2 RIOTING AGAIN 111 CLEVELAND Dynamite Exploded Under a Euclid Ave. Car. r ■■' ——« m " POLICE SIONED BYiA MOB ./ THEY AHE DISPERSED. BUT TIIE EM) IS NOT YET. GENERAL HE UP IN NEW YORK PROMISED But It Did not Materials*. On'yOni Trolley Line in New York Affected. The Rap id Transit are Running Cars on Good Time. Cleveland. Ohio, July 20.—Rioting was resumed in tin* street railVay strike this evening, serious outbreaks having occur red in several places. About 0 o’clock a dynamite cartridge was exploded under the wheels of a Euclid Avenue car at the corner of Erie and Prospect streets. The wheels of the ear were de stroyed by the explosion, .which was heard for a distance of two miles, and one woman, a passenger, fainted, but nobody was injured. There was no crowd in the vicinity, nor was any body seen to place the cartridge. Earlier in the evening a mob attacked a cross town car on Wilson Avenue, near the corner of Lexington Avenue. Stones were thrown and the non-union conductor and /mot or man fired revolvers at tile crowd. It is said a woman was shot through the wrist, but the police deny this. About the same time all avilable po lice on duty in the down town district were called to the Humboldt Street viaduct on the Broadway line, where a riot was in progress. A crowd of a thousand men and boys were engaged in jailing obstruction on th<* tracks. A rope was run over the trolley wires to pull them down. Only one policeman was on duty at the viaduct. He was stoned and driven from the scene and a girl was hit with a stone and serious ly hurt. The patrol loads of police re sponded to the call and the mob was dispersed. It is feared that more dam age will be done before morning. New York, July 20. —A marvellous change has come over the strike aspect in this city. Last night there was riot ing from one end of Second Avenue to the other. There was promise, too, by General Master Workman Parsons, of a complete tie up of the Medley lines in .Manhattan, with its consequent in spiring effect upon the Brooklyn strikers. A general tie up has not come by any means in New York. There was little or no rioting on Second Avenue today or tonight. The cars on that line ran throughout the day almost as they had mu previous to the strike. The K’ghtb Avenue line, which the strike officials last night promised would be dead to* day, was moving right on time with only a hitch now and then far up in Harb in where a few roughs had a dear field to run. There is no strike on the Madison Ave nue line, a scheduled meeting of the car men of that line having fizzled out tonight. Practically no trolley line in New York City is affected save the Second Avenue. In Brooklyn the Rapid Transit Com pany put on several hundred men, or have them ready for duty and in a gen eral way the cars on the affected lines in that borough run on good time with what seemed to be a fair passenger traffic. ! • General Master Workman Parsons lias called a mass meeting for tomorrow night, at which he hopes to have present representatives of <550 labor organiza tions of Greater New York. The strike, according to a statement made by President Rossiter. has so far cost the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Com pany $55,000. or an average of sll.O S .5 Wilson 4 <> 3 Batteries: Kenna and Lnskey; Person and Brake. NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES. Philadelphia, Pa., July 20. —Louisville downed the Phillies today by good, op portune hitting. Tin* (Junkers started out like* winners, but after the first in ning thev could not successfully connect with Phillip’s delivery when hits were needed. Attendance. 4.700. Score: Philadelphia ..2 000001 00— 55 10 “ Louisville 02 0 1 0 1 02 0— 0 14 2 Batteries: Magee and McFarland; Philippi and Zimmer. Umpires. Manas sau and Smith. Time. 2:10. New York, July 20.—Two bases on balls, two hits and a couple of wild throws gave four runs to the iSuperbas in the first inning. Tlie Pittsburgs could do nothing with Hughes. Attend ance, 2,200. Score: Brooklyn 4 0302 000 x— 0 11 Pittsburg 0000 1000 1— 2 11 (5 Batteries; Hughes and McGuire; Leev er and Boworman and Schriver. Um pires. Swart wood and Hunt. Time, 1 ;55). New York. July 20. —'The New Yorks again defeated the Chicagos today by good batting in one inning. Both pitch ers were in good shape. Attendance, 1.000. Score: New York ..00004 000 0 x— 4 (i 2 Chicago 0 00001 000— 1 6 1 Batteries: Seymour and Warner; Gal vin and Donohue. Umpires, O’Day and McGarr. Time. 1:40. Washington, July 20. —Both Weyhing and Knepper pitched well today during the first part of the game, but the Cleve land twirier permitted the Senators to bunch their hits in the seventh and eighth and win. Attendance, 1.200. Score: Washington ..0000003 Ix 4 8 4 Cleveland 000000000— 0 3 0 Batteries: Weyhing and Kittredge; Knepper and Schreekengost. Umpires, Gaffney and Latham. Time, 1:35. Boston, Mass., July 20. —A decision by Umpire Emslie in the seventh inning, disallowing a brilliant catch of a hot liner by Collins, whereby a double play was made with Tenney, was responsible for St. Louis’ victory today. The decis ion caused general manifestations of disapproval. Attendance 3,500. Score: It. 11. E. Boston 2000 00 0 0 o—20 —2 4 1 St. Louis 000 10 011 o—3 8 1 Batteries: Willis and Bergen; Young and O’Connor. Umpires, Emslie and McDonald. Time 1:58. Baltimore. Md., July 20. —MeGraw's poor throw in the seventh inning lost the game for the Orioles this afternoon, and made it three straights for the Reds. It was a scrappy game, in which flu* players and umpires were continually arguing. Attendance 1,250. Score: R. 11. B. Baltimore 10020 lOOO—4 10 2 Cincinnati 020000 2 10-5 1) 1 Batteries: Kitson and Robinson: Hawley and Wood. Umpires, Lynch and Connolly. Time 2:00. ATLANTIC LEAGUE GAMES. Reading 0. Lancaster 2. Allentown 8. Newark 12. Wilkesbarre 1, Richmond 4. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen’s Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures painful, smarting, nervous feet and in growing nails, and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It’s the greatest comfort discovery of flu* age. Allen’s Foot-Ease makes tight shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it to-day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 25c. in stamps. Trial package free. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. DoWitt’s Little Early Risers benefit permanently. They lend gentle assist ance to nature, causing no pains or weakness, permanently curing -onstipa tion and liver ailments. Sold by Bob bitt-Wynne, W. 11. King & Co., Adams & Moye, Wm. Simpson, Druggists. OXFORD SEMINARY OXFORD. N C- Fiftieth Annual Session Opens August 30, 1890 Facilities Increased, Charges Reduced, Boarding Accommodations l n arged. Extraordinary cdvantages in Music, Art, Elocution, Stenography and Tj pewriting taught. CHARGES FOR ANNUAL SESSION. Board and full tuition in English with Latin and French *’ $ 125 0; Music 40 Oi For illustrated Catalogue, apply to F. P. IIOBGOOD, President. if DIMnUAM enunm orange county, TUG.,.. DlNbllHm OUIIUULj near MEBANE, N. C. (EtttabliulM'd 17U3#) . Your hoys can have a beautiful and healthful country home on the Southern Railway and plenty of shade pure water and fre6b air. Athletics encouraged and bealthlul sports enjoyed. Scholarships, prizes and medals, Wholesome _at d abundant 'ood Every class and course for one tuition fee. Bible, classical, scientific »nd luisinesf courecs. Ee\en thorough teacliers. For handsomely illustrated catal gne free address PRESTON I.EWIS to $l5O for ten months; 25 Scholarships; Literary. Bus iiiess. Teachers’ Normal. Music, etc., 17th Year. Beautiful and Healthful Location. Highly endorsed. Scores of successful gradual#. Boarding Ilalls, Dormitories, etc., all on school grounds. Illustrated Catalogue Free. Address the President. W. T. WIHTSETT, Pli. 1)., Vi hitsett, Guilford County, N. C. Fall Term Opens August 16. 1809. I) ' L students, 27 counties, 3 states. Best of Klllt* \ advantages in Business,Shorthand, Telegraphy, 1/ UIL 0 Music and Art. Prepares for college or university For both sexes. Ideal G 1 country location. 15 niles to a bar-room. I TPPk Military optional. Li- Drary. Board s4to $7 vlvvii Tuition $1 to $3 Fo '“'*l,lS e 5 P S Iy CAMPB E LU Prin. Ifll MM AMD COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. 1 " ,1, ';.5.5r.«Ua„„ 1 ,. -IIAUUUIUJ “LOWRGfEMfILE COLLEGE. The Fall Session of this Institution, one of the oldest in the State, -WILL BEGIN ON August 30th, 1899. The elegant and commodious College Building is located in a well shaded prove of twelve acres and furnishes all t he advantages and conveniences of a pleasant home. . Board and Tuition in English, Latin and French $57 ?o. PER SESSION OF TWENTY WEEKS. Other Studies at moderate rates. Catalogue split 011 application. M. S. DAVIS, A. M. President. For GirlsaniYoMjWoifm Noted health resort. Pure mountain air and water. Ten schools in one. Char tered by the state. S4OO Piano given to best music graduate. Home comforts. ■ faculty of 14 lantvcrelt? ! flDcn ant> IWlomcn. i Students from nearly cv f ery Southern state, also from I Canada, Western and North | ern states. ! Reasonable rates. Write ' for catalogue. S. P. HATTON. A. M., „ President.