2 RAIN OF BULLETS BROUGHT DEATH Five Lives Snuffed Out in Hot Springs. IN A POLITICAL FIGHT TRAGEDY THE OUTCOME OF MAYORALTY CONTEST. A rUSFLADE ON CENTRAL AVENUE Chief of Police, Police Sergeant, City Detec tive and Son of Sheriff Among the Slain. Another Wan Shot in the N(ck May Die. llot Springs, Ark., March Ift.—A shooting affray occurred here tit 5:30 o'clock this evening, which resulted in the death of five men and the serious wounding <{f one oilier. The killed: Thomas Toler. Chief of Police. .1. K. llart. eit.v detective. Tlmmas F. (Joslee. police sergeant. John Williams, son of Sheriff Williams. Louis Hinkle, driver of a brewry wagon. Ed Si>ears was shot in the neck and may die. |f The shooting grew out of the mayor alty campaign under way here. The sheriff was a warm supporter of the regular Democratic nominee, while Toler. Hart and (Joslee were supporting .an opposition candidate. Early in the afternoon shots were ex-’ changed between Sheriff Williams and his son John, of the one side, and Ser geant (ioslec. on the other, but no one was injured. After this both parties de termined to have it out. Toler. Hart and (Joslee, were walking south on Cen tral Avenue at about 5:30 o'clock, when they met Sheriff Williams and his two sons. John and Coffey and Ed Spears. No one can tell who fired the first shot, but in a moment there was a general fnsilade, in which forty or fifty shots were exchanged. When it was over, Toler liart. (Joslee and Hinkle, a non combatant were dead, and .John Wil liams was mortally wounded. He died an hour later. Louis Hinkle attempted to separate the combatants when the fight opened. He was shot in the head and died instantly. The Mayor, immediately after the shooting, appointed Judge L. I>. Bidding chief of police. Deputies were sworn in at once, and all saloons were ordered dosed. There is little factional feeling outside of those engaged in the shoot ing. Order was easily restored and tin* city js now quiet. '1 he sheriff and his son Coffey are under arrest, and no further trouble is anticipated. Sheriff Williams was not present when the battle occurred, but soon ap peared and on learning of the death of his son. became frantic with rage. About twenty minutes after the main battle another affray occurred near by in which four or five shots were fired. In this fnsilade Detective .Tim Hart went down with the whole top of his skull blown off. Ail the dead men leave large families. BRYAN AT B LOOM IXG TON. Spo*ks Against Imperialism—-Refers to His Dispatch to Belmont. Bloomington. 111., March ltk —William .1. Bryan tonight addressed a large au dience at the Coliseum. Tie bad been invited to take part in the St. Patrick's Day exercises under the auspices of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, but eotthl not be here tomorrow, so the celebra tion was held tonight. Bryan was in troduced by Ex-Vice President. Steven son as "the foremost statesman, of the time.” “You’ve heard of him before, you will hear of him again.’’ said Mr. Stevenson. This expression was received with great applause, which was redoubled as Mr. Bryan arose. His address was against imperialism. Toniglu Mr. Bryan was shown a tele gram from New York, in whih was sug gested the probability of his acceptance of an invitation to a banquet to be held on Jefferson's birthday, by adherents t<» the Chicago platform as a rival of the banquet to the Democratic Club. He said: "1 never heard of the Jefferson day banquet until now. As to the other banquet. I have written a letter to Au gust Belmont in reply to his invita tion. The public can learn my decis ion from him.” AN IMPORTANT CASE. Power to Punish For Contempt Com mitted Outside of Courts T’pheld. Richmond, Va., March Hi.—The Su preme Court of Appeals hemic 1 down to-day a decision which is of great im jmrtnnee to Virginia judges and lawyers. The appellant. Carter, was se deuc.jd t> a tine and imprisonment for contempt of court. He obtained a writ of error, the errors assigned being, first, that upon the facts as shown in the record he was not guilty of contempt; secondly, that the court erred in refusing ro have a jury empanelled for his trial. The opin ion of the Supreme court sa.vs the facts show Carter to have been guilty of con tempt, and the court holds that no error was made in refusing a jury trial. Therefore the judgment of the lower court is affirmed. This ease is of special interest, because it involved the constitutionality of the Saunders bill, passed at the last suasion of the Legislature. It will be recallel that Hon. G. \V. Saunders, of Franklin, introduced a measure to entry into »ffeet ill the State courts the provisions of •what is known as the “injunetio.i plank” in the Chicago platform. His measure . was designed to take from courts the power to punish for contempt commit ted out of the presence of the courts, and to provide for the trial of such cases. When a man proposes to a girl his words have a double meaning. [THE PRESIDENT’S QUIET DAY A Drive Into the Country—lnvitations to the President. Thomasville. Ga.. March Id.—Today, even more than yesterday, was one of complete rest for President McKinley. A forenoon drive, a brief nap before lunch, another drive in the afternoon, a short time devoted to a few’ telegrams, chiefly personal or chronicling happen ings in flic Philippines, made up the day. and then dinner and an hour or two with Senator Hanna, his family and their guests, passed the time until an early re tirement for the night. Thus far Mr. McKinley has followed the programme outlined before lie left Washington as necessary to avert any possibility of danger that the strain on hint might l:itor on manifest itself in illness instead of sheer fatigue. To-day ho showed the natural effects of relaxation from high pressure, but also apparent was a tom b ol' color in the face and brighter eyes resulting from, quiet and outdoor life in this health giving atmosphere. The President has received a numlver of invi tations from places in (Jeorgia, Florida and the South to visit, but his present purpose is to spend his outing in Thomas villo in much the same way as the past two days, save that In* probably will run over to Jckyll Island, on the coast near Savannah, for a day or two. Here a number of well known gentlemen, some of whom are his warm personal friends, have a mignificent club house and gun ning and fishing preserves, and have j urged him to make a stay w ith them. I The President’s drive this forenoon i began rather early, so that when Assis tant Secretary Cortelynu reached the house not long after Ift o'clock with a | few telegrams which lie thought Mr. McKinley should see. the latter was gone. The drive had been arranged by Senator Hanna’s brother-in-law. Mr. Wyman Jones, one of the earliest Northerners to discover the merits of Thomasville as a winter resort. With his wife and Mrs. George 11. Stone, of Cleveland, in the foremost carriage* he piloted the party over a pretty stretch of road to the country club house, a fashionable I place between two and three miles from f Thouwisville. At the Country Flub the party was welcomed by President Met calf. a retired army officer. After leaving the Country Club the way led up and down hill by one of the best golf links in the country, past tin* pigeon shooting grounds and around to Thomasville again. The President devoted a little time in the evening to his correspondence, but will not devote time while here to any matters which possibly can be i>ostpone to Hood’s Sarsaparilla. other mothers witli ; crippled children should know this.” Mas. ; K.mma V. f>L'FF, Walpole, Mass, j Nervousness-'' I was weak, nervous I and very delicate, staggered in attempting to walk. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood’s J’ills made ine well. I feel like another person.” Mrs. Lizzie Shkkukkt. Conduit Street, Kxt., Annapolis, Md. Dyspepsia-” We all use Hood’s Sarsa parilla. It cured my brother-in-law and myself of dyspepsia. 1 owe my life to it.” M. H. Kirk, 007 Franklin St., Philadelphia. yibcdS SauatMuffg lUmxl’b I'illtt cure* liver lli«, the lion-irritating and mily catlnu'tlo to take m IHi llimhl'b .S.irsa|»atllla. *5 A S TO RIA InfeßiSMiCfiKirfti , the Kind You Have Always Jougbs TUJS iNKWS AMD ÜBtiKHVEK, FIiIDAY, MARCH h, MUNYON'S GUARANTEE. Krona: AMcrtloui ns to Just Whof Iho nemediei Will Do. Munjv.a riartntfi** that bit Rheumatism Cure will cura ucarly all cosea of rheum*, tiam 1a a few hour*- that bis Dyspepsia Cur* will cure ia>iigesUon and •11 stomach troubles; that hl» Kidney ('ur* will cure t»0 per rent. ct nil cases of kidney trouble; that bta Ca tarrh Cur* will cure catarrh no matter how long standing; that hi* Headache Cure will cur* any Utnd of headache in a few minute*; that bta Cold Our* will quickly break ujt any term of eoM end so on through the entire !!.: of remedies. At all druggist* 26 e< nts a vial. If you need un'dlcal edvlce rvrito Fros. M injan, 1806 Arch »t., Fhlla. It is absolutely free. THE EXEK E’l lON OF -MRS. FLACK Roosevelt "Would .Make it as 1 lisenca tional as Possible. Albany. X. Y., March HJ. —Governor Roosevelt to-day sent -to Warden Sage, of Sing Sing prison, a filter giving di rections as to the details for the execu tion of Mrs. Place to make it as unsen sational as possible. lie suggests that one woman attendant be provided and tligt one of the physicians be a woman. The fitter is as follows: “In accordance with Mr. Collins’ excel lent suggestion of yesterday 1 desire to have a woman attendant with Mrs. Place. It might also lie well to have one reputable woman physician. The District Attorn y. his assistant, the two clergymen nominated by Mrs. Place and any other ■witnesses entitled to enter by law, you will sec are allowed in. As to representatives of the press, I desire you to have merely one representative of the Associated Press and one representative of the other non-Associated Press pa pers, but 1 wish you also to see that no one of I hose otherwise admitted is a correspondent of any newspaper. 1 particularly desire that this solemn and painful act of justice shall not is- made an excuse for the species of hideous sensationalism which is more demoral izing than anything else to the public mind.” An eminent scientist re cently said: “Cod-liver Oil is truly a wonderful com position. It is seemingly Nature’s remedy in almost every wasting disease.” Scott’s Emulsion contains the pure oil combined with hypophosphites, it rebuilds worn tissues, enriches the blood, invigorates the nerves, stops drains and wasting. Consumptives, Dia bet ics, pale or thin people, or nurs ing mothers, should remem ber this. Do not accept a substitute. ;oc. and jti.oo, all druggists. SCOTT .t BOWN K, ( hemisfs. New York. DREY FT’S NOT THE GUILTY MAN. The Evening News Says Baron Yon Mohrenheim is the Culprit. London, March 16. —The Evening News to-day declares that the former Russian Ambassador, Baron Von Mohronheiin. is tin* real culprit vgho sold both Russian and French secrets to the German Government, adding that the Russian Government itself is convinced of bis guilt, and that it is only to avoid a public scandal greater than the Drey fus affair that he is unpunished, further than the intimation that In* is not to show his face within the Czar’s domin ions. FEELING AGAINST DREYFUS. Kingston. Jamaica, March Ift. A cor respondent at Cayenne, capital of French Guiana, writes that Dreyfus, the famous French military prisoner, is ex citing little public interest there, but that in private circles feeling is strong against him, some predicting his return to his plaee of captivity on Devil's island, off that coast. This is looked upon here as implying that Dreyfus was recently removed from Devil’s Island to Cayenne. RUDDERLESS AND LEAKING. The British Brig Moss Glen Towed Into Norfolk. Norfolk, Va., Match Ift. The Brit ish brig Moss Glen was towed into port today, rudderless and leaking bad ly. That she managed to make port is a surprise to sea-farers. There were many days, Captain Hires said, when lie gave up liojk* of ever reaching harbor. The brig, with a crew of six men, sailed from Farjardo, Porto Bit February 2ftib with a cargo of molasses for St. Johns, N. B. On March 10th, after having for some days experienced fearful weather, a great wave struck the little brig and carried away her rudder. Sin* spun around like n top for some time afterward, the captain said, until chains were rigged to replace the lost gudgeons. They managed to keep her head fairly well afterward and congratulated them selves. Afterward tlu* brig began to leak badly and all hands were needed at the pumps. THE DEATH OF “OLD HUTCH.” Chicago. March Ift. Benjamin P. Hutchinson, at ouo time the leading grain speculator in the United States, died tonight at Lake Geneva, AN is. THE POPE GROWS WEAKER. Rome, March 16.—The Mtssugero to day says the Pope shows signs of in creasing weakness and that his physi cians are very watchful. A i>oet and a stove term a practical example of the manufacturer and con sumer. IHE OYSTER PIRATES NEGROES ORGANIZE TO RESIST THE LAVS ENFORCEMENT. Police Steamer Anchored in York River Ready to Open Fire. Hcwi'zers May be Called to the Stpne. Richmond. Yu., March 16.—Attempts .it ufficers to arrest negroes for-depre dating oil private oyster beds in A ork river, just below A Vest Point, have met with organized resistance, and may re sult in bloodshed. Some forty negroes are handed together to resist serving the warrants, the St;it«■ ster police steamer is* anchored in the stream near (lie scene <>f tin* irouble, ready to open fin*, ami upon consultation with the Sheriff of New Kent, who was hero io (lay. ihe Governor has ordered a sec tion of tin* Howitzers of this city to hold itself in readiness to assisi the eivil authorities and tin* oyster police. the sheriff went back tonight, but seemed to think that there might la* bloodshed before lie got home. SHERMAN TO RETURN HOME. The Chicago Will Take Him On Board At Kingston. Washington, March 16.--A telegram was received at the White House to-day from Colgate lloyt. who is traveling companion of ex-Seeretary Sherman, dated at Fort de Franco. Island of Mar tinique, announcing that Mr. Sherman is suffering from mi attack of pneumonia, and requesting that he be brought to the United States on a Government vessel. The message was sent to the Navy De partment. and Secretary IvOH(f imme diately gave tin* orders necessary to cow lily with the wish. It was found that iln* Chicago was just about due at Ha vana. and a cablegram was sent to that (mint to have the ship proceed sit .once to Kingston, Jamaica, to meet the Paris and take Mr. Sherman off. The Chicago is provided with a medical officer, so that tin* patient will have the best of attention on the homeward journey. ENORMOUS MONEY TRANSFERS. New York. March lft—Today’s money transfers between banks at tin* clear ing house, in payment of debit balances for the day, was .$17,413,862* which is the largest transfer of the kind on the records of the institution. On January 17th. when total check exchanges were the largest ever recorded, the balance payments were only and the high record until today was $17,- 163,312 on the 4tli of last January. Total exchanges today were $238,- 1)65,668. against $365,341,521 on Jan nary 17th. The exceptional volume of balance payment was due to yesterday s payment of the* Chicago and Alton pur chase. THE PHILADELPHIA AT SAMOA. Washington. Marti 10.—Admiral Ivautz has reported the arrival at Apia of tin* cruiser Philadelphia, March 6th. BISMARCK'S IRON NERVE AYas the result of his "splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kid ne} s and Bowels are out ol order. If you want these qualities and tin* suc cess they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25 cents at all Drug Stores. E. Clarkson Mendenhall has been appointed postmaster at Deep River: James 11. Moore at Malmo, and Louis W. Melton at AVrefidale. SAVE YOUR SKIN How to Preserve, Purify and Beau tify the Skin and Complexion. The clearest, softest, whitest skin, free front pimple, s]>ot, or blemish, is produced by OunceßA Soap. It prevents pimples, blackheads, blotches, red, rough, and oily Skin, and other facia! blemishes, rashca, ami eruptions, because it prevents inflammation aud clogging of the Pores, the cause of most complexinual disfigurations. F Chief enter'* Kn*ll»h Diamond Brand. ENNYROYAL PILLS Original and Only Genuine. A mawe, always rtittabie. ladies S'fi UteMJA Druggist for Chichester* Bnglish Via Brand in lied anil Gold boxes, m-alod with blue ribbon Tnke vfi' HJRO othrr. Re fuse dangerous substitu- v I / Aftion* and imitations. At Druggists, or send 4a. I W _U in stamps for particulars, tntimonliH and \ B *• K«llef for Lft(ll(% M in letter, by ret am .X IT MnlL 14KOOO Testimonials. Ifmmr Paper. /Chtcla ester t'b emlcal Co. ♦ M n d faon l*a aare* Bold by (til Local Druggists. I*lll LA. I)A.. 4*A* IHE— The Union Central Ufa Ins. Co Has over $20,000,000 Assets and leads all companies In rate of Inter eat for the ensured and that ia one sourc* of the surprisingly large dividends you see spoken of elsewhere. We hart much the lowest death rate as any com pany also. CARY J. HUNTER, Supt, for Va. and N. C., Raleigh, N. C. For s*,ooo Insurance m your life bow would yon like to pay 117.00 premium and receive a CASH OIVIDENO 0* $18.49? The Union Central Life Insurance Company la doing just thin as we can ■how yon. fetate ageats css get on# like It your life. GARY J. HUNT ft, Supt. For Va. and N C., Raleigh,N C jg> “Take it back —go to some grocer who will give you Pearl /(j! ul/k jCTj ine.” That’s the only way to do when they send you an imitation. jlf/n \ fjj gets the habit of calling anything HI \ t hat’s washing-powder, “Pearl ffll l j (yT ine.” Those aylto notice the difference If j ' I W I m name, think perhaps “ it’s about the ■// \ j same thing.” It isn’t. Nothing else V \ /J equals Pearline, the original and *"-nn standard washing compound. srs t IN DISPENSABLE TO t Mouse-Keepers, Hotel i Keepers, Steamboat and [ Sxeam Railway Lines. ’ A SAFE ANO CCS t TAIN MEANS OF lUODINQ [ PRCMISC S OF ALL t INSECTS. ; Harmless to Human ! and Animal Life. • ..NEVER FAILS.. Sure Death j TO ROACHES. BEDBUGS, 2 ANTS, j MOTHS, ! Vi/ATER BUGS, * FLIES, SPIDERS, ; Fleas and Lice j on animals, : INSECTS AND ♦ THEIR EGGS . ON PLANTS, l AND ALL FORMS 2 OF INSECT LIFE. I jo <(-25 Cent Vnckailes. SOLE PNOPRICTOPO 1 Winkelmann & Brown Drug Co., BALTIMORE, MD , U. O A. SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also .-ellcve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per. tect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi • ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tonguo Pain in the Side, TORHD LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small Pill. Small Dcse. SmaU Price. ~ r weak Men Cured, v hmakes life z & ’ NERVE DROPS > This great remedy CURES all Nervous Dise> .. surh ai Weak- Memory, l.oss of Brain Bower, I.Qst Manhood, Nightly KinUaious, Evil Dreams, Varicocele; an, strengthens tho Generative Orpin* of el.lier rex. thfcl may bo lini'Alieil t.irouph youthful errors, wliieii sour lead to Consumption ano Icaenity: or excessive toe ol i’oraceo, Opium or liquor. Sold with a guaranty t, euro, or money refunded. ®l per box, six for fj Eadl) carried In vest pocket. W rite u* for free sample boot i ind -entimonUlx. Ask your diopcßt forthem; take m other, don’t let him sell you one ot' hisown make uuJei I *» f 'sign name, r (dress NERVE DROP CO., I Orand Rapids. Mich.. U. S. A., or at our agents For tale by J. Hal Bobbitt and W* •lonMOB. NORTH CAROLINA, t In the Superior Court. Wake County. < Befcr: the Clerk. I N. W. Pool, administrator of Jane E. Kirks against Win. Emory, .luuietta "Emory, Biya't Upchuicb, R. J. Upchurch, M. E. Upchurch, ! A. Upchurch, J. H. Upchurch, Alfred Chappell, HubeTt Chappell, Maryland Chappell and Cl»ude Chappell. To the defendants above named, Alfred Chap -1 pell, Hub-rt Chappell, Maryland Chappell and Olsude Chappell: You are hereby notified to be and appear be fore the Clerk • t the Superior Court of Wake county, N C., at tlio court house in the city ol Raleigh, on the 29th day of A, ril, 1*99, to an swer or demur to the complaint, which will theu and thex*e be filed in the above entitled cause, which has been instituted by the plain tiff to subject the land of Jane K Kirks, de , ceased, and which said land is situated in St, I Matthew’s township, said county, to the pay ment of the debts of U e said Jan E. Kirks, or ! the plaintill will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in the complaint. March lit, 1899. W\ M. RUS3, C. S. C. mar 7-Jaw6w WTo Lend Upon Firs' Mortgage Wake County Heal Estate. B. F. MONTAGUE £ 5-1 m WE ARE HERE! The Raleigh Pressing Gub. Just ;he thingthe people want WE AGREE to keep your clothes neatly cleaned and pressed and always looking as good as new. In fact in tip top shape. We send for and deliver all clothes. ALL THE ABOVE FOR SI.OO PER MONTH. We make a specialty of cleaning and ' pressing Ladies’ Tailor Made Suits aud Skirts. Our Tailoring Department is complete. We prepared to do till kinds of repairing aud altering on short notice. Special attention aud quick ser vice to the traveling public. Ring us up when in need of work. MITCHELL, TAYI.OU & EVERETT. S. E. TEAGUE. Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. R. L. MITCHELL, jj*. 1 President. Spring Millinery. Straw Hats Trimmed Hats Children's Caps and School Hats. New Ribbons and Flowers. Belt and Sash Buckles, Neck Combs New Neckwear, Etc. mi m reese 2oq Fayetteville St. FUEL. Messrs. Jones & Powell have just received plenty of Pocahontas Steam Coal, 1 ! a little Pocahontas Lump t and Thacker Splint, and have more to follow They expect plenty of hard coal next week. They hope also to have plenty of oak wood all at same old cash prices Jones & Powell, Raleigh, N. C. David Getaz & Co., ARCHITECTS & BU LDERS i Raleigh, N G. » Represented by F. K Thomson, Architect. Office: io2 Fayetteville St. The Pure Food Question 1* not a new question with a*. We have been advocating pure food for more than a dozen /e«rt, and we are rejoiced to see others takiag it up. We like to aee men of science taking hold of it and showing people the necessity of eating Only Pure Foody and demonstrating It >y analyti eal and other scientific tests, and we think that everybody should read Prof. Wither’s lecture on this important question. w« aa veeate pure food buying and pure food eating, in the only practical way by baying and sell ing only that which is pure. Our prices may not always be the lowest, but they are as low as the class of goods we deal In can be bought at. ; “PURI FOOD IB OCR MOTTO.*" Thos Pescud, GRO'FP In new quarters—3os Fayetteville St., opposite the postoffiee. You Ooii’t Pay Too Much For This Whistle. Our motto ia: “No better tobaccos made than those manufactured by Bailey Brothers,” Winston, N. 9.