The News and Obse. ver. YOL. XXXYIII. NO. 116. TGOE LftOBSESTT ©OKdMLMMNI ®F ATO TO®™ ©AMILDISm [MOO 7 . MR. WILL H.KERR DEAD DROWNED SUNDAY, OFF ANNA POLIS, WHILE SAVING HIS HOY. FELL FROM HIS FATHER'S YACHT. Frieadson Board saw,but were Power* less to Save—A Small boat from the Shore just in time to Rescue the Child —The Father’s body Recovered too Late for Resuscitation—The Engi neer’s Story—The City Shocked by the First Telegraphic Advices to Mr. W. C. Stronach—Burial To-inorrow r . Yesterday morning, Mr. W. C. Stron ach, of this city, received a tele gram from Mrs. W. H. Kerr, dated Baltimore, s’ating that her husbaud, the late Mr. Will H. Kerr, had been drowned Sunday afternoon, that his body would arrive here Wednesday morning, that Dr. Walter Moore would preach the fune ral, and that Dr. Herbert B. Battle and Mr. J. A. Holmes, of Chapel Hill, were desired as pall-bearers. Accordingly, Mr. Stronach awaiting further particulais, went about arrang mg details for the funeral, which will take place from the Presby terian church to-morrow morning at an hour, later to be determined upon, and to be definitely stated in the News and Observer of to-morrow morning. The burial will take place in Oak wood cemetery in the family section, and in addition to the two gentlemen named above, both of whom are out of the city but who have been notified, there have been five others chosen as pall bearers, as follows: Messrs. W. S. Primrose, A. B Stron ach, R. H. Battle, Josephus Daniels and Prof. D. Harvey Hill. The news of the death of “Will Kerr,” as he was warmly remembered here, spread over the city rapid'y, and the people were eager to find out something more concerning the distressing happen ing- . , , It was Sunday afternoon, m the har bor of Annapolis, Md , on the Watauga, the steam-yacht of Mr. Kerr. Philips, the little 6 year old son of Mr. Kerr, fell overboard, and in the attempt to save him, Mr. Kerr was drowned. The little boy was saved. The whole scene was witnessed not only by the company on board the yacht, but also by Mr. Daniel W. Burtis and Capt. W. H. Burtis, the latter two gentlemen having witnessed the whole scene from the shore. They pulled out, at all haste, in a small boat. Meanwhile was going on the struggle of father to save son. A choppy sea was on, and the boy was twenty feet away when the father made the leap after him. Meanwhile, the little fellow, who did not know how to swim, kept himself up by paddling with his hands somehow, until the father reached him. Mr. Kerr was a good swimmer, and taking the child on his back, attempted to carry him safely to the yacht which in the meanwhile had stopped. He was borne down, however, and must have sunk just as the child was saved for he could not be found when the toy was lifted out of the water. Here is the story told by Benton, the engineer. “We were getting under way about half-past 12 hen*l noticed Philip Kerr walking along the narrow gunwale of the yacht forward of the engine on the port side. I warned the boy of his danger, as I had done before, but he re fused to come inside. I was about to in sist when I discovered that he had lost his balance and had failed overboard. In his descent I grabbed for him, but could not reach him. I immediately threw overboard a life preserver, which he did not get, and quickly notified his father. Captain Kerr, who was forward, rushed aft and plunged into the water. Mrs. Kerr was at the wheel at the time. I immediately stopped the engine, and we were preparing to lower the yawl from the davits, when several small boats from ashore were seen to approach the father and son, who were then struggling in the water. Captain Kerr had reached the boy after swimming fifteen or twenty yards in a heavy, choppy sea, which en tirely submerged them at times. He was a good swimmer and had attempted to swim with his boy on his back. It is thought the father sacrificed his chances to save his boy, who was above water and probably upon his father’s shoulders when the small boat from the shore reached them. Before this, remarkable to say. the boy kept afloat by paddling, as he could not swim a stroke.” After the boy had been rescued, search was made for the father’s body first with grappling lines without result, but later George Parkinson and George Collins set out to work with oyster rakes, and in about half an hour the body was re covered, and carried ashore. Restora tives and resuscitating processes were resorted to promptly and for some time,by Drs. George Wells and W. C. Claude, but without avail, while Mrs. Kerr en couraged them with heroic coolness until further effort was useless. The body was then taken to an undertaking estab lishment, aud prepared for burial. Besides Mr. Kerr aud his wife there were on board the yacht Mrs. George F. Atkinson, wife of Professor Atkinson, of Cornell University, and Mr. Kerr’s only sister, S. F. Patterson, A. N. Scott,,W. C. Kerr, Philips Kerr, Spen cer II Kerr, B. Atkinson, Clara Atkin son, Carrie Harris aud J. Fletcher Ben ton, engineer. It was a little pleasure party that started out fvom .Baltimore Saturday, and aftei spending the night and part of the day off Annapolis, they were starting back for Baltimore. The whole party aboard looked helplessly on, per force, at the heart-rending spectacle. Mr. Kerr had not long been owner of the Watauga, having bought it last spring under the name of Miquet from Mr. Pierre Lorillard. The yacht had been beautifully refitted, and Mr. Kerr was preparing to take his family and friends on a two week's cruise along the Chesapeake. Mr. Kerr was born in Cambridge, Mass., thirty-eight years ago, but was raised in Raleigh, N. C. He studied me chanical engineering at the Massachu setts Institute of Technology, and was the inventor of a number of automatic bag' making machines, which are largely used in the South. He established the Kerr Bag Manufacturing Company at Con cord, N. C., and in 1891 came to Balti more and formed a company which pur chased the Thistle Mills at Illchester, Md. He was the president of the com pany, and Mr. Patterson, who was in the yachting party, was its secretary and general manager. He had recently bought the William Sinclair place “Way side” at Catonsville, and had just moved into it, changing its name to “Cherokee.” Mr. Kerr was the son of Mr. ton Carruthers Kerr and Emma Hall Kerr. His father who bore the title of LL. D., was Professor at Davidson Col lege from 1856 1865 (where his son, Mr. W. H. Kerr was once at school), and from 1865 1882 was State Geologist, hav ing been from 1882 to 1885 Chief of Div ision of the U. S., Geological Survey. He was, also, the author of Geology of North Carolina, in two volumns. Mr. Will FI; Kerr married Miss Alice Mr Getchel of Brookline, Mass., who was a co student with him at the Boston school of technology. They had been married about 13 years, six children having been the issue of the union. The funeral party will be met by a number of friends, and the widow, whose bereavement meets with the deep sym pathy of this city, will, during her sad stay here, be a guest at the home of Mr. W. C. Stronach. WILL SI E FOR BACK TAXES. A Suit Entered Against the Illinois Central for $25,000. Jacksonville, Miss., June 17 —The Mississippi Railroad Commissioner has at the instance of State Revenue Agent Adams decided to bring suit against the Mississippi Valley Railroad Company, now the Illinois Central for back taxes, amounting to about $25,000. The officers of the road are cited to appear here the first Monday in August to show cause, if any, why their road should not be assessed for taxes since 1886. When the assessments shall have been made, the case will have a run through the courts. ‘The case involves the right of the revenue agent and the Railroad Commission to assess taxes on property that has escaped the regular assessor. THE MOTHER OF ROBT. E. LEE. Women of Alexandria, Va., to Erect a Monument «o her Memory. Alexandria, Va., June 17.— The women of Alexandria, prompted by a de sire to commemorate the virtues of the mother of Robert E. Lee, propose to erect in that city a monument to her memory. An association has been formed in Alexandria, called the Annie Lee Monument Association. This association has issued a call to the ladies of the South for aid in raising a fund adequate to provide a shaft be fitting the worth of the lady and the em inence of her son. Contributions shou’d bo sent to Alice H. Colquhoun, Secre tary, 818 King Street, Alexandria. The United States will Arbitrate. London, June 17.—1 n the House of Commons today Sir Edward Gray. Under Foreign secretary,stated that in January last, United States Ambassador Bayard informed Lord Kimberly, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, that the United States government would gladly lend its good cfliees to ar bitrate the dispute between Great Britain and Venezuela The position was explained to Mr. Bayard and the British government was ready to submit to arbitration within certain limits, but they could not agree in regard to exten sive reference upon which Venezuela in sisted. GOV. ATKINSON MAY DIE. His Lite Hanging by a Thread and Re covery Doubtful. Atlanta, Ga , June 17. -Gov. Wm. Y. Atkinson’s life is hanging by a thread to night. He rallied perceptibly this morning, but not sufficiently to permit the doctors to perform the operation for appendicitis. At 10 o’clock to night he was removed from the Executive Mansion to Dr. Holmes’ Sanitarium across the street. As he was being moved from the Man sion, he stopped thfse who we: e carrying him and signed a respite for a man who was to be hanged on Friday. The Governor said he might not be alive himself on Friday. The case had been laid before him, and he thought the condemned man was entitled to another mouth of life. The operation was performed success fully, four physicians being in attend ance. At midnight the Governor was unconscious and the chances for his re covery were considered about even. Several Persons Killed by a Cyclone. Kansas City, Mo., June 17. —A cy clone is rejiortod at Hartford, Kansas, in which several persons were killed. In this city there was a terriffic rain storm? RALEIGH. N. C., TUESDAY. JUNE 18, 1895. CONTESTED ELECTIONS REPORTS OF THE CASES TO RE SENT OUT II Y r TIIE GOV ERNMENT IN JULY. EXTRA FORCE AT WORK ON THEM. The North Carolina Reports Average a Thousand Pages Each—Mr. Carlisle Dealt a Severe Blow to the Free Sil ver Cause in Kentucky—A Month ago the Silver Sentiment in that State was very Strong— Estimate of the World’s Production of Gold and Silver. Special to the News and Observer. Washington, D. C., June 17. There were seventy five extra em ployees taken in at the government printing office this morning to assist in getting out reports of contested election eases. It is thought the reports will be out by the middle of July. The North Carolina reports are very long. It is thought they will average nearly a thousand pages each. Mr. J. F. Perry, of the Pension office, left yesterday for his home in Tarboro to spend his vacation. Mr. Frank W. Barnes, president of the First National Bank, of Wilson, and Mr. Robert Barnes, of Wilson, are in the city. * * * “Private telegrams from Kentucky re ceived to-day indicate strongly that free silver was dealt a severe blow in the Democratic county convention yester day,” said Mr. Stealey, of the Courier- Journal, Sunday night to a Postjreporter. “There is now little doubt of the result of the Democratic State convention the 26th of this month. A free silver plat form will not be adopted and the ad ministration will be indorsed. This is a great victory for Secretary Carlisle, for before he went to Kentucky, less than a month ago, the free silver senli ment in the State was as strong and sweeping as a prairie fire. It only shows how powerful is the influence of a man of brains when directed in a proper and conservative channel. Carlisle and Watterson have never been turned down in Kentucky and I do not believe they ever will bB. The reason is simple. They are both men of ability and always stand together on great questions. In addition to this each has a strong and influential personal following, the combined toree of all the opposition find it almost impossible to overcome.” m * * The Director of the Mint, R E Pres ton, estimates the world’s production of gold for the calendar year of 1894 to have approximated 8,780,518 flue ounces, of the value of $181,510,100, against $158,836,000 for 1893, showing an in crease during the year of $22,674,000. The greatest increase in the production of gold during the year were: Africa, $11,400; Australia, $603,000; United States, $3,500,000; Mexico, $3,195,000. Mr. Preston estimates the world’s pro duction of silver for 1894 at 165,918,338 fine ounces, of the coining value of $214,481,000. The bullion value of the same at the average price, 61 1-2 cents, of silver for 1894 was $105,348,135, showing a difference between the coin ing ana bullion value cf $109,132,965. The increase in the production of silver in 1894 over 1893 was 722.000 ounces. The greatest increase-* in the production of silver were : Bolivia, $10,800,000; XTcx’co $8,500,000; Peiu. $2,000,000; Chili, $1 400,000; Greece. $1,400,000. Both the production of silver and gold in 1894 exceeded that of any prior year in the world’s history Mr. Preston is of the opinion that his estimate of gold and silver production for 1894 is a con servative estimate, aLd he is of theopiu ion that were the exact facts known they would show an increase even great er than stated. THE TEACHERS’ ASSEMBLY. Fine Opening w ith h Good Crow d Jr. Attendance. Special to the News and Obsever. Atlantic Hotel, Mokehead City, N. O , June 17. The Teacher’s Assembly opened with a good crowd in attendance. This will be the largest session in s< veral years. The regular work begins Hoa.-: C. E. Hooker are all • strong, .advocates of tjie free coinage. io£ silver /at; 16 to Laud though the State is largely silver, such a division df "votes a4|tjhe "siFffr can ifidates wiH get may resulf ill theeteelion r -’#f‘V “sound money" candidate. GONE TO GRAY GABLES. The President, Hi* Physician and Pri vate Secretary Leave Washington. Washington, D. C., June 17.—Presi dent Cleveland, accompanied by his pri vate secretary, Henry T. Thurber, (who has leased a cottage near the President’s seaside residence for his family), and by Dr. Robert M. O'Reilly, of the United States Army, who has so frequently acted as the confidential traveling physician of the President, left Washington to day to pass the rest of the summer at Gray Gables, Buzzard’s Bay, Mass. The White House carriage, containing the three gentlemen, was driven from the south side of the Executive Mansion, which is rarely used for such purposes, at about 6:30 a. m., and, passing rapidly down unfrequented streets, reached the Pennsylvania railroad station, unob served, about 6:45 a. m. It was driven to the baggage entrance, and President Cleveland and his companions entered the station by that means, passed through tne open gateway, manned only by waiting railroad officials, a d at once entered a very limited special train which had been prepared for his accommodation. It consisted of Vice- President Thompson’s private car, which was occupiod by the distinguished guests, and Senator Calvin S. Brice’s private car, which was simply thrown in as ballast Mr. Brice’s car was needed by the Ohio Senator in New York, and it was conse quently attached next to the engine, to take off some of the smoke, and to give extra weight to the Presidential train. The train was scheduled as a special and pulled out of Washington at 6:55 a. m,— ten minutes before the regular No. 56 train, of the Pennsylvania Railroad, of which it was regarded as the first section. By the President’s request the engineer was instructed not to put on any extra speed, but to conform as nearly as possible to the’pace of the reg ular train, which followed fen minutes after, carefully guarded by the block system from collision. This was done for two reasons—first, to avoid attracting attention, and secondly, to prevent the unpleasant oscillation which would re sult from so slight a train as that con sisting of two coaches-one empty and the other occupied only by three people, being driven at rapid speed. The offi cials of the railroad and everybody else maintained the utmost secrecy as to the time set for the President’s departure, and no one but a few secret service offi cials aud early morning passengers wit nessed the hegira of the President for the summer of 1895. BURNED BY™INCENDIARIES. In las Excitement the Town i« Looted by Thieves. Greenville, Ohio, June 17.—Fire started at 10:30 last night in the rear of Mozart’s store. The flames quickly spread to adjoining buildings and soon the very heart of the business centre was ablaze. The wholesalestoreof Wester field Bros., is in ruins, also steam laundry, Dai y Tribune and Courier newspaper offices, the Methodist Episcopal church, Deut sche Umscliau, Dr. Matchel’s office, the large livery stable of H. E. Davis, on the north side of Third street and the home of Mrs. Wm. Sullivan adjoining. The fire was the work of incendiaries, and in the excitement thieves looted the town. Two ineffectual attempts were made to set fire to buildings in parts of the city. Two persons were in jared. They are Charles Dalrymple, of the Mozart’s store, and Del Daugherty, a member (f the city fire department. The lalter’s injuries are on the head and are of a serious nature. The 'Piqua and Richmond departments were appealed to and sent aid, but the fire was under control when they arrived. The esti mated loss will roach $ 25,000. IN THE FIELD OF L\BOR. Two LmtiP MHiiufacfuriiig Concerns Increase Wages. Cleveund Ohio, June 17.—Notice of .. ten pu cent, itcrease in wages was posted in the works of the National Malleable Castings Company today. The sc ion was a voluntary one, on the pari of the company and was taken be causj of the improvement in business. The Eberhard Manufacturing Com pany took similar action. Said vice- Presideut William P. Champney, of the Eberhard Company: “When business was dull we were obliged to make a re duction. Matters are brighter now, and it is no more than proper that the men should be given the advantage of the situation.” The Eberhard Company employe’s 1,- 100 men and the National Compel*. t>(jo. Other manufacting firms are ebustdeviAg the question of advancing wages. Two Workmen Killed. Washington, D. C., June 17.—Robert Phillips aud R. Davis, iron workers, while fixing a c.Qrpice on a second-story window of a qqpgp 12tlj !3trp&fwl/o the pavement below and both were killed, -i The. scaffold upon which they Jtf>od*bJokb under their weight. Closed trrTtie Sheriff. Wilmington, N. June W.—The cigar and tobacco store of Kasperwie? Gerken, in this city, was closed to day by the sheriff Who held executions against the firm amounting fo,ab(|ut^s3,ooo.^ Fire Raging in Cleveland. * ( _j • iw / 18‘ioai t Cleveland, 0., June 17.,-; ;Affrehroke out in the block bounded by Sc. J ‘UAlir, Ontario street and Public, to night. The court house, jail and lyceurn are in danger aud the firemen oseem do make little headway. .J 3m < G JiJiUMJ WILL MEET IN MAY THE NEXT REPUBLICAN NA TIONAL CONVENTION IN CHICAGO. MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE. It Is Purposed to Inaugurate a Cam paign ol Education and the National Committee XVill Probably Meet in Washington in November Instead of December as lleretofore--t|uetion ol Representation to be l>ecided--South ern Republicans Oppose the Change. Washington, D. C., June 17.—The Republican National Committee will probably meet in November this year, instead of December, which has been the month selected for many years past. While this conclusion has not been defi nitely reached, it is one which meets the views of the influential members of the committee, and little doubt is entertain ed that it will be adopted. The Republican leaders believe that the next National Convention should be held in May, and, inasmuch as the Na tional Committee must give six months notice for the holding of the convention it will be necessary, therefore, that the committee shall hold its meeting in No vember. It is purposed by the Republican lead ers to inaugurate a campaign of educa tion. In order to make such a campaign effective, it is necessary that sufficient time should elapse between the holding of the convention and election day in which to acquaint the voters with all the facts connected with the Presidential contest. It i 3 argued that little if any work is done during the heated term, from, say, the middle of July until the first of Sep tember, and that, therefore, if the con vention dots not make its choice before the latter part of June, the effective work of the campaign will be limited to a period not exceeding three months. If the convention should meet early in May, there will be two months in which much useful work can be performed before the dog days arrive, and as many more after that period. It has beeD suggested by some of the members of the National Committee who are opposed to holding the convention in May that the campaign shall begin be-i fore the delegates meet. To this the ob jection is made that it would be farcical to inaugurate a vigorous political crusade before the party has selected its standard bearer. So far as can be learned, the members of the National committee generally favor the May con vention, which will necessitate the meet ing of the committee in November. Washington, as usual, will be the place of meetingof the committee and Chicago is the favored place for the meeting of the convention. The forthcoming meeting of the Re publican National committee will con sider one question of far reaching impor tance to the party. At the committee’s last meeting which was held in this city in December, 1891, a resolution was introduced by Henry B. Payne, of Wisconsin, to base the appor tionment of delegates to the National Convention on the number of votes cast by the Republican party at the preceding presidential election. The better part of one day’s session was devoted to a consideration of the resolution which proved strong opposition from the Southern members, particularly, and the committee adjourned leaving it unsettled. It will be the most impor tant business which will come before the committee when they re assemble. The sentiment in favor of this proposition seems to have grown rather than dimin ished during the interim. It was con tended by Mr. Payne as well as by others who supported the resolution, that the committee as at present constituted, give to delegates from strong Democratic States an influence and power which is unfair to the Representatives from other States whose electoral' Tbte is always cast for the Republic od nomi nee. His contention was that tne com mittee should be composed»of delegates who represent the actual strength.of the Republican party in the savemi States, and this was the only fair basis .of ap portion men t.,,The Southern imembers argued that the Republican, ypte in their States was suppressed, and for that rea son they.coAilu ‘ndt/oh of the returns, be givenu, representation in the convi>qJion that would correctly express bbeic real stjreegtfr ••>'>«•??*.' I - rule would be lo decrease to some extent, at the next con vention, the representation from States like New York and l Illinois, inasmuch as both commonwealths in 1892 cast their electoral vote for Mr. Cleveland. Such, strong Republican States as Ohio, Massa-; chugetts and Pennsylvania would retain their presept representation, iLiu some cases* Ilf y did notjjkeeediL TUet>imposi tion igf therefore* andid (freaking V>ne and. it is predicted that the committee will ex- Ij'Ai'i aawrer time in its thani - wa;l>A|ive» Svou to the frueation as to ■ which city shall secure the, honor ofi i holdfrtfr the cdfiYdntidn. 1 V/1 • i : rmTr ic . aon-w—l>. i i u i.iini Tll RFE FIHU ERMEN *IM OVVn ED. i r>r * _lul‘ iiou i :-) TlirlUßUilt iCwpsized In aillmiy Sea. wear Wtrightsvillev«-nri i iutifeHriThree coloVed Thomas ’Nixon, 1 Hezelfiab 'MrairUmr A.'friley were drowned off* Wnghtsville beach this ‘ morning t lei if t>sas capsizing iu a heavy sea> ' ‘ 1 | There were foarmen in the boat, only 1 one of them succeeding in reaching the rum) - om. PRICE FIVE CENTS. BASEBALL YESTERDAR. At Brooklyn: Brooklyn, 0000021 lx-4 Cincinnati, 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 o—B Batteries: Daub and Grim; Foreman and Merritt. Base hits: Brooklyn 6; Cincinnati 7. Errors: Brooklyn 3; Cincinnati 4. At New York: New York, 004 0 11 0 0 I—7 Louisville, 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0--6 Batteries: German and Schriver; Inks and Zahner and Welch. Base hits. New York 11; Louisville 10. Errors: New York 3; Louisville 2. At Philadelphia: Philadelphia, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2—2 Pittsburg, 00003020 x—s Batteries: Carsey and Clements; Haw ley and Kinslow: Base hits: Philadelphia 6; Pittsburg 8. Errors: Philadelphia 1; Pittsburg 3. At Boston (First Game): Boston, 3 0 0 0 5 1 0 0 o—9 Cleveland, 31010005 0- 10 Batteries: Nichols and Gauze); Wal lace, Knell and Zimmer. Base hits: Boston 18; Cleveland 12. Errors: Boston 2; Cleveland 4. Second game: Boston, 04001004 o—9 Cleveland, 00000010 6—7 Batteries: Sullivan and Tenny; Young and Zimmer. Base hits: Boston 13; Cleveland 13. Errors: Boston 1; Cleveland 3. At Baltimore. Baltimore, 70 0 0 1 3 0 1 x—l 2 St. Louis, 014000 0 0 0— 5 Batteries : Esper, Clarkson and Clarke; Ehret and Peitz. Base hits: Baltimore 16; St. LouisS. Errors : Baltimore 1; St. Louis 4. At Washington. Washington, 01000031 2—7 Chicago, 0 1 3 1 0 5 0 0 x—lo Batteries; Stockdale and McGuire; Mullarkey, Boyd and Coogan; Griffith and Kittridge. Base hits: Washington 16; Chicagol4. Errors : Washington 2; Chicago 0. CONDENSED TELEGRAMS. The Austrian cabinet has decided to resist in consequence of their internal dissensions. The Seaside Athletic Club officials an nounced yesterday that the Choynski- Hall fight, announced for last night, had been postponed till next Saturday might. The Attorney General has refused to grant the application of Sir Edward Clarke for the release of Oscar Wilde on the ground that the indictment under which he was tried and convicted was defective. The Bible Conference, wnich nas been in session at Fort Monroe, Va., for the past week was brought to a successful termination yesterday evening, and most of the members who have taken part in the exercises will leave for their homes to day. Judge Gaynor of the Supreme court yesterday granted a mandamus, order ing Mayor Sehierin to grant a license to the Seaside Athletic Club. A year ago Mayor Sehierin refused to grant a license and J udge Gaynor ordered that he issue the license. The funeral of the noted Republican agitator, Manuel Ruis Zorrilla, took place at Burgos Sunday with imposing ceremonies. The houses were draped in mourning and the streets were lined with people bearing mourning emblems, lhe funeral procession contained* nix thousand persons. o 0.-i. The Board of Trade Cdffrt fijfe pro nounced judgment agafnst Mil to ‘Craig of the British steamer Crafthie, whose neglect to keep a lookout, the Courts says, led to the collision' of t'ho Cra'fhie with the North German Lfoyd Elbe and J the sinking of thei lalttor. Craig’s comifiissiori is cahtfeflfed. "" , OVTIH OXH/TOTH 'l' )lOlt‘ 2 '• 1 iPolice. Inspector Wab > MnLaugWin, found guilty -of:extortion,o was .toraugbt before J udge Barrett for sentence j yes terday morning. His counsel; moved that tfte verdiek be set asidftuftnd .ft new trial panted, j Judge. Rwrett denied the f motipßn’i Several, other motions wpre made,and denied-s Lftten Judge Barrett postponed the sentence until- day- otoT! rniitaaries tc-Armateong, a maul carrier discharg'd about six'weeks ago, 'wafciar irestedlyesterdav morning at Montgom nr.y, Alai, .by a United Statue Marshal on the charge;, of -lotting open a through registered pouch ami abstracting>a pack age containing SIO,OOO. ‘ He gave hand :until to-day when preliminary bearing willlboiheld before-United StaUes«iCom missioner. site* » ” Iu view tof* theThet that , ‘ , tfa6to l is uo law 'glove-YighLing' in the State tofia* -under foot* to ‘persuad# Governor COlbeVson' to chWau s&fcfbn of clftto prize fighting l ?lteghß , 'The I 4JflHs tittn(Ehd(ft»VOT SoMhtijt haS the' J iha?ttof in tobarfcfe«rfhd ito’hW# 'W wtfWWthCflif 'fefeik fcdiAGeS of tHi ,f Sftrteprspftriiig a ipatflfbfl to'theatWtffrhbi*'' *itlu fhfetoud tifjj vih'w. ltd ir jo i(i no JSfiill* 0 lfi 1131 a IKVlftiA Hi I OMUL/ J l«r Ttfntikfift yjtjVdt r. . /J link, ‘27/- - J^foea ,p. sct;or' to day. By agte&uraf the'Yrial fras jiHsffibhJd until ’the thiru idpmftiv in jak counsel fut mm teWF a mo =otn< > vc i. ivr/Tf -it s eioc .unanium