The News and Observe * VOL. XLVL NO. 50. LEW ILL NORTH CAROLINA DAIUEB IN NEWS 111 CIRCULATION. FACTS THAT TALK LOUDLY Recent Promotions of A. & M. College Students. THEYGETGOOD POSITIONS SHOW'S THAI* THE TRAINING IS FIKST KATE. THEY DO NOT HAVE TO WAIT FOR WORK Manufacturers, Farmers and Business Men Feel Perfcclly.Safe in Entrus'ing their Interests to A. &. M. Col lege Graduates. Nothing bettor illustrates the useful work that the Agricultural and Mechani cal College is doing for the young men of this, and of other States, than the important and lucrative positions its graduates are being called to till. Gen erally, after a young man has graduated from college, he has to spend: several years learning something to do. The stu dent of a technical college is ready for work when he is graduated. The desir able appointments that have recently been received by the young graduates of the A. & M. College show the esteem in which the institution is held by the prac tical manufacturers and business men who are keeping up with the details of its work, and who feel perfectly safe in entrusting their commercial interests to its recent graduates. Among many we single out a few recent appointments to show the character of the work done. I). F. Asbury, of Burke county, who, a few weeks after graduation last June, took a position with the big naval con struction company at Newport News, and who was promoted in a few months, lias just been offered by his company a position in the Sandwich Islands at $-1 a day and all his expenses. He is about twenty-two years old S. F. Beck, also of Burke, walked to Raleigh to enter college. Before he was graduated he received notice that a po sition in the same company awaited him upon liis graduation. He now has a fine position i:i the draughting depart ment. T. Sugi shite, the young Japanese, who graduated in the civil engineering depart ment last June, was a month ago em ployed by the Japanese government to assist in building national railways. He gets a salary of $2,000 a year. A. E. -Cohoon and H. M. Curran re cently received appointments in the for estry department of the State Geologic Survey. Both these young men will, this summer, take the examination for entrance into the forestry division of the United St'iires government. L.|R. Whitted, of Alamance county, a graduate in the civil engineering depart men t\ and also for one year a post graduate student, passed the rigid exam ination to become a government engi neer, was assigned to duty at Port Roval.l He was last week promoted to a sl,2een sen! out. A cordial invitation is extended every physician in the State to In* present nt this meeting which will he held at Asheville, May 30 and 31 ifiid June 1 and 2. The members of the society are especially urged to attend and heifi make the semi-centennial year a nota ble one in the history of the society. The Board of Medical Examiners will hold their examination in the bull room of the Swahnauon Hotel. The society will open its session, Tuesday morning. May 3(lth, at 10 o’clock in the hall room of the Battery Park Hotel. Applicants for membership may hand in their names to the Committee on Credentials at any time during the ses sion. Delegates from State* or District societies will place their credentials in the hands of the committee as soon as the society is open for business. The officers and committees of the Society are: President —L. J. Picot, M. I)., Little ton. Vice Presidents —I. W. Faison, M. D., Charlotte; H. 11. Dodson, M. D.. Milton: J. W. White. M. I)., Wilkesboro; W. O. Browiison, M. I)., Asheville. Secretary—Geo. W. Pressly, M. 1)., (’hnrlotte. Treasurer —G. T. Sikes, M. D., Gris som. Orator —H. S. Lott, M. D., Salem. Essayist—C. L. Minor, M. I)., Ashe ville. Leader of Debate —J. P. Munroe, M. 1).. Davidson. Board of Censors —W. O. McDowell, M. D., Scotland Neck; 11. 11. Harris, M. D., \Yake Forest; J. H. Tucker, M. D., Henderson. Publication Committee —R. J. Brevard. M. D.. Charlotte; J. (’. Montgomery. M. D., Charlotte; R. D. Jewett. M. D., Winston; 11. T. Bahnson. M. D., Salem. Legislative Committee —R. H. Lewis, M. D., Raleigh; G. T. Sikes, M. IT, Grissom; Abner Alexander, M. D., Co lumbia: James McKee, M. P., Raleigh; li. A. Royster, M. P., Raleigh. Obituary Committee —Geo. W. Long, M. I)., Graham; J. A. lteagan, M. !>., Wcaverville; I\. P. Battle, M. D., Ra leigh. THE OFFICERS OF SECTIONS. Pathology and Miscroscopy—E. B. Glenn. M. I)., Chairman, Asheville. Anatomy and Surgery—Goode Cheat ham. M. !>., Chairman, Henderson. Medioll Jurisprudence and State Med icine—Tlios. F. Costner, M. !>., Chair man, Liucolnton. Obstetrics.—W. W. McKenzie, M. P.. ('hairman, Salisbury. Gynecology.—Wm. A* Graham, M. I)., Chairman, Charlotte. Practice of Medicine —Ben K. Hays, M. L>.. Chairman, Oxford. Materia Medica and Therapeutics—C. S. Mangurn, M. D., Chairman, Chapel Hill. Chemistry and PhysF - i.v—Joshua Tayloe, M. P., Chairman, Washington. ORDER OF EXERCISES. Thursday, 3 p. m., May 23th—Board of Exapiiners meet. Tuesday. 10 a. in., May 30th—Society called to order by M. 11. Flooher, M. D., of Asheville, Chairman Local Com mittee of Arrangements. Prayer by Rev. W. M. Vines, Pastor of the First Baptist church of Asheville. Address of Welcome by Locke Craig, Esq. Response by Beuj. K. Hays, M. I)., of Oxford. The President takes the chair. Roll call. President’s Annual Address. Appointment of Comittees. Programme: WEDNESDAY, MAY 31 ST. Appointment of committees. 11 a. in., Report of Board of Exami ners. 12 ui. —Conjoint meeting with the X. G.. State Board of Health. 2:30 p. m. —Election of Officers for 1900. 8:30 p. m.—Annual oration, "The Prac tice of Medicine,” by 11. S. Lott, M. D., of Salem. Annual Essay by Chas. L. Minor, M. D., of Asheville. THURSDAY, JUNE IST. Morning.—Selection of Place and time for next meeting. Afternoon—Annual Discussion, J. P. Munroe, M. D., of Davidson, Leader, "Conservatism in Surgery.” FRIDAY, JUNE 2ND. The Pittman Prize Essay, l>y the Au thor. PRICE FIVE CENTS. Unfinished Business. Adjournment. SECTIONS. PRACTICE OF MEPI CINE. Chairman’s Report. Beuj. K. Hays, M. 1).. Oxford “The Continued Fevers of North Carolina." .1. Howell Way, M. P., of Waynesville “Pernicious Malaria.” W. L. Robison. M. P„ of Danville, Ya. —“Treatment of Typhoid Fever.” James M. Parrott, M. 1)., of Kinston. —“Hemorrhagic Fever.” ,T. F. Highsmith, M. !>., of Fayette ville —“Typhoid Fever, as met with in Fayetteville and surrounding country.” Jno. E. S. Davidson, M. D„ of Lowes ville —“Meningitis.” R. E. Zachary, M. P., of Wilmington. —“Pernicious Malarial Fever.” Win. J. McAnally. of High Point “Chronic Gastro-Intestinal Catarrh." PATHOLOGY AND MICROSCOPY. Chairman's Report. E. li. Glenn, M. I)., of Asheville.-"A Study of the Bacteriology of Specific Urethritis.” Paul Paequin, M. I)., of Asheville — “Biology and Pathology of Mixed In fection in Tuberculosis.” OBSTETRICS. Chairman’s Report. W. W. McKenzie, M. D., of Salisbury —“A ntiseptie Midwi fer.v.” .1. IV. Long, M. M., of Salisbury— “Ectopic Pregnancy.” I. W. Faison. M. P., of Charlotte — “The Management of Normal Labor.” David A. Staunton. M. I)., of High Point —“The Application of Forceps in i i igh Presentat ions.” MEDICAL .lURI SPRIT PE N<’ E. Chairman’s Report. Tims. F. Costner, M. P., of Lineoln ton —“Juvenile Criminals.” (J. A. Kamsaur, M. I>„ of China Grove—“ Propagation of Typhoid Fever and other Suspicious Diseases.” Robert L. Gibbon, M. P., of Char lotte —“Juvenile Criminals.” GYNECOLOGY. Chairman’s Rejiort. Wm. A. Graham, M. P., of Charlotte. Joseph Price, M. P„ of Philadelphia— “ The Importance of Early Operation in Pelvic Diseases.” ANATOMY AND SURGERY. Chairman’s Report. Goode Cheatham, M. P„ of Hender son —“Asepsis and Antisepsis in Sur gery.” F. T. Meriwether. M. D., of Asheville— " Some Remarks Upon Coley’s Treat ment of Malignant Growths.” M. Bolton. M. I)., of Rich Square— “lnteresting Case of Renal Calculus.” R. E. Z. Zachary, M. I)., of Wilming ton —“Chronic Ulcers of the Leg and the Different Methods of Treatment.” MATERIA MEDICA. Chairman’s Report. C. S. Mangurn, M. D., of Chapel Hill —“Progress in Serum Therapy.” E. A. Moye, M. D., of Greenville — “Aenite Poisoning. It’s Piganosis ami Treatment, with Report of a ease.” J. C. Rodman, M. I)., of Washington— “ The Use of the Normal Salt Solution in the Treatment of Disease.” E. B. Goelet, M. P., of Saluda—“Elec tricity as an Aid to the Physician and Surgeon.” CHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Chairman’s Report. Joshua Tayloe, M. D., of Washing ton. THE PITTMAN PRIZE. A prize of SIOO will Ik* given for the best essay on a subject pertaining to medciihe. Provided, Ist. That it shows some originality on the part of the au thor. Second, That it comes up to a standard of excellence determined by the committee. Third, That the author write trader ati assumed name, that he shall place this assumed name upon the outside of a sealed envebqie within which envelope is contained the real name of the author; that the envelope so arranged shall be handed in to the committee along with the essay. Fourth, That the contestant Ik* a member of the State Medical Society of North Caroj Una. Essays may he handed to the secretary during the meeting or sent to him at any time previous. This prize is the gift of one who hon ored the Society by his life and char acter, the late Dr. N. J. Pittrnan, and it is worth striving for, not only for the reward and honor, hut also in memory of the giver and for the interest of the Society. Reduced rates to Asheville and return are given on all railroads. The rati* from Raleigh is sll. Tickets will be on sale May 24th tfhd 23th for the Board of Examiners ami applicants: May 28th, 29th and 30th for the meeting of the Society. All tickets good until June 14th. Special rates will also be given at the hotels. THE GOVERNOR’S APPETITE. He Can Eat With Impunity Anything Set Before Him. Georgia’s Chief Executive has many good qualities, and in addition to his superb robust constitution, the Governor also possesses what is coveted by many unfortunates —he has a good appetite. Like any ordinary mortal, however, lie once suffered from indigestion, with all the distressing conditions which it pro duces. But he last found an unfailing remedy, however, and said recently: “For many years my digestion was lsid, but the occasional use of a bottle of S. H. 8. has entirely cured me of this malady, and I now eat with i>erfeet impunity anything set before me.” Governor Candler has also declared S. S. 8. to lie the finest tonic and blood purifier made. He has used it every spring for the past fifteen years. When tlie baby is asleep it’s a ease of kidnapping.