The News and Observer VOL. XXXYIII. NO. 119. TTKII LADBffiEST ©OUaSIUIU&UTOK] mu KKBDBTDO ©ABBOILO6M DMOOt, PREMIER OUTCLASSED ENGLISH LIBERAL PARTY FINDS ITSELF IN A BAD ROW OF STUMPS. WALES AND WHITSUNTIDE. The Prin*e Was Making a Day ot it Wien His Mamina Wanted Him to be at Charch—Armenian Question a Disturbing Element—Russia’s Shrewd Juggling With the Chinese Loan—Frwits of the Oscar Wilde Trial. June B.—As to what form a motion of lack of confidence in the gov ernment shall take, it is understood that Lord Salisbury is eager to assail Lord Rosebery’s foreign policy and that he is strongly in favor of beginning the fight by raising the question of British intervention in Turkey, in regard to Ar menia, which action has had only the support of the sympathetic Gladstonians of the maudlin type. Outside of Conservative circles the opinion is rapidly growing that Lord Roaebery has been overmatched and out classed by the diplomacy of Russia and France, both in the Armenian and Chino- Japanese affairs. In his desertion of Lord Salisbury’s policy of an informal, bat practical entente with Germany and the triple alliance, for the friendship of Russia and France, it is generally feared that Lord Rosebery has got himself, and the government, of course, into an imbroglio of the most critical character. Indeed, it is believed that it involves either diplomatic disgrace or a European tvar. The opponents of Lord Rosebery do not hesitabe to att ibute the bungling of his administration and his plain failure in the most vital of the issues with which he has had to deal, to the bad condition of his mental health, yet, although his frieDda assert that the premier has en tirely recovered from his recent nervous coilapsc, it i 3 officially announced to day “Jiafc his physicians have advised a pro longation of his yachting cruise It is understood that the Chinese Gov ernment has decided to pay Russia fi\ e per|cent upin the Chinese loan recently raised in Paris and guaranteed by Russia. Russia drove a sharp bargain by raising in Paris the money at four percent, thus making one per cent on the total loan cf iixteen m llion pounds. The terms of loan also contain an agreement on the part of China not to contract for loans for a period of six months. The loan is financied by the Banque de Paris et Pays Bas, and the Credit Lioneese. The suc cess of the French capitalists in cutting out the English financiers, who have hitherto handled Chinese loans, bas pro duced an epidemic of jealous envy in London financial circles. The gravity of the position in the far East is shown by the orders that have been issued by the war office. A large increase will be made in the stores of war munitions at Malta, Aden and in Egypt. The small garrison on the Island of Bei in in the Red sea will be reinforced by detachments of artillery and sappers. Quick firing guns will be planted in the fort and the fort works will be enlarged. The island will be made an important naval base. Communications proceed between Lon don and St. Petersburg and Paris as to what combined action shall be taken if the Porte maintains its refusal to con cede the demands by Great Britain, Russia and France relative to Armenia. If the Porte persists in its refusal to grant the demands made by the three powers, it has been definitely arranged to represent these demands as an ulti matum and to set an affixed da f e for their aoceptanee or rejection. It is understood that Great Britain proposod in the event of the rejection of the demands that the combined fleets of the three powers make a demonstration at Con stantinople, but France and Russia pre fer as a irst resort a conterence of the European powers. The Speaker asserts that harmony between the three powers, j as f*r &•> diplomatic pressure is con- 1 oerned, is complete. Should France and Russia decline to go further, the ap pearanow of a British fleet at Constanti nople may become a necessity, if only to insure safety against rising of the Turks. The paper adds that public opinion in Great Britaiu will compel the govern ment to go it alone. It would be easy to ooeupy first Mateline and Samoas and to make them and Cyprus a base of op orations, though the eventful result might bieak up the Turkish empire. It is known that the Queen influences the cabinet by explicit advice, amount ing to instructions, concerning the atti tude of the Porte. Her Majesty’s inter est in the question was such that she caused the full text of the Sultan’s reply to the demands of the three powers to t e telegraphed to her as soon as it was received by Sir Philip Currie, the British Ambassador at Constantinople. It is believed also that she, in several per * >nal letters to the Czar, communicated the necessity of concerted action on the question The Queen has become a fer •ent Turkopode. She had been excited over the stories of the Armenian atroci ties, and has gone far beyond her usual oonslP utional functions. It is s‘ Hed that the Print* of Wales has got in trouble with bis august moth er by visiting the Whitsuntide exhibition of paintings at the Guild Hall and after ward dining with a city sheriff. The papers announce that the Prince’s action inoited the Queen to send him a long telegraphic reproof. It has transpired that her Majesty advised him that he ought to have observed Whitsuntide bv receiving the sacraments of the church and that as a leading member of the church he should have avoided all pub lic functions. The Rev. Stewart Duckworth Headlam, one of the sureties of Oscar Wilde while he was awaiting trial, has explained why he went bail for him. He says that he felt that the press had prejudiced the case. He had only met Wilde twice, but his confidence in his honor was fully justified by the fact that the accused stayed in England and faced his trial. The clergyman says he hopes that after- Wilde has served his sentence he will lead a new life and do good work. As a result of inquiries made into the secret life of the great public schools, the investigation having arisen from the Wilde trial, one school has expelled six teen boys. It is announced that the daughter of Annie Besant, now the head of the The osophical Cult, will become a Roman Catholic. DECREASE IN BANK RESERVE. The New York Financier Cites This ns a Favorable Symptom. New York, June 8. —The New Y’ork Financier this week says . “A decrease in the reserve of $1,553,- 350 is a favorable feature of the state ment made by the Associated Banks of this city for the week ending June Bth. “The expansion in loans, while only $890,000, or considerably less than the weekly increase reported for the past month or sixth weeks, is yet a cheering sign that money is in demand, although the remarkably low rate at which funds are offered is helping to swell the loan total. “The decrease of $1,011,500 in the net cash held by the banks cannot be accounted for in view of the fact that the gain from the interior during the week was not less than $3,000,000, and that the Treasury disbursements were above the ordinary. Accepting theories which have proven correct in the past, the loss might be explained by saying that the Belmont syndicate had been making another of its unexpected mo *, but there is nothing to confirm this. “The decrease of $332,600 in deposits, in view of the fact that a great aeal of money was received during the week, makes the statement more difficult of interpretation. It is known, however, that the demand for discounts is de creasing and that banks doing a large portion of this business have had a great many inquiries of late, especially from the South. The mercantile and manufacturing demand is also increas ing. The money market has not exhib ited the first signs of hardening, aud the hope of better rates seems to be still lost ia the future.” W hat Francit- Joseph Said. Vienna, June 8.-—Emperor Francis Joseph, in a speech in reply to an ad dress presented by a delegation of repre sentative Austrians to-day, said he re joiced that the Austro Hungarian policy of keeping in friendly relations with all of the European powers had furthered the consolidation of the country and the general peace of Europe. The govern ment, he said, would continue its tried policy. The Emperor announced that a moderate demand be made upon Parlia ment with a view of maintaining the army and navy in a position of strength which would render them equal to the task of preserving order and upholding the dignity and honor of the nation. The Raleigh Goes to New York. Washington, D. C., June B.—The Navy Department received a cablegram to-day from Captain Sumner, command ing the Columbia, announcing that his vessel and the New York sailed this morniDg from Southampton. Admiral Carpenter reports the arrival of the flagship Baltimore at Hiojo, Japan. The cruiser Raleigh sailed from Norfolk to-day for New York to participate in the Harlem ship canal openings on the 17th instant, and the coast defense ves sel Amphotrite, left Port Royal for Hampton Roads. Virginia Episcopal Coaaclt. Petersburg, Va., June 8 —The Epis copal Council opened its third day's ses sion at 10 o’clock this morniug with morning prayer. After the Council had been opened by the Bishop for business, Col. It. E. Withers invited the Council to hold its next annual session in Wytbe ville and the invitation was accepted. The following clerical and lay delegates to the general convention to be held at Minneapolis, Minn., next October were elected : Rev. B. D. Tucker, Rev. W. H. Meade, Rev. It. J. Mcßryde, Rev. J. J. Lloyd, C. M, Blackford, it. E. With ers, W. W. Old, M. P. Burks. Whitsuntide Plate Won br Ifellevin. Manchester, June B.— Tlie Whitsun ti<fe plate of 1,000 sovereigns for two year olds, five furlongs, was run to-day and won by T. L. Plunkett’s Bellevin. W. Taylor aud Sharpe’s Nora Sandys and Mr. Brydge Williams' Becky Sharpe ran a dead head for second place. Memorial Day in Lexington. Lexington, Va , June B.— Memorial Day in honor of the Confederate dead buried here was observed this afternoon. General Fitzh ugh Lee delivered an ad dress in the chapel of the Washington aud Lee University and a large gathering of peoj le was present The tombs of Gen. R. E. Lae, Thos. J. Jackson (“Stonewall”) and other distin guished dead were strewn with flowers. RALEIGH, N. C., SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 1895. COI,. CII.LBV’SMEDAI.OFIIONOK Mr. Charted Daniels Promoted—Em bezzlement in P. O. at Clarkton. Special to the News and Obsever. Washington, D. C., June 8. Forty clerks in the Pension office were notified this morning that their dismissal would take effect on June 30th. Miss Grandy, of Elizabeth City, and a negro named Allen were among the number from North Carolina. * * W Mr. Rodger Watson, a messenger in the Senate, to-day returned to his duties, after a stay at his home in Warrenton, N. C. * * * Mr. Alexander Green, son of General Manager W. H. Green, of the Southern Railway, returned home from Trinity College yesterday, accompanied by his school mate, Mr. F. O. McDonnel, of Trrfcoro V * * Acting Secretary Doe has granted a medal of honor to Captain Clinton A. Gilley, of the Second Minnesota Regi ment, now living in Hickory, N. C., for his bravery on the field of Chickamauga. * * * The postoffice department is notified of the arrest of Nathan C. Hall for em bezzling postoffice funds while postmas ter at Clarkton, N. 0., under President Harrison. * * * Mr. Charles Daniels, brother of Mr. Josephus Daniels, editor of the News and Observer, and who is in the De partment of Justice, stationed in Okla homa, is in the city. He has been re cently promoted, and will be transferred to Montana. lie leaves to night for Asheville. * m * Postmaster General Wilson leaves Monday for Centralia, Mo., where he goes to deliver a commencement address. * * * Senator Smith, of New Jersey, who is in the city, thinks that ex-Becretary Whitney is an out-and-out candidate for the Presidency. “He is certainly after the nomination,” said the Senator to » Post reporter, “if all the talk 1 hav« heard in New York amounts to anyth 5 • :. Os course, I am not committed to any candidate yet, but it goes without saying that Mr. Whitney would make a most admirable President. He is popular, be is conservative, he is able, and he would unite the Democratic party. I think he would poll the entire Democratic strength.” * * * At East Durham, Durham county, Y. E P -nitr is appointed postmaster in pl»f e of A M Ellison, removed. This is a fourth-class office. GOV’T. EMPLOYES DISGUSTED. Deprived of Their Usual Hoar’s Holi day on Saturday Afternoon*. Washington, D. 0., June B.—Fifteen thousand government employes are dis gusted with the action of the Cabinet in a matter that greatly affects their com fort and convenience. For years it has been the custom to close the Depart ments in this city at 3 o’clock on Satur day afternoons during the summer months, the hour of closing on other days being 4 o’clock. When the question came up before issuing the usual orders by the heads of the departments Secretary Morton of the Agricul tural Department refused on the ground that the law required the employee to remain at work seven hours every day in the week. The matter was referred to Attorney General Olney and he sustained his colleague in the view he had taken of the law. Thereupon it was decided by the'cabinet duly assembled that all the departments should be clos ed at 4 o'clock Saturdays, the same as on other days. There was an exception in the Interior Department, which closed this afternoon at 3 o’clock in the absence of Secretary Smith, who no? in the city to en force the cabinet’s decision. Fad ol He Income Ui C««*. Washi gton, P. C., June B.—'l he mandate of the United States Supreme Court in accordance with its decision upon the income tax law, will be sent to-day to the attorneys f<»r the appellants in the suits, Seward, Guthrie, Mor.iiictz and Steele, New York eify. They will receive it probably on Monday, and as soon as they file it in the Circuit Court the formal order will be issued giving Hyde and Rollick, stockbrokers, the relief they sought against the officers and directors of the Continental Trust aud Farmers’ Loan aud Trust Companies. Yellow Fever uu the Monrovia. Washington, D. 0., June B.—The Ma rine Hospital Service is advised of the detention at the Gulf quarantine station of the British ship Monrovia, from Rio Janeiro. She had one fatal case of yel low fever at her p >rt of departure and twelve cases and two deaths in transit. Striker* Returning to the Mine*. Huntington, W. Va., June 8 —Al most every mine along the Norfolk aud Western Railroad from the Ohio river to the Elkhorn region is at to-day with very near their full quota of coal diggers. Many of the men are new hands and a committee from the Ohio mines have been mingling among them and requesting them to go out, fcut this they have absolutely refused to do. The Norfolk and Western road is handling a great deal of the out-put now and a number of freight crews that were idle are again at work. ALMOST A FIGHT PLAYERS AND BLEACHERS BOTH TAKE PART IN THE IIOWL AT N. Y. BOSTON IN SECOND PUCE. All the Favorite* Win, Except St. Lotii*, Which Was Pounded by Washington—Heller’s Strategem Won the Game lor the Champions.* Richmond and Norfolk Win in the Virginia League. New York, June 8.--The police nar rowly averted a free fight between New York and Pittsburg players in the fifth inning. As Wilson scored on Killen’s muff at the plate the latter deliberately kicked him on the leg. In a second the players of both teams rushed together ana were squaring off when the police interfered. Murray had to be escorted to his dressing room by the blue coats after the game. He declared Sten ftol safe at the plate in the third in ning when he was out by at least a yard. Had Stenael been called out it would have completed a brilliant triple play. Doyle tried to reason with Mur ray and was ordered out of the game, the big crowd of 15,000 persons making all sorts of threats against the umpire, lhe Pittsburgs won on their merits, as they hit Rusie quite freely. Killen was taken out in the fifth as the home team was beginning to hit him and Hawley was substituted. The New Yorks could not do much after that. New York, 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 o—4 Pittsburg, 40102000 x—f Batteries: Rusie and Wilson; Killen, Hawley and Sugden. Hard Hitting at W anhfngton. .Washington, D. 0., June B.— To-day’s contest was a hard hitting one an 4 Washington clearly had the better of it. Ehret was very wild but only one of his numerous bases on balls counted in the run column. Some sensational fielding was performed by both teams, the work of Glascock, Crooks, Abbey, Quinn, Ely and Dowd being particularly noteworthy. Stocksdale relieved Anderson at the end of the seventh and did well. Attend ance 2,500; weather cool. Washington, 40104101 3—14 St. Louis, 00020100 o—3 Batteries: Andersou, Stockdale and McGuire; Ehrett and Reitz. Poor Louisville’s Farce. Boston, Mass., J une B.— To-day's game at the South End Park was a farce. Cun ningham end McDermott lasted two in nings each, and McCreary, who succeed ed the two, was as wild as a hawk. Kemmer, at third, was but little better and the crowd got its greatest pleasure guying him. Nichols was very effective and reoeived superb support. Duffy worked the trap ball to perfection lu the ninth inning with the bases fall and no out. Attendance, 3,500. Boston, 3 5 3 1 3 11 0 x—l7 Louisville, 01 100000 1— 3 Batteries: Nichols and Tenny; Cun niDgham, McCreary and Welch. Brooklyn Wins on Errors. Brooklyn, N. Y., June B.— Errors by Dablen and Everett allowed the Brook lyns to gain a victory over t bicago to day. Hutchison pitched a good game aud had Foutse’s men guessing most of the time. McChase’s catch of a foul lly and Corcoran’s stop of a difficult grounder were the' features of the game. The Chicagos were unable to bunch their hits. Atteadeuce 3,500. Brooklyn, 2 0 2 0 0 3 11 x—9 Chicago, 00 0 2 0 0 11 2 6 Batteries: Lucid and Grim; Hutchi son and Donahue. W eek of Defeat for the Phillies. Philadelphia, Pa., June 8. —ThePhil adelphia club rounded out a week of de feats this atternoon by losing to Cleve land in a ten inning. Knell was effec tive in the latter part of the game, but in the first six innings was hit rather freely, Thompson knocking the ball over c ntrefield fence ia the third andDelahan ty cracking out a home run over the right field fence in the fifth. Buikett’s win ning run in the ten'h. Weather clear a:d pleasant. Attendance 8,700. Philadelphia, 04 0 1 00200 0- -7 Cleveland, 04 0 100110 I—B1 —8 Batteries; McGill, Buckley and Grady; Kueil aud Z miner. Heller’s SHrutesv W on the Game. Baltimore, Md., June 8. -Heffer was a strategist to day, aud the Cincinnati’s got no more than one hit in any inning. The champions hit Parrott hard. Spies was injured iu the third. Betts’ decision caused Frank Bancroft to ask President Young for his removal. Attendance 4,780. Baltimore, 10100131 x— 7 Cincinnati, 0 01 000000—1 Batteries Heff* r an t Clarke; Parrott, Spies an i Merritt. Olhei «ftmes ol Yesterday. At Petersburg : Petersburg 0100034 J o —B Lynchburg 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 5 x—o Batteries ; Alio way and Keefer; McKen na, Orth aud Ferguson. At Montgomery ; Montgomery 000 2 1 100 2—6 Atlanta 0 5 000000 o—s Batteries New and Kehce; Horner aud Wilson. Ai New Orleans: New Orleans, 0020000 30— 5 Chattanooga, 0042400 2 x —l 2 Batteries: Smith and Nye; Hill and Fisher. Second game: New Orleans, 1 2 2 4 3 o—l 20 —12 Chattanooga, 002000—2 Batteries: Carl and Nye; Sechrist and Zimmer. (Called on account of dark ness.) At Richmond: Richmond, 00111310 o—7 Portsmouth, 04001000 o—s Batteries: Dinsmore and Foster; Hal man and Childs. At Norfolk: Norfolk, 2 0 0 2 0 2 2 0-8 Roanoke, 1 0 0 1 0 4 0 x— o Batteries Weeks and Geier; Stahl aud Clark. clubs. Won. Lost. PrCt. Pittsburg, 26 14 650 Boston, 20 13 006 Chicago, 24 17 585 Cleveland, 22 10 578 Baltimore, 19 14 575 New York, 19 18 513 Philadelphia, 18 18 500 Brooklyn, 17 19 472 Washington, 16 21 482 St. Louis, 15 25 375 Louisville. 6 30 166 The Winter* at Did Dominion. Washington, D. C., July B.—The Old Dominion races resulted as follows . First race—4 12 furlongs. Mrs. Stu art, 7 to 1, won; Dana 2; Siberia 3. Time .55. Second race—6 1-2 furlongs. Kenyon, 11 to 10, won; Samaritan 2; Bondy’s Victim 3. Time 1:24 34. Third race—7 furlongs. Marguerite, 11 to 5, won; Bronston 2; Mattie Chun 3. Time 1:30. Fourth Race—l 16 mile; Eclipse 4 to 5 won; Chateau 2; Gonzales 3. Time 1:50. Fifth Race—s furlongs. Cheddar 15 to 1 won; Luray 2; Salisbury 3. Time 1:02. Sixth Race—6 1-2 furlongs. Billy Boy 3 to 1 won; A. O. H. 2; Home Run 3. Time 1:23 1-2. Results.of lhe Roby Hanes. Chicago, Ills., Jane B.—The results at Roby to-day were: First race—Selling; 6 furlongs: King sielere, won; Ulster, 2; Brook, 3. Time, 1:18 1-2. Seoond race—Two-year-olds; selling; 5 furlongs: Gretchen S, won; Sobriquet, 2; Oassie Neil, 3. Time* 1:05. Third race—Selling; 7 furlongs: Quee» Bess won; Damask 2; The Rook 3. Time 1:31 3 4. Fourth rat*—selling; 6 1-2 furlongs: Tit for Tat won; Lulu f 2; Marden Pel 3. Time 1:23 3 4 Fifth race—Selling; 0 furlongs: Wild Arab won; Jennie June 2; Baldur 3. Time 1:18 12. Bixtb race—l mile: Elreno won; Gunwad 2; Glenoid t. Time 1:45. TWO BURNED TO DEATH. Woman and Child Cremated by a Fire in a Jacksonville Stable. Jacksonville, Fla., June B.—A fatal fire occurred this morning in the heart of this city by which two lives were lost. The alarm was sounded at 3 o’clock and by the time the firemen reached the scene the building, which is used as a stable on the first floor, was partially burned. The fire was soon subaued and in the upper room were found the bodies of a colored woman named Josephine Williams and her seven-year-old niece Sallie Jones. Both had been horribly burned. The husband of the woman made his escape through the window without attempting to rescue his fam ily. THE GOLD BRICK MAN. The Richmond Swindler Released and Then Re-arrested. Richmond, Va., June B.— Bmith, alias Parker, the gold brick man, who is un der indictment for swindling Mr. With ers, of Gloucester county, out of $5,000, was tbi3 afternoon before Judge Isaac Christian, of Charles City, and New Kent on a writ of habeas corpus and was bailed in the sura of $7,000. He was immediately arrested by the United States authorities on the charge of im personating an officer of the United States Mint and recommitted to Henrico county jail. He will be tried before Judge Hughes, of the United States Dis trict Court Monday. For Sixteen to One. Birmingham, Ala., June B.—A meet ing of the free silver Democrats met here to-night to select delegates to the Mem phis Bi metallic Convention which meets Wednesday next. Fifty-three people were present aud a delegation of over one hundred was selected. flsAt Limestone, Ala., 25 delegates to Memphis were appointed and the same number at a meeting at Gadsden. Turkish Ministry Resigns. Constantinople, June B— The Turk ish ministry today resigned and a new cabinet is being formed with Kiamil Pasha as Grand Vizier. Fatal Storm in Austria. Vienna, June B.— Further news from the Roberndorf Valley, which was swept by a storm on Thursday, was received this morning. The previous reports of devastation and death were not in the least exaggerated. Seventy persons are known to have been killed and many others are missing. Lieut. Howe Killed by Tribesmen. London, June B.—A despatch from Simla says the Waisir and ten tribesmen have made an attack upon Fort Sanda man in the Wasey territory, killing Lieut. Howe and eleven of bw attend ants. price five cents. SHOT THE DESPOILER. P. M. H. Baldwin Fatally Wound* Andrew You man in Jacksonville. Jacksonville, Fla., Junes.—P. M. W. Baldwin about four o’clock this morniug shot and fatally wounded Andrew You man, whom he found in bed with Mrs. Baldwin. He then shot at his wite, and missing her concluded not to kill her, but forced her to call in the neighbors, not allowing her to dress, so that they might see the circum stances under which he had shot Youman. He had been out of town and had returned unexpectedly, finding his wife and Youman in flagprnU delictu as stated above. Youman came here from Folkstone, Ga., where his parents still live. He was a young man and had been greatly befriended by Baldwin, almost making his home at the latter’s house and being treated as one of the family. Mrs. Baldwin is much younger than her husband, and in spit* of the circumstances denies that she and Youman were intermate. She says Youman was in her room to keep off burglars. Baldwin is about 50 years old and very popular in Jacksonville. He came here from Cleveland, Ohio, where his father, who is said to be a millionaire, still lives. Besides that the Baldwins are prominently connected with the slayer of Youman, being a nephow of ex- Senator Payne, of Ohio. P. W. M. Bald win was a gallant Federal soldier and prominent in G. A. R. circles. He sur rendered but was released on a bond for SI,OOO. Banker John C. L. Engle and G. A. R. Commander McMurray becom ing surety. Youman was removed to the hospital and is expected to die before morning. Mrs. Baldwin is bitter against her hus band for shooting Youman. EX-GOV. PARSONS DEAD. Appointed Provisional Governor of* Alabama by President Johnson. Montgomery, Ala., June 2.—A special to the Advertiser from Talladega, Ala., says: Ex Governor Lewis E. Parsons died in this town to day. He was ap- Sointed provisonal governor of the tate in June 1865 by President Johnson. When the Legislature met in December of that year he was elected United State* Senator but was refused his seat because of the opposition congress made to the re construction policy of Mr. Johnson. Since that time he bas devoted his time to the practice of law. He had been a member of the State legislature before the war and served in the same capacity being speaker of the Republican Hous* in 1872, when the State had a dual sta tus. As a lawyer, he stood among the foremost in tht State. The Hot Campaign in Reatacky. Lexington, Ky., June B— The action of the Winchester convention yesterday in endorsing Cleveland and Carlisle and then hooting Gen, Hardy, the free silver candidate tor Governor, has added fuel to the hottest campaign waged among Kentucky Dem ocrats in a decade. The lines are bitter ly drawn on the currency question alone. It is said at the State convention at Louisville two weeks hence, the admin istration forces will attempt to stampede the convention to ex-Governor Simon Bolivar Buckner, who is a sound money candidate for the Senate, or to Judge Black, of Estelle county. Secretary Carlisle is expected t > re turn to the State at an early date and canvass Western Kentucky, where the silver sentiment is overwhelmingly strong. _ Ridicule* Thurman * Proclamation. Columbus, 0., June B.—Judge A. W. Smalley, chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee, has written a reply to the attack made on him in Allen W. Thurman’s free silver proclamation. In it he ridicules Thurman’s conduct of the State campaign which ended in a majority of 137,000 against the party. He advises Mr. Thurman to save his wind to fight the common enemy, and closes with the statement that the con vention will soon be called to consider convention matters. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEF. Berlin, June B—lt is estimated that the deaths caused by the floods in Wur temburg and Bavari exceed 100. Chicago, 111 , June B.— Judge Tuthill this afternoon appointed Herbert A. Morse as receiver for the Roby Fair As sociation. Charleston, S. C., June B. — A special to the News and Courier from Laurans, 8. 0., says: Expert Scruggs investigated the local dispensary here yesterday and closed it. A shortage of fifteen hundred dollars is reported and a new man will he put in charge. Savannah, Ga., June 8 —Tbc oornor’s jury has found a verdict of murder against Fireman Thomas Pounder, who sho and killed Ex fireman Frand Keenan at fire headquarters Thursday. Little Rock, Ark, June B.— The Lit tle Rock Silver Club at a meeting to night adopted a resolution preparing the way for a silver convention, the dele gates to he from the silver clubs of the State and the date to be fixed later. Thirty delegates were selected to the Memphis silver convention. Charleston, 8, 0., June B.—The trouble at the Bulow phosphate mine, which grew out ot a strike of the miners against a reduction in wages, has been quieted. The sheriff arrested some of the leaders of the strike yesterday and to-day departed for the scene or the trouble with a posse composed of a de tachment of cavalry. Two men wera ar rested. No further trouble ia antici pated.

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