9 f The Wentlicr Tiklhv; 1 A IK; WARMER. VOL XIA'I. NO. :f>. THE RALEIGH WELCOMED HOME New Yorkers Salute Raleigh as She Steams By. MANILA HEROES GREETED TIIE WEATHER INTERFERED WITH TIIK PROGRAMME. ’ ION FROM RALEIGH ON HANH The Riltigh Wi I Soon Treked to Willing tn and go Thence to Charleston, Where She Wfil Remain During Ve't rars’ Reunion Week. New York, April 3<»- —The celebration attending the return of the Fatted States cruiser Raleigh from Manila oeeurml today. The Raleigh, accompanied by two small war vessels eaptnreil from the Spaniards last summer anil a fleet nf twenty-five excursion steamers and tng-boat*, paraded from Tonipkiusville to Grant's Tomb and from there back to an anchorage lit the North river, off Thirty-fourth street, ft would have 1„.,n difficult to select more inclement or disagreeable weather than that which prevailed all the time that the Italeigh was passing in review la-fore the thous ands of enthusiastic people who lined the river banks and gave her their hearty cheers of welcome home. The air was raw and the officers ami men <>! the ;Ualeigh stood upon the deeka three hours, drenched to the skin and shivering with the cold. There were very few jteople along the river front in the lower part of toe city, owing partly to the weather and partly to the fact that the entrances to the piers are generally closed on Sundays. But great crowds assembled in Riverside Park, overlooking the Hudson, and men. women and children stood there for hours under umbrellas, watching tin vessels on their way up the river and on their return. Kit; CROWD AT CHANTS TOMB. By far the greatest gathering of peo ple was iu the vicinity of f!ruat's Tomb, which was tin* turning point of the pa rade. A national salute was tiri-d there by the Raleigh and also by the captured Spanish prizes, and the scene was ren ib-red a memorable one by the shrieking of a hundred steam whistles from ex cursion Isiats anil locomotives and cheers from thousands of jieople on shore and on the vessels in the river.- The Raleigh lay at anchor off Thomp kinsville all the morning, (‘apt. Fogh l.in was apprised early of the intention of the citizens* reception committee to visit the Raleigh and accompany her on the parade. He had his crew give her hull a fresh coal of paint during the time lad ween daybreak and tin- hour sci for the arrival of the committee, and all the officers prepared for the occasion by putting on fujl dress. Boats of all descriptions continued to arrive from the city, and each ran up as close to the Raleigh as possible anil cheered her. The two captured Spanish gunboats, the Alvarado and Sandoval, arrived from the navy yard early, Imth dressed gaily with flags and bunting, and they created almost as much enthusiasm as the Raleigh lu-rself. formal word*! of welcome. About II o’clock the large steamer OSen Island 'arrived, carrying the citi zen*’ reception committee, headed by .Mayor Nan Week and also having on board a minder of invked guests. A di-bgation from the committee, niunber ing not more than « score, went almurd sh» Raleigh, AH hands on the cruiser -ere called to quarter*, and .Mayor ' un Wyek ami the other committeemen wen- received with naval formality. 1 apt. Coghfan stood at the gangwa\ ami received the visitors and escorted them immediately to his eatiin. TTn- eerr , Hemic* there were very brief, coiisuiuiug no* more than five minutes'. T’he Mayor in u few words wi-li-omed tin- italeigb to New York, extending the freedom o! tie- city to the officers and men, ajs-logizcd fm the disagreeable weather, and assured < apt. Coghlan of a hearty welcome. 1 he Major said in pari •\our words. ‘Out of the jaws of doaih, out ot the gates or hell. Mild only a little smoky for tin- trip,’ hi roqiouse to iln great Dewey** inquiry, ’How is everything aboard ship?’ at Manila. M hen lie had first ordered hi* ships with drawn, thrilled the American heart and made you personally familiar to tic- men and women of this land. It conveyed, la tter limn official reports .-mild do, that you and your men had done grandly your part in the terrible conflict "As I I am not fie re to describe fin- deeds of valor that made fierce* of till Officers and men of the American ns'j. but it is my simpler and highly prized duty so extend to you, your offi •or- and men. tin- congratulation* of f»t ea tor New York and the freedom of their oily." < AFT < OGHLA YM RESPONSE. * aptuiu t'oglilan re-ponded brielly, saying, among other thing*, ”We feel that we have left out most The News and Observer LEADB EL NORTDfI CAROLINA DAILIES II lEIS MB CIR /. JLATIOH. SCENE AT GRANTS TOMB AS THE VICTORIOUS **K ALEIGH" STEAMED BV. of the iH-ople who deserve thi* welcome and these congratulations. What wo did at .Manila wv dhl because our great chief was there and letl us to it. <*f course, we did itf»t have to be driven to do our duty, but Dewey’s presence would incite anybody to deed* of honor and heroism. ** The committee returned to the Glen I* land at om-e. and as Mayor A an Wyek left the side of the Raleigh he re reived a salute of fifteen gun*. Preparations were then made to get under way for the parade. The Raleigh was headed down I In- stream at the time, and when she raised her anchor and swung around slowly the whistles on all tin* craft near her shrieked a salute, and all the people on tho excursion boat* cheered and waved handkerchief# and lings. The Glen Island led the proces sion of vessels, and tin- Raleigh followed just astern of her. The Alvarado and HaudovaJ took position off either bow of the cruiser, and jsiliee boats, tugs, and excursion boats followed in a double column. There was no special demon stration until <lovei'iior’s Island was passed, when a national salute was fired. About this |siint the coast survey steamer Pathfinder, with Assistant See retar;. tin- Navy Allen aboard, joined ;fi<- p;o( e.sion, following just in tin* wake of 11.<- Raleigh. RKSPONDING TO HA 1,1 TK. from the linn- the Raleigh left tin battery until sin- readied Grant's l<ij.fi. her whistle and tog siren were blowing nlnio-t constantly in response to saliiic* from vessels lying at tlieir • look* or moving up and down the river. I he ferrj hunts wen- crowned with peo ple cheering and waving handkerchiefs, and several of tin- boats rn.i alongside the Itaii-igfi for a -liort distance, t'apt. Foghluu was on the bridge m-arl.s all tlu way up tin driver, with the executive and navigating officers. The officet * paid 'liulc attention to the • torm, and waved their caps constantly, not appearing to mind the soaking which I heir dress uniform: and their bodies as well received. onfiel* and Ijicii alike expressed the greatc t surprise at the demonstration, md wondered wI al they bad done to warrant all (he enthusiasm which was being di-played .Many ot them were In aru to make remark* to tlu- effect 'fiat tin- battle of Manila Bay was loiight ho long ago that they l*id almost forgotten j| III! it -ceincd Iha l the Ann in an people remembered it still. At the lime (fie Raleigh and her escort.* reached tin- southern end of Riverside Park tin rain had not abated iu the lea I, bill ific e|||ltllsiaslU, it) "'cad ot falling ot). im reused both on the res els and o»i -bore. Two shore I at 11 tie- tiled a -nlllte near tills point, and people along bore, itl boathouse*, l.d ill -n ail lumiific*. final off caution crackers, revolver:*, and shotguns, while a half dozen locomotive* on the railroad [track that ran* along the river added to the dr.l felling Inn e by blowing tlieir R \EEIGII, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL is. !«!»». J whistle* all the tiiiu 1 the Baleigh " !|S passing. SIXPOINHKU IN ACTION. .Inst before arriving almost off Ora at Tomb the eruiser slowiml down, le.cpiiin tor.v to turn ill};, and while toe cheer.it land - whistle-blowing and other noises I were at their height, two six pounder on the Kateigli eonuneneed their shite of twenty-one itmin. Tile last not hud j hardly died away when the Alvarado and Sandoval opened with their n«ti"ril salute and a battery on shore joined mi (lie tribute to Oenenil Orant When (he salutes were concluded. tin* B:heigh turned slowly and headed down the river, her escorts turning at the saute time. The run bnek to anchorage off Thirty fourth street was made *| iv ly and tin' same enthusiasm ..a. inaycd ; • n the run iiji the river. \Vln*ii the Baleigh tiiutlly anchored she mis unrounded immediately liy a lleot of excursion louts, and as fast as these eoitld reach her gangway the pco jih* aboard them climbed on the eruiser and extended iiersunal welcome to the officers and men, - I Tin* crew took great pride In showing .visitors over the ship, and particularly in iMiinting out the live-inch gun u the starboard side of the poop deck that tired the lirst shot of the battle of Manila I Bay. I nlO HALKUJII PARTY PUKSKNT. i A special room was reserved for Mis, Coghlau and another for llie Mayor. On board, too, was a speeial committee from Hahigh. N, t'.. the city niter which the ship was named, Mrs. A. W. Hay t wood, who aceoiiipaided Mrs. Coghlut), was the one who broke the wine bottle over the ship's how and christened her Uatcigh. In this committee were P II Busbee, representing Mayor I'owcll. of Baleigh: Ahlerinen John C. Hrewr.v ami C. < M<l loiiahl, A W. liny wood, il C, l.itchford, h, B Barhee, M, Bosenlhnl. ■I. C Ball, .1. \\ Hardin, W (i. 1;i chtttvh, I* A, Carter, prank WiMiaui | \V, A, W ithers, Hr, <i. A. Beim, Hr. 1 Ktigene Henson, Mr. ami Mrs. B. Bruce | right, Alex. Mironiieh, ('am I Weir. 11. • River*, Samuel Bcrwnnger, N. IJ. Smith, I'M. V. I teuton, •I'dill- la w is. and .lohu S Primrose. .The Baleigh pti rl ,\ had ilm ul<m , lir c >, t going over the Bldeigh ami Were plea , j Hilly received hy the officers and men. .TUB HA |, JOB ill To < '|| A BHKHToN , She W ill lie There the W "ek of ( on federate Veterans Be futon. Charleston, S. r., April IT The c\ eiaitive committee in charge of the j preparations for the nnuual reunion of the I nited ( onfederate Veteran that i to la held here May 10th. Ilili nml * BJth, mi- officially untitled today liy Secretary l.ong, of I lie Navy Biysri ""•nt, that the enth-er Raleigh, jmt (Continued ott Second I’age.t THE DOWNFALL OF QUAY PREDICTED MAGEE DESERTS AND SAYS TWENTY MEN WILL FOLLOW. A Majori'y Report from the Bribery Invrsti gating Comnittoe Urges Criminal Pro ceedings fl gsinst Nine Men. Harrisburg, Pa., April IT. A confer ciicvl of the Uepuldican Senators and members voting for Senator Quay, was held in the Supreme Court chit tuber m» niglit to consider the letter of Semtoyr Ply an. Chairmun of the AntPPepnldi can organization, suggesting that a i < htn- Util tee of eoiiferein e be named "ll the part of those voting for Mr. Quay, to confer with n like committee ott tC,.» part of those opposing him. with a view of adjusting factional differences and t lie elect ion of a Si U'lltol'. Senator Heady, read a letter from ex Senator Quay written at Philndolnliia. today in which Mr. Quay deprecated any change in position hy his followers in till' Legislature ‘pending proceedings ill Philadelphia." lie said, "any who would change posi tion might ns well come here and go on the witness stand against mo." The meeting declined to confer wi ii ibe anti Quay members and adopt, d n resolution declaring that Mr. Quay vs* the unanimous choice of the Itepuhlii'.’in caucus composed of more than two thirds of all t lie - l(cpublicans of tlie assembly, and it is the duty of all IlepubUenn | members of the joint convention to -a tain the Itepiihlieau orgiliii/.atioii by~siii> porting the eiiHcus nominee, and culling upon those now opposing the regular i eaiididate to lav aside factional feeling ' and unite in the election of a Republican | to 'he |’nited States Senate, Alter the eon Terence State Senator , Magee, of I ‘it tsluirg. who has stead j fitstly voted for Quay for T'nitod Sena tor, aummiieed that he would not vo-e for the ex Senalor to-morrow, and Miat other members from Alleghany county had also east their last vote for Quuv. He predicted Qllll.l would lose tvveiilv supporters to-mnr.ovv mid said the pros peel > are bright for the elect Eon of a Senator. , YlfilißOl S VCTION I B'.LH Harrishurg. I'll. April li Majority and minority reports were presented to the House Ibis evening front tne ecu, mittee which has, for several weeks pg i . been luvestigatbig the charges of at tempted bribery in conned inn wivli 'he hailotiitg for I iiiH'd Stales Senator and the consideration *u the Met'arreil Jury Bill in the House. The hitter lull, which jwas eventually defeated, was said to have Ihmui introduced to aid Senator 11juay in his then approaching trial in the Philadelphia courts. The majori y report recites at considerable length the testimony taken by the committee and Isays the evidence disclosed clearly that | undue means were taken by many pet sons to corruptly solicit members of the | House both for tlie purpose of in | llueneing their ofth-iul action in reference to the Met'arreil Jury Bill and in refer cnee to their .official act ion as '<• the election of a I nited States Senator. The concluding paragraph is a* foi t lows: *\ln conclusion, y our eoiiiiuitt.ee r•• spectfully re|»ort that there ts tu ’heir opinion sufficient ex n’.ence against Charles B. Spat/. John B. Byrne. Par ker Titus, Prank B. .Buies, Monroe IT. Kulp. Thomas M. Moyle*. Boliert Kvun*. j.loliM J. Coyle and M. J. Costello, for i (his house to direct that criminal pm j oecdings he brought against them in |the courts of Quarter Sessions of H.tti phin county, and ii is recommend"! that ■these proceedings he immediately coin | nienced and vigorously prosecuted hy the authority of this house.'* j SPANISH LI.LCTTO.N BIOTS. Twenty Six Persons Wounded at Bilbao Serious Affair at Cortes. Madrid. April IT. During election riots ul Bilbao, twenty-six persons were Wounded. Popular feeling runs high in Valencia and the surrounding dis trut. , There was a serious affair in ‘lie 'own ni Port os. Province of Terrttgmiu. when, the official candidates being bejr.en. the municipal officials tins I guns at the v row d. injuring a number of persons. The Socialists are preparing ,o make a demonstration at Bilbao as n priced against the defeat of the.r candidate. t which, they allege. was due to the" "seandalons conduct of police provoee rears in instigating disorders.’ Tlu* latest indications as to the result of the elections are that the ministerial ists "ill have a large majority. Senor M oret, w ho w as Minister of tin* Colonics in the Sagnsta Cabinet Inis been elected at Saragossa, Bin V N AT SCIILNLt'T VHV. Makes Much the Same Address as That at the New York Banuin t. Schenectady. X Y Vpril IT Wm. J Bryan arrived here ibis afternoon. \ great croud met him at the radio d station, Viferwat'd he held a recept ion in the Hotel Kdison parlor To night he spoke at the Central Open House to nearly I,out) people, making much the same address ns that he dolly ered at (he New York liampiet Saturday viitt It«, DEFENDK FLOSES ITS CASE. A’ain IClTort to Discredit N«-w ham's Testimony. Charleston. S. F.. April IT. After setting tq alibis for AYelwlrr, Joyner and Godwin today, the defense iu the [trial of the alleged Lake City lym-hers closed it* ease. Alibis won- pm forward for Rodgers, Mi Knight, K|»ps, and Ward last week, *o the only man in whose la-half efforts Intve not In-en made to establish one is Stokes, the merchant who h.ts been alleged bv tin- Govern ment to have been the leader of the i mob tint! killed Baker. | It was claimed on the stand today that jGodwin was suk a; home, that Joyner 'slept at Id* own residence with a school 1 boy and that Webster was at his own J house with the grip the night of the ; lynching. j The sensation of the day canto after tit,- defence had closed its case, Among it* efforts to break down the testimony of Newham, the man who turned Slate's evidence, was a pat certificate. It was J not dated, tht- date having evidently j been scratched out; tint tin- defence ‘ claimed it was issued February "Ist. iln rebuttal the tiovernment placed the stnh book of the county supervisor in evidence, showing that the stub before j and tin- one after that of Newham wa* j each issued lidrd. The Inference that the Newham ticket lias hoe a falsified was ! directly made, and this matter is ev pooled to cut a considerable figure iu the case in the future. The Government said this afternoon that it had about twenty-five more wit nesses to examine, so argument will scarcely begin before Wednesday. The ease may reach iho jury Thursday. ITIK SAMOAN COMMISSION Baron Sternberg. Mr Flint and Mr. I'prilp All in Washington Washington. April IT. Fx Minister Harlot! Tripp, the American member of tin- Samoan commission, arrived here this evening from hi* home in Yankton, S. D. lie will have a eouferenee with the President and Secretary of State lla.v tomorrow, when his instructions w ill he given him. The entire commit, *ion, Huron Stemlierg, Mr. Kliot and Mr. TYipp, will be entertained at Intu-hett b,\ Sei-ta-tarj Hay when some preliminary discussion over the negotiation* may o,a*ttr. to ski.kf i \ sm: for i ni: pi n AA itshiugton, April ITJ Altorue\ General’Griggs, aeeotnpnuicd by Air. Fiatpt't. hi* private Secretary and Major Strong, chief of tin- speeiai ttga-'tt* divi* ion in the Department of Justie*-, left for Atlanta, Ga , today to select a site Joe the 1 uited State* (H-uilentinry to be h> rated in that city. rRIi‘K FIVE < ATS. CONSOLIDATED UHDEH GEN. LEE Departments of Havana and Pinar Del Rio. fIVE DEPARTMENTS NOW LEE’S LAST ORDER TO THE SEVENTH ARMY COUPS. THE RECORD MADE BY OF FiCEPS A\D MEN No Troops Won a Higher Pepu’ahon for Dis* C'p’ino, Dri I, Manly Ditch if Duty, Sold r y Conduc’ and Chetrful Ob-dienc- to 0 d-’s. Washington, April IT.—'The Secretary of War today issued orders for the re organization «f the military department* iu Cuba in accordance with the changed conditions from the demobilization of the volunteer troops on that island. Ip to this time there have been seven mil itary departments in Cuba, constituting one military division, under command of Major General Brooke with head quarters at Havana. Fader the orders issued to-day, the number of depart ments is reduced to five. ]jjm two climb uated being Hie department wt Pinar del Ri<> by Brigadier Eener.il Hasbrouek Department of Ma tanzas i-immmA by Brigadier General Bates. The D™anmcm of Dinar del Rio is consolidated with the Department of the Province of Havana and Briga dier < Jeuerttl l.<-e. now commanding the latter Department, is assigned to the command of the new department. No combined. The Department of Matau ;us i* consolidated with the Ih-partim-nt if Santa Clara. and Brigadier General Wilson, now In command of the last named department is assigned *.*» the command of the new deprtmeut. Tko change is made in the Deiwrttueni Santiago or the Department of Puerto Principe. Brigadier Gent-rid XVodd will continue iu the command of the former hpartment and Briga-bet General F.u- IK-uter in command of the Department >f Puerto PrinciiH*. General Ludlow will remain in command of the Depart ment of the Pity of Havana and Gen eral Fhaffee and General Ernst and the other officers on the staff of Geu •ral Brooke will continue the perform anee of their present duties iu connection with the military government of Fuba. COMMENDED BY GENKRAL I KK. Havana, \pril IT.—-The last general order issued by Major (Tenoral Fitz hngh la-e to his i-ommaud, the Seventh army corps. is in part as follows; "An order lias b.vt received which moves the last regiment of the Seventh army corps across the sea, t<> be mus tered out of the service of the Fnited States, and the ranks of i * organ' atiou will be forever broken. The record made by the officers and men. however, will fie forever preserved on the pages »f the military history in which their coun try will inscribe their deals. No toiops have won a greater reputation for dis cipline. drill, ittanlj discharge of duty, sohiierly ctuuluet and clu-erfol obt*!ieu<-c to all orders. "The President's assnrauee th had the war with Spain continued -he Seventh army corps Would hav« been selected to fi>ad the assault * the Havana lines proves that tin- >-. * po sesssed the eontidence of the Fotmnaud er iu-Fhief of the army am; ttavj. a ivu tideuee shared by hi* fellow country men. "It is gratifying, ht reviewing the •aret r of the corps, to rentend• the harmony \vhieh has existed aimmfc t!u ttMHHt soldiers who answered tlio t*-l! call at I'ampa. Jacksonville. Savannah, and in t üba. whether it were th,- v tei-rs who afterward, at various time* broke ranks and resumed the duties ot citizenship. or the regulars \vho*e with standard still flying, art- now the advance sentinel* of American progress and civil isation. ' l be soldiers of the North and Seen took the sunshine and storm of eentj*. and marched side tty side under •m --tlag and iu one cause and for one cettu try." MADRID AFFKPT'S STOKER. Officially Advised lice of D* Arvos S,S let-tion it* Minister. • XYushington. April \~ The Frenchl Ambassador, Al. Fnmhou, called on Set 1 ret ary Hay today anti officially advised ! litu. in bchah of S|miti, that the Duke D Acfos had Ixvit chosen a* Spanish Minister at Washington. The Amhuss.t lor also made known that tin- Spanish tiovernment through the Minister of T “feign Affairs, had informed fiitti tliat Mr. Bellamy St,>rv-i would t«- parson.i grata a* l titled Stat> * Minister to Mad rid, Ihe StH-tvtarj and the Amba**atfi>; felivitutcd each other on the agreeable lipleioatie rtdatious which would be soon re-established Ix-twc-u th*> Fuit,sl States and Spam. The time of Duke D'Aeroa arrival here has And yet Ikh-u set, GttOD N KAYS ITSUKRIIs Kdeutou, N F. April IT. «Special.! I’he catch of ti*h has been larger for the last ,'ew day* than at any time during thi* *easoii, pnd the f:w-es ~f out tishermen are much brighter.

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