2 IHE FUSIQH HAM CALLED BY HOUSE (Continued From Second Page.) payment of money out of State Treasury without Authority of'law; appointment of special joint committee to request the (Governor to send to the House the pa pers in the case of suspended Railroad Commissioners: to pay Judge Norwood SSBB back salary; to condemn action of the War Department in sending ne gro officers to pay off the Second North Carolina regimont. When the calendar was taken up all the hills and resolutions on it were dis posed of, either by passing on their several readings or by reference to prop er committees. Among the resolutions adopted was one to raise a special committee of fif teen to be known as the Committee on Election Law; to have a joint special Committee on Courts; to investigate salaries and fees paid the Secretary of State; to investigate payment of money out of State Treasury without authority *~d£Aaw. Os the half dozen or so bills passed—-all local in character—the most important were: Repeal of charter of, the Swain County Lumber and Boom Company; repeal of the Halifax and Edgecombe , stock law; authorize the appointment I of a commission of navigation for Beun- L fort harbor; repeal the law in regard to P collection of taxes in Chatham county; Commissioners of Edgecombe county in creased from throe to five. Quite a discussion arose over Mr. Lenthonvood’s bill to repeal the charter of the Swain Lumber and Boom (Vm pauy. Explaining the bill Mr. Lesith erwood said the incorporators of the company wore Northern men who had come to Swain county, announcing that they were there to got rich. yThe not T now ask repealed confers most extraordinary powers. When the incorporators of this company gave no tice of their intention to get the charter they went as far away from Swain county as possible. They published the notice of application for their charter in a small Perquimans county newspaper. This charter was procured through the grossest fraud ever perpetrated in North Carolina. They have coerced every man who owns land on the river banks to sell liis timber to them and so far has it gone that they have come to the point where they object to a man cutting timber off his own land. They have cut up the roads and otherwise done great damage in the county.” Mr. McNeill, Brunswick, saw no reason for haste in repealing the charter. He therefore moved to refer the bill to the Committee on Corporations. Mr. Allen asked whether or not the corporation had acquired any property rights. Mr. Leather-wood said they had not, though they claimed the earth. “They have never even incorporated, nor com fplied with the law. simply using this pie.” ed to know if no >f the application v. “It was an issue it was understood that if I was elected the- law should be repealed.” Mr. Craig said he was willing to trust the gentleman from Swain; he knew some of the incorporators named in this charter and he knew no good of them. Mr. Julian hoped the House would re fuse to refer this matter to a commit tee. but repeal so infamous a law at ; once. Mr. Clarkson thought it ougHt to he repealed. As it was a local matter, he was willing to comply with Mr. Lcath erwood’s request. _ Mr. McLean, of Harnett, said he was startled, on hearing the act read, to find out what extraordinary powers it conferred. Powers that ought not to be given to any corporation, especially a corporation «f foreign adventurers. He favorer! immediate and complete repeal. » I Mr. McNeill, of Brunswick, was op posed to the railroading of any sort of measure through. He wanted all sides given a hearing. This could do no harm. That is what committees are for. Tire House refused to refer, but pass Catarrh Leads “ to Consumption. A Forerunner of the Most Fatal Disease. Though its offensive features are sometimes almost unbearable,: few people are aware of the danger of which Catarrh is the forerun ner. Catarrh invariably leads to Consumption. Growing worse and-! worse each winter, those who rely upon the usual treatment of sprays, washes and inhaling mix tures find that it is impossible to j check the disease with these local applications .which only reach the surface. The offensive discharge increases all the while, causing a feeling of personal defilement, and I gists deeper and deeper until it is only a question of a short time until the lungs are affected. The importance of the proper treatment can therefore be readily appreciated. But no good what ever can be expected from local applications, as such treatment never did cure Catarrh, and never will. 1 ed on nil its readings the bill repealing the charter. I Mr, Hart, of Edgecombe, explained his bill increasing the number of com missioners for the county of Edgecombe from throe to five and asked its reference to the Committeeo on Coun . tics. Cities and Towns. It was so re • forred. Mr. Julian, of Itownn, wanted to also ! refer Mr. Bonn’s bill in regard to the collection of taxes in Chatham county, suggesting the Finance Committee. But Mr. Gattis. of Orange, protested against this, saying that he knew the people ot Chatham wanted the law repealed, and as it wae purely a local matter, lie hopeo the bill would be passed and passed at once, I# explained that under the law sought to be repealed all persons who did not pay their taxes by January Ist had to pay an annual interest of G per cent from January Ist to the date of pay ment of their tax. ; Mr. Winston, of Bertie, suggested that inasmuch as many people had already paid their taxes to escape this penalty ami others had not. it would be nothing but fair to those who had done so to have the law not go into effect till next year.. Mr. Moore, of Jackson; “Do you think if the sheriff were to demand that G per cent of a tax-payer he would have to pay it V” Mr. Winston: " I don’t know about that. I’m decidedly of the opinion, though, that he’d- better pay 30 or 40 cents in interest than to give you or me S3OO or S4OO to get out of paying it. There are lots of things a man might get out of doing, except for the reason that it’s cheaper to do them.” The resolution authorizing the State Treasurer to pay Judge Norwood back salary for the months of June. July and August, to tin l amount of $588.18, was Warmly, supported by Mr. Davis, of Hay wood. He said, Judge Norwood held the courts, while Judge Carter drew the salary, until the courts decided in Judge Norwood's favor. The payment of this back salary, he contended, would not af fect the title to the judgeship now in ' question. Mr. Moore, of Jackson, thought the re solution ought to be referred to the Ju diciary Committee. Mr. Allen, of Wayne, suggested the Committee on Claims. He said he didn't want to la* understood as opposing the claim, and if it were a just claim h wanted it paid, but he must first b satisfied on that point. The hill ought to lie carefully examined by a commit tee. He dnl not think it a safe pre cedent for the House to establish—that of paying out money until th. matter had las'll thommghiy investigated. The bill was thmi referred to the Com mittee on Claims. The resolution appointing Mrs. Win. E. Shipp assistant enrolling clerk was unanimously favored by the m tubers. When first, proposed there was sw.ne question as to whether or not the passage of the resoluton would not in fringe upon the rights of the caucus. But when it was found that it would i not, and that the enrolling clerk had already promised the place to Mrs. Shipp, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Mr. Bousball, speaking for the Wake memners. said they heartily endorsed the I appointment, and the people of this ' county would feel complimented at her • election. J Several amendments were sent for ! ward to make Mrs. Shipp first assistant enrolling clerk, but it was stated that all the clerks were the same and lln pay the same. | A high compliment was paid Ms Shipp by Mr. Leatherwood. ot Sw«i>> who said she was clerk in 1893 to the Committee on Justices of the Peace, of which he was chairman. She was one | of the most comiieti nt clerks he evei saw. and he would vouch for her profi eieney and competence. And certainly. | he thought, she was worthy of any bouoi I the General Assembly could bestow upoi her. The resolution calling on the Governni to send to the House the facts, eridenct and findings in the ease of J t» son and S. O. Wilson, suspended Itai' road Commissioners, was referred “■ Committee on Railroads and Rnilroa( Commission. An amusing debate occurred over Mr Craig’s bill to adopt the Golden Rod at the floral emblenrof North Carolina. When it. was read Mr. Craig hasten ed to explain that he had introduced v by request of the Secretary of the Na tionnl Flower Association, and he guess ed it was alright. Mr. Carraway. of Lenoir, v.as not s< sure of it. “It smacks too much of tin gold standard—the golden rod does,” e county to five. By Hart, of Edgecombe. Com mittee on Counties. Cities and Towns. H. R. No. 7G. Resolution fixing Jan uary 17th as time of voting for Enroll ing Clerk of General Asssemhly. By Winston, of Bertie. On calendar. 11. B. No. 77. Act am nding chapter !G3, Private Laws 1897. By Robinson, of Cumberland. Oil calendar. 11. 15. No. 78. Act incoriKirating tin* town of Mantco. By Williams, of Dare. Committee on Counties, Cities and Towns. 11. B. No. 79. Act to amend chapter 154. Public Laws of 1807, prohibiting hunting on any lands in Yadkin county except by consent of owner. By Wil liams. of Yadkin. Committee on Propo sitions and Grievances. 11. B. No. 80. S. B. No. 35. Act to J amend section 2.872 of Code giving clerks and door-keepers in the General Assem bly sant. per diem and mileage is mem bers. Judiciary committee. H. B. No. 81. 8. B. No. 37. Act to change time of holding Spring term of Nash Superior court, criminal term. Committee on Judiciary. IT. B. No. 82. Act to plate B. G. Eish ■r on the first class pension roll. By Leatherwood. of Swain. Committee 4. To raise committee < t not less than fifteen to be known as Committee on Election Law. 11. R. No. 35. To provide for the appointment of a joint committee of five from the Douse and three from he Senate to whom shall be referred all hills relating to changes in the courts. H. it. No. (58. To appoint Mrs. Wil liam E. Shipp assistant enrolling clerk. 11. K. No. til*. To appoint a committee of three to investigate and report hack to the House tin* amount and char acter of all fees received .by the Sec retary of State in addition to his regu lar salary. 11. It. No. 75 to inquire as to payment >f money out of the State Treasury without authority of law and report to lie General Assembly. , BILLS PASSED. 11. B. No. 44. Act repealing chapter< I*HB SEWS AMD OBSERVEtt> »XAMT. 8, 185*9. 5. Private Laws of T 895, creating *h Swain Lumber and Boom Company. 11. B. No. 84. Act to repeal chapter 2(55*. Public Laws of 1895. putting penalty of G tier cent on all persons in Chatham county who do not pay the.r taxes by January Ist of each year. 11. B. No. 89. Act to amend charter of Bingham School permitting one of the faculty to be commissioned with rank of major, the supenntendeni ic ing colonel. Other members of the facul ty are captains. H. B. No. I*7. S. B. No. 3. Act to repeal stock law in Halifax county. H. B. No. 25*. S. B. No. 13. Act to repeal stock law in Edgecombe county. It. B. No. 93. Act providing for ap pointment of commissioners of naviga tion for Old Topsail Inlet and Bcnufi r, Harbor. H. B. 91. Act to repeal chapter 351. Public Laws of 185*7, requiring all hank ers or officers and directors of corpora tions chartered by the State to tak<* en officiul oath. By Carrie, of Moore. Committee on Corporations. H. B. No. 5*2. Act to repeal the char ter of the town of Dudley. By Wood, of Wayne. Committee on Counties, Cit it s and Towns. STANDING COM MITTEES. Half a Dozen Committees Named by Speaker Connor. At the conclusion of the session of the House yesterday. Speaker Connor an nounced the following standing commit tee* : On Judiciary—Overman. Council, Rountree. Winston. Moore. Craig. Me- Loan, of Harnett: Justice. Stubbs. Ray, of Macon: Clarkson. Eouslioe. Gattis, Robinson. Thompson, Patterson, of Robe son: Gilliam, Carr, Brown of Stanly: Carroll, I/catherwood, Leigh, Nicho’son. of Beaufort: Hart sell, Currie, Boushall. On Finance. —Holman, Patterson, of Caldwell: Boushall, Willard. Lyon, Rein hardt, Brown, of Stanly: Thompson, of Onslo)v, Wilson, Brown, of Johnston; Allen, of Columbus; Alexander. Burrows, Petrie. Hampton. On Railroads and Railroad Commis sion.—Alien. Council, Rountree, Robin son. Williams, of Iredell; Carr. Patter son, of Caldwell, Ellen, Wall, Noble, Whitfield, Grumpier, Lowery. Insurance —Boushall, Willard. Mooore, Carroll. Leigh, Currie, of Moore; Julian. Hartnell. Burrows, Petrie. Blind.—McLean, of Harnett: Boushall. Ray. of Macon; Holman. All n. B» isley. Lyon, James. Stevens, Nicholson, of Perquimans: Johnson, of Sampson. On Enrolled Bills—Hoey. Fleming. Currie. MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to he generous to the needy and suffering. The proprietors of Dr. King’s New' Discovery for Consump tion. Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine; and have the satisfac tion of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless eases. Asthma. Bronchitis. Hoarseness and all diseases of the Throat. Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call on all Drug gists, and get a free trial bottle. Regu lar size 50 cents guaranteed, or price refunded. Dreadful CROUP Mothers, when your children are at tacked by the dreadful croup, you need not despair; Dr. John W. Bull’s Cough Syrup will relievo and cure i this disease at once. You can always j depend on this marvelous remedy; it ; never fails to cure. For whooping- j cough and moasle-eongh it is the best ; remedy in the land. Children like it. I Dr.BnlTs Gough Syrup Will cure Croup without fail. Dnses small *tnl plt-u-arjt t'> takf. Doctors | recomUK tiU it. I’i icc cts. At ail di | J. M PACE DEALER IN . • • • i Mules and Horses, Buggies and Wagons. I have just received sixty head of good mules and horses. Will Make pnci* to suit the times. J. M. PACE. : NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that application will be made at the next session of the General Assembly of North Carolina lo charter the East Tennessee and Western North Carolina Railroad Company. R. F. HOKE. Dec. 21. 1898. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Raleigh Savings Bunk, of Raleigh, N. C.. will be held in their banking house on Monday, January 9th, 1899, at 12 o’clock. JOHN T. POLLEN. Cashier, STOCKHOLDERS’ MEETING. j The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Raleigh Cotton Mills will be held at the mayor’s ifik e on Wednesday, January 11th, 1899, at 12 o’clock m. J, S. WYNNE, Secretary. 30-10 t. ADM INI STRATOR’S NOTICE. Letters of administration upon the es tate of A. F. Purefoy, deceased, having been duly issued to the undersigned j from the Superior Court of Wake conn- ; ty, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make imme diate payment, and to all persons hold- 1 ing claims against said estate to present them for payment on or before the Ist day of December, 1899. or tlfis notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. W. L. POTEAT, Adm’r of A. F. Purefoy, Dec’d. Wake county, N. C. lawGw The Hand That Feeds. Pointed Statements to Men of »'.y Tamil v Telling Them J/ow to mal«‘ the xMgr knowii i ; the same catarrh lor it is A}} something else. These’eon* /, kef** ditions are all around us: among roechamcs^bus y f I I C\ i IFji Pc-ru-na is purely vegetable. For » ( j II vij j ovrr forty years it has been sue -0 I cess fully attacking and overcoming i j /f? ~ every phase of catarrh. Itabsolutely 33a eradicates catarrh because itsopera* ag cV /Ni tion is based on accurate science. V Mr. N. M. Geil, Des Moines, la., T'gjy. ; ———- writes the following letter: I >r - Hartman, Columbus, O. K & r DeaiVSiks* —‘’I can’t praise Pe-ru-na enough. T will soon be seventy-three years old and have good fa»-~— |, HI „ fS health after I was nearly dead. No doctor could help me, and no medicine until I took Pe-ru-na. The first bottle helped me. l’e-rn-na saved.my life." Don’t let catarrh make headway. Meet its attack at the outstart. All un natural discharges are caused hy catarrh. Write to the Pc-ru-na Medicine Co., Columbus, 0.. for Dr. Hartman's latest book on chronic catarrh. All druggist* sell Pc-ru-na. 1892. RiGGANS 1859. Toy and China Store. Special Sales This Week —Bargains. 20 Do/.. China Cups and Saucers. Fancy Fluted, and Fancy Decorations Value, 25c. each. Special offering at 10c. each Japanese 5 o’clock Teas sc. each Japanese After Dinners *">o. each Tablets, any kind, and a pencil will b* given with each Tablet this week when this advertisement is mentioned. The very best Tablets for sc. and n pencil as good as a sc. one given with each Tablet. Wo always select our Grauiteware after buying it. and any piece we find with an imperfection, we cast aside and call second. Now we have 2 dozen l-quart Coffee Pots like this at lb*, each. llegular value 45c. We wish you to take ;i peep at our Nickel ware. Beautiful. Bright, Polished Nickel; something good. Tea Pots, Coff *e Pots, Berlin Bakers and Servers, Egg Boilers and Poachers. Tea Strainer, Cus.ndores, waiters, Crumb Trays and so on and 'tin cheap, too. 10 Dozen (%-int-h Iron Stone Plates, 25c sets, to close while they last. Fine Writing Paper, 10c., 18c., 25c. pound. Best Envelopes, white and cream oc. pack. Box Paper, 24 sheets paper. 24 envelopes 5c., Bc., 10c., 15c. Double size 25c. Fibre Tints and all shades. Thin Blowifc Glass Tumblers only 50c. dozen Thick Pressed Glass Tumblers only 24c. dozen. Any kind of odd dish, white and decorated. Any piece of glass wanted— Blown. Pressed and Cut Glnss. Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Fish Sets, any kind of sets. Tovs ami Games —all kind. VISIT IUGGANS’S CHINA AND TOY STORE. The Prettiest Store in the State. *\\j \ TCnV C Where the Richest Art and the Rarest V* <1 t \ 59 Handiwork Sit Enthroned , - ART AND NOVELTY EMPORIUM Tint Fullest and Freshest display of Pictures and Picture Frames, of Household Peco'ati'-n* and Novelties A compleie stock i.f VVA I.L PAPER of every shade and price. Paper hanging s FRED A. WATSON, Raleigh N. C You Need Christmas Week It I More Than Ever. —* u THE GREAT 'J P. STEDMAN NERVE RESTORER. MANUFACTURER. FERTILIZERS FOR WHEAT N. C. Alliance Official Guano, > Dutham Ammoniated Fertilizers, Piogressive Farmer Guano, Plow Brand Guano, Double Bone Phosphate, Great Wheat and Corn Grower. Dont’s fail to use on 2 of the above brands, they are the best and cheapest oa the market, all good farmers say so. Write for prices or send your orders direct to the DURHAM FERTILIZER CO Branch Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., Durham. N. C. CAPITAL MARBLE WORKS, EDWARD T. MARKS, Prop., Orner Fayetteville and Davie Streets, Raleigh, N. C. Headquarters for all kinds of fine artistic carving and Cemetery work. Monuments, Tablets, Head-stones, Vases, Settees and Iron fencing. Having for the past fifteen years made a study of carving, lettering and designing, we are now prepared to offer you a class of work second to none in the State. For you to become better acquainted with my work, we will in each town or neighbor hood. sell one carved head-stone to cost not less than Twenty Dollars for actual cost of cutting and lettering. Write for designs and prices. We pay the freight. Please say what paper.you saw add in. jNIAGARAjyi iVAPOL.IffI jBATHS..J||j £ We arc the original manufacturers of ♦ portable Vapor Baths. ♦ We have, during the last ten years, ♦ supplied thousands of our Baths to phy ♦ sidans, hospitals, sanitariums, etc,, and ♦ wo arc now, for the first time, advertising ♦ them direct to the generaipublic. • ♦ IN HUYIiNG A t VAPOR BATH m.;? ♦ ufacturer does not, show you a cut of the ♦ ♦ frame without the covering, yon may lake it for granted that his “Steel Frame ’ ▼ ♦ is a wire hoop that rusts on the shoulders ▼ ♦ of the bather. ♦ Oct one that is covered with proper ma- J ♦ terial. Insist on seeing a sample of tna- J ♦ terial before ordering. We make our own w .covering material and print It with a » X handsome “all over” pattern of Niagara T T Falls. I. . T X Get one with a thermometer attachment x X Don’t go it blind—a hath that is two hot X x ot not hot enough will be of no benefit to X X yon. X Get one that you can return and have Y your money back if not satisfactory in ▼ T every way. X ♦ Send for sample Os material and inter- ♦ J esting booklet that will tell you all about ♦ ♦ Vapor l aths. ♦ ♦ Vapor Baths are an acknowledged ▼ ♦ household necessity. Turkish, Hot Air, ♦ ♦ Vapor, Sulphur or Medicated Baths at ♦ ♦ Home, do. Purifies system, produces ♦ cleanlino-w, health, strength. Prevents ♦ ♦ disease, obesity. Cures Colds, Rhouma- ♦ ♦ tism, Neuralgia, LaGrippe, Malaria, Rc- ♦ zema, Catarrh, Female Ills, Blood, Skin, T Nerve and Kidney Troubles. Beautifies T ▼ Complexion. J « Price of Niagara Baths $; ♦ l JONES”& CO., f/anufacturers, x ♦ Niagara Falls, NY. ♦ ♦ Department A L. Agents Wanted X ♦♦♦♦**♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Plants & Flowers Roses, Carnations and other choice cut flowers, Floral designs arranged taste fully at short notice. Wedding decora tions. Palms Ferns, etc., for hous culture. For ornamental gardening a the lowest price. All kinds of bedding plants, Geraniums, Coleus, Heliotropes, latest varieties. Vines for the veranda Tomato plants, once transplanted, in standard sorts. Cabbage, pepper, am pot-grown Egg Plants, Celery at prope season. All mail orders promptly attend ed to. H. STEINMETZ, Florist, ’Phone 142. Raleigh. N. C. "weak men Cured, CSgglj NERVE > This great remedy CUKES all Nervcm* Dlser /tea. such as Weak Memory, Loss ot Brain Power, Cost Manhood. Sightly Emissions, Evil Dreams, Varicocele; and strengthens the Generative Organs ot ei.hcr sex, that nay be impaired through youthful errors, which soon >ad to Consumption and Icsonity; or excessive use of foraeo., Opium or Liquor. Sold with a guaranty to ure. «<• money refunded. II per box, six for*.v Easily arri<-