BRYAN, j R H. BATTLE. Executors. Raleigh, N. C., March 14,1895. El ARNES’ # PRINTING OFFIGI ! (k NOW IN THE Academy of Music It is to YOUR interest to know win < j WE are. First-Class Commercial Work tn j erate prices. We respectfully ash a share or the pc | lie patronage. Barnes Bros., Rnleißh N.C. IsTaTashe ATTORN EY-.AT-LA W, Raleigh, N.C. Notice. I want every man and woman in the United States interested in the Opium and ! Whiski habits to have one of my books on j these diseases. Address B. M. 'Woolley, i Atlanta, Ga., Box 380, and one will be sen' I i you free. 00 you WANT ilfflf? 1 ' We will rm..m II H^'°“' ,nBFREEOF p.AKCE. I Do You * #ant a Position? ! c ... get you one. Fend stamp for par ticulars. ; TEACHERS’ All) ASSOCIATION Box 255. Raleigh, N.C.■ NOTICE. | Sale of Real Estate for Tates for the Year 1891. Notice is hereby given that on Monday, theflthdayof May. 1895, at 12 o’clook m., at the Court House door of Wake county, in the city of Raleigh, I will sell at public auc tion, for cash, the lands named below to sat isfy the taxes remaining unpaid thereon for the year 1881. The owners of the lands, or the persons in whose names the same are listed, the townships fn which the same are located, the lands to be sold, and the taxes ! remaining unpaid thereon are as follows: BARTON S CREEK TOWNSHIP. LISTKD. i Hrannan, Frank, 11% acres, 6 1 12 Gooch, Wm., 25 acres, 61 | Grady, J. J., 64 acres, 1 85 UNLISTED. Edwards, Mrs. B. 8., 33 acres, I 66 j Harris, George W.,50 acres, 246 Lynn, W. W , 88 acres, 4 94 i Mabry heirs, 19 acres. 97 i Thompson, John D„ 93 acres, 4 94 BUCK HORN TOWNSHIP. LISTKD. A vent, John, 75 acres, 2 36 : Bland, Alex., 24 acres, 61 S Brock well, Mrs Lizzie, 9 acres, 31 ! Carpenter, J 8., 140 acres, 3 09 j Fray, Mrs. L. E., 220 acres, 5 24 J Garner. A. L., 96 acres, 2 31 i Goodwin, W. H., 10 acres, 31 Hi.ilemoo, 8 «.. 116 acres, 4 12 | Marconi. H. M. ( 7n% acres, 1 85 ’ Norris, 1. A., 75Lores, 2 31 | Olive, W. adtn’r Mrs. J. A. May j nard, 190 acres, < 450 ; Olive, Bennett, 124 acres, 2 16 j Olive, A. T., 21 acres, 59 i Olive. W. G., 63% acres, 1 97 i Richardson, C. .L, 100 acres, 2 58 ! Robinson, I)r. O. N., 1 acre, l lot, 09 ! Rollins, J. M„ 10 acres, 37 j Stuart, Abel, 14 acres, 37 Upchurch, Charles, 60 acres, 3 39 CARY TOWNSHIP LISTED. j Blake, Yauev, 12 acres, 41 j Brandon, John, 1 lot, / 13 ! ( rouse. Mrs. Mary, It acres, 69 ! Batman, Alex., 1 acre, 2 19 : Holleman, Wyatt J , estate, 119>% aertss. 324 j Hicks, Simon, I*4 acres, 39 j Jones, Wm., guar, for Junius Moore, yi acre, 15 ! Jordan, Mrs J. 8.. 90 acres, 1 lot, 5 79 N. C. Plow Co., 1 lot, 15 41 Ross, 8. 11., 1 lot, 2 16 Rowe, Wm., 1 lot, 2 16 Turner, Rob , % acre, 189 Upchurch, H. Z , 1 lot, 2 12 ! Upchurch, W. D„ 86 acres, 4 67 i Weathers, A, K.,udm’rofJesse,374acres, 15 77 j Young, A. K., 3a acres, 1 40 UNLISTED. I Ramsey, N. A., 1 lot, 3 70 ) Douglass, Mrs. A. F., 1 lot, 3 39 j Lee, Caroline, 1 lot, 54 CED A li|FO RKfTO W NBHIP. LISTED. , Edwards, M. I)„ 24 acres, 2 46 I Hayes, Martha. acres, 3 09 | Jones, Alti more, 22 acres, 2 97 I Page, W. H., 36 acres, 1 85 | Upchurch, J. C., 91 acres,] 2 35 HOLLY SPRINGS TOWNSHIP. LISTED. Bell, A. U„ 120 acres, 2 97 Hunter, Mrs. He pale, 450 acres, 18 81 McLean,» ain, 25 acre*. 258 McKiuoey, Berry, 37 acres,’ 70 Pope, A. 8., 138 acres, 2 lots, 11 68 Jones, J. J„ 1 lot, 93 UNLISTED.; , Jones, Rutr, 24 acres, 4 92 ; Rogers, Mrs. Bella, 25 acres, 124 i Woodall, W. A., 13>£ acres. 73 HOUSE CREEK TOWNSHIP LISTED. j Branch, Guilford, 18% acres, 1 44 I Davis, Mrs. W. K., 100 acres, 4 24 j Davis, Mrs. T W., 102 acres, 4 24 ! Hinton, Amanda, 153 acres, 6 60 Jones, Mrs. N. P,, 100 acres, 4 24 i Robinson, John F., acre, 200 i syme, Andrew, adm r r, 168 acres, 679 Wilder, W. M„ 5 acres, 3 09 Whitaker, Mrs. W. H., 102 acres, 4 24 Christmas, Battle, 43 acres, 2 46 Guess, H. P. A A. H. Page, 83 acres, 2 97 UN LISTED. McGhee, BenJ , heirs, 5 acres, 24 j Smith, John W., 25 acres, 5 56 LITTLE RIVER TOWNSHIP. LISTED. ; Ba’-ham, J. R., 136 acres, 5 57 Foster, W. 8., 1 lot, 4 31 ! Gill, Mrs. V. W„ 266 acres, 10 27 j Horton, Barnes, 12 acres, 2 58 I Horton, Calvin T., 1 lot, 3 09 • Horton, Joe, 2 acres, 15 Faison, Ben., heirs, 96 acres. 1 23 Faison, Mack. 96 acres, 4 31 Privett, Robert, 8 acres, 2 09 Privett, M. F. E„ 40 acres, 93 Redford. R. C„ 150 acres, 3 70 Pinch, Patton, heirs, 187 acres, 3 70 Williams. Rufus, 45 acres, 4 29 Wats ins, L D., 15 acres, 2 16 Watkins, R. W., 15 acres, 2 54 UNLIBTE*. Hagwood, J. 8., 10 acres, o 70 ; Hopkius. A. P., 140 acres, 8 88 Hoi ton, C. W., 100 acres, 9 16 i Perry, Hattie L ,53 acres, 2 78 i Perry. J. J.. 53 acres, 6 48 Yarboro, starling, 1 acre, 3 94 ; Perry, Diily, 82 acres, 4 01 j Ellen. Richard, heirs, 80 acree, 3 94 ; Bunch, W. H., 1 acre, 61 | Moseley, Edward, 230’i acres. 1180 1 Perry, Isaac, 86 acres, 10 49 MARK’S CREEK TOWNSHIP. LISTED. Ferrell, Itufus, 50 acres, 1 2f Gritfiis, James A., 62 acres, 2 16 Smith, Mrs. Analiza, 65]4 acres, 1 61 UNLISTED. Johnson, J. S., 18 acres, 4 60 1 Li es, W. R., 21 acres, 4 72 j Privett, Mrs Lucy,s2 acres, 258 I Robertson, Robert, 16 acres, 4 4s Scarborough, S. A., 44 acres, 5 88 Smith, T. J., 65)4 acres, 6 92 | Underhill, 8. T„ 16 acres, 80 MIDDLE CREEK TOWNSHIP. LISTED. Clements, Andrew, acres. 2 24 Patrick, 28 acres. 104 Spence, W. H., 26 acres, 2 35 Stewart, Barbara, 325 acres, 2 41 Thomas. Lewis, 3 acres, 2 07 Blackwood, M. A., 53 acres, 61 Banks, Eliza, 80 acres, 55 Jones, W. A., 49 acres, 3 28 Wood, VV. s., 160 acres, 3 7u NEUSE RIVER TOWNSHIP. UNLISTED. Hodge, It, A., 116 acres, 1 40 NEW LIGHT TOWNSHIP. LISTED. Allen, Mrs. E. G., 100 acres, 3 70 Bailey, Miss Andy, 23 acres, 85 Estes, Nelson, heirs, 4 acre** *6 Hockaday, Cooley, 4 acr- - * Jones, W. H , 10U «cre» “ ’6 fey 8 ; O .W?Jr Ul " 1 i 5m j Pearce, G. 1 ! 141 lies' I Mangui- v M - acreß - 2 40 UNLISTED. j { ,y..plln, Ransom, 42 acres. ,{ («* I Vdwery, Joyner, 11 acres, t>u 1 Little, J. 0., 144 acres, 7 111 ; Powell, T. C., 42 aorta, 2 46 ! Pen y, J. A., 112 acres, 6 16 ! Richards, G. W., 32 acres, jn i Sherron, J. W., 105 acres, 4 taj j Thompson. 8. W., 200 acres, 17 26 Woodlief, L. F., 70-% acres, 197 OAK GROVE TOWNSHIP. LISTED. I Allen, S. J., 396 acres, 1466 Arnold, J A.,s9acres, 1 flg Grady, EJiza, 1 acre, 12 Jeffreys, R. W., 512 acres, 14 80 Mitchell, Helen, 82 acres, so UNLISTED, Ferguson, J. H„ ex’r C. W. Brown, 84 acres, ,5 4* PANTHER BRANCH TOWNSHIP. LISTED, Adams, A. H., agent. 111 acrea, 8 09 Fish, M. M„ 113 acres, 2 79 Griflis. J H„ 15 acres. 2 82 Rhodes, VV’ <’., 22 acres, 2 39 Reaves, G. W , 64 acres, 4 00 Turner, Seawel). 55 acres, 135 Tomlinson, Mrs. E. s., 145 acres, 3 50 Norris, Henry W., 50 acres, 1 54 UNLISTED. Jones, G. W., 20 acres, 1 97 ST. MARY'S TOWNSHIP. LISTED. Bailey, Sarah. 60 acres, 2 27 Dowd. O. F., 750 acres, 24 66 Dupree, C. H„ 82 acres 2 lots, 5 50 Dowd, P. W , 625 acres, 30 41 Ellington. Alex., 1 lot, 2 12 i I Gill, K E., 138 acres. 4 3i HolderfleUl, Henry D-, 29? 4 acres, 1 15 i Johns, Dallas, 1 lot, 51 Jiihnson, Mrs. Polly, 33 acres, 2 68 ! Ijewls heirs, 395 acres, 6 47 I Powell, A. G., 20 acres, l 12 Powell, Wm , 20 acres, 1 lot, 1 35 Pratt, Jack, 29 acres, 88 1 Palmer, Sam, 16 acres, 265 Rand, Ed., 200 acies, 7 40 > Yarborough, Mrs. sallle, 155 acres, 740 Carter, J. bn A., 180 acres, 8 01 Carter Bros., 2 lots, 3 39 UNLISTED. Hinton, Perry, 39 acres 2 46 Hill, Marcus, 100 acres, 4 94 Lane, Mrs. Adeline, 78Lj acres, 4 31 Partin, Amelia, 1 lot, ’ 1 85 Stuart heirs, 3 acres, 30 ST. MATTHEW’S TGWNBHIP. LISTED. Dunn, E. A., 106 acres. 3 09 Faucett A Wright. 49% acres, 2 46 Haywood, J A., agent Neu.se Manu facturing Co., 25 acres, 30 82 Oneal, W r . P,, 99-% acres, 2 46 Poole, E M., 47 acres, 8 22 Woods. George, 85 acres, 4 43 Yarborough, E. M., 56 acres, 2 82 11 dloway, W. H., 70 acres, 3 46 Mnrcom, J. €., adm’r Kelley, 131 acres, 278 UNLISTED, Beavers, Lizzie, 115 acres, 9 86 Perry, W, R., guar. Maria W’llliams, 100 ai res, 11 10 Pace, T 8., 48 acres, 3 55 i Pulley, Mrs. W. A., 50 acres, 3 09 Hodge, It. A., 551% acres, 57 44 Gooch, Halley, 5) acres, 3 09 SWIFT CREEK TOWNSHIP. LISTED. Heine, C. H., 30 acres, 3 70 Jones, Peter, 5 acres, 2 16 Jones, 8. A., 43% acres, 1 85 Matthews, W, H., 39 acres, 1 24 Perry, W It., 178% acres, 6 43 Ranes, G. H., 5% acres, 1 64 Rand, Thos. J., 145 acres, 4 91 Stephenson, Thos. J., 57% acres, 509 Whitaker, W. J„ 73 acres, 3 24 Woodall, Sarah A„ 143 acres, 4 58 UNLISTED. Holman, Robert, 26 2-5 acres, 80 A vent, John W., 91 acres, 3 36 Bradford, W J„ 39 acres, 2 46 Emory, A. 8., 157 acres, ll 00 Holman, Dempsey, 16 acres, 97 WAKE FOREST TOWNSHIP. LISTED. Dunn, J. S„ 1 lot, 2 48 Fleming, Jasper, 55 acres, l 85 Fleming, Dr J. R., 188 acres, 4 lots, 13 53 Fowler, Dr. J C., agent Beckwith, Sr., 1 lot, 3 70 Glover, Peter, l lot, 54 Gill, J. E., S. 1). and A. K„ 600 acres, 24 66 Johnson, Mrs. A. C., 163 acres, 5 55 Jackson. H. J., 1 lot, 61 King, W. P., 1 lot. 1 85 Kelley, Norfleet, 64 acres, 1 85 Powell, C. L., 1 lot, 20 ; Pace, Miss Laura, 10 acres, 19 Bedford, J. B„ 273 acres, 8 98 Young, Martha, 1 lot, 1 24 Alford, Roxle, 28% acres, 88 Haywood, J. A„ 1,200 acres. 54 27 Stell, Mary It., 107 acres, 3 39 UNLISTED. Watkins, E. N., 2 1 acres, 5 94 Green, Rufus, 1 lot, 50 Williams, Pratlllla. 32 acres, 3 16 Local Assembly, 1 lot, 39 Holding, G. W , 1 lot. 1 24 Montague,Caroline, 1 lot, 2 46 Harris, G. W’., 1 lot, 1 24 Jones, B. C., 150 acres, 13 56 King, Mrs. U. H., 76 acres, 4 67 Pace, H V., heirs, 366 acres, 23 17 Phillips, Fletcher, 1 lot, 4 91 WHITE OAK TOWNSHIP. LISTED. Barbee, Houston, 28 acree, 61 Bright, Sam., 50 acres, 1 24 Dowd, C. F., 40 acres, 1 24 Ed wards, D. D , 20 acres 78 Farrington, Jordan, 1 lot, 61 Jones, Mrs. L. M., 1 lot, 2 46 Maynard, Wake, 1 lot, 2 50 Morgan, Mrs. A.., I lot, 31 Olive, Mabe, 1 acre, 1 04 Olive, Eliza, 10 acres, 1 lot, 31 Paseamore, Mrs. Kiddy, 158 acres, 3 70 slaughter, Susan, 62 acres, 190 Upchurch, Atlas. 33 acres, 97 Wdiliams, J R.. 84 acres, 5 92 Walden, Lucinda, 18% acres. 61 Hunter, Louisa, 140 acres, 4 01 W’ade Aaron, 1 lot, 2 78 UNLISTED. Hnlleman, W. J., I lot, 4 94 Hunnicutt, C. 8., 1 lot, 124 Jeuks, J. L., 80 acres, 10 80 Mitchell, Win., 1 lot, 31 Matthews, R. H., 100 acres, 4 94 Rogers, W. A., 36K acrea, 197 RALEIGH TOWNSHIP, LISTED. Adams, Warren, Old Fair Grounds, 3 34 Andrews, Andrew, 2-3 acre, Oherlin, 3 90 Ashe, s. T„ Old Fair Grounds, 5 30 Barrett, A M„ Tarboro road, 5 30 Battle, J. M., Oherlin, 44 Blake, Fannie W. f Idlewild, 1 77 Bryan, J. M , Smlthfleld street, 4 56 Bryant, Marian, Oherlin, 88 Bunn, Washington,.South Eastst., 3 66 llusbee, Mrs. K. 8., near Bledsoe, 26 50 Branch, J. II . ex'r. Asylum road, 4 12 Bagwell, A. W. .Smith Blount street, 7 56 Bachelor, 8, S„ Oberiin, 3 98 Broughton. Mrs, C. R„ Oherlin, 88 Cameron, Almond, Oherlin, 3 09 Carr, Louisa, Oherlin, 88 Carver, Cora M., Fayetteville street, 13 t>3 rook, Mrs. H-zekiah, Oherlin, 3 53 Cowan, H M., Oherlin, 66 Crowder. Root., South Dawson street, 2 07 Curtis, Geneva, Oherlin, 1 77 Cram, Mrs. Kaie F„ Vfartin street, 47 25 “ ** “ K 893, Martin street, 46 37 Creech, Mrs. A„ Hargett street, 9 28 Davis. Rufus, Haywood street, 4 69 Davis, Amy, Tarboro road, 2 to Denton, Ed. V., agent, Exchange, Blood worth and Cabarrus street, 30 34 Denton, Mrs. M. I). D„ East Davie, Wilmington aud Exchange, East Martin streets, 30 9'2 i Dorum & Moseley, Cannon street, 5 03 Drake, Eliza. Caswell Lane, 1 77 Dupree, C. IL.Suuih Blount street, 3 10 Edwards, L. E„ Cannon street, 4 42 Ellen, Martha li„ Nort h Ea*>t street, 5 30 , Fields, Isham, Rex Hospital, 2 87 Flsgg, John F., Oherlin, 6 63 Ford. Peter, Cetton Place, l 77 Foy, Julian, estate. East Lenoir, 3 09 Geer. John, Cannon street, 2 92 Gooch, Eliza, near Rock Quarry, 44 Goodwiu, C. A., East Cabarrus street, 6 18 Goodwin, C. E. J., Dawson and Catiai rus streets, 22 97 Grant, Cornelia, Oherlin,, l 77 Greene, Austin, South East street, 2 34 Hall, S. S., Fayetteville street. 1 77 Hardin, Elizabeth, Newbern avenue, 5 30 Harrison, John L., South Person street, 4 42 Hayes, John, Cottou street, 2 65 Haywood, W. C., South lauie and Man ly streets, 6 to Hester, Mary Ann, Oberiin, 44 Hester, Edward, Oherlin, 3 09 Hest-r, Nathan, Oherlin, 177 Hinton, Cornelius, Hmltbtleld street. 3 18 Hlnton, Ellen, Oberiin, 66 Hodge, Ruth 11, East Martin street, 5 30 llotderfield, W. 8., Cotton Place, 1 77 Holloway, Mrs. W. H , N. Person street, 8 83 H nnneyeutt, Mrs. A., Smfthfleld street, 88 Hunter, Vester,Oberiin, l 91 Hutchings, J Booker,Oberiin, 2 65 Harrison, Emily, Cannon street, 1 77 llav wood A Hogan, Caswell Lane, 4 56 Hughes, H J,, Haywood street, 2 21 Jackson, william. Oberiin, 1 to James, 11 M. and sister, Dawson street, 442 James, Lovey, Oberiin, 1 33 Jeffreys, Andrew, Oberiin, 1 77 Join s, Marcellos, East Davie street, 3 44 Jones, Wash., South Dawson street, 2 to Jones. John A , Oberiin, 6 41 Jones, E. N., East Lenoir street, 8 18 Johnson, B. T., trustee, Saunders property, „ 88 to Johnson, Jacob, Sooth East street, 1 33 Johnson, Sarah C., Rex Hospital prop erty, 3 76 King, Josiah, East Davie street, 4 42 King, John l East Davie street, 6 18 Lassiter, Elizabeth, s. Salisbury street, 265 Lockhait, Cbas., Oberiin, 3 09 Malone, Martha, Manly street, 66 McGowan, Mrs. E. R., Salisbury streat, Bto McGowan, P. W., Salisbury street, 1 77 M* Koj , Sain., Tarboro road, 4 42 Mitchell, Altoona, Worth street, 2 21 Mitchell, W’ru , S. W ilmington street, 3 10 Moore, W. H., Oberiin, 8 M Morgan, Alex. H.. Oherlin, 5 43 Morgan, LI file, Oberiin, 1 ll Murray, Mrs. I). D„ cannon street. New hero avenue, W. Davie street, 15 v* Myatt, Ferre bee, Fayetteville street, 3 to o’Kelley, C. G„ A vent Ferry road, to Oneal, Alice, Oherlin, 8s Overby, Mrs. Emma. Rex Hospital, 66 Payne, Mrs. Geo. C, N. Harrington st., 3to Perry, Nannie, Cabarrus stre< t, 4 42 Perry, C. 11., Bloodworth and Davie streets, < 61 Pool, N. W., guard.. Cotton Place, 1 W Porter, J. H„ Brooklyn, sg Porter, Mary A., Brooklyn, n M Porter. John A„ Saunders street, 4 t* Price, Edward, Smith Lane. Kansome, Maggie E., South and Lenoir streets, j % Ransome, Simon C\, Cannon street, K* Richardson, W\ R., A vent Ferry road, 94# Roberts, Robert, Cox avenue, 2 9* Rogers, E. R , Oherlin, Jt w Rogers, M A.. Smlthfleld street, 4 42 Rogers, J, Rowan, Boylan avenue, 15 2# Rogers, Luke and wife, N. Salisbury and Fair Grounds, u 21 Royster, I). L., Hargett s'reet, 7 *7 Royster, Mrs. S. J., Hay worst, Cabarrus and Hargett streets, m 77 Reaves, Elizabeth. South Blount street, 2 4* Scott, Bettie, Fayetteville street, 8 W Scott, John, South street, to Scpark, Mrs M. W.. Jones street, 4 to Shepard, Augusta. Oherilu, 6 IS Shepaid, Easter. Oberiin, 1 77 Shepard, Robt., Oberiin, 88 Smith, Edward, near Catholic oemeterr, 4 86 Smith, Robert, Oherlin, 2 24 Smith, Perrin, East. Martin street, 3 (k> Smith, Joseph, Smith street, 1 US Smith, John C., East Hargett street, 3 /W Smlih, Ellen, East Raleigh, 88 Mpencer, Elizabeth, W’. South street, 7 U7 Strudwick, John, near Fair Grounds. 3 to Sorrell, Alvis, estate, Cabarrus, Daw son, Cannon streets, tn *2 Taylor, VV. A„ Polk street, 9 a Terrell, Ralph, Cannon street, 2 4* Terry, Alexander. Tarboro road, 2 it TU«'inp«on, Mrs. M. C., Bloodworth sf., sto Todd. M. G., guard., S. Bloodworth, K Davie street and Oherlin, 13 M T uny, Lucy, North East street, 5 M Tucker, sallle, Oberiin. 1 33 'Tucker, Tlldy, East Cabarrus street, I 77 Turner, V’. A„East Davie street, S 65 Umstead, Edward, near Catholic oem„ 6it Upperman, Annie E., Rex Hospital and W. South street, « M Va»s, S. N„ South Blount street, 8 88 Watson, J. W. B , 7 lots 279 13 Watson, Emily, Smlthfleld road, 1 77 Weaver, Sa>ah, Tarboro road, 4 42 Wediiin, Mrs. M, A„ North street, 2 3t Williams, M» y E., Smith Lane, 27 W’llllams, s. W , Haywood street, 1 54 W’illlams, Eaton, Smith Lane, 3 7» W illiams, Henderson, E. street, i M Winters, Harriett, E«si Martin street, 787 Whitaker, Pattie E., Fayetteville st„ 41 16 Whitaker. Richard. Oberiin, 8W Woislall, W. A., adm’r, 8. Blount st., 7 #7 W oker, Maggie M., N. I’eison 'treet, 18 to Watson, Ji s., estate, S. Blount street, 3 9S Yeargan, f’red., E. Cabarrus street, 4 77 Beavers. A. A., W\ Lane, 7 07 Clements, Mary, Cannon street, 1 77 Thompson, Emily, North West street, #ll Stmmes, Wm , Newbern aveiiue, 1 77 Stronach, Mrs. G. T., 4 lots, 86 67 UNLISTED. Arendell, Sarah, Blount street, *6* Atkinson, Devereux, Cannon street 5 3# Bannister, Fannie, East Raleigh, 7 07 Battle. Phoeby, Oberiin, 1 77 Bark er, SI mon, Ober 11 n, 2 * Blacknall, Graves, Oberiin, 8 *» Bunn, Edward, Oberiin, 83 Burnes, Edward, Oherlin, 83 Crocker and Woodall, Idlewild, 2 66 Clements, Algenon, Avent Ferry road, SSB Cates, Alfred, Smith street, 2 a Chester, Susan, Hillsboro road, 7 07 Cocberan, Catherine, near Gos. Lane, 6 38 Crocker, Jane, Lenoir street, 8 53 Davis, John, Tarboro road, 6 3* Debnara, Manchester, 1 at Dickens, Allen, Brooklyn, 7 93 Durham, Henry, Oberiin, 1 77 Evans, Joel, North East street, 8 83 Emerson, J. C„ Cotton Place, 8 61 Grant, Jane, East Cabarrus street, 2 66 Greene, Mary, Old Fa'r Grounds, 2 86 Holloway, Mitchell, Cannon street, 8 86 Horner, Sidney, Dawson street, 6 18 Harris, Thomas, McDowell street. 6 74 Hanington, Lucy, Fayetteville street, 7*7 H igas, Susan, Dawson street, 8 83 Hinenian, John, Ridge road, 2 66 Hollister, Martha, McDowell street, 6 74 Horton. Len, Oberiin, 88 Howard, Walter. Oberiin, 7 36 Hewlin, E. H„ Oberiin, 88 Hunneycutt, N. 8., Idlewild, 2 83 Henderlon, Ray. Smlthfleld street, 1 77 Hinton, Agnes and 8. Jones, baua ders street. 8 B 4 Ivey, Temple, Oberiin, gg Ivey, Joe, Oberiin, 88 Johnson. Charlotte, Smlthfleld road, 8 69 Jones, Turner R„ East Raleigh and Martin street, 28 86 Johnson, -tusan, omithfield road, 3 tS Jeffreys, Johu, Oberiin, j Jones, H., Martin street, 3 .« Jones. Levy, Old Fair Grounds. 8 63 Lee, John II , Old Fair Grounds, 1 88 Lassiter, Sallle. East Cabarrus street, 14 13 [,e>>nard. Mrs. A. s., E. Cabarrus street, 737 Lewis, Madison, Oberiin, gg Manly, C. C., estate, Oberiin, 1 77 Matthews, W. J„ West Smith street, 7 95 Mial, Millard. Idlewild, s BSI Manly, Ned, Oberiin, 6 33 M ore, Henry, Manly stieet, 4 42 Pogue. Judith, Rex Hospital, 27 Pace, W. H., agent. Old Fair Grouuds, 366 Perry, W\ H , W. South street, 2 66 Page, Prince, Oberiin, 1 35 Patrick, Henderson, Tarboro road, in 03 Pulley, Wash., Snuthfleld road, 7 06 Rand, Jaue, Rex Hospital, \ 05 R y, Lovett a, Oberiin, as Ray, Mrs. Geo., Oherlin, 177 Robertson, E. J., South Blount street, 16 ig Rogers, J. W., Oberiin, 7 t sno v, Geo. H., trustee, Oberiin, 8 8 Stallings, Jane, Davie and Swain su. 6 A Scott, Laura, Dawson sire>-t, 1 77 Short, Bev» rly, East Raleigh, 6 30 short, Edwaid, East Raleigh, 4 42 Smith, J W , East Cabarrus street, 14 18 Smith, Edward, East South street, 8 88 Spencer, Russell, Oberiin and Cannan street, 13 tl Spencer, Paul, Fowle's Vineyard, 9 71 Thompson, Sarah, W’est Lenoir street, 1 77 Tate, Ruth, Hillsboro road, 8 63 Thornton, Alfred, Railroad street, 8 53 Thomas, Mar\, Oberiin, 36 Upchurch, A. N„ agent, E. Lenoir st., 8 33 Woods, George, McKee street, 8 86 W’llliams, A. B„ HilNboro road, 1 38 Williams sandy, Oherlin, 8 53 Wheaton, Daniel, Ridge road, 3 68 Williams, Mara, estate, South Wil mington street, 8 SB Wilson, Nannie S„ Avent Ferry road, 633 Yarborough, Wm., South Blount st„ 7 37 M. W. PAGE, Sheriff. For Sale. A Book Store, Valuable Copyrights. A Long Established Business. By virtue of authority conferred upon us by E. G. Harrell individually, and as gur viving partner of the late firm of Alfred Williams & Co., (composed of said Harrell ai d the late-T B. Neatherv) and for the purpose of windiag up the f>usi ess of said firm we offer for s tie the stock in trade: copyrights and book plates of Moore’s School History cf North Carolina, Mrs. Spencers First Steps in North Carolina History. Williams’ North Carol na Reader, North Carolina Speaker, North Carolina Speller, Rusbee’s Justice and Form Hook, Norte Carolina Song and Hymns for Schools, business, store, i rode and office furniture, fixtures, appliances, good will and all the property aud effects conveyed to us. save aud except the choses in action and other demands. The busin* ss has been established nearly thirty vears and is the largest book house in the State. We invite offers and would be glad to coma»u nicate with intending purchasers. A. W\ HAYWOOD, THOMAS M. PITTMAN, Trmtees. Summer School of Medicine, University of Virginia. J. W\ Mallet, M. I) , Chemistry; W. K. McConville, M D., Physiology W’ G. Christian M. D., Anatomy: W. W. Luck, Histology: W. A Lambeth, M. D , Materia Mediea. Opens July Ist; closes August 81, 1895. A school for beginners and for those desiring to review the fundamental branches of medicine. For full particulars address the Secretary. I)r. W A. Lambeth, University Station, Charlottesville, Va. SPINAL DnMUe? Nero fG&S

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