2 THE DEADLY WORK OF iINKHOWH THUGS Robbery and Murder of Elijah Weeks. THE VICTIM STRANGLED A lion: WAS TIIK WEAPON EM PLOYED. WEIKS SLEPT AT HIS STORE THAT NIG iT In the Morning His Body Was Found There With a Rope Drfcwn TighTy /Around th; Neck. Men Suspcc'.ed of the Murder. Movehead City, N. .I line 8. —(Spe- cial.) - Elijah Weeks, a inereliant anc I called on said at first it was a .Ague strain and would soon b«* well, mit : t grew worse and the doctor then sai.i I had rheumatism. It continued to giow worst* and 1 couid hardly get aioni-d to work. I went to a drug store and the druggist recommended me to try Cham berlain’s Pain Balm. I tried it and one half of a 50-eent bottle cured me entire ly. I now recommend it to all my friends. F. A. Babcock, Eri \ Pa. It is for sale everywhere. Bobbitt Wynne Drug Co. and 11. T. llicks, Druggists, Raleigh. GOING TO DELAWARE PARK. Many Prefer This Delightful Spot to the Seaside —An Ideal Picnic Place. The iSealioard Air Line is justly proud of the record recently made by Delaware Park. During the past week, the trouble lias been to accommodate ■parties who have applied for dates in June. Many have applied far ahead, and the month is almost full; but there are a few days left for those who will promptly call upon or write to I*. S. Allen, General Passenger Agent. Portsmouth, Va. On the banks of tin* Nottoway river, about fortv miles from Portsmouth and one hundred and thirty miles from Raleigh, tin* fishing ranges from net hauliug to canoe and perch-angling for the children. They can go out alone safely with a paddle in the still water. There are shady “hole's” for small fry “yellow bellies,” which can be eaten hot and sweet for lunch under the poplars. Up the hill is Delaware Park, fenced in with swings and merry-go-rounds, bicycle tracks and sloping, grassy, breezy lawns, pavilions and music, springs 'wav down in the hollows, with streams sparklingly threading the lines between the hills. The grandstand will shelter 1500 peo ple. Then* is plenty of stage* room for concerts. There are sulphur springs, sin artesian well with a stream one hun dred and forty feet in the air. iron and magnesia springs, bath and to'h*t rooms for ladies, gentlemen and children: lava tories and reclining chairs, fourteen acres of rolling park, green and gold with buttercups and great trees. First come, first served. ON IHE DIAMOND. NATIONAL I.EAOt'K (JAMES. Baltimore, Mil., Juno B.— l-lowell pitched ami won his first full game for the Orioles to-day. Payne was batted out of the Im>x hi the lirst inning and Gardner was almost as easy. Attend mice 1,022. Score: 11. 11. E. Pittsburg 000 11 0030— 5 11 3 Baltimore ...4 2 102020* —11 15 2 Batteries: Payne, Gardner and Shriver; Howell and Robinson. Um pires, Swart wood and Warner, lime 2:00. Philadelphia. Pa., .Tune B.— Rain stopped to day’s game at the end of the sixth inning. In the fifth inning the Phillies had a lead of one run and i:. the* sixth St. Lmis. with two singles, a double and a triple secured one run to the good. Thomas and Delahant.v went out in order and Childs rapped out a single. Five more hits followed one of them a three-baggor, and the PhiS'ies scored five runs. When, the third man was out Umpire Burns stopped the game. Attendance 1,958. Score: R. 11. F St. Louis 000 1 03—4 8 0 Pliildaelphia 0 0 1115—8 13 1 Batteries: Sudhoft' and O’Connor; Fifield and McFarland. Umpires, Burns and Smith. Time 1:45. New York, June S. —New York scored another easy victory over Cleveland to day. The Cleveland team was out classed and will win but l'cw games in its presept condition. Attendance 300. Score: 11. H. E. Cleveland ...01 3100000— 5 13 1 New York ..3201 4 0 0 4 *—l4 10 2 Bateries: Hill and Zimmer; Sey mour and Grady. Umpires, O’Day and MeGarr. Time 2:00. New York. June 8. —Hughes was in vincible to-day and with the aid of faultless support shut out the Cinein natis in Brooklyn with ease. Attend ance 2.800. Score: It. 11. E. Cincinnati 0 0 000 00 00—0 0 3 Brooklyn 5000 00 00*—5 5 0 Bateries: Hawley and Wood; Hughes and Grim. Umpires, Enislie and McDonald. Time 1:34. Washington. June 8. —The Senators won a very evenly balanced game in the tenth inning to-day when Slagle knocked out a three bagger, which was followed by Barry's single. Attendance 2,000. Score: R. 11. E. Washington .. 1 00020 1 0 tl I—s 9 3 Chicago 0003000 100—4 9 4 Batteries: Mercer and McGuire; Tay lor and Nichols. Umpires, Lynch and Connolly. Time 2:10. Boston, Mass., June 8. —It took twelve innings for the Champions to heat Louisvilie to-day. L*wis was hit hard all through the game, and the home team's fielding was considerably below par. Attendance 1,800. Score: R. 11. E. Boston ..10000 0 3 0 01 0 2—7 14 4 Louisville 2001 0 00 1 0 1 0 o—s 12 2 Batteries: Lewis and Clarke: Dowl ing and Powers. Umpires, Gaffney and Andrews. Time 2:20. SPAIN’S GREATEST NEED. Mr. 11. P. Olivia, of Barcelona. Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S. C. W eak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of bis bead. On using Electric Bitters, America’s greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy, all pain soon left him. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, purities the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired and ailing you need lit. Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by all druggists. MIL BLAND SLOWLY DYING. Lebanon. Mo.. .Tune B. At 10 o'clock Mr. Bland apjieared somewhat brighter and probably will live through the night, lli* has been speechless for 24 hours. The physicians regard the case as hope less and have so .informed the family. A FRIGHTFUL BLUNDER. Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald. Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's Arni ca Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores. Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. .Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists. What is the Kodol Dyspepsia Cure? It is the newly discovered remedy, the most effective prepartion ever devised for aiding the digestion aim assimila tion of food and restoring the deranged digestive organs to a natural condition. It is a discovery surpassing anything vet known to the medical profession Bobbitt-Wynne Drug Company., W. H. King & Co., Adams vk Moye, William Siuipsou. , 1 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, FRIDAY MORNING. .H’NE !), 1800. CLOUD OVER THE SOUTH JUDGE SPEER BLAMES ONLY PARIAHS Or THE NIGHO RACE. j The Negro Performs His Duty in the Jury Box, and the Negro Character is One to be tov d. Macon, (l:t., June S.—The brief ab stract of tin* remarkable address deli ver t'd by Judge Emory Spec' yesterday be fore the graduating law class of Mercer University inadvertently did him an in justice. The distinguished jurist to-day in a statement which will attract wide attention,* made clear liis position re garding his attitude toward the negroes as a race, in connection with the out rageous crime's committed by sonic of their number. After ivferimg to tic brighter auspices of the graduations 01 the class of 1899 as compared with ins own during tlie Civil War period, he said: “There is, however, one dark cloud on the bright morning of our hopes. 1 speak as a Georgian, as J have the right. I speak of that condition of the public mind because of which thou sands of husbands, brothers and fathers, go to their daily labors with a rightful dread, akin to that which assailed tin* pilgrims of New England who, with his savage foeman hard by, stalked to church with firelock on shoulder and sword at his side, or the backwoodsman of the 8011th and West who tills liis new ground with his rifle ever in reach; of that danger to the peace and happiness of our rural homes as agonizing and in furiating as any which ever afflicted the human race. “Let me say. in the outset that it is a destructive error to charge tin* negro race with tin* atrocities of its own out casts and pariahs. And let me next de clare, what is even more important, the negroes, if they wish to continue to re main in peace in these Southern States must, by their own conduct and assist ance as citizens, to the officers of the law in bringing the cruel and cowardly Attaches of their race to the bar of pub lic justice, acquit themselves of the charge now widely made of racial sym pathy with the criminal, no matter how atrocious his crime. The plainest in stinct of self preservation aside from tin* dictates of right and duty demand this of their hands. Nor is this demand incompatible with, tin* character and his tory of the upright men of their race. We Southern people know that there is a wonderful difference among the ne groes. There is doubtless as much difference in tribal descent a along them as there is in nationality of ancestry among the* white people. While some of our negro population are descended from degraded tribes and yet preserve iu exasperating perfection their ances tral vices, others spring from those gentle and manly races who kindly min istered to the helpless Livingston in his long wanderings across the* Dark Con tinent. These worthy men have the confidence and good will of the Southern gentlemen. Indeed the negro is largely the peasantry of the Southern States, and his labors add enormously to the aggregate of the wealth. 1 feel that after all that has been said, this colored farmer is no mean friend of the State, with all of its advancing civilization. There are visionaries who talk about the colonization of the negro, but unless he chooses to go himself this is utterly impracticable. My word for it, In' will not choose to go. No race has stronger loyal attachments than the negro. Be sides way down in our hearts we do not want him to go. “There will ever lie as then* have ever been, crimes committed by individuals, many of them so atrocious that tin* story will stir a fever in the blood of age or make the infant sinews strong as steel. It is due, however, when we con sider our vast territory and large popu lation. to say that they are comparative ly infrequent. Certainly it is that these crimes when committed must be dealt wth according to the methods of civil ized peoples. The constitutions of the l On® Dose | J Tells the story. When your head i 5 aches and you feel bilious, consti-' Fpated and out of tune, with your £ #stomach sour and no appetite, just* 0 buy a package of 0 | Hood’s Pills | J And take a dose, from 1 to 4 pills. J 5 You will be surprised at how easily will do their work, cure your P 0 headache and biliousness rouse the 0 5 liver and make you feel happy again,s 025 cents. Sold by all medicine dealers, p fj.H. ROBBINS | I 9 I Has the Best S LIVERY STABLE! In Raleigh. | 9 9 Stylish Horses, | Buggies, Landaus, 2 Victorias, Traps. • 2 9 Boarding a Specialty 2 9 EAST MORGAN ST. | s ’Phone No. 79. g 9 9 999999999999 1 United States and of the State of Geor gia provide that no person shall be de prived of life, liberty or projierty with out* due process of law. This is a funda mental principle of civilization an 1. how - ever terrihb* the provocation, no people can shatter the basic principles of the -ocial system ini order t*» wreak lawless vengeance upon a vicious iudividi.il without entailing upon every class flu* inevitable return of all thus* calamities which civilization has labored for cen turies to avoid. "111 those courts where 1 have presid ed for many years 1 have often witness til negroes do their whole duty to the government and to non-residents against every power of advocacy and very pre judice of the past. 1 have never known them to fail of tlicir duty to the right by a disregard of tin* juror's oath. These things I know, and 1 here an 1 now *.e clare. iindcrstaniding the full significance of what I say, that all Mime tragic inci dents as they have been spread before the country of bite in all their sickening and fearsome details, are uttcri\ for eign and abnormal to the character of phis (tropic as 1 have known and loved il from childhood's days, si ml 1 shall know and love it until my eyes are closed in death.” \Y. M. Gallagher, of Bryan, Pa., says: “For forty years I have tried va rious cough medicines. One Minute Cough Cure is best of all.” It relieves instantly and cures all throat and lung troubles, coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, la grippe and pneumonia. Bob j bitt Wynne Drug Company, Adams & Moye, William Simpson. ■ CORE YOURSRFi (Ist* Hii; M Ittr itmoi tins, ilischa!>'<'*, intliiiiinciuons irritations or ulionitioiif of ID UCo u 8 IDPID t»l ;M'‘B Painless, Rinl not ustriu !o. *'‘ n ' or r T FChlcl r«tfß» KnglNh Dlaaoi-T llravcY. ENNYRQYAL FILLS Original and Only Genuine. A RAFE ’ reliable, ladies ask v-pAki Druggist for < f hiche*te,r t Hnglinh mcmd Bmnd in Hefl and Gold >v scaled with blue ribbon. Take VSf TO* Vtijnu other. Re.fntt dangerous *ub»titu- * i f "** Artion* and imitations At Druggiat*. or send 4o- I w JJf in Ptarrps For particulars, testimonials and \ T5 4 jB “Keltof for b j return A fr Mall. IOjOOO Testimonial*. &'mar. Paper. fhSohctPrt’licmlfttludUofli ftqnnrc, tfold ffcii Local Druggists. I*lll LA IKY. • PA* Note Our CLEARANCE SALE. Lawns at 2*4c Manilla Cords at 5c Organdie Imperial 7Lc French Organdie 10c White Goods from T'/gC Excellent quality Bed Sheets .... 49c Beautiful line of Silks I'2'gC White Shirt Waists from 30c Crash Skirts at (p f j ' *■ I « " Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers of Harness 109 East Martin Street, Raleigh, N. C. Capital Marble Works. Monuments - $20.00 and Up Tablets - - - - * 15.00 “ Headstones - 800 Infants' Headstones - * 3.50 u “ In best white or dark marble with good bases. Carved, lettered and deliver ed at vour nearest station free of freight for your inspection before paying. Tor designs write or call 011 EDWARD T. MARKS, Raleigh, N. G. fGYPiiNE j I .. .WALL FINISH.: • • '1 he most beautiful tints, the most durable of any 2 • wall finish made. 2 | THOMAS H. BRIGGS & SONS. | • RALEIGH, N. C. 2 99999 999099 9999999999 9999999999999999909999 J GOOD HO.iSE SENSE a man displays when lie chooses a well made harness that is composed of the best materials. You can choose a har ness from our choice stock that com bines beauty, style and superior merit, and that will stand any strain that can be put on it in general wear, at a low price. Manufacturing collars a specialty Highest Cash Paid far Dry bides* A Hot, Dry June Brings Health and ~ Wealth. Bros. Will keep you cool and comfortable with their Stock of Hot Weather Wearables Serge Suits, Oash Suits, Straw Hats, Negligee Shirts. Also luscious Dewber rries. Ask your grocer for them. Or ' blm 'Jli! (FA X \1 ,