2 WEEKLY TRADE REVIEW ~««JM . '‘H * GENERAL BUSINESS HAS BEE'S . INTERRUPTED BY THE *Ji ELECTION. UNO AFFECTED BY MILD WEATHER The Controlling Power at Present is the EHort to Readjust Prices After the Remarkable Rise of Last Sum mer—Oreat Combinations Struggling to Prevent Decline—Cotton .Rills Do ing Well and the Demand for Tex tiles Steadily Improving. —»• New York, Nov. B.—R. G. Dan & C >’s Weekly Review of Trade, which issues to-morrow, will say: “It has been a broken week, and just before and after elections in the most important States, operations rarely have much significance. Business may be largely affected in time, but as yet there is scarcely any indication what the ef fect will bo. The controlling power at present is the effort to readjust prices after the remarkable rise of last summer in important materials and products, with the stiu ?gle of great combinations to prevent decline. Cotton mills do well, as the halt and hesitation in cotton does not stop buy ing of goods, and many believe goods safe at current prices, even if cotton is not. The market for raw cotton is held at 8.81 cents in spite of a highly re spectable estate of only 6,435,000 bales for the year. Even at that the supply of 0,400,000 would be more than enough, but other estimates are mu h higher. Wheat falls back with great reluctance from its summer rise of 20 cents, but has declined 1 l-4c for the week, western receipts being 8,019,910 bushe’s, against 3,845,032, for the same week last year. Belief in a crop much smaller than last year's has to resist actual receipts of 43,725,368 bushels in six weeks, against 30,446 005 last year, and Atlantic ex ports have been only 9,093,424 bushels, flour included, against 13,347,619 last year. The exports in winter wheat from some States are also better. Corn comes forward largely, receipts being more than double last year’s, when nearly a million bushels went abroad. The rapid marketing of supplies of wheat from Russia and Argentine, and the larger exports of corn from this country, both tend to lessen the future demand for American wheat. Failures for the week have been 280 in the United States against 261 last year, and 49 in Cauada, against 42 last year. Bradstreet’s Review of Trade. New York, Nov. B.—Bradstreet’s to morrow will say: The interruption to general trade throughout the country, incident to elec tion, has been emphasized by unusually mild weather, which checks demand for clothing, heavy weight textiles and other seasonable goods. Jobbers almost of the large distributing centers report that orders tow received are largely of a till ing in character. Except for iron, steel and cotton, the larger portfou ot advices in prices of commodities reported since March last, has largely disappeared. Earlier antici pations of continuous advices in prices and demand this year, the outgrowth of the activity of two and three months ago, have met with disappointment. But there is little reason for the reaction in sentiment by many who discuss busi ness conditions. Every wave of in creased demand since the tide began to rise in March, has resulted in net gain. Sentiment of traders generally is that the outlook promises an active spring trade, and that the holiday season will prove satisfactory. The feature of the busi ness week among larger eastern cities is an improve demand ford textiles, with increased strength in iron at Pittsburg after the recent reaction. FIRST DINNER AT BILTMORE. Initial Repast at Mr. Vanderhill’s Monday Evening. Asheville Citizen. Bilrmore House, with its stately mag nificence of architectural evolution in sculptured stone and massive elegance, has passed from the builder’s finish to reception of its owner, and covers for the initial repast in the chateau were laid Monday evening, when Mr. Vander bilt entertained at dinner Mr and Mrs. Richard H. Hunt, of New York, who have been his guests on the estate dur ing the past fortnight. she apartments beneath the north roof of the mansion are finished, but within the southern walls there are rooms not yet completed. Iu the library the artints are placing two immense canvas ses on the ceiling that lately arrived in America from Venice, where they were purchased by Mr. Vanderbilt, and taken from the ceiling of a room in a Venetian palace. Gov. Carr m Atlanta. Gov. Elias Carr is iu Atlanta on a pleasure trip, accompanied by his wife and two daughters. When seen by a Journal reporter, Gov Carr said : “1 am not here in my oifi jial capacity, but simply on a visit of pleasure to see the exposition. I have uo progamrae at all aud don’t know what we shall do while in idle city, except to take in the points of interest. “Wo will remain here three or four d*>3. ‘ Everything is quiet in North Caro Mm,” continued the Governor. “We have had no elections recently, »n«i have taken ao part iu the prevailing political excitement. “Last year we lost everything. You know,” said he, “the fusionists elected both Senators.” Invitations have been issued to the marriage of Miss Etta, daughter of Mr . and Mrs. Archie A McLean, of Robeson county, to Mr. J. F. L. Annfield, of M>. Airy, Wednesday evening, November 20th. Mrs. O. A. Battle, wife of Gen. Cul len A Battle, of Newbarn, died oa Wed nesday at Petersburg, Va , at the resi dence of her son, Rev 11. W. Battle,pas tor of the leading Baptist church in that *eity. WHAT A’LS THE PEOPLE? The True Cause of Most Physical Troubles Made Perfectly Hear. “What are the principal ailments of the American people?” This question was recently put by a re porter to Dr. Ephraim Cutler, whose name siaads foremost in the ranks of the medi cal profession. His answer was: “Blight’s disease ” “The great increase of this fearful malady is attracting universal attention. Everyone is anxious to know how it is brought on. “What causes it Doctor.' * t Tho physician paused for a few minutes before replying,and then said: “1 can best explain that by a very simple illustra tion. Any one who eats beefsteak knows what is fat and what is lean. Now, if the muaele of ' the steak is partially changed to fat, it is called ‘fatty degen eration.’ In the tame way, wirh the human body, if the kidney substance changes into fat, it is celled ‘Bright’s disease ’ Bright’s disease is fatty de generation, and notone person iu twelve is free from some form of kidney or liver disease.” 4 May I a k if there is any cure of these complaints?'’ the reporter in quired. “Yes,” replied the doctor, “there is, if people will only take the right remedy at the right time. As a rule, it is only when they break down, lose appetite, find their complexion sallow, a con stant white coating on the tongue, and inflamed eyes that they suspect any thing is wrong. American genius has found it possible to arrest diseases of the liver and kidneys and to positively cure Bright’s disease. The discovery of Warner's Safe Cure has been a God send to the world. There are thousands of men and women who are alive to-day and kept in health entirely through its use. Tnis fact is now known and admit ted by physicians in every portion of the globe.” The words of the doctor are true ana they demand theserious consideration of everyone who reads these lines. Bright’s disease is, undoubtedly, the most alarm ing of all our modern diseases. It often comf.s without warning, has few symp toms of its own, but shows the signs of almost all other complaints. Any man or woman who is at all “out of sorts” should u< t hesitate, for it is a well known truth that “delays are danger ous.” THE SPORTSMAN’S PARADISE. Eighteen O’possums Caught up one Persimmon Tree. Special to the News and Observer. Aurora, N. C., Nov. 8. Mr. W. T. Bryan was out hunting last night and caught five o’possums and a fine gobbler. But Horace Jenkins, colored, did better than that He caught eighteen o’possums, all of them being up one persimmon tree A few days ago three of our citizens went out wild goose hunting returning at night wit h 60 fat geese, the result of one day’s work. Occasionally we have larger game such as deer and bear. Mr. Montague, of Winston, is visiting relatives here. Dr J. W. P. Smithwick, of Bertie, has located in this place for the practice of medicine Theco ton crop has about all been gathered and sold. The farmers in this section are complaning that their corn crop is almost as short as the cotton crop. There is nothing that causes women greater discomfort and misery than the constantly recurring headache. Men suf fer less with headache. “My wife’s health was very indifferent, having head ache continually, and just two packages of Simmons Liver Regulator released her from all headache and gave tone and vigor to her whole system. F have never regretted its use.” —M. B. Deßord, Mt. Vernon, Ky. (uticura THE GREAT SKIN CURE Works wonders in cur ing torturing, disfigur ing diseases of the skin, scalp, and blood, and es= pedally baby humours. Reurfiies nrt m\'A throughout the world. Bntmh depot: 1. Nkwbkbv h Sons. I.ondon. I'ottk* Dkco a (_h» m C'OfcP.. Sole Crotßoston. U. S. A. WASHINGTON & LEE OIVERSIFY, l/cxington, Virginia. Academic; I>uw; Engineering. Opens Sept. 12th. For catalogue address G. W. C. LEE, President Uses Mexican Mustang Liniment On has horses, on his drivers. ' i iOTk U* r The News and Observer, Saturday, Nov. 9 ’OS '-’f iwwSA l “ MM liP* Mrs. Elia HrtUhart Abilene, Kan. Strength and Vigor Given by Hood’s Sarsaparilla Abscess, Varicose, Veins, and Other Troubles. “I winh to tejlify in behalf of Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Different physicians and my friends had given rau up. I was treated for spinal disease, consump tion aud varicose, and an abscess on my left hip. £ v.a3 simply awful and I could not walk for many months. I had to be carried and handled like a child. I became reduced in weight from 132 to 70 pounds. At last a friend persuaded me to try Hood’s Sarsapa rilla and I have Gained in Several Ways and now weigh 125 pounds. The ab scess on my hip is almost well and I have gained strength and vigor. I Hood’s Cures gladly recommend Hood’s Sarsaparilla to other sufferers.” Mrs. El la Briluhart, Abilene, Kansas. «• aro tasteless, mild, effec gTOO'.j S a 11 IS All drmrertsts. 25c. Have You Indigestion ? Read This. Five years ago I used Mrs Joe Per son’s Remedy for indigesti m, from which f suffered much. I took several bottles before I felt the good of it, but one-half dozen bottles made a perfect cure of me, which cure has been permanent. Mrs. W. C. Reid, E Igmcor, S. 0., Sept 19th, 1895. lEczsma? Wi I Cure it Every Time. 1 was troubled with eczema for years in au aggravated form, which had Fet tled in my breast, and after trying sev eral remedies with no relief, was induced to try Mrs. Person’s Remedy. I was cured completely after using part of six bottles iu connection with the Wash. I most cheerfully add my testimonial to its curative powers for eczoma. Most respectfully, Mrs. L. A. Barron. Rock Bill, S. C , Sept. 20th, 1895. •'VII -OfiV.U**:» ‘-ddui .x a|U<««K to*: “or* Ain kin y*oo:> -uoubd pddw uo pOTVOSIuos mjoo.nl .>jnio««iv -XiUTuena !*uojnpuo;>un J no pumoqitnidaoooo'GOV'S JHOUI .»>{! ~0 111 q* .*l*l p.*|«l!(| errq sipqd.tq *»jn.> jonavro «««vn» ts ntj ppo.u »i|| pwß *j»«) o|Vii|,«qo isorn eip tpuos OV\ ‘tutiD or moiubjkuS on jaqj NOHIO.I CIOOTH Kim KJ 1| quo Buiunj wAiojaa.Va jo jjoji ‘ipoq oqi jouvrl ius uo hjooi.i **j«*riw p»«oi«;j j.**J«io;> •*to|dui| ( { juojqx »J«* qiuoui union pg ‘vufßd puw soips OAaq Iliia pus *(|*njod opipoi ‘Ajo.» •jam nos wi os cq no fjj •ojnooj itbj om jt‘oajsqo ou pun ‘sfHQ l«noq pun o.r«j puojpuj Xad 01 i.nfj-i -uo3 n;w oa oioq ocnoaoj Jojaid noA jl -Ajutijiina sun:B jopun oopd oiuas oqj jo f ouioqiu pajvej) oq usa TOA fiivp «;oj 51 utp.un.) _ . r n tjiuatreuuoa sniqdAS ajtiij 0|”11 dl ■ | O ii..L JOLispno.*.>y ‘Xjswpj Q| 21f|B||y SILVER Everythin Sliver and Gold Beau .jp2ullyM de at the Manufactory of Samuel Kirk & Son, 10<5 Baltimore St., Best. Prices Very Moderate. Also Diamond*, Pearls, Sapphires, Emeralds, Etc., Etc., Etc. FINE WATOHEB, JEWELRY. Rai-eioh, N. C., Feb. 8,1896. Lyon MJy. Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Gentlemen:—Having seen Mexican flustang Uni- ITient extensively advertised here Induces me to tell you how useful it Is to persons in the livery business I have used it for the past 18 years on ray liorsos foe almost every thing that horses are subject to. For sprains and stiff Joints I do not think it has an equal, and tor such things ae harness galls and rubs R is wonderful. I once had a very fine driver who was thrown from his car riage in a runaway and so severely bruised about his shoul dors and breast that I did not think ho would ever be able to get on a carriage again. I remembered, however, what Mexican Mustang Liniment did for my horses in case of bruises and had him use It constantly, and In about' two weeks he was as good a driver as ever, and not an ache or pain remained. I know you must get tired of receiving such letters, but I thought I would add one more testimonial to the useful ness of M ustang Liniment. Yours truly, 0 * W. H. LANCASTER For 18 ye&ra la X/vory and Transfer buainoea, NEW THINGS IN DRESS GOODS. Last week was spent in finding some of the best things for womens dresses, for late Fall and Winter wear. These in silk section, miy bs seen lin antique designs, correctly representing styles of about one hundred yearsjago They are exceedingly creditable and we would be glad for our see them, together with the accessories which have been provided. O W.H.&R.S.TUCKER&CO. V v m Wf fkSr-] if\ i v [reliable sfedsl IP £* f% f /Wi /•% 15 wU CROSS & LINEHAN CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS AND SHOES Never in the history of the clothing business have desirable clothes beeu offired at such low prices a? we are now quoting. Oar assortment of rich novelties, both in foreign and domestic manufacture, represents every fashionable color and weave aud is unquestionably the largest aud most complete to be seen in the city. Quality with us is always tho first ccnuderation, this secured, we Down to make th* m acc jptable to you. A great exhibit of new goods for ’TT'THTTTO SJKiILJBo SPECIALTIES Will be offered in every department of sufficient importance to warrant tieir insf eaticn by every one interested in High Class Merchandise. We do not quote pr cei for the reason that the values iueaeii aid every instance will spe&k for them selves and tellingly. Seeing is believing, aud it takes but little time, gives but little trouble, and costs nothing to come to see for yourselves. Drop in ou us, we will try to make it pleasant as well as profitable to you. CROSS & LINEHAN. 210 Fayetteville Stre> WACHOVIA. Loan and Trust Company, WINSTON. N O. — o— Paid up Capital, *200,000 Authorized Capital, *1,000,000 — o— STATEMENT. At the close of ;ini*iness 'September ‘2B, 181*5 Loans. $;537,339 07 overdrafts, 44 93 i Bonds, - 1,570 00 i Building and fixtures, - - 23,525 14 Heal estate, 8,001 05 Cash on hand and in banks, * 114.302 83 Total, $305,123 02 Capital .... 200,000 00 ! Surplus, .... 11,095 07 Deposits. .... 284,330 93 Due to ban as, . . . 9,137 14 Cashier's Checks, - . - 539 88 i Total, .... $505,123 09 •I unfi 15, 185*3, $ Dec. 15,1893, 39,708 98 fiPPAQITi* 1 mu- 15, ISHI, 98,985 00 UC.I U JI! 3. Deo. 15, 1894. 147.903 53 May 15, 1895, 201.324*43 | Sept. 28, 1895, 284,330 93 YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. F. H. FRIES, JAS. A. GRAY, President. Vice Presd’t. H. F. SHAFFNEK, Sec’v and Treas. COf^E — AND -EXAMINE The hundsomest :"inge made, it Li -THE JEWEL. —BEE OUR NEW— Bissell Grates -VIE HAVB— Three Bicycles ON EASY TERMS. Seven Baby Carriages At a cut price. Thos. H. Briggs & Sons, Raleigh, N. C. You may write your own ads, but one thing sure you can’t make your own cute Think of it, 11.00 for our best advertising cuts, single ccfiumu. Give us a trial and you will be pleased. NEWS AND OBSERVER, Raleigh, N. C. PRODUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. SPKCf A LTIKS EGGS AND BUTTER. Fowls, game, fruit, vegetables, grain and I produce of all kinds sold on commission. Highest prices guaranteed. Reference given on application. Consignments solic ited; JXO.C. MOORE. 116 E. Martin St., Raleigh, N. C.