2 Lord Salisbury Accepts SAMOAN COMMISSION WILL NOW BE ORGANIZED. It Will Tranquiltze Warring Elements in Samoa, then Frame a Scheme to Submit to the Powers. Washington, April 4.—Lord Salisbury lias acctpled the plan proposed by Ger niauy for the settlement of the Samoan trouble by the appointment of a tripartite eoinmission. The aeeeptanee is of the broad prim iple only, and the details of the* arrangement are yet to be agreed upon. As the United States has al ready aeeepted the general proposition Ihere is no longer doubt as to the organ ization of the eommmission. It is not believed here that there will be any difficulty in arranging the details of the commission plan for the settlement of tin- Samoan trouble arising from re luctance on the part of the British Gov ernment to throw aside the Merlin treaty. The State Department does not expect that it will be necessary to go far outside of the lines of that convention >to secure a satisfactory adjustment of the present difficulties. As there apiwars to be an apprehension that the proposed commission may not be limited in its functions sufficiently to meet the British ideas, it may be said that the plan in contemplation safeguards all essentia! points. It is provided that the com mission shall visit the islands, make a careful inquiry into existing conditions and then apply such rennditil measures as mav seem to be necessary to ensure tran quility. It will be distinctly undorsto >d that whatever the com mission does in that lint* will be purely temporary in elejravtir and subject to the approval of the three Governments, party to the Berlin treaty. Then the commission will be expected % to frame it scheme for submission to and approval by each of the three powers i for the future government oif the is- I lands, involving perhaps some more or i less radical changes in the original Ber lin treaty. Neither of the three Govern ments therefore chances the loss of any substantial interest in the Samoan group by accepting this commission plan, and this is probably the explanation of the . announced acceptance by the British Government of the principle of tile com mission plan. THE DAY DECISION HELD I P. Not Handed Down Yesterday as Ex pected. Opinions were yesterday handed down by the Supreme court as follows: Brnfford vs. Keed, from Cabarrus; docketed and continued. M'f’g. Co. vs. Gray, from Graven; new trial. Uorrell vs. Water Company, from Guilford; no error. Moore vs. Railroad, from Duplin; new trial. Tedder vs. Railroad, from Columbus; error. Bank vs. Nitnocks, from Cumberland; a f tinned. LeDiu* vs. SJoeomb, from Cumber land; affirmed. Kendrick vs. Insurance Company, from Mecklenburg; no error. To the very great surprise' of every body the Day decision was not handed down. 'riu, reason for failure of the court to do so nobody is able to guess. There were rumors, to Ik* sure, that the court had concluded to make the opinion a general and very broad one. so as to cover all cases likely to aris under acts of the last Legislature. This, however, must be pure speculation. It was indulged in for the most part by Republicans. There may Ik* something in it and thiTe may not be. The following cases from the Ninth district were argued in Supreme court yesterday: State vs. Knott; argued by Brown Shepherd for the Attorney General for the State, Moore A: Sapp, by brief, for defendant. I>ula vs. Tugman; dismissed for fail ure to prosecute the ajfpeal. la'hmmi vs. Tice; argued by Watson, Buxton and Watson for plaintiff. Jones A: Patterson for defendant. Hodgrn vs. Batik: argued bv Holton A: Alexander. Shejdierd & Busbee (and (.'has. Price and E. E. Gray, by brief!, for plaintiff: Watson, Buxton A - Mat son. Jones & Patterson. A. 11. Eller and Glenn A- Manly for defendant. Keith vs. Scales; argued by Watson. Buxton A- Watson, Jones A Patterson and W. R. Whitson for plaintiff; Hol ton A- Alexander and A. H. Eller for defendant. The ease of the National Bank vs. Riggins, will be argued this morning by Watson, Buxton A Watson and Jones A Patterson for jdaintiff. Merrinimi vs. Lyman, from Buncombe; submitted on print* d brief by Mcrrimou A Merrinimi ami W. B. Gwyn for plain tiff, Davidson A Jones and Shepherd A BiisUe for defendant. Kornegny vs. Morris, from Wayne; submitted on printed brief by Allen A Dortch for plaintiff, Ay cock A Daniels for defendant. Tenth district eases will be called on next Tuesday, April 11th, as follows: State vs. Kale. State vs. Beard. Bracket vs. Gilliam. Cowles vs. Council!. Winebarger vs. Laney. Wake Superior court meets again on April 24tfi, Judge Brown presiding. Only civil causes will Ik* tried. The Abbo'tt-Beddingfield contest for the posi tion of Corporation Commissioner, and tin* Cherry-Burns contest for Keeper of the Capital are expected to conic up for a hearing at this term. The Bitf faloc divorce oase will also be heard. Eediral court meets here in May. The docket is quite a heavy one. Mo t of the cases are against moonshiners and tho>e who did not bother unerase]ves about such unimportant preliminaries as getting license liefore selling the “juice.” The Sampson county school lward pro poses to test the validity of the new public iehool law m th e courts. It “juice.” The President lias not yet made a se lection of the commmissioner who shall represent the United States Government, but a decision is expected very soon. He has before him several names of ersons who rank high as publicists or as experts in international practice. Promi nent among the latter is Thomas W. Cruller, the present Third Assistant Secretary of State, who has been sug gested principally because of his thor ough familiarity with the subject, Iv.v ng made a study of Samoan affairs from the date of the Berlin meeting ten years ago. Dr. Wilhelm Soil', the newly appointed president of the municipal council of Samoa had a busy day to-day, conferring with officials, Government and diplo matic and taking the preliminary steps in the approach incur of the three Gov ernments concerning the islands. During the day a representative of tee Asso ciated Press saw Dr. Soil' and talked with him on current. Samoan affairs. ‘T am glad to observe the most satis factory feeling prevailing an Washing ton,” said Dr. Self, “and l am confi dent that the German and American au thorities would have little or no difficulty in arriving at a most harmonious under standing oil Samoa. So far as I am concerned my duties are not of a politi cal character, and my instructions, re ceived before leaving Berlin, are. in ef fect. to use evtu-.v endeavor to promote good feeling between the thru' power-, and to avoid in every way possible cause for disagreement. Naturally, 1 ant desirous of realizing that high aim. and of assisting in the quiet and orderly administration of Samoa.” Dr. Sols was asked as to his visit to London en route lien*, and the general feeling entertained in British official cir cles. lie sai l In* had met Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, Secretary of State for Co lonial Affairs, and Mr. Villi ess. under Secretary of State, whose special prov ince is Samoa. Their expressions were most friendly, and a general sentiment was evinced to have tin end to the per plexing differences over Samoa. will refuse to yield to tin* board aje poiuted by the Legislature unless com pelled to do so by tilt* courts. Judge A. C. Avery lias gone to Wash ington to argue the east* of Seals vs. Western North Carolina Land Company before the United States Supreme court. Mr. J. F. Spainhour. who some time ago wrote an open letter to this paper saying he would not contest the right of M. N. I I-a rah aw to hold the solicitor ship of the Tenth district, is r* ported as having changed his mind and as now saying that lit* uill go ahead with his suit. The cast* of tin* State Treasurer against the bondsmen of E. S. Walton and of tin* Piedmont Bank, of Morgan ton. to recover tin* $lO,OllO {State de posits. has been referred to Judge A. Burwell. 'i ,u* First National Bank trials at Asheville art*, estimated to have ent $8,500. The witnesses got $2,803 of this, and the jurors, $2,000. And neither of the wreckers of the bank are yet in the iienitentiary, nor will they be till the thing is again fought out before the Supreme court. STRUCK AT A CROSSING. Brother of Prof. Joyner Shot and Se riously Injured. Greensboro, N. C., April 4.—J Special.) —At the Southern railway crossing here Albert Rayle and Miss Etta Rayle had a narrow escape last night. The buggy in which they were riding was struck by the vestibule and smashed. Neither was seriously hurt. The 203rd New Y’ork passed here hist night. In consequence of rowdiness at other places the whole police force was at the station to meet them, but they were entirely orderly. Prof. J. Y r . Joyner, of the Normal Col lege. received a tel*gram this morning stating that his brother who lives at La Grange had been accidentally ami perhaps fatally shot at Kinston. Prof. Joyner left at noon. Federal court, Judge Ptirn 11 presiding, opened here to-day. REYNOLDS CO. IN THE TRUST. Incorporated Under the Laws of New Jersey With Five Million Stock. Trenton, N. .T., April 4. —Articles of incorporation of the It. J. Reynolds To bacco Company, with a capital stock of s.">,( 100,1 MX), were tiled to-day with tin* Secretary of State. The company is empowered to cure leaf tobacco and buy, manufacture and sell tobacco in all its forms. The incorporators arc R. J. Reynolds, W. N. Reynolds, J. B. Duke, J. R. Cobb, Georg** M. Gaits, O. K. Fauectte and D. A. Keller. The company is affiliated with tilt* Continen tal Tobacco Company. WASHINGTON IS RELIEVED. Washington. April 4.—’Hie news of tin* Cuban Assembly’s vote for imme diate dissolution and disbandment of the army was received here with relief and gratification. The prolonged struggle over tin* payment for the Cuban army had begun to exhaust the patience of the authorities her*. Tin* Administra tion looks for more rapid progress in the work of reconstruction of the island and less difficulty in instituting reforms gen erally. VIRGINIA BEATS PIUNt'ETON. Richmond. Ya„ April 4.—The Univer sity won from Princeton on the former’s home ground to-day by a score of 19 to 4. Score: Virginia 7 8 0 0 00004—19 13 2 Princeton ....010001 11 () 4 7 0 Batteries—Sutntuersgil! and Nalle; Harrison and Kater. THE NEWS AND OBSERVED, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL «, 189!). BAUKEI.S or SAMPLES. Over Two Hundred Thousand Trial Bottles 'Sent Free by Mail. By sjiecial arrangement with tin* man ufacturers of that justly famous Kidney Medicine, Dr. David Kennedy’s Favor ite Remedy, tin* readers of the News and Observer are enabled to obtain a trial bottle and pamphlet of valuable medical advice absolutely free, by simply send ing their full name and postoftiee ad dr ss to the DR. DAVID KENNEDY CORPORATION. Rondo lit, N. Y„ and mentioning this paper. Os course this involves enormous ex pense to the manufacturers, but they have received so many gra.eful letters front those who have been Denetitted and cured of the various diseases of the kil nef, Inver, Bladder, and Blood. Rheu matism, Dyspepsia, arid alt weaknesses peculiar to women, that they willingly send trial bottles to all sufferers. Iqwm investigation jt was found that 91 per cent, of those who hail used the I rial bottle had received such benefit from it that they purchased large sized bottles of their druggists. It matters not how sick you are or how many physicians have failed to help, semi for a trial bottle of this great medi cine. It costs you but a postal card, and benefit and cure will certainly he the result. Put some urine in a glass tumbler and let it stand 24 hours, if it has a sedi ment or if it is pale or discolor** 1, milky or cloudy, stringy or ropy, your Kidneys or Bladder are in a bad condition. Dr. David Kennedy’s Favorite Remedy speedily cuvets such dangerous symp toms as pain in the back. 'liability to hold urine, a burning, scalding pain in passing it. frequent desire to urinate. ORDERED TO PORTO RICO. The War Department Relievos Major 1 )avis of Duty Here. Major Charles L. Davis, the United States Army officer now on duty here, has again been ordered to report to Porto Rico at one** for duty. Though the first telegram stated that lie was relieved from duty here, a later one directed him to n main tit his post until another officer should reach here to take his place. The Governor values the services of Major Davis very highly and lie will use all the influence nt his command to have the order taking him away revoked. It will be remembered that Major Davis last winter received a similar or der, and it was through the influence of the Governor that it was revoked. Because of that extension of time Ma jor Davis thinks his present chances of remaining here are a little slim. State of Ohio, City of Toledo. Lucas County. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the florin of i*. J. Cheney Co., doing business in tlit* city of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pav the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot bt* cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this Otlt day of December, A. I>. 1880. Seal. A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly nu the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by 1 truggists. Toe. Hall's Family Pills are thi* best. Hon. I). C. Dube, mayor of Green wood, S. ('.. will present ini an attractive address at Southern Pines, N. ('., during the Prospectors Convention, April 17th to 22nd. the advantage his section of South Carolina lias to offer homeseek ers wild capitalists. The steamer Chilkut was capsized on the bar at Eureka. Cal., yesterday, and four passengers and six of the crew were drowned. For frost bites, burns, indolent sores, eczema, skin disease, ami especially Piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve stands first and best. I.ook out for dis honest jK-ople who try to imitate anil counterfeit it. It’s their endorsement of a good article. Worthless goods are not imitated. Get DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. For sale by J. Hal. Bob bitt and Henry T. Hicks. “Spring Unlocks The Flowers To ‘Paint the Laughing Soil." And not even Nature would allow the flowers to grow and blossom to perfection without good soil. Now Nature and people are much alike; the former must have sunshine* latter must have pure blood in order to have perfect health. Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures blood trou bles of all sorts. It is to the humin system wliat sunshine is to Nature the destroyer of disease germs. It never disappoints. Poor BlOOd “The doctor said there were not seven drops of pood blood in my body. Hood’s Sarsaparilla built me up and made me strong and well." Susie E. Brown, 10 Astor Hill, Lynn, Mass. Dyspepsia ( etc.-" a complication of troubles, dyspepsia, chronic catarrh and inflammation of the stomach, rheumatism, etc., made me miserable. Hadfno appetite until i took Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which acted like magic. lam thoroughly cured." N. B. Seeley, 1874 W. 14tr. Av„ Denver, Col. Rheumatism —“ My husband was obliged to give up work on account of rheu matism. No remedy helped until ho used Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which permanently cured him- It cured my daughter of ca tarrh. J give it to the children with good results.” Mas J. S. Me Math, Stamford, Ct. Hood’s Pills rur<; liver Ills, the non■ (rrilatlng and ~ . only catjutrtic to take with Hood’s S*tri*;tpa;jll DIOCESE OF NORTH CAROLINA. The Bishop’s Appointments for 1899. April 7th, Friday, Battle'boro. April 9th. Sunday, TaThorough—a', m., Cavary Church: p. in., St. Mary’s; even ing. St. Luke’s. April 11th, Tuesday, Lawrence. 12th. Wednesday, Scotland Neck. April 13th, Thursday. Tillery. April 14th. Friday. Enfield. April Kith, Sunday. Ringwood. April 21st, Friday, Laurel Hill. April 23rd, Sunday, Rockingham. April 24th, Monday, p. m.. Wadesboro. April 25th, Tuesday, Ansonvilk*. April 27th, Thursday, p. m., Monroe. April 28th, Friday, p. in., Charlotte, : St. Michael’s. April 29th, Saturday, The Thompson Orphanage. April 30th, Sunday, St. Mark's, Meek lenhurg county. April 30th, Sunday, p. m., Charlotte, St. Peter’s. May 2nd. Tuesday, Annual Meeting of the Board of Managers of the Thompson Orphanage. Tire Holy Communion at all morning services. The offerings at every service for Diocesan Missions. The hours of service are left to the dis cretion of the clergy, so far as is prac ticable under the foregoing scheme of visitations. JOSEPH BLOUNT CHESHIRE. JR., Bishop of North Carolina. If you have had the grip take Hoods Sarsaparilla. It will brace you up. purify your blood, and overcome all bad effects of the disease. The dead bodies of Western Turner and his wife were discovered in tlieir home at Falls Church, Va., yesterday. It is believed that Turner, in a tit of despondency, dm* to ill health, killed both her and himself. At. the season of tin* year when pneu monia in grippe, sore throat, coughs, cold, catarrh, bronchitis and lung trou bles are to be guarded against, nothing that “is a fine substitute,” will “answer the purpose,” or is “just as good” as One Minute Cough Cure. That is tin* one infallible remedy for all lung, throat or bronchial troubles. Insist vigorously ii),on having it if “something else” is offered you. For sale by J. Hal. Bob bitt and Henry T. Hicks. An English syndicate has bought nearly two hundred oil wells near Car sieaua, Texas. 52 Highest Awards Over All Competitors BENSON’S, m 3 SEALi ; - fON THE stamp/ : : (genuine : jj ’t is the best POROUS PUSTER Tt. ill one contains tho medicinal combination noe fiHsarj to cu.e. Others don’t. Thirty years’record and millions cured. Price 25 cents. All Druggists. Oi m’l’rs,Soabuiy A Johnson, N.Y., If unobtainable C. H. NORTON, Builder & Contractor. DURHAM, N. C. Cotton factories, residence, churches, business buildings and all classes of heavy and fancy building. NOTICE TO CON TRACTORS. Sealed proposals for erecting the o*l*l Fellows’ Building, at Raleigh. N. <’., will b** received until 12 o’clock nornr, April Bth, 1899. the work to begin not later than May 15th. Plans and sjieeifi eations can be seen at til** mayor's office. The committee reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. JOS. G. BROWN. Chairman Committee. We Will Sell on the Premises, at Public Auction... ON Tuesday, April 25th, 1899, At 2:30 P. M. TWELVE HANDSOME MODERN DWELLINGS Recently Built on Summit Avenue. These are certainly the best built houses in Greensboro, having double floors and double walls, interlined wth building paper; modern nickel plated plumbing, open range anil boiler, water, sewerage, gas and every convenience and improvement. There are few houses in the Slat** as well built and comfortable. The quality of material and workmanship used in the construction, from the ground up, is of the very best. TERMS: One-sixth cash: balance in equal payments at one, two, three, four ami five years. For Further Particulars, Address Summit Avenue Building Company, GREENSBORO N, C SPECIAL RATES To Kpworth League Conference in New bern, N. C., April <5-9. (hi account of this occasion railroads will sell tickets as given below oil April 4,5, and <’>. with final limit April 11: From Durham, $<5.<55: Fayetteville. $15.45; Goldsboro. $3.00: Greensboro, $8.85: Henderson. $7.75; Ivelf on I, $7.50; Kinston, $1.75; Maxton, $8.15: Pem broke, $7.(55; Raleifdk, $5.50; S jinn, $4.05; Weldon, $0.85; other points at proportionate rat«*s. The Norfolk and Southern will sell delegate return tickets at half rates. The fare from Norfolk is $3.50; Kliza ; beth City, $2.50. I Women appear natural only when they I don’t try to. i Not one child dies where ten formerly j died from croup. People have learned ! the value of Olio Minute Cough Cure and use it for severe lung and throat troubles. It immediately stops cough ing. It never fails. For sale by J. . Hal. Bobbitt and Ileury T. Hicks. j A Skin of Beau'y is a Jcy Forever. Dr. T. Felix Gouraud’s j OBIENTAL CREAM. o« ! MAGICAL BEAUTIFIED Purifies as well as Beautifies the Skin. No other cosmetic will do it. t ;■-■ ' Removes Tan IVV Pimples, Free* p. kies, Rash and I /fiCj Skin Diseases, •’ $ and every blein ; , V',.> ish on beauty, (Vs and defies de *;>: i lection. On its fj J virtues it lias » f \ stood the test *} \ of SO years; no other has, and ( t is so harmless % we taste it to be — — sure it is prop erly made. Ac cept no count erfeit of similar name. The distinguished Dr. L. A. Sayre said to a lady of the haut-ton (a patient): “As you ladies will use them t recom mend ’Oouraud’s Cream’ as the least harmful of ail the skin preparu'ions.” One bottle will last six months, using it every day. Also Pou dre Subtile removes superfluous hair without injury to the skin. FRED T HOPKINS, Pko’p., 37 Great Jones Street, N. Y ! For sale by all druggists and Fancy Goods j Dealers throughout the United States, Canadas and Europe. I Beware of base imitations. ?1,000 reward for arrest and proof of any one selling the same. Wneat & Grass Crop ALLISON & ADDISON’S High Grade FERTILIZES. “Star Brand” Guano, “McGarvock” Mixture, “B. P.” Potash Mixture, Acid Phosphate. We especially recommend the "Me Gavock Mixture.” It is extensively used In Virginia and its use on the crops is has given great satisfaction. North Carolina for the last two year* For sale by agents generally through out the State. , Send for circulars. ALLISON & ADOiSON, Branch Virginia-Carollss Chernies Co.. Richmond. V*. FRANK P. IVIILBURN, ARCHITECT, CHARLOTTE, N, C. Flans for conrt houses, jails, churches colleges snd fine residences and business bonces. VALUABLE ELECTRIC APPARA- Tl S FOR SALK. Unless sold privately the undersigned will offer for sale in Oxford, N. * .. on Wednesday, the 2)stli day of April, 1899. at 12 o’clock lit., t<> tin* highest bidder, the following electric appliances, to-wit: A complete equipment for lighting a town of 2,500 inhabitants. A quick offer is necessary to se* lire this bargain. April sth. 1899. J. G. HALL, Oxford. N. C. W INSTON & FULLER, Attorneys, Durham, N. C. l-ti-2w. Nasal /sSS'V CATARRH In all its stages there jfafT Fn/ r!f A) should be cleanliness. G AYFEVER W Ely’s Cream Balm g* cleanses, soothes and heals * - ■ the diseased membrane. T| It cures catarrh an d drlve s of 'x* awuy a cold in the head g gi-~***~-"*aW quickly. Cream Balm is placed into the nostrils, spreads over the membrane and is absorbed. Relief Is im mediate and a cure follows. It. is not drying—does not produce sneezing. Large Size, 50 cents at Drug gists or by mail; Trial Size, TO cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 58 Warren Street, New York. —1 HE — Th9 Union Central Ufa Ins Co Has over $20,000,600 Assets and loads all companies in rate of Inter est for the ensured and that is one sourct of the surprisingly large dividend* yon see spokea of elsewhere. We have much the lowest death rate as any com pany also. CARY J. HUNTER, Supt, for Va. and N. C., Raleigh, N. C. For Si,QGO Insurance on yonr life how would you like to pay $17.00 premium and receive a CASH DIVIDEND 0- $18.49? The Union Central Life Insurance Company is doing jnst thla as we can show yon. Estate sgeata caa get ona like It «■ yo»r Ufa. CARY J. HUNTER, Supt. For Va and N.C. ftaleiahP.C Charles Pearson thus. M Ashe PEARSON & ASHE, ARCHITECTS, Raleigh, N. C. PEEBLES & SHARPE, Ginsuiting Architects, Norfolk, Va. Plans, Specifications and Competitive Sketches for all classes of work furnished on short notice. David Getaz & Co., ARCHITECTS & BUILDERS Raleigh, N. C. Represented by F. K. Thomson, Architect. Office: 102 Fayetteville St. J. M. PACE DEALER IN Mules and Horses, Buggies and Wagons* I have just received sixty head of good mules and horses. Will Make prices to suit the times. J. M. PACE. 11l East Martin Street, Raleigh. N. O.