Tie Weather To-day: SHOWERS. The News and Observer. VOL.XLVI. NO. 101. LEADS ALL NORTH CAROLINA DAILIES II lEIS 111 GIRGUIA/ION. THE DEATH ROLL IS STILL RISING The Brazos has Begun to Fall at Sealey. CONFRONTED BY FAMINE DROPPING EXHAUSTED FROM TREES INTO THE FLOOD. NO RELIEF BOATS HAVE YET ARRIVED Rumors of Great Loss of Life Near Richmond. No Definite Information Obtainable. Eight Lives Reported Lost in Minnesota. St. Louis. Mo., July (5.--A special to tlfo Post-Dispatch from Dallas, Texas, says: At 11 o’clock today a short dispatch was received from a lineman at Dewey, just across the Brazos river from Sealey. It read: “River falling slowly since o'clock yesterday afternoon. Conditions here terrible. Everything in country swept away. Large number of lives lost in bottoms. Looks like starvation for those * left. Situation not been exaggerated. Several days before line repairs be made with anything like system." This telegram was received over the first wire that has been working into Sealey and Dewey for three days. Deputy Sheriff Swearinger, at Sealey. telephoned at noon: “There is no improvement in this sec tion of the flood district. If anything, the situation is growing worse. No re lief boats have yet reached here from Houston or Galveston. Sealey and neighboring towns have about exhausted their resources. Another negro family was drowned near here today. Several other Ines have l»een lost since last niaht. especially among the refugees on the mound near Old San Pliillipe. A number of negroes have fallen exhausted from tre«« tops, after hanging there three days and nights, and were drowned. "A rumor is current here of great loss of life near Richmond. Fort Beltd coun ty. As we are cut off from all that Southern section, definite information is unobtainable: but the situation naturally mast be as bad as here.” FLOOD IN RED RIVER VALLEY. St. Paul. Minn.. July t!.—■ -Eight lives are rej>orted lost at Crookston, and uiueli damage done all through the Red River Valley by last night’s storm. The only report thus far has been re ceived from St. Cloud, having reached that point by train. The railroads have no details of the storm damage and tin same is true of the telegraph companies. The storm swept district is thinly set tled and details are meager. LIFE-SAVING BOATS TO AID. Washington, July o—ln response to an urgent request from th * District Super intendent of the Life-Saving S<*rvi*-<* at Galveston, Texas. General Superinten dent Kimball today gave authority to have life-saving boats sent on fiat ears up the country to tnc Hooded district, where it was reported tunny lives weic in danger. The authority was promptly acted on, and the Superintendent with Keeper Haines, of the Galveston sta tion. and Keeper White, of the Aransas station, with'a crew, started with boats late this afternoon. BELIEF FOR FLOOD SFFFERERS Damage to Crops Greatly Overestimated - < lovernment Rat ions. Galveston, Texas. July but no loss of life is anticipated. DEATH UNDER WHEELS A BRAKEMAN CUT IN TWO IN THE GREENS BORO YARD. loan and Trust Company lo b? Organized. Looking for Ha r dwood Factory Site. Cotton Mills to Enlarge. Greensboro, X. C., July <».—(Special,i - A. W. Wagner, a white hrakeman who lives at Beiiaja, was run over and killed at the yard here today tit 12 o’clock while shifting. lie had stepped off on one brack, while his train was shifting, and the regular yard shifter struck him and cut his body in two jo sit above the hips. He died in a short while. '1 In* Greensboro Loan and Trust Com pany is the name of a strong banking concern that will lie organized here soon. A party was here today looking for a site for a hard wood factory. The Htieojiniga Cotton Mills tire to enlarge their capacity about forty per cent soon. RESTRAINING ORDER GRANTED. Prevents Transfer of Stock to tin* At lanta Railway Com puny, a Trust. Atlanta. Gn.. July * Company, preventing the further trans fer of stock of tin* Atlanta Rni’way Company and tin* Atlanta Consolidated Railway to the first named corporation. '1 his action was the result of a bill filed by the State of Georgia and a number of citizens of Atlanta, which sets forth that the combination of tin* Atlanta Railway Company and tin* Consolidated, retenlly perfected in Baltimore by tin* trust comnany of Georgia, is a trust with the intent of killing competition, and is therefore unconstitutional. The transfer of the stock of the two com panies lias been partially complet-d, ami the effect of tile restraining order is that further transfer must cease and the street railways of Atlanta be operated for the present under their old nnin-igi incuts. Judge Candler set the hearing for Saturday, July loth, im'css the de fendants desire to reply sootier. Il the bonds of the new company are held in Baltimore. MOHAWKS ENDORSE BRYAN. Buffalo, X. V., July <». —The Mo hawks, a Democratic organization, said to comprise tiOO wigwams and over 50,- < 100 active members, which have been in secret session here since the third in stant, have elected officers and ad journed to meet next year in tin* city selected for the National Ih-nmcraio- Convention, otic week prior to that con vention. Steps were taken to begin im mediately tin* work of organizing new wigwams. The National Executive Committee was reduced from 1” to 7 members. Tin* resolutions adopted denounced trusts and monopolies; endorsed Bryan and free silvi r and opposed militarism. KALEIGII, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 7, 1899. HEROES OF BALER ROW AT MANILA A Band of Spanish Spartans Cheered by Filipinos, MOST OF THEM BOYS KILLED THEIR CAPTAIN WHO WOULD HAVE SURRENDERED L its field plans and it is thought the majority of the members will sail for tin* Isthmus by the end of July. An all-round writer ought to be able to get ap a good circular. YACHT COLUMBIA SHOWS HER HEELS The Defender Left Far Be hind in the Race. COLUMBIA MAY KEEP CUP SIR THOMAS WILL GO HOME SORROWING. COLUMBIA WON BY THREE MINUIES She Would Have Done Much Be ti '.Had Her Sails Fitted as Well as Those of the Defender. An Fxci'ingand Beautiful Race. New York, July . —General Hender son. of lowa, the prospective -Speaker of the House, had a conference with the President today, luit at the conclusion of the call stated that no general ques tions had been discussed. Win n asked as to the prospects of an extra session of Congress he said: “For myself I have never thought that Congress would be called together in advance of the regular time, for 1 leave never thought there was any oooa sieiv for an extra session.” A passenger train on the Burlington read was wrecked last night near Wald ron. Mo, A special train bearing sur geons was sent fi*om Kansas City to the scene of the wreck. PRICF Wf vß CENTS. POP FI. w ATLL NOT FUSE. -D They Ar< sj >n the Matter of Hold ing trie Philippines. Terre Haute. I ml.. July U. -Mortimer G. Rankin, chairman of the Populist National committee, stated today that the Populists would not form a fusion with the Democrats for the coming cam paign. Mr. Rankin said that th * Populists will hold their national con vention one month prior to that of either the Democratic or Republican conventions. On this account the Popu lists will prepare their own platform anil nominate their own candidates. Mr. Rankin stated that In* was not willing to say much concerning the party’s views for the* approaching campaign, as it had been the desire of the Ci'iitraf commit tin; to leave the ether two political parties in the dark as regards its movements and plans; he stated, however, that the party was split up on the matter of holding the Philippine Islands. Some of the mem bers of the party counselled having nothing more to do with them, while others are in favor of keeping them, lighting the war with the Filipinos until they are brought to terms and then making a republic there. YELLOW PEYER ON BOARD. The McClellan Arrives in New York From Santiago. New York. July 15.—The Transport Mc- Clellan arrived today from Santiago and was detained at quarantine. Her surgeon iv|mrts that three of the pas sengers have yellow fever. Health Officer Doty says lie w ill trans fer the sic., to Swinburne Island. The transport and the effects of the passen gers and crew will be disinfected. \ll on board will be detained for five days after the dininfectiou is urcnmplisLcd. NO REASON FOR ALARM. Washington. July <5. —T.n* Marine Hospital Service is of the opinion that there is no cause of alarm in the am val of the McClellan with yellow' fever aboard. The fever undoubtedly d« vel oped after tile vessel left ( aba as other wise those infected would lave Peon detained. Fever ships have arrived frequently . at Northern puts. but owing ‘.o climatic j coinlit ions there is no i *ri< of an ont- I break of yellow fever as would be tin* | ease at a Southern port. Moreover in being at the quarantine station, the v**s s,‘l is i xaetly where sin* should be to minimize all risks. A CALL TO DEMOCRATS BIMETALLIC LEAGUE ASKS THEM TO AS SEMBLE AT CHICAGO. The Dale is the 20th Instant, the Business Deviling Plans for a More Thorough Organization. ( ovington. Ky.. July <5. —Tin* organi zation committee of the League of Bime tallist clubs of the Ohio Yalley today sent out circulars to all States inviting Democrats to meet at noon Thursday, July 20th. ;il the Palmer House, in Chi eago. to devise plans for a more thorough organization, especially, in Mu* pivotal States of Ohio, Indiana. Illinois and Kentucky. The Democratic National Committee will meet at the Palmer House, July 20th. The circular is sign ed by James P. Tarvin. chairman, and Allen W. Clark. Secretary, and con cludes iis follows: “The committee is inviting to this meeting Democrats till over tile country who are known to favor the r* adoption of the Chicago platform of 1800 with out an omission, and who are opposed to anything in the nature of a compromise or a concession its to any principle in volved in that platform. The L 'ague, which appointed this commit tee is parti cularly and primarily interested in ihe cause of bimetallism at lb to 1, an ! w ill work especially for its advancement though it is assumed that the new con vention will also declare agains* trusts and imperialism.” WHEELER ORDERED TO MANILA The General Highly Pleased —Preparing to Cross the Continent Saturday. Washington, July (5. Brigadier Gene ral Joseph Wheeler was today ord**r.*d to report to General Otis at Manila, for service in the Philippine Islands. General \\ heeler is nuteh pleased with his assignment to the Philippine Islands. “1 believe now that the rebellion is on and thill it should he stamped out." lie said tonight. “The sooner it is done, the better it will be for the Filipinos, as well as for the United States. Ever.' loyal American should support the Ad ministration in its effort to terminate the strife and to set up good government in the Philippines. 1 am glad to he aide to lend my aid to the Government at this time, when it is in need of support. I shall place myself at the disposal of General Otis, and endeavor to do my duty as a soldier.” General Wheeler is making prepara tions to leave for Sail Francisco Sat urday. DEATH OF ROBERT BONNER. Former Publisher of the New York Ledger and Owner of Famous Horses New York. July o.—Robert Bonier, publisher of the New York Ledger and owner of famous horses, died at liis home in this city at 7:40 o’clock tonight. Mr. Bonner had been ill for sum** months, but was able to la* ah nit until ten days ago. Death was due to a g *n cral breaking down of the system.