2 CLEARING THE DECK IN THE HOUSE FOR HEAVY ACTION A Day Devoted Entirely to Small Things. GREAI ONES COME LATER TO 11. TNT. TOWARD AN EARLY ADJOURNMENT. MEMBERS A WiLTED LOT YESTERDAY Scotland County Bill Will Probably be Made a Special Order for Tuesday. The Coun ty Officer Fee Bill a Special OfderLr Monday. The lienee was opened with prayer by Itev. Dr. A. \V. Curtis. Reading of Journal of Friday was dispensed with. Reports of Standing Committees were made as follows: Counties, Cities and Towns—By C'arra way, of Lenoir; Mclntosh, of Alexander; Winston, of Bertie: Kennett, of Guil ford: Gattis. of Orange. Judiciary—By Thompson, of Onslow Stevens, of Cnion; Bay. of Macon; Foil shoe, of Durham; Clarkson, of Mecklen burg. Corporations—By Fonshee, of Durham Propositions and Grievances—By Bay of Macon; Bryan, of Granville. Banks—By Leak, of Anson. Deaf and Dumb—By Patterson, of Robeson, Court*—By Carr, of Duplin. Educa fion—By 11 art sell, of Cabarrus Among the bills introduced were the following: To amend the charter of the Baleigh and Gaston Railroad Company. To regulate trials of civil actions be fore justices of tiie pence. To amend the charter of Wilmington. To charter the town of Kinston. To allow Fayetteville to purchase and operate electric light and power com pany. To allow Raleigh to issue SIOO,OOO of improvement bonds, upon vote of the people. To amend and revise the charter of Durham. To establish graded school at Waynes ville and allow issue of bonds for elec tric lights. To amend section 102 of the Code, so as to require that the residence of a domestic corporation, except railway and telephone companies, shall ho in the county wherein the corporation lias its principal office. To give Baleigh four cotton weighers, repeal the law of 1,897 and re-enact tin old law, by which the county commis sioners elect two—mne of these on nomi nation of tin* Got ton Exchange. ; To make fees, for lieu bonds and chat tel -mortgages Combined. lo cents for probating and 50 cents for registration in counties of Wayne, Wake, Wilson. Johnston. Duplin and Anson. The Senate amendment lo Mi*. Craig’s bill providing away in which foreign corporations may become domestic* cor porations were concurred in by the House, and the bill is now law, or will be when it is ratified. At the conclusion of the morning hour tile report of the tellers as to the re sult of the joint ballot for directors of the penitentiary was announced. It showed Hint the Democratic nominees received 75 ballots in the House and ID in the Senate. The Republicans received 4 in the House and none in the Senate Mr. Winston introduced an important measure looking to the formation of a company to develop and utilize the water power on the Roanoke river, espe cially in tie- counties of Warren, North ampton and Halifax", and between Gas ton and Robinson’s Ferry. The power is to be used for manufacturing pur poses and for the operation of mills and factories and for generating and using and applying electricity. It is proposed to sell and lease to individuals and cor Iteration* electricity for motor and light power. The eor|»orators are Nicholas D. Wilkins, of Northampton county, and William J. White and Rev. Benjamin S. Bronson, of Wairon county. Mr. Wilkins is named as president and Mr White as secretary and treasurer. The bill reducing the fees of all county officers, introduced Friday by Mr. \\ in ston, was taken from the Committee on Salaries and Fees and placed on the calendar: and Mr. Winston asked tlmt the consideration of tin* lail be made the special order for Monday. February Gth, at 1 o’clock. It was so ordered. Mr. Winston argued that this measure should in- considered at once and miss ed upon. If fees arc to lie reduced, lie said, the people who arc now giving liens and making contracts should be given the benefit of the reductions. This, is especially so with the crop lien reduc tion. which the bill provides for. At the same time Mr. McNeil's bill reducing all fees one-half, will be con sidered. A majority and a minority report wore made on the Scotland county MU and a resolution was introduced by Mr. Me Lean, of Richmond, t• * make the bill tin* special order for Tuesday, at the conclusion of the morning hour, gi\ing each side one and a half hours for de bate. The resolution, however, was not reached during consideration <>l the calendar, and s<> the special order wa not set. , . ~ Among the bills passed during consul erntion of the calendar were: To extend RoxlkU-o corporate limits and allow it to issue bonds. To incorporate tin* Raleigh Storage Warehouse Company. To prohibit manufacture and sale of spirituous liquors in Jackson county. To allow Jones county to sod its pro cut county home and buy another. To give telephone companies tin* sam rights as telegraph companies. To make drunke im-ss on a public road or near a school house or church in Jackson county a misdemeanor. To incorporate the North Carolina and South Carolina Railroad Company. To change the time of holding the courts in Duplin county. To allow funds to be paid to indigent children without guardians by clerks of court. This bill provides that "whenever any moneys, less in amount than twenty dollars, shall 1«* paid into court sos indi gent or needy children for whom no one will l*oeonie guardian upon satisfac tory'proof of their necessities the clerk may pay tin* same upon his own mo tion or order to the mother or other per son who has charge of said minor or to some discreet neighbor of raid mbit, to be used for the bencli! •>.* inalnteii anee of said minor. Such person sVa be solvent and shall faithfully apply any money so paid to him or h r. The clerk shall take a receipt from the pri son to whom the same is paid and r> ,-ord it in a book entitled 'Record of Amount Paid for Indigent Children.' and the same shall lie a valid acquittance for said clerk." In accordance with a resolution pass ed several days ago the Speaker ap pointed the following Special Conimitte oil Justices of the Fence: .Messrs. Noble, of Jones: Ellen, of Xasli: Aden of Columbus: Bryan, of Granville Grumpier, of Sampson; Yarborough, of < 'aswell. The following additions to standing committees were made: Carraway. of Lenoir, to the Committee on Education and Fonsn *e, of Durham. to tie- Com j mil tee on Roads. During the session leave of absence was granted to the following members Holman, of Iredell, until Tuesday: Sugg, of Gr?cne. until Tuesday, on iu comit of sickness; Bunch, of Guilford, until Wednesday; McLean, of Harnotr until Wednesday: Carroll, of Alamance for the day. on account of sickness: Gattis. or Orange, for Monday; Tharp, of Wilkes, until Tuesday; Brown, of Stanly, until Tuesday; Hney, of Clove - land, for the day: Harrison, of Halifax until Wednesday; Thompson, of David son. for the day: Julian, of Rowan, fn j the day; Snipes, of Hertford, forth t day. THE DAY’S BUSINESS, j FETITLONS PRESENTED, Petition from citizens asking that sa'e of liquor within three miles of Antioch church Ik* prohibited. By Hoffman, of Burke. Committee on Propositions and Grievances. Petition for authority to vote on stock law or no stock law in the territory south of Catawba river. By 11 >(Titian, of Burke. Committee on Propositions and Grievances. Petition from merchants of South Mills for repeal of the Merchant's Pur chase Tax. By Abbott, of Catm»>*n‘. Committee on Finance. Petition from merchants of Rocking ham county for repeal of Merchant's Purchase Tax. By Lam*, of Rock ingham. Committee on Finance. Petition from merchants of toe town of Stoval for repeal of the -Men haul’s Purchase Tax. By Lane, of Rocking ham. Committee on Finance. Petition from merchants of Gaston county for repeal of the Merchant’s Purchase Tax. B. Hauser, of Gaston. Committee on Finance. Petition from citizens of Wilmingten in regard to the charter of said city. By Willard, of New Hanover. Commit tee on Counties, Cities and Towns. Petition from citizens of Catawbi. asking the incorporation of ITcgatira church and Sweet Water School house for two miles. By Boggs, of Catawba. Committee on Propositions and Griev ances. Petition in behalf of A. W. Saunders, a Confederate soldi- r. By Redding, of Randolph. Committee on Pensions. Petition from citizens of River Dam township, Gaston county against incor poration of schools for more than two miles or churches more than one mile. By Hauser, of Gaston. Committee on Propositions and Grievances. Petitions <2* of citizens in relation to the Merchant’s Purchase Tax. By Stevens, of Union. Committee on Fin ance. Petition of citizens of Rockingham, Richmond county, asking repeal of Mer chant’s Purchase Tax. By Wall, of Richmond. -Committee on Finance. Petition of citizens of Chatham iri re gard to the stock law. By Connor, of Wilson. Committee on Propositions and Grievances. NEW BILLS INTRODUCED. 11. B. 932 Act to suspend tin* opera tion of section 227 of the Code, so as to give the people living in stock law ter ritory iteriuission to turn their stock in to territory where there is no stock law. This act is to apply only to Burke county. By Hoffman, of Burse. Com mittee on Propositions and Grievances. H. B. 925 Act to place the name n< Mrs. Mildred Ta.vlor on the i«*nsion roll. By AJauney, of Cherokee. Com; mittee on Pensions. H. B. 934 Resolution making Scot land county bill -special order for m'xt Tuesday, and giving each side an hoiu and a half. By McLean, of Richmond Committee on Rules. H. B. 035 Act for relief of Jacob Carpenter, a Confederate soldier. By Pritchard, of Mitchell. Committee on Pensions. H. B. 939 Act for relief of Thomas Wise., a Confederate veteran. By Pritchard, of Mitchell. Committee on Pensions. H. if. 937 Act for relief of John W Vance, a veteran. By Prit- har-l, </ Mitchell. Committee on Pensions. 11. B. 5t3N Act for relief -if Israel Teenies, a veteran. By f ■Pc- tar I, ot Mitchell. Commit tee on Pensions. 11. B. 93U Act for relief of. Margaret Grindstaff, widow of a Cons *dcrate so! dier. By Pritchard, of Mitchell. Com mittee on Pensions. I 11. B. 934 Act, for relief of Susan Gar land, widow of a Confederate soldiei By Pritchard, of Miteheh. Comm itoi on Pensions. 11. B. 941 Act for reli, sos Wm. Sta toil, a veteran. By Pritchard, of Mitch oil. Committee on Pensions. U. B. 942 Act for relief of Bradley S Yates, Confederate veteran. By Alien of Columbus. Committee o*i Pension -11. B. 943 Act to place the name ot Jerry Hughes on the third class pen CASTORIA FtFlnfanls and CMdreu Ths Kind You Have Atwafs Bought ’ si. .t, list. It.v I’.m,uni, ~( \Y;i*:iil",.l. Committee on Pintsionx. H. B. 944 Act to provide* for control of the colored normal schools of Frank lin. B.V Davis, of Franklin. Commit tee on Education. IL 8., 945 Act to protect landlords in Pin county. By Barnhill, of 1 *5: t Committee on Judiciary. IL 15. 943 Act lo regulate fees for probate of certain instruments in Wake. Wilson. Wayne, Johnston, Duplin and Anson—-making the fees lo cents for probate and 50 cents for registration. By Alien, of Wayne. Committee on Salaries and Fee*. H. B. 947 Act to amend, revise ami consolidate the charter of Chapel Hill By Giittis, of Orange. C.muutiee on Counties. Cities and Towns. 11. B. 948 Act authorizing ;he county of Lincoln to levy a special tax. By Reinhardt, of Lincoln. Comnniie** on Finance. IL B. 949 Act to charter th * town of Ivinston. By (’arrow.i.v, of Lenoir. Committee on Counties, Cities and . Towns. IL B. 950 Act, to establish a public read in Watauga and Wilkes cm Hies. By Council, of Watauga. Committer on Counties, Cities and towns. 11. B. 951 Act to am *i-l the act in corporating Siler City. By Wrenii, of Chatham. Committee on Emmies. Cities ami Towns. H. B. 952 Act to amend secti m 132 of the Code. By Fousliee, of Du-ham. Committee bn Judiciary. | 11. B. 953 Act to amend the charter of the town of’Durham. By Fonshee. of Durham. Committee on Counties, Cities and Towns. H. B. 954 Act to amend the charter of the city of Wilmington. By Willard, of New Hanover. C-oimnuiei* on Coun ties, Cities and Towns. 11. B. 955 AH to change the corpor ate limits of Wnyuesvill *. By Davis, of Haywood. On Calendar. H. B. 5*5(5 Act to place the name of M. G. Elliott on the pension roll. By Maitland, of Tyrrell. Committee on Pensions. 11. B. 957 Act to regulat> the appoint ment of guards over convicts on Slat** farms. By Eaton, tcol.), of Vance. Committee on Penal Institutions. 11. B. 95S Act to regain ■'<*• trials of civil actions before magistrates. By Winston, of Bertie. Committee on *1 it dietary. -IL it. 955* Act trt incorporate the Northampton Electric and Water Pow er Company. By Winston. Committee on Corporations. IL B. 900 Act to iimnrporafe the Fos <-oe and Montezuma Telephone Compa ny. B>' Pritchard, of Mitchell. Com- j mittee on Corporations. 11. B. 901. S. B. 121 Ac: to amend ; section 150 of the Code as to drainage j of lowlands. IL B. 5*02. S. B. 259 A**’ to am. nd the stocks law of Henderson county < .impelling Henderson ■> mainta u a fence on the line between Hend- rson and Transylvania counties. H. B. 903, S. B. 303 Act lo amend chapter 81*5*. laws of 1891, enabling tae directors of the white Deaf. Dumb and Blind school at Morgan ton to till va cancies of tin* board ad i trcr.m. H. B. 905 Act. to authorize the city of Raleigh to issue $50,000 of bonds. By Boushitll. of Wake. Committee on Counties, Cities and Towns. IL B. 900 Act for relitr of R. W. Chattier. By Wall, of Rie’itn >nd. Com mittee on Pensions. 11. B. 5*07 Act to authorize the city of Fayetteville to purchase and operate an electric light, and power plant. By Robinson, of Cumberland. Committee on Counties, Cities and Town*. 11. B. 908 Act to amend the charter of Southern Pines. By Currie. of Moore. Committee on Counties, Cities and Towns. 11. B. SHU* Act to amend .he charter | of the Iverson Lumber anl Boom Com pany of Yancey and M:vn *d c< unri«s. j B.v Austin, of Yancey, Committee .<n ; Corporations. 11. B.‘ 5170 Act to regulate the shoot ing of wild fowl in waters -*f Carteret county. By Russell, of Carteret. Com mittee on Propositions and Grievances, H. P». 971 Act to am *ud charter of tin* Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Com pany. By Rountree, of New Hanover. Committee on Railroads. H. B. 5*72 Act to amend chapter 151, \ Public Laws of 185*7, relating to the j cotton weigher of the city of Raleigh. By BoHskall, of Wake. Goimman* on Agriculture, H. B. 5*73 Act t > establish a graded school for Waynesvillc and authorize the issue of bonds. By Davis, of Hay wood. Committee on Education. H. B. 5*74. S. 25. 302 A**r to increase ! the commissioners of Northampton i county. Committee on Counties, Cities ; and Towns. H. B. 975, S. B. 448 Act to amend j chapter 45* of the Code. Committee on Judiciary. PASSED THIRD READING. IL B. IT. Act to correct the calls in j the grant of TV in. Forrebee for 1782. IL B. 101. Act to furnish Graham county with, certain Supreme court re pi >rt s. H. 15. 530. Act to incorporate Golden Rule Benevolent Association. 11. B. 703. Act to incorporate the Pee Dee News Transit Company; capital I stock $2,500. 11. B. 815. Act to incorporate the North and South Carolina Railroad Company. H. B. 448. Act to change the time for holding courts in Duplin county. 11. B. 754. .Vet to incorporate the* Ralcigli Storeage Warehouse Company.: H. B. 414. Act for relief of certain chiljlren in tin* State, giving clerk au thority to pay out sums under S2O with out an order of court. 11. 15. 498. S. B. 5*5. Act for the pro tection of birds in Madison county. H. B. 048. Act to repeal chapter 2.1. Laws of 1897. in regard to drainage ot Big Sugar Creek in Mecklenburg county. H. B. 549. Act to repeal chapter 301, Public Laws of 1897, establishing a graded school for Hnyesville, Clay coun ty. li. B. 550. Act to amend chapter 57. Public Laws of 185*7. to prevent public drunkenness, including Graham* coun ty In its provisions. 11. 15. 801. Act to fix the salary of the county treasurer of Buncombe coun ty at SIOO a month. 11. li, 500. S. It. 252. Resolution re quiring titles to bills to contain some reference to the subject matter. H. B. 502, S. B. 5*2. Act to prohibit •’ast driving over the bridges of Pamlico county. 11. 15. 501, S. B. TOG. Act to protect THIS JSJffiVVS AND OBSJfIKViSK, l j£|{. r,, 189‘J. Mrs. Col. Richardson j SAVED BY MRS. PINKHAM. ) iLETrES TO MRS. PIXfcHA’S NO. 72,895] •‘You hove saved my life, .snatched me from the brink of the grave almost, and I wish to thanlc you. About eigh teen months ago J was a total wreck, physically. I had been troubled with leueorrhoea for some time, but had givex: hardly auy*at ten lion to the trouble. “At last inflammation of the womb and ovaries resulted and then 1 suf fered agonies, bud to give up my pro fession (musician and piano player), was confined to my tied ami life became a terrible cross. My husband sum moned the best physicians, but* tlieir benefit was but temporary at best. I believe 1 should have contracted the morphine habit under their care, if my common sense had not intervened. •' One. day m,v husband noticed tin ad vertisement of your remedies and im mediately bought me a full trial. Soon the pain in my ovaries was gone. lam now well, strong and robust, walk, ride a wheel, and feel like a girl in her teens. I would not he without Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound; it is like water of life* to me. I am very gratefully and sincerely your well wisher, nud 1 heartily recommend your remedies. 1 hope some poor creature may be helped to health by reading my story. ’’ —Mks. Col. E. P. Richakdson, RhINEI.ANDEB, Wifi. game in Edgecombe county—requiring consent of land owner to bunt. 11. B. 500, S. B. 125. .Vet to validate oaths taken with uplifted hand. IL B. 507. S. 15. 132. Act to protect the bridge across Perquimans river at Her! ford. 11. 15. 578. Act to prohibit the manu facture or sale of spirituous liquors in Jackson county. H. B. 579. Act to protect schools and churches in .laekson county, making i( a misdemeanor to Is* drunk <>u a public road or within 200 yards of a school or church during the tiniv* any exercises may be going on there. For Cullowhee High School the limit is a quarter of a mile. 11. B. 004. Act to amend sections L\- 007 to 2,010. inclusive, of the Code, put ting telephone and telegraph companies on the same footing. H. 15. 009. Act to allow commission ers of Jones county to sell poor-house lands and appurtenances. IL 15. 902. S. 15. 259. Act to amend the stock law in Henderson county. H. 15. 017.,5. 15. 128. Act to amend section 1. chapter 113. Public Laws of 181*5. regulating tin* eoiton-weigher in Franklin county. H. B. 748. Act to amend chapter 77. Public Laws of 1897. relating to bunt ing in Stokes county. 11. B. 854. Act to correct State grant No. 2.950, in Graham eounty. PASSED SECOND READING. IL B. 538. Act to allow the town of Roxboro to issue $15,000 of O per cent bonds to pay indebtedness and make im provement s. 11. B. 752. Act to amend section 1. chapter 353, Public Laws of 185*5, ami to build a road for J tick sort county. H. 15. 523. Act to incorporate the town of Hoffman, Richmond county. IL 15. 840. Act to supplemental to an act to improve the roads in Anson county. 11. B. 745*. Act for the incorporation of the town of Sylva, Jackson county. BILLS TABLED. IT. B. 540. Act to repeal chapter 17 of the Code*—to apply yo Tyrrell county only. IT. B. 595. Act to reduce auction fees on loaf tobacco from 15 cents to 1* * cents. 11. It. GOG. Act to amend chapter 90. Public Laws of 1897, iu regard to barl*- ed wire fences in Randolph county. IL B. 509, S. B. 157. Act to exempt cx-Coufcdcrate soldiers from payment of peddler's tax. *» IL B. 540. Act to make an appro priation to the Piekford Sanitarium. 11. It. 520. Act to amend section L -247 of the Code. 11. B. 48. Act to abolish the Bureau of Labor Statistics. (’ALENDAR REFERRED. 11. It. 525. .Vet to establish compul sory education for ail children between 0 and 11 years old in Craven county, fixing a fine of $1 for each violation of the law. the fine to go to tin* school fund. Committee on Education. MARDI GRAS. New Orleans, Mobile and Birmingham. Feb. 7th to 14th, 1899. On account of the Mardi Gras Festivi ties to be held at New Orleans, Mobile and Birmingham. February 7th to 1-ltli. inclusive, the Seaboard Air Lipe will sell tickets to those points, from all sta tions, at a rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets to be sold February 7th to 13th, inclusive, good returning until February 28th. For further information in regard to rates, schedules, etc., call on or address ticket agents. L. S. ALLEN, Gen. Pass. Agt., Portsmouth, \ a. GRIP’S RAVAGES DOOMED. So much misery and so many deaths have been caused by the Grip, that every one should know what a wonderful rem edy for this malady is found in Dr. King's New Discovery. That distress ing stubborn cough, that inflames your throat, robs yon of sleep, weakens your system and paves the way for Consump tion is quickly stopped by this matchless cure. If you have chills and l'cver. pain in the back of the head, soreness in bones and muscles, sore throat and that cough that grips your throat like a vice, you need Dr. King’s New Discovery to cure your Grip, and prevent Pneumonia or Consumption. lTice 50 cents and SI.OO. Money back if not cured. Atrial bottle free at any Drug. Store. The smallest things may exert the greatest influence. Pe Witt’s Little Ka»ly Risers ore unequaled for over coming constitution and liver troubles. Small pill, best pill, safe pill. J. Hal Bobbitt and Henry T. Hicks. Horrible agony is caused by Piles, Burns and Skin Diseases. Those are immediately relieved and quickly cured i by De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Be | ware of worthless imitations. J. Hal I Bobbitt and Henry T. Hicks. SENAIE PROCEEDINGS. (Continued from First Page.) vendor who offered game for sale n the prohibited season. The counties to which tlie bill applied wen* Biim-ombe. Hen derson. Yancey. Swain. Jackson. Madison Yancey. Swain, Jackson, Madison, Mitchell. 1 faywood, Transylvania. .Ma con, Cherokee. Clay, Graham and Polk. Senator Wilson thought the bill might be further considered in eonimitteo with advantage and moved a re-reference. Semi tor Glenn said that as all tin members whose people were concerned wanted tin* hill, he did not sec why it should not pass. Senator Hicks said it effected thou sands of men who did not know such a law was being passed. Senator Murray said it was not hrs bill, but that it was meant to correct an evil which needed correction. Senator Justice said lie thought lln* crime should be made a felony* punish able with death. Senator Fields moved to make it ap ply to chickens and turkeys also. Senator Osborne did not think that because a man had dead fish in his p»s session that he should be deemed guilty of ** misdemeanor. > A man should In proved guilty, according to his ex pcnience with the law. Semnor Hicks thought that juries should be given some discretion as to whether a man was guilty. The bill was referred to the Judiciary Committee which considered it yesterday afternoon. It will be wit ltd aw and it substitute somewhere less drastic pre sented. It was brought out in committee that there is it real need of Trotter game laws in the west. Tin* mountain resort and game preserve people hire fishermen to catch the trout from, streams they do not control and turn them loose in streams on their premises. Attorney McLeod, of Asheville, stilt ed before the committee that* Vanderbilt is by this means getting a monopoly of the trout fishing in his neigbltorohood. NEW BILLS REFERRED. 8. 15. 45*15. Senator Binek: T<» extend the operation of iln* stock law .*> Liber ty township in Randolph county. 1 o Committee on Propositions and Griev ances. S. I!. 497. Senator Mclntosh: To in corporate the Fire Insurance Company of Robeson county. To Committee on (iorporntions. S. 15. 15*8. Senator Hicks: To incor porate lire Granville Railroad Company. To Committee on Corporation*. S. B. 499. Senator Murray: To au thorize the building of a bridge over Ivy Creek at Rainier's Ford. To Calendar. S. B. slHt, Senator Brown: To change the lines of ('hadbourne township in Robeson county. To Calendar. S. 15. 501. Senator Whitaker: To fix a dale for the election of State Libra rian. To Committee on Public Library. S. B. 502. To prevent live stock from running at large in certain sections of Cumlterland eounty. To Committee on Propositions and Grievances. S. 15. 503. Senator Glenn f>y request: As to sale of whiskey near churches in Forsyth county. To Gnnimitteo on Prop ositions ami Grievances. S. 15. 504: To pay G. G. Eaves and W. L. Lambert expenses of con test. To Committee on Claims. S. B. 505, Senator Godwin: To pen sion \V. F. Lassiter. To Committee on Pensions. S. 15. 507. Senator Godwin: To iten sion E. M. Neal. To Committee on Pensions. S. 15. 508, Senator Hill: To prohib it the sale of liqimr within three miles of certain churches. To Committee on Propositions and Grievances. S. B. 509, Senator Daniels: To in crease the permanent school fund. To Committee on- Education. S. B. 519. Senator Fields; To amend section 3415 of the Code as to keeping a record of the conduct of prisoners. To Committee on Penal Institutions. S. B. 511, Senator Jerome: To amend the charter of the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad. To Committee on Railroads. S. 15. 512, Senator Black: To amend chapter 85 private laws of 1801. as to tin* charter of the Enterprise Land Inn provemqnt Company. To Committee on ('orpora lions. BILLS PASSED. S. 15. 480: To amend section 2391 of tin* Code its to the board of Public Buildings. S. B. .*544, IL ii. 4(>l. To authorize Fayetteville to accept 2-» per cent, of the taxes for 185*8 in full payment. SCREAMED WITH ECZEMA Baby's Skin Red and Raw. Doc** tor’s Medicine was Painful and Useless. A Stranger Advised CUTICURA. Cured in a Month, with Skin Smooth and Fair. My little daughter, when six months old, broke out with Kczetna. I took her to a doctor and he pronounced it “ Moist Eczema,” and prescribed for her. She screamed when 1 put the medicine on her, and I stopped using it. It was indeed very painful. Iler skin v. ::s all red and raw, and moisture coining from it. all the time. A perfect stranger to me advised me to use CrfiointA remedies. I got Crii crha Soap and Crrici ttA (ointment), and they entirely cure'll her within a month. She is twenty-three months old to-daj, and her ekiu is like a piece of silk, and fair as a lily. Mrs. E. J. KAN E, 815 Ohio Ave, Oct. 7, Idas. Kansas City, Kan. PIMPLES V CUTICURA SOAP 1 commenced to get pimples and black heads when I was fifteen years old. My faeo was covered. I spent about ten dollars for soaps, medicine, etc., but they never did me auy good. I used Ccticcka Soap for two weeks, the pimples and blackheads began to disappear, and it only took three cakes of Cit •ncrit v Soap to cure my face of those homely pimples. JOSEPH 15. CLAMKK, Sept. 31, ’9B. 327 Court St., Elizabeth, N. J. My fare was covered with a pimply, rup tured, and itching skin. After using Ccri cvr v S<» ap for six weeks, all the pimples went awav, mv skin getting as soft as velvet. H. (HOME, 233 Melrose St., Chicago, 111. Sept. 21, ISPS. Itehin* humor*, torturing, dintlfpiring eczema*, and every epecio, of itching, burning, scaly, crusted, and pimply ,kiu and iMjelp diseaaea, with dry, thin, and lull ing hair, instantly relieved by warm betlia with Cctl ccba S.iap, -entle unointim;* with Ctncitat, purest of emollient akin rurrs, and mild doaea of Cdticuua Kit aot.vjjT, greatest of blood purificra and humor cuita, when alt else fdl,. bold throughout the world. Pott** Dmio asdChit. Cu*re. Sole Prop#., Uostou. "AU About the Skin,” tret. S. 15. 345, 11. B. 285. To amend tin* chapter of the city of Edenton. S. B. 490. To provide for refunding atwl payment of the current indebted ness of Union county. S. li. 417. To establish a graded school in the town of Albemarle in Stanly county. S. I>. 130, H. B. 439. To change the name of tin* South Atlantic* Life and Endowment Company. S. 15. 148. 11. B. 40. To repeal chapter 510, public laws of 185*7. as to tin* Slate Board of Equalization. S. 15. 359, H. 15. 308. To amend chapter 27<». laws of 1-895 as to official bonds of county officers. S. 15. 302. To increase the number of commissioners of Northampton! county. S. 15. 395*. To regulate cotton weigh ing at Wake Forest. S. 15. 848. T<> amend chapter 15* of the Code l>y inserting “telephone” after the word “telegraph’’ wherever it oc curs, and otherwise. H. li. 448, S. B. 512. To elqw»*o time of holding courts in Duplin county. A resolution providing for a joint bai lor of the two houses to elect directors of llte State prison at noon of Februa ry the 7th. S. It. 199. To change tin* lines of Chadlmort'.e low»sbip in Columbus county. To codify tin* insanity laws of the Stain. PASSED SECOND READING. S. 15. 453, IT. 15. 214. To authorize tin* town of Ijexingfon to issue bonds to the amount of 839.990. S. 15. 330, IL 15. 398. To amend the charter of the town of Ernnklimon. S. B. 371. To provide for the ap pointment of additional commissioners for Warren county. PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Senator Daniels- \ petition from citizens of Wayne to prohibit the sale of liquor within two miles of Yelverton < hur< h in Wayne county. To Commit tee on Propositions and Grievances. By Senator Lambert--A petition from the merchants of Bakersville for repeal of tin* 'Merchant's Purchase Tax. REPORTED FROM COMMITTEES. S. 15. 35*8. To appoint a board of fin ance for Swain county. Without pre judice and tabled at the request of Senator Franks. S. B, 412. IL 15. 531. To repeal chap ter 198, public laws of 185*7, as to pub lic school system. Favorably. S. B. 28*-j. To rej*eal Htction 3113 of the Code as to local option elections. Substitute re] tor ted. S. B. 450. H. B. 417. To repeal chap ter 217. laws of 185x5. and chapter 115*. laws of 1897. as to boards of colored normal schools. Favorably. S. 15. 404, H. R. 443. To validate certain probates. Favorably. S. B. 44**. To fix the fees of clerks and justices for writs of claim and de livery. Unfavorably. , S. B. 414. To validate certain regis trations of conveyances. Unfavorably. S. B. 477. H. B. 433. To validate land grant 3041, in Henderson county. Favorably. S. B. 441. To repeal chapter 140. pub lic laws of 1893. as to printing and dis tribution of laws. Unfavorably. S. B. 417. To amend chapter 147, public laws of 1885, concerning regis ters of deeds. Unfavorably. S. B. 475. 11. B. 45*9. To amend chap ter 420. public laws of 1893, as to labor of convicts in Graham county. Favora bly. S. B. 471. 11. B. 470. To amend chapter .314. public laws of 1897. as to Duplin and Wayne railway. Favora bly. S. B. 48.0. To amend chapter <>!*. pub lic laws of 185*7. as to usury. Unfavor ably. S. 15. 405. 11, B. 442. To amend sec tions 481 and 482 of the Code, as to suits by mortgagee. Favorably. 8. 15. 442. To provide for tlie collec tion of certain delinquent and unlisted taxes in Wilkes county. Favorably. S. 15. 4<*7. To appoint "Win. 11. Long a justice of the peace. Favorably. S. B. 34. 11. B. 570. T o appoint ad ditional justices of the peace in Hyde e< mi nt y. Fa vora hlv. S. 15. 409. H. B. 428. To appoint Gaston Battle a justice of the peace in Edgecombe county. Favorably. S. B. 415. To appoint additional jus tices of the peace in Duplin eounty. Favorably. S. 15. 315, H. B. 348. To amend the charter of Graham. Favorably. S. B. 489. H. B. 898. To amend sec tion 2391 of the Code as to-keeper of the capital. Favorably. PERMANENT SCHOOL FUND. Senator Daniels Introduces a Bill to Increase It. Senator Daniels yesterday introduced the following bill: The General Assembly of North Car olina do enact. Section 1. Whereas the State holds as an invistment $139,759 in its own 4 per cent, bonds and there are several thousand dollars of bonds of the State fundable in 4 per cent bonds* which have recently been discovered m the Treasurer's office, now therefor-* ihe Treasurer is directed to issue in lien of said old bonds the amount of now 4 per cent bonds at the ratio provided -for such old bonds in the act to settle the State debt and the new bonds so isstKd in exchange together with the above recited fund of $139,750 shall be held in trust by the State Treasurer lor the benefit of the re taro hoard of education as a sacred ami irreducible fund and the coupons maturing there on from tint to rime shall Ik* paid -to said hoard to be disbursed for .he pur pose of public education in the manner provided by law as to other funds com ing into their hands for that purpose. Tin* fact that there are just as good fisli in the sea as ever were caught is rather encouraging to th piscatorial liar. La Grippe is again epidemic. Every precaution should he taken to avoid it. Its specific cure is One Minute Cough Cure. A. J. Slieperd. Publisher Agricul tural Journal and Advertiser, Elden, Mo., says: "No one will be disappoint ed in using One Minute Cough Cure for La Grippe.” Fleasnnt to take, quick to act. J. Hal Bobbitt and Henry T. Hicks. Os all meddlers, there is none who get it in the solar plexus quite so hard as .those who meddle* with love. CATARRH OF STOMACH. A Pleasant, Simple, but Safe and Ef fectual Cure for It. Catarrh of the stomach has long been considered the next thing to incurable. Tin* usual symptoms are a full or bloating sensation after eating, accom panied sometimes with sour or watery risings, a formation of gases, causing pressure on the heart and lungs and difficult breathing; headaches, tickle ap petite, nervousness and a general play ed out, languid feeling. There is often a foul taste in the month, coated tongue and if the interior of the stomach could be seen it would show a slimy, inflamed condition. The cure* of this common and ob stinate trouble is found in a treatment which causes the food to be readily, thoroughly digested before it has time to ferment and irritate the delicate mqfous surfaces of tin* stomach. To secure a prompt and healthy digestion is the one necessary thing to do ami when norm al digestion is secured the catarrhal condition will have disappeared. According to Hr. Harlanson the safest and best treatment is to use after each meal a tablet, composed of Diatasc. Aseptic Pepsin, a little Nux, Golden Seal and fruit acids. These tablets can now Im* found at all drug stores under tin* name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and not being a patent medicine can he used with perfect safety and assurance that healthy appetite and thorough digestion will follow their regular use after meals. Mr. N. J. Ilooher, of 2710 Dearborn street. Chicago, 111., writes: “Catarrh is a local condition resulting from a lining membrane of the nose becomes inflamed and the poisonous discharge therefrom passing backward into the neglected cold in the head, whereby the throat reaches the stomach, thus produc ing catarrh of the stomaoh. Medical au thorities prescribed for me ter three years ter catarrh of stomach without cure, bat to-day I tun the happiest of men after using only one box of Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets. I cannot find appro priate words to express my good feeling. 1 have found flesh, appetite and sound rest from their use.” Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets is the saf est preparation its well as the simplest and most convenient remedy for any form of indigestion, catarrh of stomach, biliousness, sour stomach, heartburn and bloating after meals. Send for little book mailed free, on stomach troubles, by addressing Stuart Col. Marshall. Mich. The tablets can be found at all drug stores. SPECIAL RATES VIA S. A. L. Meeting State Council Jr. O. U. A. M., Asheville, N. C. Feb. 22-24th, 1599. On account of the above occasion the Seaboard Air Line will sell round trip tickets to Asheville, N. C., ami return at rates based on tariff 2, circular A-211. Rate from Raleigh for the round trip, $ll.OO. Tickets to be sold February 19th to 22ud, inclusive, final limit February 27th. Mardi Gras, New* Orleans, La., Febru ary 17th, to loth, 1899. On account of the above occasion the Seaboard Air Line will sell round trip tickets from all stations on its line to New Orleans and return for one first class fare for the round trip. Rate from Raleigh for the round trip $25.5(1. Tickets to be sold February 7tli to 13th, inclusive, with final limit February 28th, 1899. Mardi Gras, Mobile, Ala., February 13th to 14th inclusive, 1899. On account of the above occasion the Seaboard Air Line will sell round trip tickets to Mobile and return from all stations on its line. From Raleigh the fare is $23.50. Tickets to he sold Feb ruary 7th to 13th, inclusive; final re turn limit, February 28th. For further information in regard to schedule and rates, write or call on 11. S. LEARD, Passenger and Ticket Agent, Raleigh, N. C. The Best Prescription for Chills. and Fever is a bottle of Grove’s Tasteless Cb ill Tonic. Tli-formula is pin inly printed on «-ncii bottle, showing that it is simply Iron and Qui nine in a taste ess form. Imitators do not ad vertise their formula because if they did they know that you would not, buy their medicine. Be Rare then that you get Grove’s ns the for mula shows whst- you are taking. No cure no pay. Price 50 cents. BRONGHITiS Bronchitis is very prevalent. It gen erally begins with a common cold, at tended with cough, hoarseness, sore ness of the lungs, tightness of tho chest and difficulty in breathing, if not cured, it becomes dangerous — thousands die from bronchitis aimual ly. Dr. John W. Bull’s Cough Syrup is the best remedy for this disease; it relieves the cough at once, cases ex pectoration, and cures in a few days. Dr. Bull’s Gough Syrup Will promptly cure Bronchitis. Doses are small a ml pleasant t<» Doctors recommend it. l’rics 2 5 cts. At all e*t You Don’t Pay Too Much For This Whistle. Our motto Is: "No better tobaccos made than those manufactured by Bailey Brothers,” Winston, N. G. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the General Assembly of North Carolina now r in session for the passage of a private law for the establishment of a free library in the city of Raleign. This the 12th day of January, 1S111). I—l2-30L

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