2 GENTRY COMES HOME AND PA (’UFA COMES WITH HI H FOR A DAY AT R EIDRVILLE. THE WOBLO’S RECORD BREAKERS The North Carolina W hlrlwind and Kansas t'yclonr to fleet on Tar Ileel 8»ll to Content tor the Hon ors of the Season—lleldsville W ild Orer the Arrival ot the Pacing Kings , - Thousands of ' orth Carolina Lov ers ot Sport Will See Them on Thurs day, the 31st. i Special to the News and Observer. I Reidsvillk, N. C , Oct. 23 1 Everybody and everything here and | hereabouts is ou the qai vive over the ' approaching contest between tne world’s stallion champions, John R Gentry, 2:03 3-4, and Joe Patchen, 2.04 The famous thc rs have arrived, and their arrival has create*! a sensation They are in splendid trim and Gentry seems anxious to try the m: ta! of his antagonist on his (Gentry’s) own dung and hill. Patchen is as tri oas alark, is going to mak * th* N >rth Carolina horse do some livelv shuffling, or disappoint his friends. With Geutry comes one of his owners, Mr. J F. Scott, ana a retinue of aids, his other owner, Mr. L Banks Holt, will be here on Thursday and see for the first time this season bis great horss on the turf. Patchen is in charge of Curry, his celebrated trainer, and a crew of assistants. They travelled fromTennes see here in a specially prepared express car, and came all the way by express. These are the most famous horses to-dav in the world, and on Thursday next will enter such a contest as has never been witnessed in this or any other Southern Jot; Patch' n 2:04. Ft it©, ex jepi , probably, Kentucky North Carolinians will have an opportu nity of wit> o-siag their own kins; of stallions outpace the winds and outpace the K ns is wh rlwind, unless he makes pacing motions in the air and hi s the traCi only every once in a while. Reidaville Greensboro, Danville and other tributary towns ar-- getting ready to close up sh *p and come in bodies to AM the great contest North Carolina loves Gentry, a bt Id ness and nterprise that prompted one of her public spirit* d cit ’/. d» to own him at great cost. Lovers of sport everywhere appreciate the brave, black Kansan, Gentry’s only rival, in the stallion world, who com s on Gentry’s heath to cont.es for the lasr honors of a triumphal season The R vdsville race track is dr*e of the lest ai.d fastest tracks in the country. It is ready for the lightning fused heels of the great pacers. Trains will run from every rime Mon during Thursday forenoon and R-idsville is preparing to greet such a crowd as seldom assembles in this part of the country. Tell your people from Raleigh, Durham and other points that the traiu leaving Raletgh Thursday morning will connect with Greensboro with a flyer that will put t.h* in in Reid>viile in time to see the great race. Both horses will be driven to win as this is the closin 'of the eason s cir nit, and honors won now must last t ill next seaso >. Gentry goes from here to hi home at the Alamance farm where he will spend the winter. Patchen will re urn to his home in the West. Gentry, Patchen and R >bert J have done the grand circuit and have drawn crowds in all the large cities. They quit the season with honors about even, with ihe two stallions to settle the question as between them here on Thursday next. The season has been a triumphant one with the three great pacers. Neither horse has clipped anything from last season’s record, but the two stallions have s o iched their btst time on one or more occasions, Gentry did the wonder ful feat of pacing athird heat iu2:o3 3-4. brewing tne third heat record of the world. Everybody here expect an exciting John R. Gentry 2:03 3 4. i race on Thu sd ty the purse is $2,000 • There will be other interesting races, but of course the great pace 13 the over shadowing event. i The races in Reidsville have beengrea’ heretofore, but in comparison with the ; Gent y and Patchen race they are “as i moonlight unto sunlight, as water unto wine ” Ail are invited who believe with l Sam Jones that “there is no harm in go ing to see a horse race. The harm comes in the little scrubby men who stand around and bet, on races.” Reduced R i e* to KeidsviHe. ; The Southern Railway Company will sell tickets from stations on their line to Reidsville and return, one fare for the l round trip for parties attending the race between John R. Gentry and Joe Patchen. Tickets will be < n sale Oct. 20, 27, 2s, 29, 30 and 31st and No ember Ist, final limit November 4th inclusive. The rate from Raleigh will Ik: $3 45, HE MIIHJCTiION CASE. Preliminary Hearing of Mrs. Thomp son Took Place Y* sterility. i Special to the News and Observer. Hickory, N. 0., Oct. 28. Thomas M. Huthara, Esq., me of the attorneys for the Slate in the abduction ’ case of Mrs. May Thompson, applied for a writ of habeas corpus for Hu h D’Ana, . the child detained in the custody of Mrs. Thompson, before Judge Timberlake at chambers iu Shelby. The writ was granted and made returnable before the judge at Louisburg next Tuesday. The preliminary hearing of Mrs. Thompson, on the charge of kidnapping, , took place b< foreS. W. Mouser, Esq.,this afternoon. Hon. (J. A. Oil! y opened for | the State and was followed by S C. Er | win, E-q , and Hon. M L M Corkle for , the defense. Thos. M. Hufham, E q., J will close the case for the State to night. . j Don’t you know that Hood’s Sarsa I parilla will overcome that tired feeling 1 j aud give you rouewed vigor and vitality? The News and Observer. Tuesd iv, Oct. 2 q. ’os. THE FLOW OF THE SAP. I Nothing Cors Downward in a Tice Except the >i w Orowih. Raleigh, N. C , Oct 20. To the Editor of the News and Observer: I hope you meant that statement in this morning's issue, about the sap run ning down tne trees at this season of the year, as a jo<e. Y u could l ard y believe such a silly thing as that. So long as there are green leaves on a tree it is taking moisture from the soil and evaporating it into the air. Nothing goes downward in the tree except the new growth, and no moisture ev< r gets into the soil from the roots of trees There is no sneb thing ae a descent of the sap The crude sap water always goes up. never down in a tree. The materia! forgrowthis made in the leaves and sent thence to every part, where any growth is goug on, even to the most re mote root let. Roots are produced by the assimilation in the leaves, and their only office is to draw water in which the food for the plant is dissolved from the soil nnl send it through the )ouvger sap wood to the leaves, where it is condensed by evaporation of a large p trt of the water, and combinations made with the carton which the plant leaves get from r.he air. This formed material is then «mt down between the bark and wood Uying on a new ring of growth both to bark and wood. Bat the water once taken in by the roots never gets out ex cept as an invisible vapor from the leaves. Yours truly, W. F. tfAfSEY. That Distress^g^Bß^^ ach or feeling P f||l § I ter eating le Hood's PIIIZ They aid dl geatlon and assimilation of food, move the bowels easily and thua prevent and care Biliousness, Torpid Liver, and Constipation. They are tasteless and do not gripe or cause pain. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents. Insist upon Hood'*. Ad minis! rater’s Noti ce Having qualified as administrator of liar nett h. Scott,, tliis is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said Scott, to present them to me at William's Mills,.Chatham county, N. C., for payment, on or before the 15th day of October, 1896, or this notice will he plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. C. It Scott, Adm'n., Harnett E. Scott. October 15, '95. Notice by Administratrix. Having qualified tts administratrix of the estate of Octavius Coke, deeased, late of Wake county, N. C., I hereby notify all per* sons having claims against the said estate to present the same to me on or before Sep tember litli. 1896, or tills notice will l>e plead in bur of their recovery, AH persons in debted to said estate are notified to make payment to me. KATE K. COKE, Administratrix of Octavius Coke, dec d. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. I*. Welch, deceased, nottce is hereby given to all persons having claims against said decedent to present them tome or my attorney on or before the 12th day ot September, isttti, or this not ice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said decedent are notified that prompt payment is required. J. A. JONES, Administrator. Hkukkt E. Noams, Attorney. NOTICE. By virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed made by Craven Fort to Mrs AleyOiil duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake county in book i()5, page 405: which said mortgage deed was duly assigned to Mrs. A. R .Goddin and is now the property < f Mrs. E. O. Dunn. I will sell in the town of Forest ville, N. (J., on Saturday the 9th day of No vember, 1895, at 12 o'clock in., to the highest b’dder for cash the tract, of land conveyed in said mortgage adjoining the lands of I. It. Wyat t and others containing one hundred acres more or less. A second mortgage given by r said Craven Fort to J it. Dunn on said tract of land will he paid out of proceeds of said sale if enough for that purpose after paying first mortgage. October 7, 1895. E. O. DUNN, Assignee of mortgagee. DO you relate I etl 'dou£hn®ff | gL—, m Sift 1 quart floor, 1 aaiLspooofal «!(, t e.- ’f spoon* 3 Ml « H Mm ground nutmeg or cinnamon, 2 romidmg tea- W m 9 ft spoonful* baking powder, together. Boat J ~ S Mr #< td l cup sugar, l cup milk, 2 teaspoonfuls melted - ae a # gm. */ g t'otloleno. Stir these into the flour, roll and cut ~ gag into shape. Have kettle full of I’ottnl >■ ne—at = wJf WtfM JF wr just the right heat—and fry the doughuuis ait for = '^ r 0 8 minutes. | For frying, Cottolene must be hot, but don’t let it I | get hot enough to smoke or it will burn. To find if | | it is hot enough, throw into it a single drop of water. § | When at just the right heat, the water will pop.\ g Genuine has trade mark*—"Coftefen#" and rtrer't A.ai fn rotton-plant Kreath— on ery tin. a | TIIK W. K. FAIRBA.VK COMPANY, ST 1.01 IS and CH ' AGO. = BiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiUMmimiiuiiuii]muiiuiiimiiiimmiiitiiiiiiiiiifiiiiHitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)i;;ii) ruuitiiiil a h I Peace in the family depends largely upon! trifles, little Things that please or provoke. Heats is one important thing; half a homes’ discom-1 I foil often comes from a stove that poisons the % p air and warms the room in spots. 1 1 “Rapid Transit" stoves give en equate I amount of heat in all parts of the room and | § insures a good vEntilalon. We have the besj | line of heaters in the city. 1 | JULIUS LEWIS HARDWARE COMPANY, j MWMBBHnWMBWmWBBWMWWHWMMMMMWMniTWMMniir ~11 t ■■mill m ■nir • yy WEEK AT THE EXPOSITION. A FRKK TRIP. WITH HO ART* fifOHTDICD, TOTHKORKAT ATI, AXT A PATH, o COME AND GO WITH US. Let’s have a lively “Carolinian party” and have a jolly time in the Great Exposi tion City. The Carolinian foots the bill. Both women and men may join in the party. <> The North Carolinian desires to organize an Atlanta Exposition party to go early in Decern tier and s|>end a week viewing the great Cotton States and Inter national Exposition at Atlanta, and to the man or woman who secures for the weekly North Carolinian the largest number of annual subscribers by December let,, 1895, at its regular subscription price, |I.OO per year, it will give a ticket fiom any railroad station in North Carolina to Atlanta and return and a week’s board in Atlanta. In order to protect any who might miss the free trip by only a few subscribers, the North Carolinian will go farther and give a free trip, board in cluded, to every man or woman who secures for it by December Ist, 1895, f s many as one hundred annual subscribers at our regular rates, $1 00 per year, in advance. This is a fine opportunity to see, without cost, the greatest exposition ever held in the South, and with one exception the greatest ever held in the world and it many respects larger and better than even the World’s Fair. Let our lady and gentlemen friends in every county in the State begin now, and let’s have a lively Carolinian party of one hundred. Your friends will sub scribe for the North Carolinian if you will mention it to them. THE NORTH CAROLINIAN IS THE Largest and Best Weekly Paper Published in North Carolina It is a seven column eight page paper, containing the latest city, county, State, j national and foreign news. It is the paper for North Carolinians, and every North | Carolina home will be brighter and happier because of its weekly visits, Let the work start at once, and let the contest be a lively one. Write to “the North Car olinian,” Raleigh, N. C., for blanks and sample copies of the paper. If jou begin at once and get two subscribers a day the free trip will be yours. Address, THE NORTH CAROLINIAN, Raleigh, N. C. CROSS &LINEHAN CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS AND SHOES Never in the history of the clothing business have desirable clothes been offered at .-nob low prices as we are now quoting. Our assortment of rich novelties, both in foreign and domes ic ma tufae f nre, represents every fashionable color and weave aud is unquestionably the largest and most complete to be on in the city, tju liity with us is always the first consideration, this secured, we Down to make them acceptable to you. A great exhibit of new goods for tfihih©' SPECIALTIES Will be offered in every department of sufficient importance to warrant their inspection by every one intetested m High Class Merchandise. We do not quote prices for the reason that the values in etch aud every instance will speak for them selves and tellingly. Seeing is believing, arid it takes but little time, gives but little trouble, au 1 costs nothing to come c see for yourselves. Drop in on us, we will try to make it pleasant as well as profitable to you. CROSS & LIN EH AN. 210 Fayetteville Street. 1.000,000 People Wear W.LDouglasSlioes hand 'TiOO be st SEWED I IN THE PROCESS. WORLD. $5.00 £ —\ $3.00 sl.oo *2.50 $3.50 CjT $2.00 $2.50 jsJJj $i.T5 $2-25 For Bon For Men & "'Ur Uaml youths Wt-ar W. 1.. DouglM* shoo* ami alive Si.o(o to 83.00 » pair. All M>l*‘» and v, i.liltM. Tin' advance in leather lias lm rennet] the ;rice of other maken, bnt the quality and price* of V. L. Ooutfla* nlioev remain tin* name. Take no substitute; see that name and price inntamueA on sole. W. 1.. Donxlas, Brockton, Mass. Solti ky HELL* « RRQfI . RnN «b, ' . V. SPECIAL SALE -OK PI Aft 03 AYD GROANS Itcgiiiiiitig Titesrtnv niorr :!»•:. fb’tob »■ -_n*i<t. lsyij, uii'l (Mitilinning one week. \V*> will make a liberal reduction on aii pianos and organs in stock, and we have Homo special bargains in three HANOS one grand and two uprights, thatarea Httla shop-worn, just as good as new in other respects. I One Kimball Piano, style No '2, used out? lour months, w ill‘be sold lot liliy dollars less than reguhtr pri< e. ! This will be the most important Piano j sale ever advertised in Raleigh. Give us a j call during the « eek and j ou will surely seo j souiet lung desirable. Remember we carry ; the largest stock in tile State and are pre* I pared to give the beat bargains. .We o*l j and personally contiol our extensive Piano i and Organ business. If you intend buying J a Piano or Organ soon, you can’t afford to j miss this opportunity. Darnell & Thomas, 114 Fayetteville St. - • - Raleigh, K. C OVDUII 1C Primary. Secondary or Ter is i rnlLlo “awftrasrss I can be treated athomo for the f,ima price undemme guaranty. If you preferto come hero wo will con tract to pay railroad fare and hotel bills, and no charge, if we fail to euro, if you have taken mer cury, iodide potash, and still have aches ano pains, Mucous Patches in mouth, More Throat, l’lmptes, topper folo-cd Mpots, Vleers on any part of the body, Bair or Eyenrows tailing out, it is this Myphllltlc 81.0011 POIMOX that we guarantee to cure. We solicit the most obstinate cases and challenge the world for a ease we cannot cure. Syphilis has alv*7J baffled the skill of the most eminent physi cians S.itm,<siO capital behind our unconditional guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed on appli cation. Address ( OOK it KM Ell Y CO., S»t>7 Masonic Temple. CHIf’AOO. F 1.1,. saaMssiaa Sa'e of Valuable Real Estate. Ily virtue of an order of the Superior Court ot Wake county, made in special pro ceedings entitled W. J. Olive, administra tor, vs. A. .J. Olive and others, for the pur pose of making real estate assets, we will on Friday, November l.Vh, 1895, at. 12o'clock, on the premise*, sell to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, the following described n-ul estate, to-w’t: First Tract—Situate in Wake county and being a part of tin land of Henderson Olive, deceased, on Little Beaver Creek, adjoining the land of 11. Barker, and containing 5# acres more or less. Second Tract—Situate in Wake county, X. C., adjoining tin- landsof Rufus Gardner, N. J. Barker, M. \. Segravis and «> hers, con taining about 20acres more nr ics». Third Tract — Situate in V a k« county, NT. 0., being the Innd of H«-nders< n and Martha Olive, deceased, adjoining I lie lamlsof W ■). Olive, w. H. Bennett and .f A.ijlire,con taining 120 acres up re or less. Terms cash. Tills 13th day of October K-5. il. E. NOKtils, V V>, SM(>W, "•-■IT. i ARCHITECT, __ = ==R a ieig hj 0, fSfcTians and SpociSt iti ma fa< oahel in implication Executors' Notice. Having qualified as executors of the will of William G. Upchurch, late of Wake conn* tv, we hereby notify all persons having claims against the said testator, to exhibit the same to us on or before the tlrst day of November, 1896, at our residences or places of business in Raleigh, N. U. October 20, 1895. Charles H. Bf.lvin, Harvey C. Upchurch, Delmar D. Upchcrch, Executors. Battle «& Mordecai, Attorneys.

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