2 WHO IS YOUR CHOICE EOHCIIY OFFICERS? Democrats Meet to Select Delegates Tonight. ALL WHITE MEN INVITED TO ATTEND AND PAKTK'IPATE IN THE PRIMARIES. HOUR, PLACE AND METHOD OF MEETING Plan of Organization Practically the Same as Heretofore With Some Slight Changes -New Dis’ricts Under the Charter. At a meeting of the executive com mittee held Monday night, March 13th, at the mayor's office the city primaries were, called to meet Tuesday night, April the 4th, at S o’clock at the following places: First ward, first district. Phal anx Hall, over .Tillius Lewis Hardware Co.'s store; First ward, second district, Metropolitan Hall: Second ward, first dis trict, court house: Second ward, second district. Academy of Music: Third ward, first district, Jones' tobacco warehouse: Third ward, second • district, Royal Knights Hall, East Cabarrus street; Fourth ward, first district, mayor's of fice; Fourth ward, second district, It over Rescue engine house. The nomi nating convention was called to meet the following Thursday night, April fith. at s o'clock, at Metropolitan Hall. The provisions of the new charter divide the four wards into eight election dis tricts as follows: The first election dis trict of the First ward is the territory lying north of Hargett street, south of Jones street and west of Fayette'die and Halifax streets. The second election district of the First ward is Im> terri tory lying north of Jones street to tie city limits, and west of Halifax slieet. The tirst election district of the Sec ond ward is tho- territory lying north oL Hargett street, south of Jones street, and east of Fayetteville and Halifax streets. The second election district of the Sec ond ward is the territory lying north of Jones street to the limits and east of Halifax street. The first election dis trict of the Third ward is the territory (lying south of Hargett street north of Cabarrus street and east of Fayetteville street. The second election district of the Third ward is the territory lying south of Cabarrus street to the city limits and cast of Fayette ville street. ’Flic tirst election district of the Fourth ward is .the territory ly ing south of Hargett street, north of Le noir street, and east of Fayetteville street. The second election district of the Fourth, ward is the territory lying south of Lenoir street to the city limits and east of Fayetteville street. The plan of organization adopted two years ago was re-adopted, except as to representation, which was slightly changed. By order of the committee the follow ing method will be observed in select ing delegates to represent the ejection districts in said convntion: Ballots will be taken for the various candidates for mayor and tax collector and city clerk for the purpose of ascertaining the nu merical strength of each candidate and the various candidates or their duly au thorized representatives shall be allow ed to name from the several districts delegates to represent them in the con vention in proportion to the relative numerical strength of such candidates as ascertained by tin* primary ballots upon the basis of one delegate for every ten votes cast for such candidates and one delegate for each additional seven votes or more under ten which will constitute the basis of the vote to Ik- allowed each district in the convention. In the convention the delegates of the various candidates for mayor will Ik- allowed to east the vote of the dis trict they repr(-sent for the nomination of mayor only, and in like manner the dele gates of the various candidates for city clerk and tax collector will lie allowed to cast their votes. At said primaries there shall be elect ed or nominated two aldermen for each district. And for each, district there shall be appointed or elected three ex exutive committeemen to compose the Demoorattlo exeeutiv committee of the city of Raleigh. The chairman of each district pri mary will certify !<> the convention tin various delegates from such district, naming therein the delegates sent up to represent the district in the conven tion ou the vote for the nomination of mayor and likewise the delegates sent up to represent the district in the con vention on tin- respective votes for the nomination of city clerk and tax collec tor The executive committee will furnish to each primary ballot boxes, but tin primary may determine as to how the vote shall be taken. L. S. ELLISON, Chairman. PLACES FOR THE PRIMARIES. The places appointed for holding the H^astant idling ( ..slant roughing is not only very s naoyit.;- but the continuous hacking !:>n i . rritatioti will soon attack and in jur ■ : 1 *.c delicate lining of the throat Vint air passages. A simple cough is bad enough; but chronic cough is r a / dangerous. Take advice and use the celebrated Dr. Bull’s Cough i ' vrup at once and be cured. BkßolEb Geagls Syrup urc; a Cough or Cold at once. ]>.- - i- -infill amt pleasant to take. Doctors rccuuuuwu i it. Price *5 cts. At all druggists. various district primaries tonight at 8 p. m., are as follows: First Ward, First District—Governor's Hoard Armory. Second district—-Metropolitan I-lall. Second Ward. First District Court 1 louse. Second District —Academy of Music. Third Ward. First district —Jones’ tobacco warehouse, corner of Davie and Blount. Second district—Royal Knights Hall, East Cabarrus street. Fourth Ward, First district —Mayor's office. Second district —Hail over Rescue Fire Engine House. It is earnestly desired that all Demo crats and all white voters who intend *.o support the mi n to be nominated by the convention, delegates to which will lie chosen to-night, will come out and par ticipate in tin- primaries to the end that tlu* best possible men, and nu n accept able to all good citizens, may be chosen. A VOTER. I am the voter and l stand About eight feet six inches high. I Find that, my Opinion has great Wright Just now. Somehow They seem to be Inclined to stand back and let me Have anything that strikes my Fancy. Why, Men who used to pass me by Without .so much as a nod now Stop and bow. And call me by my first name. They claim To bo interested in my family, too; They ask about the health of Joe And Flo And Sue. They offer me cigars. And when 1 meet them in the Ca rs They want to pay my fare. I seem to be Their Dearest friend. Things I write Are printed every night Signed “Pro Bono Publico,” “Tax-payer.” “Voter” and so and so. They send Me invitations to act As vice-president at political meetings. In fact, It seems that they must Just Have found out what an Important man They hove b en ignoring heretofore. Fp at a certain store. Which is run By one Os the leading politicians in my Ward, they tell me I Can buy Anything I want, and Have it charged. It’s grand To be appreciated at one’s .true worth. I am the salt of the earth; 1 can ride around without having to give the coon a quarter— That’s what! I did it yesterday. The man around the corner is a Candidate for office, and In- Insisted that I must let him lend me A. V. My landlord, too. Has ngretd to do Everything He can to make it pleasant for ns this spring. He is going to decorate and paint our house, so He told me yesterday— The coal man he’ll make it warm for us till then Not because one of the candidates’ is his friend Oil no! Then I’ve got my pockets stuffed with tobacco. Won’t you have a chew ? Oh Say, il fed taller than a Church steeple. I tell yon th re is ! nothing too good for me! They Have just begun to see That T am the Real thing. I am the voter, and It’s grand To be monarch of all you survey— By the way, I wish it could always be just the day before the primary. EASTER GERMAN LAST NIGHT. Annual Easter Dance at the Capital Club. The Capital Club last night gave its annual Easter german. Dancing began at 0:80 and continued until midnight. The couples dancing were: 'Miss Annie Stronach with Mr. Ben Ba ker; Miss Lucy Alice Jones with Mr. Ed. Alston: Miss Vivienne Strong with I)r. M. Ayer, Miss Mamie Norris with Dr. X. G. Carroll, Miss Charlotte- Young. of Henderson, with Mr. John West: Miss I»Uie Williams with Mr. Geo. Ivuelme, Miss-Mary Love with Mr. Win. .!. Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. George Gatling. Miss Geneva C'rwlup with Mr. I Bart Gatling, Miss Etta MeVea with Mr. W. 11. King, Miss Susie Marshall with Mr. .1. C. Drewry, .Miss Englnnan, I of Kentucky, with Mr. S. .1. Hinsdale; j Miss Elizabeth Hinsdale with Mr. Thus. 'Denson. Miss Ethel Norris with Mr. Thos. Bush, Miss Mary Quinn with Mr. Will W. Yass, Miss Mattye Pace with Mr. Junius Grimes, Mr. and Mrs. Tims. M. Ashe, Miss Frances Jones with Mr. Irwin T. Jones. Miss Aitie Gales with Mr. W. E. Manor. Mrs. It. It. Gotten, Mrs. T. I). Knight, of Chicago; Mrs. F. M. Seamans, of Cincinnati: Miss Salih Cotton. Dr. and Mrs. V. E. Tur ner, Mrs. John Turner. -Mrs. S. M. ln inunn, of New York: Miss Fannie Me l’heeters. Mrs. Minnie Bagley. Mrs. S. E. Telfair. Mis. Geo. Royal!, of Golds boro: Miss Mabel Hale. Miss Mary Jones, Miss G1 isgow, (Miss Rosa Battle. VACCINATION HAS BEGUN, ills. MoGeaehy and Buff aloe, the two physicians appointed to vac-Cinate Un people of Ralcigli, began their work yes- I (onlay. So far they have found it a slow, tedious job. ! MORE ’SHINERS SET FREE. Two more Federal convicts —froth ne groes who had looked ou the com liquor as it flowed from the still —yesterday completed their terms in the penitentiary ln-re. Within the past ten days, eigh teen Federal prisoners in the peniten tiary have completed their terms and j gone home. I A man has to have a pretty strong | pull to equal that of a dull razor. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 4, 1899. HENRY BLOUNTON EASTER THE WILSON PHILOSOPHER FOUND IT ALL BEAUIY AND HARMONY. • A Play by the Wilson Dramatic Club. Pro tracted Services cinducted by Rev. 0. L. Strirgfield. Wilson, N. C.. April 3. —(Special.) The glorious anniversary of our Sa viour's resurrection was most fittingly and most beautifully observed in Wilson on Sunday by our several churches. Tin clouds, which had hung over the k.v during the night, had all drifted away, and their shadows had been entombed in a God built pyre of Hdavenly redin nee. So radiant was the day that it seemed as if the celestial artillerists had placed in position their finest batteries of bril liancy, and were firing into the bosom of the earth tlidir sharpest missiles of richest radiance, making every object glisten and sparkle with their quivering eorruseations. Yes, bolts of dazzling radiance came flashing down, and the whole earth was aglow with splendor and with glory, and everything spoke of new life, and a new hope and a resplen dent existence. -Sweet throated birds, with tongues throbbing with strains of purest music, were in sweetest concert, and every twig was entwined with a wreath of song. All hearts were a* tuned to the rythm of the glorious day. for then- was inspiration in everything, for all obj ets that greeted the eye spoke of joy and freshness and purity and beauty and the glory of a resurrection. In all the churches the services wen very appropriate, and the music was very inspiring and soul-lifting. All things were in harmony with the day so full of hope and comfort for all believers, tin- day that witnessed a mighty triumph over death and tin grave, and taught the truth of tin- resur rection of the body, and the mover and sweeter life so beautifully and so elo quently typified in bursting buds ’ and springing grass and blooming flowers. In the Presbyterian church the music was superb, and seem d like the churns of Heavenly harmonies. The s.rnum by Mr. Thomas was masterly in its arrangement and unanswerable in its logic. The tondemes of its pathetic breathings, the limpid flow of its portic 'tendency and the rich finish of its graphic painting made if indeed a most finished production. The stream of his thought is always deep and strong and forceful, and whether it boars on its bosom the sober grains of truth and wisdom, or the delicious dainties of a poetic mind, it is always marked by that deep cur rent of vigor, force and purity which shows the skilled logician and the polish ed rhetorician. All lovers of the drama are nntieipa*- ong a delightful feast on Tuesday and Wednesday nights, for that highly inter esting play “The Midnight Fire" will be presented by those two superb and polished actors. Messrs. Bertram and Willard, aided by our magnificent home talent, represented in part by Mrs. Lucy Whitehead, Anderson. Daisy Weaver and Gladys (.’lark—ladies of the finest historic talents. It wil Is- remembered that these same artists gave “Captain Dick" some time ago in a fautless man ner, and won admiration from all who witnessed their admirable rendition of that highly interesting play. The Rev. Mr. Strtingfk-ld is conducting a meeting in the Baptist church, and is preaching some of the most powerful sermons that this writer has ever heard. Deep interest has la-en manifested, and wo hope and believe that a glorious re vival will crown his earnest work .n our community. HENRY BLOUNT. TO INSTRUCT' ALDERMEN. It is said that in the primaries of at least two wards resolutions will to night la- introduced instructing the alder men to favor municipal ownership of water works and lights. ROBBERY LAST NIGHT. The house of Mr. Henry Young, on W est Jones street, was last night entered in the absence of tin- family, and rob- Ihml. People say Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures when all other preparations fail to do any good, and you run no risk in giving it a fair trial. “ Out of Sight Out of Mind.” In other months we forget the harsh winds of Spring. *But they have their use, as some say, to blow out the bad air accumulated after Winter storms and Spring thaws. There is far more important accumulation of badness in the veins and ar teries of humanity, which needs Hood's Sarsaparilla. This great Spring Medicine clarifies the blood as nothing else can. It cures scrofula, kidney disease, liver troubles, rheumatism and kindred ailments. Thus it gives perfect health, strength and ap petite for months to come. Kidneys -“ My kidneys troubled me, and on advice took Hood's Sarsaparilla which gave prompt relief, better appetite. My sleep is refreshing. It cured my wife also.” Michael Boyle, 3473 Denny Street, Pittsburg, Pa. Dyspepsia - “Complicated with liver and kidney trouble, I suffered for years with dyspepsia, with severe pains. Hood’s Sarsaparilla made me strong and hearty." J. B. Emkrton, Main Street, Auburn, Me. Hip Disease-" Kive running sores on my hip caused me to use crutches. Was confined to bed every winter. Hood s Sar saparilla saved my life, as it cured me per fectly. Am strong and well.” Annie Robert, 4 I J Fourth St., Fall River, Mass. JfcGcfS SaMafaiiffg Hood’* Pill* cure liver III*, the uoil lridating amt INSANE ASYLUM DIRECTORS. Annual Meeting at the Institution To morrow Afternoon. The directors of tin Institution for the Insane at Raleigh will meet to-mor row afternoon at o o’clock, at the insti tution. It is the 'regular annual meeting. In addition to the usual routine work the following business will conn- before the board: 1. Election of a steward. 3. Election of a matron. 3. Fro vision for the insane, for whose support the Legislature failed to make an appropriation. The Isianl is composed of the follow ing mi th hers: John D. Briggs, of Mar lin: J. C. Bellamy, of Nash: George B. Curtis, of llalifa\: J. B. Broadfoot, of Cumberland: Frank Barnes, of Wilson: Wiley B. Fort, of Wayne; It. H. Stancil, of Northampton; It. 11. Speight, of Edgecombe: James McKee, of Wake. A NEW IKON BRIDGE. Cotton Weighers for Raleigh to Be Elected To-day. The Board of County Commissioners met yesterday in annual monthly ses sion. Much routine business—allowing pen sions to the outside poor, .auditing ac counts and the like —was disposed of. The contract for an iron bridge to re place the wooden structure over Xeuse river, at the Falls, was given out. It. was awarded to the Iron Bridge Com pany of Roanoke, Va., for .s('►,Boo. To-day four cotton weighers will be elected for Raleigh. Two, of these will he recommended by the Cotton and Grocers Exchange. Their term is one year. They are paid by fees —7 cents a bale. * There are just exactly twenty-one ap plicants for the four places. RE-UNION AT CHARLESTON. Veterans Last Night Decided to Send a Good Delegation Over the Sea board. The L. O’B. Branch of Confederate Veterans met last night in the mayor’s office and derided to send a good dele gation to the reunion at Charleston, S. on May Ist. About fifty veterans will go from this comp. They have se lected the Seaboard as their route. EUNICE GOODRICH. This clever artist comes to Raleigh for a three-nights stay, commencing Thurs day, April ti. The company is one of tin- best that bias visited this town for years if the press of the South can be relied on. The opening bill for Thursday night will be “Fain-lion the Cricket," a drama in five nets. Strong and up-to-date sjieeialties will lx* lint rod need between tell acts making, tin 1 show a continues performance. Miss Goodrich in “Ser pentine,” dances Theodora, the child wonder in character imitations, and Lew J. Welsh in black face monolgtie. Ladies admitted free Thursday night un der the usual conditions. Popular prices, 10, 20 and 30 cents. A matinee at Saturday at 3 o’clock, 10 and 20 cents. Seats on sale. t NO COMMISSION TO-DAY. The Corporation Commission Will Be Born To-morrow. To-day there is no Railroad Commis sion—nor Corporation Commission either. The Railroad Commission died last night at the hour of 12. The Corpora tion Commission will be born to-uight at the same hour. To-morrow the three new commission ers—McNeill, Rogers and Beddingfield will be sworn in as Corporation Com missioners. Mr. Bcddingficld’s title to the office is contested by Dr. D. IL Abbott. He will take the matter into the courts. He hope® to have it heard at the April term of Wake Superior court so that the Su preme court can decide it at this term. NO NEW CASES. There was yesterday no change in the small pox situation. Carrie Young, the negro woman now in the pest house, is doing very well indeed and the disease has appeared on none of the seven ne groes now in quarantine for visiting her at her home. A "BREEZY TIME." A "Breezy Ti'ine," at the Academy of Music. A good filing—to have missed. Miss Frankie Campbell is an actress and well worth seeing. Robert Carlton made a splendid tramp. But the rest least said the latter. Captain Ilobly D.. Evans, has been pre sented Avitli a sword by the crew of the battleship lowa. We Will Sell on the Premises, at Public Auction... ON Tuesday, April 25th, 1899, At 2:30 P. M. TWELVE HANDSOME MODERN DWELLINGS Recently Built on Summit Avenue. These nro certainly the best built houses in Greensboro, bavins double floors and' double walls, interlined building paper; modern nickel plated plumbing, open range and boiler, water, sewerage, gas and every convenience and few houses in the State a s well built and comfortable. The quality of material and workmanship used in the construction, from the ground up, is of the very best. TERMS: One-sixth cash; balance in equal payments at one, two, three, f our and five years. For Further Particulars, Address Summit Avenue Building Company, GREENSBORO N C. Witt Warm Shampoos and light dressings of CUTICURA, purest of emoiiient skin cures. This treatment at once s ops falling hair, removes crusts, scales and dandruff, soothes irritated, itching surfaces, rtirauiates the hair follicles, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the i:air grow upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp when all else fails. My r.calp became full of white dandruff. It formed into a kind of crust which, when scratched would become irritated and bleed: then a crust would form where it hard been scratched. It itched so that I thought it would drive me crazy, and I was ashamed to be in company. I had read a great deal about GUTICURA, and finally concluded to try it. I cannot express to you in words the relief and happiness which I received upon the tirst few trials. Before retiring I would wash my head thoroughly with CUTICURA SOAR and then take a fine tooth comb and cOmbmy hair very gently. It seemed as though the CUTICURA Ointment moistened the hard crust, and it came out in the fine teeth of the comb in big scales and chunks. Then I washed my head again with CUTICURA SOAR, nibbing the Ointment into the scalp, and when I awoke in the following morning I frit like new. I have thick, luxuriant hair now since using the CUTICURA treatment, and iam very proud of it. I value your remedies very hial'.ly and recommend them to all. Bethany, Ohio, March qth, 1899. J. F. GORSUCII T>l7 gj T, 1 tY H «YVF If T aRd frt>e f rorn every blemish is the skin. An Jz oitla U 1 scalp and hair cleansed, purified and beautified by CUTICURA SOAP. It removes the cause of disfiguring erup tions, loss of hair and baby blemishes-viz.• The clogged, irritated. in flamed, sluggYsh condition of the PORES. CUTICURA SOAP combines deli cate emollient properties derived from CUTICURA, tne great skin cure, •with the purest of cleansing ingredients and most refreshing of flower odors. No othei medicated soap ever compounded f s to oe compared with It for preserving, purifying and beautifyi.g the skin, scalp, hair and hands. No other foreign or domestic soap, however expensive, is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath and nursery. Thus it com bines in ONE SOAP at ONE PRlCE—namely, *5 cents—the best skin and complexion soap and the best toil -1 and baby soip in the world. Cpaer’v Cure Treatment for t chlng, Turning, Sca'v Humors, Hoi Paths Willi CrniTKA SO 11* to flea ISB the * kill, senile nmiilitln.:* with < TTlClllt.V OINTi INT to li id th* skin: and mild doses "f Cfl HCERA tH.-oLVE vl’toc ol the Hood, sold throng;,out the world. I rioe T.il. SET, jfl.’-C,; or S Ui\ i' -.: OIN’ MEN r. 50c.; HESiC.V; NT, .10c. HOTTER RlTtl ,t Cil!..v. l.'Oltl’., sole Props., bo-sio.i. send tor “.lev/ to Hove Heauflfut llair, Hand* #nl Skin." fre".