2 MRS, HAYWOOD'S GIFT TO THE RALEIGH Bryan Comes on Board Du ring the Presentation. MADE BY ATT. GEN. BOYD A SON OF THE OLD NOUTII STATE. MRS HAYWCO3 CHRISTENED THE RALEiGH Owing to the lllnrss of Her Sister. She Cou’d Not be Present at the Presentation. . Bryan Chats Wi>h the Pre sentation Party- New York. April IS.- Tlie present.!:ion of silver eups to the ♦•miser Raleigh took place today. The cups were given l>y Mrs. A. \V. Haywood, of Raleigh, N. who christened the shi]>. Mrs. Hay wood was not present, owing to the ill ness of her sister. The presentation took place in the ward room of tlie Raleigh. There are a dozen of tne cups, made of silver aud gold-lined, each standing three and one-half inehes high. They were made by Jaeohi & Jenkins, of Baltimore, and were sent to the estab lishment of Tiffany & Company, where engravers put the following inscription (in the cups: "U. S. Cruiser Raleigh. Presented hr her Sponsor. Mrs. A. NY. liayvrood. This was done tit the request of the Raleigh's officers, who insisted that her name lie displayed upon each one of the silver pieces. A. NY. Ilaywood. tlie husband of tin' donor of the cups; Charles E. McDonald. Chairman of the Reception Committee Os Raleigh. X. C.; Commissioner of Charities John \V. Keller. John NY. Hay wood, of the Marine Corps; Mrs. Har wood. Mrs. Custer, widow of General Custer, and Mrs. Captain Coghhm were among those present a. rite presenta tion. which was made by Assistant United States Attorney General Hoy 1, who is a native of North Carolina. Gen eral Boyd said in part; "Mere words do not express our grati tude for what the Raleigh, her officers and men have done. When the ship was christened, one of North Carolina's most accomplished and beautiful daugh ters was assigned to this task. By the same woman who christened this vessel, I am deputized to present th'-se silver cups. This woman was the daughter of the then Governor Holt of North Cnr> lina. In presenting these cups we wish that the officers and crew of the Ral eigh wherever they may be when they tip these cups, may feel that old North Carolina feels proud of the ship, >ier offi cers and crew.” The health of the donor was then drunk. Captain Coghlan made suitable reply. During the presentation ceremony, strict orders had been given to keep aJI outsiders from,the vessel. Just as the ceremonies commenced Wm. .T. Bryan came down the pier with several friends. A big crowd of people on the wharf at once recognized him and cheered vocifer ously. He was taken over on the Ral eigh's launch on the supposition that he was one of the Haywood party. The crowd kept on cheering until Mr. Bryan stepped up the gangway of the Raleigh. He was received by Captain Coghlan, who had come out of tin* ward room to see what was the matter. The Captain apparently did not recognize the former Presidential nominee. "My name is Bryan. William Jennings Bryan,” said the visitor. “I have come with my friends to take a look at the ship." Captain Coghlan said he was very glad to meet Mr. Bryan, and he assigned Lieutenant Commander Phelps to show Colonel Bryan and his companions over l the ship. The jackies were particularly anxious to get a glance at the silver lender and openly expressed their in terest and admiration. After a close scrutiny of everything to be seen. Colonel Bryan was taken aft and introduced to the presentation party. He chatted with several ladies ami then returned ashore where the crowd had increased in numbers ami enthusiasm. CARTER HARRISON IS FOR BRYAN. (Washington Post.) Hon. Carter 11. Harrison, Mayor of Chicago, aud Ills brother, William Pres ton Harrison, are tit the Shoreham. It is reported that the Lake City's popu lar executive has sought the capital for :i iieriod of rest and recreation after the excitement and fatigue of the recent election in which he won such a great triumph. No greater mistake could he made than to suppose that Mayor Harrison would form an alliance with Mr, Croker or any other Eastern Democrat that had in view the substitution of some other Presidential candidate for Col. NY. J. Bryan. He is thoroughly loyal to the Nebraskan. STORY OF A SLAVE. To lx* bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is tic* woist form of slavery. George I>. Williams, of Manchester, Mich., tells how such a slave was made free. He says:. "My wife has been so helpless for five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Elec tric Bitters, she is wonderfully im proved and able to do her own work.” This supreme remedy for female dis eases quickly cures nervousness, sleep lessness. melancholy, . headache, back ache. fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle working medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down (teople. Every bottle guaranteed. Only .'Si cents. Sold by all Druggists. Lots of people make fortunes out of other people's curiosity. DEATH OF REV. J. T. LYON. Pastor of the M. E. Church at Hender sonville. Hendersonville, X. April is. (Spe cial.) —Rev. J. T. Lyon, pastor <>t the M. E. church at rhis place. >.ic 1 at the parsonage this afternoon aft«r a brief illness. He was about (• »ty eight years of age. The remains . ill he m lit to Rockingham, his ‘‘urnier home, tor interment. He is a prominent member of the I. O. O. E.. and the local lodge will have charge of the funeral. Mr. Lyon was unusually admired, and his death is greatly deplored. He is well known in Eastern Carolina where he number\l his friends by the hundreds. Congress man J. 11. Sumll is a brother-in-law of Mr. Lyon. FLED TO HIS BROTHER'S HOME. The Smallpox Suspect NN'lto Escaped From Raleigh. Greystone, N. C., April 18.—(Special.) Elbert Evans, who was reported as having smallpox and! ran away to es cape the pest lionise is at his brother's home, near here. It is J feared he will spread the disease before quarantine can be established. The chairman of the county commis sioners lias been notified. THE DEMOCRAT WINS. New Haven. Conn., April 18. —At the city election here to-day, Cornelius T. Driscoll, the Democratic candidate for mayor defeated Frederick Barnsworth (Rep.) the present incumbent, by up wards of 2.000 plurality. It is probable that the netire Democratic ticket was elected. The vote was a large one. ON THE DIAMOND. Oak Ridge, X. C.. April IS.—(Special.) —Oak Ridge won against Iloanoke College to-day by a score of 4to 1. Oak Ridge had Roanoke’s team shut out ti’ 1 the ninth inning. Roanoke not get tin:: l>ast second base. Roanoke scored on a high throw by Williams. The features of the game were Wick er's great pitching, Smith's fine fielding and the first base work of Holt. Ben nett led the hitting, getting 1 singles and a double. Batteries: Oakridge, Wicker and Brake; lionnoke, NVeddington and Bois. Hits, Oakridge, 9; Roanoke, 4. Errors. Oakridge, 2: Roanoke. 4. Struck out, by Wicker, 8; by NVeddington. 4. Richmond, Ya.. April 18. —.Nt Char lottesville the University of Virginia won from the University of Pennsylvania again to-day in an exciting game. Score: R. 11. E. Virginia 4 00000002—4) 7 ti Pennsylvania ..000200 1 10—4 8 5 Batteries: Summersgill aud Null: Layton and Sherill. NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES New York, April 18.—The Br •okiyns and Bostons wound up their series at Brooklyn to-day with a slugging match, Hanlon’s men winning by 11 to 7. Hughes and Klobcdanz were both in effective. The latter showed a lack «ff knowledge of the new balk tide, and was twice worked for extra bases, once in the third when the break contributed to Brooklyn’s six runs. J'enuey was fined $5 for kicking. Attendance U.OOI. Score: * It. H. E. Brooklyn. . ..000 0 1112 *—ll 11 " Boston .'lOlOllOlO-7 12 ” Batteries: Hughes and Smith; Klobe dauz and Clarke. Umpires, Gaffney am: Andrews. Time, 2:10. Washington, April IS. —The Senators turned over a new leaf in the opening game in this city, and by hard and op portune batting took the game from their erstwhile conquerors. Fraser let down in the fifth inning and hits for five bases and his error allowed the home team to tie the score. The Phillies sacrificed well, but could not hit consecutively. Attendance 5,000. Score: R. H. E Washington .s .0 0 003102 *—o it 3 Philadelphia . . .02 01U 0 0 0 I—4 8 1 Batteries: Weyhing and McGuire: Fraser aud McFarland. Umpires. Ernslie and Betts. Time 1:50. Baltimore, Md., April 18. —The two teams to-day showed an absolute rever sal of form from the game yesterday. The Giants were keyed up to the tup notch, while the Orioles apnea ,* 1 to Lie overtrained and nervous. With the score 4 to 0 against them, a shut out was predicted when the home team went t > hat in the eigiith inning. Three singles in succession rattled Carriek and h<* forced two runners across the p!.ju* with bases on balls. Two ton -imagers and a sacrifice nett *d Baltimore S rims, aud gave them che 'bird straight victory over New York. Alum lance 1.f>0.'5. Score: It. 11. B. Baltimore.. ..000000 0 B’'' —8 10 5 New York 10100110 o—4 8 (» Batteries: McGinty and Robinson; Carriek and Warner. Umpires, Hunt and Connolly. Time, 1:45. Cincinnati, Ohio, April 18.—“Noodles'’ Hahn's first game in the league was a victory. The youngster was very wild but effective at critical stages. Mcßride again distinguished himself ny throw ing a man out tit the plate from right field. Most of the game was played in a drizzle. Attendance 800. Score: Cincinnati. . ..0002 2 5 0 0 *—7 8 2 Pittsburg 10 0003 010—5 8 5 Batteries: Hahn and Peitz; Rhinos and Schriver. Umpires, Swartwood and NYarncr. Time 2:15. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Clubs. Won. Lost. P. C. St. Ixniis 2 0 1,000 Baltimore 3 1 .750 Philadelphia 3 1 .750 Chicago 3 I .750 Brooklyn 2 1. .(HXS Cincinnati . 2 2 .500 Louisville 1 2 .333 Boston 1 2 .333 Pittsburg 1 2 .333 Washington 1 3 .250 Cleveland 0 2 .OQO New York O 3 .000 FREI>EIMCKSBI RG DEFEATEI >. Richmond. Va.. April 18.—Harvard defeated Fredericksburg College by a score of 5 to 1 at Fredericksburg this afternoon. Score: Harvard OO 11 0 1 0 1 I—s Fredericksburg 0 0 0 0 1 00 00—1 Batteries: Milne and Moss; Mannin aud Lahiuer, .. ■£. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 19, 1800. WAHT DROVE HER TO SELF-MURDER 9 Mother Kills Herself and Two Little Children ELEVEN MfcN LOST AT SEA SCHOONER ELIZA GOES To PIECES ON THE ROCKS. | A MURDERER LYNCHED IN HIS CELL i Masked Men’s Vengeance at Henderson, Ten nessee. Dtsperate but Unsuccessful At terrp* to Rob a Bank at Council Bluffs. The Robber at Large | Dulutb. Minn., April 1S. —Penniless, 'behind olities, but that he is going on a sentimental journey, and that with the Harrison family there is no association of sentiment with polities. His family came from Virginia, and lie has gone to -visit the shrine of his fore fathers arid to hunt up some of his rela tives. He declares himself for the Chi cago platform of ’9(3 and Bryan, and disclaims any secret ambition to be a Presidential candidate in 1900. PRESIDENT BRYAN NNTNS. In the Contest Over the A. and N. C. Railroad. ■ Tarboro, N. April 18. —t Special.l The A. and N. C. Railroad ease was argued before Judge Robert Hoke here to-day. Judge Hoke gave his decision in favor of James A. Bryan, the new president-elect, and the new board ot directors, also in favor of Dortch its proxy. Mcßae and Day for Dan Pat rick ami the old board appealed the case to the Supreme court. 1 If a man is wide awake during the day he can afford to sleep at night. How Mrs. Pinkham HELPED MRS. GOODEN. [letter to MRS. PINKHAM NO. 12,733] “I am very grateful to you for your kindness and the interest you have taken in me. and truly believe your | medicines and advice are worth more ! to a woman than all the doctors 1n the world. For years 1 had female troubles and did nothing for them. Os course I became no better and finally broke , down entirely. My troubles began with inflammation and hemorrhages from the kidneys, then inflammation, congestion and falling of the womb and inflammation of ovaries. “ I underwent local treatment every day for some time; then after nearly two months the doctor gave me permis • sion to go back to work. I went back, but in less than a week was com pelled to give up and go to bed. On breaking down the second time. I de cided t (J let doctors and their medicine alone and try your remedies. Before the first bottle was gone I felt the ef fects of it. Three bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and a ! package of her Sanative Wash did me more good than all the doctors' treat ments and medicine. “The first remark that greets me now is ‘How much better you look!’ and , you may be sure 1 never hesitate to tell the cause of my health.”—Mbs. E. J. | Gooden*, Ackley, I a. TELEGRAPHIC FLASHES. Governor Culbertson asks that the military department of Texas lie re-es tablished. Aljeandro Rodriguez follows Meuoeal. who resigns, as chief of Havana’s police. His apiNiintmeiit satisfies all parties. ' —Jfc The Governor ofJl.oitisiana has order off ime hundred State prisoners out to work on the levees in Issaquena county. (t is asserted that tin' Court of Cassa tion will decide that no new facts have developed in the Dreyfus ease, and will therefore reject revision. It is believed that the Government will then pardon him to end the agitation. A committee hits been apiminted of one Democrat, one anti-Quay Republi can aud one Quay 'Republican, to com mence criminal proceedings against the nine men accused of corrupt solicitation liv the bribery investigating commission. The Cuban army lists have been gone over very carefully with the result that there an* still over thirty-nine thousand men who will appear for a share of the three million dollars. This will give each man abut $75, with nothing for the officers. REMARK AB L E RESCUE. Mrs. Michael Curtain. Plainfield. Ills., makes the statement that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He to'd let* she was a hopeless victim. Her druggist suggested l)r. King's New Discovery for Consumption: sin* bought a bottle and to her delight found herself barn fitted from first dose. She continue l as use and after taking six bottles foil a 1 herself sound and well: now she does her own housework, and is ns well ns she ever was.—Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at all Drug Stores. Only 50 cents aud $1.00; every bottle guaranteed. FOURTEEN BLOWN UP. Bilbao, Spain, April 18. —Fourteen men were killed to-day by it premature explosion in blasting operations on the railway from Bilbao to Santander. Substitution tlie fraud of the day. Sec you get Carters. Ask for Carter s, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pills. Flattery is the kind of praise we hear of others. Little neglected scratches and wounds frequently result in blood poisoning. Better heal them quickly with De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, a thoroughly anti-septic application with a record of always curing piles, old ulcers, sores, cuts, wounds and skin diseases. J. Hal Bobbitt and Henry T. Hicks. lEDIGAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA • At tilt* annual meeting of tlit* Board if Visitors of rhis institution to be held on May 4. 1899, there will Ik* elected it Professor of Practice of Medicine, ow ing to the resignation of Professor John N. Upshaw, M. D. Applications for this chair with testi monials.'to be forwarded to Christopher Tompkins. AI. I>.. Dean, Richmond, N'a. J. B. Met’ll AAV, President of the Board. DANIEL D. TALLEY. Secretary. e. o. d till May 3. Headache Is often a warning that the liver is torpid or Inactive. More serious troubles may follow. For a prompt, efficient cure of Headache and all liver troubles, take Hood’s Pills While they rouse the liver, restore full, regular action of the bowels, they do not gripe or pain, do not irritate or inflame the internal organs, but have a positive tonic effect. 25c. at all druggists or by mail of C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mas 3. SP le.tor* Knglt.h Diamond Strand. IYROYAL PILLS Original and Only Genuine. A safe, *!w&y« reliable, ladils Aik A\ Druggist for (Thichester a En nurnd Brand in Hed and (.old metallic boxes, sealed with blue ribbon Take \fir no other. Refuse, dangerous substitu- v tions and imitations. At Druggists, or send 4c. In stamps for particulars, testimonial-) and “Relief for Laillos. 'ln tedfr, br return Mall. 10.00© Test!naonlals. Home Paper. eh CAtprChemlcai Co.. Mod laon bq a ore, eoid Dj •'All Local Druggists. I*lll LAI>A.« A* A. We Will Sell on the Premises, at Public Auction... ON Tuesday, April 25th, 1899, At 2:30 P. M. TWELVE HANDSOME MODERN DWELLINGS Recently Built on Summit Avenue. These are certainly the best built houses in Greensboro, having double floors and double walls, interlined w ; tts building paper; modern nickel plated plumbing, open range and boiler, water, sewerage, gas and every convenience and improvement. ■ There are few houses in the State as well built and comfortable. The quality of material and workmanship used in the construction, from the ground up, is of the very lest. TERMS: One-sixth cash; balance in equal payments at one, two, three, four aud five years. For Further Particulars,, Address "* r " ' f T- ~ - ! Summit Avenue Building Company, GREENSBORO N. C MUNYOfI’S I will guarantee that my Rheumatism Cure will relieve lum bago. sciatica and all I rheumatic paint* in two or three hours, and cure in a few days. M UN YON. At all druggists, 25c. a vial. Guide to Health and medi cal advice free. 1505 Arch st.. Thlla. RHEUMATISM fflk CARTELS SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also .-elicvc Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A pet feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small Pill. Small Dose. Smf»li Price. Lea & Perrins’ SAHGE THE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE Gives a most delicious flavor to Hot and Oold Meats, Gravies, Salads, Soups, Game, Fish, Welsh Rarebits, etc. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. This signature on every bottle— John Duncan’s Sons, Agents, New York. «CUR£ YOURSELF? tJf«> liig *i for unniUuriil liftchargeH, inlluiiiin”ions, rritatiuus or ulcerations if mucous membranes. Painless, and not astrin* genr or poisonous. Sold by Drureista. or sent m plain wrapper, Py express, prepaid, for JJ.no, or 3 hdtuies. Circular scut oo tannest. Doctors Don’t VISIT OFTEN THE FAMILIES WHO KEEP IN THE HOUbE VICKS’ LITTLE LIVER GRANULES 40 in Vial 25c. A true Tonic-Laxative for adult and child. KODAK, the Safe Touic Headache ami Neuralgia Cure. 3 doses 10c. Druggists fell them. Oct what you ask for or send in stamps to • L. RICHARDSON DRUG CO. Wholesale vuly, GREENSBORO. - - - N. C. RALEIGH AND AUGUSTA AIR LINE RAILROAD COMPANY. April fith. 1899. Notice —The special meeting of stock holders of this company held this day, adjourned to meet tit the office of the company in Raleigh, N'. C., on Thurs day, May 11th. next, at 11 o’clock a. m. J. M. SIIERNVOOD. Secretary. SPECIALS. i Homespun or Canvas cloth for Suits, at 10 and i ;c. Cotton Covert Cloth for Skirts, at ioc, big value. White, Cream and Light Blue Piques, also Ducks, in White and Colors, at ioc. White Lawn, 40 inch, at !7 1-2, 10 and 12 I-2C. White Organdies, 60 and 71 inch, at 29 and 39c. I. ROSENTHAL. i - , bouit»i y> 11 w ■«-v. —» UN I VERS .TV OF VIFR.INS' 53th ft-mmtr Term, July 1 t > • ej . 1,1 In mountaiuous arc! ucu-m;»!ai ■■ 1 > •• (< i Virginia. These mimes lit? ve nr vc. nec uni ty protUnhlo tn bCKinners: tomndiuMi ■ foraff tn'ssHHi to t lie bar air! toprm'i it inner*- w ole vc leaked systematic instruction or t tied tevi ■ . For catalogue, address R. V. Mixon, fee . Char.ottesvmo, A a. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION AND ELECTION. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA County of Wake —Township of Raleigh, j Under and by virtue of an act entitled , an act to authorize the issuing of bonds jby Raleigh Township for school pur poses, ratified February 28th. 1899. and iin pursuance of the laws of North Uaro | lina governing elections, the Board of ! Commissioners of NVake county do here ■ by give notice that there will be field on Monday, June 12th. 1899. in till the precincts of Raleigh Township, in the County of Wake, sit the polling places hereinafter set forth, an election upon the question of issuing fifty thousand dollars in bonds by Raleigh Township for school purposes as is provided in said act. Books of registration for the I said election will lie opened on May 18th, 1899, and will be closed on Satur ! day, June 10th, 1899. tit noon. Chal lenges will be heard as .provided by law on Saturday. June 10th. The pre jcinets will have the same boundaries |as in the last general election, except that each ward will constitute a single | precinct. The. territory lying between [ Newbern Avenue and Hargett Street ] will register aud vote in the Second I Ward, to which it belongs, and that lying between Hillsboro Street and liar j get t Street will register and vote with : the First Ward (not. being affected by the division of precincts for the election j upon the issuance of bonds by the city of Raleigh to be held at the same time.) 1 The following are the precincts, places ;of registration, polling places, and the j registrars; First Ward —Conn’s Store, cor. Salis- I bury aud Jones streets —Melvin An drews. j Second Ward —Lee's Store, cor. Blood -1 worth and Lane streets —E. Hugh Leo. I Third Ward—Jones’ Warehouse, cor. | Blount and Davie streets —F. Henry Ilunnycutt. I Fourth Ward —City Lot. cor. Salisbury and Davie streets —TN’. 11. Strother. Outside West, North—Taylor’s Store —A. 1). Taylor. Outside NN'est, South—Jones Store — jJ. R. Harris. Outside East —Upchurch’s Store— John R. Upchurch. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NVAKE COUNTY. April 14. 1899. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. The directors iff' the Deaf and Dumb and Blind Institution at Raleigh will | receive sealed proposals, until noon of i April 24th. for the construction of a | new roof and other improvements upon ; the main building in accordance, with plans and specifications of Rose & B>ar : r it, now to be seen in the office of the principal at the Institution. Each hid must la* accompanied by a eerti i tied cheek for $l5O. as evidence if the 'hid is nceeirtcff, that the bidder will en ter into contract, and file an acceptable justified bond in the sum of $5,000. both j made payable to the Board of Direc tors of the North Carolina Institution for tlie Education of the Deaf and Duntil* and the Blind. Tin* right is re i served to njeot any ami all bids. JOHN E. RAY. Principal. I 14-st.