The Weather To-day: FAIR, The News and Observer. VOL. XLVI. NO. 4: LUIS All mm CAROLINA OAIUEB II NEWS AND CIRCULATION. The Raleigh at South port MARION, HORNET, COMPTON AND WILMINGTON GREET HER. The River Was Alive With Flags and Bunting, and Wild Cheers and Thundering Guns Swelled the Chorus of Welcome. Wilinitigoii, N. U., May' 4.—(Spe cial.) —All streets today led to tape Fear river; to the wharves and piers that form the west side of Water street trended thousands of people anxious to get a glimpse of the war vessel named for North Carolina’s capital. “Has the Raleigh been sighted yet?” was the question that they kept asking over and over all the long afternoon, and did not cease asking till far in the night, when it became definitely known that the cruiser arrived* at Souuth|>ort, but with this announcement came the dis appointing news that the cruiser would not. because of the channel, come to this city at all. i Wilmington has turned out en masse to meet and greet the battle-scarred cruiser and her gal lent officers and crew and hitter in deed was the disappointment of the ' waiting throngs when hour after hour went by and still no definite tid- ~HE "RALEIGH”. ings of the warship: tlu*n tin* news that it would never come bo.vond Southport. Business had practically been suspended. Hunting fluttered from buildings all over the city, and shipping along the water front had been decorated with flags. Even tugs and fishing smacks showed a flag of some kind and “Manila,*’ “Dewey"’ and “Raleigh” were favorite legends for these rippling pieces of hunting to hear livery floatable craft bore an excursion party to Southport. Marly in the day the boats that wort* to take the mayor, city officials and committees to receive the Italeigh and assist in escorting it up the river had gone down to the river's mouth. The Marlon left at 10 o’clock with the navigation committee, consist ing of Mi* .Ins. Sprunt, ('apt. E. \V. Van Court I.ucas and (’apt. .1. F. Craig, also Col. Murchison with several young ladies. At 11 o'clock the Compton, with a few of ladies committee and the Atlantic Coast Line officials left. The steamer Wilmington left at 1” o’clock with a large crowd. Tlie Italian string hand were with them to furnish the music. The Naval Reserves’ converted cruiser “Ilornct,” left at 11:40. Tin members of tlie reception committee were on board with their wives, also many of the ladies committee. The "Hornet" had the First regiment baud on hoard. Mayor Powell and party from Raleigh arrived at 2 o’clock. They wen- met and taken to the Merchants Association rooms, where they were welcomed by President \V. E. Worth. He expressed regret that he had been unable to hold the boat for them lhnger, but wanted them to take part in ail ceremonies and recep tions to the Raleigh and its men and officers. Late in the afternoon the dele gation from Raleigh secured the steamer Southport and went down the river about twenty miles, when night on mo on and they returned, having learned that tli.--.- was no possibility of the Raleigh coming up to-night. To-morrow afternoon Captain Cogh lan and other officers of the Ral eigh will be brought here and a public j-eeeption will be held, probably at tin* Opera'House when it is expected the gun captured at Manila will he pro seated to the city of Raleigh. Th * mayor has selected Mr. R. X. Simms to make the speech of acceptance for him. A welcome address hy Col. Waddell will he delivered and the* response by Cap!. Coghlan. The disapisiintment of the Wilmington people at Capt. Coghlan’s decision not to come to this port is very great indeed. To entirely rid himself of any responsibility in the matter, Capt. Coghlan tonight telegraphed the War Departent in Washington, setting forth all facts and asking what he should do. The reception committee here has also wired to Washington urging that per mission he granted Capt. Coghlan to bring the Raleigh here. They say that vessels of greater draft than twenty feet three inches has come up the Cape Fear. 1 Even if permission is granted to bring the cruiser it cannot reach here before l! o’clock tomorrow afternoon. Among those who came from Raleigh on the special train that arrived here at 2 o'clock were; Mayor A. M. I’owell. Alderman (‘lias. ('. McDonald. .1. Hal | Bobbitt. H. R. I.card, \V. /. Bluke. Percy Albright, .1. ]). * Turner, Oscar (sm-n, 11. E. .loyner, C. C. Baker, Clarence 11. Hoc, James F. Royster. Fred C. Olds, ,J, D. Kiggan, Willis o'clock the dis appointing news was wired from South port that the ship had not been sighted off Cape Fear bar. and that it would •therefore be impossible for her to reach Wilmington before tomorrow. At r»:4r» news came that the cruiser had been sighted oft the bar. and at t!:2fi jher arrival at Southport was announced, j Elaborate preparations had been made (here for three different receptions t > the j officers tonight, all of which must l e postponed. A special from Southport to the Morn ing Star says: The United States cruiser Raleigh ar rived I’iipm Philadelphia and -anchored in the harbor at