2 THE WORLD OF SPORT Sharkey Accepts Challenge of Jeffries, FHZ WILL FIGHT AGAIN FANADIANS CARRY OFF OFF IN A YAFHT RAGE. WINNER OF WASH NGTON LEE REGATTA > . The Six Days’ Rac? in New York Slopped. Unven’Tu! Day in the Baseball World. r San Francisco. Cali., .lime 112. Tom Sharkey, the pugilist, has received (lie following telegram from his manager, Tom O'Rourke dated Now York. June 11th: “Tom Sharkey, Pasco Robles, Cali.: “Have accepted Jeffries’ challenge (o fight you early in September. You had lief ter come here at once. There is nothing out there. Answer. (Signed.) “TOM O 110 l KKE." To the nboi|c the sailor replied: “Paso Rubles. Cal., June PJtli. “Tom O’Rourke, New York: "Am at Springs doing well. Working right along. A\ ill leave for New York in three weeks. Weather is rather warm there. (Signed.) “TOM SHARKEY.” From th«‘ above it would appear that the caustic challenge issued by .let Tries just after his defeat of Fitzsimmons, will lead to some arrangement for a battle between the aspiring sailor and the new champion. FITZ TO CHALLENGE JEFF. Now York. June Pi.—Martin Julian stated ti>-night that no heuetit for Fitz would be held. He said: “Fitz is not in need of money: lie • was not in need of money before the fight with Jeffries which netted hint a handsome sum. and he does not care for a benefit. It is quite probable that Fitz will, within the next few days challenge Jeffries to meet him again, in the near future, in another tight for the heavy-weight championship.” SIX DAYS RACE STOPS SHORT. New* York, June 12. —The six days go as-you-please foot race which Ix'gnn in Madison Square Harden Jast night, came to an end shortly after 10 o'clock to-night, on account of financial troubles. The last of the pedestrians were forced from the track hy the management shut ting of the lights. THE CANADIAN BOAT WINS. Montreal, June 12.—Last year's Sea watihaka cup winner, the Dominion, ran away from the White Bear yacht cltih's | challenge, the Yankee, in the tirst of ; the series of races to lie sailed on Lake i St. Louis, the Canadian boat winning by 10 minutes. THE LEE CREW WIN REGATTA. Richmond. Va.. June 12. —At Lexing ton. Va.. to-day. the Washington and lan* University annual regatta was won by the Harry la*e crew, their oppon ents the Albert Sidney Johnston crew, beitig beaten half a boat’s length. NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES. New York. Jun«* 12. —The New Yorks were easily downed by the Bostons tie day. The Champions scored 11 runs in three innings, mainly through Oardiek’s ineffective pitching. An error by I/ong was responsible for the New Yorks brace of runs in the seventh. Attendance 1.- 300. Score: New York 0 00000 2OB— 2 12 3 Boston 3OSOO 0 (DU)—ll 12 2 Batteries: Carriek, Coakley and War ner: Nichols and Clarke. Umpires, Lynch and Warner. Time 1 :38. Cleveland, June 12. —Cleveland and Pittsburg played a pretty even game today, but the visitors did the better work in the field. There was good hit ting on both sides. Attendance 100. Score: Tlevdarll 00 20100 00- 3 11 J Pittsburg 201000200-5 11 0 Batteries: Hughey and Sehreeongest; Leevcr, Sparks and Bowerman. Um pire, Gaffney. Time 1:10. THE BIG STRIKE IN CLEVELAND The Strikers Find Strong Allies in Their Women. Cleveland. Ohio, June 12. —The at tempt of the big consolidated railroad company to move its ears today was attended by scenes of wild disorder in various parts of tin* city, though nob sly was hurt and very little damage was done to property. Cars were run on two lines at very irregular intervals, but without passengers and mainly under the protection of policemen. The principal work of the mobs which were composed largely of idlers and curious s| tecta tors was to blockade the tracks, in which they were materially assisted hy accom modating drivers of trucks-, who cut trol ley ropes and jeered at the non-nnion •men. Occasionally stale eggs and pieci*s of mud were thrown, but mdtody was hurt. The strikers discouraged violence, but they did most affective work in in ducing the non-union men to quit, and in that they were assisted by several women, relatives of the strikers, who boarded the ears and pleaded with the new men to leave their jK>sts. One of these women was provided with money, and when argument failed she induced the non-union men to quit by paying them. Most of the ears were left on the lines deserted and were afterward picked up by inspectors and taken to the termi nals. The company says It has suffi cient men to operate its ears tomorrow, but this is denied by the strikers. Tile important development of the day was the refusal of the company to let the State board arbitrate the only question involved —-the recognition of tin* union. The strikers say they feel greatly en couraged and they will be belter pre pared than ever to resist the running of ears when the at tempt is resumed tomorrow morning. nf the responsibility must be brought home to General De Roisdeffre and (Jen ernl Merrier. At the same time those taking this view have been all along persuaded that M. Dupuy would never proceed to that extreme. Accordingly they seized upon M. Viiillunt's inter pellation ns n means of expressing their defiance and distrust of the Dupuy Min istry. Certainly there is no denying the fact (hat die question of the final settlement of the Dreyfus case hangs like a dead weight on the situation tonight, and will prove a great obstacle in the set tlement of the crisis. STATE COMMITTEE'S DENIAL. Petition of Conference Regarding Nam ing F. S. Senator Refused. Richmond. Vn„ June F~\ 'Pursuant to call, the State Democratic eonnnittec met lit re tonight to consider the petition (if the conference lit Id in this city on die tenth of May. that a convention he called or a primary he ordered for the purpose of nominating a 1 nited Stales Senator from this State. There was a full attendance and the committee adopt ed the following, by a vote of .‘>7 to II: “The commit fro has heard with in terest and has'considered carefully die request submill ted that it should order a primary or call a State Convention n nominate a Democratic candidate tor Senator in the Forget ss of the l nited State. Looking to the plan of organiza tion of till* Democratic party and to the action taken by tli.o last State conven tion. held at Roanoke on the lltli day of August. IS}>7 by which this commit tee was appointed, the committee is of the opinier that it has noi the right to grant this request. If the commit tee silt that it could in its discretion rightfully grant the request it would consider such action at | resent unneces sary, unwise and not prone Jive of the best interests < the Democratic party in the State. The committee is satis fied that there is not such a general demand • from, the body of the Demo cratic voters of the State for this de parture front the established usage of the party, as in any event to justify it in making a change so radical as the one proposed. The jxuple in the several legislative districts of the State have always had. and still have the power to control the election of United States Senators, either by leaving it to the sound judgment and discretion of the representatives i boson by them, or by seeing that the representatives chosen are in accord with them on the subject, or by instructing than where It seemed necessary. Therefore lie it “Resolved, that the request submitted be not granted.'" A resolution asking the city and coun ty chairmen to have local primaries held, was laid on the table. The resolution refusing the request for a convention or a State primary was offered by State Senator R. A. James, of Danville, and limt for county primaries by Mr. Eggleston. ‘The re quest for favorable action by the com mittee was formally presented by Hon. J. C. Parker, of Southampton, who sup ported the request in a lengthy speech. There was practically no debate, as the majority had little to say. The meeting of the committee was much less exciting than had been ex pected. DEATH OF YOUNG TAYLOR. A Couple of Runaway Marriages—Me morial Services. Durhim, N. ('., June 12.—-iSi»e«-ial.) — Charlie, the 17-year-old son of Mr. ami j Mrs. C. Taylor, died this morning j at the home of his parents on Morris street. The funeral services will is- con ducted from the residence tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. The interment will be in the city cemetery. A large number of Pythinns attended tin* memorial service held at Main Street church Sunday night. Dr. E. A. Yates preached a special memorial ser mon to them. He chose as his text 2 Samuel, 14th chapter and 14th verse: "For we must needs die, atwl are as water spilt upon the ground, which cannot In- gathered up again; neither doth God respect any person: yet doth he devise means, that his banished he not expelled from him.” The sermon was indeed a fine one, and was listened to with great interest and attention. There were two Gretna Green mar riages solemnized hereabouts on Sun day. On the morning lietwecn 10 and 11 o'clock. Mr. Marley Strickland and Miss Ressie Stone were united in wed lock by Rev. I». N. Caviness, pastor of Carr church. East Durham. On Sun day afternoon at 2 o’clock. Mr. W. R. < bam,bits* and Miss Maggie Ross were married by ’Squire D. C. Gunter, of tins city. An excursion will be run from this city to Lynchburg, Va., by the Sunday Schools of Fast Durham and North Durham. 'Pin* train wilt! consist of nine ears, and they go by the Norfolk and Western road, leaving here at ti a. m. The Seen ml Baptist Sunday school have decided to run their excursion to Raleigh on Wednesday, 28th inst. F NGLII S 11-I IMSII T U N'N EL. Enthusiastic Meeting Held in Loudon Relative to the Matter. London. June 12. At a largely attend ed meeting of peers, commoners, egin eers and others h«4d this evening in tin* House oif Commons, a resolution was adopt'd to address a iHUttion to the First Lord of the Treasury, Mr. Arthur J. Balfour, relative to the projected tun nel between Ireland and England. The Marquis of Londonerry who pre sided. read letters from Ijord Roseberry, Field Marshal Lord Garnet Wolseley, Ford Charles Reresford, member of Par liament for York City, and others favor ing the scheme, on the ground that it would not only unite England and Ire land more closely, but tend lo bring the Fnited States and tlx- United King dom into more intimate accord. The proposed route is a distance of 2.") miles under 85 feet of water; and the estimated cost of the undertaking is 12.(1(10 jioimds sterling <500,000,000. i BISMARCK'S IRON NERVE. Was tlie result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where Stomach. Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want those qualities and the si'ceess they living, use Dr. King’s New Life Pills. They develop cVery itnwer of brain and body. Only 25 cents at all drug stores. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, TUESDAY MORNING. JUNE 13, 189!). A riJMAI.E HANNO. Mrs. I’akcr AN'il 1 Train Her Sons to Kill Howards and Wnites. Rat hoursville, K.v.. June 12. The Iroops with Jim find Wiley Raker, charged with murder in ueetion with the Raker-1 loward lend, arrived here at 10 o'clock from Manchester, delivered Ihe prisoners to the county jailer, going into camp in the court house. Mrs. Raker says she will train her eleven sons that the height ol their am bition will be It) kill a White or a How ard. Jim and Wiley are quiet and re fuse to talk. sheriff nvimte arrested. Chicago, Ills., June 12. A special to the Times-Herald from Manchester, Ivy., says: “Sheriff Reverly P. White is now under arrest charged with the murder of Tom Raker, leader of one faction in the Raker-1 low aid lend in the court house yard Saturday afternoon. The sheriff is under thi< same military guard that was sent here in vain to protect Raker's life. Rlood for blood is the cry of Raker's relatives, and those who know them, say they are hound to gel it. Thorough investigation has establish ed the fact beyond a shadow of doubt that the shot that killed Raker was tired from the home of Sheriff \\ bite. THE LEE TAYLOR FEED. Middlcsboro, l\y,, June 12. I lmuias Messer, a member of the Taylor faction of the I.ce-Taylor feud in Harlan coun ty. was killed yesterday by a man named lax 1 . a member of the Lee elan. More trouble is feared. A NOVEL PROPOSITION. That the State Arm (Jeorgia Women With Pistols. Atlanta, <*a., June 12. —An editorial in the last number of the Saturday Re view, Atlanta's leading society journal, has attracted much attention and caused considerable comment. It hears upon the race question mid more particularly i upon the arming of white women, and says in part: “This is well and as it should he, but unfortunately, the women who arc in most need of this accomplishment are those who live h< waole project of the commission was only a scheme to leludc people. Professor llatipt either iut' been or will be immediately called upon tor ■■ statement. If he denies the authenti city of the interview, that will be re garded as sufficient. If he stands by the statements made in the interview’., then he must leave the commission, for, in the opinion of tin* Administration, his re maining would destroy its usefulness and make its report valueless. TORPEDO FACTORY BLOWN UP. Marietta, Ohio, June 12. Pin* factory of the Marietta Torpedo Company was blown up today with terrific effect. Clyde Porter and (’al Harte. aged 45 ami married, wen* instantly killed. Iwo horses and a wagon were biown to atoms. Trees for 300 yards were strip ped id’ foliage and the limbs of some trees were strewn with tile lies'll of the two nu'ii and of the nurses. A large hole in the ground where the wagon stood strengthens tin* theory that, tin* explosion occurred from the carelessness of Porter, who was unloading the nitro glycerine. TOBACCO COMBINE WINS. Louisville. Ky.. June 12.—The jury in the $123,000 damage suit of A. B. Tate, against the Drummond and other tobac co companies to-day reported a v.edict for the defendants. Tate, who formerly conducted a warehouse, charged that the defendants had conspire! against him. aud after a Imycott forced him otp yf the business. He charged the de fendants with being members of a trust formed to control the tobacco market. The defendants claimed to have quit denting with Tate because of his man ner of doing business and denied ail his allegations. Last fall I sprained my left hip while handling some heavy boxes. The doct >r I called on said at first it was a «lighc strain and would soon be well, but ! t grew worse it el the doctor then Haul 1 had rheumatism. It continued to gicw worse and l could hardly get moul d to work. I went to a drug store end the druggist recommended me to try Cham berlain’s Pain Balm. I tried it and one half of a 50-ce:it bottle cured me entire ly. I now recommend' it to all my friends. —F. A. Babcock, Eri \ Pa. It is for sale everywhere. Bobbitt-Wynne Drug Co. and H. T. Hicks, Druggists, Raleigh. newbern graded schools. Newborn. N. C., June 12—(Special.)— At a meeting of the trustees of the. New hern (traded School field on 'Saturday night, Prof. Thomas It. Foust, of this city, was elected suiperinl cadent for the ensuing year, and Prof. 11. P. IHwrdiing, of Green ridge, was elected principal. With these capable aud distinguished gentlemen to guide its destiny, the newly established graded school bids fair to prove an unqualified success, and Newbern may yet again In* known as the “Athens of North ‘Carolina.” OASTORIA tM innuautcum flu Kind You Have Alwap Bought RANKER BENEDICT MYSTERY. No Faintest Fine Yet to the Where abouts of the Missing Man. Atlanta, (la., June 12.—The disappear ance of Ranker Jchti A. Benedict, of Athens, (la., is apparently a greater mystery today than it has been at any time since he was last seen at (Jreen villi*. S. lon the L’.'.rd of May. A let ter signed Andersen D. Miller, received b.v tin Atlanta Constitution purports to give the circumstances of a meeting be tw ci n the w riter and Benedict at Ports mouth, \ a., on Sunday after he left Greenville. This letter would indicate that Benedict was on his way to \\ ash iegton l.iluring’ under the delusion that he had some invention that lie must get puti nteil. The story told by the writer is apparently straightforward, but all ef forts to find Anderson D. Miller or any trace of him have so far proved unavail ing. It is surmised that the letter was in spired by Reindict himself. The oniv possible reason for his disappearance serins to be mental trouble, as the books of the bank show his accounts to la all right. ITS CENTENNIAL. Washington County Will Celebrate This Year. Plymouth, N. ('., June 12. iS|»eeial.i Plymouth Academy, under the manage ment of Prof. R. I*’. Hassell and his assistants, Mrs. P. W. Brinkley and Miss Janmdtc Martin, has closed the most prosperous year since the days of Edmund Alexander. Zebulon Vance Norman won the orator’s medal. Washington county is now awake, and will celebrate her TOO anniversary which conies on December 20th, by a grand centennial celebration July 4th. A mass meeting of our citizens wasdield on Tuesday and elected Tims. W. Blunt, Esq., president. and \\. Fletcher Auston, secretary, of the association, and the .people are enthusiastic for a great time on the Fourth of July. Washington county is going into the cultivntion of tobacco, and the crops are tine showing that our land is adapt ed to its culture. A TRIPLE TRAGEDY. One Man Killed and Two Injured in a Shooting Affair. Dresden. Tcnn.. June 12.—in a sh out ing near Imre today llcury ‘Fowler, a well-to-do farmer was instantly killed. John Fowler, his brother, was fat illy wounded and a man named Reanian was dangerously hurt. Tim tragedy grew out of a scandalous report connecting the names of Henry howler and Ura nian's daughter. THE KIDNAPPING CASE. Relic Anderson, the Nurse, Turns State's Evidence. New York, June 12. —Belle Anderson to-day turned State's evidence and on the stand will tell all about the kidnap ping and become a State's witness. Stic made a full confession, d hrottgh this confession the lawyer hopes to obtain j clemency for the woman. He says slu ts dying from consumption. POURING INTO MOREIIEAD. The West Sends a Big Delegation to the Assembly. Atlantic Hotel. Morchead, N. C.. June 12. (S|H*eial. Large delegations of teacher, arrived this afternoon for tli Teachers’ Assembly. Sixty-five cattle from west of Goldsboro, and nearly as many more from the Eastern part of the State. PLEASED WITH RALEILGII. Rocky Mount. N. C., June 12.—(Spe cial. i Re planting tobacco will be com pleted to-day at noon throughout East ern North Carolina. Mr. J. C. Braswell, president of the Planter’s bank, speaks in high terms of the courtesies extended tin* visitors by tin* citizens of Raleigh. The officers of this bank are to be congratulated. Starting scarcely two months ago its success has been phenominal and unprecedented. MARION CLARKE HAS MEASLES. New York, June 12.—A telephone mes sage was received at the District At torney’s office to-day to the effect that Marion Clarke, the kidmt'pped child, is very low from measles at her home. Assistant District Attorney Eobarbier said that if the child should die 1 lie de fendants in the ease might In* indicted for nutrdcr in the first degree, as the child contracted its illness in the coun try while in their care, and while they were committing a felony. THE PARIS MAY BE SAVED. Falmouth, England. June 12.—The salvage experts who again visited the American liner Paris yesterday profess ed renewed hope of saving the vessel. The increase depth of water in the en tire field serves to steady her, so that tin* seas do not affect her as much as it was feared they would. Fnder most favorable conditions the Paris may yet be limited. MODERN PILLS. The day of powerful drastic pills is past and everyone who is troubled with torpidity of the liver, constipation, head ache or indigestion may well bo thankful that it is. Every modern family medi cine chest should contain a supply of 11 nod’s Pills. tfie modem eathafitie. While gentle and mild in action, they are thoroughly efficient and cure bilious ness,indikestion, sick headache and other Ire lit di*s due to a deranged condition ot the stomach, liver or bowels. VICTIMS OF YELLOW JACK. Vera Cruz, Mexico. June- 12. —-There were 41) new eases of yellow fever here Saturday,. 'The death rate continues extraordinarily large. HOOD’S PILLS cure Liver Ills, Bil iousness, Indigestion, Heartache. Eas v to tat"', oasv ♦/> I'*-*--ate. 25c- The average politician is not only willing but anxious to sacrifice himself for his eoumtry On times of peace. Bears the 'rrOMmk DEWEY AT SINGAPORE. Received With Military Honors by Governor of Straits Settlements. Singapore. June 12 —Admiral Dewey,| landed to-day from tin' Failed States cruiser Olympia, his flagship, to pay a visit to the Governor of the Straits Set tlements. Lieutenant Colonel Sir C. R. 11. Mitclmll. at Government House. He | was received with military honors. On his return to the Olympia, lie was visited by the Governor, Admiral Dewey says he feels sure his ; health will lie quite restored before he ; reaches the l’-nited States. THE FREW SAFE. Bran fort. N. June 12. (Special.i A telegram received from (‘apt. J. T. I. Beveridge of the schooner George 11. Howe, which was capsized of! Barnegnt . «gi last Tuesday, sfat.-s that the crew nr- | irived safe at Norfolk on Sunday. WEST WAN TS V I LL-PRESI DEN T. Chicago. June 12. Senator \\ . R. Al lison’, of lowa, says the Republican leaders of tlm West are becoming salis lied the Vb e-Pre-id-nt''-iI nomination will come West next time. •TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. Four hundred rifles and .JUKMi ear (ridges have be* it found eoimealcd near Planet as. Fn.ha. In the Fortes yesterday Senor Silvia, the Premier, read the convention be tween Spain and Germany, wlmrehy the former cedis to the hitter tin Carolines,; Lad roue and Pelew Islands. President L< übet. of France, received a tremendous ovation when lie attended the I/mgoham.ips rates; yesterday. A large tiuinl'cr of soldiers and Jioliee were ready to prevent any hostile demon stration. A large delegation is expected to at tend the two railway coil vent ions to be belli at old Point this week, the Nation al Association of Master Car Builders and the National Association of Master Mechanics. In a special telegram from Washing ton to the Baltimore Sun it i< declared that there arc hostile Filipinos encamp ed wthin a few miles of Manila: that tin forces in the Philippines are totally in adequate to hold the places captured from the foe; that what has lieon ac complished is really nothing at ail; and that the President's indecision, he fear ing the political effect of another call for troops, is hourly making bail mattes worse. ’1 lie President should either with draw the brave little army or reinforce it sufficiently to enable it to hold what it wins. W. M. Gallagher, ot Bryan, Pa., says: “For forty years I have tried va rious cough medicines. Duo Minute 0 fI’, 1 ’ , . 4 ! j| 2 # Female School of which I have any knowledge. Certamly, if { unhesitatingly 2 2 the schools known to me, Noith or South, East or West, I would unnesitaungiy # J. choose Peace Institute. . . 1C IT A | Jas. Dinwiddie, M. A., J V J PRINCIPAL. #1 # Illustrated Catalogue free to all who apply. * g>j i QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS, f PYNY-PECTORAL? X The Canadian Remedy for all o I THROAT AND LUNG AFFECTIONS. | Y Large Bottles, 25 cts. y 5 DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Lim., A X Prop's PtdRV Davis' Pain-Kiuer. X ■S FOR SALE BY « J. HAL BOBBITT. .J, H. ROBBINS \ « © Has the Best 2 * LIVERY STABLE! © In Raleigh. # © Stylish Horses, ® I Buggies, Landaus, Victorias, Traps. g © Boarding a Specia’ty 2 % EAST MORGAN ST. | © ’Phone No. 79. % J. M. PACE DEALER IN Mules and Horses, Buggies and Wagons* I have just received a nice lot of horses for my summer trade. Will make prices to suit the times. J. M. PACE. 11l Baat Martin Btra«t, U*l**lfh. N. •- Allen & Cram Machine Co., kaleigh, n. c. vt> ttighto the liberal patronage that WO lave i.rtd tn our lino during the last twenty-nine years as evidence of out ability m the Machine Business. Wa ate alii! *b haad with a tell engine boilers, a&w and griat mill*, tram ear*, the celebrated fllhaapion Reader* and Mawcta aad briah ataklai ehice*. ***a>l*« Dw»a Fra©*%l». Oil of Birch. (WINTER GREEN) Bought null paid cash for by GEO LEUOERS & Co. 218 PEARL STREET, NEW YORK. CAPE FEAR AND NORTHERN RAILWAY. Is Now Open for Business. Train leaves Apex for Angler daily (except Sunday) with comfortable coach, upon the arrival of the south bound S. A. L. local passenger train. Train leaves Angier daily (except Sunday) in time to connect with the S. A. L. northbound local passenger train for Raleigh. GEO. E. LEMMON. Superintendent. A Hot, Dry June Brings Health and Wealth. Whiting Bros. Will keep you cool and comfortable with their Stock of Hot Weather Wi arables. Serge Suits, C»ash Suits, Straw Hats, Negligee Shirts. Also luscious Dewber ries. Ask your grocer for them.